RCDS Annual Philanthropy Report 21-22

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Dear RCDS Community,

Following one of the most challenging school years in our history, the 2021-22 school year was an extraordinary time of celebration. The RCDS community was eager to reunite, reconnect, and welcome the return of cherished traditions that make the RCDS experience so special. Audiences reclaimed their seats in our auditorium to applaud students at class plays. To enhance their learning, students ventured off campus to places like Camp Ockanickon, Philadelphia, the Robert J. Novins Planetarium, and the Pocono Environmental Education Center. Our triumphant return to family-style dining gave students and faculty the opportunity to bond over shared meals. Students and their families marveled over the displays of talent at the annual Arts Festival. Fans cheered on our athletes at athletic contests with true Gator pride, and our outstanding Parent Council hosted events like the inaugural Gator Cup and the Chili Cook-off to bring our community together again. With gratitude, we are proud to share with you the 2021-2022 Annual Philanthropy Report to relive all that we’ve accomplished together in the last year. The generosity of our community made the ’21-’22 Annual Giving Campaign a tremendous success. Participation was strong, and we exceeded our goals for the fiscal year. A total of 421 donors contributed to the $930,951 raised for Annual Giving. The pages of this report highlight the ways your support enabled us to deliver the unparalleled programming and experiences that make an RCDS education Truly Great.

Thank you to our faculty, staff, parents, past parents, alumni, trustees, former trustees, and friends for supporting The Rumson Country Day School. Together, our community makes an immeasurable impact on the lives of our students and our School, and I am extremely grateful for your unwavering spirit of giving.





























The Rumson Country Day School, founded in 1926 as an independent educational institution, seeks:

• to provide students from all communities with a dynamic, challenging academic experience in a safe and supportive environment;

• to nourish academic excellence, individual and social responsibility, civic awareness, and leadership skills;

• to inspire our graduates to become life-long learners able to thrive, contribute, and excel in a demanding secondary school environment and in today’s global society.


FY 21-22 By The Numbers

Your generous support of Annual Giving provides the foundation RCDS needs to ensure that we can continue to deliver a premier educational experience, that our academics remain rigorous, that we can hire and retain top faculty, and that we continue to adhere to our four pillars—Kind, Honest, Responsible, Respectful—in all that we do.

Every Gift Matters...

$930,951 total raised

Gifts under the $1,926 Leadership Level totaled:


100% trustee, faculty, and staff participation for the last seven years

78% parent participation

73 Families contributed $5,000 or more

137 families supported RCDS at special friendraiser events

421 total number of donors


Every Year...

100% of faculty and staff participate in 1 or more professional development opportunities


of Upper School students participate in the RCDS Athletics Program which boasts over 10 sports teams

1:1 device program is offered to students and faculty


overnights are spent off campus on adventure trips in Upper School


of Lower School students participate in class plays

80% of Upper School students earn awards for their performance on the National Latin Exam


faculty and staff are dedicated to our students’ development, education, and success



Head of School

Carson T. Smith

2021-2022 Board of Trustees

Kristen Masserio, President





Dear RCDS Community,

My deep love of RCDS is not a secret. I have expressed many times over the years how the School has touched my family in countless and immeasurable ways. Every 10 years, independent schools undergo a thorough and rigorous accreditation process, and as many of you know, we recently hosted a visiting accreditation team at RCDS. This team is charged with viewing the school through the lens of its mission statement and the NJAIS Standards for Accreditation. Not surprisingly, the Accreditation team had an experience within the walls of RCDS similar to the one I have each time I step foot on campus. The following is just a small portion of their report, but one that should make our community feel proud.

“From first to last, in every interaction experienced or observed by the visiting team members, we agree that we have been in a school that does what it says regarding the commitment of community members to be kind, to be honest, to be responsible, and to be respectful…One of the visiting team’s broadest conclusions from our time with you is that we see you as you see yourselves as indicated in all of the materials we had access to before and during our visit, particularly in your dedication to fulfilling the three major commitments of your Mission Statement. The alignment among mission, values, actions, and outcomes confirms a high degree of institutional integrity at The Rumson Country Day School. As the school’s centennial anniversary approaches, the shared set of values found within the Four Pillars continue to strengthen and align the cultural expectations of students, staff, and parents.”

The commitment to philanthropy by our faculty, staff, parents, past parents, grandparents, alumni, trustees, and former trustees is one of these shared values. Thanks to you, the 2021-22 Annual Campaign raised over $900K. Your generous support, along with the support of those before you, has allowed The Rumson Country Day School to serve children for the past century and ensures the School will continue to thrive for the next generation of students. I am truly grateful and honored to be a part of our community.


