Broadsheet 2015

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APEC 2015: A Quick Synthesis


NEWS/page 5

Gov’t to hike wage

International NEWS/page 7

National Concern/page 9

The Official Student Publication of San Pedro College • Davao City, Philippines


Article I: A Lesson about History

Feature/page 15

Entertainment/page 23

Gilas Gears For Olympics 2016; PHL Team New Lineup sports/page 24

Since 1978

K+12 runs on:

SPC gets set for Senior High Rocker-on-Duty: Mynard Pontillo Photo taken by Irick Angelo Venus

Aspiring applicants take the intrance exam for senior high students at SPC Philomene Labreque Hall

ith an era of new education system within reach, San Pedro W College is set to take on another challenge as it prepares for the influx of students enrolling for the Senior High School program of the institution.

Continuing the K+12 academic system, the pioneering batch of Grade 11 students will enter SPC next year. The institution, on the other hand, is currently undergoing changes as it prepares

for a new breed of students with different educational methods of learning. As of the second week of November, basic education

requirements of the SHS were already prepared. Student handbooks, laboratory manuals in Science subjects like Biology, Chemistry and Physics are all waiting to be printed. The time schedules for sections and list of subjects have also been set up. “We reparing

have already been since we got the

provisional permit and the discussions about the program in the Presidential Board is going on,” Senior High School Program Officer, Rosario M. Oconer, MATC, said. The SPC Senior High School program will offer three strands: STEM (Science/Health, Technology, Engineering and

France, Russia and United States Strike Back Rocker-on-Duty: Irene Grace Jalandoni

September. “Our great and beautiful France will never break, will never yield, never bend,” said French President Francois Hollande.

Preceding bombings in a post office, a driver’s license bureau, a shopping center cafeteria, a restaurant and a Tati discount clothing store, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls declares state of war with terrorists. “We are at war. We therefore take exceptional measures. And this war—we will win,” he claimed, “France is at war against terrorism, jihadism, radicalism. France is not at war against Islam and Muslims.”

In Eastern Europe, Russian President Vladimir Putin sought for a global anti-terrorism fight after 19 people, including 6 Russians were killed in an attack in Mali. The assault came a week after gun and bomb attacks in Paris which claimed 130 lives and three weeks after a Russian airliner downed over Egypt by a bomb, killing 224 people aboard.

Addressing security weaknesses, convicted extremists would be isolated in prisons before the year ends in order to prevent them from radicalizing fellow inmates, according to him. An improved system for the exchange of data on European travelers would also be in place by

New facilities eyed to be ready next year

Jihadist groups Al Mourabitoun and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) claimed to have


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Photo Source: Phot

Rocker-on-Duty: Maria Sophia Galido Photo taken by Maria Sophia Galido

SPC can offer. STEM would lead to courses like Bachelor in Medical Laboratory Science, >>> Continued on page 4

#EleksyonSerye: The Presidentiables Rocker-on-Duty: Jennicel Jane Acosta Photos compiled by Theresa Ann Deseo


he 2016 presidential elections may yet to be, by far, the most intriguing display of democracy in the history of Philippine politics. As early as now, we see aspirants on TV, with their prominent mantras, promising anti-corruption in the government, improvement of infrastructures, economic liberations, tax reforms, etc. and it’s not even the campaign period yet! The Commission on Elections (COMELEC) is set to release the complete final list of candidates for the 2016 Elections on December 10. However, voters are already keen on eyeing their bet in the bid for the highest executive position in the country set on May 9 next year. Loose requirements? Article VII, Section 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution states that “No person may be elected President unless he is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter, able to read and write, at least forty years of age on the day of the election, and a resident of the Philippines for at least ten years immediately preceding such election.”

rand-new hangouts and facilities will welcome B San Pedro College students next year as the main campus will add more infrastructural improvements to be finished on the next months.

Mathematics), ABM (Accountancy, Business and Management) and HUMSS (Humanities and Social Sciences). These strands will lead to respective college degrees that

>>> Continued on page 15

Newly Discovered Fault Lines Herald Potential Massive Davao Region Earthquake Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian


Photo compiled by Jezza Mae Barrera

AVAO CITY - The Philippine Institute on Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) has warned of a potential ‘Big One’ that might hit the region. The warning comes mere days after a Magnitude 4.7 earthquake jolted Davao City and was felt as far as Cotabato City and General Santos City, on the early morning of November 7. No casualties or damage to infrastructure was reported. >>> Continued on page


However, this law is not deemed as effective as it seems. Election reform activists’ advocate to revise the requirements for running as president in elections into stricter grounds rooted on the growing number of nuisance bets filing their Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) each year. This led to this year’s record of 130 who filed their COC for president from October 12-16 in the COMELEC headquarters in Intramuros, Manila. Article IX, Section 69 of the Philippine Omnibus Election Code defines a nuisance candidate as anyone who files COC to “to put the election process in mockery or disrepute or to cause confusion among the voters by the similarity of the names of the registered candidates or by other circumstances or acts which clearly demonstrate that the candidate has no bona fide intention to run for the office for which the certificate of candidacy has been filed and thus prevent a faithful determination of the true will of the electorate.” >>> Continued on page



Institutional News

Dawning of the New Light Rocker-on-Duty: Jennicel Jane Acosta Photo taken by Dorothy Joi Pimentel

j u n e - D e c e m b e r

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SPC Embraces K-12 Rocker-on-Duty: Kristina Therese Catbagan


ver wondered what would happen to the school once senior high school commences?

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (RA 10533) or more commonly known as the K-12 Education System, was approved last 15th of May, 2013 and took effect on the 8th of June in the same year.


very organization’s success in the institution of San Pedro College generously depends upon the pillar of strength with whom all members look up to for morale and enthusiasm, and for The Rock, this is Dr. Vivien Grace Jubahib. Beyond the neatly laid back black hair, genuine smile and knowing eyes, let us know more about the woman who humbly describes herself as ‘simple but hardworking’. “I love to serve and to give loyalty to whom I serve,” she Doc J views the students who are working in this organization said in an exclusive interview. as its greatest asset. Getting the position of technical adviser to an official “There are talents that need student publication was a tricky to be tapped but this can also be job considering the issues and a big downfall if they refuse to criticisms faced by the media be developed and if they become persons but the thought of proud and not willing to listen to working with talented students both sides of the issue.” who care to deal with the same She believes that there should passion – reading and writing – as she has made, Doc J primarily be a balance practice of campus journalism. Sensitive issues accepted the job. should be dealt with properly that Asked about her first it protects the integrity of both impression of The Rock before sides. All issues must be presented becoming its technical adviser, and let the readers decide to take she answered, “I have good their stand. impressions of The Rock. I thought of it as a group of “We take responsibility of our intelligent people who are failures and whatever success willing to share their talents. there is, the glory should always be I have high expectations, too, given back to God,” she remarked. that surely, when these people When posed a question about her are properly guided, this plans for The Rock, she said that organization can achieve even she dreams for The Rock to be a greater than what everyone publication that has transcended into a more holistic service in the could expect.” entire SPC community adhering “I see that the members to its vision and mission. are enthusiastic and willing to serve. They are very active and “I would like to see that it enthusiastic in performing their has produced a more mature role tasks. I even noticed that they of print media which can be a are willing to extend their time reliable source of information just to make the work done. I where the students can gain and love them because these are share their knowledge in medical, business, and the kind of people that I need to humanities, political field,” she elaborated. work with,” she shared.

The issue hit the country like a tidal wave. As expected, not everyone approved of it. You could hear people arguing about it on social media, on television, on the radio or even on the streets.

A whole lot of heated debates, comments, and rallies occurred before the said act came to life. Now, here it is! After everything K-12 was able to push itself through. Whether we like it or not we have no choice other than to clasp the change brought to us by the government. K-12 is “an act enhancing the Philippine Basic Education System by strengthening its

curriculum and increasing the number of years for Basic Education, appropriating funds therefor and for other purposes.” It aims to provide sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship. This 2016, Senior High School (SHS) will begin. Students who’ll be finishing junior high school >>> Continued on page 6

Effects of New Student Leadership Initiative Now Evident

Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian Photo compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo

SPC Student Leaders having their general meeting

nnovative programs and the enhanced capabilities of the different clubs and organizations of San Pedro College clearly show the encouraging effects of the newly Idevised Cluster of Directions and Formulated Goals. Two Student Leaders' summits, organized by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA), have yielded the Cluster of Directions and Formulated Goals. The thirteen clusters guide the officers of the different clubs and organizations on student leadership and empowerment, organizational identity, their relationship with their moderators and other faculty, a proper comprehension of the school policy, and collaboration with other clubs and organizations within the school network. Mr. Belindo S. Aguilar, MATRE, the OSA Director, among other high-ranking school officials, has backed and stressed the need of the college's clubs and organizations to have a “reorientation” on their goals and emphasized that they acquire the skill of advance strategic planning.

There was also an establishment of links between the clubs and organizations and the key partners of the school administration, the SALIGAN Supreme Student Council, the Student Congress and the League of Clubs and Organizations The reinvigorated clubs and organizations have in the previous semester been seen in action in in-school activities such as the Saint Dominic's Week, Takbo Dominikano, Club Fair Day and the Intramurals and when SPCians have been called to serve outside like in the 2nd Le Maste Asian Leadership Management Congress and other external pursuits.

New Set of SPC Student Leaders Rocker-on-Duty: Hanzelle Clarisse Dela Cruz Photos Compiled by Ariz Mark Tan


tudents of San Pedro College once again exercised their power and right to vote for the next officers of Saligan Supreme Student Council, the Student Congress and the League of Clubs and Organizations, who will become stewards of leadership and exemplify industry and responsibility among the students in the institution. The Student Congress is an organization of the class presidents in all year levels and courses in the college. They convened their election of new officers last June during their first general assembly at the Philomene Labreque Hall, which was attended by the class presidents and some Saligan Supreme Student Council officers. President: Dylan Joseph L Bersabal Internal Vice President: Lea G. Juanite External Vice President: Abryl Symon D. Culas Executive Secretary: Alyanna Pauline B. Tambuli Assistant Secretary: Elizabeth Denise G. Moriel General Treasurer: Jasmin Joyce D. Patalinghug Assistant Treasurer: Carlos Illich D. Pineda Auditor: Diana Carla P. Cerbo Business Manager: Candice Laine D. Martin Public Information Officer: Jeritz George A. Orbigo 1st Year Representative: Niña Grace D. Declarador nd 2 Year Representative: Kassandra Rica Janikka C. Magarin 3rd Year Representative: Aleeza Madeleine C. Dionisio 4th Year Representative: Rachele Joan M. Tonelete The League of Clubs and Organizations is the society of the various clubs or organizations’ presidents. They selected their new set of officers last June. Governor: Maria Janine M. Hiluano Vice Governor: Sittienor H. Ibrahim Secretary: Janice L. Mari Treasurer: Maria Dayanara D. Grecia Auditor: Ralp Shanel P. Barrios Public Information Officer: Kea Michelle B. Evangelista Business Manager: Alson V. Camile

The Saligan Supreme Student Council, the prime leaders of the SPC student body, started their campaign, between the LAHAT partylist and MAGDALO partylist, on 1st week of March and the students casted their votes last March 10-12, 2015, which was spearheaded by the SPC COMELEC. The crucial announcement of the new set of Saligan officers happened on March 17 as follows. President: Amiel Van E. Llaneta External Vice President: AJ Narelle James L.Bautista Internal Vice President: Kristeena Beatrice U. Bautista Executive Secretary: Daphnie Shane G. Gentapan Assistant Secretary: Charizze Rochelle D. Pangan General Treasurer: John Belle G. Rico Assistant Treasure: Elijah Louise G. Ganade Auditor: Brylle Jhun R. Imbo Business Manager: Rachel Ann C. Aspiras Public Information Officer: Kim Ian T. Sombilla Nursing Representative: Debbie A. Gubaton Laboratory Science Representative: Dharyll Mae C. Vicente Pharmacy Representative: Neil Harold D. Fernandez Physical Therapy Representative: Lovely P. Pax Arts and Sciences and Accountancy and Business Management Representative: Hexcel Andreu G. Khua Freshman Ambassador: Hyde Jozel Z. Cartoneros

Rockers attending the CEGP Seminar

The Summit of Press Skill Enhancement Rocker-on-Duty: Nico Angelo Solon Photos compiled by Wendellyn Bragat


ugust 8 2015—The Ateneo de Davao University held host to the annual CEGP comprehensive journalism skills training seminar entitled: Pluma 2k15. The aim of the said seminar was to enhance the skills of several collegiate school press as well as to raise awareness in current news and social affairs. The San Pedro College Student Publication: The Rock took part in the said event that held a variety of courses such as: Advance News, Editorial and Features Writing, Tri-Media Publishing and Management, Advance Cartooning, Graphics and Lay-outing Progressive Photojournalism and Video Creative Literary Writing. The program was soon followed by the election of officer representatives by the Editors-in-Chief as well as their Associates which was then succeeded by a torch parade walk in the freedom park to show support for the Lumad minorities of Davao. The successful event has led to the better camaraderie of the student press across Mindanao and the youth as well in raising awareness in today’s latest social issues as the CEGP expresses their stand against today’s modern day oppressions.


Institutional News

San Pedro College

SPC Tops Licensure Boards; Garners 2nd Place in Medical and Allied Fields Vicente Maduay III Schools Rocker-on-Duty: Photos compiled by David Uy III

SPC – RCY, 1st Runner-up in ISFAC

Rocker – on – Duty: Jovilyn Ugdang Photos compiled by Dorothy Joi Pimentel an Pedro College reigned supreme as they placed First Runner-up and Best in Transfer Relay as the Davao City Chapter of Philippine Red Cross held the Interschool First-Aid Competition (ISFAC) 2015 at University of Immaculate Conception, Bajada on September 18, 2015.



an Pedro College earned second place in a ranking of medical and allied fields schools by Great performance was truly made by the board passers of the different medically allied courses such as Pharmacy, Psychology and Psychometry, Medical Technology, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy and Nursing.

Here is the tabulation of data taken from the website:


Passing Rate (first timers)

Respiratory Therapist Board Exam



of 18

Pharmacist Licensure Exam



of 50

Physical Therapist Licensure Exam



of 43

Medical Technology Board Exam



of 86

The competition was participated by young and adept volunteers almost all 35 different Red Cross Youth school councils from elementary to tertiary level. Driven colleges and universities including Ateneo de Davao University, Agro Industrial Foundation College of the Philippines, Davao Doctors College, Holy Cross of Davao College, MATS College of Technology, Mindanao Kokusai Daigaku, Saint Peter’s College of Toril, San Pedro College, University of Mindanao, University of Southeastern Philippines, and University of Immaculate Conception showcased their skills as they battled for the title of being the champion in the tertiary level.

Rank in the Philippines

*Displaying the passing rates of First Timers only (does not include people who took the exam for the 2nd or 3rd time) *Based on the results of past 4 exams of each board exam

Efforts and sacrifices made weren’t wasted as some of the board exams taken by students from the Medical Technology, Pharmacy, Respiratory Therapy, Psychometry and Physical Therapy courses generated top notchers. Because of these, The Rock happily presents the different top notchers of the different licensure exams of this year 2015. Pharmacy Deptartment (SPC ranks top 4 in the Pharmacy Board Exams)


What is ISFAC?

Interschool First-Aid Competition is a big event hosted by the Philippine Red Cross to continuously advocate first-aid in the whole chapter. Various schools joined to enhance their profiency and be able to extend hand to others in need. ISFAC is a very good way to broaden the horizon of first-aid to save more lives. The competition became more challenging than before. Despite losing the title, SPC-RCY remained on their goal to spread knowledge in first-aid and commitment to their advocacy.

TOP 3 Allyanna Mae D. Agustin

TOP 6 Celine Angelica M. Garcia

TOP 6 Katrina Angelie R. Pieldad

Medical Technology Department (SPC ranks top 5 in the MTLB)

UniFAST to aid Filipino Students Rocker-on-Duty: Rapha Angeline Catangui Photo compiled by Mynard Pontillo


Photo Source: File photo by Ben Nabong/Rappler

nified Student Financial Assistance System for Tertiary Education Act (UNIFAST) bill is now Republic Act 10687 as President Aquino signs the new law to give assistance to poor and deserving students, October 15.

TOP 4 Sharmain Marie B. San

TOP 9 Grace Joy E. Apale

TOP 9 Monique L. Mondragon

Respiratory Therapy Department ( SPC Ranks Top 1 in the RTLE)

Top 1 Crystal Jay B. Seran

Top 8 Azelleah Marie C. Misoles

Physical Therapy Department

Top 7 Lheanna Mae M. Solis

Top 10 Ace Jordan C. Tayag

Psychology Department

Top 8 Febby Kristin L. Ibita

SPC, Philippines salute Teachers Rocker-on-Duty: David Uy III Photos compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo


“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart.”

arent. Guide. Hero. Admiring the lights of the institution, San Pedro College celebrated World Teachers Day on October 5, 2015.

The celebration tipped off with a Eucharistic celebration to bless the teachers. The mass focused on the impact of the profession to the present world. Also, it highlighted the importance of respecting the teachers as they are essential to our nation and in futurebuilding. With its theme “Empowering teachers, building sustainable societies,” the institution celebrated the day for the whole faculty and staff of San Pedro College with the students giving various gifts to their beloved teachers. The whole nation celebrated as well. Presidential Proclamation No. 242 declaring September 5 to October 5 as National Teachers’ Month” was signed on August 24, 2015 by President Benigno Simeon Aquino. DepEd Memorandum No. 99, s. 2015 also expressed the same

recognition entitling the memo, “2015 National Teachers’ Month and World Teachers’ Day Celebration.”

Designed to unite publicly-funded Student Financial Assistance Program (StuFAPs) like scholarships, grants-in-aid and students loans, UniFAST justifies the allocation and untilization of government resources and improves the access to quality college education. the head of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority, and UniFAST is a crucial enhancement to the representatives from Department of Labor Iskolar ng Bayan Act which acknowledges and Employment, National Economic and rewards top 10 graduates of more or and Development Authority and National less 8,000 public high schools throughout Youth Commission sitting as members. the country, giving them free tuition and miscellaneous fees upon enrolment in any The board will oversee the enactment of the 113 state universities and colleges in of UniFAST except those financial schemes the Philippines. with specifically directed recipients like those taking up technical, vocational and Pasig City Representative Roman science and technology courses. Romulo, the principal author of the UniFAST, also authored the Iskolar ng The history of a synchronized Bayan Act in which the Top 10 high school monetary assistance fund started in graduates will only have the benefits of 2010 as a proposal of the NEDA-Social having no tuition and miscellaneous fees Development Committee. The technical on their first year in college. But with the work began only in 2013 after the newly-signed measure, these scholars will Philippine Institute of Development now be able to have financial aid, grants or Studies conducted a comprehensive study. loans in their succeeding years in college. Considering UniFAST as a significant scheme to help Filipino students, CHED’s Supervising the implementation Higher Education Reform Agenda gave of the new law, a UniFAST board was the essential motivation. The Commission also made. The commission on Higher gave constant technical support to both the Education (CHED) heads the board with Senate and the House of Representatives the Department of Science and Technolgy in the creation and eventual finalization and Department of Education secretaries, and enactment of the law.

The much awaited Jubilee

Rocker-on-Duty: Judy Andrea Palado Photos compiled by Wendellyn Bragat

Other schools over the whole Philippines are also celebrating. The country has about 660,000 teachers helping in strengthening the communities and building the nation. The event in San Pedro College, together with the world, aimed to culminate the month-long celebration with recognition and festivities to express the community’s sincere gratitude for teachers’ important role for the future. As Mr. Schuester from Glee said, “The best teachers don’t give you the answers. They just point the way and let you make your own choices, your own mistakes. That way you get all the glory, and you deserve it.”


he path of excellence is what San Pedro College is taking since before. A true and genuine soul of a love that serves is instilled in every SPCian way back then. Indeed, it’s been a long and fruitful journey leading to a better future that’s even more gleaming and vivid. The most-awaited road to jubilee is starting to ignite the spirit of the entire institution.

The year 2016 is the much-awaited year of San Pedro College. For this is the year when the glorious 60th Jubilee Celebration commences. The countdown has been long started; which signifies the utter anticipation of the 60 years full of achievements and true service to all students. The founders of San Pedro College, the Dominican Sisters of the Trinity from

Canada, founded the institution in 1956. It began as a school of nursing, then the college increased its population as the years went by. SPC also expanded the courses it offered in response to the needs of the East Asia Growth Area (EAGA). As of today, the college is experiencing great academic achievements because of the numerous top-notchers from the different 2015 licensure exams and the years before that as well. SPC proved to the world the exceptional education the institution brings to the students. The college also changed its Vision-Mission-Goals (VMGO) recently that envisions to serve the poor and disadvantaged, the Filipinos and the world. An outstanding proof of the plans of the institution to a better and brighter tomorrow. Now, as we are a few steps closer to the Diamond Jubilee, the students, faculty, staff and administrators, are full of enthusiasm and gratitude as the institution finally celebrates its Diamond Anniversary. It shall mark a new chapter in our lives for the years to come to strive harder for a better future and as we take on and triumph every challenge along the road.

Institutional News


j u n e - D e c e m b e r

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San Pedro College’s Hairstyle Prohibition Rocker-on-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photos compiled by Jezza Mae Barrera


AVAO CITY – San Pedro College released a notice stating the prohibited hairstyles for men with several included pictures that depicted said hairstyles. These infographic images were taken from a site called and were displayed under the OSA logo with an SPC background. These infographics contained hairstyles such as the Pompadour, Short Back and Sides, Man Bun and the Top Knot. It excluded the Fade and Classic Side Part that were included in the original infographic, which do not violate SPC Haircut policy.

Aspiring applicants take the intrance exam for senior high students at SPC Philomene Labreque Hall.

<<from Page 1

K+12 runs on: SPC gets set for Senior High

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Physical or Respiratory Therapy and other related courses. On the other hand, the ABM strand has Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology and Bachelor of Science in Business Management. Courses like Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Guidance Counseling, Bachelor of Secondary in Education, and Bachelor of Arts in English will be the offered degrees after taking on the HUMSS strand.

