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NIxplay sMarT FraMe
NIxplay sMarT phOTO FraMe 15.6 INCh (wI-FI)
The Smart Photo Frame is their next-generation smart frame, measuring up at 9.96” W x 15.91” H with a 1.18” depth, it has a 1920 X 1080 FHD display and comes in sizes 9.7, 10.1 and 15.6 inches, we received the latter to review. It can be wall mounted or left free standing; the decision is yours but just like the digital photo frame it needs a main connection to operate which needs to be taken into consideration when choosing a location. The 15.6 inch is the biggest Smart Frame there is, letting you see more clearly big groups and smaller details that might get lost on small frames, it has an aspect ratio of 16:9 and supports JPEG / JPG. What makes the Smart Photo Frame a great gift for parents, grandparents and friends we are missing right now is the ability to share your images straight to their frames and get them to send you pictures to your frame in return, you can send whole playlists to different frames creating a lovely network of images and videos with your loved ones. The images are sent safely over the Nixplay App, it’s here you can connect to Google Photos to ensure your frame is up to date, Dropbox, Facebook and Instagram are also supported from the website. The frame will automatically adjust the image into the portrait or landscape placement position, the built-in motion sensor turns the frame on/off automatically when you are nearby and also works with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant, just ask for the playlist you want to see. The two 2 W speakers allow you to hear the audio from the videos received, the included infrared remote gives you control over the settings from the comfort of your chair. This large frame provides a beautiful display for your images and videos, getting a surprise new image from a friend or family member is such a lovely experience at a time like this we believe it is well worth the money.
prOs share phOTOs aNd VIdeOs prIVaTely £269.99 wIreless CONNeCTIVITy COMpaTIble wITh aMaZON alexa aNd gOOgle assIsTaNT wall MOuNT Or Free sTaNdINg 1920 x 1080 Full hd Ips dIsplay
auTO adJusTs TO pOrTraIT Or laNdsCape plaCeMeNT MOTION seNsOr TurNs The FraMe ON/OFF auTOMaTICally
a lOVely aNd prIVaTe way TO share IMages sTraIghT TO lOVed-ONes walls.