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Trx hOme 2 sysTem
Trx hOme2 sysTem During our recent lockdown a lot of people turned to location to work out. When it comes to using the door exercise to keep themselves feeling positive and healthy, anchor, make sure you are using a proper interior door, do however bulky workout gear isn’t always the most practical not expect the wardrobe door to hold your weight. The choice in the home. combination of anchors means you can work out in your That’s why the TRX Home2 System makes such a living room, bedroom or outside with the help of a tree good choice for home, whatever your body size you can allowing you to mix up your location without committing effectively use your body weight to work out. The Home2 to one area. When the work out is over pack everything consists of the TRX Home2 Suspension Trainer, a door away into the handy storage bag. anchor, suspension anchor, mesh carry bag and one year’s There is plenty advice on how to hang and set up the free subscription to the TRX app. This is perfect for straps correctly and once it is set up the app will walk you beginners or exercise enthusiasts alike, if you have ever seen through the basics including the seven most foundational the straps in the gym and walked past them through fear movements, so you are confident that you are getting of embarrassing yourself you can now comfortably get to the form right. The adjustable foot cradles give a stable grips with them with only the cat to witness slip ups. These balance and will definitely mix up your workout, if you straps may look super simple when compared to some other have never had your feet suspended before you are in for a work out equipment but believe it or not they can be used treat and will get to muscles you never knew you had. This to successfully burn fat, build lean muscle, improve cardio compact kit can transform your whole body, it is made to and flexibility and can work out the upper body, lower the highest standard giving you confidence that it can hold body and core. your weight. The adjustable straps give an infinite number When hanging the suspension trainer directly overhead it of exercises to keep things interesting and allowing you to allows for a huge range of body positions and movements, progress to as you become fitter and stronger. A great allwhilst the door anchor gives you another convenient round workout system.
PrOs greaT Value fOr mONey rObusT cONsTrucTION TWO mOuNTINg OPTIONs hIghly VersaTIle 1 year free aPP subscrIPTION POrTable cOmPacT
ThIs susPeNsION sysTem PrOVes ThaT bulKy aND exPeNsIVe eQuIPmeNT IsN ’ T Necessary fOr a full bODy hOme WOrKOuT.