The notice received numerous criticism from both students and outsiders due to its apparent suppression of freedom and rights of a student despite these notices not being new. They also claimed that OSA merely copied the images off of an unnamed source. It also made waves in other cities and the school was featured on Several others said that the regulations were necessary due to SPC offering Allied Health Courses and the importance of keeping a neat appearance. Others exclaimed that there were much bigger issues facing college students such as Tuition Increase.

Mr. Al Francis Macarayo Second Runner – Up in PERAA Competition Rocker–on–Duty: Eric Christian Fabian Photo compiled by Jezza Mae Barerra

Medical Professionals attend Proficiency trainings at SPC Rocker-on-duty: Jennicel Jane Acosta


arious medical healthcare professionals from all over the Philippines convened in San Pedro College (SPC) for the two simultaneous four-day training seminars given by the National Reference Laboratory - East Avenue Medical Center (NRLEAMC) and organized by Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, Inc. (PAMET) - Davao Chapter in partnership with the Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) Department of SPC. Both pursuant to their respective constitutional rules and regulations, the training seminars were conducted to assist laboratories in assuring quality, competence, integrity and stability of the conduct of laboratory examinations and tests. Training Course on Microbiological Analysis of Drinking Water Thirty-three Medical Laboratory


ast October 23, 2015, Mr. Al Francis Macarayo, MAGC, RGC, a guidance counselor and part of the Guidance Counseling and Testing Center since 2008, was the second runner-up in the annual competition for The Most Outstanding Members of the Private Educators Retirement Annuity Association (PERAA) held in the Marco Polo Hotel, Davao City. There were four categories in the competition. Mr. Macarayo competed in the Admin Staff category.

PERAA is the first comprehensive retirement program in the country established as a private, non-profit, employees’ trust under the auspices of Fund for Assistance to Private Education. It was modeled after the Teachers Insurance Annuity Association - College Retirement Equity Fund or TIAA-CREF (the multi-billion dollar retirement system for teachers in the U.S.). Today, it has evolved into a solid, self-reliant association.

three were selected for the interview. Mr. Macarayo and the other two candidates were subjected to an intense interview by a panel composed of representatives from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Education (DepEd), Rotary Club, Coordinating Council of Private Educational Associations (COCOPEA) and representatives from the Philippine business private sector. By good fortune, he won thir place.

This year the institution chose Mr. Macarayo to be the representative of San Pedro College. Mr. Macarayo was then asked to compile his educational portfolio containing his educational background, certificates and proof of documentation of his professional and outside activities, which were to be sent to the headquarters of PERAA where they will be screened thoroughly along with the portfolios of other candidates coming from across the nation.

“The experience was challenging, nerve-wracking. I doubted myself whether I can answer the questions.” Mr. Macarayo recounted the experience. But when he saw that the other candidates were also doubtful and unsure if their answers were correct, he knew that they were all just the same and that he should not feel inferior around them.

Mr. Macarayo was fortunately among the top 5 candidates chosen from the PERAA member educational institutions from all over the Philippines. After another round of a rigorous selection process, from those 5 candidates, a final

Scientists, Chemists, Sanitary Engineers, Microbiologists, Zoologists and Botanists accredited by their respective organizations attended the Training Course on Microbiological Analysis of Drinking Water on November 9-12 at AVR 1 and CT - 305 Microbiology Laboratory of SPC. The training comprised of core lectures, participative discussion, and skills aquisition through laboratory hands-on and simulated exercises designed to expose the participants to in-depth experiences of major and basic aspects of water testing laboratories. Pursuant to the 2007 Philippine National Standards for Drinking Weather (PNSDW) and Administrative Order (AO) No. 2006-0024, the NRLEAMC provided this training to all drinking water laboratories seeking for accreditation in order to facilitate laboratory owners and its technical staff in adherence to stringent standards set by the Department of Health (DOH). Seminar on the Manual of Operations for Screening Drug Testing Laboratories (DTLs) This three-day seminar from November 11-13 included didactics on


AN PEDRO COLLEGE – The school was bursting at the seams with love for print as the celebration for the 81st National Book week was taking place in the Gymnasium. The bookfest took place with the theme “The Filipino Reader in the Era of ASEAN Integration” headed by the SPC Learning Resource Center in cooperation with the SPC Library Committee. There were many events such as Crossword puzzles, Scrabble, Word Factory, Trivia Questions and a jam packed Quiz Show. The contests were open to all bona fide students of San Pedro College and challenged the students’ skills in vocabulary and general trivial knowledge. For example there for Crossword Puzzles students were tasked to answer their puzzles within a time limit of 30 minutes. Even the complex mechanics and Scrabble did not repel students from competing in the games. And if ever you happen to know snippets of random facts such as the age of Obama when his hair first started graying, The Trivia Games would’ve been a blast to be in. SPCians left the school that day a little brighter and with one more reason to choose print over pixels.

“SPC was chosen as a venue for this event because of the availability of equipment and materials here as well as the institution’s capability to accommodate more than 100 participants especially for the Drug Testing Seminar,” MLS Coordinator of SPC Geromil J. Lara, RMT, MSMT shared. “This is the first time that SPCBMLS Department linked with PAMET in organizing proficiency trainings for medical practitioners and we are very grateful that we were chosen to host these training courses”, he added.

Rocker-on-Duty: Jeritz George Orbigo Photo compiled by Mynard Pontillo


Rocker-on-Duty: Nicole Kate Dayret Photos taken by Dorothy Joi Pimentel

The seminar was attended by more than a hundred Registered Chemical Engineers, Chemists, Medical Technologists and Pharmacists who aimed to be equipped with the knowledge and skills on the standards of operations in drug testing in order to attain one ultimate goal - a drug free society.

E-CHAMP back for 2016 Polls

He said that the competition made him felt happy. He felt honored that he had reached the Top 3 representing the whole school. He also said that anyone could represent the school in outside competitions as long as they are active in school activities and have a complete documentation of their academic performance.

SPC Celebrates Book Week

theories and practices in operating a DTL. Likewise, the participants were given an overview of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Republic Act (RA) 9165 or the “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002” consistent with Executive Order (EO) s. 1999 known as “Redirecting the Functions and Operations of the Department of Health”.

fficially launched on April 2013, Operation E=CHAMP is back to provide a credible, honest, accurate, meaningful and peaceful Presidential Elections in 2016.

E-CHAMP is a project of Davao Association of Catholic Association of Catholic Schools (DACS-CEAP XII). It was first launched for the poll watching activity for the May 13, 2013 senatorial and local elections through the impetus of member schools, colleges, universities and some private schools in Davao Region.

(PPCRV) and the National Movement for Free Elections (NAMFREL). The steering committee will be composed of Board of Advisers, a Project Director, a Secretariat and Legal officer, a liaison, a volunteer manager, education and information officer, finance/ways and means officer and Davao District Coordinators.

The formal re-launching was on November 12, held at Martin Hall, Ateneo de Davao University with about 4,000 volunteers from member schools. Through a united effort from the concerned volunteers on social media and other ways of communication, the project aims to reach their embodied goal for the 2016 elections.

As a product of an assessment of E-CHAMP in 2013 which saw the need for a system of communication, ACSC launched a mobile application app called “iHerald” as a modern tool with the use of mobile phones. E-CHAMP volunteers will have appropriate proper training and seminar on how to use the app with an expert from Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), an international catholic media network. The iHerald will be launched under the social media arm of the Davao Catholic Herald.

Operation E-CHAMP is a partnership between DACS, Archdiocesan Commission on Social Communications (ACSC), Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting


Institutional News

San Pedro College

PAASCU Visits SPC Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden


everal programs—Physical Therapy, Education, Psychology, Biology and Pharmacy—were put under evaluation as the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU) paid a visit to San Pedro College on September 14 and 15.

PAASCU is a private, voluntary, and nonprofit service organization that accredits academic programs which meet standards of quality education. It has been a full member of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE). As of 2005, INQAAHE is composed of 150 accrediting agencies coming from over 60 different countries. These agencies have also created regional networks, one of which is the Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN), with PAASCU being one of its active members.

through self-evaluation and the judgment of peers, and in turn, a status is granted to certify that the institution meets commonly accepted standards of excellence.

Quality assurance mechanisms in the country began with the Philippine Association of Accredited Schools and Universities (PAASCU) – the “oldest and the largest” initiated by the Jesuits “in the late 50’s where the process of accrediting academic programs of Philippine institutions was similar but with certain adaptations, to that of American universities.” (Manila Times)

Ever since its conception around two years ago, the PQA office has been persistent in its approach and aim to ensure quality education in all aspects of the institution.

PAASCU also has linkages with the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA), which is a private, nonprofit national organization that coordinates accreditation activity in the United States, as well as with the National Committee on Foreign Medical Education and Accreditation (NCFMEA), which is based in Washington, D.C. Accreditation allows educational institutions to continuously upgrade their quality of education and services

With Dr. Emily Joy Delgra at the helm, the Planning and Quality Assurance (PQA) office facilitated the recent accreditation visit. Important material such as survey instruments were submitted, as well as a showing of the exhibit room of the school’s achievements was done. Dr. Delgra mentioned that the BMLS and the Nursing programs are next in line for PAASCU accreditation next year.

San Pedro College currently holds accreditation levels in the following programs: Program BS Biology BS Psychology Medical Technology Nursing Business Administration Secondary Education

Status II II I III I Candidate

Valid Until Dec. 2015 Dec. 2015 Nov. 2015 May 2016 Nov. 2016 Nov. 2015

As of press time, San Pedro College and the Planning and Quality Assurance Office are still awaiting the results of the recently concluded accreditation visit.


SPCians International Facilitators in 2nd Nico Angelo Solon Le Maste Congress PhotosRocker-on-Duty: compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo


ove serves”. This was the mantra of SPCian student leaders present during the 2nd Le Maste: Asian Leadership Management Congress held on August 22- 23, 2015 at the SMX Convention Center in SM Lanang.

The Le Maste Congress is the biggest two-day Asia-wide Level Congress that convenes a maximum of 3,000 university students, community youth leaders, young professionals, and university administrators and faculty. The program is a bearer of three annually changing Asian Industry Topic Categories: Corporate and Finance Management, Music and the Multimedia Arts, and Communication and Program Engineering. San Pedro College, along with the University of Mindanao, was a major partner school of the Le Maste Congress. Accompanied by Mr. Belindo S. Aguilar, MATRE, select SPCian student leaders were international facilitators in the congress. They came from the SALIGAN Supreme Student Council, Student Congress, League of Clubs and Organizations, The Rock: Official Student Publication of San Pedro College, National Service Reserve Corps, SPC Kultura, St. Cecilia’s Ensemble, Junior Finance Executives and Community Information and Technology Student.

The student leaders performed their duties with excellence and quality, the SPCian way. They welcomed and facilitated the attendance of delegates who came from all over the Philippines to listen in the 15 Executive Plenary Sessions or compete in the 6 Asia-wide Competitions. The 2nd Le Maste: Asian Leadership Management Congress was made possible by the Tuxedo Institute of Asia and SMX Convention Center. The major partners were the Commission on Higher Education, National Youth Commission, Department of Tourism, Securities and Exchange Commission, National Association of UNESCO Clubs in the Philippines Inc., Every Nation Church, Inspire Church Metro Manila, World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines, CNN Philippines, Big Foot Animation Company, Globe Telecommunication, WebnifiedWeb Developer Company, Financial Times, Google Philippines, Apple Philippines, Culture Shock PH, Philippine Association of Architectures, San Pedro College, and the University of Mindanao.

Laudato Si

Jomarie Quen Obenza Intrams attendance results released, Rocker-on-Duty: Photo compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo Maria Sophia Galido deemed satisfactory Rocker-on-Duty: audato Si, “On care for our Common Photo compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo L Home” was Pope Francis’s encyclical last May 24, 2015. The encyclical was


an Pedro College-- The school was filled with colors and friendly competition as the school’s annual intramural held its toll on the students of SPC. According to the data provided by the Student Congress, the attendance population increased this year making the intramurals most attended events during the first semester. According to the results of the daily attendance duly collected, complied and verified by the office of the Student Congress, the attendance for the Intramurals—the biggest event in San Pedro College—reflected sufficient results on record.

Despite the 5-day events, minimal fluctuations were observed among the four teams, BSN-RT Archangels, Therapharm Knights, Labsci Legions, and Guilass Red Dragons. Below is the summary of daily percentage of attendance for all teams.

Day One (September 28, 2015): BSN-RT Archangels- 76.48% Therapharm Knights73.51% Labsci Legions- 77.17% Guilass Red Dragons- 63.34%

Day Two (September 29, 2015): BSN-RT Archangels- 66.7% Therapharm Knights67.92% Labsci Legions- 72.31% Guilass Red Dragons- 60.84% Day Three (September 30, 2015): BSN-RT Archangels- 70.02% Therapharm Knights61.54% Labsci Legions- 68.16% Guilass Red Dragons- 62.13%

Day Four (October 1, 2015): BSN-RT Archangels- 52% Therapharm Knights- 52.59% Labsci Legions- 56.74% Guilass Red Dragons- 44.66%

originally published on June 18, 2015 and released in Italian, German, English, Spanish, French, Polish, Portuguese, and Arabic. The book consisted of 6 chapters, 190 pages, and about 40,000 words. Laudato Si is central Italian for “Praise be to you”. The encyclical calls on to every living person in the world about the environmental crisis and other changes Mother Earth is facing. This encyclical was Pope Francis’s first entire work. The Lumen Fidei, the first encyclical Pope Francis did was entirely hi predecessor, Benedict XVI’s entire work. On the light of Laudato Si, a Climate change seminar was held last September 12, 2015 by the SPC-DRMC (SPC-Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee through the NSRC (National Reserve Corps) with Fr. Daniel Mcnamara, SJ as the resource speaker.

Philippine Eagle Adoption New Institutional Community Extension Eric Christian Fabian Service Initiative Rocker-on-Duty: Photos compiled by Eric Christian Fabian

Day Five (October 2, 2015): BSN-RT Archangels- 54.88% Therapharm Knights- 49.97% Labsci Legions- 61.78% Guilass Red Dragons- 47.74% Disclaimer: The Rock is not in possession of these attendance results. Please approach the office of the Student Congress for further clarification.

SPCians Bag Champion Spot in Varsity Chess

Rocker-on-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photos copiled by Pearl Marianne Escote


AN PEDRO COLLEGE - SPC participated in the Davao Monthly Chess tournament held in NCCC Mall, Maa last May 30, 2015. Two Chess varsity players were able to score the two highest positions in the contest with Tasheen Saludsong as the first runner up and James Bantugan being awarded as Champion. Chess is a game that people have been playing for over 1500 years and is a game that is complex enough to have more than 300 million possible outcomes in the first four moves. Chess is a game of wit and intelligence where the longest game can last about 5,949 moves. This is proof that if you work hard, even complex things are not beyond the mental capability of the human being.

latest institutional project of San Pedro College will be the adoption of a ThePhilippine Eagle eaglet. For the past year, the main drive of the San Pedro College Community Extension Service (CES) Office was Project S.E.R.V.E.S. (SPC’s Engagement for Village Restoration and Establishment of Shelters) the institution’s housing of Typhoon Pablo survivors in the Mary Mediatrix of All Grace Community, Barangay Andap, New Bataan, Compostela Province. The “We Are One” Concert of the San Pedro College Chorale with the prestigious Vocalismo Choral Group of Mr. Lester Delgado served as the main fundraiser for the New Bataan project. Now that the project is nearing its completion, the school has its eyes on a new advocacy; taking care of one of our country’s national treasures, the Philippine Eagle.

Aside from adopting an eaglet, the school also plans to empower and conduct capability trainings among the locals. There will also be tree planting projects and other schemes to help protect the eagles and other birds of prey that are being looked after by the Philippine Eagle Foundation. Mr. Remark Mortalla added that this advocacy will be important to SPCians because they will become aware and move to help and contribute in environmental protection, especially in the mountains where the eagles live and propagate.

The eaglet to be adopted has not yet been given a name but according to Mr. Remark, there are proposals to name it “Diamante”, because SPC will be having its diamond Mr. Remark Mortalla, PTRP, the NSTP jubilee next year. Coordinator and also the moderator of the National Service Reserve Corps, the When asked how to support the institutional organization that will have institution’s project, Mr. Remark said that the an active part in the implementation of the students should support this year’s concert project, said that this would be an important entitled “A Light Of A Million Mornings” project because it will showcase the because half of the proceeds will go to the institution’s advocacy for environmental Philippine Eagle project. He also suggested that as a class or as an organization, SPCians literacy and protection. can help by organizing activities such as tree Two areas in Davao City have been plantings and advocate to their family and positively identified as Philippine Eagle friends the notion that we need to protect nesting sites, Baguio and Calinan Districts. and take good care of the environment.


International News

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Untangling the Conflicts of the War Anonymous declares war against Islamic State Rocker–on–Duty: Jovilyn Ugdang Photo compiled by Wendellyn Bragat

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Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden Photo compiled by Jasha Alistine Arizola


Photo Source : Anonymous: incoming/article6838937. ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/ Anonymous-declare-waron-Islamic-State-afterParis-attacks.jpg


e will hunt you down,” hacker group Anonymous says in a chilling video posted on Youtube on the 14th of November as a response to the Paris terrorist attacks. A person wearing the group’s famous Guy Fawkes mask appears in the video, claiming to represent Anonymous, announcing the group’s intention to hunt down the members of ISIS. The ‘hacktivist’ group is rather well known for their relentless attacks on companies and even government agencies that threaten the right to free and unrestrained information.

“Expect massive cyber attacks. War is declared. Get prepared,” says the masked man in French. “Anonymous from all over the world will hunt you down. You should know that we will find you and we will not let you go. We will launch the biggest operation ever against you. ” The video, now with over a million views, is not the group’s first threat against ISIS. Earlier in January after the Charlie Hebdo attacks, Anonymous took to websites associated with extremists, shutting them down along with thousands of Twitter accounts linked to the militant group.

China aborts one-child policy Rocker-on-Duty: Joseph Romuald Maduay Photo compiled by Kyle Imee Silud

onsecutive bombings of different countries, due to the uprising against the Syrian government and Islamic State (ISIS) threaten the world. The war with nearly a dozen countries ensnared in two overlapping conflicts is feared to become a World War III. “Most people are realizing now that the best way of dealing with the Islamic Civil War State is to contain them,” said Columb The Syrian Civil War is between the Strack, an analyst at IHS Janes, a defense Syrian Government assembled with its research firm. “If you contain them and allies, Russia, Iran, Hezbollah and local start hitting their economic sources, militias, and the Rebel groups supported by the idea is that in a few years they will the United States, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and collapse from within. That seems what some other Arab nations. the Americans are going for.” – NY Times Syrian President, Bashar al – Assad, is United States joined by Turkey and the focus of the rebel groups. The support some other Arab nations believe that from Russia, Iran and the Lebanese group Islamic State is a threat to their countries. Hezbollah keeps Assad in control. On the The thriving war against ISIS focuses on contrary, the Islamic State extends power obliterating the peril to their nations. to Syrian borders through consecutive acts of war to unseat Assad. For Russia, Syria’s ally, ISIS is just one of the insurgent groups called ‘terrorists.’ United States sets on defeating the ISIS, Some Russian airstrikes have hit the attacking 2,600 Islamic State’s targets yet areas under Islamic State control while averted Syrian government. US continues most have targeted on defeating the rebel in backing the rebel groups with money, groups supported by United States. trainings, and weapons. War against ISIS Islamic State joined by foreign fighters is the main target of United States and its allies.

The overlapping wars between countries and organizations lead to diversity and global chaos.

take months, the transcript said. (Wall Street Journal) Introduced in 1979, the one-child policy was implemented to restrict the rapid increase of the then-booming population.

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ouples are now allowed to have two children, according to a statement from the Communist Party. This comes after demographers have said that China’s declining workforce population may hamper the growth of its economy. The government did not offer a timeline for the rollout of the policy, but implementation will be gradual. According to a transcript of a press briefing, the National Health and Family Planning Commission will move slowly to ensure that there are enough services in place for couples wishing to have a second child in order to avoid major population spikes and fluctuations. Local officials will simplify the birth application procedures for couples, who currently have to go through a complicated procedure that can often

The policy has caused millions of forced abortions, amounting to around 7 million, according to China’s health ministry. 13 million people remain unregistered, denied access to public education, reimbursement of healthcare costs and other welfare benefits. Registration, hukou, is a fundamental right for all citizens that is endorsed by the constitution and the law. Parents who were unable to have more than one child under the old family planning policy, cannot register their children unless they pay a significant sum of money. More than 60 percent of China’s unregistered people are in this category, according to research in 2014 by the Institute of Social Development at the National Development and Reform Commission. Other unregistered people include abandoned children, children born out of wedlock and those whose documents are missing. (China Daily)

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France, Russia and United Photos compiled by Nico Carlo Balintag States Strike Back

been responsible for the attack, ending with Malian commandos storming the building and rescuing 170 people. According to President Ibrahim Boubacar Keita, two militants were killed in the commando operation. An increased security around Bamako was applied at the beginning of a 10-day state of emergency under his government. “Mali will not shut down because of this attack. Paris and New York were not shut down and Mli won’t be. Terrorism will not win,” Keita emphasized. In Washington, the United States issued a worldwide travel alert for Americans. This is in lieu of the possibility that terror groups plan more attacks following the massacres. ISIS, al Qaeda and Boko Haram may “continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions,” as warned by the State Department, “These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests.” Meanwhile, innocent civilians within ISIS territory continue to grieve as they have been victims of attacks by the anti-terror coalition.

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France’s reprisal on ISIS attacks Rocker – on – Duty: Jovilyn Ugdang Photos compiled by Wendellyn Bragat


ARIS, France – French warplanes discarded 20 bombs in Raqqa, resulted to a wreak havoc on the Islamic State’s (ISIS) command post and training camp on Sunday, November 15, 2015, according to the defense military. Counterstrike to the unparalleled attacks of ISIS accorded justice to Paris.

French government assured a revenge on ISIS.

November 13, 2015, a bloodbath shed tears in France as the sources of police told AFP that the ISIS asserted bombing, killing 128 French, leaving 180 injured and 80 critical. However, the death toll did not include at least 8 militants killed during the attacks.

