Review Smiths
THE Issue 43 May 2024
We can only apologise for being a little late this month, but we took a little break to celebrate not one, not two but three birthdays in our family, our youngest turned one, our oldest turned three and I turned 104, no wait, that’s just how old I feel.
After eating way too many birthday cakes we did find the time to look over a new collection of products, a few of which I might be keeping for myself as a cheeky present. One thing I have my eye on is the We Are Rewind Cassette Player, not only does it feel like I am reliving my childhood in the 90’s it has all the mod cons that we take for granted now.
There are plenty more products to choose from if the idea of winding up a cassette tape with a pencil is just far too triggering, we have a sound bar and subwoofer from Majority, some headphones from Skullcandy. If being active is your thing we have some premium foot gloves, a camping hammock and some super cool augmented reality swimming goggles that track your performance. Thanks for joining us again on another review journey, we will see you (and hopefully the summer sun) in June.
Editor and Chief
Managing Director
Alex Hilling-Smith
Writer Dave Hicks
Editor Emma Hilling-Smith
Writer Peter Hilling
04. skullCaNdy eCObuds
06. epOMaker dyNaTab 75X
08. sTIga COMbI 748 se
10. gOdOX luX elf reTrO CaMera flash
12. dIMO MaCarON
14. We are reWINd CasseTTe player- keITh
16. eNO dOubleNesT haMMOCk
18. TadO°
V3p4srT01VTCMl sMarT radIaTOr TherMOsTaTQuaTTrO paCk
20. flIr ONe edge
22. TOrMek T-1 kNIfe sharpeNer
24. spyragO
26. fOrM sMarT sWIM 2 gOggles
28. reCOVaprO lITe MINI Massage guN
30. lO aNd sONs rOWledge
32. pIVO lITe esseNTIals spOrTs paCk
34. MajOrITy TeTON plus 2.1 blueTOOTh sOuNdbar & WIreless subWOOfer
36. NyXI hyperION prO
38. Mee-gO pure TraVel sysTeM
40. reusCh pure CONTaCT fusION
42. reusCh glOVes pure CONTaCT gOld X For all media related enquiries please contact us at
For Advertising Enquiries
0208 191 8472
Hello all!
For more information on the Skullcandy Ecobuds click here r eduCed CarbON fOOT pr INT s kullCa N dy blueTOOT h ear buds fOr u N der £30. I M ea N, yOu Ca N read T he reVI eW bu T T haT M ay W ell be eNOugh fOr sOM e Of yOu! £29.99
It’s fair to say that Skullcandy are more known for their headphones than their buds. Indeed, the signature sound style they rely on is largely brought about by headphones so, despite their range of buds available, it’s always a little surprising when they release a new set. In this particular case, they’ve focused very much on a pair of buds that has as small an impact on the environment as they could possibly make.
They achieve this through a variety of methods such as using 65% recycled plastic in their construction and having 57% less heavy metal in comparison to most other ear buds. You would think this would surely compromise on sound but, rather than take materials away from the buds themselves they have done it by simply removing the lithium battery from the docking station, simple! Instead, you just plug the docking station in to a USB-C socket and charge the buds themselves in this manner. It does mean of course that you won’t have the ability to charge from a docking station when you’re out and about but does mean that you can charge from your phone or any other device with a USB-C port that holds power so it’s not terrible and arguably even more convenient with less weight to carry around. Plus, they have a 10 minute charge that gives you 2 hours-worth of listening time for when you’re needing a quick boost to the buds. A full charge only takes an hour and gives you about 8 hours before you’ll need to plug them back in.
So, as well as peace of mind due to the reduced carbon footprint, these buds also manage to retain that sound quality Skullcandy are known for. You get 3 pre-set EQ modes (Bass Boost, Music, Podcast) but you can’t adjust these via the Skullcandy app as you see on many of their other devices so bear that in mind. However, when they’re rocking in at just under 30 quid, you can’t have everything!
skullCaNdy eCObuds p rOs Very reasONably pr IC ed fOr W haT T hey are r eduC ed CarbON fOOT pr INT s OlO MOde – yOu Ca N use jusT ON e bud a N d all T he sOu N d au TOM aTICally s WITC hes TO IT blueTOOT h 5.2 CONs NO separaT e baTT ery IN T he dOC k
epOMaker dyNaTab 75X
Epomaker have been making keyboards for a while and are pretty good at making these rather standard items unique and different and worth actually buying. This latest offering from them introduces a new feature – the custom dotmatrix RGB LED screen. A screen is nothing knew on keyboards these days of course but most of the time, those things are tiny and limited as a result. This dot-matrix screen stretches over about 2/3rd’s of the width of the keyboard which comes in at just 345mm (about 13.5”) and the keyboard is set up at 75% size so is nice and compact.
As well as the nice large screen, the keys are gasket-mounted and, crucially in my opinion, you have the ability to adjust the angle of them, making for a more adjustable typing experience better suited to dealing with your own unique typing style and helping to reduce stress and fatigue in your hands and wrists. You have the usual feature of being able to remove and replace the keys with ones that suit you (be it for reasons of style or comfort) although to be honest, I quite like the side-facing keys that it comes with. As someone who tends to look at their keyboard a fair bit, it’s nice to not have the view of the keys obstructed by my fat fingers!
There are 3 ways to connect your keyboard: Bluetooth, wired (USB-C) and 2.4Ghz wireless (via a supplied dongle) and you are able to connect up to 3 devices simultaneously as a result. Compatibility is good, being able to work with iOS, Mac OS, Windows and Android making this a very versatile keyboard, ideal if you have multiple forms of hardware to work with. Combined with a nice soft typing sensation, a south-facing backlight and a battery life that doesn’t leave you plugging it in on a daily basis, you could do far worse!
