4 minute read
rOyOle rOwrITe 2 sMArT
rOyOle rOwrITe 2 sMArT wrITINg NOTebOOk
I am a bit of a notebook addict, I have lists and info jotted everywhere which can make finding the telephone number I wrote down three weeks ago a bit of a scavenger hunt, the RoWrite 2 Smart Writing Notebook from Royole gives you both the detail of your handwriting and drawings whilst backing them up digitally. From here it can then be edited, easily searched by content, time, date and starred labels, shared and printed, without all the awkwardness of using a digital notepad and the clumsy writing experience. The notebook is utterly beautiful with a synthetic leather and premium aluminium, it has a bendable and compact design that doesn’t draw too much attention to itself as an expensive piece of tech. Download the RoWrite app to convert your work into editable text, play back, edit with brushes, enhance with colours and highlights, and share PDF, MP4 and JPEG conversions of your work across platforms including WhatsApp, OneDrive and email. The RoWrite 2 is compatible with all kinds of standard A5 paper, giving you the option of lined, graph or plain paper, the magic is the Fully Flexible Sensor and the RoWrite 2 pressure sensitive pen that results in accurate and detailed replication with imperceptible lag. It comes with one RoWrite 2 pen, six pen refills (one refill is in the pen), two notepads (included in the package), one pen refill extractor and the Type-C charging cable. The battery life will last for up to 30 days, it supports Cloud sync, works with 12 different languages and is fitted with Hall Sensor Technology for automatic on/off detection. Whether you are a student, designer, creative, working from home or in the office, the RoWrite 2 is a handy device for those who want the best of both worlds, digital and handwritten and hand drawn notes.
prOs beAuTIful DesIgN beNDAble AND COMpACT INTuITIve TO use eAsy TO use App pressure seNsITIve refIllAble peN wITh regulAr INk eDIT, shAre AND bACk up yOur NOTes IMperCepTIble DelAy CAN be useD wITh regulAr pAper CONs CAN sTruggle wITh CursIve INsTruCTIONs COulD be CleArer
eNJOy The besT Of bOTh wOrlDs by ACCurATely TrANsfOrMINg hAND wrITTeN NOTes AND DrAwINgs INTO DIgITAl fIles.
This Smart Security Kit from Abode is a foundation kit that can then be built on for a personalised home security system, it comes with the Gateway which is the hub of the system, the Motion Sensor, the Mini Door/Window Sensor and the Key Fob. If you are looking to expand your system this kit can be used to connect up to 160 devices from Abode or their partners including lightbulbs, voice assistants, panic buttons and cameras. The Abode Smart Security Kit is also compatible with Google Home, LIFX, Yale, Apple HomeKit, Hue, Amazon and many other third parties. One of the things that can put a lot of people off from setting up their security system by themselves is the complicated installation process. Thankfully, simplicity is one of the main focuses of Abode and setting up this security kit is a painless experience, everything in the box is already paired up so all you need to do is plug in the hub to the ethernet and choose where to stick the sensors. There are no tools needed, just download the app and it will walk you through the set up getting everything finished in about half an hour. The Gateway hub connects all your devices, but it also houses the siren alarm which when triggered will kick out a 93dB warning when security is breeched, the Mini Door/Window Sensor can be used to protect the most vulnerable entry point into your home and these attach via a stick-on pad. The Key Fob lets you arm and disarm the security system (this can also be done from the app), even when it is offline, additional fobs can be assigned to different people so you can see who disarms the alarm. The Motion Sensor uses 110° field of view up to 35ft away, it uses body heat for motion detection. The motion sensor doesn’t seem to be able to differentiate between humans and smaller, furrier residents so Adobe suggests mounting the sensors upside down to detect movement at a higher level, just be aware if your pets like to jump on counters. Like many systems of this kind there is a monthly plan, and it cannot be used without one, there are four to choose from with the cheapest costing £3.99p/m. This includes 4G back up connectivity if you lose your internet connection, One-touch arm/disarm from the app, push notifications and on demand 24/7 monitoring when you are away from home. The Abode Smart Kit allows for a precise personalised set up with loads of accessories to choose from, the app is intuitive, the installation so easy, connectivity reliable and a large collection of third parties makes this set up one of the most user friendly we have come across in this price range.
prOs speeDy AND effOrTless INsTAllATION lOw-COsT bAsIC plAN hIghly CusTOMIsAble sysTeM INTuITIve App lONg bATTery lIfe ON MOTION anD Door/winDow sensor MulTIple ThIrD pArTy COMpATIbIlITy CONs MOTION seNsOrs AreN ’ T peT prOOf subsCrIpTION ONly
DON ’ T leT The feAr Of COMplICATeD TeCh puT yOu Off seCurINg yOur prOperTy wITh ThIs user frIeNDly sMArT seCurITy kIT.