Eleventh Edition | 2018

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Robert Menzies College

Eleventh Edition

October 2018

In this week’s edition... Exec Candidates Wellness Week

SVF Rep?

Cultural Rep?

SEcretary? President? Social Rep?

Sports Rep? Treasurer?

CCM Rep? VP?

Editors Zoe Walters & Jennifer Good

Contents Wellness Week ................................. Pg. 2 Tranquil Yoga .................................. Pg. 3 Think True ...................................... Self-Care Fair .................................

Pg. 4 Pg. 5

Brains and Paper Planes ................... Pg. 7 Silent Disco .....................................

Pg. 9

RMC Night In ..................................

Pg. 12

Basketball ....................................... Spring Festival ................................ Block Events ...................................

Pg. 10 Pg. 14 Pg. 16

2019 Exec Candidates of RMC ......... Pg. 18 Calendar ......................................... Wiretap ..........................................

Pg. 33 Pg. 34

Wellness week and election day The past few weeks have been full to the brim of campaigning, from videos, to balloons, to endless amounts of posters! Each resident is very deserving of a position so to make sure you get a say in the 2019 exec, make sure to come along to the AGM on Wednesday night in the dining hall or to vote for your candidates earlier at the reception! The exec are such an important part of college so make sure you have a say in who will make up the 2019 team!

Jen & Zoe

Wellness Week A big shout out must go out to our beautiful RAs, particualrly the community RAs, who worked hard all week to ensure all our events ran smoothly! They really do take care of us! Wellness week started off with the arrival and delivery of RMC merch! It took only a second for the merch to spread everywhere and for almost every resident to be in matching college jumpers. Taking care of all the aspects of our wellness is very important and part of that is being able to recognise how many things contribute to wellness. The RAs have really done a terrific job at ensuring all aspects of our wellbeing and health are looked after! And don’t forget we have Halloween Harbour cruise coming up next week!

Tranquil Yoga DAY ONE: Physical Wellness Part of wellness is looking after our physical health. A balanced diet, proper sleep and cutting down unhealthy habits (e.g. drinking, smoking) are some key physical health factors that can promote mental wellbeing. FUN FACT: 75% of the human brain is water. Hydration increases circulation and cleanses our organs. Drinking tea or coffee isn’t enough. TIP: Increasing daily activity can be as simple as making small changes within your day. This can involve walking instead of using your car, getting off the train earlier and walking, or walking to Coles rather than Woolies. - Nicole (A-Block RA)

Think True: The quest for inner peace

Day Two: Spiritual Wellness Some common criteria that fall within the category of spiritual health include belief in a supreme being, unity a greater force, a guiding sense of meaning and value, an organised religion, balance, introspection, and meaning. Prayer may elicit the relaxation response, along with feelings of hope, gratitude and compassion – all of which have a positive effect on overall wellbeing. Mediation can induce feelings of clam and clear-headedness as well as improve concentration. It increases the brain’s gray matter density, which can reduce sensitivity to pain, enhance your immune system, help you regulate difficult emotions and relieve stress. TIP: A Spiritual Community, such as attending church or a mediation group, can be sources of social support. Trinity Chapel runs every Sunday from 5:30pm and Macquarie University Gym holds regular yoga classes. - Nicole (A-Block RA)

Self-Care Fair DAY THREE: Self-Care It’s easy to neglect taking care of ourselves because when we’re busy and overwhelmed, even a small reprieve feels like luxury. Self-care is important to maintain a healthy relationship with yourself. It is recognising when your resources are running low, and stepping back to replenish them rather than burning out. - Nicole (A-Block RA)

The self-care fair was a big event with a panel of self-care experts, a range of games, snacks, a pinata, a photobooth, colouring in and so much comfort food!

Brains and Paper Planes DAY FOUR: Intellectual Wellness Intellectual wellness is engaging the individual in creative and stimulating mental activities to expand knowledge and skills. This encourages learning, which is super important during university. TIPS: Actively listen to your lectures and what people are saying around you to fully comprehend the information that is being given to you. Also, pick up a hobby! This is super important to increase your skill set! - Nicole (A-Block RA)

With the competitive side of many of our residents coming to light, the paper plane competitions and origami station proved to be a great way to challenge ourselves and have fun. With a number of different challenges posed, there was no clear winner amongst the groups of plane makers!