Greg Melconian, Vice-President

Terry Stankovits, Vice-President

Nikki Alpert, Secretary

Todd Whitenack, Treasurer

Jesse Spector ’95, Assistant Treasurer


Jeffrey Cruz

Meghann Marturano

Debra Menkowitz

Greg Mitsch

Kelli O’Brien

Carrie Page

Corey Popham

Adrianne Raphalian

Shawn Reynolds

Shawn Rubin

Siran Sahakian

Michael Walker




$11,014,520 TUITION

*Collected during fiscal year ’21-’22







Dear RCDS Community,

The 2021-2022 school year was a year of peeling back restrictions as we returned to “normal”. Many of the sports, trips, full lunch service in the dining room, plays and events returned to the calendar in the spring. These transitions presented logistical, operational and financial challenges as we returned to normal as quickly and safely as possible. Thanks to the continued generous support of our donors we were able to successfully navigate those challenges. With the aid and expertise from our Board of Trustees and the Finance Committee, The Rumson Country Day School continues to operate within a sound financial structure, ensuring the School’s current and long term fiscal health. On behalf of the faculty, staff, and trustees, thank you for your partnership.






Valued at $17,481,000 as of June 30, 2022, The Rumson Country Day School’s endowment is an investment in the future that is intended to ensure the School can continue to pursue its mission in perpetuity with palpable momentum and a remarkable trajectory forward.

Like all independent schools, tuition alone does not cover the full cost of a Rumson Country Day School education. Your gift to our Annual Giving campaign helps offset those costs while allowing you to make a 100% charitable tax deduction for your investment in your child’s education.

Annual Giving supports all aspects of our school, from classroom learning and special trips, to family-style dining, arts and athletics, faculty enrichment and maintaining our campus—everything that makes RCDS an exceptional Nursery through 8th grade experience. We simply cannot meet the mission of RCDS without these unrestricted annual gifts.

Participating in Annual Giving is the most meaningful way to support the school and the people who make a difference in your child’s life each day.

Annual Giving Supports:

• Experiential Learning and Trips

• Extracurricular Activities

• Professional Development

• Strategic Integration of Technology

• The Arts

• Athletics

• Service Learning

• Special Occasions including Alumni Reunions, Grandparents Day, The Arts Festival, and Holiday Concerts

• Tuition Assistance

1% Friends of RCDS 1% Current and Past RCDS Employees 2% Past Parents 4% Grandparents 5% Past Trustees 2% ALUMNI 13% Trustees 73% Parents


Hundreds of people filled chairs on the athletics field of The Rumson Country Day School to celebrate the Class of 2022 on Friday, June 10. All fifty students graduated with distinction not only in the academic and athletic fields, but they also showed perseverance during two years of change and uncertainty. Students were relentless in their pursuit of excellence and their efforts did not go unrecognized. Keeping with RCDS tradition, several graduates were honored with awards to acknowledge their achievements.


Theodore K. Reiss Memorial Award: Gavin Mishkin

Swede Joseph Chevalier Memorial Award: Luke Gmelich

Trustees’ Prize: Brandon Maroney

Blake Award: Max Baret and Cate Sullivan

Athletic Award: Kathryn Smith, Winnie Popham, and Richard O’Day

Second Highest Scholarship: Sophie Bilanin

Highest Scholarship: Gus Lyle


For the next four years, it is our job to show our future schools the true meaning of Kindness, Honesty, Responsibility, and Respect… This is not goodbye, this is the beginning of a new life, while still holding on to the virtues of the past one.”

—Molly Walker ’22


Our graduates are regularly recognized for their leadership, strength of character, academic achievement, and outstanding executive functioning and organizational skills, no matter where their paths take them. See below for a list of secondary schools and colleges that our Class of ’22 and ’18 graduates are attending.


Arrowhead Union High School (2)

Blair Academy (2)

Christian Brothers Academy (3)

Communications High School

Delbarton School

Kent School

Loomis Chaffee School

Ranney School (9)

Red Bank Catholic High School

Red Bank Regional High School - Engineering Academy

Red Bank Regional High School - Fine Arts Academy

Rumson-Fair Haven High School (12)

Shattuck-St. Mary’s School

Shore Regional High School


Bentley University

Boston College

Colgate University

College of Wooster

Davidson College

Duke University

Elon College

Georgetown University

Hamilton College

Indiana University

Kean University

Kenyon College

Lehigh University

Loyola Marymount University

McDaniel College

New York University

Northeastern University

Quinnipiac University

Rice University

Savannah College of Art and Design

Southern Methodist University

Syracuse University

Temple University

Tulane University

University of Arizona

The Hill School

The Hun School of Princeton (3)

The Lawrenceville School

The Williams School

Trinity Hall (5)

Trinity-Pawling School

Woodberry Forest School

University of Miami

University of Notre Dame

University of Virginia

University of Wisconsin


Villanova University

Virginia Tech

Wake Forest University

Yale University



Brownstone Benefactors (Gifts of $20,000+)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caulfield