Conforming to the ministry’s statement, the 12 French warplanes, including the 10 fighter bombers, initially targeted the command post, jihadist recruitment centre and arms and munitions depot. The second held at the terrorist training camp.

“Terrorist attacks of an unprecedented level are under way across the Paris region,” Hollande said in an emotional televised message. He affirmed a state of emergency across the entire country. The grieving victims were still in shock and horror about the incursion.

The massive bombing and the transports from Jordan and United Arab Emirates was made possible with the coordination of US forces.

French President Francois Hollande on Saturday blamed ISIS for the suicide bombing attacks that left at least 129 dead in Paris, calling them an “act of war”.

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SPC Embraces K-12

are not allowed to go to college at their own discretion, and colleges/universities are likewise not allowed to accept them. These students should first go through senior high school before having the right to proceed to college. From 2016-2017, colleges and universities would have void years due to the lack of enrollees for freshman and sophomore year. But fortunately, our alma mater has got it all under control.

Despite the lack of freshies and sophies, SPC won’t be expecting much of a financial crisis or rather, much of a change. According to _____, both Ulas campus and the MAIN campus have applied for the offering of Senior High School. Yes, you heard it right. We would be sharing this place with senior high school students.

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France, a country of established infrastructures and one of the safest countries in the world yet rattled by pernicious weapons of the lethal minds of terrorists. Pope Francis, on his message addressed to the ongoing conflict, considered this as “World War 3.”

SPC is planning to offer the academic track consisting of three strands: (1) STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, (2) ABM- Accountancy and Business Management, (3) HUMSSHumanities and Social Sciences. The

Finance department is still on the planning stage as to how much the tuition will be both for the senior high school and college students. As for the teachers, excess faculty members from the college department might be transferred to the senior high school department if there are still available loads. The school has also announced that they would be accepting students who are advanced graduates of SHS and high school graduates from batch 2015 and below, but up until the second semester of 2015 only. Beyond that, students aren’t allowed anymore due to insufficient number of enrollees to make up a class. There isn’t much of a change after all. Aside from the students taking a different name (“senior high school students”) , and taking on new subjects, classrooms would still be filled, new faces would still be seen, orientations will still happen. For short, if you think our gigantic school won’t be that crowded anymore, sorry to break your expectations dude, but chances are against that.


International News

San Pedro College


APEC 2015: A Quick Synthesis

Rocker-on-Duty: Jennicel Jane Acosta Photo compiled by Alriz Mark Tan

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Beirut Remains Unheard Rocker–on–duty: Jovilyn Ugdang Photo compiled by Wendellyn Bragat


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ANILA, Philippines – Three years in the making and the most anticipated A-list week in the capital finally came as economic leaders from 20 other member economies of Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) flew to Philippines and joined our President Benigno Aquino III to convene in the most influential economic forum in the region on November 12-19 under the theme of ‘Building Inclusive Economies, Building a Better World’ with the mantra of inclusive growth.

What is APEC? APEC is a regional economic forum established in 1989 through the initiative of Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke in order to promote free trade. With 21 member economies, it accounts about 57% of global gross domestic product (GDP). Its member economies include Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Philippines, Russia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United States of America and Viet Nam. APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting (AELM) AELM is the summit of everything that transpired in the 43 other prior ministerial and committee meetings in different venues around the Philippines: such as Manila, Cebu City, Legazpi City, Iloilo City, Boracay, Clark Special Economic Zone, Subic, Tagaytay, Laoag City, Bataan, and Bacolod. It was hosted at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) on November 18-19 where the 21 economic members, with Columbia as an observer, discussed effective policies to support sustainable economic growth and prosperity within the region and endorsed the Leaders’ Declaration, a non-binding agreement that concluded the AELM. The Leaders’ Declaration can be summarized on the following key points: building inclusive economies; promoting anti-corruption and transparency campaigns; fostering micro, small, and medium enterprises’ (MSMEs) participation in regional and global markets; building sustainable and resilient communities; adopting the APEC disaster risk reduction (DRR) framework; investing in human capital development; enhancing the regional economic integration agenda; developing the services sector; strengthening collaboration; and supporting the work of the Ministers, the

APEC process, and all its Committees and Fora. This is the second time that the country hosted the regional economic forum of the leaders of APEC member economies. The first time was from November 24 to 25, 1996 at Subic Bay, Zambales. More than APECtado throes Philippines, wanting to showcase its growth from the ‘Sick Man of Asia’ to ‘Asia’s Rising Tiger’, has made extensive preparations for this high-level business event including hotels, airport arrivals, transportation, venues, food, uniforms, and cultural presentations. Security was the biggest challenge following the terrorist attacks in Paris, Beirut, and against Russian aircraft over the Sinai. Cancellation of work and classes plus the monster traffic jams due to the closed roads made the Flipinos vent their rants on twitter making #APECtado trend. But what’s in for Philippines for hosting APEC 2015? Many critics would rather believe that APEC is a mess and that it is nothing but “an expensive talkfest and junket at the expense of taxpayers.” However, organizers and the administration believe that APEC is the real incubator for revolutionary change as the 21 economic members are trying to do the holistic approach in terms of education, health food security and better resistance to climate change. The mantra of inclusive growth is yet to be realized and the verdict can only depend upon the benefits of hosting the summit to live up to this year’s trending watchword.

Tuition Fee Increase... Again Rocker-on-Duty: Hanzelle Clarisse Dela Cruz


he Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has once again approved an increase in the tuition and other school fees in 1,246 out of 1,699 private and public colleges and universities for this school year. Included in the list of the schools affected in this hike is San Pedro College, from which different reactions from students and teaching staff arouse. A statement released by the Commission on Higher Education said the average tuition increase across all regions was 6.48 percent or P29 to P37 per unit per subject, though it did not approve the increases in Eastern Visayas (Region 8), which was severely affected by the Typhoon Yolanda, internationally known as Haiyan. There were protests against the tuition fee increase for the Academic Year 20152016, most especially the National Union of Students of the Philippines (NUSP). Sarah Elago, NUSP President said in one of her interviews when asked about her say on the matter, “The deregulated Philippine education drives students to the path of frustration and death due to the inaccessibility of education.” The NUSP has also said that the justification of the CHED which was to increase the fee to benefit the teachers and facilities, development

activities and profit, does not answer a number of issues, including the increase of the number of dropouts in the country. A variety of opinions and reactions were garnered from the educational sectors and Filipino citizens. Some were not affected by the tuition increase while others were complaining and protesting about the issue. But this approach has answered the subject of the need to balance access issues with sustainability of the educational institutions. For its part, CHED has ensured that the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) meet the guidelines set forth by the law, in the aspect of the allocation of tuition fees, and the strict adherence with the processes that seek to make tuition and other school fees transparent, affordable, and most of all, reasonable.


EIRUT, Lebanon – Twin suicide attacks razed Beirut on Thursday, November 12, 2015, having the mournful effects on Lebanon and Paris alike. The consecutive strikes, both claimed by Islamic State (ISIS), divided the people.

After the Paris, France Suicide Bombing, sympathy for the country spread all over, an affinity not granted to the Lebanese victims. For some Beirut, the unanimity was abolished due to the thought of only one of the stirred countries – Paris – received a global overwhelming sympathy. Monuments around the world lit up in the colors of the French flag, presidential speeches lauded the need to defend “shared values;” Facebook website offered users a one-click option to overlay their profile pictures with the French tricolor, these show of support were not offered to the Lebanese. On Friday the social media giant even activated Safety Check, which was not activated the day before for Beirut. Beirut was believed as synonymous to violence for it went through tragic civil wars and political assassinations. The idea that another catastrophe must be a burden carried only by Lebanese without the compensation of the world had brought the country in melancholy. “When my people died, no country bothered to light up its landmarks in the

Finally, she added, “ask yourself what it would be like to have to explain to your child why an attack in “another pretty city like yours” got worldwide attention and your own did not.” The adversity left a scar of blood and trauma to Beirut as it killed 43 lives and wounded 239 Lebanese. Without the support of the ‘still considered allies’ Lebanon tragedy became worse than it should be.

Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden Photos compiled by Freah Quitorio

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ver 60 countries are either directly or indirectly waging war against ISIS, leading most people to brand this as the new ‘War on Terror.’ But this doesn’t mean that only ISIS militants are under attack. “Terrorist! Go back to your country, Bin Laden!” Those were the words Inderjit Singh Mukker heard as an assailant brutally attacked him in his car in a Chicago suburb Tuesday night, according to reports from the Sikh Coalition, an advocacy group. While the victim, who wore a turban as a marker of his Sikh faith, wasn’t Muslim, it’s doubtful his attacker understood the difference between Sikhs and those who practice Islam. (The International Business Times) Muslims, or even those who are assumed to be Muslim, continue to face discrimination around the world, especially after the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), more popularly known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or the Islamic State (IS), and of the graphic media stories of the state’s brutality. The internal news source of Vatican reports that the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, which represents 1.4 billion Muslims in 57 countries around the world, condemns the ISIS’ persecution of Christians and those of other beliefs in Iraq, saying that the “forced deportation under the threat of execution” is a “crime that cannot be tolerated.”

Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III Photo compiled by Jasha Alistine Arizola etrojet Airbus-A321-200 went bits and pieces as it crashed its way into Sinai Peninsula; killing 224 passengers on the process.


Series of investigations suggests that the plane crashed due to a bombing of the said plane. Initial investigations from the crew who piloted it and the preliminary examination of the black boxes of the plane pinpoints that the airplane was struck from the inside of it.

The perception that Beirut is still an active war zone influenced the media on concluding the attack as a ‘usual phenomena’. “Imagine if what happened in Paris last night would happen there on a daily basis for five years,” said Nour Kabbach, works in humanitarian aid in Beirut.

ISIS: The New War On Terror?

Russian Airliner Crashes Into Egyptian Airspace; 224 reported dead A Russian airplane crashed uneventfully in a mountainous part of the Egyptian peninsula on a Saturday of October, after it took off from a famous Red Sea resort. The incident resulted in the killing of 217 passengers along with its seven crew member.

colors of their flag,” Elie Fares, a Lebanese doctor, wrote on his blog. “When my people died, they did not send the world into mourning. Their death was but an irrelevant fleck along the international news cycle, something that happens in those parts of the world.” The implication, numerous Lebanese commentators complained, was that Arab lives mattered less. – NY Times

Among the bodies who were claimed by the accident included 214 Russians, at least three Ukrainians and one Belarusian, most returning from the Red Sea, a popular destination for Russians seeking winter sun. Russian President Vladimir Putin, vowed to hunt down those responsible for blowing up the airplane and issued the FSB security service to announce a $50 million bounty in a global manhunt for the bombers.

Driven by what they deem as divine command, the ISIS wage on with their ‘jihad’, which in the case of their extremist beliefs means that they were to exterminate all Muslim ‘enemies.’ Lengthy and heated debates surrounding the authenticity of ISIS’ teachings and ideologies have led mainstream Muslim groups to openly refute and deny that ISIS is an Islamic group, stating that the self-proclaimed caliphate more than often deviates from the teachings of the Qur’an and misleads people by literally interpreting the passages without historical context. In light of recent events, Muslims with no connection to the state and its extremist beliefs and practices have been the main targets of hate crimes, allegations, and verbal harassment, both in the real world and in cyberspace, all based on hasty generalization. It goes on without question that there is both a physical and mental struggle as Muslims around the world continue to prove the misinformed mainstream wrong with interfaith works and dialogues, something most have been working on since the dawn of the 9/11 attacks.


National News

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#EleksyonSerye: The Presidentiables Among these nuisance candidates were ‘Intergalactic Earth Ambassador’ Allan Carreon and ‘Archangel Lucifer’ Romeo Ygonia.

of the Interior and Local Government Manuel “Mar” Roxas, neophyte Senator Grace Poe and veteran Senator Miriam Santiago.

These dizzying political oddities reflect the lack of a definite process for selecting and grooming future leaders of the country, thereby highlighting the continuing decline of the Philippine political system where it seems that surveys, money and ambition determine who gets to run for public office.

Voters in the 2016 Elections, not provided with clashing platforms, had complained for the lack of real choice.

Legit Candidates For a long while since the deadline for filing of COCs, it appeared that there were four serious presidential contenders including the opposition leader Vice President Jejomar Binay, former Secretary

Flaws blemish the candidacy of these contenders. Binay is a very experienced politician but his name is tangled with a major corruption scandal. Roxas is the grandson of former president Manuel A. Roxas but he is deemed incapable of distinguishing himself from the shadow of current president Benigno Aquino III. Poe is the “adopted” daughter of movie stars and seen as honest and gentle but still, a newbie in politics, spending only

5 years as senator, with 5 disqualification cases trying to drag her down. Santiago is notable for serving in all three branches of Philippine government and is competitive enough in the presidential race despite her health conditions but this is her second time in the race after she lost in the 1992 presidential elections due to allegations of impropriety. Game-changer However, on November 27, the toughtalking Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte, involved in the allegations of extrajudicial killings, formally filed his COC for president through his lawyer Salvador Medialdea while his daughter, Inday Sara Duterte-Carpio substituted him in running for mayoral position in their hometown. He declared his plan to run for presidency on November 21 following the Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) decision that Poe is a natural-born Filipino.

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“I cannot accept an American President,” Duterte said, referring to Poe, who renounced her US citizenship to be able to serve in the government under the Aquino administration in 2010. “Give me an Igorot, a Bagobo, as long as he or she is Filipino.” Accordingly, other candidates accepted the mayor in the race. “This strengthens our democracy given that people will have more options and choices,” Senator Francis Escudero, the running mate of Poe, said in a text message to GMA News Online.

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Nineteen File For Vice Presidency Rocker-on-duty: Eric Christian Fabian Photos compiled by David Uy III


ANILA - 19 individiuals have filed their Certificate of Candidacy (CoC) for the position of Vice President in the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) Central Office at the Palacio del Gobernador in Manila as of October 16, 2015, the final day for the filing of candidacy.

The qualifications of the vice presidency requires that the candidate must be a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a registered voter and is capable of reading and writing. He/she must be atleast 40 years old on the election day and a resident of the Philippines for 10 years. The 2016 elections are unusual due to it having the most vice presidentiable bets, forming half a Senate slate. These six senators are the more popular candidates, they are: Poe’s running mate Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero, Camarines Sur representative Leni Robredo (Liberal Party), Senator Gregorio Honasan II (United Nationalist Alliance) and Nacionalista Party members Senators “Bongbong” Marcos (Miriam Santiago’s vice president), Alan Peter Cayetano, and Antonio Trillanes IV. The election is favorable for Escudero, Cayetano, Trillanes and Honasan because their terms end in 2016, meaning they can return to the Senate if they lose. Senators in the midst of their 6 year terms can bid for higher office while the chamber is still adjourned. Earl G. Parreño, of the Institute for Political and Electoral Reform comments, “Running for a vice presidential position is much cheaper than a presidential campaign. Because senators know they can go back, they do not have much risk. They don’t have to spend much but they have the chance to go one rung higher.” Trillanes and Cayetano do not belong to any tandem. Trillanes has expressed his support for Senator Grace Poe’s candidacy and Cayetano has gotten the approval of Davao City mayor Rodrigo Duterte, a crowd favourite but did not

file a CoC for the presidency, instead he filed for the Davao City mayoralty. The Nacionalista Party where Cayetano, Marcos and Trillanes belong has implemented a ‘free zone’, meaning the three are on their own, and their co-members can freely choose who they will support among the three. Senator Cynthia Villar said that this is a show of the party’s deep bench but according to De La Salle University political analyst Gladstone Cuarteros, it shows the party’s weakness. “The NP cannot even discipline its own members. They just allow their members to run without a guidance on what to do, and what platform to pursue”, she said. Other less notable candidates for the vice presidency are former Ifugao District representative Zosimo Paredes, Albert Alba (Rizalito David; Ang Kapatiran), Teodoro Malangen ( Roy Señeres; Partido ng Manggagawa at Magsasaka), Raul Barbasa (Philippine Green Republic Party), Neil Aldea ( Bigkis Rizalista Philippine Military Divine Government), Vicente Camilon (PMP), Nid Anima (Aasenso Sabongero Partylist) security guard Angelito Baluga, 59-year old seaman, Rolando Tibayan, housewife Myrna Mamon, Orlando Suerte, , Diego Palomares Jr., and Hermito De Asis from Northern Samar. The COMELEC will release the final list of candidates on December 10, 2015, after removing “nuisance candidates” and those who are not capable of a nationwide campaign. The election will be on a Monday, May 9,2016.

Photo Source: | | https://upload.wikimedia. org/Antonio_F._Trillanes_IV.jpg | jpg | | http://4. | https://societyofhonor.files.

BuCor Raids NBP; Drugs, Sex Toys and Firearms Found Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III Photo compiled by Theresa Ann Deseo

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Traffic Chaos Continues in Metropolitan Manila Rocker-on-Duty: Roselle Marie Maduay Photos compiled by Zapphira Sambas


ANILA, PHILIPPINES - Metropolitan Manila is infamous for its snarling traffic jams. The people of Metro Manila suffer being stuck for hours in its major thoroughfares, in sunshine or in rain. There is no respite, for not only in the rush hour do the streets clog, but even in the wee hours of the morning and the hours before midnight.

Online database Numbeo named the Philippines as the fifth country in the world with the worst traffic conditions in its Traffic Index for Country 2015 Mid-Year report. Traffic Index is a composite index of time consumed in traffic due to job commute, estimated time consumption dissatisfaction, estimated carbon dioxide consumption in traffic and overall inefficiencies in the traffic system. Numbeo is reportedly the world’s largest database of user-contributed data about cities and countries. Business group Management Association of the Philippines (MAP) have said that the traffic has already cost the Philippine economy an estimated PHP 6 billion daily for this year alone, three times higher than the estimation given by a 2013 Japan International Cooperation Agency study stating PHP 500 billion a year, or about PHP 2 billion is lost daily. Administration after administration, many solutions have been put forward and implemented but the traffic situation in Metro Manila remains bad. Schemes such as number coding (Unified

Vehicular Volume Reduction Program), mass transportation systems (Metro Rail Transit (MRT), Light Rail Transit (LRT), Philippine National Railways (PNR) railways, Pasig River Ferry Service (PRFS)) and consolidated collaboration of traffic enforcers of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA), Land Transportation Office (LTO), Land Transportation and Franchising Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and patrolmen from the Highway Patrol Group (HPG) of the Philippine National Police (PNP) have produced mediocre and mostly short-term results. There has been an uproar amongst the residents of Metro Manila. President Benigno S. Aquino III, MMDA chairman Francis Tolentino and Department of Trade and Commerce (DOTC) secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya. People have gone to social media to raise their discontent on how the government’s mitigation efforts. Tweets and statuses about getting stuck in traffic are always trending topics online. The DOTC has argued that there are long term solutions, but they

will be completed by 2021. This has irked everyone, especially the business sector. The business sector has criticized the government’s slow action, demanding the President appoint a traffic czar, preferably Cabinet Secretary Rene Almendras. Eduardo Yap, chairman of MAP’s Traffic and Transport Committee said, “The key take away is that while we are undertaking the medium and long term solutions, immediate solutions shall be taken to address the severe traffic conditions and there are many that we have presented and these can be done in a matter of weeks.” The Asian Development Bank (ADB) also listed the following solutions: establish an efficient mass transport system, effective traffic management and assign lanes for cycling or pedestrians. ADB’s transport specialist Valerie Lisack said “No city has ever solved traffic congestion by building more roads.” According to the Wallace Business Group, traffic congestion and an inefficient transport system show the real state of a nation.

ovember 04, 2015 - Drugs, high calibre firearms and sex toys were confiscated by the Bureau of Corrections after raiding New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City. Teams from the Bureau of Corrections-Special Weapons and Tactics unit and Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency raided inside one of the maximum security compound of Manila only to find out illegal contrabands have been smuggled inside and out of the said prison. Superintendent Richard Schwarzkopf Jr. of the New Bilibid Prison headed the raid. Schwarzkopf said the raiders uncovered a cache of firearms – assault rifles, five 12-gauge shotguns, a 30 caliber carbine, .38 caliber revolvers,.45 caliber pistols, gun silencers, 50,000 bullets and 60 improvised bladed weapons – buried under the bunk of the Commando gang leader. Firearms were wrapped in plastics and discovered in the abandoned cell of the gang leader, Bureau of Corrections Director Ricardo Rainie Cruz said. In addition, Cruz says that they will conduct more surprise inspections regularly to confiscate firearms and contraband kept by the inmates. The team also confiscated shabu and other drug items, sex toys, wine-making dispensers and gadgets such as flat screen televisions, refrigerators, mobile phones, chargers and more than P400,000 in cash. It was one of their biggest hauls so far, starting when Department of Justice Secretary Leila De Lima issued onthe-spot inspections for maximum detention facilities such as the NBP.

Photo Source:


National News

San Pedro College


SET Repudiates Senator Grace Poe Disqualification Case M

Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian and Jomarie Quen Obenza Photo compiled by Wendellyn Bragat

ANILA – The Senate Electoral Tribunal (SET) has dismissed the disqualification case against Senator Grace Poe filed by Rizalito David. The nine-member tribunal ruled against the case with a vote of 5-4. Those who voted against the case were Senators “Bam” Aquino, Pia Cayetano, Cynthia Villar, “Tito” Sotto and Loren Legarda. The four who voted in favor of the case were SET chairperson Senior Associate members of the electoral tribunals against Justice Antonio Carpio, Associate partisan voting. Justices Teresita Leonardo de Castro and Arturo Brion and Senator Nancy Binay. “Politicians who are members of electoral tribunals, must think and act Loren Legarda, in her statement after like judges, accordingly, they must resolve the tribunal’s decision, based on their election controversies with judicial, not judgement, said that as a foundling, Poe political, integrity,” the high court said in the is a natural-born citizen. Lerias case.

Gov’t to hike wage

She said, however, the SET will however not be releasing an official statement yet because according to the law, the petitioner has the right to ask for a reconsideration for the ruling. “Hindi pa tapos ang proseso dahil may sampung araw pa na itinakda para sa possible motion for reconsideration.” Legarda said.