Silent Disco DAY FIVE: Social Health Social health involves your ability to form satisfying interpersonal relationships with those around you. Socialising actually plays a critical role in your health! Next time you feel guilty about meeting your friend or spending too much time in the common room, you might want to think again! TIP: Focus on quality, not quantity. It’s great to have a lot of friends, but it’s important to have meaningful relationships with those that will support you entirely. - Nicole (A-Block RA)

There was a lot of anticipation surrounding the basketball competition. With DLC in the lead overall by only 1 point, all were eager to prove RMC the true winner. Everyone played to their best abilities, with the girls beating the Village and the guys beating DLC; in the end it came down to a tie so the touch football will determine the true yearly winner! Make sure to come along to the last sporting event of the year - Touch Football on the 28th October! RMC is so close to beating DLC for the sports trophy and it’s been a long time since we’ve won so we need all the support we can get!



Night In

An interesting range of games were chosen for the RMC Night In and it definitley proved to be a very entertaining sight to behold. From eating oreos, to blowing bubbles through hoola hoops, the residents really put their skills to the test! All the money raised will be donated to the farmers that have been affected by the NSW droughts so it proved to be a very good cause to wear some flannel and take on the games and challenges!

Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is an annual event that is held to celebrate the start of Spring by enjoying a range of activities outside in the beautiful weather! From tie dying, to henna tattoos, to the endless amounts of fresh fruit, to giant jenga games, the day was clearly very much enjoyed! The jumping castle however, proved to be the biggest hit, with many residents reliving their childhood. Big shout out to Steph for organising such a great event!


A Block Welcoming the residents back from the break with a pinata, tacos and great company (although they turned slightly bizzare after the pinata was destroyed), the residents of A block procrastinated and ate away the night.

Mexican Fiesta

D Block Before the mid-sem break, D Block enjoyed a fire pit and trivia night. It proved a big success with relaxed conversations and tasty snacks. Teams formed and questions were furiously answered in an attempt to take home a prize. Topics included RMC knowledge, Disney movies, and Literature. - Helen, D-Block RA

Fire Pit and Trivia

E Block Games night are becoming a regular occurrance in E-block with an array of different games and new and old members of the block coming to join. It always leads to a fun night, and possibly just a little bit competitive.

Games Night

2019 Exec of Hey Everyone! Make sure you come along to the

Annual General Meeting on Wednesday the 15th October and vote for the 2019 Exec! So, here is

some info about some of the candidates but keep in mind there are still other applicants.

organising and being a part of events where a community recognises and

celebrates diversity both culturally and as

individuals. I enjoy learning and embracing other cultures and beliefs as well as giving others the opportunity to do so.

What is an interesting fact about you? I have a pet axolotl called Amigo.

Alice Powell Cultural rep Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I study Medical Science. I’ve always loved science and been interested in medical research.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m running for cultural rep - I love

Candidates RMC because I’d love to have the chance to

give back to such a great community that has given me so much. To me, Sophia’s involvement in the exec just seemed perfect for me, so I’m running for it.

AMy TANSWELL Secretary Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I’m currently completing a Bachelor of

Archaeology, majoring in Human Biology and Palaeobiology. I’ve always loved

ancient history and biology, and this

What is an interesting fact about you?

passions - I love it.

I’m not sure how many people know,

What exec position are you running

sable_rmc). Mainly because she’s a natural

was just the perfect way to combine my

for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m running for Sectetary for 2019 exec,

but I run Sable’s Instagram account (@

poser that needs to be seen by the world.

Also from my recent field trip I can ask for several beverages in Bulgarian.

past three years. I want to lead a group of people and help make positive changes at RMC, particularly for those that are

struggling, and for those that feel they are not respected and nurtured in this environment.

Sarah Harrison President Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I am studying a Bachelor of International Studies with a Bachelor of Laws and

majoring in Spanish. The question of why this interests me is very easy. I want to

What is an interesting fact about you?

I want to understand what different kinds

One interesting fact about me is that

voice with them.

Boating. It is really weird and nobody ever

What exec position are you running

Everyone google ‘Dragonboat Racing’

help people that cannot help themselves.

of people are going through and help be a

for? And why do you want to do this position? I am running for the Position of President

on the student executive for 2019. I want to do this position as I want to give back to RMC for all it has given to me for the

I participate in a sport called Dragon

knows anything about it but it’s hella fun. and watch some videos, you won’t be disappointed.

Representative on the Exec. I wanted to

go for this position because I would love

the opportunity to make a difference. For

example we all have our bad days and our good ones I simply want the opportunity if someone is having a bad day to know that they can come to one of my events

and I can help put a smile on their faces. I just want to make people happy, to see them shine like I see in everyone. I want to be able to add a bit of happiness to

everyone’s lives so that they can have the best 2019 ever.