For more information on the Epomaker DynaTab 75X click here
a NOT her sT erl INg Offer INg frOM epOM aker, T h Is TIM e WIT h a lOV ely bIg sC reeN!
p rOs
a djusTable a Ngles fOr T he keys
NICe , large sC reeN
MulTI ple deVICe a N d sysT eM CONN eCTIVIT y
sI de-faCINg keys
ONly TWO COlOur ChOICes – yOu WOuld haV e
T hOughT T here WOuld be MOre WIT h T he
eM phasIs ON beINg able TO Ta IlOr yOur keys
TO su IT yOur prefereNCe .
COMbI 748 se
a greaT all-rOu N der, sO easy TO use IT Takes T he ChOre Ou T Of MOWINg T he laWN.
My partner was so happy when this mower turned up, he has been struggling with a battery operated one for the last two years, it basically cut out every few lengths and the battery would quickly deplete and leave the lawn half cut half jungle.
The Combi 748 SE is a self-propelled lawn mower with 139 cc petrol engine and electric start, it has a 4-in-1 cutting system that collects, mulches, side discharges and rear discharges, with 60 litre collector with grass bag full indicator. The petrol engine is specially engineered for STIGA lawn mowers, it uses the Fulcrum handlebar for easy manoeuvres, it can be angled up to 25° away from the deck which lets you get under hedges and along walls without scratching. It was easy to assemble, and the electronic start makes it even easier to get going, the engines are equipped with a completely new battery system for electric start, which makes the engines more reliable, even at very low temperatures. The 748 SE has a 46cm
cutting width, the engine has a net power output of 2.20 kW @ 2900 rpm, the centralised cutting height is easily adjusted with a lever to six different positions, ranging from 22 to 80 mm. The large (280 mm) rear wheels make light work of moving over uneven terrains. When full, you simply remove the grass collector, there is a handy attachment to easily connect it to the machine and to avoid loss of grass cuttings when removing to keep things clean and tidy.
We know petrol isn’t a sustainable choice, we also know how expensive it is but seeing the smile on my partners face as he zipped up and down our lawn means the battery powered mower has been kicked to the curb. It glided so easily over our bumpy lawn, there is little effort needed to push it forward and the durable chassis feels built to last, it’s a great choice for medium to large lawns.
For more information on the Stiga Combi 748 SE click here
p rOs
166 CC peT rOl eNg IN e
eleCT r IC s TarT
s elf-prOpelled
46 CM C u TTINg WI dT h
60 l IT re grass COlleCTOr WIT h grass bag full IN dICaTOr
T easy TO M a NOeu V re
p eT rOl Is e X peNsIV e a N d NOT susTa INable
gOdOX luX elf reTrO CaMera flash
Despite us all having mobile phones these days that are quite good at taking photo’s, it’s fair to say (and I’m sure professional photographers the world over will agree with me!) that nothing beats using an actual camera and proper lighting (not to mention all the other techniques that go beyond a regular snapshot that most of us make with our phones). Sometimes a built-in flash just doesn’t get it right or give you enough light, or you possibly don’t even have one! That’s where a separate flash device comes in very helpful.
The first thing to note about this flash is the fact that it has 5 different levels of lighting ranging from a 1/1 ratio (perfect for images requiring minimal contrast such as portraits) all the way to 16/1 (a very highly contrasted shot, probably best used for black and white photography), giving you the ability to cater for all sorts of atmospheric lighting situations and allowing your creativity to take in to account another factor in that journey for the perfect image. This setting is easily changed through a large dial on the back of the flash. The second thing to note is that the light itself is soft and not at all harsh and so lends a more naturalistic light when used so even at high contrast ratios.
The flash itself is powered by a 7.4V, 350mAh lithium battery and a full charge is good for about 400 uses before it needs recharging so, if you’re planning on covering a big event like a wedding for example, you may want to consider a compact power storage device to carry with you. Charging is done via a USB-C port and the cable is provided in the box along with a storage bag to hold the flash while not in use. It’s also been designed to fit with the majority of cameras out there but have a read of the manual (free online via Godox’s site) as there are some models that it won’t fit on to.
N easy TO use , l IghTW eIghT a N d
flash fOr T he M ajOr IT y Of Ca
For more information on the Godox Lux Elf Retro Camera Flash click here
T T here TOday a N d aT a NOT r I dIC ulOus pr ICe .
p rOs
5 gradI eNTs Of l IghTINg easy TO use
Carry bag TO keep IT Clea N a N d safe W heN NOT IN use
sT yl Ish aesT heTIC
large , all-day eV eNTs COuld be a prObleM WIT h
ONly 400 uses befOre re- Charg INg N eeded bu T IT ’ s
NOT Of T eN yOu shOuld haV e T h Is prObleM!
a N easy a N d safe Way TO share yOur Cars’
daTa TO ear N reWards , MONITOr ITs healT h a N d keep a T raC k Of IT.
p rOs
g OOd reWards T haT g IV e yOu real l I fe saVINgs
a bIl IT y TO WOrk Ou T errOr COdes a N d W haT N eeds dOINg TO sOrT T heM gps T raC k INg useful app
Ca N be prObleM aTIC TO seT up OCCasIONally bu T C us TOM er
serVIC e Is V ery helpful . p rObably a g OOd I dea TO jOIN T heI r dIsCOrd COMM u NIT y befOre INsTall INg!
Dashboards on modern cars can be a bit of a minefield and they don’t even give you everything you need or want when it comes to the performance and health monitoring of your vehicle. In fact, most of us need to rely on the timeconsuming and expensive route of taking our car to a mechanic who has the software required to find out exactly what’s wrong with your car. So, what if you could easily see all this information yourself and cut out the middle man?