Rizalito David, who is also running for the presidency, has claimed a moral victory. “I will ask the SC to rule on this case with finality. It’s confirmed by how the SC justices voted, they know their law and these people voted in my favor.” he said. David also felt sorry for the senators. “It’s a pity that our senators failed to rise above their political nature,” he said. “The issue placed before them was constitutional and legal and yet Legarda said that SET will release they voted along political lines.” he added. their final statement on or before December 10, before the printing of The Senate Electoral Tribunal is the ballots for the 2016 elections begin. electoral tribunal that judges electoral complaints in the Philippine Senate. It Meanwhile, Atty. Manuelito Luna, consists of 6 incumbent senators and Rizalito David’s chief legal counsel, said 3 justices of the Supreme Court of the they still need to look at the decision. Philippines. “But in the event it’s a political decision and the Senators disregarded the Aside from the disqualification case being Constitution, then on the strength of the reviewed by the SET, Three disqualification ruling in the Lerias case, the Supreme protests against Poe were also filed before Court will set aside the [SET] decision. the Commission on Elections (COMELEC). Because of the Lerias doctrine which The petitioners were De La Salle University position the justices took will be crucial professor and political analyst Antonio for a reversal by the Supreme Court,” Contreras, former senator Francisco Tatad, Luna added. and lawyer Estrella Elamparo.

Rocker-on-Duty: Nicole Kate Dayrit Photo compiled by Jasha Alistine Arizola


The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) announced that Mr. Aquino endorsed to the legislative chamber the proposed Salary Standardization Law of 2015 (SLL).

excellent performance or the so called performance-based bonus system. The scheme of this salary increases employs benefit to the government employees due to this productive enhancement incentive which may fill their needs as employed individuals.

It is a 4-year Php 226-billion compensation increase for the national government’s 1.53 million civilian and military and uniformed personnel.

According to Mr. Aquino, his endorsement of the proposed Salary Standardization Law of 2015 at a Malacañang recognizes the hard work and dedication of the government employees. Workers have something to look forward in the government’s bureaucracy concerning the Salary Standardization Law.

The Salary Standardization Law (SSL) encompasses a wage increase of the state workers, plus a mid-year bonus equivalent to one month basic salary and would give incentives to those employees having an

Photo Source:

In the Lerias v. Mercado case, the high court warned politicians who were

asic salaries of government employees are expected to increase this 2016 under the Salary Standardization Law (SSL) endorsed by President Benigno Aquino III.

Passengers given surprise souvenirs


Rocker-on-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photos copiled by Wendellyn Bragat

Enrile Pushes Mamasapano Probe Reopening; Poe Supports

Photo Source:

Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III Photos compiled by Pearl Marianne Escote


enate Minority Leader Juan Ponce Enrile suggests to reopen the case of the Mamasapano Incident in the committee level of the Senate.

Enrile has spoken that he wants to inquire more about the gruesome gun battle incident in order to settle accounts on the Mamasapano issue, particularly on what truly happened between the encounter of the police commandos and Moro rebels. Senator Grace Poe, who currently leads the Mamasapano hearings as the chair person of the committee, favors the move of Enrile. “This is especially with the fact that new matters and perspectives are in the possession or may be raised by Senator. Ponce Enrile, and his inability to participate during the five public hearings we conducted in February and March of this year on the Mamasapano issue,” Poe said.


ANILA, Philippines – Passengers at the Ninoy Aquino National Airport (NAIA) are seen covering their bags in cling wrap in fear of being victimized by the “Tanim Bala” scam. Earlier in September, there have been reports of passengers being caught with live ammunition in their baggage at the security stops of the Airport.

Because of this, Poe asks the Senate leadership to advice her about the effects of Senate rule no. 32, whether will it affect the reopening of the Mamasapano hearing.

An article on sheds some light on the modus operandi of the perpetrators of this scheme. Scammers and Spotters work together with the operators of the x-ray machine operators who in turn receive a part of their profit to seek out passengers with connecting flights and plant small .22 caliber bullets in their luggage.

Rule 32 of the Senate states: “When a report is returned to a committee or is transmitted to another, unless it is returned for purposes of conducting further public hearings on new matters arising after the report, all previous proceedings in connection therewith shall be deemed to be void and that matter in question shall revert to its original status.”

Some victims claim that bullets are not the only contraband item to be slipped into bags but also sachets of shabu and other illegal drugs.

Senate President Franklin Drilon says that the matter of the effect of the rule would be tackled by the Senate Committee on Rules and will be given one week to come up with its decision.

Reports of these events have dated back since the early 2000s when foreign tourists complained about having been

PH raises maritime dispute to international court

caught with drugs at airline security stops. While most claim that these were simply planted in their bags, others claim that this was but an excuse used when smuggling attempts failed. In the guidelines stated on which links to the United State’s TSA guidelines, small firearms and live ammunition may be checked in but not hand carried provided that they are locked in hard cases. The scam caused a storm of social media outrage which prompted several politicians to promise to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

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Rocker-on-Duty: Jasha Alistine Arizola Photos compiled by Nico Carlo Balintag


purred by China’s stepping up on its divisive programme to build airstrips and defences along in the Spratly Islands—a region contested by Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei and China—a delegation from the Philippine side their maritime case before a panel of international judges of the Arbitral Tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague on November 24, Tuesday.

China, which claims economic and territorial rights in almost the entire body of water, has boycotted the proceedings and rejects the court’s authority in the case. It has refused to appear at the hearings as it has pushed for one-on-one talks between Beijing and Manila over the disputed waters. But experts say the ruling could influence other cases in the dispute involving Vietnam, Taiwan, Malaysia, Brunei and other countries. Indonesia has signaled it may also go to the courts. (Reuters)

The Philippines asserts that China’s claim over the West Philippine Sea is baseless under the so-called constitution for the oceans, the United Nations Convention Supreme Court Associate Justice and on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). (Rappler) former Solicitor General Francis Jardeleza Composed of 48 delegates, the Muntinlupa Representative Rodolfo ‘powerhouse’ team included the following members from the executive, legislative and Biazon, Chairman of the Committee on judicial branches of Philippine government National Defense and Security of the House of Representatives such as:

Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario

Solicitor General Florin Hilbay

Political Affairs Secretary Ronald Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Llamas Antonio Carpio

Security Cluster Executive Director Emmanuel Bautista Deputy Executive Secretary Menardo Guevarra Japan, Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia will also observe the pleadings, which will run until November 30 in private. A final ruling is expected in mid2016. (Reuters)



j u n e - D e c e m b e r

2 0 1 5

The Voice of The Past: Protecting The Rights of The Lumads


he voice of our ancestors is the voice of Mindanao that preserves this land despite its modernization and changes in the times. The Lumads, which are part of the indigenous people settled in Southern Mindanao are the treasures of the promised land. They are jewels because of their richly preserved history and culture which dates back to pre-Hispanic times until today’s modern era making them a viable bridge of history teaching people of the present time the values and way in life practiced by our descendants. Today, however, the rise of technology and modern economy demand change and most especially, resources to build the modern world. This compromises the position of our brethren who live in the forests, the lowlands and coasts where natural resources are being processed by businessmen driving them from their hometowns and most of them into the city leaving them with nothing but their traditional weapons and clothing to provide them with protection in a territory ruled by guns and modern weapons. With the vulnerable state of the Lumads, there is no surprise that there are left wing supporters that push towards the best interest of this indigenous group. However, as people of Mindanao, we should ask ourselves one question: what is the best solution for the protection and preservation of our timeless treasures, the lumads? We cannot be hypocritical and say that businessmen

and people who store up these resources should stop these operations since a lot of the things we benefit from come from these resources while at the same time, we must not let this issue be set aside because they are the last gifts of the past to the modern world, a nexus to which both worlds can learn from one another. The past may be history, but it also teaches us lessons which our modern society has forgotten and it is to this that we believe that the Lumads should be given to practice their culture in peace. We cannot stop resources from being farmed simply because it is a requirement for innovation. But to the agencies responsible in handling the resources, let this be a reminder that part of the land’s resources are its people and that if they are not taken care of and given the proper dignity that they deserve, then in time, we may lose the one thing that connects us from the past irreversibly.

More about Knowing Nothing Rocker-on-Duty: Mynard Pontillo

Counter the Terrorist


fter the horrendous November 2015 Paris attack, it was all clear that no one is safe. We all learned that even a European power, ranked sixth in military expenditures in the whole world by Stockholm Peace International Research Institute, have no immunity over a distorted interpretation of Islam. It was also clear that after the attack, a foreseeable method of vengeance would be used to conquer and vehemently eradicate the Islamic State. With other conflicts attributed to war in other parts of the world, we see humans but no humanity. Now minutes after the attack of Paris, the internet was already packed with reports of the violence. The attack triggered the outraged emotions of a society of self-proclaimed war analysts, terrorism experts, irate mourners and Facebook users who tagged themselves safe because they thought it was fun. Days later French fighter jets attacked Raqqa, Syria, the defacto capital of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). The retaliation move was given impetus with President François Hollande of France vowing to be “unforgiving with the barbarians” of the Islamic State after the terror Paris. Hollande’s vow also recalls the pledge of U.S. President Barack Obama more than a year ago that his country and its allies “will degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State. And with another military power, Russia, joining the airstrikes in Syria, the world should expect more violence after the horror in Paris. Murdering 129 people and injuring 352 to achieve nothing beyond that would be a stupid tactic of killers who would shoot people and blow themselves up. The terror in Paris has a more horrific aim. Terrorism is far more than just the use of violence and intimidation. It is a system. It is a

philosophy and not just a random chaos. Terrorism is a way of the weak to defeat the strong. As we all know, they cannot beat us on their own. They will win over us if they recruit their most powerful ally—ourselves. Terrorism works when it afflicts darkness in our emotions, when it intensifies our overreactions and when it provokes our misjudgment. Like a nemesis, terrorism turns our strengths against us and exaggerates our weakness. But, terrorism only works when we let it. Let us learn from the United States—the country with the top rank in military spending in 2015, dominating that spot for decades. Most of the damage the Taliban government and Al Qaeda inflict upon the country in 9/11 attacks isn’t on the physical damage, costing about tens of billions of dollars. More than a trillion dollars and countless lives were spent in the dismal invasion and attacks on Iraq after the 9/11 attacks. The US suffered not from the attack itself but from its response. From a perspective of a non-American, terrorism, in that particular scene, have won. With these, we should do an appropriate and rational response. First, we should think. The great Mahatma Gandhi once said that anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding. After mourning, put feelings aside and start thinking. This step would be

cruel and would be very hard, but it would be essential. Second, we should terminate giving the terrorists false respect. The media refer to Paris attackers as the Islamic State. In reality, they are not Islamic as the religion condemns murder of innocent lives and denounces terrorism. Nor are they a state, just profane, barbarous murderers. Their Arabic acronym is Daesh and recently that is what officials call

them. The more we give them a false sense of respect, the more we put ourselves susceptible to terrorism. Lastly, the need for unity was greatly exposed from our responses. One day we have united opinions; the next day, we forgot what happened. We solidify success against these horrors through unity. We bring ourselves our own destruction

imaginator Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian

Red Dawn


magine waking up to a chinito in your room. No, he’s not serving you breakfast in bed. He’s in full battle gear. And that’s not the least of your “chinito problems”, because he’s aiming his assault rifle at you.

Today we hear in the news the precarious situation of millions of Syrians fleeing from their war-torn country to neighboring countries in the Middle East and to Europe, famished and frightened, some of them not reaching their destinations, and arriving there does not guarantee safe haven given resources are stretched to their limits. Before the war, they might have been busy earning a living, excelling in school or eyeing a good career and thinking of a better life. They were caught unprepared. The war came in the form of explosions and bullets, death and destruction. With our tense relations with our expansionist neighbors and separatist - minded countrymen, what would happen if war comes to your doorstep? The soldier brings you outside of your house at gunpoint. You see your father, brothers, practically every adult male in your area rounded up and tied along with you if you were male. As foreign troops march on the street, you can hear screams, both Filipino and foreign. You see soldiers abuse a girl on the street and other

soldiers looting houses, setting some on fire. You are forced to march with the other prisoners, however you take cover as your captors fight policemen who put up resistance, but as a the roar of a drone’s powerful missiles are heard, they are left no more. If you were lucky to have survived the day still in one piece, you are now about to settle in the hard floor of the occupied public school classroom to sleep as you will be interrogated again tomorrow. You don’t want to think about that now so you sleep, even though the only meal you had was porridge served by local social workers, at gunpoint. The blood from a mosquito bite reminds you of the bloodshed you witnessed today. With bloodshot eyes, you fall into sleep’s sweet embrace ….. and you wake up in the middle of the night! An explosion hurls you out of the classroom. Still dazed, unknown hands lead you away from the fiery carnage. You wake up to the sound of a tank approaching. When the tank disappeared from view, you slowly rise up, and winching from pain, you see a ragtag army of men armed with motley

The Official Student Publication of San Pedro College • Davao City, Philippines Senior Layout Artist | Alriz Mark Tan Editor-in-Chief | Mynard Pontillo Associate Editor | Alfonso Sebastian Alba Managing Editors | Shania Winona Tracey Canda Jackie Lyanne Mae Pinili Office & Circulations Managers | Maria Sophia Galido Roselle Marie Maduay

Photo Editor | Freah Quitorio Sports OIC | Mynard Pontillo Web Editor | Jeritz George Orbigo Feature Editor | Alexa Marie Paden Column Editor | Nico Angelo Solon News Editor | Irene Grace Jalandoni Multimedia Editor | Janley Jude Ano Lampoon OIC | Alfonso Sebastian Alba Editorial Cartoonist | Mary Grace Pascua Layout Editor | Rapha Angeline Catangui Cultural and Literary Editor | Lois Saye Camaganacan Arts and Graphics Editor | Thea Bianca Ellaine Pangolibay Community and Development Editor | Jennicel Jane Acosta

Senior Arts and Graphics Artist | Jewel Davis Kiang

with division. If we stick on blaming other nations, races or religion, terrorism would flourish but if we become one with a common purpose in destroying the roots of this evil then we would really achieve our ultimate goal. Now the Daesh is willing to do everything for their own cause, what are we prepared to do to salvage peace?

weapons and the casualties that they attend to. You find yourself in a remote fishing village more than 20 kilometers south of Davao City. You also learned that the Indonesian diplomat has boats and has promised safe haven for Filipinos in Indonesia. These people, who rescued you, have amassed here believing the promise. Through the rays of the early morning sun you see smoke rising from the directions of Davao and Digos. It’s been just twenty-four hours. In a span of one thousand four hundred-forty minutes, you’ve been exposed to the violence of war and lived to tell the tale. You haven’t had proper sleep and meals and no information on what happened to your family and loved ones. The world barely knows of your plight. There is no guarantee of safety in another country, or even safely arriving there. This is how being a refugee is like, your future is uncertain. War is not just watching fun explosions as the movies made them out to be. It is full of violence and terror. People die in the real world and no side is the true victor. I do not mean to scare people. I only mean to tell you while you go gaga over Al Dub, being pabebe and hugot or being in the head of the current fad or trend, the clouds of war are brewing over the horizon. They might be far now, but in the grand scheme of things, we don’t know what’s going to happen next. We better be prepared for the worst. The Syrians and the Rohingya people have experienced it, and God forbid, we don’t


Senior Writers |Vicente Maduay III Eric Christian Fabian, Jorjani Sinsuat Hanzelle Clarisse Dela Cruz, Judy Andrea Palado Senior Photojournalists | Mark Miguel Latras Paola Jane Enriquez, Irick Angelo Venus, Pauline Mae Lisondato, Zapphira Sambas Junior Writers Kristina Therese Catbagan, Francine Nahum Manguiat, Jomarie Quen Obenza, Jovilyn Ugdang, Nicole Kate Dayrit, Armel Love Demabildo Junior Layout Artists | Nico Carlo Balintag, Von Janrey Reta Junior Artists | Kyle Imee Silud, Clyde Vincent Pacatang Mark Henryll Omaguing, Joseph Romuald Maduay

S.Y. 2015

& Staff

Junior Photojournalists Wendellyn Bragat, Jezza Mae Barrera Theresa Ann Deseo, Dorothy Joi Pimentel Gianne Karl Aballe Junior Web Artists David Uy III, Jasha Alistine Arizola Pearl Mariane Escote

VIVIEN GRACE A. JUBAHIB, PhD Technical Adviser



San Pedro College

Identifying the Unknown

job order Rocker-on-Duty: Hanzelle Clarisse Dela Cruz


‘MADE IN CHINA’ —how will you respond if you hear these three famous words?

This has been the ever-famous label given to the world’s most renowned manufacturer of goods and products of any kind. And this same label has caused a great sense of fear and anxiety to most countries, or to make it sound astonishing, a very large portion of the world. In the recent years, the controversial 2008, the Chinese milk scandal was a food scandals in the “the Land of the safety incident in China where the milk Opportunities”, or more obviously known used to supply nutrients for the infants as the People’s Republic of China — then adulterated with the dangerous ranging from the contaminated pet food melamine. And just recently, there was a and seafood to the poisoned baby milk massive conflict between the Chinese and and dangerous toys— have given the Indian businesses causing a major threat world doubts and questions about its to India. Because of the inexpensive and manufacturing standards that has become more afforadable Chinese products, there the factory of the world. From the ridges has been doubts on the part of the Indian of South-Central Asia right up to the edges industries concerning the quality of these of North America, people complaining goods, and it might greatly affect the and pondering on whether or not these economic rise or fall of the latter. These products are still beneficial for the entirety are just some of the many incidents that of humanity or not has been a great issue. the China is confronted with that became so popular at the time and even until now. It’s really tragic to know that whatever the Chinese manufacturers did to make So with the continuing issue that their goods “good” to equate it with the the country is facing, many are now goods of the other first-world countries questioning if these products are still doesn’t make it sound enticing to the useful for both humans and animals, or if global market at all, not even a small it is an absolute threat to humanity. China percentage. It is not alien to most of us that has long been a catalyst of these worldthese sickening news about the country’s changing incidents and it is only right for industrial products harmed the consumers people all over the world to be meticulous and is still on the roll. It absolutely was a about petty and serious stuff that may harm series of misfortunes to both the producer the general populace. We may not know and the consumer. the real reason as to how they can still put up with these complaints and issues even Way back in March 2007, when pet until now but one thing is for sure: that foods imported from China had allegedly China is not the only one responsible for caused a panic attack to people when the possible threats and dangers that the researchers found melamine in the everyday-necessities we buy and utilize products was the starting point to what we might have but also in our own respective now call as the devastations by the dragon. places. But nonetheless, this worldwide In June 2007, U.S. consumers were advised threat should be instinctively inculcated to discard all toothpaste made in China in the minds of every human being that after federal health officials discovered ‘fake’ can sometimes lead to lives being at products containing diethylene glycol. stake, and that all governments across the Also in the same month and year, paint globe, most especially the government of products have been recalled since the toy China should strictly take notice and take firms in the country had put excessive part in bringing solutions in this issue as levels of lead on the decorative plaques. In though it can save the whole face of the earth.

Graveyard Shift Thought Rocker-on-Duty: Nico Angelo Solon

Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III

Is PHL Making a ‘Disclosure’?; How Confidentiality Ended With Wiretapping

Well, the cat’s out of the bag. Better yet, there will be no more secrets to keep with.

Sorry to burst your bubble, it is already happening and it is in the form of amendments done by law-makers and officers, to the Republic Act 4200 or Anti-Wiretapping Law. In case you are wondering, this act very constitutes our rights to our exclusive privacy. Henceforth, this law protects us from keeping our secrets to ourselves, or even maybe sharing sensitive information to the responsible persons. Frankly, for me the law itself is fundamental and down-right essential for everyday living. Imagine a life where you could openly tell your classmate one of your most embarrassing moments, or even yet tell a random person one of your deepest darkest secrets that might get you on the ‘bad side’. You can’t, can you? (Even I cannot do it). Well, everyone has their share of secrets, and wiretapping is one of the ways where others can get those. For those who are not familiar with wiretapping, it is “peeping” into someone’s personal diary entitled “Deepest Darkest Secrets” in a techie way. It uses small mics and recorders which listens to a conversation of very sensible matters. That is why the RA 4200 was made. This was to ensure that each and every Filipino citizen has an equal access to his/her right to privacy. Unlike other countries such as the US, every tiny detail of communications within every state is being monitored and legally wiretapped by the NSA (National Security Agency). It’s as if everyday you’re being watched by someone other than yourself. You might be wondering; why did legislators and law-enforcement officers support the amendments to this act? The story started with the stand of Vicente Belmonte, Iligan City Representative, to pass a house bill (H.B. 5839) that amends RA 4200 to include, as an exception, lawenforcement operations on drug-related cases. The amendment done was in accordance with RA 9165, or commonly known as the Dangerous Drugs Act. This was to ensure the efficacy of tracking down the principals behind drug trafficking, not only the ‘runners’ doing the deed itself. Looking at this angle, wiretapping truly is not seen as a negative, but a positive thing. Through this act, we might be able to sweep off the list of drug lords here in the Philippines. Moreover, we might be able to stop drug trafficking businesses here in the Philippines. Isn’t it cool? To get you off of the bad side of this, here’s some good news. It has already passed its second hearing. Next stop would be radical changes in the legislation and BOOM! Confidentiality is dead. Not being

paranoid and all, but maybe after all of these, Philippines might start its very own ‘NSA’; making wiretapping more legalized to the extent that cellphones are not even safe anymore to discuss ‘sensitive’ matters. Gladly, there are different laws (both national and international) that somehow slowed down the processing of the amendments of the RA 4200. These include the IHR, The Philippine Constitution of 1947, Anti-Wiretapping Law, and a lot more. All of these boils down to the individual’s right to his/her privacy. Going back to PHL having legalized wiretapping in drug related cases only is not a bad idea, BUT the ends doesn’t justify the means. It will still break a couple of laws committing human rights violations; disgrace the very constitution the PHL legislative branch was made of and even humiliate those law-makers behind the amendments itself. Frankly, if they were to legalize wiretapping in drug-related cases, they should first make radical changes in the constitution itself and the legislative branch. It is because the very amendments they’re trying to make doesn’t coincide with the constitution and the laws made by the country and its people. Think about it. If the laws made by the legislators themselves are unconstitutional, the law is still ineffect and useless. But, if we were to consider a radical change in our constitution, maybe wiretapping will be legalized sooner for drug related purposes. This sudden change of events will then develop a more ‘transparent’ government and people, full disclosure of the Filipino government and its citizens. Confidentiality will be no more. And worse, maybe 10-20 years after, Philippines will start its very own NSA.

