Employee Survey

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Employee Survey



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2   |   E M P LOYEE SURVEY 2009

Foreword from The Principal In Spring this year we conducted our 3rd Employee Survey to find out people’s views and experiences of the University as a place to work. This is a summary of the report on the results. You can find the full report and detailed results at http://www.rgu.ac.uk/hr/staffinfo/page.cfm?pge=23487 This report is highly significant – it reveals the University’s current strengths and areas for improvement as a workplace. It suggests areas for future action and it shows how far the University has progressed since the previous surveys were conducted in 2005 and 2007. It is encouraging that staff commitment shows a positive trend, with 89% agreeing they are committed to their role and the University and 85% indicating that the University is a good place to work. However, there are some areas of concern and there will be further research into these in the coming months. I will keep you informed of the actions we intend to take.

October 2009


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Summary of the 2009 Employee Survey The University has been working hard on developing a positive working environment since the first employee survey in 2005. It is encouraging that these 2009 results highlight improvements in most areas.

A 47% response rate is a significant improvement over 2005 & 2007 with all sectors of staff represented. With a few exceptions, all responses are better than previous surveys in 2007 and 2005. The 2009 survey was structured into topics: Strategy and The Organisation, My Role, My Development, My Manager, My Team and Equity & Fairness. There was a mix of previous questions for continuity and to assess trends and new questions to reflect current issues and provide benchmarks for future surveys

Staff commitment shows a positive trend, with 89% agreeing they are committed to their role and the university and 85% agreeing that the University is a good place to work. However, there are some areas of concern and there will be further research into these issues and an action plan developed to address them.

Please note that Agree in this Brochure refers to Tend to Agree/ Agree/Strongly Agree. For the full results, please go to www.rgu.ac.uk/ hr/staffinfo/page.cfm?pge=23487


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Areas where there has been an improvement 89% agree that “I feel committed to both my role and RGU as an organisation”


Staff commitment to the University and my role shows a positive trend. This is underpinned by a significant positive trend to strongly agree in response to “I have a clear understanding of my job and role responsibilities.” The survey also highlighted encouraging positive trends in managing workloads, levels of responsibility and involvement in decisions. Responses to questions regarding management showed an improved trend. More staff feel they can raise issues with their manager and have them addressed, and that they are treated by their manager in a fair and equitable way. The new question relating to the service and experience the University provides saw 89% agree we are providing an excellent client service.

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Some of the largest improvements since 2007 are illustrated in the table

In my job I have enough responsibility to be able to make a significant contribution 10% I am satisfied with my involvement in decisions that affect my work 15% I am treated in a fair and equitable way by my manager 12% My manager proactively supports and encourages diversity, fairness and equal opportunity at work 9% I feel any issues or concerns I raise with my manager will be addressed 7% 0




Increase in % Agree response

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Areas of development We must re-affirm the need for consistent “good management practice” and show continued vigilance regarding equality and fair treatment, and health, safety and wellbeing

All management questions show a slight positive trend, however in some areas up to 1 in 4 have voiced concerns There appears to be a perception that there are not as many development opportunities as previously. Further research will need to be done to establish the level and range of opportunities available. The responses to health, safety and wellbeing being taken seriously by the University shows a slight positive trend but there is some concern that 1 in 5 disagree.

The 2009 survey collected more comprehensive data on equality and diversity than the previous 2007 and 2005 surveys. There was a slight positive improvement in responses to managers supporting and encouraging equality and diversity. However, continued vigilance is required regarding equality and fair treatment. Of concern is that 13% claim to have been subject to harassment, bullying or discrimination. All these areas are being investigated and there will be positive developmental actions taken.

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Highlights of areas where the University works well and where further work is needed Doing well

Areas for further development

>  A good place to work

>  Consistent “good management practice”

>  Commitment to the University and role

>  Levels of bullying, harassment and discrimination

>  Understanding of job and role responsibilities

>  Professional / Personal Developmental opportunities

>  Client service

>  Awareness of health and safety issues

>  Managing workloads

>  Wellbeing

>  Enough responsibility to be able to make a significant contribution >  Involvement in decisions >  Help and support of work colleagues >  Management supporting and encouraging diversity and fairness

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Staff Satisfaction Indicators What will happen next?

Committed to role and the University

Strongly agree 28%

The University is committed to continuous improvement to make our University a good place to work with happy and committed staff.

Agree 42% Tend to agree 19% Tend to disagree 6% Disagree 3% Strongly disagree 2% 0










% of respondents

Robert Gordon University is a good place to work

Further research is being undertaken in areas that the survey has highlighted there is room for improvement. This research will inform the development of an action plan to address these issues. Regular progress reports will be communicated to all staff.

Strongly agree 19% Agree 40% Tend to agree 26% Tend to disagree 9% Disagree 3% Strongly disagree 3% 0










% of respondents

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