
Investigating Faith - Mondays 7pm, S-Conference room
Prayer Mornings - Tuesday 8:30-9am, Music Room
English Conversation Café - Tuesdays 4pm, S-Conference room
Crossroads - Tuesdays 7-9pm, S-Conference room
Nerd Nights - Thursdays 7-9pm, Dining Hall
FOCUS (Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students) - Fridays 6:30pm, Chapel
RMC Student Association Annual General Meeting - Wednesday 12th October 6:30pm, Dining Hall
RMC Ball - October 20th, Luna Park Venues
Ball tickets are on sale until the October 10th and spots are limited so get in now!
It’s the final term of 2022! There’s still a few more weeks before the final assessment crunch and cramming for exams, so enjoy it now.
Wellness week was last week, reminding us to prioritise our own health and wellness as we prepare for the end of the academic year. Remember that wellbeing is a combination of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, and that all are necessary to stay healthy this exam season.
Ball tickets are now on sale! RMC’s annual ball is one of the biggest events on the RMC calendar. It’s a great opportunity to spend time with friends before the holidays, and celebrate your time at RMC this 2022.
The AGM is on next week. This is a less fun but important event as we elect next year’s student executive. These are the people that will be hosting events, organising formal dinners, and generally making college the community that it is. So come along and listen to the candidates and vote for who you want on next years exec.
That’s about it for this issue, so I’m going to go meet up with a film crew to go make a movie. Have fun and enjoy term 4!
One of the most important events on the RMC calendar, everyone came out to the courtyard to get together and celebrate the birthday of one of RMCs pets, Ziggy!
Thank you to our wonderful interns who took these photos while we were out location scouting for a short film!
During Dinner, Mid-Autumn Festival also known as the Moon or Mooncake festival was celebrated with mooncake tasting and a performance by residents.
The Self Care Fair marked the beginning of Wellness Week, a week of events celebrating and encouraging all forms of wellbeing here
Think True put on a wonderful campfire night under the stars as we listened to our Chaplin Lily share her experiences and the lessons she learnt from them. Lily encouraged all of us to take care of our mental and emotional wellness in conjunction with spiritual wellness, as both are equally important in maintaining a healthy
The fourth and final installment of block wars had the blocks competing in a gauntlet of water-based games. There was some fierce competition but B-Block came out as the victors of Block Wars for 2022.
Nerd Nights in the dining hall were replaced this week by a fiercely competitive series of Kahoots. With trivia questions ranging from ancient history to sports, residents fought for the coveted prize of blocks of chocolate.
Hey everyone! The RMCSA has its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 12th October at 6:30pm in the dinning hall. The AGM is an important event for several reasons. Firstly, it is a time for the whole college to come together and hear from our president, Sam Buster, about all the great things RMCSA has achieved this year. As well as a budget report from our treasurer, Rachael Cornish. This is also the time where we will hear speeches from our applicants for the incoming 2023 Student Executive Team and have a chance to vote on constitution amendments.
For this to occur, 2/3 of residents MUST attend the AGM. IF 2/3 residents do not attend, the meeting MUST be run again. Becky has informed me that there may be fines for residents who do not attend or vote in the AGM, so to avoid a fine please come along and be apart of democracy!!!!! If you can’t make it on the night, please vote in the office between 9:00am-5:00pm on Wednesday 12th October. There will be tea and biscuits in the common room before the AGM at 6, so bring a mug and enjoy some tea and biscuits before the AGM.
On Tuesday night, 4th October, exec will be hosting an Exec Info Night at 6:30pm in the dining hall after dinner. Exec will explain what their roles are all about to any potential candidates, so come along to hear what exec is all about and to have a voice in our college community! I have found being a part of exec such a rewarding experience and could not recommend it enough!
If you have any questions about the AGM have a look at the AGM posters around college. Or feel free to get in contact with me (Paddy) on 0402 676 383 or
In honour of me having to write a classics essay (I’m a film major, how did we get here) this week’s trivia will be on The Theatre.
1. Western theatre originated from which city?
2. Which theatre in London was built in 1599 and mostly associated with William Shakespeare?
3. According to theatrical superstition, it might be unlucky to say “good luck” to somebody who is going to perform on stage. Which phrase can be used instead?
4. Which road in New York City is widely used as a metonym for the American theatrical industry?
5. During World War II, the Criterion Theatre in London was used for which purpose?
6. What do we call the out-of-view area on a stage that is on the sides of the acting area?
7. Which novel by the French writer Victor Hugo is one of the longest running musicals in London?
8. The Royal Shakespeare Company is based in which English town?
9. Which famous theatre in Ireland is also known as the National Theatre of Ireland?
10. Which of the following features is true about Noh, a traditional form of dance-drama in Japan?
Answers-Athens,TheGlobe,Breakaleg,Broadway,A radiostudio,Wings,LesMiserables,Stratford,Abbey
Planning for The Echo, RMCs yearbook, is already underway (shoutout to our mailing list.) While The Echo will contain all of The Voice photos from events throughout the year, we would also love to hear from you! If you have any so if you have photos, good ones, bad ones, or anything in between, please send them to us over Facebook so we can feature them.
Here are some examples from 2019’s Echo.
While this year is by no means coming to a close, we are starting to prepare things for the end of 2022 and for 2023 (yes, we are that organised.)
As we go into our third year, Susanna and I will be giving up our editorship of The Voice. As such, college will be looking for new people to take on the job.
The Voice is, in our opinion, the best job on campus. It involves little more than going to college events and a basic knowledge of Google Slides. It’s a great thing to do with a friend, so we recommend doing it in a pair.
If you’re interested, let us know! We’re open to answering any of your questions.
Wiretap is a compilation of out of context quotes heard around college brought together here for your entertainment. If you hear (or say) something that you think belongs in Wiretap, send them to us!
Thanks again to Interblock debating for filling up the wiretaps!