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Trx prO4

The TRX Pro4 System has been designed for those who know their way around a gym and are comfortable with more advances moves and workouts, it includes TRX’s most versatile suspension trainer and the TRX app to fully personalise your training. This kit comes with the TRX Pro4 suspension trainer, barrel lock adjusters, adjustable foot cradles and a theftresistant carabiner all finished off with industrial-grade reinforcement stitching. The strong construction means the Pro4 can hold up to 1,300 lbs in weight, ensuring there is no need to worry about them snapping under pressure even after regular and varied use. The included mesh storage bag allows for everything to be packed away in a neat little 2lb package making it perfect for working out anywhere, home, gym, outdoors or on holiday if you are that dedicated. The straps feature equalising and locking loops that keep an even length through out each movement, the lightweight barrel lock adjusters make for a fast and smooth transition between configurations. The rubber handles are made from an antimicrobial textured rubber giving you a strong grip even with sweaty hands and preventing any horrible growth over time, it makes them easy to clean too if you are sharing the straps or using them in PT sessions. The soft padded loops under the handles are the foot cradles, providing a comfortable spot for feet if you are working out in bare feet or socks, there are three types of anchors included, a door anchor, suspension anchor and extender anchor which gives you a wide range of locations to workout. Access to the TRX app is included in with the Pro4 giving lots of classes and exercises to try out targeting the whole body, upper, lower, core and working that cardio system too. This compact kit provides a way of burning fat, building muscle and improving cardio and flexibility by using your body weight and balance, workout in a wide range of places, on the move or quickly adjust for different PT customers.

gyM equIpMeNT DOesN ’ T geT MuCh MOre versATIle Or pOrTAble ThAN ThIs suspeNsION sysTeM.


prO lOCkINg 1,300-lb TesTeD CArAbINer equAlIzer AND lOCkINg lOOps £199.95 ACCess TO The App INCluDeD lIghTweIghT bArrel lOCk ADJusTers ANTIMICrObIAl TexTureD rubber hANDles Mesh CArry bAg fOr COMpACT sTOrAge AND pOrTAbIlITy CONs NO uvA prOTeCTION sO CANNOT be lefT OuTsIDe

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