That’s exactly what the Macaron from DIMO achieves. You simply plug it in to your car via the Diagnostics port situated below the steering wheel and use the DIMO app to connect it up and that’s it! You can now access real-time diagnostics, giving you the ability to figure out exactly what the error code you’re seeing actually means with no need for an expensive trip to a professional, assuming your problem is one you can fix yourself of course! I would always recommend using a professional if you feel it’s something you can’t deal with, no point in playing with your own safety.
As well as the diagnostics you can also use the Macaron as a GPS tracking device, making remembering where you parked a problem of the past and if your car gets stolen by an inattentive thief, you can easily let the police know where it is. On top of all that, DIMO provides a rewards service for continued use with things such as discounts on new tyres, car financing and money back when booking servicing for your car. All you need to do is stay connected to DIMO as you drive and you automatically earn points to use in the DIMO Marketplace courtesy of data pooled from DIMO users being sold to interested 3rd parties. And don’t worry, none of your personal data is ever made available as an individual – it’s always provided as a pool of data to those purchasers so you can use this device and the network confident that it’s private.
13 For more information on the DIMO Macaron click here
TOugh alu MINI u M Case fOr a "COOl TOuCh"
TradITIONal M a N ual bu TTONs
WOrld f I rsT WI reless CONN eCTION OpTION 3.5MM MINI-jaC k plug sT ereO playbaC k CreaT e yOur OWN MIXTapes r eChargeable 12 hOur baTT ery CONs
NO eQ feaT ures
p rOs
For more information on the We Are Rewind Cassette Player Keith click here We a re r eWIN d haV e perfeCTly COM bIN ed reT rO a N d MOder N feaT ures IN T h Is beau TI ful a N d fu NCTIONal CasseTT e player.
We are reWINd CasseTTe player-
The 90s rebirth is really sticking around and I for one am loving it, it is great seeing the kids dressed as Emo’s and in oversized sportswear and don’t even get me started on the bucket hats and bum bags. One 90s staple that has made a surprise comeback is the personal cassette player, made famous again thanks to the smash hit, Stranger Things. For those of you who have been living under a rock, in the show it was an integral part of avoiding being gruesomely obliterated by a demonic monster (just like in the 90s). For our younger readers a cassette player was analogue version of Spotify but instead of having all the worlds music at your fingertips you have about 12 tracks to listen to over and over again until the tape gets all tangled and you need to reach for a Biro to fix it (see YouTube for demo).
Now I’m not going to pretend that Cassette tapes are some superior formats like Vinyl, but there is a warm and depth to it you don’t always find in digital music, and We Are Rewind have taken the task of modernising analogue sound seriously and the result is not only nostalgic but also beautiful. There are four designs to choose from the aptly named, Kurt, Serge and Keith (the version we received) as well as the new Back to Black with Amy. Just like cassette players of old the Keith features manual fast forward/rewind buttons, a headphone output, a volume control and an audio input so you can create your own mixtapes (yes that’s where the phrase comes from).
You won’t be held ransom to just 12 tracks however, thanks to the Bluetooth 5.1 connectivity, which turns the device into a wireless speaker in seconds making it a world first, you can still use your headphones with this feature too. Another appreciated upgrade is the rechargeable lithium battery that provides up to 12 hours of continuous playback, it means you don’t need a pocket full of AA’s to keep it going. When it comes to the audio, We Are Rewind have worked hard to optimise the mechanism to be as close as possible to the best of the time and claim you won’t find better on the market. Keith, just like the very first Sony Walkman, has been made without cheap plastic and instead has tough aluminium case for a "cool touch", it is built like a tank and feels wonderfully tactile.
The We Are Review Cassette Player is no fad jumping on the 90s band wagon, it is a carefully thought out and constructed tape player that delivers both style and excellent audio, so dust off your old cassettes and take a trip down memory lane safe in the knowledge that when you get sick of listening to Now That’s What I Call Music! 29, you can stream something more modern.
15 £129
eNO dOubleNesT haMMOCk
If you have ever been tempted to make the leap from tent to hammock ENO is a great place to start, you could be forgiven for thinking a hammock sleeps just one person but like the name suggests the DoubleNest has room for two. This hammock comes in 16 different colours letting you choose between something that blends into its surroundings or stands out, this award-winning hammock is expertly constructed with durable yet soft FreeWave fabric. This fabric is not only strong enough to hold up to 400 lbs (181 kg) but breathable and fast drying, it measures up at 9'6" x 6'4", that’s roomy enough to fit a 9-foot 5 person, if you know one. The wonderful thing about hammocks is they pack down wonderfully small, it becomes a 6" x 4" x 5" package and weights just 538g.
It comes with an integrated stuff sack which doubles as an internal stash pocket, this compresses it to travel-ready size (or as ENO proudly state, the size of a grapefruit), it also means you don’t risk losing the bag in amongst your other gear. It is compatible with all ENO Hammock Straps, Stands, Bug Nets, Rain tarps and Insulation systems (sold separately) and has been designed to be used with ENO Suspension systems like the Atlas and Helios (sold separately) letting you customise your kit for your adventure.
