The Review Smiths - Issue 47- Christmas Special

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Review Smiths Special Edition

christmas Gift Guide

Well, if the weather forecast is anything to go by, we might be walking in a winter wonderland next week, I can’t wait to see my little girl, who has just got the hang of walking tackle snow and ice.

We are back with our mega Christmas Gift Guide; it is that time of year again but fear not we are here with a whole host of inspiration to make present buying a stress free task. It is packed with wonderful tech and products and conveniently our gift guide is key coded for those awkward ones, tech fans, game addicts, outdoorsy types, home bodies and the little ones. We have a great Lego Advent Calendar with a Star Wars theme, if space and Lego is your vibe then there’s also the Creator 3 in 1 Space Astronaut. If you are looking for someone notoriously tricky to buy for then check out the 54 Celsius PyroPets, what says merry Christmas more than a slowly melting reindeer that reveals its golden skeleton.

We don’t want to spoil all the surprises so we will leave the rest for you to discover, grab a pen and paper and get your shopping list sorted whilst you are at it. Enjoy getting in the festive spirit and we will see you soon for our December edition.

Editor and chief

Emma Hilling-Smith

04. YoTo buNdle

06. 70maI omNI

08. WaCaCo PICoPresso

10. ePos ImPaCT 700

12. vIvobarefooT moTus sTreNgTh

14. dr.ÖTeK mTXe

16. sTIga sab 700 ae

19. oNguard bruTe loCK

20. fosI audIo mC351

22. foreo PeaCh 2 IPl

24. WIZ smarT led hero

26. WIZ smarT fleX sTrIP

28. soar ruNNINg ruN Trousers meN’s

30. gameball

32. momCoZY mobIle floW breasT PumP m9

Managing Director

Alex Hilling-Smith

Writer David Hicks

Senior Writer

Emma Hilling-Smith


Peter Hilling

For all media related enquiries please contact us at

For Advertising Enquiries 0208 191 8472

34. humaNCharger brIghT lIghT headseT

35. Xmas gIfT guIde

46. shoT sCoPe Pro l2

48. gIessWeIN merINo ruNNers

50. shoKZ oPeNfIT aIr

52. sTubble aNd Co hYbrId

54. sTubble aNd Co roll ToP

56. guNNar oPTIKs vaulT

33 glasses

58. revamP Progloss radIaNCe drYer & sTraIghTeNer gIfT seT

60. IsoTuNes ulTraComm

62. IsoTuNes free 2.0

64. NoKTa TrIPle sCore Pro

66. IsTorage dIsKashur 3

68. mooN sPorT rIgel maX (1500lm)

70. KITCheNaId go Cordless haNd mIXer

72. majorITY QuadrIga

74. lola & lYKKe breasTfeedINg sTarTer KIT

YoTo buNdle

I don’t know about you guys but, when it comes to music systems and kids, I tend to keep the two very far apart! Curious fingers and melted/crumby food are not a good combination for the health of your gear. But, at the same time, you want to introduce them to the world of audio in a way that they can engage with. Good job Yoto have created these players, especially designed for kids then!

The Yoto player uses cards to provide an easy, kid-friendly way for your young ones to choose what they want to listen to. Each card has pre-loaded audio on it, whether that be a playlist or an audio book or even your own prerecorded messages. This particular bundle comes with 6 classic Disney stories: Pinocchio, Dumbo, Sleeping Beauty, 101 Dalmations, Frozen and The Little Mermaid. Each card has the main character in question, large and lively on the front, making it nice and easy for them to pick out whichever story they wish to listen to. They then just insert the card in the top and press the big, kid-friendly play button and story time begins! It's that simple, even a child could do it. Oh, wait a mo…

Getting it to that stage requires a little set up by yourself using the Yoto app which is a simple matter of scanning the cards so that they are uploaded to your library. The Player has the ability to hold over 600 hours-worth of audio (the cards act as triggers to play content already on the player) and the battery can last for 24 hours so if used all day, you should only need to charge it once every couple of days at the most. The player also comes with other handy features such as an ambient night-light with a choice of 8 different colours and a room temperature gauge.

bla NK Cards Ca N be PurChased T haT You Ca N use To C reaT e Your oWN PlaYl IsTs

Thousa N ds of sTorY Cards ava Ilable To add To T he ColleCTIoN

K I d -fr I eN dlY radIo sTaTIoN seleCTIoN

WI red a N d WI reless headPhoN e Ca PabIl ITY CoNs

Ca N ’ T f IN d a NYT h INg To Com Pla IN abou T – You Ca N

eveN use T he a PP To W r IT e a bla NK Card I f You lose T he or Ig INal


P ros

360° v I eW

eas Y To INs Tall WIT h good

T u Tor I al v I deos

uP To 32gb s Torage

e CoNT rol

The thing with driving is, it often feels like you need a swivel head, much like an owl. With so much going on around you that you need to worry about, it’s a wonder drivers don’t suffer neck strain injuries more than they do! Even with most cameras on cars these days you’ve only got a front and a rear view, you still need to shift your attention to the sides at times. This device from 70mai hopes to make such issues a thing of the past.

The camera Latches on to your windscreen with an electrostatic sticker. The adhesive pad on the camera itself binds very securely to the sticker and it’s then just a simple matter of plugging the USB-C charger in to your car (there is a car charger attachment included for those that don’t have USB ports), tucking the wire in under the headliner (they even provide a little crowbar to make this easier) and plugging in to the camera itself. Fairly straight-forward stuff. The actual camera is on the bottom part of the unit

and rotates through 360° to give you your all-round view. The screen on the camera is 1.2 Inches with a resolution of 1920x1080 and the camera captures a 140° angle, giving you plenty of viewing space.

This camera comes with AI collision/motion detection and a series of alerts – Lane Departure, Front Car and Pedestrian. As well as that, they’ve built in their own Night Owl Vision that produces an image with lowered noise, higher clarity and a balanced exposure, giving you an image worth looking at. The feature I like the best however is the voice-control. You don’t need to distract yourself fiddling with controls, you can just tell the Omni to ‘take photo’ or ‘shoot left’ if there are certain activities you want to capture. Then it’s just a simple matter of using the App to review footage as and when you wish.

WaCaCo PICoPresso

We have been fans of Wacaco ever since we learnt we could have decent coffee halfway up a mountain with zero interaction with other humans, bliss, now we have had a chance to look at the Picopresso, Wacacos smallest and most compact portable espresso machine. This dinky little device is just 9.05x7.24x6.64 inches and weighs only 2.75lb, the perfect travel companion, it comes with the Picopresso, double filter basket, tamper, scoop, brush, distribution tool, funnel, protective case, multi-languages instruction book, warranty card, and a Wacaco sticker because why the hell not. It features a naked portafilter, to produce delicious creamy espresso that flows directly from a standard 52mm 18 grams stainless steel filter basket. The water tank has an 80ml capacity that’s enough for a double shot. Now this isn’t a coffee machine for those lazy brewers, this can take a little time to master but it will be so worth it in the end. Saying that, it isn’t complicated to

use, just a matter of perfecting your grind, tamping, and pulling technique, once you have that down it becomes very easy, pop in your coffee, release to press handle and pump for up to 18 bar/261 psi pressure. You don’t have to worry about damaging it on your travels this thing is robust, made from metal and durable plastic it can withstand some impact and will last for years to come. When it comes to cleaning it’s worth enjoying your coffee first and allowing the metal components to cool down before getting your hands on the interior parts. We have mentioned about using the Picopresso in the great outdoors, but it can easily replace your office coffee machine and even your home maker without taking up any of your work top space. Once conquered the Picopresso produces a beautifully smooth espresso with the full depth of flavour and rich crema that you would expect from your favourite barista…which will now be you!

ePos ImPaCT 700

Epos have been about for a while, providing audio technology and, it’s fair to say, they’ve got pretty good at it! Whether it be wired or wireless, fully enclosed or ear buds, these guys have done it and then some. As a result, they’ve got a broad catalogue and if they’re still knocking out wired headsets, it’s just proof that not everything needs to be wireless. Sometimes, wired is the way to go to be fair – the connection time is quicker and you can dictate the transmission material to be used rather than rely on Bluetooth or comparable technologies that wireless sets need to work.

The Impact 700 has 3 beamforming microphones built in to the mic at the end of the boom that, when combined with the EPOS AI™ provide a more clear voice transmission than most (noise suppression also helps), giving a very natural sound to the person on the other end. When it comes to the user end, the earpads are soft, made from a leather substitute and designed for comfort enabling the user to wear them for the duration of their office day without any discomfort. Incoming sound benefits from passive noise dampening, speech clarity and acoustic shock protection, all built in to the headset.

The controller is built in to the connection wire and is where you can modify the volume or mute your calls with an easy-to-use intuitive design. It also contains an additional button to answer and terminate calls, leaving your operator free to focus on the screen and necessary apps in front of them and not clutter it with whatever call operating program you’re using. The microphone boom swivels up so it can be easily moved out of the way when necessary and the headband has a generous amount of adjustability to suit all head sizes.

P ros

WI red CoNN eCTIoN so No Cha NC e of dIsCoNN eCTIoN

I NT u ITI ve CoNT rol bu IlT IN To T he WI re aCTI ve NoIse dam PeNINg

aCTI vegard aCousTIC shoCK ProT eCTIoN


beINg WI red mea Ns users Ca N ’ T easIlY

TargeT T hose I m PorTa NT bala NCe a N d

sTabIl ITY musCles IN Your feeT a N d a NK les

WIT h T he barefooT e XPer I eNCe .

