TheVoice 2022Issue7 The Voice August 2022 Featuring: Love Week Events, Christmas in Winter, Block Suppers, Wiretaps And More
2 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Investigating Faith - Mondays 7pm, S-Conference room English Conversation Café - Tuesdays 4pm, S-ConferenceCrossroadsroom-Tuesdays 7-9pm, S-Conference room Nerd Nights - Thursdays 7-9pm, Dining Hall FOCUS (Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students) - Fridays 6:30pm, Chapel Interblock Debating - Wednesday, 24th August, 7pm Contemporary BAR-T Museum Trip - Friday 26th August,Bush4pmDance - Friday 2nd September, 7pm Upcoming Events
Editor’s Note Hey Menzies,
The past week has been hectic with Love Week events and competitions. Thank you to everyone who was involved in making the week so memorable. This issue is filled with photos from all of the love week events as well as everything else that has happened at Whilecollege.Love week was definitely the highlight of the past ~fortnight, there’ve been a bunch of other events happening here at RMC.RAs, SRAs, and Deans put on a wonderful evening of block suppers, Exec held our fourth formal dinner with Christmas in Winter, and residents travelled into the city to check out the Powerhouse museum.
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Christmas in Winter
After residents returned after the mid-year break, RMC held its first formal dinner for the second semester. Christmas in Winter allows residents to celebrate the holiday and eat dinner together.
6 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Block Suppers Block Suppers allow new residents to get to know their block-mates and SRAs that they’re going to spend their time at college with.
7 TheVoice 2022Issue7 C (and D)Block E Block
TheVoice 2022Issue7 Relationship Q&A
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On night, residents came to enjoy a night in the
Open Mic & Fire Pit Night
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Ranch Costume Night
Wednesday Ranch Night made another return to the RMCcalendar as residents came up with their best couples costumes ideas and headed down to The Ranch for a night of trivia and dancing.
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13 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Ranch Costume Night
14 TheVoice 2022Issue7 LGBTEA The LGBTea Panel is a chance for residents to send in any questions they have about the queer community and hear the
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Ballroom Dancing
With almost 20 years of dancing experience, Anna Single spent the evening teaching the basics of ballroom dancing. While everyone started at different levels, the night ended with everyone dancing together in perfect synch (even if that dance was the Nutbush.)
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17 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Ballroom Dancing
TheVoice 2022Issue7
Award Ceremony
To round out Love Week, exec held the awards ceremony, a timeto reflect on and celebrate the events of the week. After a performance of some of the ballroom dances, awards were handed out for various events of the week and the Love Week winners were crowned. Congrats to Rhea, Joe, Cora, and Luke for your
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If you’re interested,
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Be the Next Voice of RMC While this year is by no means coming to a close, we are starting to prepare things for the end of 2022 and for 2023 (yes, we are that Asorganised.)wegointo our third year, Susanna and I will be giving up our editorship of The Voice. As such, college will be looking for new people to take on the job. The Voice is, in our opinion, the best job on campus. It involves little more than going to college events and a basic knowledge of Google Slides. It’s a great thing to do with a friend, so we recommend doing it in a pair. let us know! We’re open to answering any of your questions.
21 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Submit Photos for The Echo Planning for The Echo, RMCs yearbook, is already underway (shoutout to our mailing list.) While The Echo will contain all of The Voice photos from events throughout the year, we would also love to hear from you! If you have any so if you have photos, good ones, bad ones, or anything in between, please send them to us over Facebook so we can feature them. Here are some examples from 2019’s Echo.
22 TheVoice 2022Issue7 Fun and Games TriviaAnswers:Mars,ComputerProgramming,Sexualand asexual,Dolphin,AB-,Venus,Spherical(notflat),Copperand Tin,0,Opportunity Trivia As promised, my friends have put the second half of their double degrees to good use to bring you all a set of science themed trivia. (Don’t worry, I promise they’re not all Alexander this time.) 1. Which planet has blue sunsets? 2. What was the daughter of Lord Byron, Ada Lovelace known for? 3. What are the two ways of reproduction? 4. What kind of animal is an orca? 5. What is the rarest blood type in humans? 6. What planet spins clockwise? 7. What shape is the Earth? 8. Bronze is an alloy made of which two elements? 9. How many bones do sharks have? 10. Whose last words were ‘My batteries are low and it’s getting dark’
23 Wiretap TheVoice 2022Issue7 Wiretap is a compilation of out of context quotes heard around college brought together here for your entertainment. If you hear (or say) something that you think belongs in Wiretap, send them to us!
TheVoice 2022Issue7 Send your submissions, questions, and suggestions to us @TheVoiceofRMC on Facebook and Facebook Messenger :)