It is easy to set up and features improved hardware for extra ease and safety, a specially designed hammock-grade carabiner has custom side-release buckle, and larger cord lock, you need to find two mature trees or anchor points approx. 10-15ft (3-4.5m) apart that can safely support the ENO hammock and its occupant(s). Then it is a case of attaching the carabiners to straps making sure each carabiner clicks closed, adjust the ENO hammock and hammock straps to reach a hanging height of 18in (45cm) or less from the ground. Then it is just a case of gently lowering yourself into the hammock and relaxing, you can keep your drink and essentials at arm’s reach with the accessory pocket located inside the stuff sack. ENO recommends that you hang your hammock at approx. 30° and position yourself diagonally to lay flat and to be careful not to hang the hammock too tight. The DoubleNest hammock features a longer hammock body and uses triple-stitch seam construction with the FreeWave fabric, which offers an exclusive crinkle treatment for exceptional softness and packability, no more wrestling with stuffing sacks when it is time to leave. We love the DoubleNest, it is a different way to enjoy the great outdoors and reduces your pack size no end. We would just recommend if you are bunking up with a bed fellow, ensure they don’t have an issue with personal space as you will be close together.
For more information on ENO DoubleNest Hammock click here
h Ighly durable WIT h T r I ple- sTITChed sea Ms
speCI ally desIgN ed CarabIN ers C reaT e a safer,
easI er ha Ng
paC ks dOWN ulT ra sM all a N d l IghTW eIghT
spaCIOus fOr ON e bu T WIT h rOOM fOr TWO
Qu IC k a N d easy seT up a N d paC k dOWN
fasT dry INg fabr IC
a ddITIONal k IT N eeds TO be bOughT
separaT ely I f T h Is Is yOur f I rsT ha MMOC k
dITCh T he bulky T eNT a N d eN jOy
T he greaT Ou T dOOrs IN a u NIQue Way.
17 p rO
radIaTOr TherMOsTaT - QuaTTrO paCk
Running in the UK can be unpredictable, you start out with blue skies and sunshine but before you know it the clouds gather, and the wind picks up and your body starts getting cold, the right clothing is essential to get the most out of your run. The Windbreaker from Soar is a running jacket available in men’s and women’s sizes (XS-XL) in Red, Black and Orange, designed specifically for protection from blustery winds and cold conditions. It has a close-fitting ergonomic design which hugs the body to prevent loose material flapping in the wind, it can be worn over a base layer or directly on the skin.
The material is mid-weight and stretchy, so it moves with the body without restriction of the arms or torso, the long sleeve shell blocks out the wind and cold whilst letting the body breathe and moisture escape. The construction has strategic panelling in the body, this stops the lower part from riding up as you move and exposing the skin beneath, for added protection there's a cord system on your lower back to give you the precise fit. The laser-cut cuffs and ergonomic arm construction keep the sleeves where they are, the super thin cuff prevent any rubbing or irritation, especially important when running in wet conditions.
The inner lining of the jacket has a soft brush finish which helps keep things comfortable and provides some insulation against the skin, warm enough to wear as a single layer in milder weather or just one base layer when things get colder. There is a diagonal waterproof zip pocket at the rear that can be used to store keys, phone and gels for example without bouncing around or causing discomfort. There is some high vis detailing and reflective seams to improve visibility on gloomy days. The Windbreaker does exactly as it promises, it provides a good amount of warmth for how thin and light it is, the fit is really comfortable and flattering, it can easily become your go to jacket for trips out as well as running.
TadO° V3p4srT01VTCMl sMarT
a N
XT eNsION TO T he TadO° V3+ WI reless Ther MOsTaT sTarT er k IT allOWINg yOu TO add up
radI aTOrs TO T he sysT eM.
TO 4
g IV es yOu eV eN MOre CONT rOl
OV er yOur hOM es’ IN dIVI dual rOOM T eM peraT ures easy TO read led dIsplay
lIN ks up WIT h T he resT Of T he TadO° sysT eM easy INsTallaTION CONs
ONly WOrks as a N addITION TO T he sTarT er k IT a N d NOT ON IT ’ s OWN.
19 For more information on the TADO° V3P4SRT01VTCML Smart Radiator Thermostat click here
p rOs
flIr ONe edge
The FLIR ONE Edge is a thermal imager designed to let you inspect even the most hard-to-reach areas from any position or angle, it works by wirelessly connecting to your smart phone so you can poke the camera into super tight spaces or clip it onto your phone for one handed operation. The FLIR uses MSX Image Enhancement, this stands for Multi Spectral Dynamic Imaging, so instead of just a blurry thermal reading it layers over a real time image providing you with all the detail needed for a thorough inspection.
The ONE Edge works alongside the FLIR ONE app, this is available on Google Play and the Apple App Store, it lets you identify thermal hot or cold spots that could indicate faults or developing issues. The app teaches you how to use the camera with step-by-step inspection guides, this will help you learn how to confidently identify air leaks, insulation or moisture issues, and automotive problems. You can discover what to look out for and compare your images to typical faults, there is the option of subscribing to inspection guides, this gives you access for a full year of supportive learning and increase your ability to inspect during the right conditions.
The wireless connection allows the same camera to be used with both Android and iOS devices, this makes it easy to share the device with other work mates. Images can be captured, saved and shared whilst connecting to FLIR Ignite allows you to instantly upload your files to the cloud where you can create reports as well as organize, store, and share data with your team. The device itself is more than capable of withstanding the hazards of the worksite thanks to the IP54 rating, it has also survived drop testing from 2 meters.
A full charge will give you about 2.5hours or continuous use and the fast-charging capabilities means you never have to wait long to get it up and running again. The FLIR ONE Edge is a powerful and functional thermal imager, with lots of support helping you understand all the details of your images.
rOs M s X I M age eN ha NC eM eNT fu NCTIONal fl I r ON e app easy TO use
rObusT desIgN fasT C harg INg
WOrks WIT h IOs a N d a N drOI d
Th Is T her M al IM ager M akes Qu IC k WOrk Of I deNTI fy INg pOT eNTI al Issues .