P ros

sT reNgT heNs m IC ro musCles a N d bala NCe

h IghlY fle XI ble

su PPorTI ve a N d ergoNom IC

lIghTW eIghT a N d breaT hable

vega N a N d uses reCYCled maT er I als

The Motus Strength from Vivobarefoot is a first of its kind, this is a zero-drop barefoot strength-training shoes, and marks the beginning of Vivos new pinnacle performance range. The are available in both men’s and women’s sizes, we feel a bit bad for the guys as they come in just black, white and terracotta, whereas the ladies get seven colours to choose from, we particularly like the Beach Glass and Sunset Ibis.

These shoes have been designed to allow for natural movement during high-impact workouts but with added protection and stability that doesn’t sacrifice barefoot feel. If you have ever done a HIIT or Circuit class in bare feet you will know it is harder than with trainers, all those tiny muscles in your feet and ankles suddenly have to switch on, it also means the muscles in your legs, glutes and abs have to work harder to keep you balanced.

The Motus have been voted the world’s best minimalist training shoe by Men’s Health Magazine, suitable for highintensity workouts like CrossFit, powerlifting, functional fitness and road running. The sole and upper deliver a strong grip thanks to the 2mm sole with raised 1.5mm lugs, keeping you stable and can take on technical movements like rope climbs and box jumps. The high midfoot sidewalls are designed with cross training in mind, giving your feet reliable levels of support when performing lateral movements and quick changes in direction, without compromising flexibility.

The shoes are lightweight at approx. 282g, the Active Ortholite Performance Insole is made of 98% recycled PU foam, helping to reduce waste and the use of virgin plastics whilst the main materials are Vegan. However Vivo is transparent here and state, “We don’t (yet) have the transparency we need over the production of all the small components (such as adhesives and dyes) used in these products to ensure they meet vegan best practices. So, whilst we believe the shoes are vegan, we’re not yet able to guarantee it”.

These shoes are comfortable and breathable, highly flexible but at the same time supportive, after one go with them you will discover muscles you never knew you had and will feel so superior knowing you are gaining muscle strength where others are missing out.

dr.ÖTeK mTXe

It’s not easy getting kids out and about these days, what with gaming devices and such keeping them glued to the indoors. So, this is a handy little kit that may just help in getting them to appreciate the outdoors and, when you tell them there’s a chance to find treasure (I wouldn’t be above planting the odd thing in the garden just to get them started!), it doesn’t take long to get them outdoors and searching!

This metal detector has been designed for entry level use and is light enough that kids can use it for an extended amount of time before their arms start to get tired, coming in at just under a Kg in weight. It has a nice large LCD screen that shows information such as depth, object recognition and sensitivity level settings and all on easy to see, decently-sized icons. A quick flip through the instruction manual should be enough to get an idea of what they all mean so you can get started sooner than later and leave the kids to it.

Don’t be fooled in to thinking this is just for kids though – as I mentioned before, it is an entry level kit and included with it are such essentials as a digging tool, wired headphones and a finds bag. In fact, I would recommend keeping hold of the digging tool yourself, just to be on the safe side! It’s serrated to allow for easy cutting of roots and a child could end up hurting themselves with it if left unsupervised. But, for someone looking to get in to metal detecting, it’s a relatively inexpensive way to get started and comes with everything you’re going to need. It has 3 detection modes – your classic DISC, All Metal and Pinpoint along with 3 different terrain settings – pasture, park and sand. A great way to start becoming a fully-fledged Detectorist.

P ros

a ll-IN- oN e KIT

WaT er Proof CoIl

a N d s T em a djus Table

leNgT h oN T he s T em so IT ’ s su ITable for all heIghTs of PeoPle Comes IN 3 dI ffereNT Colours , red, greeN a N d blue CoNs doesN ’ T have a huge ra Nge of seTTINgs or ada PTabIl ITY

bu T, IT ’ s a s TarT er seT, T h Is Is To be e XPeCT ed.

sTIga sab 700 ae bloWer

Autumn is a beautiful time of year, the golden colours of the leaves and plants, this is also a great time to tidy up the garden ready for the winter. We are lucky enough to have a beautiful oak tree but at this time of year we quickly end up knee deep in leaves and have acorns the size of golf balls raining down on us, helmets are recommended in our garden.

The Stiga SAB 700 is a cordless leaf blower that makes the clear up easier, now its worth noting the standard kit doesn’t come with a battery, but you can complete the set up at the point of purchase for just an extra £15 for the battery and charger. This is because the batteries are interchangeable with other Stiga products so those loyal to the brand may already have the batteries. When used with the 48V 4Ah battery, you get a run time of 120 minutes at low speed, 26 minutes at medium speed, and 18 minutes at full speed.

There is a ventilation grid at both sides and on the lower part that improves the airflow and efficiency, as already mentioned there are three speeds to choose from that can be selected via the intuitive keypad. The 500W brushless motor delivers powerful air speeds up to 60m/s in one straight direction, powerful enough to gather up leaves, twigs and even our acorns.

There are additional round and flat nozzle that gives you an even more focused blowing, it is recommended to select low for lightweight materials on lawns and gravel, medium for grass clippings and leaves on asphalt and other solid surfaces and full speed for fresh snow, wet leaves and other more challenging debris. The soft touch ergonomic handle makes it comfortable to use, while the hook can accommodate a harness, it weighs 2.7kg, which makes it comfortable to use.

oNg uard b ru T e loCK

It’s an unfortunate fact that keeping your stuff locked up is an essential part of day-to-day life, especially when it comes to items you travel with, like your bike for example. You spend a ridiculous amount of money on a decent bike so why not spend a little bit extra on a good lock? And, credit where it’s due, this D-Lock isn’t that expensive but boy, is it tough! You certainly get your money’s worth.

The main D-bar has a hardened steel core, measuring 16.8mm, making a mockery of the majority of bolt cutters and is also resistant to prying and jacking. The locking mechanism is an X4P Quattro Bolt and locks on 4 sides, 2 on each entry point from the shackle in to the crossbar. Speaking of the crossbar, it’s double rubber coated and the caps at either end are all metal, providing extra resistance and durability all round. The rubber coating extends partway up where the shackle plugs in to help with picking resistance and to provide even more security. The tumbler for the lock itself is your classic cylinder lock and you get 5 laser-cut keys included, with one of them having an LED micro-light for those night-time un-lockings. I’d thoroughly recommend keeping the extra ones in a safe place because if you lose a key, there’s no way you’re getting this thing off!

The Brute Lock has a Diamond level security rating with a score of 95/100 and is also part of the ‘Security by Design’ initiative created by the UK police force who only award those devices that meet their stringent standards for crime prevention with this accolade. You really can’t get much more secure than this and for the price, I really see no reason why you wouldn’t choose this lock for your bike, it’s a no-brainer.

P ros

dI amoN d level seC ur ITY raTINg

Tr I r adI us shaCK le g I ves You

PleNTY of room for more

loCKINg versaTIl ITY

s eC ur ITY bY desIgN a PProved

m IC ro -l IghT oN oN e of T he

K eYs


NoT sure I f 5 K eYs Is a bIT muC h? m aY be asKINg for Too

ma NY C ha NC es for oN e beINg

NICK ed bu T IT ’ s a m INor Qu I bble ,

jusT K eeP T hem loCK ed u P a verY reasoNablY-Pr ICed, seC ure d -loCK. WIll be geTTINg oN e m Yself! £64.99

fosI audIo mC351

My partner has been playing a lot of a certain post-apocalyptic game with a 1950’s kind of vibe to it recently and the first thing I thought of when seeing this Amp was that game! I just love the old school look of the circular VU meter, it’s a nice departure from regular, boring meters and adds a certain charm to this bit of kit.

Of course, when it comes to sound, looks are irrelevant really so what does it do that it’s actually designed for? For starters, it’s an all-in-one piece with a built in DAC and has 4 type of digital inputs (Bluetooth, USB, Optical and Coaxial) alongside several Outputs that allow for passive speakers, subwoofer and a pre-out, giving you the ability to set this up with 2.1 home theatre systems or other stereo Hi-Fi audio systems. Overall, this gives you great flexibility in how you choose to set up your sound system and removes the need to constantly plug and unplug depending on what vector you’re using for your sound.

This all sounds quite busy however and with more options comes the ever-present problem of background noise. To combat this, Fosi have utilised a dual PCB separated design to keep the input and output signals apart and have installed a 100-fin heatsink to help alongside a decent sized chassis. The amplifier chips are TPA3255 Class D and there are dual 4700 μF capacitors and all of this adds up to a stable output of 165W x 2 and a 350W in a 2.1 setup, giving you plenty of power where you need it! Coupled with that vintage looking VU meter that dances about as you play your tunes, not only do you have a decent-sounding amp, you’ve got a visually appealing one too. Maybe I was a bit hasty stating looks are irrelevant.


