RGU head of international student recruitment

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HEAD OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENT RECRUITMENT AND EXCHANGES Directorate of Marketing, Communication and Student Recruitment

The professional University




THE OPPORTUNITY The Robert Gordon University (RGU) is the top modern university in the UK, with a track record of success and a reputation as an innovative and ambitious university.



The Sunday Times named us their Scottish University of the Year 2011, the Times University Guide consistently places Robert Gordon University as top new University in the UK, a position supported by one of the UK’s best graduate employment records. We are the best university in the UK for employment, with over 97.7% of our undergraduates in work or further study within 6 months, our success in this area is on a par with the finest universities in the UK.

This is an enormously important area of the University’s business, with international students bringing a dynamic, multicultural perspective to the campus, helping sustain a vibrant portfolio and contributing substantially to the University’s commercialisation strategy. We are seeking to grow our postgraduate and undergraduate numbers and diversify our intake further and we do not underestimate the challenges that we face in doing so, given the increasingly competitive market for international students, Our business is also evolving so you will equally need to help us develop overseas recruitment operations and related

After a period of review we’ve just agreed a new international

international partnerships.

student recruitment strategy which builds on our strong vocational focus and our position as a leading oil and gas

As a senior university manager, the Head of International Student

university, based in the energy capital of Europe. A key part of

Recruitment and Exchanges has a leading role to play in achieving

our commercialisation agenda, the new recruitment strategy

our international ambitions.

focuses our resources on developing a number of ‘tier 1’ main markets where we plan to sustainably build our brand and

To succeed in the role, you will need to provide leadership

recruitment over the coming years. We will also to continue to

and vision to a committed and ambitious team of international

recruitment from a number of ‘tier 2’ markets.

recruitment and exchange professionals as well as academic colleagues. Leading the implementation of our new recruitment

The International team (together with the Marketing,

strategy you’ll be responsible for channelling the team’s energies

Communications, Admissions and Web/Administrative teams) is

and more efficient and effective operations, through encouraging

part of the Directorate of Marketing, Communication and

new ways of thinking, new ways of marketing, and new ways of

Student Recruitment.

managing our key relationships in those countries where we operate.

The International team has responsibility for the recruitment of full fee paying overseas students in terms of marketing and

As well as demonstrating effective leadership and management,

promotion, international recruitment partnerships and staff and

you will also need to be an instinctive and trustworthy networker

student exchanges.

across the institution and beyond, harnessing assets and skills across different departments to maximise our international success. We are open to applications from a variety of backgrounds. You may already be successful in another University’s international office, or you may be in a marketing or business development role in a completely different sector, but we will expect you to have the credibility and energy to make an early and positive impact on the international team and the University’s international business as a whole.


Directorate of Marketing, Communication and Student Recruitment

The Directorate encompasses International Student Recruitment and Exchanges, Marketing, Corporate Communication, Enquires and Admissions and the University Website. Together, we have a key role to play in helping Robert Gordon University build its international and domestic brand and reputation and to meet its ambitious student recruitment targets.

All our teams report in to the Director of Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment and are situated in the Schoolhill Building in the city centre. The City Centre also hosts a number of other departments however all teaching and research is centralised on the Garthdee Campus as part of our ambitious development plan to create the best riverside campus in Europe. The Admissions team deal with all UK central enquiries and UK and international applications and as a consequence have expertise in depth in the complete range of University programmes and suitable qualifications. They are also expert users of the University’s main student records system when it comes to application management. International enquiries are currently managed by an external provider (Hobsons) on behalf of the university and this company also delivers specific ‘made offer’ communication campaigns.


The Communication team provides media relations and corporate

We also work closely with Alumni Relations, with Student Services

communication services to the university and also takes the lead in the

(International Student Advice), the Study Skills and Access Unit (pre-

delivery of key university-wide events like graduation and professorial

sessional/English language courses) and Business Development. But

lectures. They also have an important role in the delivery of internal

even more significantly, we work closely with our internal customers,


the academic schools, providing them with high quality, professional marketing and recruitment services that meet their needs and help

The Directorate team provides central administrative services and

them achieve their recruitment targets.

also houses the web team responsible for providing a vibrant on-line presence for the university. The Marketing team devise and deliver campaigns for undergraduate and postgraduate recruitment in the UK and Eire and for those seeking on-line learning options. They have a particular role to play in delivering major recruitment campaigns, in working with UK schools and colleges and in developing core publications such as the UG prospectus. They also deliver with the web team key digital marketing activity related to search engine optimisation and work on smaller campaigns with academic colleagues to promote specific courses to niche groups increasingly utilising digital marketing.


