The Voice EDITION one
Meet your Editors Your map to RMC life after presidency people you meet at college O- Week meet the freshers How to Survive Uni this year
Jack Bailey written by Ivana Stojanovic
Enjoys drama, humour and the ranch. Spoken highly of for his failure of marriages, which are incoporated daily into jokes. This guy is an easy-going, slighlty unique member of the crew. B-BLOCK RESIDENT
Ivana Stojanovic written by Jack Bailey
Born and raised in the Southern High-Lands by goats Last seen at the Ranch on the Dancefloor while Anaconda was playing Looks a lot like Ke$ha
Enjoys being right, cats and dying through Italian study. A new-comer to RMC in the last year who has shown us how much her head hurts. An out-going and understanding personality. C-BLOCK RESIDENT SECOND YEAR
Childhood spent in Canberra driving through round-a-bouts Last seen dancing like she’s in a 80s hip-hop video Looks a lot like Kat Dennings
Found on Tinder
Found at the bar
We caught up with last year’s president Taylor Anderton to talk about her experience as RMC President 2014.
LIFE AFTER PRESIDENCY Why did you want to become President? It honestly never crossed my mind to go for president. I thought I would be more suited to being treasurer or something because I am good with numbers and it just seemed logical. But then someone recommended I go for it and I liked the idea more and more. As soon as I made the decision to go for President I became committed to the idea of it. So here I am, an ex-President.
What was your favourite moment as President? One of my favourite moments was Sunday at the end of RMC O-Week. Getting the college together and watching the video of the highlights of the week was a satisfying moment. I realised how much fun everyone had had and how the Freshers had settled in and made friends so quickly. It made all the hard work and stress worth it. What was your approach to overcoming challenges? My approach was to try and listen to what everyone on the Exec had to say. At the end of the day it is a team effort. I also tried to think about the college members who didn’t have a voice and what they would have wanted. What the Exec might want and what is best for the college isn’t always going to be the same thing. I just tried to keep all that in mind and tried to make decisions that would make the most people happy. Well make Paul happy. What advice would you give to future presidents? First and foremost is to trust yourself. Because it is hard a hard job and people are looking up to you and expecting you to make decisions. The worst thing you can do is to not be sure of yourself. If you are not sure of yourself then the Exec aren’t going to be sure of you. That is when things get tough. It is a team effort and you can’t do it all yourself – so trust your Exec. The sooner you are all on the same page the better.
Would you recommend the Executive to current Freshers? Definitely . It’s one of the best experiences. It is a lot of hard work, a lot of time and effort, but you get to make friends and get to know the college really well. The college almost becomes a source of pride and its excellent learning skills and leadership skills. Yes. Definitely yes. THEVOICE 3
The Ghost
This person raises their hand at an average speed of 489km an hour. The first to always point out mistakes, (It’s Leviosah, not Leviosuh), it can be easy to hate the Eager Beaver. You just have to remember that all they really want to do is do well in class, (but do they really need those participation points that much?)
David Attenborough would struggle to find this elusive beast, or even to learn its name. Sporadically appearing in a shroud of mystery, the last time you see the Ghost is at the final exam for the unit – they will of course finish ahead of everyone else. Whether they can speak has never been confirmed.
The Party Animal
The Nightclub-Goer
This person lives and dies (not literally) for Wednesday and Thursday nights. If “Ranch” and “Ubar” were emoticons, they would be in the most used section of this person’s emojis. You never see them studying and you don’t know if they actually go to Uni. It is rare to see the Party Animal without a drink.
This is the person who is dressed to the nines to go out on a Saturday – except that it’s 9.00am on a Wednesday and they are in a tutorial. Mostly friendly and keen to get involved, the Nightclub-Goer will generally make you feel bad about yourself and the lack of effort you have put in to your outfit.
The Vampire
The Damien
This is a college kid you will only encounter at 3.00 am when you have just come back from a Maccas run. Similar to the Ghost, this is another elusive creature. You will never see them in the daylight, anytime you do see them will be quick and fleeting, you may even make eye contact with them before the darkness swallows them. Also like the Ghost, this creature will most likely go nameless to you.
The Damien is named after the character in ‘Mean Girls’, who rightly points out that a girl doesn’t attend the school. Unlike the Party Animal, you never see them doing anything social either. You will mostly encounter them at dinner or walking to and from the Mac Centre. You will find yourself asking, ‘Do they even go here’?
Wondering what you are? Now that you are a college kid, you are a ‘Boarder’. The Boarders are seen as the weird kids who travel together in packs and are usually boisterous and involved in classes. A characterisation of the boarder is how long it takes for them to get to and from classes, since you will meet so many people you know on the way to and from college and get chatting. The Boarder is also miraculously always late, even though they live 5 minutes’ walk away. In the end though, the Boarder is the best one of the bunch.
LET THE GAMES BEGIN... A tough week was had with battle wounds and the of smell laundry still linguring.
SUNDAY Awkward. The best word to describe the first Sunday of college life. New people, old parents, same you. Topping of the day is your first ‘Bridge’ party, (even without the bridge), and the first trip to Ranch for the year.