Mr. John H. Devlin ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Francis

David and Jodi Kreizer

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rubin

Catherine and Michael Sullivan Anonymous (2)

Founders’ Circle (Gifts of $10,000–$19,999)

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovo

Jeff and Stephanie Cady

Jennifer and Thane Carlston

Mr. Colin Day and Ms. Heather Burke

Nicholas and Miriam Diaco

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Diaco

Shawn and Tara Fallon

Edward Hall Gmelich Scholarship


J.L. Reiss Foundation

Eva and J. Ryan Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laub

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Melconian

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullins IV ’85

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Page

Mr. David Paolo and Mrs. Sarah Personette

Mr. and Mrs. Burri Rao-Kathi

Mr. and Mrs. David Reni

The Sahakian Family

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector

The Whitenack Family

Green and White Society (Gifts of $5,000–$9,999) Bank of America

The Bertz Family BlackRock

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bray

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Choate

Dr. and Mrs. Evan Curatolo

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

The D’Orazio Family

Chris and Kathleen Downie

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eby

Mr. Jeff Friedman and Ms. Denise Leonhard

Lee and Tricia Frankenfield

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallaudet

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glazman

Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Mr. Peter S. Izzo ’90 and Ms. Marian E. Lapide

Mr. Robert C. Lawrence IV ’81 and Mrs. Gerri Gussin Lawrence

Hayden and Cheryl Jones

Mr. Kenny King and Mrs. Nora Rahner King ’94

Monica ’98 and Andrew Komery

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Konvitz

Mr. Brian Lichten Berger and Mrs. Karen Cundari Berger

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Loughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maroney

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Martens

Peter and Meghann Marturano

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Menkowitz

Mr. Dennis P.* and Mrs. Ann Marie Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen

David and Kelli O’Brien

Mr. Richard Peter O’Day*

Dr. and Mrs. Ty Olson

Mrs. Stacy O’Neil

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Paulus

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Popham

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Purcell

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodrigues

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romanczuk

Mr. Alan Shapiro

Mr. Christopher Toolan ’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth Toolan

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traina

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Travalja

7.1.21–6.30.22 10

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudel

Voya Investment Management

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wetmore

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Woodham

Ziman Development Inc.

Anonymous (2)

Gator Pride (Gifts of $2,500–$4,999)

Steven and Lisa Becker

Bilanin Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clarke

Mr. Nicholas Crowell and Mrs. Jennifer Steiner Crowell ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DeGiglio

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundations

The Navesink Foundation

Lauren and Charles Dohrenwend

Mr. and Mrs. David Druckman

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Finnegan

Mr. Nicholas Gulden ’89 and Mrs. Emily Gulden

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karczynski

Mr. and Mrs.* Henry

Dickson Mercer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mitsch

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moini

Mr. and Mrs. David Moore

Brian and Adrianne Raphalian

Shawn and Christine Reynolds

David and Catherine Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Richter

Maggie Riker

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan

Mr. Craig Adam Severance ’66

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stankovits

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stolte

Torcivia Family Foundation

Mr. and Ms. Christopher Twomey


Anonymous (2)

1926 Club (Gifts of $1,926–$2,499)

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alpert

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baret

Martin and Ellen Chavez

Swede J. Chevalier, LLC

Dr. and Mrs. Jason Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Demino

Mr. Gregory Greene and Mrs. Danielle Devine Greene ’79

Adam and Erica Guttenplan

Mr. Matthew Haddad ’97 and Mrs. Sarah Cassar

Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan

Sheila and Andrew Khatri

Mr. and Mrs. John Kiely

The Klein Family

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohl

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacey

Mr. Robert Cutting Lawrence III ’52 and Mrs. Mary Stout Lawrence ’55

Mr. and Mrs. Regis Lippert

Mr. and Mrs. David Long

Richard A. and Valerie C. Moore Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Charles and Anna Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis Post

Mr. Greg Reynholds and Ms. Elena Ladygina

Jocelyn and Elliot Schnier

Mr. Carson Smith and Ms. Amy Howell

Mrs. Carol Toolan

U.S. Bank

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Walker

Mr. Barry Weisbord

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Yockel

Anonymous (4)



Academics: Truly Great N-8 Lasts a Lifetime

Academics: Truly Great N-8 Lasts a Lifetime

At RCDS, learning never hits a ceiling.

A warm and nurturing classroom setting allows children to grow socially, emotionally, physically, and intellectually.

Community building flows into academics. When students are in an environment where everyone is treating one another with kindness and respect, learning is always way more productive.”

RCDS sets high academic standards and provides the resources, tools, and support to help children meet them.

When students are known by every adult at school, they can achieve anything they set their minds to.

