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NIxplay dIgITal FraMe
NIxplay dIgITal phOTO FraMe 10.1 INCh (NON-wI-FI)
It was perhaps too optimistic to hope that by this stage we might be able to see our families and friends face to face a bit more, however one thing this lockdown has taught us is the importance of capturing the moments when we are together. The Nixplay Digital Photo Frame comes in four sizes, 8, 10.1, 13.3 and 15.6 inches, we received the 10.1 to test out, this frame measures up at 6.89” W x 10.12” H and 1.18” deep without the stand and 3.23” with stand. The HD widescreen 1280 X 800 with a resolution and aspect ratio of 16:10. You can choose between wall mounting the frame or standing it on a counter, however it is worth noting it needs to be plugged into the mains which will restrict where it can be placed. The frame can be set up in either portrait or landscape mode, it is easy to set up, simply plug in and play, it is compatible with JPEG / JPG as well as MPEG-4 / MP4 videos there are two built in stereo speakers. The slideshow can be personalised to play in the order of the date they were taken, the file name or simply shuffle them up for a total surprise, the photos and videos are loaded onto the frame by inserting a USB stick or memory card into the available ports. The integrated clock and calendar and energy saving Hu-Motion Sensors automatically turns the frame on and off, whilst the magnetic remote control gives control over when you see your images. The Nixplay Digital Photo Frame is a nice way to relive those precious moments with a bright, colourful and sharp display without too much complicated technology to get your head round.
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