2 minute read
freeTraIN leds
There was a recent online argument in one of my local social media groups over joggers, walkers and dog walkers being out and about around the countryside in dark clothing and not being visible to drivers on the road. As with all internet arguments it deteriorated rapidly into name calling and trolling but it got me thinking, how visible am I when I am out for a run? I will always wear either a high vis yellow or orange vest over my running gear, there are strips of reflective material here and there, but the majority of my clothing is very dark. I toyed with the idea of getting a harness with front and rear lights but before I made a decision the new Freetrain Rechargeable Illuminate LEDS turned up for review. Spooky or what. Having already established that the Freetrain Vests are delightfully comfortable these LED lights have been designed to attach to either the waistband or main body of the vest. However, if you are out for a stroll or walking the dog first thing they can easily be clipped to your clothes without the vest, they can be attached to your running gear without a vest too, but they may bounce around a little depending on your clothing, I found them comfortable with or without the vest. These LEDs are super light but robust and feature a strong weather resistant casing, they are incredibly bright with up to 30 lumens and can be seen up to half a mile away. Each unit has two white and two red LEDs with four light modes to choose from, solid white, flashing white, solid red and flashing red. The healthy battery life will see you through many walks and runs, with the white LED lasting up to 8 hours when flashing, (solid for 4 hours), whilst the red LED lasts up to 10 hours when flashing (solid for 6 hours), with just two hours to fully recharge. These powerful little lights are such a great addition to my running gear, allowing you to run in any outfit whilst remaining highly visible from both the front and back, even ChristopherJones58 can’t argue with that!


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