Grace Slatyer Social Rep Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? My current degree is a Bachelor of Arts

majoring in Criminology however I plan to do what is called a Juris Doctor because I love law and I have always wanted to

become a lawyer. It interests me because

there are so many ways the law can impact peoples’ lives some for the better and

some for the worse. I want to be a lawyer

What is an interesting fact about you?

has always been to help people and law for

Hmmmm… well you all know I sing and

who stands up for the little guy. My aim me is the best way I can achieve this.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this

perform but an interesting fact about me is that I love tea and that I sort of have a tea addiction. I would say I own over 20

different teas and have about 20 different


mugs by now. So if you ever want tea

I am running for the amazing role of Social

to have tea with anyone!

swing by my room and I would be happy

that RMC is ready for a President who is wholeheartedly here for the support of

its residents. A President who can handle and thrive with the demands of the

people. Building a healthy and comfortable relationship between the Christian &

LGBTQ groups for a fun, friendly, and

strong 2019 community and exec team. What is an interesting fact about you? Before coming to university, I had a career of Outdoor Education in a UK summer

Corey Roberts President Candidate #2

camp. As a Product Co-ordinator, I lead a

staff team of 450 to facilitate 2000 guests

aged 5-21yrs per week. Through this role, I attained the leadership know-hows that could prove invaluable as your President.

What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I am currently studying a Bachelor of

Commerce- majoring in Entrepreneurship, with a Bachelor of Arts- Psychology. I chose this pairing to further my

understanding of the role human

behaviour and cognitive activity plays on

the decisions and tendencies people have

in a business/corporate environment. I find this relationship complex, but fascinating. What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? The exec position I am running for is

the 2019 President position. I believe

How a President who can balance

leadership and friendship, can form a

supportive and open family environment.

of this, I always felt that culture was

something to be respected and celebrated. I would love the opportunity to bring

those same ideas to RMC through cultural events.

What is an interesting fact about you? A fun fact about myself is that my knees can predict the weather. Yes, I know I

sound like Karen from Mean Girls but trust me, whenever my knees hurt, you can be

sure it’s going to rain. Come talk to me if

Leila Noja Cultural Rep Candidate #2 What degree do you study and why does it interest you?

you want the full story!


I’m studying a Bachelor of Primary

Education and Psychology. I’ve always

loved working with children and helping

people but I couldn’t decide between the

two, so I moved to Macquarie. I hope to be a pediatric psychologist one day.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m running for cultural rep! This position speaks to me the most because growing up, I was surrounded by the rich culture

of my Turkish and Lebanese parents. This

included everything from the different food to the different belief systems. Because


position I was going to run for as I

believe that each and every position has great value in influencing the college

environment for the better. For me the

role of president would allow me to have

the greatest impact on the current college culture, hopefully creating changes that

allow RMC to have a greater acceptance,

inclusion and celebration of each individual and their identity. I believe that there

are ways in which the sustainability and

support for current residents could also be improved within the college.

Lucy Cooper President Candidate #3

What is an interesting fact about you? Most people have seen me jamming out to

a Taylor Swift banger in the common room What degree do you study and why does

by now but for those who are not aware I

it interest you?

am massive Swiftie and on the 2nd of Nov

I am studying a Bachelor of Education

and dancing while getting to watch my #1

(Secondary) with a Bachelor of Science majoring in Biology. I have taught

dance for all of my teenage years so for me education was an easy choice and it continues to interest me as we are

constantly discussing how others learn and the education system as whole. I also just really like science.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m excited to say that I am running for RMCSA president 2019! It was honestly a tough choice, choosing which exec

you will find me crying (from happiness) gal perform live on tour!

I also really wanted to choose a degree that could be used to help others and

I hope one day that I will be able to do

that using the knowledge I’ll gain from studying this degree.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I am running for the Community,

Communication and Marketing (CCM)

executive position. During the holidays

Emily SOle CCM Rep Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you?

after the HSC I filled my days with scouring the RMC website and social media

platforms to see what college was like,

and I remember thinking how amazing it

would be to be one of those first points of contact for brand new freshers like me at the time. When I heard CCM was a major

I study a Bachelor of Psychology (Hons)

part of this, as well as being able to design

Hearing and Language Sciences. I have

for events as I get, I thought this would

works and I am particularly interested in

opportunity to contribute to our entire

with the degree of Bachelor of Speech,

posters to get people as keen and excited

always been interested in how the brain

be an amazing role to run for and a great

how we construct and use language, which

college community.

is exactly what my degree explores.


What is an interesting fact about you? An interesting fact about me is that when I was about 3 or 4 I made up an entirely

unique gibberish language that concerned my mother enough for her to take me to the doctor to see if there was anything wrong with me.