All That Glitters in APEC


ith all the economic crises happening at a global scale, the international community requires further networking and discussions as well as peace talks in order to make sure that countries prosper which is why the leaders of Asian Pacific nations has held their Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit last November 16-18 in the Manila Shangri-la hotel.

But amidst the anti propaganda riot, the economic discussions and lively gowns, it seems that one topic has been revolving around the social media about the APEC summit: the hot leaders of APEC. Figures such as the Prime Minister of Canada and Mexico have caught the eyes of the Filipino people as well as the media cameras which begs the question: do we really get easily persuaded by what we see? As seen in the News, the hashtag #APEChottie seems to be circulating around the twittersphere and the facebookzone. This being the most popular trending topic about the APEC but it seems that despite the intellectual discussions brought about by the leaders such as the Islamic State Militancy, the condemnation of terrorism and the secretive Trans pacific partnership deal, the social media as well as

the news choose to highlight good looking Prime Ministers. It has appeared as if we, the people, who are concerned with our economy, prefer to look at the shimmering foreign speakers rather than the brilliance of the substance of every topic that opens doors to what the Philippines can become. All that glitters is not gold and we as beings of sight are prone to the errors by judging based on what we see. After all, viewership wise, admit it, it’s more amusing to see the Prime Minister of Mexico topless than listen to the Trans Pacific Partnership deals. We as Filipinos love to see the lighter side of things and there is no harm in that. We may enjoy what our eyes see, but in making decisions, we must always give substance the proper bearing that it deserves so that we must understand the meaning of these gatherings.

The Luggage Damage Rocker–on–Duty: Jovilyn Ugdang


Before THEY strike


eptember 13, 2015 ---- Lane Michael White, son of an American preacher, with his stepmother Eloisa Zuleta was questioned and harassed for accusations that Lane was carrying a bullet in his luggage at NAIA Terminal 3.”

The Tanim-bala or also known as Laglag-bala Scheme is the national issue that threatens all the Filipinos who are having their flights in and out of the country. It is sad to think that this matter has already affected tourism of the country. For foreign tourists, the idea of having a vacation in Philippines comes with serious hesitation. We must NOT let this concern change the proceeding success of our country. We must MAKE a move to stop it. How?

Better start with some tips to avoid the scheme: 1) Monitor your entire luggage and never allow strangers to handle them. Heavyweight bags will be a very good excuse to let other people carry it for you. But, think first. Are they really helping you, or are they just helping themselves? Do not be too at ease. 2) Zippers, pockets, pouches of the luggage must be closed, locked and

little big thing Rocker-on-Duty: Nicole Kate Dayrit

Networking: Scam or Strategy?


ETWORKING. Big word, literally! Networking is defined as a cultivation of productive relationships for business thus creating a group of associates and keeping it active through communication for common benefit. In short, Networking is about making connections and building mutually beneficial relationships.

Nowadays, entrepreneurship through networking is considered as a great business for it gains a better comprehension of the capabilities and challenges linked with social innovation. Though it is believed as an activity which takes up a lot of your time for you have to interact with lots of people and you have to be in your corporate attires as well, but it is all part of your job. Networking for business improvement is a strategy. Not all people have the skills to communicate with others, to socialize with bunch of people with different personalities and to give their most enduring tactic to sealed. Leaving your bag open is giving an opportunity to the strangers to invade your stuffs and making them capable to place bullets inside it. Seal and be free from the scheme, at least. 3) Refrain from accepting any luggage or items from strangers. If you are not letting others even touch your stuffs, why are you accepting theirs’? It is simple logic to save you from disaster. It might be a trap that will lead you to a law suit case. 4) Never lose sight of your respective luggage, even walking thru metal detectors. It is easy to be blinded by distractions all around you but always keep an eye on your belongings. Losing sight means gaining threats --- threats that’ll lead you to serious trouble. Be attentive enough. 5) Immediately retrieve luggage as they exit the x-ray machine. As said on the first tip, do not let others touch your things, even the SSO. You must think it

maintain a harmonious relationship to their colleagues. Networking is somewhat risky but it boosts your professional development through promoting the power of your business. Somehow, you aim to enhance your knowledge and skills in resources to make your life fulfilling and successful. “Not settling for less.”—is your goal to make your business grow profoundly. Think about it, networking is a smart marketing. A strategic, well-played plan established by building relationship with peers to build up a progressive business and having a mutual benefit. is hard to trust anyone with the scheme happening. 6) If the Security Screening Officer (SSO) tells you that they saw a bullet in your bag, don’t let them touch your luggage. Instead, ask them in a nice way if you could see the monitor of the x-ray machine to prove their findings. 7) If the SSO insist on checking your luggage manually, request for witnesses before opening your bags or perhaps call a lawyer or an airport police for proper documentation of the incident. It is better to have people around as your luggage will be checked. 8) Do not be too paranoid and keep things light yet secure. These tips will surely help you feel, somehow, at ease. Continue to live your life and don’t let this issue affect you so much. Surely, there’s a way to prevent the scheme. Just remember, “It is better safe than sorry.”


Community Extensions

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San Pedro College

Rockero Photos n-Duty: Alexa in New Paden B Layout by: Mar ataan by: Doro Galido thy Pim entel,


Janley Ju

de Ano,

Eric Fab ia

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side from the gift of love, life, and friendship, there’s no better gift than the gift of a helping hand; through times of sorrow and despair, there’s nothing like the assurance of companionship.

The San Pedro College Community, through the Committee on Health, Emergency and Disaster Preparedness (CHEDP), is set to spearhead a villagerebuilding project for the relocated survivors entitled - SPC's Engagement for Village Restoration and Establishment of Shelters (Project S.E.R.V.E.S.). The donations garnered from the upcoming benefit concert will support the housing of members of the Mary Mediatrix of All Graces Community - a group of displaced survivors who are now relocated and being organized into a new Basic Ecclesial Community by the Parish. The Rock accompanied dedicated SPCians—students, faculty, and administration—during a Community Extension Service visit to New Bataan on September 11. The surroundings have drastically improved, daily life slowly but surely returning to normal, houses built steady, hearts staying strong. Inhabitants and survivors try to cope with the remnants of hurt, loss and grief, but according to them, this is one thing they cannot deny: “ang hirap mag move-on.” SPC does not stop in its endeavor to be with them every step of the way. Truly, this is how love serves.

Local News Bomb explodes in Davao terminal, 2 injured


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Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden Photos compiled by David Uy III

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AVAO CITY, Philippines—a bomb damaged a passenger van as it traveled along Ecoland West St. near SM Mall City in Ecoland.

Senior Supt. Vicente Danao Jr., the city police chief, said the bomb exploded while the van was traversing outside the gates of Ecoland 4000 Residences, shortly after it unloaded its passengers. (The Philippine Daily Inquirer)

and he and his aide, Tatat Besanez, immediately headed to the Times Beach area to eat breakfast when something exploded in the van just as they were cruising along Ecowest Drive fronting Ecoland 4000 Residences. (MindaNews)

German Daag, driver of the Toyota HiAce van that came from Pikit in North Cotabato, told reporters he had just dropped off his passengers at the SM van terminal at around 9:30 a.m. Wednesday

Danao also said that the police were investigating the case from several angles, including personal grudge and terrorism.

Indonesian Haze Reaches Southern Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian Photo compiled by Alriz Mark Tan Philippines

Only the rear part of the van was damaged, but shrapnels from the explosion were able to deflate the tires and partly damage the parked cars some distance away from the van.

at the Sasa Wharf and at the old Davao Airport. A twelve-year-old was killed when an explosion took place at the Davao Overland Transport Terminal, around 600 meters away from the recent blast.

Danao said that the bomb could have been detonated by a cellphone but no conclusions could be made from the incident until the post-blast investigation was finished.

In September 2013, five persons were injured when bombs also went off inside the cinemas of SM City Davao and Gaisano Mall. (The Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Terror attacks are not new to Davao City. In April 2003, at least three dozen people were killed in bombing attacks

OIC Vice Mayor Paulo Duterte repeatedly said, “relax lang mo, naa man atong kapulisan (the police are here), they are doing their jobs.”

Mercury – Containing Skin Whitening Products Still Sold in Davao, Environmental Watchdogs Warn Rocker-on-Duty: Eric Christian Fabian


AVAO CITY – Environmental groups warned consumers seeking to whiten their skin about hazardous cosmetic materials sold here in the city.

Photo Source: news/asia/wider-areamindanao-hit-haze-reported


AVAO CITY – Hazy conditions have been reported in the Davao Region since Monday, October 17. Ben Rosales of the Philippine harmful chemicals and compounds like Atmospheric, Geophysical and sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide and Astronomical Services Administration nitrogen dioxide. (PAGASA) weather bureau said that Major cities like General Santos City, current monsoonal wind patterns blowing northeast from Indonesia carried Cotabato City and Davao City recorded the smoke to Davao and other parts poor air quality. Heavy particulate matter of Mindanao, thousands of kilometers associated with the haze was also detected away. Typhoon Lando (Koppu) has also in air quality tests in Cebu. Air travel has contributed to the worsening air quality been affected by poor visibility and flights have been cancelled in Cotabato City. situation. Health authorities have warned Mindanao residents about the hazards of the haze and cautions against people with lung illnesses or those with weak immune systems from going outdoors. People are also adviced to wear protective face masks. Gloria Raut, a senior health officer of the Department of Health in Southern Mindandao said that the haze could cause coughing, nose and throat irritation or asthma attacks. The haze contains

Indonesia has been suffering from some of the worst wildfires in decades, exacerbated by unusually dry conditions associated with an El Niño. 10 ASEAN countries have already been affected by the haze including Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines as Indonesia and other countries deployed dozens of planes and over twenty thousand men in an effort to fight the fires.

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Newly Discovered Fault Lines Herald Potential Massive Davao Region Earthquake

Desiderio Cabanlit, the senior Phivolcs analyst in Southern Mindanao, said that a 2010 survery had found new fault lines that emerged in large swaths of coast in Mati, Davao Oriental and in Surigao del Sur, which can potentially cause an 8.3 magnitude earthquake. “It happened in 1924 in Mati City, which was 8.3 in magnitude. In Monkayo (Compostela Valley province), a 7.2 magnitude quake rattled the province sometime in 1893. These are historical events and that it is possible that it will happen again,” Cabanlit said. He added that in the two earthquakes, hundreds either died or injured, although reliable casualty counts are not available. “Personally, I am scared. It is scary for people. It’s possible but we don’t know when that quake will happen.” He said the region experienced big earthquakes periodically, but the last time Monkayo had an earthquake was 124 years ago. The Monkayo quake was so strong that it was felt in Indonesia, a hundred miles from General Santos City, which felt it at Intensity 6-7, while Davao City felt it at Intensity 9, he said. Intensity 6-7 means that the shaking is so strong that people have trouble standing and walking. Intensity 9 means that the earthquake can cause considerable damage to well-

Photo Source: nation/2015/05/16/1455406/phivolcs-chiefexplains-timing-feared-7.2-quake

built buildings. The magnitude of the earthquake is the force of the energy unleashed by the temblor while the intensity scale refers to the observable effects of the earthquake on people and the environment Cabanlit said they have been surveying different parts of the region to check for new fault lines. He said they were checking on reports of frequent quakes in areas, such as Digos City, not identified as having fault lines. “It is possible that these are new local fault lines.” Janila de Ocampo, a Phivolcs engineer, said an “8 plus magnitude” quake could “definitely cause a lot of damage, sway buildings and trigger a tsunami.” “But we don’t know the extent of the damage it may generate for we have a lot of infrastructure now compared a century ago,” she said. She added they had been helping local government units in disaster riskreduction management in the event of a strong tremor. “We all should be prepared,” she said. Phivolcs, she said, has started updating the 10-year-old fault line findings of geologists in Davao region. She said they had stumbled upon at least three new fault lines in Davao City, but they have not released the findings “as these need further studies,” “We already informed the City Mayor (Rodrigo Duterte) and showed the map, but we could not yet ascertain as to how long it is,” she said. In 2013, a 7.2 magnitude quake jolted Cebu and Bohol, killing hundreds of people, destroying more than P2 billion worth of infrastructure and reduced to rubble Spanish-era churches. Only a bare two years before, the memory of the destructive power of the Bohol quake was still fresh on the minds of Davaoeños, who in the aftermath of the recent earthquake, expressed their unease on social media.

The Interface Development Interventions (IDIS) and the EcoWaste Coalition had issued an advisory against dangerous cosmetics with undisclosed amounts of mercury after finding them on store shelves in Davao City. The groups said the banned products are still sold in the market despite ocular inspections conducted by the City Health Office and the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) Region XI in some retail outlets last April. Ann Fuertes, executive director of IDIS said “the continued sale of banned mercury-laden skin whitening products is a serious threat to public health and should stop at once. Cosmetics retailers should only offer registered products that are safe from mercury and other substances that are damaging to human health.” She said exposure to mercury “even at very low doses” is not safe and should be avoided. Thony Dizon, coordinator of the EcoWaste Coalition’s Project Protect also called on local officials to “take immediate action to cut the supply of these dangerous cosmetics and severely penalize those involved in the illegal trade of mercuryadded skin lightening creams.” Last November 11, Dizon performed test buys and managed to buy nine skin whitening products that were among those banned by the FDA for violating the 1 part per million (ppm) threshold limit for mercury under the ASEAN Cosmetics Directive. The products were obtained from cosmetics and herbal product retailers at DCLA Shopping Center and from a kiosk at Plaza Luisita for P50 to P150 each. Among these nine products were Bihuayn, Erna, Jiaoli, S’zitang and Yinni skin whitening creams. Subsequent screening in Quezon City using an X-Ray Fluorescence device detected mercury up to 5,445 ppm in the samples, way above the allowable limit of 1 ppm. the top three samples with the highest mercury content were a S’Zitang two-jar skin whitening cream in gold box with 5,445 ppm, Yinni Green Tea Quickacting Whitener & Speckle Remover

Package with 5,085 ppm and a S’Zitang single jar skin whitening cream with 4,899 ppm. Direct users of mercury-laced skin whitening cosmetics may experience skin discoloration, rashes and scarring and reduced skin’s resistance to bacterial and fungal infections, while repeated applications can cause damage to the brain, the nervous system and the kidneys. Mercury compounds in skin whitening cosmetics can enter the human body, mainly via skin absorption as well as inhalation. The EcoWaste Coalition has published the “Beauty and the Risk” report in February this year, documenting the widespread sale of contraband mercurycontaining skin whitening cosmetics in 50 cities, including in Davao City and 11 other cities in Mindanao. To stop the illegal trade in mercurycontaining skin lightening cosmetics, the report stressed that Filipinos should “take pride in our natural skin complexion.” “There is beauty and dignity in our ‘kayumangging kaligatan,’ so refrain from using skin bleaching, lightening or whitening products, particularly contraband cosmetics that have not gone through formal notification or registration with the FDA and not guaranteed safe from mercury, hydroquinone and other harmful substances,” the report said. The groups also urged the authorities to conduct frequent surprise inspections on a regular basis to rid the market of these goods, as well as pass an ordinance to systematically address issues and concerns on toxic chemicals. The World Health Organization (WHO) describes mercury as “toxic to human health” and lists it among the “ten chemicals of major public health concern.” Health studies have indicated that exposure to mercury, even in low amounts, may have toxic effects on the skin, nervous, digestive, immune, respiratory, and urinary systems, and a threat to child development.

LTO XI Reinforces Anti-Colorum Van Campaign Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III Photo compiled by Kyle Imee Silud


fficial of the Land Transportation Office of Region 11 reminds commuters to ride on legally registered and franchised vans to ensure their individual safety.

Photo Source:

Chief of Operations of LTO Region XI Atty. Eleanor Calderon strongly pursuade commuters that riding on colorum vans have great risks for road accidents and that there would be no insurances if there would be any accidents for that matter. LTO’s warning came after the closing of van terminals around Davao City Overland Transport Terminal. “The colorum vehicles will just vanish if the commuters would no longer patronize them,” Calderon said.

She stresses that as long as passengers would continue to use these vehicles for fast transportation, the colorum vans will continue to operate as well. “Take a ride only at the legal van and bus terminals,” she said.



San Pedro College


North and South Korea Stand Off Rocker-on-Duty: Jomarie Quen Obenza Photo compiled by Wendellyn Bragat

Filipino Culture: Then and Now Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden Art by Jewel Davis Kiang

Photo Source:

Times change, people change. We’re no strangers to this ever-constant aspect of our lives: one way or another, things are going to change. Our environment, the mass media, the people around us, the present state of the economy and society—they’re all factors and agents of change. Culture is not immune to these changes too, as we are able to develop different ways of life to befit our present situation. All people of different races and ethnicities have their own respective cultures which guide and affect the growth of the individual and the society. Filipino culture, like all other cultures, is unique in its own way, and we have been able to cement the Filipino identity in both material and non-material areas such as: Arts May it be literature, visual arts or performing arts, Filipinos have been known to entertain and inform the masses since time immemorial. Sadly, with exposure to foreign influences, there has been a steady decrease in the appreciation of these arts. On the brighter side, the Original Pinoy Music industry has seen an influx of Vispop releases, and more Filipinos have tried and succeeded in the creation of books, screenplays, mainstream and indie films, and television series, keeping the Filipino entertainment diverse and more appealing. Architecture The buildings of the old and rustic cities as opposed to the contemporary and futuristic designs of the cities’ skyscrapers and offices attest to the evolution of architecture notably influenced by the Spanish era and the modern era. Sports With popular Western and Easternbrought sports such as basketball, football, karate, taekwondo rugby, boxing, volleyball and the like, it is easy to overlook that Arnis is the national sport and martial art of the Philippines. Integrations of the physical education curriculum have led to an increase in prospective athletes and classes in arnis. Attitude The Filipino are known to be a mannerconscious, respectful, family-oriented,


icture this out.

hospitable, resilient, creative, and jolly people. In contrast, we are also known to be disobedient to the law, time-wasting, irresponsible, “corrupt”, and people with ‘crab-mentality’, ‘ningas-cogon mentality,’ ‘colonial mentality’. Close to no change has been observed; perhaps we need to look forward to changing the bad habits we Filipinos possess. Cuisine A typical Pinoy diet consists at most of six meals a day; breakfast, snacks, lunch, snacks, dinner, and again a midnight snack before going to sleep. Considered as the melting pot of Asia, the Philippines boasts a rich culture in food—yes, it goes past breakfast hotdogs, chicken, and streetfood—with each region having varying tastes and delicacies of their own. Because of globalization and more efforts of investing in the food industry, Western fast food chains such as KFC, McDonald’s and Pizza Hut have been able to establish business here. Education Shaped by Western and Eastern principles, Philippine has also fashioned the education system to resemble those of foreign countries. For example, the system has begun to adopt a K-12 type of education as opposed to the old system established during the American occupation. Some universities have also changed their academic calendar similar to those in Western countries, with the school year starting in August. These are just a small percentage of changes in Filipino culture. Now foreign influence isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it’s just that sometimes we all have to reflect on our roots and contemplate whether it is beneficial for everyone to accept these changes. Remember, it is the people who make culture, not the other way around.

A younger boy gets hit by a stone on his back. As he turns around, he sees an older boy on the other side. The younger boy then angrily approaches the older boy and blames him for throwing the stone. The older boy denies the accusation. This angers the younger boy and in retaliation, he puts up these huge speakers that broadcasts unpleasant things against the older boy. This then creates a strong tension between the two boys. Once this tension escalates and blows off, a fight will break between these boys . This is the current situation of North and South Korea. On August 04,2015, three landmines exploded and wounded two patrolling South Korean soldiers in the southern side of the demilitarized zone--the “neutral zone” that stretches 2 km. on either side of the actual border between the two Koreas. An incident the South blamed on the North. In retaliation, South Korea put up antiNorth Korea loudspeaker broadcasts on August 10, 2015. This psychological warfare is believed by the South Korean military officials to be very effective against the North. According to Yonhap News, South Korea has installed new loudspeakers in place with an even larger sound capacity. The broadcasts are said to contain sensitive content and information. On August 15, 2015, North Korea threatened military action unless South Korea cease its broadcasts. Two days later, the North put up its own antiSouth Korea broadcasts. The tension between the two countries rose. On August 20,2015, North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire along the demilitarized zone. The South Korean

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Defense Ministry claims that the North began firing first. It was reported that a North Korean artillery rocket landed at the western province of Gyeonggi, a South Korean province. The artillery rocket was said to be aimed at one of the loudspeakers set up on the southern side of the demilitarized zone. Luckily, there was no physical or material damage reported. North Korea denies that it fired at the South and as well as the said landmine incident. South Korean President Park Geun-Hye states that the broadcasts won’t cease unless the North sends an apology regarding the landmine incident. On August 25, 2015, North and South Korea finally came to an agreement after a 3-day talk at Panmunjon--the place where the “ceasefire agreement” that paused the 1950-1953 North and South Korean war was signed. To defuse the tensions, South Korea agreed to switch off the speakers, while North Korea agreed to stand down from its “semi-war state”. Will both sides be able to keep their promises in the agreement? Will the 62-year old truce that paused the war finally break and play the chaos all over again?

New facilities eyed to be ready next year

Starting the construction since the second week of October, the Gym2 or the Sky Gym will be modified into a sports and cultural center. The project, spearheaded Mr. Francis Lloyd Singson, will pave a way to a new dance room, fitness center and equipment and costume room. Except for the glass and lights for the dance room, the project is already near completion and could be turned over on the first week of December. Meanwhile, a crack on the large glass window of the library was the cause of the ongoing renovation of the Learning Resource Center. Librarian Evelyn A. Gonzaga also said that they are also planning to redesign the walls and making it half-brick and half-glass. The library will also be having revamped stairs as the foam covering it was already damaged. Gonzaga said that the main reason for the implementation of the renovation is for the safety of the student body from

harm. The recent construction will also benefit the school as it will be designed to endure possible earthquakes. Funds for the said project was from the Library Fees of the students. The recent construction would also affect the students temporarily as the air-conditioner will be turned off from time-to-time and library sections in ST-3rd floors will be closed. Only the Filipiniana and the References section will be unaffected. The project windup is still to be determined though possible completion dates is on the second week of December. Also, the most intriguing construction that has been baffling students since October, the remodeling of the Pigpen, is set to be finished on January 2016. SPCians’ favorite hangout will be converted into a modern two-storey building. “One of the floors will be allotted for a new student hangout and the other one for a satellite canteen,” Physical Plant Officer, Engr. Jomil G. Paden said.