21 For more information on the FLIR ONE Edge click here
COM paTI ble WIT h T he N eW I p hON e 15
TOrMek T-1 kITCheN kNIfe sharpeNer
Quick, easy, clean and quiet, it precisely sharpens blades 12 - 60mm high and up to 5mm thick, with unlimited length. The Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener effortlessly delivers a razor-sharp cutting edge and a durable angle that won’t dull after every use.
The Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener has a sleek industrial design and comes fully assembled with a solid oak handle, powder-coated zinc body, diamond grinding wheel and composite honing wheel.
Built to last, with an 8-year warranty.
For more information on the Tormek T-1 Kitchen Knife Sharpener click here
The warm weather is pretty much here, just over that horizon over there… And you know what that means of course? Water fight!!! Having (gleefully!) reviewed a couple of Spyra’s water guns (those beasts are too large to be called water pistols and water cannons just conjures images of what a water fight shouldn’t look like…) in the past, it was with great pleasure that I got to review actual water pistols this time round. Finally, the kids in the family can get involved without feeling like they’re going to fall over as soon as pick up a fully-filled water-squirting behemoth!
They come in blue and red and feature all of the hallmarks that Spyra have made their own – a digital display of how many shots the pistol has left and how much battery level remains, a transparent window so you can see how much water you have left in the tank and the single shot feature that allows you to fire water ‘pellets’ courtesy of Spyra’s Single Shot Technology. They’re also not tiny (kind of makes the whole ‘pistol’ thing a slight mis-nomer…), allowing for plenty of ammunition yet rock in at a fairly light 1.3Kg once fully loaded – perfect for the smaller people in your family or, for the real hardcore water-fight enthusiasts amongst you, an easily portable side-arm you can whip out in an emergency low-ammo sitch! You also get a strap with it so you can conveniently carry it hands-free.
The only real departure for this water pistol from the rest of their range is the fact that it is only manual loading as opposed to sticking the barrel in a bucket of water and letting it do it’s thing. So, load up on those water bottles or have a tap as a re-spawn point (no shooting each other within 5 yards!) and get all the family involved!
fINally, a V ersION T haT IsN ’ T TWICe T he sI ze
ed T h
su MM er NOW, NO e XC uses! For more information on the SpyraGo click here
Of T he yOu NgsT er Carry INg IT! The W hOle fa MIly Ca N COM fOrTably geT INVOlV
I d fr I eN dly baTT ery lasTs fOr arOu N d 9000 shOTs TradITIONal ref Ill aT T he baCk Of T he
p rOs lIghT
OT her Offer INgs 25 £44
gu N
slOW TO relOad IN COM par IsON TO T heI r
fOrM sMarT sWIM 2 gOggles
Every now and then a gadget comes along that makes you think wow, we are living in the future now, these goggles are like something Bond would wear, full of functional tech that actually works. Swimmers have always been a bit left out or an afterthought when it comes to fitness trackers but the Smart Swim 2 from FORM is purpose built for swimmers with an augmented reality display with real-time metrics.
These goggles have an integrated heart rate monitor and will use this data to provide you with a detailed lengthby-length breakdown, showing you the areas you need to work on and where you are performing well. The details measured are heart rate, pace, stroke rate, stroke count, distance per stroke, split times, time swam, distance and calories burned. I half expected these goggles to be whopping great things with bulky sensors and battery packs hanging off them however the new design has a 15% reduction in tech pack size (vs Swim 1). The extended strap mounts for added stability, upgraded eye seals for increased comfort, the heart rate sensors sit on the temple and tracks your performance.
The motion sensors have automatic stroke detection and tracking, you don’t need to do anything to activate it, so it doesn’t distract from your swim. What you see on the display can be customised for your needs, it will automatic sync your workouts, plans and completed swims to the companion app via Bluetooth.
It has a healthy battery life of up to 14 hours, it is compatible with Strava, TrainingPeaks, TriDot, Apple Health, and Final Surge and can be paired with Garmin and Apple watches for distance and GPS data such as pace per 100m, keeping an eye on your distance swum is reassuring and improves safety in open water conditions. They are race approved by World Triathlon, PTD, USA Triathlon and Supertri, they are made to last with replaceable, proprietary eye seals and come with five interchangeable, arched nose bridges for the perfect fit.
The display can be worn on left or right eye and remains visible for prescriptions up to -3, the mirror lenses are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use and feature industry-leading anti-fog coating. If we are going to be picky the field of view might be a bit limited for some, this is due to the sensor on the side, this might become an issue during busy races.
There are even more features available if you sign up to the Premium functions including the HeadCoach for instant technique feedback and analysis, the SwimStraight mode that is a first in-goggle compass, access to 1500+ workouts or build your own and TrainingPeaks which import workouts into your goggles. You get two months free trial with your purchase and then it a reasonable £7 p/m after that.
Like all fitness trackers the data isn’t fool proof, now and then you might find some irregularities (I mean Strava doesn’t always get it right) but on the whole they are accurate and provides you with a detail insight into your swimming session that we could have only dreamed about a few years ago.
fINally a deCeNT aNd fuNCTIONal fITNess TraCker fOr sWIMMers, WITh augMeNTed realITy real TIMe dIsplay.
r eal TIM e feedbaC k ON T he aug M eNT ed real IT y leNs
useful a N d aCC uraT e T raC k INg
COM fOrTable TO W ear WIT h persONal Ised f IT
a NTI-fOg , MI rrOred leNses
g O p reMI u M fOr eV eN MOre useful feaT ures aT jusT £7 p/M
14hOur baTT ery l I fe
NarrOW f I eld Of VIsION MIghT pu T sOM e Off. £229
For more information on the FORM Smart Swim 2 Goggles click here 27 p rOs
reCOVaprO lITe MINI Massage
ChargINg MaT
There is evidence that massage is so good for both physical and mental health but for many of us it’s an expensive treat and takes time out of the day we just don’t have, that’s where massage guns have stepped in to provide massage on demand, anytime, anywhere. The Recovapro Lite Mini makes it even easier by coming in a compact form at just 700g which means you can easily take it with you to the gym, work or holiday. Its small stature doesn’t mean it isn’t powerful, it can deliver an impressive 2800 percussions per minute. It comes with four attachments, a protective carrying case, lithium-ion magnetic charger, worldwide charger adapter and soft leather charging mat.