I’m running for Vice President. I’d love

to use my communication skills to create a bridge between the executive and the

rest of the college. A lot of the roles of VP involve things that I think anyone should have a say in if they choose to – whether it be food or merch. I’m thinking of

introducing something like a suggestion box outside my room.

Bell Knowles Vice President Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I’m studying Law and Arts majoring in

environmental humanities. I never saw

myself doing law but I wanted a degree

that would help me create change in the

areas I’m passionate about. Our society is

This is pretty much summed up in my

one day my knowledge of it gives me the

backing the people! Also, I’d love to bring

or human rights law. The environmental

roles of the position: block wars, debating

a relaxed choice just to compliment my

had such a fun year and I’d love to help

mostly built on the law and so I hope that

campaign slogan: hearing the people,

ability to influence environmental policies

my enthusiasm and passion into other

humanities side of the degree is more of

and maybe even fresher dance-off! I’ve

passion and interest in environmental

give that back to the freshers next year.


What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position?

What is an interesting fact about you? When I was younger I wanted to be Bob the Builder.

environment, particularly our oceans, and I like volunteering/fundraising because not only are some people in this world going through rough times and need

some help, but it feels good to help others too! Being on the student exec would

not only promote my passions, but more importantly the interests of the college.

One person caring for the world is great,

but imagine what a whole college could do if we really tried! I really want to be a part of that.

Anna fry SVF Rep Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I am currently in my first year doing

a Bachelor’s degree in Social Science,

majoring in Anthropology, and looking to do a double minor in Sociology and Environmental Humanities. It sounds

like a lot, but I love it! It’s interesting

learning about different people and the

societies’cultures they live in, as well as their relationship to the environment.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I am running for the Sustainability,

Volunteering and Fundraising position (SVF). I really wanted to run for this

because I am so passionate about the

What is an interesting fact about you? This isn’t so much interesting as opposed to straight out sad: I can’t jump!! Literally only discovered this fact this year at

college, I legit have a hard time jumping, whether it be in height or length or

whatever, I just can’t do it! (If anyone has

tips on how to actually jump, pls help me)

position? I’m running for Treasurer, which might seem weird given my degree. But I’ve

always been a maths kid, and I’ve also

always had an interest in management and finance - I still have a little ‘facts about

me’ from my preschool days which says

that I want to grow up to be an accountant (that definitely had nothing to do with the fact that it’s my dad’s job). Somehow I

think that dream has changed, but I’m still passionate about the same principles, and

Daniel Williams Treasurer Candidate #1 What degree do you study and why does

I think it would be an intensely rewarding experience.

What is an interesting fact about you? I spent last year on exchange in Europe

it interest you?

before coming to college. That also means

I study law and international studies. I’ve

gap year going to school.

always been the weird type of person to

enjoy formulas and application of concepts to make things work, which is why I’ve always been 4 unit maths and science

sorta kid before coming to uni. Everyone always looks at me like I’m crazy when I tell them that I never really enjoyed

English! But I love law because it allows

me to see how a formula can be applied to people and society, which makes it

seriously interesting. And the international studies just makes me see how things

work in other societies around the world. What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this

that I’m the type of weirdo who spent his

What’s an interesting fact about you? Fun fact #101 and also a claim to fame:

My grandfather invented the goon bag lol (you’re welcome). However, when he died my grandmother signed over the papers

to the people in business with him at the

time. So, they took away my family’s rights and erased my grandfather’s name from the company.

Emily Muller Social Rep Candidate #2 What degree are you studying and why does it interest you? I’m studying Ancient History majoring in

Rome, Greece and Late Antiquity. Learning about the past is so interesting to me

because it explains why society is the way it is today!

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m running for social on the exec. I want to do this position because I love event

managing and being amongst the action!

I also love to meet new people and would love if given the chance to involve the

whole college in social events catering to everyone!

What is an interesting fact about you? A fun fact about me is I can crack every

joint in my body and I’ve even managed to crack my own finger permanently out of place, it’s pretty gross really.


Hannah Colgan Secretary Candidate #2 What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I study Arts/Law and I major in criminology.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I am so excited to run for Secretary because I love helping, planning,

organising and being apart of a team. I’ve wanted be on the exec all year to have

a chance to contribute to RMC, and I’d

definitely love to help with fresher dance if given the opportunity. I’m positive,

dedicated and passionate and will put 100% effort into being Secretary if I’m lucky enough to get elected!


‘wisdom’ to help make sure RMCSA always

has the funding for all our amazing events. What is an interesting fact about you? As you have probably guessed, I’m quite

the movie fanatic. You’d be hard pressed to find a Monday when I’m not at the

cinemas. My favourite movie is The Lion

King, tied with the Lord of the Rings (the

entire trilogy as one continuous movie, of course!)