Rock-lamo at Papuri

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aganacan MAGALIT!” G A W U Lois Saye Cam H y, , ba li N A go A an M P A ng e n NG T A T I Jewel Davis Kia G ea Bianca Ellai N h a, A T cu L : as P by A s S ce rt ra A O G ualdo Maduay Pinili, Mary “BATO-BAT ie Lyanne Mae ud, Joseph Rom

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Dili ka b SPCi alo magans s A a can FTERCA RE a teen/ n café! So da g mga mak!





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Dear lab manual, I cannot wait for you, especially if finals pa ka mu-abot. Basin ganahan nako magpaphotocopy ani. Cheap, unya paspas pa. Sanay naman kaming matagal ka.

--- Ang umaasa

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Kanang isa k elevator pag a time nagdali dali kog a dto sa abot kaydili muandar. G effort gehan rabe nakog gak ko and e v e ry th ing. Unta an elevator dili g na mag out of order. --

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San Pedro College


Yung cr ha rap ng Phy sics Lab a gud, di ma nd Chem L n siguro m ab aiwasan n please.. ay a may mag iw sa PG Building usin and to ilet bowls u a man kaya g ang plum n ng submarine but na walang submarine bing kay g usto niyo mag float. --



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–Agent47 BMLS

oor pero fl ry e v e R C g u t buha Kana ganing nag tisya daw. s u H ? g n la n -a d sira

–Super urine

The tution keeps on increasing but I don’t see any results. BSPYCH Kung nay PE that da y, uniform th e whole da dapat iallow nalang nil y. Dili lalim maglaba u a magPE – gikapoyn g mag ilis ako BML 2x.



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Locking us inside the school like we’re sheeps.

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–If I had to pick a guy

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Ang mga estudyante na sabaan kaayoooo sa library. Murag wa juy pake sa mga nagastudy. Feel kayo na murag canteen lang, makastorya wagas! Respeto lang please.

-X24- --



j u n e - D e c e m b e r

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Unplug the Social Media Withdrawal Anxiety Rocker-on-Duty: Francine Manguiat Photo compiled by Pauline Lisondato Photo Source /12942144741294214491l.jpg


oes your dosage regimen every night consists of hugot lines of 140 characters or less on Twitter? Do you have this itch to ‘visit’ your crush’s Instagram feed ‘occasionally’? Do you update your Facebook account regularly? In our heavily social media saturated society, it is inevitable that the typical teenager would aye. But what if the Wi-Fi connection broke? What if all gadgets disappeared for twenty-four hours? With the endless stream of information, how could one cope a day of absolute social media abstinence? “I can’t imagine how life can be without using the media.” “Media is not just a convenience,

Mortis Filipinas Rocker-On-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photo compiled by Nico Carlo Balintag


his is not a rant. This is not a caucus-filled rally to resurrect the ideals of Filipinos gone by. Rather a question for you, my dear reader. Is the Filipino dream dead? The Filipino today has no sense of patriotism. And why would he? Why would anybody want to feel good about being from a country whose youth’s grandest dream is leaving the country in search of greener pastures, instead of making his home a green enough pasture? The story of our country is one filled with hypocrisy and tragic irony. We Filipinos blame the government for every little mistake they make, all the while accepting a few thousand pesos in exchange for votes. Complaining and whining, while doing nothing to solve the problem. People stepping on other people with only their own interests in mind. These are the trademarks of a Filipino, and there’s nothing new here. Let’s go back in time, when our biggest problem as a nation was not #Aldub but rather the Spanish Occupation of The Philippines. This happened before Enrile was born so you can tell that it was a definitely a long time ago. History lesson: There were two factions that made up the Katipunan which were the Magdalo and Magdiwang factions. These two factions were rivals that controlled certain parts of Cavite and at certain points in time, they refused to defend each other due to them seeing themselves as archenemies. During some parts of the Revolution they were comparing muscles, trying to prove that their faction was better while ignoring the Spaniard Colonialists that were knocking down their front doors. It screams of idiocy when a Magdalo representative, while fighting for the freedom and equality of all Filipinos berated Bonifacio for being less of a man than him due to his “uneducated” nature. Fast forward 100 or so years and we have a Presidential Race where if any candidate wins, literally no one would win. Times have changed and we have not. We no longer have Spaniards hitting us with the butts of their rifles; rather we have metaphorically learned how to independently hit ourselves with the butts of our own rifles. In order for us to embrace change in the way that we live we must first question ourselvers. Ask yourself this dear reader: Is the Filipino dream dead?

Comic Strips.......

it is literally a part of my life.” These are some statements of the participants of the research entitled The World Unplugged by the International Center for Media and Public Agenda (ICMPA). Students chronicled that being ‘plugged in’ on social and digital media is not a habit but a necessity in every aspect of their lives. The necessity for social media has tremendously affected our way of living. One example is news. Today, almost anything under the sun like ‘pabebe’ and overrated hugot lines have been dubbed as news when in fact it is not even newsworthy. Most social media users have this mentality that to unplug yourself from the social world is to cut off yourself from civilization.

Dr. Susan Moeller, who spearheaded the research, said, “Technology provides the social network for young people today and they have spent their entire lives being ‘plugged in’. Students talked about how scary it was, how addicted they were. They expected the frustration. But, they didn’t expect to have psychological effects, to be lonely, to be panicked, the anxiety, literally heart palpitations.” Based on Dr. Moeller’s statement, one could infer that the effects of social media withdrawal are similar to smokers going cold turkey. To unplug the connection for a day is not a piece of cake. Loss of connection to information and communication in your

social circle for twenty-four hours is moderately enough to set panic among social media users. Twentyone percent of the respondents said they could feel the benefits of being unplugged. The main benefits are reversion to simpler pleasures in life and genuine and in-depth conversations among peers. Dr. Moeller added, “Some said they wanted to go without technology for a while but they could not as they could be ostracised by their friends.” Media and technology anxiety is very much real in our social media crazed society. As a modern citizen, it is important to immerse oneself in media and technology for our times is vastly changing and advancing. However, one must also know that the social media world is just another aspect of the large tapestry of our lives.



San Pedro College

Studying in vs. Studying out


Rocker -on-Duty Jomarie Quen Obenza Art by Mark Henryll Omaguing


ow well did you do in your last exams? Were you able to battle the questions immediately? Or did you have to journey the deepest parts of your brain to summon the much needed answers that would save you from failing your subjects? Exam results don’t just tell you how well you answered and tackled the questions, it also tells you how well you studied and understood your lessons. If you were one of those students who did not have to blast the test questions with powerful blank laser stares then you must have a good studying strategy. How do you study? Do you study in? or do you study out?

one of them could not understand the lesson well, she could gladly ask for help from her classmates. Distraction, though, is a big disadvantage when you study out. The temptation to order another chocolate cake when studying in coffee shops only to find out you have no more money, the distracting voices of your classmates whenever they try to memorize something by repeating things over and over again and the WiFi, are all examples of the things that might distract you.

Studying in is when you study alone at home or in your dormitory. Those who study in get the advantage to focus because there would be less distractions and interruptions. On the other hand, when you study outside study in places such as coffee shops, the bleachers and anywhere that isn’t inside your houses or your dormitories have the advantage of teamwork. If

Studying only becomes effective when it is done right. Studying in and studying out are both good strategies. It depends on which strategy suits you better. Each one of us has our own way of studying and it doesn’t matter which way one you prefer, as long as you’re comfortable with it and you get something from it. If you are the kind of person who needs a place with less distractions, then it is better fo you to study in, but if you are one of those who do not get easily distracted then studying out will suit you very well. If you don’t study at all, then perhaps you must be what they call a genius.

Phtoto Source:

Mang Danny, The Ice Cream man celebrity

The World and Gay Marriage The New Viewpoint Rocker -on-Duty Jovilyn Ugdang Art by Clyde Vincent Pacatang


hange for the better.” The world is indeed a small place for the existing billions of people. Change becomes a gizmo to sustain this hunger for expansion. Technologies are invented for the desire of modernization. However, this innovation doesn’t answer just to the objective world but also to the beings living in it. Even customs and laws, antiquated by time, tend to alter. Marriage is one of the feared issues that will undergo evolution. Marriage, sacred matrimony, wedlock or whatever you call it, is omnipresent and paramount. People anywhere in this world, disregard their culture and religion, get married. It is something that can be considered as a “dream come true” and a key to the pursuit of happiness. Marriage is understood solely as the union of man and woman, however due to the dynamic era, people began to create and perhaps build a new perception about marriage.

What is this viewpoint?

The proposal of gay marriage laws aroused an immense debate between the subjects and the critics. Many homosexuals would point out that their incapability to have children and their different practice of sexual intimacy will not make them any less functional or deserving to be with the one that they want to be with. Marriages between same – sex couples or opposite – sex couples share the same vow and equal civil rights, that is, for some other countries who welcome open – handedly this revamping of traditional laws. The world, a sanctum for humanity, should not be focused on one sector only with reference to this account. This evolution is about more than the marriage itself but what is the true essence of being as one.


However, this expansion of Gay Marriage or Same marriage statute – sex Marriage is one of raises disparate the proposed changes questions. Will in coupling matters. The the affair of the ambition for acceptance and same – sex couple be legalization alarms the world. recognized by the churches or some religious sector? With this kind of union, who will gain the rights of What is Gay Marriage? the woman or the man? And, do the favors for the Gay marriage is simply the union of two opposite – sex couple apply to the same – sex couple? persons having the same sex in either secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting. The Many “what ifs” are formulated in the diverse union of same – sex are recorded in the history minds of the people but the real question is behind but legalized same – sex union is rare and still the bodily aspects of the society. Is the world ready to tenuous for other cultures. Despite of being accept this change? unrecognized, gay marriages are still performed in some religious rites.

The “Healing the Hurt” Project Rocker -on-Duty Lois Saye Camaganacan Art by Kyle Imee Silud


t was a cold December night. The Christmas lights were blinking alternate red, white, yellow and green colors as the people sang Christmas carols. Happy, as they say, people were also in the spirit of giving, and as a kid observing this as a happy tradition; of course, she would remember this for a long time, and just as her family was stopped at a red light, she noticed people on the side of the road.

Peculiar, was what she thought when she speculated their patterned clothes— clothes she used to see in her Aral Panlipunan books. One of them walked towards the car and lifted his hands towards the car’s window. His brows were raised in worry, and the corners of his mouth were turned down. So far even if her mom gave a few coins, her daughter frowned at the sight of the old man walking away as the stop light turned green. All the things she learned about them through books, she figured they should’ve been more taken care of, being the natives of this land, shouldn’t they be more given respect, and not be wandering around the streets during Christmas?

They were called Lumads and it was her first time seeing them up close. A story was told, relaying to everyone how they ended up in that area of Davao where in fact they should be in the North. They said, due to the increase of industrial mining in their place, they were forced to leave.

According to the context of Rural Missionaries of the Philippines-Northern Mindanao Sub-Region (RMP-NMR), Inc.’s project, “twenty-eight Lumad leaders and their families have been killed in 35 months” and “the United Nations special rapporteurs on human rights defenders and on EJKs issued a joint statement on 9 July 2012 criticizing the Aquino III administration for its attacks against She thought this was the worst form of human rights and environment defenders.” discrimination for people like them, but it only got worse. Not only that, but a human rights group called Karapatan, around 1,017 families, In an area in Davao, she met more or 5,725 individuals, were displaced in people which she only read from her Aral the course of intense military operations Panlipunan book—almost the whole tribe, carried out in the mining areas of Northern, in fact. She only remembered volunteering North-Eastern and Southern Mindanao. for a medical mission, which she thought was a typical medical mission with sick Mindanao has held almost half of children, administering vitamins—that the estimated wealth of the Philippines did happen, though to the people she least amounting to 11.25 B Euro’s according to expected—some of them wore their native the context of Rural Missionaries of the attires with intricate patterns. Philippines-Northern Mindanao Sub-

Rocker-on-Duty Quen Obenza Photo compiled by Eric Christian Fabian


n a street buzzing with people looking for food, fun or both a celebrity has risen.

Most people know him by the taste of his ice cream. People spend hours waiting in line just to get a taste of it. There was just something so irresistible about this famous ice cream. Mang Danny, as what his avid ice cream fans call him, used to push his cart silently in the same street, but now people cheer and clap at the sight of him. The sixty year old man stations his ice cream cart every night at Roxas Avenue Street night market in Davao City. People didn’t mind spending hours just to get a scoop from his 20 pesos ice cream. The line usually starts at 6 pm and Mang Danny arrives at 9 pm. His ice cream even went trending online. People post pictures of him and his ice cream. Mang Danny became a huge phenomenon but there’s more to Mang Danny than his ice cream. When all the ice cream hustle and bustle are done, Dionilo dela Torre or Mang Danny is a hardworking father and a caring husband to his family. He was born in 1955 in North Cotabato and his journey with his ice cream business started when he was just about 14 years old. After graduating elementary he was forced to stop his schooling. He left his hometown and moved to Davao because there were simply more customers here. His ice cream business since then was his constant source of income. Business was not easy for him here as there a lot of ice cream vendors in the City but this did not stop him from improving his skills and his ice cream. Nothing starts easy and Mang Danny admits that his first tries in creating a new kind of ice cream were failures but this didn’t stop him from making a better one. In one of his interviews with Sun Star he said, “Lami man ang mga ice cream maong ako naningkamot pud nga mapalami nako ang akoang ice cream (My competitors’ ice cream are delicious and that pushes me to continue and improve my ice cream),” Mang Danny cares for his customers as much as he cares for his ice cream. He admits that sometimes he feels back pains when scooping ice cream for his customers but this doesn’t stop him because there is nothing better than the feeling he gets when he serves his customers. Mang Danny dreams of getting his own machine for his production. He worked hard and everything finally paid off. One can learn a lot from a man like Mang Danny.

Region (RMP-NMR), Inc.’s project—and Hopefully out of this project and many most of these are in ancestral domains. researches, the Lumads would someday spend their Christmas in their old homes, Plantations were built-up, and more safe and sound, eating their traditional agricultural companies were set to come food and probably other rituals just like in, and as a result, indigenous people have many of the people living in the city. been competing with the big industries for It’s not really fair that they get to live like natural resources. this—in constant fear and discrimination. The government’s drive for mining liberalization has been accompanied by the establishment of Investment Defense Forces to ‘protect’ investments. In the face of all these attacks, the Lumads’ access to justice has become almost impossible due to their economic and political marginalization. To address the structural discrimination of the Lumads, a project called HEALING THE HURT: Unleashing Interfaith Initiatives to Combat Discrimination, Human Rights Violations and Impunity against the Lumads of Mindanao, Philippines has been launched by the Rural Missionaries of the Philippines-Northern Mindanao SubRegion (RMP-NMR), Inc. In partnership with Kalumbay Regional Lumad Organization, Inc, Ibon Foundation, Inc, Union of People’s Lawyers in Mindanao, Inc, CommunityBased Health Services-Northern Mindanao Region, Inc, as a research project. Their aim is to “contribute for the advancement of the rights and continued development of indigenous peoples consistent with the spirit and letters of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP)” With the help of European Union’s donation through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, they are able to make the project happen for duration of 3 years, from 2014-2017.

Entertainment Wattpad Movies To Expect in 2015


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Rocker-on-Duty: Alexa Marie Paden Art by Thea Bianca Pangolibbay

Game of Thrones: Season 8 and Possible Prequel F

iction, fanfiction, non-fiction… Filipinos have always been fond of romance. Books, movies, and even the occasional teleserye are capable of making an average Juan or Juanita fall head over heels with the characters and the stories. A guilty pleasure for some, but a fulfilling hobby for many, reading and writing stories on the popular website Wattpad provides a refreshing and convenient avenue for up-and-coming Filipino writers to continue the evolution of Philippine literature, an art which many have thought to be lost to Star Cinema movies and primetime bidas on the telly. Now these popular Wattpad stories have been given the chance to be adapted into a production on the big screen, starting with Diary Ng Panget, She’s Dating The Gangster, and Talk Back And You’re Dead last year. This year welcomes a slew of more stories ready to be put into movies, and wow, they are a lot. Check them out! Note: Because these movie projects are in production, the cast and directors are subject to change. There is also the possibility of the project to be shelved and pushed back for a later release date or totally be cancelled. No Boyfriend Since Birth Cast: Carla Abellana, Tom Rodriguez Film Production: Regal Films

Never Talk Back To A Gangster (Talk Back And You’re Dead Sequel) Cast: Nadine Lustre, James Reid, Joseph Marco Film Production: Viva Films and Skylight Films Teen Clash Cast: Nash Aguas, Alexa Ilacad, Sharlene San Pedro, Jairus Aquino Film Production: Star Cinema Size Matters Cast: Zanjoe Marudo, Angelica Panganiban Film Production: Star Cinema He’s Into Her Cast: TBA Film Production: Star Cinema Ang Boyfriend Kong Artista Cast: Kathryn Bernardo, Daniel Padilla Film Production: Star Cinema Operation: Break The Casanova’s Heart Cast: Shy Carlos, Joseph Marco Film Production: Viva Films

Rocker-on-Duty: Shania Winona Tracey Canda Photos compiled by Jezza Mae Barrera


ince its pilot episode in 2010, this show never failed to amaze viewers throughout the world. In fact, one does not need to be fantasy fans nor history buffs to enjoy it. Old and young alike are in awe as the episodes portray the turbulent dynamics of running a dynasty, the devious plots and the appalling things the characters do just to seize power over their country. No, this is not politics. This is the Game of Thrones, and a Season 8 and a prequel series may be in the works. was acknowledged. “I would be open to Michael Lombardo, HBO’s anything that Dan and David wanted to programming President, said in a do—about Game of Thrones, or any subject Television Critics Association’s press tour matter.... there’s enormous storytelling that “Seven-seasons-and-out has never to be mined in a prequel, if George R. R. been the conversation. The question is: Martin and Dan and David decide they How much beyond seven are we going want to tackle that, ” Lombardo said. to do?”. According to Entertainment Weekly, he said that he feels that there’s Whether or not they will produce that two more years after six. “I would always Season 8 and the prequel series, fans love for them to change their minds, but will still wait with anxious breaths for that’s what we’re looking at right now,” he the next season. There are still so many continued, pertaining to show creators questions left unanswered. Is Jon Snow David Benioff and Dan Weiss. really dead? Who will now save the realm from the White Walkers? Will winter ever The current order for the series is only come like they said it will? Has Gendry up to Season 7, with Season 6 currently in finally reached King’s Landing in his tiny production. However, the series is such little rowboat? a huge success for the network that the show could well continue beyond seven No matter how many seasons it will seasons. In fact, even if it does end in take, the show might end with no one Season 8, preferably with at least one sitting on the Iron Throne. After all, “Valar character still alive, Game of Thrones morghulis” means “all men must die.” may not be completely erased from the Still, the show is a good mix of amazing network. cinematography, colourful characters and plot twists that you will never see Author George RR Martin wrote about a coming your way. And in its charming world so rich in history that eight seasons little way, it gives hope that there could be may not be enough to cover all its details. more twisted and confusing things than The idea of releasing a prequel series politics.

Article I: A Lesson about History Rocker-on-Duty: Mynard Pontillo Photo compiled by Nico Carlo Balintag


irst, I’m dreadfully annoyed by the fact that I can’t write this column in Filipino when I’ve been working out my Heneral Luna monologues ever since I saw the credits roll after the movie. Second, I am outright happy that we are talking—and not just talking, but vocally praising—about a great work and a new benchmark for the country’s movie industry and Philippine history. There were no cinemas or theaters in my hometown and I’m pretty sure there won’t be one in the near future. With that, I’m saying that the only movies I watched while I was growing up in our province were about Ronny Ricketts, FPJ or Robin Padilla fighting goons and saving their fancy-haired ladies. Whenever my parents brought home DVDs though, movies were basically modern Filipino films with inappropriate product placement, lackluster plotlines and boring comedies. I know too that even city kids, with their English vocabularies, cable TVs and unlimited dose of urban fun, can still relate to what I’m saying. But this time, with a critically-acclaimed and highlyadmired movie, the masses finally had their movie taste buds aligned to a treat. Pwede naman pala eh. I want to extend my gratitude to the producers, director and actors of Heneral Luna for not making the film corny and hopeless. Thank you for doing your best on not keeping the film too emotional with the heroes looking up or posing like Mona Lisa, the Philippine flag waving in the background and the dramatic music which they thought would give us chills but duh, it’s like playing a classical music while having your regular bowel movement. But, see? Pwede naman pala. Let’s take our thought back to the film. Heneral Luna, being an actual pinch of history, is not your usual bedtime story with a fairytale finale. There were moments in the movie when we felt victory, freedom and happiness but there were also times, especially the Death by Invitation scene, where we felt utter sadness and defeat. This is because, admit it or not, history is not ‘Tim gives Mynard a candy and they made peace’; it’s ‘Tim gives Mynard a candy and then Mynard puts a bullet in his head, burns his family and lets his pet parrot eat the ashes’. More like Game of Thrones than Teletubbies, history is brutal. I could’ve said “was” if I think we all learned from it. What’s my point? The real purpose of the movie wasn’t just about the thought of having unparalleled patriotism. It’s not just about having remorse for Luna or having hatred towards Aguinaldo, Buencamino, Paterno or Janolino, the man having his brain in the wrong head. The greatest aim of Heneral Luna was that hopefully, after we have our cheers of awes, unstoppable goosebumps and endless claps, the next stride is to read our wondrous history. The first step is to avoid compressing history to dates, names and places. I’ve had four years of history in high school, one in college and I can really tell that the phobia of students is not for a 300-word essay about what you learned from the Spanish occupation but for a 50-item quiz on war dates, battlefield locations and Jose Rizal’s girlfriends. Second, maybe we can stop making our heroes like saints and notice where did they go wrong too. As for Heneral Luna, his lust for war and ill-temper played a great part to bring him and the country to ruins.

