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NudIe JeaNs grITTy

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sCaNMarKer aIr

sCaNMarKer aIr

Nudie Jeans have actively been increasing the share designed to sit at the hip with plenty of room from the of sustainable materials used in their jeans from their seat down to the leg opening. beginning in 2001, since 2012 all their denim is made with The clean silhouette looks smart whilst ensuring the 100% organic cotton, ensuring no pesticides, synthetic wearer is comfortable whether standing or sitting for both fertilizers, and biocides are used in the manufacturing a classic and versatile fit. There are six colours to choose process. from, we received the Black Forest version, these trousers Their jeans are not designed to be used only a few times, use 12.5 oz. rigid denim, with black thread on all seams they offer free repairs and used denim going back into and copper trims, the colour is created by using indigothe system for second-hand jeans or raw material for new blue denim that has been garment-dyed black and gently products. By working with Fair Wear Foundation Nudie washed to bring out the blue-black look. When it comes Jeans can ensure ethical working conditions across the to transparency Nudie Jeans reveal all their cards, from whole line of their production. The Gritty Jackson is a new information of the raw material used, yarn supplier, trim, cut brought into production September 2020, there are warehouse, transport information and more. The jeans different dyes to choose from including prewashed and dry. were comfortable to wear, they take a bit of breaking The dry versions require 6 months of wearing no washing, in like all good denim should but it’s well worth the when it does come to washing you get these beautifully commitment for a trusty pair of versatile, long living natural worn patterns come out in the denim, just like jeans, they are rare to come by. proper cowboy jeans. The Gritty Jackson is cut with a regular straight fit, a mid-waist and zip fly, they have been prO 100% OrgaNIC COTTON COMFOrTable VersaTIle eThICal aNd TraNspareNT COMpaNy raNge OF COlOurs Free repaIrs

sTIll lOOKINg FOr The JeaNs ThaT prOVIde The perFeCT FIT, lONg lIFe aNd Care abOuT TheIr eNVIrONMeNTal IMpaCT, lOOK NO FurTher.



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