The attachments are used for targeted treatment, they are made from innovative materials providing high-quality all over body treatment, each attachment glides easily across skin or clothes and can be used with lotions and oils which can easily be wiped away, sweat included. The Ball attachment provides 5/10 impact and is suitable for large muscle groups and ideal attachment for treating Plantar fasciitis, the Flat attachment delivers 6/10 impact and is good for all parts of the body and ideal for treating quads, hamstrings and calves. The Fork Attachment will give you 8/10 impact and is made for the neck and in between the spine whilst the Bullet Attachment give you 10/10 impact and is great at pinpoint treatment, an ideal attachment to release those knots.
The rechargeable battery will give you 180+ minutes of use (depending on the settings) it uses 12mm amplitude for muscle relaxation and has five preset speed modes (1500/25, 1800/30, 2100/35, 2400/40, 2800/47 percussions per minute) and 40 lbs certified force. The omnidirectional movement works to the contours of the body unlike other devices which are bi-directional, getting right in the muscles where you need it, it is super easy to use and reasonably quiet, so you won’t get too many odd looks if you are using it around others. The Recovapro Lite Mini is a great choice for muscle treatment and relaxation on the go, this small but powerful massage gun will deliver time and time again, whenever you need it.
guN WITh
For more information on the Recovapro Lite Mini Massage gun with Charging Mat click here £89
p rOs
pOrTable a N d
pOW erful
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fleXI ble adapTIV e
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M agN eTIC Charger
5 speeds
4 aTTaCh M eNTs a pOW erful a N d COM paCT M assage gu N Is ready TO
gO WIT h yOu W hereV er yOu gO.
In women’s fashion it is so rare that you find something that is practical, beautiful and built to last, so when you do come across something that ticks all the boxes it is worth spending the extra pounds. The Rowledge from Lo and Sons is one of these scarce items, it comes in two sizes the Small which holds 17L and the Large which offers 21L. In all the designs the main material is a tough black nylon but there are different hardware and interior lining options, we received the Large with Gold hardware and Lavender interior.
The Rowledge has been thoughtfully designed for versatility, it aims to be a do-it-all backpack for women that seamlessly converts into a tote when needed. It is laptop friendly; it has its own specific compartment that fits up to a 13” laptop, it has its own water-resistant zipper to keep rain (and happy-hour spills) out. if you need to access it quickly, at the airport for example, it is easy to grab from the exterior, you don’t need to expose the rest of your belongings to get it.
So often backpacks are designed around a male body but not the Rowledge, it understands that women are built differently, the adjustable straps sit close together so it is more comfortable on smaller frames. Speaking of the straps there is a handy sleeve they can be tucked into when using the bag in the tote style, this sleeve doubles up as a convenient pass-through allowing you to slide it onto most roller bags and suitcases, it also fits under any airline seat, letting you keep it close to hand. The only noticeable issue is that the back panel doesn’t have any ventilation to speak of so things can get sweaty and can leave wet patches on warmer days.
Other features include a multiple organisation pocket to organise your belongings, designated water bottle pockets that lay flat when not in use—but stretch to fit your drink when needed, the light-coloured, hummingbird print interior lining also makes it easier to locate smaller belongings in the depths of the bag. The premium materials and hardware can withstand whatever life throws at it; you don’t need to be too precious with it, the natural-grain leather accents add a touch of luxury.
This bag is a great allrounder, lightweight, comfortable and stylish, it doesn’t look out of place whether it’s at the gym, work, holiday, the commute, it can also work well as a stylish nappy bag for a few years.
p rOs sT yl
VersaTIle durable M aT er I al I NT egraT ed lapTOp COM parTM eNT desIgN ed fOr feM ale bOdI es CONs NO V eNTIlaTION ON T he baC k pa N el
lO aNd sONs rOWledge
Truly a bag fOr eV ery OCCasION.
31 £428 For more information on the Lo and Sons Rowledge click here
pIVO lITe esseNTIals spOrTs paCk
Whether you’re a content creator or just want to measure and assess your own sporting performance, it’s not always easy getting the filming right. If you don’t have a friend or colleague happy to film for you, you’re always left with a set frame of where you can work and no way to know how it’s turning out without constantly interrupting yourself to watch back the footage. Hardly ideal when you also want to get a work-out in! The Pivo Lite allows you to get around these problems with a minimum of fuss.
Prepping is as easy as attaching your smartphone and pairing via Bluetooth. The Essentials Sports Pack includes a tripod so there is no need to find a stable surface to place your Pivo and you can pick and choose where to have your set-up as a result. Once you have it set up, the pivo automatically tracks you with a 360° field of view as well as automatically zooming in and out as you undertake your activity, leaving you to get on with it and not worry about whether you’re in frame or not or whether you’ve captured everything. The AI keeps your face or body as the focal point of the recording, ensuring you’re always in shot, giving you that peace of mind.