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In a society where boss-maid relationships, fake reality shows and supermodels on bikinis make more noise than the stories of the past, it’s difficult to instill on the minds of the youth, the essence of history and how we should use it as a tool for change, like the peace we were thinking of when we tweeted #PrayForParis last week. With wars, terrorism, corruption and conflicts of all sorts, maybe our forefathers would wonder if we even learned a thing from them. More than just peace and freedom, there are still many lessons to learn from our yesterdays. These lessons won’t be fulfilled, for as much as we all know, with box office awards, international praises, stylized profile pictures or Facebook likes. It’s your own choice to do more than just clapping and praising the movie. And one day, when you feel that spirit of peace burning inside you, that sense of concern towards the greater good and that will to help those who are oppressed, then make a move because, in the wise words of our beloved Heneral Artikulo Uno, ang taong may damdamin ay hindi alipin.



San Pedro College


Photo Source: | https://kbimages1-a. | | http://ecx. |

15 Young Adult Book Listings for ‘15 Based on

Rocker-on-Duty: Irene Grace Jalandoni Photos compiled by Paola Jane Enriquez


or young adults or for young adults at heart, this year’s list brings a ton of secrets with plots that evoke excitement and suspense, no regrets are guaranteed in bagging these babies from bookstores.

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles, Book 4) by Marissa Meyer The Lunar people admire Princess Winter who is graceful and kind. Scars mark her face, yet her beauty is more recognized than that of her stepmother, Queen Levana whom she despises. The latter does not approve of her feelings for palace guard and childhood friend Jacin. However with the help of a cyborg mechanic, Cinder and her allies fight back a power; possibly winning a war and starting a revolution. Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, Book 4) by Sarah J. Maas Celaena Sardothien returns to the empire for vengeance after her loved ones are taken away. Posing as Aelin Galathynius, Queen of Terrasen she is determined to rescue her kingdom and confront her past. She will fight for her cousin, friend, a young man trapped in an unspeakable prison, and her enslaved people by a brutal king awaiting their lost queen’s triumphant return. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas After killing a wolf in the woods, nineteen-year-old huntress Feyre was brought to a dangerous magical land when a beast-like creature appeared to demand retribution for it. Led to a legendary place, she discovers that her captor is a lethal, immortal faerie named Tamlin who once ruled their world. Her feelings for Tamlin turns from hostility to passion as she lives in his estate where she set aside lies and warnings about the beautiful and dangerous world of Fae. However, an ancient, wicked shadow looms over the faerie lands, and Feyre must find a way to stop it or it will doom Tamlin and his world. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard In a blood-divided world, the Reds are commoners and the elite Silvers posses god-like superpowers. To a seventeenyear-old Red girl named Mare Barrow from the poverty-stricken Stilts, nothing seems to change until she finds herself working in the Silver Palace. Having the people she hates around, Mare discovers that despite being a Red, she possesses a deadly

power of her own; a threat to destroy the balance of power. The Silvers hide her in plain view, declaring her as a lost Silver princess and engaging her to a Silver prince because of their fear of her potential. Even when she knows that she cannot afford to make a mistake, Mare silently helps the Red Guard, a resistance group aiming to bring down the Silver regime. In a world of betrayal and lies, Mare has come in the middle of danger; the Reds against the Silvers, prince against prince and herself against her heart. The Heir (The Selection, Book 4) by Kiera Cass Princess Eadlyn has grown up hearing endless stories about how her mother and father met. For the last twenty years, America Singer won the heart of Prince Maxon upon entering the Selection. Their daughter finds their story romantic, but she finds no interest in trying to repeat it. If she will have to decide, she’d put off marriage as long as possible. However, the life of a princess is never entirely her own, and so she can not escape her very own Selection, no matter how eager she is in protesting. Eadlyn does not expect romance in her story, but as the competition begins, one entry may capture her heart. End of Days (Penryn and the End of Days, Book 3) by Susan Ee Penryn and Raffe are on the run after an escape from the angels. Desperate to find a doctor who can reverse the changes inflicted by the angels on Raffe and Penryn’s sister, they search for answers.A revelation has been opened about Raffe’s past, unleashing dark forces that threaten all. When the angels release an apocalyptic nightmare onto humans, both sides are set on a path toward war. With unexpected alliances forming and strategies shifting, Raff and Penryn must decide between their own kind and each other. Fairest (The Lunar Chronicles, Book 3.5) by Marissa Meyer Fairest stands as the bridge book between Cress and Winter in the Lunar Chronicles, telling Queen

Levana’s story. As she uses “glamour” in order to gain power, her past is in a very different light, unfolding a story that has never been told until now. The Ruby Circle (Bloodlines, Book 6) by Richelle Mead Sydney and Adrian face the wrath of the Alchemists and the Moroi as their forbidden romance is exposed. Sydney Sage, an Alchemist, risks everything to hunt a nemesis when someone they both love is at risk. Caught in a puzzle that could hold the key to a secret about spirit magic, she and Adrian ought to unveil a secret that could shake the entire Moroi world and alter their lives forever in their final chapter. P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, Book 2) by Jenny Han Falling for Peter was something Lara Jean did not see coming. They were supposed to be pretending, but suddenly they were not, leaving Lara Jean confused. When another boy from her past comes back to her life, her feelings for him come back too. Can a girl actually be in love with two boys at once? In this sequel to To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, first love shall be seen in the perspective of Lara Jean. Love is not easy, but this story shows that it is part of what makes it so amazing. An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir Laia is a slave, Elias is a soldier and neither is free. Defiance meets death under the Martial Empire, and those who do not vow their lives to the Emperor risk the execution of their family and the destruction of everything dear to them. Inspired by the ancient room, Laia and her older brother live with their grandparents. Existing in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets, they do not challenge the Empire as they see what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother gets arrested for treason, she is forced to make a decision to risk her life as a rebel spy within the Empire’s greatest military academy, in exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother.

1. Flavonoid - a group of plant metabolites thought to provide health benefits through cell signalling pathways and antioxidant effects. 2. Heartwood - the older, nonliving central wood of a tree or shrub, usually darker and harder than the younger sapwood. Also called duramen.

Crushing Pneumonia: A success story Rocker-on-Duty: Jennicel Jane Acosta Photo compiled by Jeritz George Orbigo


n intellectual pursuit, a taxing activity packed with comedy and drama, a testament of how human they could be… These are just some of the words that describe the journey the research proponents of the study “Capsule Formation of the Flavonoid-containing heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan against Methicilin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa” went through as they took the spotlight in front of national scientists at the DOST complex in Manila. Before we dwell deeper into the savvy details and get too scientific, let us first define the key terms in their project title.

3. Caesalpinia sappan - a species of flowering tree in the legume family, Fabaceae. Pharmaceutically, it possesses medicinal abilities as an antibacterial and is greatly valuable for its anticoagulant properties. 4. Staphylococcus aureus - a bacteria staining Gram positive and is non-moving small round shaped or non-motile cocci. It is found in grape-like (staphylo-) clusters and may cause minor skin infections, pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, Toxic shock syndrome (TSS), bacteremia and septicemia. 5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa - a Gram-negative, aerobic rod belonging to the bacterial family Pseudomonadaceae. It can cause endocarditis, respiratory

In the midst of her mission, she meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier but secretly its most unwilling. He wants to be free of the tyranny he is trained to enforce, but discover that his destiny and Laia’s are intertwined; their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself. The Winner’s Crime (The Winner’s Trilogy, Book 2) by Marie Rutkoski Sequel of The Winner’s Trilogy, The Winner’s Crime is a fight to the death as Kestrel risks betrayal of country for love. Lady Kestrel’s engagement to Valoria’s crown prince causes celebration, but Kestrel takes it as living in a cage of her own making. Before the wedding, she tells Arin whom she hardly trusts, the truth about her engagement. However, whether or not she trusts herself remains a question, as she is becoming a skilled practitioner of deceit as an anonymous spy passing for Herran, and almost uncovering a shocking secret. While Arin is enlisting dangerous allies in the struggle to keep his country’s freedom, he finds it hard to fight the suspicion that Kestrel knows more than she shows. In the end, the truth might cut him open. When it happens, Kestrel and Arin learn how their crimes will cost them. Six of Crows (The Dregs) by Leigh Bardugo Ketterdam is a bustling international trade hub where anything can be had for the right price. No one knows that better than criminal prodigy Kaz Brekker. He is offered a deadly heist that could possibly make him very rich. But he cannot pull it off all by himself. He collaborates with a convict thirsty for revenge, a sharpshooter who cannot refuse a wager, a runaway with a privileged past, a spy known as a Wraith, a Heartrender using magic to survive the slums, a thief gifted with unlikely escapes—six dangerous outcasts, one impossible heist. Kaz’s crew can be the only thing that might stand between the world and destruction, only if they do not kill each other beforehand. The Rose Society (The Young Elites, Book 2) by Marie Lu Adelina Amouteru had a father, a prince, a society of friends. They betrayed her, and she destroyed them. She suffered from both family and friends, and now she is known and feared as the infections, bacteremia and septicemia, CNS infections, external otitis, eye infections, bone and joint infections, UTI, GI infections, and skin and soft tissue infections. What made this research significant were the favorable results of the experiment as well as the capsule stability, at moderate, with a shelf-life of 90 days after formulation. This study was in-vitro experimental and tried to assess the potential action of a plant (C. sappan) towards highly pathogenic strains of bacteria that cause the fourth causation of death in the Philippines (pneumonia). It also tackled the process of drug development of the plant into a suitable dosage form with consequent quality assurance and control parameters. The study is a boost in the fight against antimicrobial resistance due to inappropriate antibiotic use caused by non-adherent patients and less-informed physicians. If this research will be patented and developed to further advancements, patients and researchers alike will greatly benefit as this study will provide

White Wolf. She and her sister leave Kenettra to find other Young Elites hoping to build her own army. She aims to destroy the Inquisition Axis, the whitecloaked soldiers that murdered her love, Crown Prince Enzo Valenciano. However, Adelina is no heroine. Her powers, fed by fear and hate, have grown beyond her control to the point of her distrusting her newfound Elite allies. Teren Santoro, Inquisition leader wants her dead. Her former friends Raffaele and the Dagger Society want to stop her vengeance. She struggles to cling to the good within her, but how can someone be good when her very existence depends upon darkness? I Was Here by Gayle Foreman When Cody’s best friend Meg drinks a bottle of industrialstrength cleaner alone in a motel room, she is shocked and devastated. They shared everything, but there was no warning. But when the former travels to Meg’s town to pack up belongings left behind, she discovers that there is a lot that Meg never told her—about her old roommates, the sort of people Cody never would have met in her dead-end town in Washington; about Ben McAllister, the boy with a guitar and a sneer who broke Meg’s heart; and about an encrypted computer file that Cody cannot open—until she does, and suddenly everything she thought she knew about her best friend’s death gets thrown into question. This book is an emotional and redemptive story about the meaning of family and finding a way to move on despite loss. The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black Hazel and her brother, Ben, live in the strange town of Fairfold where humans and fae exist side by side. Seemingly harmless, the faeries’ magic attracts tourists, but Hazel knows how dangerous they can be. She also knows how to stop them—or she already has, once. In a glass coffin in th ground a boy with horns on his head and ears as pointed as knives and never wakes. Hazel and Ben were both in love with him as children, until one day, he does. Hazel tries to remember her years pretending to be a knight, while the world turns upside down. But driven by new love, shifting loyalties, and betrayal, it may not be enough.

a fresh avenue for techniques used and results achieved.. If commercialized, farmers who cultivate the plant may benefit as well. The ten research proponents were indeed lucky to have their efforts paid off as surely, this success will open doors of opportunities for them. When asked what he could advise to students wishing to attain the same success, project leader Randy Franz Selim said, “Ethics and quality work are indispensable values in the conduct of a research. Research takes a lot of time and effort. It is a help unto humanity and its strides. Thus, to make a study of questionable integrity and quality is a step back instead of a leap towards the general goal.”

Researchers: John Christian Aeb Bantayan, Queenie Maree Bacol, David Christian Calma, Sittie Aisah Cali, Kevin Carl Chan, Fritz Mico Nierra, Henriette Mae Garzon, Garcia, Celine Angelica, Pieldad, Katrina Angelie, and Selim, Randy Franz Adviser: Fatima May R. Tesoro, MSPharm



j u n e - D e c e m b e r

2 0 1 5

Movies to watch before the end of 2015

The Power of Icons W

Rocker-on-Duty: Judy Andrea Palado Photos compiled by Theresa Ann Deseo ith the fast-pacing cyber world we have today, indeed, everything we need is within the reach of our fingertips. From the vast social media to entertainment portals, people with smartphones and high-tech devices are just a click away from any answer to their needs and any means to slay boredom. There’s no better word that summarizes all those convenient and useful icons other than apps, or applications, from Google Playstore, Apple Appstore, and many more. Filipinos, of course, are no exception from the latest technological advancement happening around the globe. Since the access of free WiFi is no longer scarce in today’s world, plenty of Filipinos are becoming more and more hooked to these useful and fun applications. Hence, aside from the typical social networking apps a regular Juan uses, here’s a brief list of relatively free apps Filipinos usually download: Clash of Clans: “Attack! Attack! Attack!” this hugely-addicting app, developed and published by Supercell Video Game Company, is an online multiplayer game wherein the players attack other users worldwide, create a community, train troops, defend their village and many more! It has over 1.5 million five-star reviews and users are really hooked and enamored with this strategy-inducing app that makes players not want to leave their gadgets behind. Spotify: this online music streaming app is, perhaps, the best friend of music lovers! Music could be browsed by artist, playlist, genre, album, record label or according to the mood and vibe of the user. Offline listening of chosen songs can be made via Premium or Paid Subscription. It has more than 75 million active users worldwide and its popularity is still increasing among the youth. The company was founded by Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon and was launched on October 7, 2008. Dubsmash: this hilarious and utterly entertaining application paved the way to fame of Maine Mendoza a.k.a YayaDub. This app – developed by Jonas Druppel, Roland Grenke, and Daniel Taschik – allows users to make their own dubbed

selfie videos from the audio clips they’ve chosen. It can be from excerpts from famous TV shows, movies, or snippets from certain songs. As of June 2015, it has already been downloaded by 50 million people across the globe and its viral success is attributed to its shareable content and the comical videos posted by users. VSCO Cam: this photo-editing app, developed by Visual Supply Company (VSCO,) is an excellent way to shoot and edit your favorite snaps. It has advanced tools and presets and camera control that’s very convenient and easy to use for people who loves posting in the social media. It enables the user to pick filters and allows them to manipulate its intensity and effect. It also lets users publish and share their photos with the creative community. It has more than 40 million downloads in the Google Playstore. GrabTaxi: a mobile means of booking cabs or taxis by providing the user’s pick-up location as well as his/ her intended destination. This app is founded by Anthony Tan and Hooi Ling and is currently operating in 22 cities across 6 Southeast Asian countries. In the Philippines, it’s currently available in Manila, Cebu City, Davao City, Iloilo City, and Bacolod City. GrabTaxi’s fame is due to its ease of usage, most especially when they have their exciting promo codes and freebies. In 2014, it was awarded with I-S Magazine Reader’s Choice Awards Coolest Local App, with around 5 million downloads in Google Playstore.

Photo Source: clash of clans | vi/mmF1rrGLdME/maxresdefault.jpg - Dubsmash | https:// Grabtax

#IbalikAngAnimeSaHapon Rocker-on-Duty: Jovilyn Ugdang Art by Jackie Lyanne Mae Pinili

fans to ninja world. Naruto is a story of an orphan who soon became part of a clan that appreciates family. Uzumaki Naruto is one of the most influential anime characters along with Natsu, Lelouch, and more. Endless ninja wars and little romance will surely fill up your afternoon. 2) FAIRY TAIL – A different kind of anime that focuses beyond the physical strengths of the characters. It’s sad, dramatic, serious, and funny outline can spice up your day. Add up its different fighting tactics.


angako Sa’yo, On the Wings of Love, Doble Kara, Beautiful Strangers, are you not tired of watching these so dramatic tragic, realistic and kilig – to – the – bones soap operas? Why not try to be more creative and let imagination rule your mind. #IbalikAngAnimeSaHapon Watching anime or manga was the favorite pastime of the youngsters until teleseryes dominated the afternoon TV shows. It is a very sad truth that the adolescent minds must adjust and relate to the sampalan, iyakan, sigawan, sabunutan, bangayan and all those considered as trademarks of a successful drama. Well, try to do a protest and let these anime rule your afternoon.

1) NARUTO & NARUTO SHIPPUDEN – First stop, the anime that brought all its

3) ONE PIECE – The anime that will match up Pirates of the Caribbean. The story is about the endless course of Monkey D. Luffy together with his pirates. Another must watch anime that will surely sail you to the wide open sea. 4) HUNTER X HUNTER – A story of survival. The plot goes with a young boy Gon who wants nothing but to become a licensed hunter and discover his true identity. Along with his befriended teammates, battles and adventures await. 5) FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST: BROTHERHOOD – Last stop, let alchemy be part of your wild afternoon. Family defines this anime. A tale of the two brothers on a quest to get their bodies back after trying to bring their mother back to life with the use of alchemy.

Rocker-on-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photos compiled by Dorothy Joi Pimentel


s the shadow of Finals looms above our heads, preparations will be made, school materials will be bought and coffee shops will once again be filled to capacity with studious academics. In the midst of all the turmoil and botched quizzes, my advice to you is that you never let go of the things that make you happy in sacrifice for academics. One thing that most students let go of first is movie night, and for this writer, that is a travesty. Nothing cheers me up like a good movie with Ron Burgundy doing something stupid. Allow me to share the joys of movie watching by giving you my list of Must See Movies for the second half of 2015.


Anything with Bradley Cooper in it is something that should be watched incessantly no matter how many times your parents tell you to change the channel. In this movie, Brad plays a two-star Executive Chef who tries to create explosive dishes while throwing nearly every eating utensil and plate in his entire kitchen at his verbally abused cooking line. His dream of making his restaurant the best in the world is only comparable to his intense desire to flip tables and furniture in response to his cooking crew messing up an order.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

It’s been so long, and Disney has finally

done it! They’ve made the movie we’ve all been waiting for! No, not Finding Dory. Ten years after the Revenge of the Sith, this gem is coming out sometime in December. This is the first release in the planned third Star Wars Trilogy and if you’re still hoping that Anakin is alive in this one, this isn’t the movie you are looking for.

Point Break

Not the one with Keanu Reeves in it, the story of Point Break 2015 tells of a young tattooed rookie FBI agent discovering the nature of “YOLO” as he infiltrates a group of sport enthusiasts that have been robbing backs to fund their skydiving sessions. The movie makes the common man question how easy movies make it seem to rob banks. All the while they could’ve gotten a Red Bull partnership instead of holding bank clerks at gun point and stealing working people’s life savings.

Black Widow

My Editor told me to include some chick flicks for our female demographic. Does this count? Photo Source: httppixcooler.comblack+widow+movie+poster| bl/wp-content/uploads/star-wars-force-awakens-official-poster.jpg

Reduce your carbon footprint, increase quality of life Rocker-on-Duty: Francine Manguiat Art by Lois Saye Camaganacan


onserve electricity. Minimize that unnecessary food intake. Don’t throw that crumpled photocopy. Save your allowance as well as your love. And most importantly, a true blue SPCian must reduce his carbon footprint. What exactly is a carbon footprint? Why must one reduce it? We live in the modern times wherein almost everything under the sun is easily obtained and discarded and we tend to be lax on its consequences and impact on our environment. A carbon footprint is the amount of carbon dioxide produced in our daily activities. It considers six of the Kyoto Protocol Greenhouse gases which are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride. A drive to the mall and a press on the switch of the light are just some examples that depend upon combustion of fossil fuels like oil and coal. When these fossil fuels burn, various greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide is released into the environment which increases the potency of global warming. As an SPCian, it is a duty to serve the environment with love. God has appointed mankind to be the stewards of His creation and one must preserve it not just for ecological redemption but for the improved quality of life. To save the environment, one’s goal must be SMART, an acronym that stands for Specific, Manageable, Attainable, Resourceful and Timely. The goal is to reduce our carbon footprint in the

SMART way. Here are some SPCian friendly suggestions anyone should try. Switch off any equipment after use. This is very applicable after performing a laboratory experiment. Recycle your papers. The back portion of the Scantron is a perfect example (never mind the score) and also one’s mountainous pile of photocopies could definitely be utilized. If your dorm is near, just walk to school. Aside from saving the environment, you’re also giving yourself a little exercise which is no doubt beneficial. A lot of people are guilty of leaving the water on while brushing their teeth. Think of the people living in water deprived countries. Shorter showers mean less tardiness on your first subject. For the health conscious persons, organic food is an option. You’re not only helping your body and environment but also the farmers and economy. The SPCian not only serves his fellowmen but also his environment. It is not enough to ‘think green’ if one wants to preserve the environment. To truly reduce one’s carbon footprint is not an easy task. Old habits die hard. But, with little baby steps, one could achieve the goal of reducing one’s carbon footprint and eventually restore the environment.

Evolution: A Glimpse of 21st-Century Robotics Rocker-on-Duty: Francine Manguiat


rom Voltes V to Baymax, man’s imagination is limitless and this is evident in the evolutionary change of robots. From comics to the movies, robots have leaped into the world of medicine, space engineering and into the battlefield.

