2 minute read

zeD by rOCkIT

There is a lot more talk these days about the 4th trimester, the idea is that baby will need this time to adjust to life outside the womb, after 9months of feeling the movements of your body and hearing your voice, heartbeat and car radio, it is a lot to ask of them to suddenly sleep in stillness and silence. This is why parents and care givers can end up driving baby around in the car to get them to sleep as the movement and sound is very soothing for bubs, the Zed from Rockit aims to mimic that feeling saving you both time and petrol. Zed comes in the form of a little astronaut who uses his futuristic technology to recreate the soothing low-frequency vibrations that help send baby to sleep, his large visor works as a calming night light that can be used with or without the vibration and provides a comforting glow. Zed will work on any mattress, just pop him down by baby’s feet and press the snooze button, the vibrations will then work through the mattress by using motors that generate both the low-frequency rumbles of the car suspension and the revving sounds of the engine. There are six different vibration modes to choose from and the night light can be set at three different levels as well as an all-night mode. The first three vibration modes are different levels of intensity whereas the last three will fluctuate between levels, imitating the way a car changes gear, the vibrations are quite gentle but can definitely be felt through the mattress, baby won’t be wobbled about as much as they would in the car. The first three settings don’t sound too much like a car but then again babies think you have disappeared when you hide behind your hands so we can’t see this being a problem. Zed will rumble on for an hour before gentle fading and then switching off, it is suitable from birth and can be used in the cot, Moses basket or even on the feeding cushion if it helps relax them. This little space man takes two AA batteries which can last up to 50 hours when used at the slowest speed but it’s worth investing in four good quality rechargeable batteries, so you never get caught out. Unlike some sleep aids Zed is reasonably priced, as we know what works for one baby won’t always work for another, so this doesn’t seem like a big gamble with your money especially if it saves you getting in the car every day. Even if the vibrations don’t always work you are still left with a handy portable night light.

If bAby lOves TO DrIfT Off IN The CAr buT fIghTs IT IN The COT Or MOses bAskeT, zeD MIghT be JusT whAT They NeeD TO sOOTh TheM INTO A Deep sleep.


prOs 6 vIbrATION MODes 3 1 lIghT hOur levels plus AN All-NIgh AuTO shuT-DOwN T MODe £29.99 wOrks ON ANy Type Of MATTress IN A COT, MOses bAskeT Or beD pOrTAble NIghTlIghT suITAble frOM bIrTh splAshprOOf TesTeD TO Ipx4 sTANDArD up TO 50 hOurs bATTery lIfe AT The slOwesT speeD

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