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pROs Real TIme mONITORINg aCCess yOuR aIR DaTa fROm aNywHeRe wITH THe fRee awaIR app leaDeR IN IaQ TeCHNOlOgy COmpaRe wITH OuTDOORs TRaCk CHaNges OVeR TIme aND sHOws HOw aCTIONs ImpaCT yOuR spaCe peRsONalIseD ReCOmmeNDaTIONs COmpaCT aND sTylIsH CONs DIsplay DIffICulT TO ReaD pRICe mIgHT puT sOme Off



fIND OuT eXaCTly wHaT yOu aRe BReaTHINg IN wHIlsT yOu aRe INDOORs.

Many of us are spending more time in our homes since there has been a big shift towards remote working, this is convenient for lots of reasons, however unlike most offices our homes are also spaces we cook in, play in, have the pets running around in, wash and clean in. All this activity can cause a poor air quality within our homes and working spaces, the Element from Awair can help you get a better understanding of what exactly is in the air you are breathing. This monitor lets you track temperature, humidity, CO2, VOCs, and PM2.5 via the free Awair Home app and offers help on how to improve your indoor air quality. It comes in a compact and discreet little package, you will need to dedicate a plug for it, it looks a little like an alarm clock/speaker. It’s easy to set up, plug it in and download the app and follow the prompts and you are ready to go, you won’t need to be glued to your phone as the Element will display its finding on the device in real time. The white light display on the light grey background looks pretty sleek but doesn’t make it the easiest to read especially in sunlight, a darker colour or different font might help. The Element uses the most accurate airflow design on the market, it tracks the invisible nasties in the air by looking at five key environmental factors that can affect your health Cold temperatures can suppress the immune system and aid the spread of viruses, you can set up a notification when things get too chilly, and you can either adjust your thermostat or add a trigger for this to happen automatically. On the flip side too much or too little moisture can lead to cold, flu symptoms, and risk for toxic mould, so the Element can let you know when it’s time to turn on the dehumidifier, exposure to carbon dioxide can affect performance and decision-making, when this gets too high it is time to open a window. Toxic chemicals are found in everyday materials and can cause skin and respiratory irritation, if the TVOCs spike, you adjust your rooms ventilation or open a window to help whilst Particulate Matter (PM2.5) can get into the lungs and trigger asthma and allergies, the Element will also keep you up to date with these levels, using an air filter will help alleviate exposure. The Element uses Awair’s fan and laser sensor design, it has been tested and modified since Awair’s founding in 2013 to make it the leader in IAQ technology. This air monitor is handy for ensuring you know what you are breathing, for the hefty price tag a clearer screen would definitely be appreciated but the app works well alongside it and offers you personalised tips.

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