NoT a bad am P aT all for a dev ICe WIT h mulTIPle IN a N d ou TPu Ts . g ood for T hose of us WIT h mulTIPle medI a seT-u Ps T haT doN ’ T Wa NT To CoNsTa NTlY f I ddle abou T sWITCh INg beTW eeN T hem all .

foreo PeaCh 2 IPl haIr removal devICe

If you choose to remove body hair the most common method is either shaving, which comes back as rough and uncomfortable stubble, not to mention razor burn and the odd nick here and there. The there’s waxing which creates a softer regrowth, but wow does it hurt. The Peach 2 IPL Hair Removal Device is a totally different system and claims to be the fastest, simplest and most effective way to remove unwanted hair, long-term.

IPL stands for intense pulsed light, IPL hair removal works by emitting a broad spectrum of light that targets the melanin in the hair follicle, the absorbed light energy is converted to heat energy (below the surface of the skin), which disables the hair follicle. Treated hairs naturally fall out over the course of a few days to 1-2 weeks. The Peach 2 also uses T-Sonic technology that massages the skin and aids in the penetration of light pulses to the hair follicles. It temporarily widens the pores, reducing obstruction and making it easier for the light pulses to reach the follicles. As IPL technology focuses on melanin in the hair and skin it means it can be ineffective for users with light hair, and unsafe for users with deep skin tones. The Bundle comes with a Cooling Prep Gel and has a built-in skin cooling system that blows cool air onto skin as you’re treating it, ensures a painless experience. It has been created with a larger treatment window for faster application, it is three times larger than competitors, covering three times the skin

P ros

eas Y a N d Pa INless To use

I N bu IlT Cool INg s YsT em

Three TI mes more Coverage

T ha N oT her IPl dev IC es

ulT ra-fasT flash sPeed from 0.5

seCoN ds ,120 flashes Per m IN.

5 INT eNsITI es a N d 2 modes

Cool INg gel

T- s oNIC PulsaTIoNs

s KIN safe seNsor


doesN ’ T Wor K oN everY ha I r/


eXPeNsI ve

area at one time.

The Peach is easy to use, it does still involve shaving all visible hair from the area you wish to treat, then apply the Cooling Gel and massage it in, next select the preferred setting via the app (this is just for the first use) then adjust the IPL intensity by pressing the + and - buttons on the device. Finally place the treatment window firmly on skinand press and hold the flash button while gliding on skin, for small areas, press and immediately release the flash button, you can have a full body treatment in just 10 minutes. Yes the Peach is pricey but the idea is with the right skin tone and hair colour this will be a one time investment, it can be used on the face and body, there are just two modes to choose from for larger or more precise areas. There are no detachable heads to fuss about with and just five intensities for different skin sensitivities, the self-adjusting head naturally follows the curves of your body. The skin safe sensor will only activate when the treatment window is in full contact with skin, and the app will teach how to use the Peach safely and also give you treatment reminders to get the most out of the device.

The Peach 2 is an easy and comfortable hair removal tool that can permanently remove hair, if the skin and hair criteria are met, a pricey initial investment but if I could mean ditching the razor permanently it is worth a go.

Cl INICallY ProveN

To reduCe ha I r bY 90% a N d

shoW sIgNI f ICa NT

reduCTIoN IN ha I r

Qua NTITY, leNgT h a N d deNsITY

eveN af T er

dIsCoNTIN ued use .

WI Z smarT led h ero Colour Table lam P

This dinky little lamp can change the atmosphere of any room by changing both the colour and the brightness of the light, it measures up at 15.8cm (h) x 15cm (l) x 15cm (w) and weighs just 720g. It is worth pointing out now that this light requires mains power which will limit where you can place it in your home, you are also going to need to download the app to get it working. The lamp has a rounded design that sort of blends in to the background, it’s not going to win any beauty contests and sort of reminds me of my little boys night light. This lamp claims to last a lifetime of up to 25,000 hour(s), and has a total lumen output fixture of 620, it has a light colour of 2200-6500 (RGB), the bulb is a nine watt LED and the unit has a IP code of IP20. The WIZ app can be

used to dim and brighten the light, or use your voice assistant, there are also preset light modes to play with, its here you can play with all the smart features too. You can set up the light to turn on and off to different schedules, this can be used to make it look like someone is in your house whilst you are away without the use of a hub or a gateway.

The lamp has a touch control feature so you can activate it without using your phone, this can be handy for children, just a double tap anywhere on the base and it will turn on. There are millions of colour choices and dynamic modes like the Fireplace or Ocean, which can create a pretty cool atmosphere.

P ros

20,000 sWITCh CYCles dI mmable

TouCh CoNT rol CoNN eCTs over a N a PP CoNs m a INs PoW er oNlY NoT T he mosT aTT raCTI ve


P ros

mulTI- Colour for dI ffereNT l IghT modes

g radI eNT a N d dYNam IC Colour modes fle XI ble a N d l IghTW eIghT

a dhesI ve or sC reW To INsTalmeNT oPTIoNs musIC s

This Smart Flex Strip is wonderfully supple, allowing you to create hypnotic shapes with bendable design, it is powered by mains plug so this might dictate where you can place it. It comes with an average life span, when used 2.7 hrs per day of 15 years, it has a lumen maintenance factor of 70% and 50,000 switch cycles.

You will need the app to access all the features, this also allows you to download exclusive patterns, print out the patterns, tape the pages together and use them as your guide. You can change the shape as and when you like with the neon flex strips, these bendable strips are easy to install with included mounting accessories. A gradient of colours can be used in a single strip, the dynamic light modes let you create the right ambience for any room.

There is the options to sync the lights to music to create a party atmosphere, you will just need to keep your mobile device near the speaker for perfect harmony between sound and light. The smart lighting functionalities are easy to set up, this lets you control lights easily when you're away from

home and scheduling lights to go on and off automatically. No need to install additional hardware such as hub or a gateway.

These lights are Matter certified, you can set it up and control it with your preferred smart home platform and make it work seamlessly with other Matter Certified devices. WiZ's SpaceSense technology turns your lights into motion sensors; however you will need a minimum of two WiZ lights in a room, you can activate the SpaceSense feature in the WiZ app and get the lights to turn on and off automatically with motion detection. There are millions of colours and changing light modes to play with, they are vibrant and fun, the app can be used with voice commands and doubles as remote control, that lets you personalise your lighting experience. They lights would look great in the kids room or in a business environment, or maybe your living area décor is perfectly suited for neon strip lights, either way they are easy to use and can completely change an atmosphere for a low cost.

soar ruNNINg ruN Trousers meN’s

When you go running you are putting your legs through a lot, so it is important to dress them appropriately for the occasion, the Run Trousers from Soar have been created specifically to take care of those hard-working limbs. These high-performance trousers have been designed to be windproof whilst at the same time breathable, no one wants to be running in sweaty anorak trousers.

They come in just two colours, Black and Surf the Web, which is a bright blue, they come in sizes XS (70cm inseam) up to XXL (77.5cm inseam) and are currently only available in men’s, women you have the option of running tights or shorts, no trousers from Soar yet. They have an ergonomic cut with a slim fit and cropped length that sits just about the ankle, keeping them out of the way of your running shoes and allowing for freedom of movement without catching on your laces or heel.

The waistband of the trousers are adjustable so you can get the precise fit and prevent them riding up, or even worse, riding down at the back, the deliver a slim profile without any bulk, if its not essential, its not there. They have been designed for versatility, Soar say they have blended modern style with functional performance, and we agree to a point, they are ideal for warm ups, cool downs and everything in between, they wouldn’t look out of place in more physical pursuits but as for casual outings, that cropped length and windproof material might look a little out of place.

These trousers have two zip up pockets on the hips to store running essentials, keys, cards, gels etc, the ankles have zips on them for versatility and a personalised fit and there is a reflective perforated Soar logo. They offer great protection from blustery and chilly conditions, a must for running this time of year, they keep the heat in but allow for the moisture to escape keeping you comfortable no matter how hard you push it. P ros

WIN dProof a N d Warm b reaT hable fabr IC

Z IPPed a NK les

TWo h IP PoCK eTs ergoNom IC a N d

Ta Ilored C u T

l IghTW eIghT


NoT ava Ilable IN WomeN ’ s

TWo Colours


The Gameball is the world’s first trackball mouse, an interesting piece of kit developed specifically for the computer gamer, the unique design and gaming specific features really make it stand out. It has a ambidextrous design that measures up at 162mm (6.4 inches), 119mm (4.7 inches), 52mm (2 inches) with a ball size of 38.1mm (1.5 Inches) and weighs 230 grams (.5 pounds). There are six ergonomic buttons, and it is powered by wired USB cable connection (70 in / 178 cm), the Gameball is compatible with Windows 7 or later, Mac OS X 10.8 or later, Popular Linux distributions, Chrome OS and Android 5 or later. It has a straightforward plug in and play installation, it uses a high resolution optical sens/or (PixArt) and has native CPI/DPI resolutions of 400, 800, 1200, 2000 and 3000, not as high as the top end gaming mice. It has ceramic bearings, Omron switches and a 1000hz polling rate, and the carbon black design is topped off with so subtle LED lighting.

It is comfortable in the hand due to the design your actual hand and wrist remain relatively still which reduces fatigue in the shoulder, arm and wrist and takes up less space in your gaming area. There is a touch scroll pad that wraps around the ball, moving your finger down the right size commands the vertical scroll whilst the left pans the horizontal. The ball itself is super smooth and tactile, it feels delicious, theres an element of transitional learning when moving between a regular mouse to a tracking ball but it quickly becomes intuitive. Moving between the ball and the touch scroll pad on the side feels a bit clumsy, it feels like its close but not quite there with the final design, the touch sensor could also do with being more accurate as it is easy to over scroll. The Game ball isn’t going to work for every style of game but it really comes into its own on large open world maps, it is also good to have another type of mouse on the market, as some who struggles with traditional mice due to an old injury.