The International Team

STUDENT RECRUITMENT With our location in Aberdeen, it is not surprising to find that we recruit significant numbers onto engineering courses, especially in oil and gas disciplines, but our Business School is also extremely popular; indeed there are few areas of the University without significant international representation. There is potential to broaden the level and subject mix to recruit to a broader range of courses.

Our Recruitment Managers each have responsibility for several ‘tier 1’ overseas markets. Focused on delivering a commercial return and long term market development , they have a major role to play developing and delivering country marketing plans, managing where market relevant the University’s network of overseas recruitment agents and in liaising with academic schools to ensure clear understanding of their needs. They are responsible for devising annual marketing plans for their specific markets and agreeing both the plans and the associated budgets with the Head of International Student Recruitment and Exchanges.

As part of our developing strategy the current plan is for Aberdeen-based staff to manage our marketing efforts aimed at ‘tier 2’ markets as well as supporting the focussed work of the recruitment managers.

The great majority of our current international students are studying at postgraduate level. However our strategy of diversifying the international intake is beginning to bear fruit with partnerships beginning to deliver increased undergraduate and transnational student numbers.




You will build on our commercial partnership with the International College at Robert Gordon University (Navitas) to deliver sustainable UG recruitment.

The university has a popular staff and student overseas exchange programme supported and administered by the International Exchanges Manager.

An increasingly important area of work for the future will be partnerships with feeder institutions across the world. You along with your team have a critical role in identifying potential partners and helping us to develop and manage mutually beneficial long term relationships that deliver effective recruitment.


A Clear Future for a leading university in a new era OUR VISION

In order to achieve our vision, we will commit ourselves to a set of key strategic aims:

RGU aspires to be recognised, in Scotland and beyond, as a distinctive university leading and shaping the debate on the future of higher education and placing students at the centre


Teaching and learning: inspire all individuals to achieve their

of the education it offers. It will be known for the impact

maximum potential and excel in the world of tomorrow.

of its teaching, scholarship and translational research, the


Extending access to learning: enable individuals to achieve their

employability of its graduates, its influence in the region and

ambitions throughout life whatever their circumstances.

nation, its growing global profile, and its strong interdisciplinary


Student experience: support students and graduates to enjoy and

focus on a small number of key questions and issues of concern

prosper within a vibrant learning community.

to the local and global community. It will achieve its goals in


Research: be recognised for our contribution to the growth of

partnership with academic, voluntary, public and business

innovation through advancing internationally excellent

organisations that share its ideals and aspirations.

translational research in our areas of strategic focus.

The university will enter the global university rankings,


Commercialisation: harness our intellectual and physical assets

diversify and secure its income and resources, and enter into

so they generate value to the economy and are profitable to

close collaborative agreements with key strategic partners.

the university.


The regional community: contribute to and be an active leader in

the development of the regional community.


Partnerships: secure strategic partnerships with a small number of

globally recognised universities and companies that will support

the university’s key ambitions.


Our university: empower staff and students to develop a strong

and engaged community.

RGU will be a model university of the future and will shape its own culture, practice and organisation accordingly.




The University prides itself in producing highly valued graduates. Our clear focus on professional education coupled with strong links to the public and third sectors and to the science industry, means the University has one of the UK’s best graduate employment records. Our Estates Master Plan has created the best riverside campus in Europe. This, together with our Virtual Learning Environment, will assure continued provision of a first class learning experience for all our students, both on and off campus.


“I have really enjoyed the course, especially getting out into the clinical area and seeing and learning from other midwives and interacting with women and families. This experience has been everything I had hoped for and more.” Stephanie Archibald

The journey of Robert Gordon University has been an impressive one. We have become known as an educational innovator, a strong partner for the city and shire and local education institutions, a university that understands the needs and priorities of business, industry and the public services, and a place of learning that provides students with real advantages as they embark upon their professional careers. We have invested to create a state-of-the-art campus at Garthdee,

“Robert Gordon’s branding as ‘the professional

complemented by our virtual learning environment.

university’ couldn’t be more appropriate. It

These are the achievements of the staff and students of

beats every other university in the most recent

the RGU community, who will continue to be central to

employment figures.”

what the university can achieve in the future.

