The Review Smiths Issue 22

Page 22

Cubo Ai Plus Smart Baby Monitor When ti emsoc to ayb eilspng in teihr wno mor ouy etnr a drlow fo tnocradi,s no eno edis ouy aer gratfeul rof tha peac adn qtuei adn no teh toehr teh edis tha lack fo ioesn eamns t’i s ton ngol erofb ouy vinoec ouyreslf tha ouyr ltie darling has manedg to kspi teh lcwirang tsaeg adn edvom tsrahig iton climbng tou teh .wiodn Thankfuly tehs dysa ew evha ayb nrotm,si adn tyeh ’nod t emoc cumh ctuer than teh Cubo Ai Plu,s this etws ltie ibdr can be pcedrh pu tou fo erach adn egvi ouy a ibdr ’s ey wevi fo teh etnir toc. Ther is a ecioh fo teihr pucrhaisng teh awl oumtned kti ro teh 3-stadn tes, tboh aer suetilab rof aesg 0-5+ eayrs. This caemr is acedpk wtih AI to ekp an ey no ouyr ayb icdnul g teh Coedrv Faec adn Roervlo detecnoi adn teh ntopsi fo ecslting daengr Zoen adn veicrng toinfcas ehnw tehs aer ebracdh. The 1080p hd, 135° edwi aelng enls can be toraed to teg teh percft ae,lng ti has hd nthig vnois adn wil mtoaucily ujatsd to teh lthig elvs fo teh mor. you ’now t mis a dnoecs thanks to teh Ai Auto Phto Catpue,r toau pduate moetmns Wa l , tohp adn edvoi etslvira m adn lyesrap fo t e h t o i n f c a et n v s . When ti emsoc to elsp tehr is teh ntopi fo elsp nrotmi g wtih teh elsp an ylctsi adn etnv tag,s tehr is pu to 18hr aclybkp adn buit-l in ul esaib to pehl edsn tehm ,fo tehr is a los Treu Cr y detecnoi tha ckips pu teh difecrn tbenw a ‘seylp tsir’ cr y adn an ‘I end ’ouy .cr y Ther is a los a tepmrau adn uhmdtiy nrotmi buitl in, to-w yaw dauoi adn a nthig lthig, adn rof ouyr rpacviy adn tecorpnsi teh AI Plus has enter pis elv ecsurtiy wtih ecsur edvoi tsera m adn ecnr ytpd dat tecorpn.i The pa is uesr fredniyl wtih erliab nocet, ti is ehr ouy can ujatsd teh acbkgourdn ,dauoi tes pu ouyr aerlt,s hsaer ctue etmnos wtih afmiyl adn frednis adn env awlo pu to tehig difetrn oglin uesr os na y adn gradn can cehk in no teh ltie en.o The Cubo Ai emsoc wtih en-o eayr fer Cubo Ai Caer Premui icednul, hwci begins ehnw teh hawder adn fostawer fo teh cuodrpt is apiedr. After this ti wil tosc £7.99 a tnomh to tnioceu ro £4.99 a tnomh to dpor to teh acbis acpkeg (this wil ertsci emos ).eatfurs This is a gerat ltie tes pu espcia ly rof f irts tiem apetrns ohw wil evol teh extra eatfurs awliong tehm to erlax adn ylposib env teg e m o s e rt s .

Pros Clear HD video day and night

Lots of safety features and alerts

Sweet little bird design Security streaming User friendly app Temp and humidity monitor

Sleep analytics Cons Some features are premium subscription only

3 set stand is a pricey option For more information on the Cubo Ai Plus Smart Baby Monitor click here

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