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aMazfIT bIP u
It is easy to get caught up in a new year’s resolution, spending ages researching equipment you might need and the best way to get started, this can take you all the way though to spring before you actually get going. If fitness is your 2021 focus but you are reluctant to invest too much of your wage packet into the commitment the Amazfit Bip U is a good place to start, you don’t need to over think things with this entry level fitness tracker. At just under £44 it has all the features you would expect to see from a much more expensive tracker, available in Black, Green or Pink, the straps are interchangeable, and it has a large 1.43” HD colour screen. There are over 50 watch faces available to download for a personalised look you can even upload your own photos for something more familiar or use one of the animated watch faces for a unique look. It weighs just 31g and measures in at 40.9 x 35.5 x 11.4mm making it a little chunkier than the higher end watches but is still more than comfortable for all day wear. The Bip U claims to run up to nine days from one full charge but to achieve this you would have to be using it very minimally, with normal usage we estimate getting between 4-5 days with a full recharge taking less than two hours. The outer casing is water-resistant up to 50 meters, allowing you to take it swimming, in the shower and leave it on when you wash up. You may be surprised to find for the price that this watch has a newly upgraded biological optical tracking sensor, the BioTrackerTM 2, this measures your blood-oxygen saturation and will pick up if you are feeling unwell, stressed out, engaging in an intense workout or in high-altitude and hypoxic environments. There is also 24/7 heart rate monitoring via the Huami-proprietary PPG biological optical sensor, which delivers accurate results, or at least as accurate as you can obtain from a wrist sensor of this kind. With over 60+ sports modes to choose from there has to be something you will fall in love with, the Bip U will then record the walking distance, speed, heart rate changes, calories burned, whether you are exercising in your fat burning zone or cardiopulmonary strengthening zone you can receive alerts in real time if your heart rate gets too high. The PAI health evaluation system uses algorithms to process information such as your heart rate, activity duration, and other health info into numerical values, and presents its finding without being restricted by the time, place, or form of exercise, allowing you to check your progress across a whole range of workouts. The Bip U will keep working whilst you sleep and provide feedback in the morning about your deep sleep, light sleep, REM, awake time, and afternoon naps and give you a sleep quality score. There is even a breathing training feature to help recognise when you are stressed and need to take some time out to relax and reset. There are a few things to consider before rushing out to buying one, although you can set up the watch to receive notifications from your phone, it appeared to be unreliable and there is no way to reply to those messages or calls. There is also no built in GPS that is reserved for the Bip S and is forgivable for this price range. Other features include the alarm clock, world clock, stopwatch, pomodoro clock, music control, find my phone, phone camera shutter control, count down and weather forecasts. The Bip U uses the Zepp app (previous the Amazfit app confusing I know) which delivers a reasonably userfriendly experience, although it can be a bit clunky starting up and syncing your data. For what you get for your money the Bip U is extremely good value, perfect for people looking for a good all-rounder, who don’t want to get bogged down in too many stats but with a clear overview across a range of health and lifestyle areas.
ThIs fITNess Tracker delIVers sO Much MOre ThaN yOu wOuld exPecT fOr yOur MONey.
PrOs cOMfOrTable aNd lIGhT waTer resIsTaNT accuraTe TrackING Packed wITh feaTures GOOd Value fOr MONey cOlOurful aNd clear screeN blOOd-OxyGeN saTuraTION seNsOr cONs NOTIfIcaTIONs caN be uNrelIable aPP caN be a bIT slOw aT uPlOadING daTa NOT cOMPaTIble wITh 3 ParTy aPPs