Sunday Times


‘PROFESSIONAL’ IS OUR WATCHWORD FOR THE WAY WE TREAT ALL OUR STAKEHOLDERS, INCLUDING AND ESPECIALLY OUR STUDENTS. IT GUIDES THE WAY WE WORK TOGETHER, AND DEFINES WHAT WE EXPECT FROM EACH OTHER. OUR HERITAGE The name Robert Gordon has been synonymous with education in Aberdeen since 1750 when the original college was founded from his bequest. With the addition of Gray’s School of Art in 1885, the School of Pharmacy in 1898 and the Scott Sutherland School of Architecture in 1957, the original college has evolved over the years into a substantial university – a leading institution of learning still able to draw upon this rich heritage. You can view a short video about the university at http://www. rgu.ac.uk/about/about-robert-gordon-university/about-rgu We offer an impressive range of professionally focused courses


across the arts and design, management, engineering and

The University generates an annual group income of around

computing, health and social care and the applied sciences and

£94 million through corporate programmes, consultancy and

technology. We are particularly focused on developing our key

other business engagement, research income and fee paying or

areas of strength – energy, health and social care, the creative

funded students.

industries and the knowledge economy.

We currently employ approximately 1600 members of staff and deliver courses to around 16,500 students.


Of the 16,500 students:

The University has established a significant e-Learning capability,

22% are engaged in distance learning and corporate courses

based around the ‘Moodle’ virtual learning environment. This is

60% Full time and 40% Part time

used to support an extensive range of distance learning courses

64% Undergraduate and 36% Postgraduate students

and to support the learning of on-campus students in blended approaches. Effective use of appropriate technologies is a key

Of the Undergraduates:

element of the University’s plans to extend distance learning

27% attend Aberdeen Business School

provision, including corporate learning, and to enhance the

27% enrolled in Design and Technology courses

learning experience of all students.

46% enrolled in Health and Social Care courses Of the Postgraduates: 57% in Aberdeen Business School 24% in Design and Technology courses 19% in Health and Social Care courses


NORTH EAST SCOTLAND COLLEGE – AN ASSOCIATE COLLEGE The strength of our regional commitment and also our understanding of the social inclusion wider access agenda is reflected in our partnership with North East Scotland College, the largest FE College in Scotland. This is a truly outstanding alliance recognised by the Scottish Funding Council as a model for others. The College is an associated college of the University and there are articulation agreements across many subject areas leading to 2+1 and 2+2 progression. COMMERCIAL LINKS Our strong links with industry have delivered corporate alliances, CPD programmes and consultancy both in the UK and overseas. The deployment of blended learning through the Moodle Virtual Learning Environment has further expanded our capability for working with corporate partners and SMEs world-wide. Enterprising research is undertaken by groups throughout the University and the results


contribute to knowledge exchange activities across diverse

Our strategy is of ‘internationalisation’ of the total student

commercial sectors.

experience for all students. This includes the curriculum, work placements and the wider experience they have interacting with our staff and the community. International students have long been attracted to Robert Gordon University and contributed much to our cultural fabric. Indeed, in recent years, increasing numbers of international students have made ours a truly international campus. 19% of the total student population come from outside the EU. Expanding our cultural and commercial links with overseas organisations has helped to create many exciting opportunities for our staff and students to work abroad. Our commitment to internationalisation is evident in the establishment of an International College at the University in partnership with Navitas. Following the launch of the College in September 2011, we expect to significantly increase our recruitment of international undergraduate students at a time when our recruitment of international postgraduate students is coming under greater pressure.



• IDEAS – Institute for Innovation, Design and

RGU maintains strong links with industry and can trump all competition with its 97.1% employment rate.

Sustainability Research

Topics: Engineering; Environmental Science; Computing;

Architecture & Built Environment and Art & Design.

The Daily Telegraph July 2012

In July 2013, HESA (the Higher Education Statistics Agency) officially recognised RGU as the university with the UK’s best graduate employment record.

• IHWR - Institute for Health & Wellbeing Research

For five successive years, Robert Gordon University has

Topics: Pharmacy & Life Sciences; Health Sciences; Applied

Social Studies and Nursing & Midwifery.

• ImaGeS – Institute for Management, Governance and

retained the position of best modern university in the UK (The Times Sep 2012) and we consistently maintain one of the UK’s best graduate employment records. In 2012 The Times, The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph all rated Robert Gordon University the top university in Scotland for Graduate employment. RESEARCH In the 2008 Research Assessment Exercise, Robert Gordon University achieved outstanding results with over 70% of research being classified as of international quality. The University was ranked the top modern Scottish University for research quality, with ‘world class’ research activity in 8 out of the 11 subjects returned. More recently, Robert Gordon University was named the top modern university in the UK in The Sunday Times University Guide 2013 which highlighted our top quality teaching and research. The University has built on this excellence with the establishment of three multi-disciplinary Research Institutes. They have become the focus for strategic investment and management of research within the University. Membership of the Institutes crosses our Faculty boundaries with each institute being thematic, rather than discipline based, carrying out research which is relevant to the wider community.