The World's f I rsT T raCK ball mouse

C reaT es a N eW WaY To PlaY.

P ros

P reCIse f INgerTIP CoNT rol

TaCTIle feel

uNIQue ambI de XT rous desIgN

P reCIsIoN oPTICal seNsor WIT h PINPoINT aCC uraCY

6 resPoNsI ve a N d h IghlY durable bu TToNs

NoT l I m IT ed To gam INg


s C roll Pad IsN ’ T as ComforTable To use

s C roll Pads aCC uraCY N eeds TIghT eNINg u P

dPI resolu TIoN NoT as h Igh as ToP eN d gam INg m IC e

momCoZY mobIle floW haNds-free breasT

PumP m9

There are only a few things worth investing in before the arrival of a new baby, every product will pretend to be the most important purchase you will make for yourself or baby but it’s just not true. However, finding the right breast pump that works for you is absolutely worth every penny, you could be using it multiple times a day for a couple of years depending on your feeding journey.

The Mobile Flow Hands-Free Breast Pump M9 from Moncozy uses a 3rd generation pump motor that delivers a powerful suction of up to 300mmHg to increase milk output and the device has been designed to be hands free. The flange is 24mm with three different insert options to get the right fit, 17mm, 19mm and 21mm, there are other sizes available that are sold separately. There is a guide to show you how to measure your flange size, it is worth noting your breast size may change before pumping and after pumping, so please measure your size when you start pumping.

This double flange creates a good seal, they do feel a little heavy at first but aslong as you have a good fitting top or bra you can easily let go and go hands free, the milk is collected directly into the storage unit which can be stacked up. The app lets you personalise patterns, adjusting mode and intensity to suit your comfort, you can record your production, set up personal alerts and notifications. There are also Professional Recommendations option

with two expert-recommended pumping modes tailored to your needs. The Milk Boost helps those looking to increase milk supply and the Milk Relief which provides information on how to balance milk flow with the Quick Release options which offers relief for enlarged breasts. The regular pumping modes can be selected via the App or directly on the pump, this includes the Stimulation Mode to get the milk flowing and the Expression Mode which provides a slow, steady pattern for milk extraction. The Mixed Mode combines quick stimulation and slow expression patterns to efficiently extract milk. The bottle holds 150ml and the battery will give you four or five pumping sessions (150mins) from one charge before needing to be plugged into the mains again (2.5hours recharge).

This pump like all pumps isn’t a one size fits all, but it does cover a range of sizes, it is quiet for what it is and offers discrete expression, being hands free is always a bonus, letting you enjoy a cuppa or get the bottles sterilised for the next feed. All the little bits and piece can make cleaning a bit more time consuming when compared to more basic pumps. I particularly liked the app and the Quick Release mode, as an over producer myself having the option to release the pressure without encouraging the supply is critical.

P ros

ComforTable f IT

h a N ds free

h ealT h Y baTT erY l I fe

15 I NT eNsITI es

48db NoIse level

30 m IN u T es au To shu T off mulTIPle modes

a PP CoNT rol

P ersoNal IZ ed P um PINg


Ca N lea K I f You lea N over

loTs of bITs To Clea N

a s a mum You N eed aT leasT oN e eXT ra

Pa I r of ha N ds so beINg able To eXPress W h IlsT all 10 dIg ITs rema IN

free Is a dream oPPorT u NITY.

humaNCharger brIghT lIghT headseT

My first reaction to this device was one of, shall we say, disbelief (more like a “What the deuce?!” moment tbh. Alright, I didn’t use that word but you get the idea…)? But when I looked in to it, studies have shown that having light beamed in to your ear could actually be beneficial to the brain! I guarantee at least half of you reading instantly thought “OK, so should I start blasting soundwaves at my eyes now?”… Please don’t, it doesn’t work like that and will likely be painful and damaging! The studies have shown a positive effect on the majority of people receiving Bright Light Therapy when suffering from such conditions as SAD and this headset from Humancharger aims to introduce this benefit to the user.

The ear pieces emit a UV-free white light for 12 minutes at a time that they recommend to use within about 30-60 minutes of waking or an hour or two before bed, depending on what works best for you. Try the morning first and, if that isn’t helping, give the evening a go. Now, it’s important to note, this is not a cure for SAD or any kind of mental health issue, it is designed to be a light therapy device that can help to increase mental alertness, energy levels and mood and if you do suffer with depression or big seasonal mood swings, please seek out help and advice from your local GP before using this headset. It’s primary use is to combat lack of sunlight and the downsides this brings to most of us so it can also be handy in dealing with jet lag or helping those that work night shifts.

The headset itself is lightweight, fits comfortably around your neck and comes with a little bag full of replacement earbuds. The battery lasts for 12, 12 minute sessions and they recommend usage at just once per day so you should only need to recharge it every 12 days and it only takes a couple of hours to charge it back up via the USB cable provided.

P ros r elaTI velY dIsC reT e I f You ’ re oN T he go Comes WIT h a ha N dY l ITTle T ravel bag


Could Prov I de ma NY beN ef ITs WIT h regular use

CerTa INlY a Coffee Table TalKINg PoINT! CoNs

IT ’ s Pr IC eY a N d T here are PoT eNTI al sI de effeCTs suC h as T em PorarY headaC hes

a N d Nausea

I f You Ca N afford To ‘g I ve IT a go’ IT Could PoT eNTI allY be verY beN ef ICI al, esPeCI allY I f You suffer WIT h a laCK of regular su Nl IghT.

TheReviewSmiThS 2022GifTGuide

I f T

for T he l ITTle oN es for T he ou T doors Y TYPe for T he aWKWard oN es for T he home bodI es for T he T eC h fa Ns

lego sTar Wars a dveNT

CaleN dar 2024

This advent calendar is full of nostalgic joy letting you create mini build versions of classic LEGO Star Wars buildable models in chronological order, from 1999 to 2024. It includes five LEGO Star Wars minifigures, including Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia in Christmas gear.

Click here for more info

RRP £29.99

eXg P ro fall g u Ys ICe

This cute little guy is not only a collectible mini figure but he’s also happy to hold on to your phone, earbuds or any other small gadgets which will make a nice change from falling off platforms and being whacked with fruit, everyone needs a day off.

Click here for more info

RRP £19.99

The Photo Creator Retro

Instant Camera

When 99% of our photographs never leave the digital world being able to print them instantly is a novelty and a lot of fun. This little camera lets you add fun filters to your photos and videos with 20+ built-in designs, you can also customise your instant prints with 4 coloured markers and stickers.

Click here for more info

RRP £69.99

s KullCa N dY s esh a NC

aCTI ve

These earbuds feature all-day battery, fully waterproof construction and a specially designed Fit Grip that keeps them comfortably in place whether you’re hitting the gym or relaxing at home. There is adjustable Four Mic Active Noise Cancelling allowing with the Stay Aware mode to keep you safe in your surroundings.

Click here for more info

RRP £69.99

ruff W ear huCK-a-CoN e

Our furry friends deserve a treat this Christmas, so why not spoil your pup with the Huck a Cone, the knotted rope handle allows for a game of tug of war and for throwing long distances. The cone will bounce erratically encouraging an exciting game of fetch, it is also good to know it is made from natural latex rubber that comes from a renewable resource. It comes in three different colours.

Click here for more info

ruff W ear g NaWT-a- roCK

If your dog is more motivated by treats the Gnawt-a-Rock toy might be better suited, this durable throw toy is made with natural latex rubber, featuring a faceted surface, and an irregular shape to keep pup guessing. It’s designed to be durable and chew resistant (note not completely chew-proof) and the internal chamber dispenses small treats to keep your doggo’s interest.

Click here for more info

RRP £26.95

lego CreaTor

RRP £23.95

3 IN 1

sPaCe a sT roNau T

Get three times the space action in one set, Kids can enjoy intergalactic action with space astronaut and rebuild it into a space dog or space jet. Boys and girls aged 9+ can enjoy a rewarding building project before they blast off into space to play out stories amongst the stars.

Click here for more info

RRP £49.99

Truffle Tool

The new BLACK SHEEP Truffle Tool 2-in-1 Slicer and Grater from Microplane is stylish, elegant and strong! It comes in a completely black look from the handle to the frame to the blade that is in combination of soft curves and sturdy, solid stainless steel frame. In its functionality, look and feel, the BLACK SHEEP is a real eye-catcher in any kitchen. Click here for more info

RRP £64.95

ZeNIKo oT40 r

Here’ a unique one, an inflatable lighting tube, as thin as a coin that can be folded up when not in use. It is dimmable, has seven colours and five effect modes and the brightness level goes all the way up to 6500k. a handy device for a range of photography and filmography. Click here for more info

RRP $34.90

joe & s ePh ’ s fresh Ch Ill I jam

g ourmeT PoPCor N

Now this is a partnership made in food heaven, Joe & Seph have partnered with the condiment experts at Tracklements to create their Fresh Chilli Jam Popcorn. This wonderful blend of smooth caramel and fresh red chilli jam offers a perfect balance of sweet and savoury. Click here for more info

RRP £4

TraCK lemeNTs 9 jar


Vegetarian and gluten free and at under £10, this makes a great gift, one for the hostess with the mostess. They can either keep it for later or get this quintessential collection of 25g jars straight onto the table alongside the festive cheese spread. There’s something for everyone with our favourites being the Country Garden Chutney Sticky Fig Relish and the Apple and Sage Jelly. Click here for more info

RRP £9.50

TeNsIoN b oard g ame

This is one of our go to games when our friends are round, you will suffer brain farts like never before, all you need to do is name 10 example of one of the 400 topics available. It sounds simple but you must get the exact 10 on the card AND you have the added pressure of the timer counting you down, guaranteed to cause laughs and frustration in equal measure.