The Pivo+ App is the thing that really allows you to get the best out of this bit of kit and it’s free with no requirement to pay a subscription cost, always a plus in my mind! With this, you get the ability to change the parameters it uses to record (face or body zoom for example or having predictive following switched on) and you can even use it when making video calls so that you’re automatically followed while in a meeting, very handy for those working away from home, freeing you from the shackles of your desk!
For more information on the Pivo Lite Essentials Sports Pack click here
p erfeCT fOr lON e CONT eNT C reaTOrs a N d T hOse T haT
haV e ON e Of T hOse fr I eN ds T haT, NO M aTT er hOW
WIll INg T hey are , Ca N N eV er seeM TO Qu IT e Na Il IT W heN f IlMINg .
p rOs s eT up a N d g O
sM all a N d l IghTW eIghT – T he W hOle k IT WIT h IN T he bag W eIghs jusT 1.5kg free app
easy TO uplOad TO sOCI al M edI a
COuldN ’ T see a N y T h INg IN T he app T haT allOW ed yOu
TO prOperly a Nalyse yOur physICal aCTIVIT y OT her T ha N
WaTC h INg yOurself baC k IN T he reCOrdINg – T h Is WOuld haV e
beeN a NIC e TOuC h.
sOuNdbar & WIreless subWOOfer
Majority are still a relative newcomer to the speaker market being formed in 2012 but it’s fair to say they have quickly risen through the ranks to become one of the best-selling brands out there covering Europe and the USA and there’s a reason for that. Their products are affordable and deliver on what they are designed for. This Soundbar & Subwoofer combo is no different.
First of all, the power output on this thing is very high at 180 watts! Most speakers tap out at about 80-100 and this is great for a good-sized room of up to about 200 odd square feet. But you’ll get to a certain volume and start losing out on the quality of sound as distortion kicks in. The 180 watt ceiling basically allows you to have the volume up louder without losing any of the quality allowing you to fill a larger room with sound or just have great quality at a great volume! You may want to warn your neighbours before settling in for your evening’s entertainment however… As well as this, the pack comes with a 5.25” sub-woofer so the bass really comes in to its own and adds to the richness of the sound.
Both the soundbar and sub-woofer are wireless and can connect via Bluetooth. If this doesn’t work for you, there are other options: USB, HDMI ARC and AUX are all cabled connections for those that don’t want or can’t use wireless connectivity. Although in all honesty, if you’re purchasing this system in the first place, chances are you’re getting it for the wireless capability and the clutter-free aesthetic (or just want to stop the cats finding something new to chew on) but there are arguments to be made for the benefit of wired connection, particularly with HDMI ARC so having the option is a nice little touch.
MajOrITy TeTON plus 2.1 blueTOOTh
a NOT her g OOd Offer INg frOM M ajOr IT y Offer INg OOdles Of pOW er a N d CONN eCTIVIT y OpTIONs , a N d aT T h Is pr IC e , W hy NOT?
Very g OOd fOr T he pr IC e
s Ou N d Qual IT y Is reTa IN ed NO M aTT er T he VOlu M e COM es WIT h a reMOT e CONT rOl
s Ou N d bar has 2.1 C ha NN el surrOu N d sOu N d CONs
Th Is M uC h pOW er COuld be WasT ed IN a M edI u M sI zed rOOM.
For more information on the Majority Teton Plus click here
p rOs
For more information on the NYXI Hyperion Pro click here £49.06 p rOs WI reless Or WI red TurbO MOde 6 a XIs gyrO NeV er deV elOp dr I f T M appINg fu NCTION a djusTable VI braTION p ersONal Ised l IghTINg CONs Thu M b sTIC ks laC k gr I p
NyXI hyperION prO
The Hyperion Pro from NYXI is a wireless Joy-pad for Switch/Switch OLED available in Purple or Green, it measures up at 109 x 65 x54mm and weighs a comfortable 203g, it has a built in 500mAh rechargeable battery which offers about 6hours of play time and takes 2hours to fully recharge. It has a wireless receiving distance of 10m but can also be connected via a wire to the console to save battery life.
The upgraded Hall Effect delivers precise control and never develops drift for accurate movements and a greater gaming experience, the "Gamer's Reflex" Memory Function lets you customise your gaming experience by saving your chosen settings for a personalised gameplay sessions. The back buttons are fully programmable allowing you to tailor the controls so you can perform complex strategies fast and effortlessly for a competitive edge.
The Hyperion Pro uses 6-Axis Gyroscope motion sensing to immerse yourself in the game allowing, delivering high precision when it comes to movement for seamless integration into virtual worlds. The adjustable Turbo and Vibration function enhances the gaming experience with responsive physical feedback for heightened immersion. The unit has been designed to be super comfortable with an ergonomic shape to help reduce fatigue letting you play for longer without ended up with a couple of claws instead of hands at the end of the session.
The thumb grips are quite smooth and could do with a bit more traction, but this can be rectified with a grip cover, the thumb sticks are also replaceable for longer life span, the eight colour RGB lighting has three different modes for a personalised finish. The Hyperion Pro is a high performing, customisable Joy Pad the creates an immersive and detailed gaming experience.
Th Is jOy pad el IMINaT es T he r Isk Of a NNOy INg dr I f T, leTTINg yOu COM pleT ely IMM erse yOurself WIT h IN T he ga M e .
a N eff ICI eNT 3 IN 1 T raV el sysT eM, WIT h all T he aCCessOr I es N eeded fOr
a N eW bOr N.
p rOs
3 IN 1 T raV el sysT eM
sT yl Ish desIgN
lOTs Of aCCessOr I es
large s TOrage baskeT
fOrWard a N d rear
faCINg s T rOller
l IghTW eIghT
NO lOC k INg sysT eM
For more information on the Mee-Go Pure Travel System click here
Mee-gO pure TraVel sysTeM
When it comes to having a baby there is so much to buy it can feel so overwhelming, with lots of products trying to convince you they are must haves, in reality there is only a handful of things that are really worth investing in and a decent travel system is one of those. The Mee-Go Pure is a 3 in 1 travel system which comes with a carry cot, stroller and compatible car seat adaptors so you can pop the car seat straight on the stroller without having to risk waking baby.
