Reading Rubric 5 Independent Reader
4 Advanced Reader
3 Intermediate
2 Beginning Reader
1 Emergent Reader
0 Non-Reader
Fully understands story, can relate story to own life experiences (make personal/textto-self connections).
Student starts to read the whole English text independently and is able to use context clues to help comprehension.
Student can understand more than 60% of the text independently, and is beginning to use context clues to help comprehension.
Student is beginning to make inferences and can retell stories with increasing understanding.
Can retell Cannot retell story parts of story. without expansion or connection of meaning.
Vocabulary (Reading Strategies)
Student can understand most new words given in a clear context. Working knowledge of major word roots.
Can understand most new words given in a clear context. Working knowledge of many word roots.
Student understands most words without the aid of illustrations.
The student is beginning to use text print instead of illustrations to understand reading. Understands some new words from context.
Student needs pictures to find meaning in order to retell a story.
Reads fluently and rapidly, with a smooth flow and able to adjust reading speed according to text.
Reads with a smooth flow, but may still stumble over very few words.
Fairly smooth, with some stumbling over difficult or unfamiliar pasages or words.
Reads in short phrases with developing fluency.
Reads Choppy, broken, slowly, word very slow. by word.
Comprehensive collections of pictures are used to help student understand stories.