2 minute read

spINlOCk DeCkvesT 6D

From £230

ThIs OffshOre lIfeJACkeT hArNess Is pACkeD wITh sAfeTy feATures TO keep yOu prOTeCTeD AT seA whIlsT eNsurINg A COMfOrTAble fIT AND COMpleTe freeDOM Of MOveMeNT ONbOArD.


The new offshore lifejacket harness from Spinlock is packed with safety features and has been ergonomically cut for a comfortable fit with natural mobility, it uses both an automatic inflation and optional harness release system. At the point of purchase there are a few decisions to make, 170N or 275N Buoyancy bladder size, the colour, Black, Citrus Yellow, Pacific Blue or Tropic White and No HRS or HRS Fitted. HRS stands for Harness Release System, this is a soft loop attachment point where a safety line can be connected, this can be released in an emergency to free a person from their safety line, the activation handle is located behind the loop to allow for a fast, intuitive grab and pull and is easily reset. This gives you both the confidence of using a safety line but with the ability to release at the tip of your fingers to avoid being dragged or trapped alongside or behind the vessel in the event of going overboard, there is a cutter attachment point for non-HRS models. One size fits all thanks to the slim profile, it covers only the areas it needs too, it weighs just 1240g (2lb 12oz) in the 170N and 1500g (3lb 5oz) in the 275N and has hard-wearing coated fabrics in key areas for durability. The 6D uses the UML Pro Sensor Elite automatic inflator, this is a water sensitive activation system that requires a compressed paper capsule which dissolves when wet and releases a spring to puncture the CO2 cylinder. To avoid accidental inflation, the cap has been designed to only activate when water is flowing upwards through the device, this means water, spray and rain running down the jacket will not set it off. There are two indicators to show the status of the CO2 cylinder and firing head, the firing system is located at the rear of bladder for better comfort and reduced snagging when inflated. Other features include the fast-opening buckle with smooth body adjuster system for quick fitting, as well as the shoulder fit system and 40mm single leg strap with stowage pocket that is easy to locate, this all helps to keep the profile low and close to the body without restriction. The new sprayhood design uses a large clear structured visor which can be tucked away from the neck, there is a Pylon 360° lifejacket light, Lume-On bladder illumination lights and it is MOB1 AIS compatible. Try and find a safer, more comprehensive, comfortable and sleek offshore lifejacket harness, we dare you, you forget it’s on when you are wearing it but be assured it is always ready to jump to the rescue when needed.

prOs uMl prO seNsOr elITe ACTIvATION sysTeM preCIse fIT wITh slIM prOfIle hArD-weArINg COATeD fAbrICs New sprAyhOOD wITh lArge CleAr sTruCTureD vIsOr pylON 360° lIghT AND luMeON blADDer IlluMINATION lIghTs MOb1 AIs COMpATIble

OpTIONAl hArNess releAse sysTeM CuTTer ATTAChMeNT pOINT fOr NON-hrs 170N Or 275N

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