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Buyer Leads By Tonight Work Book By Josh Schoenly Midststate Property Group, llc

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This workbook was designed to accompany the training video and training audio to help you get maximum results from this product. You will probably want to make blank copies of several pages in the work book as you will find yourself using the templates and questions more than once if you are really getting the full value out of this product and are generating the most leads possible for your business with Craigslist.

1. What kind of leads are you going to generate for your real estate business? (tenants, tenant buyers, first time buyers, apt. building buyers, rehabbers/investors, foreclosure buyers, specific area or subdivisions etc.) Brainstorm all the types of leads that are valuable to your particular business. Then what I would recommend is take the lead type that is most profitable for you and focus on that lead generation first. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Make the determination whether or not you are going to use a craigslist account or multiple accounts or if you are going to post without an account. I recommend you go with an account or multiple accounts for tracking and reposting, but if you are having problems with flagging or potential other reasons you can still be successful without using accounts.


Use the following template to create your first campaign. A blank template follows on the next page. This is critical: You Must Block Time In Your Schedule Or Your Assistants Schedule to post daily according to the campaign. In most markets posting once bet 11 and 12 and 6 and 7 will suffice, but in some of the larger Craigslist markets you may find the need to post more frequently. Once you have run through three days of posting the new ads you no longer have to post new ads, but rather can now delete and repost instead. Page 3 of 6

Campaign Title: Price Variations (including a price is not a requirement but typically is beneficial) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Title Variations (remember some of the tricks with using unusual characters and spacing etc)(See Video number 7 where we show you how to use free Google tool to generate great keyword loaded titles) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Location Variations (if your area has nicknames or variations of ways it’s abbreviated etc.) 1. 2. 3. Page 4 of 6

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Body Variations (if you are using the image body file you only need one per campaign, if not you will need to create at least slight variations in each) 1.


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Just Rinse and Repeat for however many campaigns you are setting up. The more you set up using this model the more leads are going to flow into your business and ultimately more revenue as well.

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