Click here for more info

RRP £17.99

soda sT eam arT

SodaStream ARTos the sparkling water maker that celebrates the art of making fresh sparkling drinks at home. The new machine features a slim silhouette, chic design, stainless-steel trim and a unique lever that elevates the everyday water experience.

Click here for more info

RRP £79.99

This wildlife camera features the highest quality 24 MP image resolution on the market today. It comes with imperceptible, adjustable power IR illumination that reaches out to 100 ft. The incredible 1920 x 1080 Full HD video processor, will give you stunning footage that can easily be easily viewed on a computer or big screen TV.

Click here for more info

RRP £199.99

a lCoseNse lIT e 2

Let this award-winning device keep you safe this Christmas season, this pocket sized breathalyser is easy to use and will provide clear results in seconds, it will let you know if you are close to or over the legal limit. It has an adjustable drink drive limit for any UK or Irish limit and you will get calibration reminders every 12months or after 300 tests, whichever comes first, ensuring you are always getting accurate and reliable results. Click here for more info

RRP £44.99

deWalT dC m Ws P156N

laWN moW er

This high-efficiency cutting system has dual blades, designed for extended runtime and cutting performance, the 53cm steel deck mower with autosensing brushless motor is engineered for cutting performance, durability and has up to 64 minutes of runtime.

Click here for more info

RRP £539.99

s KullCa N dY Crusher

a NC 2

The Crusher ANC 2 is the headphone with absolutely everything, personalised sound, hands-free voice control, adjustable 4-mic digital active noise cancelling and that Crusher Bass. The 50 hours battery and Rapid Charge means you are never without your tunes for long.

Click here for more info

RRP £209.99

K a IW eeTs Kgm01

m eTal deT eCTor

This wallet friendly metal detector is a collapsible detector for adults that features six detection modes with high accuracy pinpointing. It comes with a 11.8 inch coil that has IP68 waterproofing. Headphones and shovel included so you can start treasure hunting straight away. Click here for more info

RRP £111

eK sT er Cardholder P ro

The world’s slimmest smart wallet is now made from 100% recycled Aluminium. The all-metal cardholder is built for slim storage and fast card access at the push of a button. Customisable with new add-ons that expand storage space and functionality, it holds 1-14 cards and bills.

Click here for more info

RRP £93

loll IPoP smarT babY Camera

Help new parents keep an eye on their little one with this smart baby monitor, it is possible to monitor your baby’s breathing by AI technology and view baby’s respiratory rate and sleeping position history. There are also notifications for crying and crossing virtual barriers, you can chat and play baby soothing music and take snap shots and videos of them looking oh so adorable. You can check in on them via your smartphone even when you are away from home.

Click here for more info

RRP £125.98

The bad guys in stories always seem to have more fun so why not jump right into the dark side and play this entertaining strategy board game as some of the greatest villains of all time, Kylo Ren, General Grievous, Asajj Ventress, and Moff Gideon. Each Villain has a unique objective and abilities based on their story and will force opponents to face off against the Jedis. This game is based on the award-winning Villainous game system with added elements to please the biggest Star Wars fans. Suitable for ages 10 and up.

Click here for more info

RRP £39.99 r aveNsburger dIsN eY

g argoYles: aWa K eNINg

Who remembers this gem from the 90’s, the Gargoyles have returned, stone by day, warriors by night, they were betrayed by the humans they had sworn to protect and frozen in stone by magic for a thousand years. Now they are back in Manhattan, the spell is broken, and once again they become the defenders of the night. This coop strategy game brings the players together to defend Manhattan with each characters unique abilities. Sustainable for ages 10 and up.

Click here for more info

RRP £28

r aveNsburger g rav ITra X

sTarT er s eT

The starter set allows you to build action-packed track systems for hours of fun, this STEM toy harnesses the power of gravity and will teach kids about magnetism, kinetic energy and fun. Freestyle track design or use the tasks and blueprints included to get started in the world of GraviTrax. Will the gravity spheres stop or go flying off the track before reaching the end target? This encourages problem solving and it can be extended indefinitely with extra track packs and add-on’s sold separately. Suitable for ages 8 and up.

Click here for more info

RRP £54.99

r aveNsburger h arrY PoTT er

labY r INT h

This was one of my favourite games growing up, part luck and part strategy but now it has been brought into the Harry Potter universe and I couldn’t think of a better combination. Collect your favourite characters whilst moving around the Marauders Map, however, much like the staircases in Hogwarts the routes can change in an instant, what was once an open corridor becomes a dead end. Keep exploring to be the first one to gather up all your fellow wizards and witches and get back to safety. Suitable for ages 7 and up.

Click here for more info

RRP £24.99

I f I audIo g o blu

I f I audIo ZeN blue 3

This ultra-affordable hi-res Bluetooth DAC lets you find your zen, just add smartphone, tablet, PC or Mac. Whether you’re a Spotify, Amazon or Apple Music user the ZEN Blue will deliver flawless music to suit your mood via hi-res Bluetooth.

Click here for more info

RRP £299

The new GO blu, is a pocket-rocket portable HD DAC/amp, it is diminutive enough to take with you wherever you go! It gives you the best sound from wired but the convenience of wireless as you no longer need to have a cable connection to your smartphone.

Click here for more info

RRP £199

I f I audIo ZeN daC 3

The ZEN DAC 3 serves as your gateway to the world of high-resolution music, offering support for sample rates of up to 768kHz. This future-proof feature ensures full compatibility with all music formats available on streaming platforms, bringing you the best in sound quality.

Click here for more info

RRP £229

TormeK mora KNI v

This machine is a design collaboration between the Swedish brands Tormek and Morakniv.

Quick, easy, clean and quiet, it precisely sharpens kitchen knives of any length. Based on the innovative sharpening system developed for professional kitchens, the Tormek T-1 Morakniv 1891 effortlessly delivers a razor-sharp and durable cutting edge ensuring the blade stays sharper for longer.

Click here for more info

RRP £350

hoK a N b oWls

jesse sNoW ma N jellYCaT

Jesse Snowman is a super cute xmas pal, with a fluffy cream body, stick arm, a smart little hat and scarf wrapped around his neck, he has his coal buttons, cheeky glossy eyes, a cheerful grin and of course a carrot nose. He comes with a weighted base to keep him up right and happy, he’s ready to give cuddles to both big and little friends.

Click here for more info

RRP £38

As beautiful as they are functional, the range, offered in Lemon Yellow, Sea Green Cobalt Blue, Pitch Black and Antique White, is oven, microwave, freezer and dishwasher safe.

The volume of each bowl is determined by its height, which keeps all of the lids the same size for each bowl. You can also use the lids as a side dish. Click here for more info

RRP From £24

54 CelsI us P Y roP eT dreKI

dragoN Ca N dles

Dreki is one fierce looking dragon but he’s a bit of a melt at heart, he comes in 6 colours and the Neon Orange versions is Firewood Scented, pop him on a heat proof plate and as he melts a cool metal skeleton will be revealed, a spellbinding bit of magic.

Click here for more info

RRP £29

54 CelsI us P Y roP eT dýr I

r eIN deer Ca N dles

Nothing says Christmas like melting a reindeer to reveal its golden skeletal form, we are here for it. She has approximately 8 hours burn time, she’s created from paraffin wax and is unscented and it all comes in a beautifully designed eco-friendly gift box. Click here for more info

RRP £29

I/I beY blade X

XT reme

baTTle s eT

Experience the thrill of the next generation of Beyblade tops, Beyblade X, the Beyblade X Xtreme Battle Set has all you need to begin your quest for Beymastery. The Xtreme

N erf N s er I es I N f INIT e blasT er

This Blaster has extreme accuracy, speed, and distance with a pumpaction and quick-load removable battle belt that has 40-dart capacity, there is a 16-dart storage area on the battle belt that keeps darts within easy reach and comes with 80 darts. This will instantly make you the kids favourite family member. Click here for more info

RRP £27.99

shoT sCoPe Pro l2 laser raNgefINder

The PRO L2 Laser Rangefinder from Shot Scope aims to take the guess work out of your game, this rangefinder is compact and delivers fast and accurate distances on the golf course. It comes with a waterproof and durable carry case, a lens cleaning cloth, a carabiner clip and a CR2-3V battery to get you started. The new and improved Rapid-fire detection allows you lock on to a target, it is then instantly followed by sending a short pulse vibration to let you know you have hit the location. Shaky hands can make locking onto on object tricky, but the six times magnification and target-lock technology makes light work of it.