The word robot comes from a story and play produced in 1921 called R.U.R. (for Rossum’s Universal Robots) by Karel Ĉapek. In Czech, robot means “worker”, but the English translation (1923) retained the original term.” The word robotics was unintentionally coined by Isaac Asimov in his literary work entitled Liar. From the word robot, man’s fascination for automatons or machines that have the capability to perform work can be attested. Combine principles in science and technology with imagination, robots become more than just your regular toy. Can a robot be trusted with a scalpel? In 2000, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the use of

the Da Vinci Surgical System. Catherine Mohr, vice president, for medical research at the June Intuitive Surgical said that the Da Vinci system was intended for soldiers injured in the battlefield without the presence of a surgeon on the front lines. Since its approval, more than twenty-thousand surgical procedures have been performed. “A surgeon with a handheld tool can be accurate to 100 micrometers, or one-tenth of a millimetre, But using da Vinci even someone untrained can be accurate up to 50 millimetres.” Mohr states. Inevitably, Da Vinci has not escaped controversies and lawsuits. The Medical and Electro-Medical Design Lab of Vanderbilt University have also come up with a miniature

robot characterized by a series of curved tubes that allows it to steer through the sensitive brain matter guided by a map drawn from a brain scan. With the brain scan, a doctor can determine the amount of material to be removed and the robot does the rest. Studies have guess that this innovation could destroy 92% of a clot. Robert J. Webster III, director of the said laboratory, spearheaded the undertaking. Contraceptives have been common in our society and its dosage administration has always been tedious. But, in a few years or so the dilemma can be solved with radio-controlled microchip-based implants. The size of a regular postage stamp, it can deliver a daily dose of contraceptive up to 16 years. A simple version of the implant

has been successfully tested in Denmark. These are just a few of the robots that have revolutionized the medical world and it is expected that there will be more developments in medical robotics technology. A robot’s role is well portrayed in movies is in the battlefield. Robots provide great advantage on killing the enemy but also with risks. Take for example, SWORDS, a previous generation of robots but operation has been halted when it made movements without a command. The US Army’s stand on armed robots is that robots would not be replacing human soldiers but as partners working together in the field. Complications such as self-reprogramming of robot systems make many officials and organizations like the United Nations (UN) give war robots an unfavourable suit. Artificial

intelligence is the factor that gives these war robots a boost and also their downfall. “The difficulty is that we’re developing something that can operate quickly and we can’t always predict the outcome,” says Sean O’Heigeartaigh of Cambridge University’s Centre for the Study of Existential Risk. There is no problem with man’s ability to create and improve the capacity of these machines. Yet, the problem lies when the machine starts to self-reprogram ala Terminator. Aside from that, things will go from bad to worse when these destructive machines are used by terrorists. Robots have evolved from mere toys to colossal technology. This evolution has paved the way for improving quality of life in various areas and thus should be used for the common good.



San Pedro College photo/donnie-nietes-060415.jpg


Filipino boxers New scheme seeks establish new to benefit Int’l Athletes empire of supremacy M Rocker-on-Duty: Von Janrey Reta Photo compiled by Freah Quitorio

Rocker-on-Duty: Jorjani Sinsuat Photo compiled by Roselle Marie Maduay


s the Philippine boxing community gears up for the possibility of Manny Pacquiao laying up the boots; many wonder, especially those who were hooked up in the sport because of Pacquiao, what will the future of boxing be like without Manny? Where does Philippine boxing go from here? Well, the answers might be found in two of the finest warriors today, Donnie Nietes and Nonito Donaire. Donnie Nietes, the reigning WBC Light Flyweight Champion, made his presence felt after defeating Mexico’s Francisco “Chihuas” Rodriguez after 12 rounds of absolute domination from the Filipino snake. The bout ended up with Nietes winning via unanimous decision. Nietes was very firm on showing off his strategy to victory, pushing Rodriguez to his limits. There was even an indication of his venom as referee Russell Mora had to pause the bout because of Nietes’ aggressive offense. It was also worth-noting that the young upand-comer, Rodriguez, was not a jobber or an easy win, he was listed as the 4th best light flyweight in the world prior to this match. This was also Donnie Nietes’ eighth successful title defense. Nietes delivered this decisive win last July 11, 2015 in front of his fellow countrymen in Cebu.

Filipino Flash” Donaire who recently sent shockwaves after knocking down Frenchman Anthony Settoul in the second round of their combat last July 18, 2015 at the heart of Macau. Donaire, an established fighter in his own right, introduced two knockdowns starting from the very first round of the bout with a left uppercut. Donaire then gave a right hand to hold Settoul for a rib-breaking left hook to the body for another knockdown. Despite Settoul’s perseverance, he found himself lying on the canvas after a minute in the next round after an overhand right from Donaire.

edal-winning athletes and coaches were given a new motivation to make the Philippines proud in the international arena as Philippine Sports Commission chair Richie Garcia signed a new incentives scheme for sports enthusiasts on November 13.

The new scheme grants Olympic gold medalists ten million pesos while silver and bronze medalists would be given five million and two million pesos, respectively. In Asian Games, goldwinning athletes would get two million pesos, silver winners one million while bronze performers would stand to get 400,000 pesos. Southeast Asian Games athletes will also have the same kind of drive as they get 300,000 pesos for gold medalists,

150,000 pesos for silver and 60,000 pesos for bronze winners. Differently-abled athletes were also part of this new bonus plan. Competing in Southeast Asian Paralympic Games in Singapore in December 2015, the para athletes will be the first beneficiaries of the new scheme. The proposed bill amending and expanding Republic Act 9064, also known as the Sports Incentives Act of 2001, has already been ratified by the Senate and House of Representatives.

Photo Source:

The recent wins of these combatants prove that the future of Philippine boxing will continue to prosper even after the Pacquaio era. There are tons of rookies waiting for the breakout win and the boxing universe will surely get a front row seat on the bright future of the sport.

Another contemporary Philippine boxing champion is Nonito “The

Mayweather Tops Forbes’ Highest Paid Athletes Rocker-on-Duty: Shania Winona Tracey Canda Photo compiled by Pauline Mae Lisondato


auling in $300 million of total earnings, Floyd Mayweather is currently the world’s richest athlete. The country’s pride and joy can breathe a sigh of relief because he will not be teased as “Money Pacquiao” anymore, as he only had $160 million in earnings. He currently ranks sa the second richest athlete.

Forbes, an American business magazine owned by Forbes, Inc. released its highest paid athletes in 2015 last June. The list consisted of players from ten different sports. There were 27 baseball players, 18 basketball players, 16 football players and 15 soccer players. Tennis had 7 athletes on the list, golf with 6 players, racing with 6 drivers and boxing with 3 fighters. Cricket and track and field both had one athlete listed. In order for a player to join this throng, he or she must have earnings of at least $18.8 million. This is the third consecutive time in four years that Mayweather topped the list. In May 2015 during his fight against Pacquiao, he received a whopping $100 million check on fight night itself. With an initial income of $4.4 million in pay-per-view buys, total gate of $43 million, and sponsorships worth $13 million, the fight beat every financial record in boxing. Leonard Ellerbe, head of Mayweather Promotions said to Forbes magazine that ““Floyd Mayweather just pulled off the biggest score in the history of sports and entertainment.” In terms of bringing in the money, there seems to be no signs of stopping for Mayweather. In an interview before his last fight he said, “Even from day one when I was with Bob Arum, I said I wanted to work extremely hard to get to a certain point in my career, which is to get to a point to be the first fighter to ever make nine figures in one night.” Other outstanding players joining the top 10 of the list are soccer superstars Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, earning $79.6 million and $73.8 million respectively. Tennis player Roger Federer comes in at 5th place with $67 million. Not to be outdone, basketball legends LeBron James and Kevin Durant are in the list with their incomes of $64.8 million and $54.1 million. Garnering 8th and 9th place with earnings of $50.8 million and $50.6 million respectively are golf players Phil Mickelson and Tiger Woods. Capping the top 10 list, with $49.5 million in earnings is Kobe Bryant, a giant in the basketball world.

Daily Dose of Healthy Living Rocker-on-Duty: Kristina Therese Catbagan Photo compiled by Mark Miguel Latras

“My uniform won’t fit!” “You got fatter dude.” “Close your button.”


ired of hearing these words over and over ? Don’t you think it is the time to stop the endless frustrating “words of wisdom” from peers or from yourself? Do not worry. There is still time left to change before the year ends. Let us not wait for 2017 and create “all talk no walk” New Year resolutions over again.

You have already tried enrolling to an expensive gym class but you just show up a few days out of 30. Tried the “no carbs diet” but did not succeed. You have tried starving yourself to death. You have tried everything, and nothing has worked so far. Well, maybe it’s because you’re pushing yourself too hard. Cut yourself some slack. As students, you need all the nutrients you can get to function well. So, I present to you a not so harsh day-to-day guide on improving your health and eventually losing some weight. Actually with this, you’re not going on a diet; you’re just switching to a healthier lifestyle. Meaty Monday Researchers say the best way to lose weight is a diet rich in PROTEIN. Why? Protein rich foods like meat or eggs keep hunger at bay. If you are tired of counting your calories, have a protein-rich diet, and stop counting calories. Protein rich foods control your urge to eat carbs and o fatty foods. Plenty of meat at breakfast, lunch, and dinner is a good way to start the week. Protein rich food is a great booster to keep your body ready to face whatever this week might throw at you. But always remember to go LESS on carbs. Fatless Tuesday Chicken skin, Crispy Pata, Lechon Kawali- oh so mouth-watering don’t you think? Such sinful foods they say. It’s because it’s so tempting that it takes you to the “fat side”. This Tuesday, try trimming down on fatty food. I know they’re so hard to resist, but a little discipline and control won’t hurt. Try doing this every Tuesday and soon enough, you’ll get used to it and you’ll be surprised that it doesn’t hurt to see them anymore ‘cause it has already become a part of your lifestyle to ignore them (#hugot).

Rocker-on-Duty Alfonso Sebastian Alba

Workout Wednesday Sorry, you’re still not exempted from EXERCISE. Whatever happens, a daily dose of exercise is still needed in life. But don’t worry. I’m not referring to the “go to the gym” type of exercise. Every day as students, you are actually doing exercise by simply walking from one class to the next or travelling to Gmall from SPC. However, once a week, you need a day or two of jogging with your friends or with your dog. It’s not that hard right? In fact, it not only controls weight, but also improves your mood, combats diseases, and boosts energy.

arlier in June, The Philippines had sent 472 athletes and 136 sporting officials to the 28th South East Asian games where they competed in events like Diving, Swimming and even Sepak Takraw. The Philippine athletes brought home 29 Gold, 36 Silver and 66 Bronze Medals, a total tally of 131 medals, nabbing the 6th overall spot. Sports where athletes excelled include Athletics, Boxing and Taekwondo. To put these statistics in perspective, in 2013 during the 27th SEA Games The Philippines sent a total of 210 athletes to compete and won 29 Gold, 34 Silver and 37 Bronze Medals for a grand total of 100 Medals. Not surprisingly Boxing, Athletics and Taekwondo were still the nation’s forte. The next SEA games are to be held in 2017 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Thirsty Thursday Hydrate yourself! Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid. Take note: “liquid”. It doesn’t necessarily have to be water. But be sure not to go binge drinking on sodas or alcohol. You’re smart enough to know that. But water is still the best weight loss liquid. Water can fill you up and make you eat less. So if you’re hungry try drinking water first, who knows, maybe you’re just

Photo Source: | metrouk2.files.wordpress. com/2015/05/real-madrids-cristiano-ronaldo-celebrates-agoal-against-espanyol-during-their-spanish-first-divisionsoccer-match-near-barcelona.jpg crop_upscale_01.jpg

The Philippines and SEA Games 2015


thirsty. It also doesn’t mean that since it’s under Thursday, you’re going to do this only on Thursdays. Dear readers, please do this every single day. Thursday is just a day to commemorate and remind you of this new drinking habit. Fruity Friday While resisting fatty food, why not shift your cravings to fruits and vegetables? It is tested and proven that eating fruits and vegetables can make people more attractive. They don’t taste that bad either, and aside from making people attractive, they give you the nutrients your body needs to be able to answer quizzes and understand your lessons. Fruits also provide you with the right amount of sugar to keep your energy high throughout the day. So, what does this have to do with losing weight? Fruits contain a lot of water which as I’ve said earlier is great at making you feel full. In a University in Tokyo study, women who ate highwater content foods had lower body mass indexes and smaller waistlines. Fruit also acts as a replacement for chocolates and cakes. In other words, it has the capacity to fulfill your sweet tooth. Starchy Saturday Most people think that starch isn’t that good when talking about weight loss, but actually, gram for gram the carbohydrate they contain provides fewer than half the calories of fat. So pair you main meal with at least one starchy food (potatoes, cereals, pasta, rice or bread). Balanced diet is still on top of the list, so don’t be scared to eat rice, just do it in small amounts. Cheat-day Sunday Hooray! You made it through the week. Now it’s time to reward yourself. You may now indulge in the mouth-watering goodness of Lechon, in the sweet bliss of eating cake, or in whatever your tummy craves for. But please don’t go over the limit or you might puke in the end. Your body has started getting used to consuming just moderate volumes of food. This may sound weird but cheat day Sunday can indeed help in your weight loss program. Without it, you would easily get bored and worn-out with the new lifestyle, making you want to leave it. Just remember to go back to Meaty Monday the next day and not make every day cheat day, like what most people do. DISCIPLINE people, DISCIPLINE. Trust me, just follow these easy breezy steps every day and you’ll surely put an end to the downgrading words you hear from people around you. This might even catch your glowing and blooming new self some compliments along the way. You’ll soon realize that you don’t need to be so hard on yourself to achieve your goals. Just like in studies, it’s just a matter of discipline and perseverance, and in no time, you’ll be future sexy professionals you’ve always dreamed of.



The Buzzer-Beater A Place for the Game Space


magine a matchbox. A tiny vessel of numerous spark-starting, shine-lighting sticks of heat and brilliance. But once emptied, is a receptacle of fun and excitement for those icky creepy-crawlies we find making webs in our ceilings. Now imagine if you house twenty different spiders in one two-peso box. I told my little cousin that and “Dili kuyapan akong marka X ana ‘ya?” was his reply. It’s near 2016 and the Philippines has yet to win a gold in the Olympics. Jordan Clarkson may be so happy dunking on LTE commercials but, the NBA still doesn’t have a taste of pure Filipino basketball talent. Pacman will be retiring; the Filipino Flash and the 32-year old Donnie Nietes will follow soon. We may have only a handful of sports talent by the time they start hanging their gloves or jerseys and with the advancement of modern sports technologies from other nations, there’s only a small time left before we’ll sit in the bleachers again. Now where have we gone wrong? The coaches may be a factor or the lack of motivation from athletes. Maybe there’s something wrong about the game plan or maybe there’s just insufficient amount of talent and skills in the rosters. But coaches and game plans are expendable. The sports authorities can change them like teens changing phones every iPhone release. Talent, skill and motivation is a different story though. It would take time for these to develop but as long as we find catalysts and really point out the root of the problem, the solution could be as easy as a Stephen Curry three. Like the spiders in the matchbox, athletes need facilities to improve their skills in their field of expertise and a space to breathe when they’re training. It’s difficult to imagine a horde of boxers,

basketball players, sprinters and javelin players simultaneously working out their craft in a gym as small as The Rock office. The hidden reality here is that not all training centers are training centers, not all boxing gyms are boxing gyms, a basketball court may be a highway, a street corner or a dried up rice paddy and a soccer field may as well be a baseball field, a marathon track or a grassland for goats and cows. In shorter terms, the availability of sports facilities is as rare as a Lakers win.

The good thing about what I said though is that Filipinos always try to be resourceful. We always try to compete as much as we can, making the lack of motivation and willingness to play be a myth. Recently, the senate approved bills creating sports facilities all over the country. Even our own school, as small as its total area could be, have thought of ways to find facilities

j u n e - D e c e m b e r

or at least have alternatives. Last Intramurals, we saw lawn tennis, badminton, bowling, soccer and swimming played outside the premises because duh, mag-soccer ka sa pig pen?

Ta e k w o n d o also took place in mall to also provide exposure to budding enthusiasts. As an athlete myself (I played scrabble for two years, your argument is invalid), I hope these facilities won’t just be available for Intrams but also for continuous skill development

NBA Champs celebrate Filipino Heritage

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and trainings for willing athletes. Financial support is our number one challenger though. There’s not that much sponsors too who will be eager to take a risk in the world of sports. In San Pedro College, the perennial can’t-expand-‘causeour-neighborsgot-us-covered problem is also a large factor. Admit it or not, our school c a n ’ t cater all the athletes n e e d for facility considering the cuteness of our campus. Even the student publication can’t stop complaining how small their office is. But as I have said, Filipinos are resourceful and motivated. As long as the concerned authorities will have as much care for athletes like how a little child takes care of his spiders, we can gradually put a marka X to this kind of problem. NBA-Golden-State-Warriors-FilipinoHeritage-Night-shirts.html

Rocker-on-Duty: Janley Jude Ano Photo compiled by Mynard Pontillo

Employees dominate DACS, E eyes more wins in 2016 Rocker-on-Duty: Alriz Mark Tan Photos compiled by Freah Quitorio


roving that experience strengthens skill, the San Pedro College employees showcased an igniting passion for sports in 2015 Davao Association Catholic Schools Sportsfest.

Winning majority of medals in 2014, the employees conquered other member school competitors. SPC’s men basketball team triumphed over the Holy Cross of Davao College, regaining the championship. Athletes from the school also bagged golds in Badminton (men), table tennis (men), darts (men and women) and bowling. The sports events were played in various member schools from the Davao Region. The employees will now be training for the 2016 DACS Sportsfest in January, next

year. They will aim to claim as many golds from the previous competition. They will also take on the mission in winning more championships especially in Women’s volleyball. Also, the varsity squad in various sports will be training for future competitions to represent the school. They will be training regularly inside or outside the campus.

xpressing love to their Filipino fans, the 2016 National Basketball Association Champions Golden State Warriors wore a Philippine-themed practice shirt as they host Filipino Heritage Night versus the Brooklyn Nets, November 14. The team’s Filipino Heritage shirt featured the Golden State logo having the Golden Gate Bridge in the center of a sun. The design also included three stars, indicative of the Philippine flag. Filipino Heritage Night also displayed the Filipino culture throughout the home court of the Warriors, the Oracle Arena in San Francisco. The American Center of Philippine Arts performed at the halftime of the game

Golden State Warriors celebrate Filipino Heritage Night becoming the first ever NBA team to don a Philippine-themed shirt.

and the arena parking lot also featured trucks of popular Filipino foods. The accumulated finances of the Filipino Heritage Night’s events will be used to support local Filipino Organizations in San Francisco. Also, commemorative Warriors “Kampeon” shirts were given to fans who purchased tickets. San Francisco Bay Area is home to one of the largest Filipino communities overseas. According to the 2010 United States Census, 382,950 Filipino-Americans live in the home city of the reigning NBA Champions.

Gilas Gears For Olympics 2016; PHL Team New Lineup

Rocker-on-Duty: Vicente Maduay III Photo compiled by Zapphira Sambas

“We are really training hard to compete better in upcoming games. Our main focus now is on dominating DACS,” Charles Suarez, MATRE, the institution’s Sports Coordinator, said.

OG Beats Team Secret in Frankfurt Major, Mineski doesn’t place Rocker-on-Duty: Alfonso Sebastian Alba Photo compiled by Paola Jane Enriquez

Gilas Pilipinas grabbed their second consecutive silver in 2015 FIBA Asia Championship in China.


hilippine basketball take up stakes as it prepares for its final shot at redemption in making to the Olympics 2016.


RANKFURT, GERMANY – DOTA 2 In a best of 5 battle for the championships, OG triumphs over All-Star Team Secret taking home the $1,110,000 prize. With the odds stacked against them and bets on Dota 2 lounge on them not even exceeding 33%, OG proved themselves to be the biggest kid on the playground by schooling Evil Geniuses, CDEC and the European titans of Team Secret. These big daddy players from OG, who were originally signed to another team (Monkey Business) were the underdogs of the Frankfurt Major, with no on expecting them to make it past CDEC in the lower bracket round. This team has pulled of Miracle after Miracle beating powerhouse teams and taking the championship title at the dismay of 80% of the betters on Dota2Lounge. With a Rubick, Doom, Brewmaster and a Double Mid Lich and Shadow Fiend, they schooled the Secret’s Dazzle, Slardar, Juggernaut, AlcheMID and Bane. Mineski which was the only Philippine team, was unable to place after beating Chinese team EHOME due to its losing 0 – 2 to both Team Secret and OG in the Upper and Lower Brackets. Photo: yGsV7BKZS7w/w800-h800/juices.jpg

The Gilas Pilipinas, the official basketball team of the country, prepares to fuel the 17man team to play in the 2016 Rio Olympics via the wild card phase.

Marc Pingris, Gabe Norwood, Jayson Castro, Matt GanuelasRosser and Troy Rosario will be playing as well for the second time.

“[This team is] very talented,” LA Tenorio said. “ June Mar (Fajardo), Greg (Slaughter) and all the shooters in the PBA are also here and guards [who are familiar] with coach Tab’s system. So it’s a very competitive team.”

Gilas will be competing against some of the world’s best in basketball like Serbia, Greece, France to name some and only three teams will advance to play for Rio 2016.

June Mar Fajardo, considered as most dominant Filipino basketball player today, represents the national team together with LA Tenorio and Marcio Lassiter. One of the reboots made by Gilas’ lineup are Greg Slaughter, Jeff Chan, Ryan Reyes, Japeth Aguilar and Paul Lee while Terrence Romeo, Calvin Abueva,

The team will likely get help from some pro basketball players such as naturalized Filipino Andray Blatche and LA Lakers Jordan Clarkson and this might be the opportune time for the country to step up its game to the Olympics. Meanwhile Philippines, along with five countries are competing for hosting rights for the Olympics

2016 qualifiers of which to be held from July 4-10 the following year. Italy, Czech Republic, Germany, Serbia and Turkey as well passed individual bids for holding the qualifiers. FIBA announced Thursday, November 12, that they will choose the three host sites on January 19, 2016. The qualifiers will compose of three six-team tournaments, with the winners earning places for the basketball Rio Olympics 2016. So far, nine teams have already qualified for the Olympics: Nigeria, USA, Venezuela, Argentina, Brazil, China, Lithuania, Australia, and Spain. Photo Source VhYNZGg0-PI/AAAAAAAADoQ/m4ZU-CLQB_0/ s1600/Gilas%2BPilipinas%2BSilver%2BMedalis t%2B2015%2BFIBA%2BAsia.jpg

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