MONDAY Beginning with a meeting so long they should split it in two like the last two Harry Potter films, you then made your way to dance training. Only to get dance moves yelled at you and a song repeated so many times you never want to hear it again. After lunch you headed out to get to know Mac Uni. Or so you thought. Eggs, Milk, Goon, Flour and god knows what else where pelted at you. Then some more eggsellent dance training. Showers and naps promptly followed, for that night Scav Hunt would begin. Dancing in Coles, haircuts and dirty lake water. What more could you want on a Monday night? TUESDAY Scav hunt began in ernest on this Tuesday morning. We all felt a little famous after dancing on Sunrise, a bit gross after all the fountains and dirty water and a bit naked - well a lot naked. Running across the city all day, an early night was surely called for. Oh wait. Pub/coffee crawl. Flat whites, scary jars, dances, cake, shots, dances, laughter, tears, dances, breakups, hookups, dances. The only thing we didn’t see were the buses. THEVOICE 9
WEDNESDAY After a small sleep in it was pancakes all around - even a lady bug for some of us. Carb loading in fine form for the block wars that would come that afternoon. Green, red, yellow, blue, black and white all converged on the field - red emerging victorious. Congrats to B Block for winning. Better go to Ranch for the first Wednesday of the year to celebrate. Don’t forget the dance. THURSDAY Rain. So no picnic. Instead we headed to DLC to pick up our first victory of the day - in Trivia. This was followed by some last minute dance training which would lead us into breaking the drought and finally winning the Dance Off! Good things always come in threes. Our underages gave us the third win of the night when they took down DLC in laser tag. Go go RMC!
Another sleep in followed by a another win - this time in volleyball against the Admin staff. Then it was time to break open the wallets and pair up for the harbour cruise. Dynamic Duos were out in force! (A note to the Spice Girls, duos means two). Congrats to Thing 1 and Thing 2 and Schapelle and her boogie board for both being the best duo that night.
SATURDAY Rain. Again. On beach day! Boarding the bus and traveling to Manly, we all did some more bonding and for once without dancing! We did have to conserve our energy for Humans Vs. Zombies that night. Congrats to the Zombies for wiping out the Humans. Brains just taste too good.
HOME SWEET HOME? Canberra, Blue Mountains, Orange, Gosford, Narooma, Werris Creek, Brisbane, Coffs Harbour, Foster, Malaysia, Gold Coast, Singleton, Central Coast, Newcastle, Sydney, Temora, Katoomba, Albury, Tamworth, Ourimbah, Bundanoon, Dubbo, Wagga Wagga and more.
37% of Freshers can play the piano. 1 Fresher can play the piano badly
The number of freshers said to have arrived to RMC this year 100% of freshers speak English Others can also speak Japanese, Cantonese, Chinese, Malay, French, German, Italian, Hindi. One fresher says they speak English, American and Australian. Another fresher claims they can speak animal.
mostly freshers only 3 freshers live here second most
still a lot of freshers here second least the least
Freshers more commonly know bits of languages rather than whole langauges.
50% of Freshers handwriting is illegible
Songs they never want to hear again... Friday Anything by Pitbull Anything by One Direction Blurried Lines Uptown Funk Anaconda Justin Bieber Happy - Pharell Williams Shake It Off All About That Bass Another year, another hundred new personalities arrive through our doors. They eat all the cornflakes at breakfast and leave us with porridge. Here’s a few fun facts about the freshers of 2015.
The 2015 Teen Voice Awards Choice WTF moment: Jim punching a cockatoo Choice 18th: Grace
Choice Selfie Team: Ly and Max
Choice Vomit Moment: Wilbur using the same hand from the muck in a bucket challenge to make himself vomit
Choice Breakup: Matt and Jack outside Scruffy Murphies Choice injury: RT Brendan, we salute you Choice Fresher Dancer: Erica
Choice Chris Marlow Impersonator: Paul (It was Lakker) Choice Reformation of a 90’s pop group: The Spice Girls
Choice Leg Wax: Wilbur and his racing stripes, Max and his Bleeding leg Top 10 Moments of O-Week Winning the Dance off, trivia and laser tag against DLC in the same day The Ranch running out of cups The Fresher dance being performed on Sunrise B Block championing at Block Wars Seeing more skin on Scav Hunt than in 50 Shades Discovering that some Red Frog employees don’t know good choreography (even though they have 4 years of dance training) Disney coming to life on the Harbour Cruise Strangers tearing up the dance floor with our Fresher Dance The Buckets at Block Wars being too small for heads That it was raining on the beach crawl
HOW TO SURVIVE UNI You are embarking on a new year as a university student. You’ll have a few ups and downs and maybe another down but you can survive this year with the right tools. Between lining up for free food, going out too many times a week and taking more naps than nan, you’ve got a tough year ahead of you. We’re not entirely sure what our degree will leave us qualified to do nor how HECS works but despite this we’ll try to beat each other in units and raise our GPA as high as our plastic cups at the ranch. Get up to 8 hours sleep each night. Don’t pull all-nighters before your exam, it’s not worth it.
Leave early for class and actually attend. If your class is in Y3A, like James Ridge – ride a bike.
Don’t just study in your room. Utilise different areas around RMC to ensure you can relax and sleep well in your room.
Exercise regularly #fresher5
Make friends with smart people. Study alone- Group You get stuff done studying will always end in fun #groupprojects and games
FEBURARY What do you call a bus that RMC hires?
Majority of RMC: ‘I’m not going to drink tomorrow night’
Over 120 beers were consumed on Scav Hunt
24 train carriages where insulted 7 security guards earned their money
The time RMC internet was once again as reliable as Sydney Buses
Shrav: (talking about Manilla) ‘Isn’t that Milan?’
Chris: ‘You guys are like sardines.’
The birth year of The RMC Voice
After 7 years RMC has won the Fresher Dance. In the words of Paul Yeates ...
‘You can never overdo the pelvic thrust’
The amount of times on average a person visited the Mac Centre in a day
Leon: ‘I hope that you are all now de-egged and de- flowered’
Juliane: (to a four year old) ‘Say Pussy’ Max Moore: ‘I do have a big snail trail’
The amount of times someone’s name has been forgotten or been wrong All overheards and funny moments can be submitted to The Voice via Facebook message
TCM ‘Vera Cogitate’ Service