The Adaptive Slope Technology will accurately adjust the distance, taking the up and down elevations into account, to allow for better club selection, you can switch this function off to make it tournament legal. The unit itself feels robust, it has a built-in cart magnet that secures the rangefinder to your golf cart or any magnetic surface, ensuring it remains close to hand throughout the game. The full rubber anti-slip grip provides enhanced control and comfort.

The 700 yard range is more than enough distance to hit everything you ever need on those long Par 5’s whilst the six times magnification the lens will make a flag 150 yards away look as clear as a flag only 25 yards away. The tough little carry case protects the laser when on the move or storing at home and keeps it safe from any minor bumps and falls. Other features include the precision clear lens, quick distances with scan mode, distances can be displayed in yards or metres, the eyepiece is adjustable for comfort and the device is accurate to one yard. The CR2-3V battery is replaceable so you can always keep a spare in your kit although we would have preferred to see a decent rechargeable battery in its place. All things considered the PRO L2 is excellent value for money, it provides accurate measurements and has many user friendly features.

g I essW eIN m er INo ru NN ers

The Merino Runners are an interestingly named shoe, if you are looking for a purpose-built running shoes you might want to look elsewhere, the website states they are best suited for walks and free time in any weather, so let’s dismiss the name in the same way that trainers aren’t always used for training.

At first look these are attractive shoes, constructed from a breathable merino wool upper, even the eyelets the laces pass through are stitched instead of metal. In the women’s range we see a lot of choices in colours, a lot more bright colours when compared to the more earthy tones in the men’s range, different colours for different genders feels a bit weird and outdated but there is plenty of choice for everyone.

The second thing we noticed was just how light these shoes are, approx. 260g, they are wonderfully soft and have a good amount of padding that make them super comfortable to wear, sort of like wearing slippers outside,

the dream! As well as Merino wool being lovely and soft it is also pretty good when it comes to temperatureregulating and breathability. The fabric wicks away the perspiration to help keep your feet dry and because of the surface structure of the wool, bacteria is unable to embed itself into the fibres, which means no unpleasant odours. This material also moulds to the shape of your foot as you walk, the Giesswein removable footbed has a merino layer that gives you a stabilising effect. The outsole is made from EVA material and features a ribbed tread for a better grip, the sole is also slightly raised, which adds to the comfort, they are soft enough to be worn without socks, they are also machine washable on a cold wool wash.

These soft, foot friendly shoes make a nice change from a regular sneaker, they can be dressed up or dressed down and are easy to clean, a good day to day shoe.

We have reviewed plenty of Shokz bone conductivity headphones in the past, so we were excited to see what the open ear design has to offer. Open ear is exactly what it says on the tin, your ears remain open so you can continue to hear the world around, making the ideal for cycling or running, you can even chat to your mate whilst keeping the motivation up you’re your favourite tunes.

These earbuds use Shokz DirectPitch tech, for reduced sound leakage, there are specially designed tuning holes that are there to keep your tunes clear and natural. These compact devices are packed with a custom dynamic driver unit, a composite diaphragm and a dynamic Range Control (DRC), the EQ levels adapt in real-time, and you can personalize your sound in the Shokz App with four preset EQ modes. This all adds up to really impressive sound quality, we were surprised how something so small could kick out well balance tones with a healthy dose of bass.

The OpenFit Air come in three colours Black, White and Pink, they weigh 8.7g and have a soft silicone outer with an earhook design this creates a snug, wobble-free fit, you can even wear glasses over them. They remain in place even with some vigorous exercise and remain comfortable for long periods of time. The battery life is good with one full charge providing up to six hours play back and up to 28hours with the charging case, just 10 minutes charge provides two hours playback, so you never have to wait long for your tunes.

Other features include the four integrated microphones allow you to clearly take calls or activate your devices smart assistant, it has an IP54 rating making it sweat and water resistant, it offers multipoint pairing with Bluetooth 5.2 and will simultaneously syncs with two devices like laptops, smartphones, and tablets, on Android, iOS, or Windows. The touch controls can be a bit fiddly, but I always find it tricky to remember what does what, you can customise buttons in the app to make things more intuitive.

P ros

oPeN a I r desIgN


uP To 28hours baTT erY a N d fasT Charge

sleeK desIgN

P rem I um bu Ild Qual ITY CoNs

TouCh CoNT rols Ca N be f I ddlY

P r ICeY bu T WorT h IT

a robusT bag made WIT h reCYCled

maT er I als a N d mulTIPle eNT rY PoINTs .

P ros

Clamshell oPeNINg

ComforTable har N ess

Padded 16” la PToP Com ParT meNT

sPl IT seCTIoN To orga NIse Your T eCh

dIsC reT e , e XPa N dable froNT PoCK eT

WaT er Proof reCYCled maT er I als

sTubble aNd Co hYbrId

The Hybrid from Stubble and Co has a clamshell design that makes for easy packing and locating your gear with split zoned compartments that lets you separate your laptop, gym gear, clothes and other essentials. It has a 30L capacity and measures up at 31 (W) x 50 (H) x 19 (D) cm making it carry-on compatible, the durable waterproof materials with cushioned air-flow back panel means it can go where ever you go with ease.

The bag is made from 900D recycled PET, 900D recycled TPU (100% recycled Polyester), 210D recycled nylon lining and recycled PET webbing, even the water-resistant zips are recycled and on top of that the whole thing is vegan friendly.

Due to the layout of the bag, you can easily find what you need in an instant, there is a protective 16” padded laptop compartment which is handy when commuting to and from work. There is an elasticated mesh pocket on the side that can be used to store a drinks bottle or even a tripod if needed, there is a top and side grab handle making it easy

to grab out of overhead storage. To keep a compact profile there are external compression straps as well as strap loops that can be used to attach small items like lights, sunglasses or carabiners. There is a padded luggage sleeve for use with wheeled luggage, the shoulder straps are fully adjustable and comfortable with a good amount of padding. The chest strap provides a secure fit as well as spreading the weight it also helps keep the bag stable if you are cycling, the air-flow back panel does a reasonable job at allowing ventilation through.

There is a dual-access pocket on the top and a discrete, expandable front pocket, you can arrange your bits and pieces into their place with the internal organisation that’s made up of multiple zip compartments and pockets, the bright inner lining also helps you see your belongings in the depths of the bag. There is a lot to like about this bag, it feels robust and ready to travel where ever you need to go, whilst all the pockets, straps and openings make it easy to sort all your belongings, plus the recycled materials give it the feel good factor.

sTubble aNd Co roll ToP

P ros

uPgraded, durable a N d WaT er Proof maT er I als

ComforTable To CarrY

NeW luggage sleeve r ePosITIoN ed C hes T- s T ra P

uPgraded WaT er-resIs Ta NT ZIPs a N d W eaT her Proof bou N d seams

vega N fr I eN dlY

orga NIsed s Torage

The Roll Top is one of Stubble and Co’s best sellers and now has new features, it comes in two sizes 15L as well as the 20L, it also comes in eight colours, we particularly like the Yellow and the Tasmin Blue. For this review we will be looking at the 20L which measures up a 32cm (W) x 47cm (H) x 14cm (D) when rolled up and 64cm (H) when unrolled, it weighs 1.15kg.

The Roll Top has been made with tough materials, that are built to last and where possible they have used recyclables, including 900D recycled PET, 210D recycled Pet, the recycled PET webbing and the new 1200D recycled PET base. The outer of the bag is made from waterproof materials, the seams have waterproof binding and recycled waterresistant zips.

Its work-ready with a 16-inch laptop compartment and the new luggage sleeve can be used with wheeled luggage, the cushioned airflow back panel with fully adjustable straps helps avoid sweat patches. Other new additions are the repositioned chest-strap for a more custom fit, the new ergonomically designed, padded straps and the reinforced and magnetised roll top closure with G-hook fastening.

There is a bike light anchor for cycling safety, elasticated side pockets suitable for a drinks bottle, umbrella, or bike lock. The is reflective detailing for enhanced visibility in low light conditions, there is a spacious vertical outer pocket and compression straps on the sides to keep your belongs secure and as compact as possible. They can also be used as extra storage, for a jacket for example (it is worth noting the 15L does not feature the compression straps). The internal organisation area features multiple compartments and mesh pockets, in most of the colours the lining is a bright orange or a pale grey that makes locating items in the inner depth’s easer.

guNNar oPTIKs vaulT 33 glasses

Unless you’ve been living in a vault for the last year, you’re very likely to be aware of the Amazon series, Fallout and the games that directly led to it being on our screens. Obviously, nobody in their right mind would want a horrific nuclear apocalypse but, if it does happen, Gunnar can make sure that at least you’ll be able to ride it out in style! You can now own your very own pair of Vault 33 (the Vault the main protagonist is from), 40’s inspired sunglasses!

And they’re not just a gimmick either, despite the obvious coolness associated with them. The lenses 100% block UV and also harmful blue light as well as having G-Shield lens coating which is both anti-reflective and smudge resistant. The frame is made from stainless steel with a nylon front finish and olive metal temples and the thick frame lends itself to seamless side shields that help to protect your eyes from irritating ‘light-noise’, allowing you to keep your focus on whatever it is you’re looking at. Which leads in to the other aspect of these glasses, that of being ideal for gaming with. The blue light I mentioned earlier is most commonly emitted by TV screens and monitors and can easily tire your eyes out and lead to fatigue as well as potential long-term damage. So, you can immerse yourself even more fully when you’re playing Fallout and happily state that you’re wearing them to look after your eyesight! And nobody can accuse you of taking your immersion that little bit too far… perfect!