Society Research

Topics: Business & Enterprise; Governance & Society and

Information & Communication.

one campus, one vision - garthdee 2020



and Schoolhill) was essentially complete by 2004. To date we have invested over £100 million in new buildings and upgrading

• Consolidate all academic and administrative activities on

facilities for students. These have included the Aberdeen

the Garthdee Campus site in order to create the finest

Business School, the Faculty of Health and Social Care, as well

riverside learning environment in Europe

as a state of the art Sports Centre, modern onsite nursery and a

• Create a clearly legible campus heart, focused around a

health centre open to staff, students and the local community.

student-centred experience • Develop a new and unified academic development on

The second phase, our ‘Masterplan’, is a £170 million campus development project at our Garthdee campus which will culminate in the realisation of our vision - one campus at Garthdee by 2020. Summer 2013 saw the completion of Riverside East, providing accommodation for schools formerly located on the Schoolhill site, a new library and new social facilities.

the eastern portion of the site in order to gain from the advantages of co-location and collaboration between disciplines • Retain and enhance the landscaped qualities of the site and seek to achieve a stronger relationship between buildings and the riverside setting • Develop the Garthdee Campus in a sustainable, phased

It will also allow staff and students from different disciplines to

manner reflecting the availability of project funding

benefit from working more closely together on interdisciplinary

• Re-utilise appropriate areas within existing buildings to

themes which are so important in today’s society and economy.

form a more holistic and integrated campus

The new facilities will complement the University’s existing

• Develop a new focus for arrival/entrance from the south,

buildings in terms of their innovative design and style, while

including a new pedestrian and cycle bridge to the south

providing an outstanding educational environment for its students.

side of the river


ROLE PROFILE Head of International Student Recruitment & Exchanges RESPONSIBLE TO:

• Develop strong synergies and working practices with the Alumni Office.

The Director of Marketing, Communications and Student Recruitment, who is in turn accountable to the Vice-Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor for the Student Experience and External Relations.

• To analyse and report on complex market and student data from a variety of systems.


Deliver and further develop the University’s International

Working with key stakeholders across the university to deliver the international student recruitment strategy, which aims to raise the international profile of RGU, recruit to target against country and course and sustainably diversify the international student population.

Student Recruitment Strategy, and oversee its

implementation in order to achieve the agreed ROI.

To provide highly effective, visible and dynamic leadership and management of the international team, encompassing international recruitment, exchange and partnerships.

enhanced conversion of enquiries and applications into

To work closely with senior staff across the university to develop and manage overseas partnerships for student recruitment and exchange.

enrolled students.

managed, developed, monitored and serviced in line with

To select and manage external suppliers so as to ensure VFM and effective delivery of services.

the University’s requirements and in compliance with UK


Ensure that an aligned marketing strategy is delivered with our private pathway provider, the International College at Robert Gordon University (ICRGU).

relevant, high quality enquiries and applications in

designated target markets.

• Lead international recruitment and exchanges delivery, with a focus on maintaining a high performing and motivated team of professional staff. •

Ensure that the University’s agents are effectively

Manage, develop and review the University’s relationship with the Hobsons Service Centre ensuring high quality and

cost effective CRM for all direct enquiries and applicants.

Establish excellent working relationships with key University

staff and provide professional support to departments on a

range of international recruitment activities.

Work closely with Admissions, Communication, Marketing and Web teams to ensure effective marketing, recruitment and admissions planning is delivered.

Work closely with Admissions and Hobsons to support

Ensure the delivery of integrated international marketing plans to effectively position the RGU brand and generate


Manage the budget for the International recruitment operation and agents. Ensure the development and effective delivery of overseas partnerships for student recruitment and exchanges. Build and maintain professional relationships with a

variety of external agencies including the British Council,

• Play an active role on the management team of the Directorate.

BUILA, SUIG, Scottish Government, UUK, SDI, Universities

Scotland etc.

• Take an active role in assisting the Director in the preparation of strategic papers to service the various University’s committees.

• Provide policy advice and options on complex international student recruitment issues, both written and orally.

• Working with the Director and Dean of Students, ensure that RGU meets and complies with all UK visa regulations and key legislation such as the Bribery Act.


Ensure that market research and forecasting reports are

developed and maintained for all tier 1 markets and provide

market intelligence to inform university decision-making.