Russell Chakri Pang Treasurer Candidate #2

What degree do you study and why does it interest you? Hello there readers of The Voice.

This is my first time in here, so a few

introductions are in order: name’s Russell, I’m a 3rd year accounting student, in my

2nd year at RMC. I chose accounting since

I have always been a little OCD and had an innate need to stay organized and stay on top of my finances.

What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? As you have probably guessed I’m running for treasurer. So that I can apply my

What is an interesting fact about you? My dream is to create a travel vlog and share how beautiful and amazing our world is! I am planning to implement

my dream so feel free to join if you love traveling.

Henry TUN Vice President Candidate #2


What degree do you study and why does it interest you? I am studying Bachelor of Commerce Professional Accounting

It gives us a knowledge of how to handle money which can be useful in the future. What exec position are you running for? And why do you want to do this position? I’m running for the position of Vice

President - I want this position because

it is one of my hobbies to participate in a community and socialize with people.

A vote for me is a vote for your future

“Come Together”

Postgrad Supper

Haunted RMC

Tyla: “Sensation killed me”

*talking about the trees in the Forest* Sam H: “...and tree abortionists” Lydia: “Abortionists?! You mean arborists?” Sam H: “...no tree abortionists” Lydia: “Sam no”

Sophia: “I got cheese in my eye”

Jake B: “I wish I was bald” Jake: “I should polish my forehead”

Alice: “Butter is lubricant”

Jen: “I love touching nuts”

Sophia: “If you spit I’ll do it”

Raman *late at night eating ice cream*: “Ahhh this is what I thought uni would be like”

Nicole: “Andrew do you know anything about self-care?” Andrew: “I know how to shower”

Vimbai: “I have a thing for my little pony”

Sam D: “Slow is passionate”

Sep 5 - Oct 16

Zoe W: “I need a financial benefit for maintaining this friendship”

Keely: “That one year of gymnastics shaped my life”

Lissy: “Is it spring in New Zealand?”

Jen: “They were too scared to get chlamydia, wimps”

THE Wiretap Jake: “Drinking coffee made from RMC makes you uncultured” Maddy: “Stop violating my toes”

Darian: “If I had to pick my favourite body part it would be my nipples, they are just so much fun, boing boing boing” *flicking his nipples at dinner*

Corey: “I have a headache, I wonder what I can look up, I wonder how my hips are doing”

Jen: “Yeet scientology”

Zoe S: “I like my coffee strong like my men”

Sarah T: “Can you lick your own tongue?”

Darian: “Do women lactate from both boobs?”

Jake: “Spices are like vegetables”

Tyla: “Stop sexualising the turtles!”

Jonty: “If you wanna shoot your friend” Jen: “I always want to shoot my friends”

Tyla: “Stop violating the tea pots”

*Raman winning twister* Anna: “Raman let’s be honest I didn’t think you’d make it this far” Raman: “Neither did I”

Lachie *about to take confiscated alcohol to Katrina* : “Oh wait that’s not the alcohol, that’s my shampoo” Zoe W: “It’s easy to get quotes when you hang around Jake” Jake: “I feel so used”

Corey: “I’m only on 30 grams a day!”

Sam D: “I have a bright pink bow tie”

Lachie: “Tony Abbott spent too much time in Middle B playing gun games, too much stabbing”

Jake: “I’ve cut my meme page likes down from 700 to 300. Because employers won’t like pages that say ‘kicking your cat across the room because you burnt your toast’ “

Lissy *walking into middle A*: “Smells like men and desperation”

Lily: “I know right I’m so lit!” *Meant to say gucci*

Jake: “God for your heart, milk for your bones”

Jonty: “Yours seems fatter than mine” *in relation to textbooks*

Corey: “The OG hips”

Sam D: “I didn’t hear how loud I was snoring because I was sleeping”

*In the Exec Group Chat* Lauren O: “Someone please post on the FB page we will maybe selling merch next monday” Lauren C: “Why maybe?” Lauren O: “Because I hate commitment” Lauren C: “Not even surprised” Tom: “Single life is rough innit” Lauren O: “Yah, but I like it rough”

Share your voice! Are you a creative soul and want to contribute to The Voice?

Send through your work as a message to our Facebook page or submit it annonymously to one of the editors! Any contributions are

accepted - drawings, poems, stories, articles etc. And don’t forget any to send in any funny submissions to the Wiretap.

If you want to be featured in the Humans of RMC section, let us know and we will interview you!

Or feel free to talk to one of the editors Zoe Walters (A207) or

Jen Good (A203)

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