You get a choice of lenses, clear and amber (we went for amber for that little extra retro look) and they come with a micro-fibre pouch, a micro-fibre cleaning cloth and a pretty cool retro-style hard glasses case complete with Vault-Tec branding. Now all I need is a genuine Vault-Tec jumpsuit and my very own Pip-Boy.

revamP Progloss radIaNCe drYer & sTraIghTeNer gIfT seT

This limited edition 2500w high torque hair dryer and Ultra X Shine ceramic hair straightener comes in an attractive gift set just in time for Christmas, the set also includes a velvet beauty bag, a large paddle brush, a silk scrunchie and a claw clip.

The hair dryer is built with a powerful, professional high torque motor and generates infrared heat which is kinder on the hair when drying and faster when it comes to styling, it means the hair isn’t exposed to heat for a prolonged length of time. Its quite impressive for such a compact hair dryer, which is handy if you are taking it away with you. There are two speed settings and four temperature settings (including a cold shot), making it suitable for all hair types and the rear filter is easy to remove to be cleaned.

The Ultra X Shine hair straightener features wider, longer ceramic floating plates for more coverage, the heat settings that range from 80ºC to 235ºC giving you plenty of scope to find the right level for your hair type. Both the dryer and straighteners are both infused with Progloss oils which is Revamps blend of keratin, argan and coconut oil for added smoothness and shine.

The straighteners have a 3meter swivel cable to make it easy for you to reach around your entire head, it heats up quickly and glides comfortably over the hair and delivers a smooth and glossy finish. The dryer is equally straightforward to use, the concentrator on the end gives you a good amount of control over the airflow, a diffuser would have been a welcome addition for versatility. This is a cute little gift set, perfect for anyone who likes to take pride in their hair.

a good g I f T I dea for T hose W ho Ta K e

Pr I de IN sTYl INg T heI r ha I r.


P ros

I N frared - geN eraTINg heaT

P rogloss su Per smooT h oIl IN fused gr Ille a N d PlaT es

var I able T em PeraT ures

Ceram IC , IoNIC a N d IN frared T eCh NologY

3-meT re saloN sWI vel Cables velveT beau TY bag , large Paddle brush, sIlK sC ru NCh I e a N d ClaW Cl IP Cu T e g I f T seT

IsoTuNes ulTraComm

The main problem with wearing hearing protectors in a loud environment is that they are usually large and bulky on your head and when moving around can be rather inconvenient, especially if moving around in a tight environment where the tendency is to knock them loose or restrict your head movement, not to mention they can sometimes be a little too good at blocking out noise, leaving you unable to detect essential sounds and possibly compromising your safety as a result. Isotunes latest offering does away with these problems as these Bluetooth-enabled bad boys are in-ear! No more big, bulky headsets for you, time for a more streamlined hearing protector.

The sound that gets through to your ears is capped at 82dB’s max but you can adjust the amplification level to suit your needs meaning you’re still able to hear everything around you, just at a lower volume. In this respect it works in a similar way to a hearing aid, transferring outside noises to your ear at a volume that works for you and, with a transference speed of just 2 milliseconds, there is no noticeable lag. As well as this, if the noise level reaches 85dB’s or higher, the protectors just block it out, ensuring your hearing safety.

The battery life is good at about 10 hours and the charging case is good for 2 full charges before it needs recharging itself and you get 6 ear-bud tips included in the box. Fairly standard stuff but you also get a removable boom-mic that stores neatly in the charging case so you can ensure your voice is clearly heard when making calls. It does reduce the IP rating to 56 from 67 when in use but this should hardly be a problem for the short period of time you’re likely to be using it.

P ros

blueTooT h 5.2


deC eNT baTT erY l I fe

CerTI f I ed 30 db

s N r

b oT h sI r I a N d g oogle voIC e

Com PaTI ble


I f You Prefer bIg ,

C hu NKY hear INg

ProT eCTors , T hese

ProbablY CosT more

T ha N You ’ d be

WIll INg To PaY

IsoTuNes free 2.0

The main problem with wearing hearing protectors in a loud environment is that they are usually large and bulky on your head and when moving around can be rather inconvenient, especially if moving around in a tight environment where the tendency is to knock them loose or restrict your head movement, not to mention they can sometimes be a little too good at blocking out noise, leaving you unable to detect essential sounds and possibly compromising your safety as a result. Isotunes latest offering does away with these problems as these Bluetooth-enabled bad boys are in-ear! No more big, bulky headsets for you, time for a more streamlined hearing protector.

The sound that gets through to your ears is capped at 82dB’s max but you can adjust the amplification level to suit your needs meaning you’re still able to hear everything around you, just at a lower volume. In this respect it works in a similar way to a hearing aid, transferring outside noises to your ear at a volume that works for you and, with a transference speed of just 2 milliseconds, there is no noticeable lag. As well as this, if the noise level reaches 85dB’s or higher, the protectors just block it out, ensuring your hearing safety.

The battery life is good at about 10 hours and the charging case is good for 2 full charges before it needs recharging itself and you get 6 ear-bud tips included in the box. Fairly standard stuff but you also get a removable boom-mic that stores neatly in the charging case so you can ensure your voice is clearly heard when making calls. It does reduce the IP rating to 56 from 67 when in use but this should hardly be a problem for the short period of time you’re likely to be using it.

NoKTa TrIPle sCore Pro PaCK

Here’s one for the serious detectorists, the Triple Score Pro Pack uses game changing simultaneous multi-frequency (SMF) technology, this can bring up your treasure hunting game without breaking the bank. This detector offers more frequency options (04 kHz, 15 kHz, 20 kHz, Multi) and bottle cap rejection settings (0 to 8), providing even greater control and accuracy during use.

This robust unit is fully waterproof with an IP68 rating, this means it is fully submersible up to 5 meters (16ft) and protected from total dust ingress, allowing you to hunt beneath the wet sands or in salt water without compromising on precision or stability. It sports a streamline, ergonomic build, weighing just 1.2kg (2.6lb) it is comfortable to handle for long periods without causing your arms or shoulders to ache. It won’t cause you brain ache either, thanks to the user-friendly interface, simply switch it on and begins, easy, no presets and complicated settings. The Triple Score features new tone options (1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 60, P), iron volume settings (0 to 10), and a tone break feature specifically for tone Region-1, allowing for even greater personalisation and control.

It comes with two coils, the SC30 12” x 9” and the SC24 9.5” x 6”. This delivers greater versatility for different detecting environments, along with Bluetooth headphones for a more immersive experience. The Relic mode has be specifically designed hunt out historical artifacts, making your detecting session even more exciting it also has increased sensitivity settings (1 to 15), making it easier to precisely locate items.

Other features include increased recovery speed (1 to 5), there are four search modes designed for different terrains and targets, Auto Noise Cancellation, the vibration alert to notify hearing impaired users or when used in low light. The backlit LCD and LED torch gives you clear visuals in low-light conditions and the healthy 12-hour battery life can be topped up with a battery pack when away from home if needed. The firmware can be updated online via USB to let you get the most out of your detector.

The Nokta Triple Score Pro Pack is good value for money, packed full of features to keep the enthusiasts happy but at the same time it is easy enough to use that it shouldn’t put off those keen to get into the hobby.

sI mulTa N eous mulTI-freQueNCY T eC h NologY

TWo CoIls a N d four searC h modes

fullY submersI ble IN WaT er u P To 5 meT ers

60 TargeT I d s a N d h armoNIC ToN es

eas Y oPeraTIoN

vI braTIoN alerT


l IghTW eIghT

loNg baTT erY l I fe

r el IC mode

IsTorage dIsKashur 3 ssd

a PoW erfullY seC ure daTa sTorage u NIT

T haT ’ s goT more seC ur ITY laY ers T ha N You

WIll KNoW W haT To do WIT h.

P ros

eas Y To use f IPs readY

Tam Per Proof a N d

ev I deNT desIgN

b ru T e forC e ProT eCTIoN s elf-desT ruCT PIN

Wear resIs Ta NT ePoXYCoaT ed K eYPad

uNaTT eN ded au To -loCK r ead - oNlY (W r IT e ProT eCT) - dual mode Three eNC rYPTIoN modes

Tra Nsm ITs g Ps

PosITIoN To b oaTs uP

To 34 m Iles CoNs

baTT er I es NoT INCluded

No Case or aTTaC hmeNTs

The new iStorage diskAshur3 sets out to be a state-of-the-art portable HDD/SSD that sets a new benchmark in effortless data security, it is available in four colours, Diamond Black, Ruby Red, Emerald Green and Sapphire Blue. You can select how much memory you would like at the point of purchase which starts from 512GB and goes up to colossal 16TB.

From its straightforward looking interface, it’s hard to imagine this storage device is crammed full of security features but it certainly is, this doesn’t mean it needs to be complicated to use. Using the device is easy, simply connect to the host USB port (USB Type-A and Type-C cables included) and input the user-configured 8-64 digit PIN, all data stored on the drive will be decrypted and accessible. To lock the drive, simply eject it from the host, and all data will be encrypted.

As you might expect the diskAshur3 has the basic features such as PIN code access and hardware encryption, but it doesn’t stop there, it provides real-time Full Disk data security through the implementation of a Military-grade FIPS PUB 197 validated AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption algorithm. The diskAshur3 has tamper-proof security, accessing its components requires physically breaking the enclosure, where you will find all internal parts are shielded with a layer of durable epoxy resin.