Work closely with ICRGU, to ensure marketing and

recruitment plans are aligned and any joint ventures are



QUALIFICATIONS A degree and/or postgraduate qualification is required. A professional qualification or recognised development in marketing or a related field would also be highly desirable

You should be able to demonstrate your: • Leadership • Initiative • Attention to detail • Confidentiality • Creativity • Flexibility • Tactfulness • Proactivity • Integrity

MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE • A persuasive and confident leader and manager with demonstrable significant experience in an international services marketing or business development role • Significant experience of line management and staff development

• Experience of managing and effectively employing staff

In addition, the university have 12 critical leadership behaviours that all managers should exhibit or plan to develop: • Communicates a clear and consistent vision (or plan) • Demonstrates integrity and high ethical standards • Sets and sustains high personal standards of delivery • Is decisive, particularly when confronted with challenging issues • Able to adapt and capitalise on new opportunities • Builds effective relationships • Builds effective team performance • Openly encourages and recognises the contribution of others • Gives constructive feedback on a regular basis • Encourages personal development and provides appropriate opportunities.

and non pay budgets

OTHER DESIRABLE EXPERIENCE • Experience of marketing/recruitment activity within an educational or commercial education environment

• Experience of international operations and/or managing an international marketing team • Experience of selecting and managing external suppliers • Experience of managing overseas partnerships and/or relationships KNOWLEDGE • A good understanding and knowledge of management techniques related to team leadership, organisation and development, budget setting and effective employment and change management • Best practice in the development of effective marketing plans OTHER DESIRABLE KNOWLEDGE • Knowledge of the UK and global Higher Education sector and market drivers • Knowledge of service marketing and CRM • Knowledge of developing and delivering overseas partnerships • Knowledge of one or more major overseas HE markets • Knowledge of UK immigration rules and regulations as they apply to potential students

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: You may be required to spend up to 3 months of the year travelling overseas for extended periods, working evening and weekends as required work. You also have to be prepared to travel to any designated international market, identified by the University.





The city is known internationally as the undisputed European capital of the energy industry. However, it also has many other sides to its character. Not least because it is located on the edge of the world renowned Scottish Highlands and the spectacular Cairngorms - a magnet for walkers, climbers and skiers from across the UK. Aberdeen is undeniably a wealthy city; it has one of the highest per capita incomes of any city after London in the UK. Such prosperity brings many benefits. The city boasts first-class facilities. Shopping and leisure opportunities are constantly expanding. Schooling at all levels is well catered for – with secondary schooling, in particular, recognised for its quality in both the public and private sectors. The hotel sector continues to expand its full range of provision as you would expect of an energy capital. Aberdeen also offers a fine array of cultural attractions. There is an eclectic mix of bars, cafés and restaurants and a host of modern entertainments including cinemas, theatres, museums, galleries and concert halls. And, throughout the year, Aberdeen also plays host to several entertaining and stimulating festivals including the Aberdeen Alternative Festival and the International Youth Festival. Aberdeen International Airport has direct connections with the major ‘hub’ airports of Paris, Amsterdam and Oslo as well as London (Gatwick, Heathrow and Luton) and Dublin. It also has established connections with a wide range of other major UK cities. USEFUL LINKS To view our interactive site on Aberdeenshire, with excellent information on education, health, housing, transport and weather, please visit: www2.rgu.ac.uk/aberdeenshire/




The Board of Governors of the University is constituted in

The Board are required to delegate to the Academic Council

accordance with The Robert Gordon University (Scotland)

those functions relating to the planning, co-ordination,

Order of Council 2006. The Board is composed of appointed

development and supervision of the academic work of the

and elected Governors who have experience of higher

University. Academic Council is chaired by the Principal &

education, industrial, commercial, and public service sectors

Vice Chancellor. Much of the work of the Academic Council

and a wide range of professional practice. Staff and Student

is delivered through standing committees, sub-committees,

Governors are elected and have equal standing with those

Faculty Boards, School Committees and course panels. As

others who are appointed.

a result a large proportion of the University community are

involved in its activities. The Principal reports to the Board of

The Board of Governors has the following standing committees -

Governors on the work of the Academic Council regularly.

Chairman’s Committee Staff Governance Committee


Audit Committee

The Board of Governors is required to delegate to the Principal

Finance and General Purposes Committee

& Vice Chancellor those functions relating to the organisation

Nominations Committee

and management of the University. The Principal & Vice

Remuneration Committee.

Chancellor is the chief academic, administrative and accounting officer for the University, effectively the “Chief Executive”.


HOW TO APPLY The University has appointed Hudson as search consultants for this post. For an initial discussion, or to apply, contact: Neil Brown neil.brown@hudson.com +44 141 227 9102


Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Campus, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7QE, United Kingdom Produced by The Gatehouse Design & Print Consultancy at Robert Gordon University Robert Gordon University, a Scottish Charity registered under charity number SC013781


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