There is a choice of finishes that all look sleek and stylish (before they get covered in baby yuk), the carrycot is suitable from birth to around 6 months of age (or 9kg), the interior is soft with a quilted finish. There is an integrated wind shield and a see-through peek-a-boo window where you can check if little one has fallen asleep without disturbing them, the built-in ventilation panels keep baby cool, and the included mattress gives them a cosy place to sleep whilst you are out and about.
When baby has grown out of the carry cot and is ready to see the world around them the stroller is suitable from 6 months all the way up to around 4 years of age, the large spacious seat can be set up either forward facing or rear facing. There are four adjustable recline positions so they can still take a snooze, there is a 5-point safety harness, a leatherette styled handle and bumper bar.
The high-end premium fabrics feel robust enough to withstand the urban environment and repeated folding and unfolding. Speaking of folding it is worth noting that it cannot be folded down with the carry cot attached, this means it takes up a bit of space in your boot until baby outgrows it. When you are dealing with the stroller you can easily fold the whole thing down with one hand. It is lightweight at just 6.2kg and will self-stand if needed, the downside is there is no locking mechanism which means you might have to watch your legs when getting it out of the boot with one hand.
There are lots of additional accessories including designer mama bag (what about dada), fleece lined footmuff, rain cover, mosquito net, changing mat, stroller apron for cooler days, coordinated hand muffs and Isofix base.
The Mee-Go Pure is a good choice for an all in one set up, with space for baby as they grow and a generous storage basket, ideal for urban environments and those looking for a stylish finish.
reusCh pure CONTaCT fusION
The first of the Reusch Gloves we are looking at are the Fushion, designed with a second-skin fit, they have set out to combine lightness and grip which is at the core of the Pure Contact Line. Constructed with 55% Latex, 28% Rubber, 11% Polyester, 5% Polyamide and 1% Polyurethane, it’s the latex that provides the premium grip be it a dry or wet match.
The gloves feature a Hybrid Negative Cut, this means it has a negative cut construction with wrapped latex around the index finger and pinkie for an enlarged catching area where it is needed. There is a tight fitting layer of neoprene which extends to the wrist area so the second skin feel, it extends all the way down backhand to the opening and is mixed with a highly elastic textile on the inner wrist side.
The steady cuff helps to stabilize the wrist and also keeps the gloves feeling comfortable throughout the game and adds to a streamline finish. It has been specifically designed to follow the natural shape of the hand with slightly spread fingers to maintain the form for support a natural catching position. The palm latex wraps around the thumb to enlarge the grip in this area and add to the ergonomic shape, whilst the full elastic strap made with latex and neoprene reinforces the stabilisation around the wrist. The glove has small holes placed in the latex gussets to provide some much needed ventilation and keep the hands cool and dry. There is a slim pull loop on the inside of the cuff that helps get the gloves on quick and easily. The slim design means these gloves are perfect for leaner hands and the grippy palms offer excellent ball feel and control.
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CONT rOl True TO sI ze COM fOrTable b reaT hable easy ON a N d Off CONs M IghT NOT be su ITable fOr larger ha N ds
elleNT a MOu NT Of
p a N d
41 For more information on the Reusch Pure Contact Fushion click here The seCON d sk IN f IT M ea Ns T hey a greaT ChOICe fOr slIMM er ha N ds .
For more information on the Reusch Gloves Pure Contact Gold X click here
CONT rOl .
WIT h a N eNlarged a N d sTICky gr I p area yOu ga IN h Igh leV els Of ball
reusCh glOVes pure CONTaCT
The Second pair we have had the pleasure to play with are the Gold X, as they are also in the Pure Contact line, they also have a second-skin fit and focus on a light feel with premium grip at its core. They are constructed with 50% Latex, 27% Rubber and 23% Polyester. These gloves have an adhesive GluePrint technology and the Reusch Grip Gold X latex guarantee for a premium grip and stickiness.
These gloves have an anatomical shape following the natural curves of the hand, the fingers are slightly spread for a comfortable fit and to support the natural catching position. The large grip zone is created by an expanded latex across the palm and travels all the way to the entrance for a significantly large ball contact zone, the 3D thumb crotch (yes, your thumb has a crotch) rolls between the thumb and index finger, this avoids awkward or stiff seams and supports the ergonomic fit. The new patent filed AdaptiveFlex Closure System allows the gloves to maintain their flexibility whilst adding support and a close fit around the wrist which is adaptable to the individuals wrist thickness. This is created by a special two-layer system which provides a supple fit and stability. The Gold X have a Hybrid Negative Cut, this is a negative cut construction with wrapped latex around the index finger and the pinkie for a large catching area right where it’s needed.
The strapless construction means they are easy to put on and take off, whilst the special adhesive print to the latex palm provides excellent amounts of grip whatever the weather. The snug fit has the perfect balance of flexibility and lightness allowing the hands to move naturally whilst the sticky large grip area provides first-rate ball feel and control.
gOld X p rOs fI rsT raT e ball CONT rOl large gr I p area COM fOrTable easy ON a N d Off Wr IsT sTabIl IT y s eCON d sk IN a N d ergONOMIC f IT a djusTable
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