The firmware complies with FIPS 140-3 Level 3 standards, the drive features a secure microprocessor certified to Common Criteria EAL5+, along with a distinctive flash lock mechanism, providing defence against potential firmware attacks on the microprocessor. It also provides protection against BadUSB attacks via the secure USB controller firmware protection mechanism, this guarantees the authentication of the USB controller firmware prior to any unlocking attempt, further enhancing security measures.

It will work on any device with a USB port and delivers ultrafast transfer speeds of 450MB/s, outpacing the impressive speeds of the FIPS ready, the backlit keypad can be turned On/Off, making the keys visible in low light conditions. The outer has a wear resistant epoxy-coated keypad which hides repeated key usage to avoid giving clues to hackers about the commonly used keys. If the User PIN is entered incorrectly 10 consecutive times, it will be deleted, the Data will remain on the device but only accessible with the Admin PIN. If the Admin PIN is entered incorrectly 10 consecutive times, all data is lost forever, and it will need to be reconfigured before it can be re-used.

One of the most James Bond features is the self-destruct PIN, enter it once and the encrypted encryption key and all PINs are deleted and all data is rendered as lost forever. Other features include the bootable feature which allows you to install any OS on the diskAshur3 and boot directly from it. The unattended auto-lock can be set to a predetermined length of time, the Read-only (write protect) - Dual Mode restricts write access to the drive, making it impossible to modify the stored data. You will be hard pushed to find a safer storage system, absolutely ram packed with security features which for the most part you won’t even interact with, allowing you to work with ease whilst having the peace of mind iStorage has got your back.

mooN sPorT rIgel maX (1500lm)

It’s coming up to that time of year again when the darkness starts encroaching on our days earlier and earlier and a decent lighting system for your bike is essential. And it’s all about the LED’s these days and quite right too! Gone are the simple days of a light bulb in your torch to light the way, instead we get something like this that can knock out up to 1500 lumens to light up even the darkest road at night with a good viewing distance of about 10 metres or so when at its maximum setting.

Of course, it’s not just a ‘switch on and done’ kind of light. Firstly, it has 6 different output modes to choose from, ranging from the maximum 1500 lumens, 500 lumens and an S.O.S. setting for when you need to stop in the middle of nowhere for emergency repairs. If you have it belting out at the max setting, the battery will be good for about 1 ½

hrs but the perfectly good 500 lumens setting will last about 4 ½ hrs if you’re planning a longer journey or are mainly city cycling. It comes with mounting for your handlebars as well as the option to mount the torch on your helmet and it fits with a Go-Pro mount too.

Charging time is about 3 hrs and is via the usual USB port that most devices come with in this day and age and it also has an ‘intelligent operation’ feature that automatically turns itself off during daytime. In addition (and the one thing that my partner absolutely will love - she hates the glare from LED lights when driving!) is the addition of an anti-dazzle lens that you can attach either way up depending on whether you have the light underslung or on top of the handlebars so you don’t end up blinding drivers, keeping you much safer!


P ros sloW- sTarT WI reless

deCeNT ru N-TI me oN T he baTT erY

baTT erY Is Com PaTI ble WIT h oT her dev ICes from T he same ra Nge CoNs

oNlY oN e KIN d of aTTaChmeNT, Would have

beeN useful To have var Ious for K s desIgN ed for dI ffereNT TasK s .

Anything that makes life easier in the kitchen is a plus for me as many of you that may have read my kitchen-ware reviews may be aware! So, this cordless hand mixer from KitchenAid is right up my street. I’ve lost count of the amount of times a wire has gotten in the way or knocked something off of a counter and just created more mess to clear up or broken something. Also, they never seem to be that flexible and are always those wires that just don’t twist in the direction you want them to so you end up doing wire-gymnastics just to make a batter mix! Rant over, you get where I’m coming from.

This device is part of a KitchenAid range with the aim being for one battery to suit all types of kitchen tools in that range. It’s a 12V battery and can give you about an hours-worth of charge before you need to plug it back in which is more than enough in all honesty. I mean, if you have to be mixing stuff continuously for more than that, you may want to question why no-one else at home is giving you a hand! It’s charged by an ever ubiquitous USB-C cable but, as with most products these days, there is no wall socket charger provided so be aware!

The mixer has a range of 7 speeds so you can go with whatever is necessary, be it whisking egg whites (I would recommend max speed for this) or mixing larger ingredients such as dried fruit for in a fruit cake mix, you can adjust accordingly. As well as this, it has a slow-start mechanism so you’re not instantly throwing ingredients all over the place as soon as you switch it on! It’s also not too heavy, clocking in at just over 1Kg so fatigue shouldn’t be an issue.

majorITY QuadrIga

I remember the first stereo I owned, proudly bought with the wages I earned from my first full-time job. It had am/ fm radio, CD, tape decks (yep, THAT old!) and separate speakers, wired of course. That thing was huge and not exactly subtle. But it had a little bit of everything and that’s what I needed. Now I look at this and it’s about a quarter of the size with the speakers built-in and it has far more capability than my old stereo ever had. It’s official, I’m jealous of the youth of today!

As well as having a CD function for all us old school fuddy duddy’s, you’ve also got Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity so you can easily link up with whatever device you have your music stored on, There’s a USB reader so you can go down the route of not needing any wireless connectivity –particularly handy if your internet cuts out for whatever reason or if you like to store your music externally on

a hard drive and we’ve also got access to thousands of internet radio stations and the podcast player when it is connected to your Wi-Fi.

You can save up to 40 of your favourites so you have plenty of choice to hand and you’ve also got access to FM radio stations too so again, if your internet goes, you can still tune in to whatever you fancy.

The speakers consist of two 4 inch drivers and a 6 inch sub-woofer, giving you a power output of 120 Watts with a decent bass. Granted, it’s not the loudest and may struggle to fill a large room with noise but for a medium sized space, it’s ideal. Plus you’ve got all those options to listen and connect to help compensate. As well as buttons on the unit itself, there is a remote control and you also have a 3.5mm headphone jack as well as an optical input. This thing really is comprehensive and available in either black or white, I want!


s PoTI f Y CoNN eCT a larm CloCK

Covers PreTTY muC h all moder N meT hods of PlaYINg

musIC Cou Pled WIT h a l ITTle bIT of old sC hool g ood Qual ITY sou N d CoNs NoT as loud as some maY l IK e

a greaT, Com PaCT sT ereo u NIT T haT has You

Covered No maTT er Your sTYle WIT h aCCess

To T housa N ds of radIo Cha NN els , I deal for PersoNal home sPaCe l IsT eNINg .

lola & lYKK e b reasT feedINg sTarT er K IT


Th Is sTarT er K IT Comes WIT h everYT h INg

You N eed To beg IN Your feedINg jour N eY.

There is a world of new gear needed when a baby is on the way, if you are planning to breast feed then a bundle like the Lola & Lykke Breastfeeding Starter Kit takes some of the hassle out of nesting, leaving more time for sleep and snacking. We have been lucky enough to review the Smart Electric Breast Pump from Lola & Lykke which is included in this bundle, this breast pump is small, compact and has no tubes or wires to worry about making it highly portable, it is battery powered with a USB rechargeable battery, one full charge will deliver 2-hours of continuous use. The Smart Touch Screen digital display features a memory button and timer for tracking and recording pumping sessions, it’s here you can increase the stimulation and suction levels.

The intuitive smart capabilities automatically move through the two stages stimulation and expression mimicking baby's natural sucking pattern, there are six levels of stimulation and nine levels of expression. The screen is quite sensitive and without a physical response to the button press it is easy to accidently jump up a few levels instead of just the one. This kit also comes with 10 breast milk storage bags with adapters, 30 breast milk storage bags, three breast shields (21mm, 24mm, 27mm), two nipple teat 2-packs (3M+, 6M+), two baby bottles (0M+, 3M+), a set of silicone spare parts, two pairs of curved bamboo nursing pads and a smart looking pump carry and cooler bag.

The bottles are BPA free, but the pump is also compatible with most standard baby bottles, which is very handy as it can take a few goes to fine the right one for baby. The adaptor bags mean you can express straight into the bag, which is helpful if you are expressing away from home, it can then be used in reverse by attaching the feeding teat to the bag so that’s one less thing to wash and sterilise.

The bags can be laid flat for fast freezing, they arrive pre-sterilised, leak-proof and ready thaw and warm up for use, the bags are BPA and phthalate free and can be safety frozen for up to six months. Although these bags are convenient unfortunately, they are single use only, this may put people off as society moves away from disposable plastics. This Starter Kit comes nicely presented in a gift box which means it’s ideal for a baby shower present, perfect for both new and experienced moms, with all the bits needed to start that feeding journey.

P ros

Com PaCT, INT u ITI ve breasT

Pum P

P um P a N d feed s T ra IghT from T he s Torage bag

WI reless

a NTI- Col IC NIPPle T eaTs

a ll T he aCCessor I es N eeded for feedINg

sTorage/Cooler bag


sTorage bags are sINgle use

The b r Io 500

Prov I des greaT

I mages a N d audIo for Wor K a N d soCI alIsINg over a v I rT ual sPaCe .

YELENA pendant
KEEGAN wall light
ARONA pendant

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