Giving 100% to academics, extracurriculars, and community is ingrained in our school culture.

Your Gifts at Work


Mr. Steve Aronne and Ms. Sarah Ahmadi

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baret

Mr. and Mrs. James Barry, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Becker

Mr. Brian Lichten Berger and Mrs. Karen Cundari Berger

Mr. and Mrs. Max Bertz

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bilanin

Mr. and Mrs. P. Douglas Bird

Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Borja

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovo

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Bray

Ms. Kelly Brier

Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Bruhn

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Buchner

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cady

Mr. and Mrs. Thane Carlston

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Caulfield

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cerussi

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chavez

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chin

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Choate

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen

Dr. and Mrs. Jason Cohen

Mr. Eugene Croddick ’93 and Mrs. Nicole Croddick

Mr. Nicholas Crowell and Mrs. Jennifer Steiner Crowell ’88

Dr. and Mrs. Evan Curatolo

Mr. and Mrs. Frank D’Orazio

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Daniels

Mr. Colin Day and Ms. Heather Burke

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DeGiglio

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeMino

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Diaco

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Diehl

Mr. and Mrs. William Dinger

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dohrenwend

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Downie

Mr. and Mrs. James Drucker

Mr. and Mrs. David Druckman Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eby Mr. and Mrs. Shaun Fallon

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Finnegan

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Frankenfield

Mr. Jeff Friedman and Ms. Denise Leonhard

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallaudet

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghiraldi

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gibson

Dr. Alyssa Anderson and Mr. David Giese

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glazman

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gmelich

Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith

Mr. and Mrs. Marius Gudelis

Mr. Nicholas Gulden ’89 and Mrs. Emily Gulden

Mr. Adam Guttenplan ’95 and Mrs. Erica Guttenplan

Mr. Matthew Haddad ’97 and Mrs. Sarah Cassar

Dr. Justin Mazur and Dr. Prudence Heck

Mr. Blake Nucci and Ms. Chelsea Hess

Mrs. Nancy Holodak

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hom

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Horner

Mr. Peter S. Izzo ’90 and Ms. Marian Lapide

Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Christoper Jones

Ms. Kathleen Kamatani

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karczynski

Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan

Mr. and Mrs. J. Ryan Kelly

Mr. Evan Kestenberg and Ms. Sasha Sagalovich

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Khatri

Mr. and Mrs. John Kiely

Mr. Kenny King and Mrs. Nora King ’94

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Klinge

Mr. Andrew Komery and Mrs. Monica Noelle DeFabio Komery ’98

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kosmicki

Mr. and Mrs. David Kreizer

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacey

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laub

Mr. Robert C. Lawrence IV ’81 and Mrs. Gerri Gussin Lawrence

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Leahy

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leasor

Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Levine

Mr. and Mrs. David Long

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Loughlin

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lyle III

Dr. Federigo and Dr. Suzanne Magherini

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malia

Mr. and Mrs. Brett Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maroney

Dr. and Mrs. Mark Martens

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Marturano

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarren

Mr. and Mrs. Rich McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Melconian

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Menkowitz

Mr. Daniel Metz ’97 and Mrs. Bethanie Metz

Dr. Jamie Chaft and Dr. Tom Metzger

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moini

Mr. and Mrs. David Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen

Mr. Thomas F. Mullins IV and Jennifer Hurtt Mullins ’85

Mr. and Mrs. David O’Brien

Mr. and Mrs. Adam O’Brien

Mr. Richard O’Day

Mrs. Stacy O’Neil

Dr. and Mrs. Ty Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Page

Mr. David Paolo and Mrs. Sarah Personette

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Paulus

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Pearson

Ms. Sabrina Perri

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Petersen

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pierce

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Popham

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. Prasanth Rao-Kathi

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Raphalian

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Remey

Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence Reni

Mr. Greg Reynholds and Mrs. Elena Ladygina

Mr. and Mrs. David Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Richter

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodrigues

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romanczuk

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Romanowski

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rubin

Dr. and Mrs. Carl Senft

Mr. Alan Shapiro

Mr. Carson Smith and Ms. Amy Howell

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Stepanski

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stolte

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tilmont

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Timpone

Mr. Christopher Toolan ’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth Toolan

Mr. Christopher Torcivia ’99 and Mrs. Brianna Torcivia

Ms. Lisa Tortolani

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traina

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Travalja

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudel

Dr. David Tukey and Mrs. Stacy Schuster

Mr. and Ms. Christopher Twomey

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Walker

Mr. and Mrs. E. Gedney Webb

Mr. Barry Weisbord

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Weiss

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wetmore

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher White

Mr. and Mrs. Todd Whitenack

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Donnie Woodham

Mr. Mark Wrigley

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Yockel

Mr. and Mrs. MIchael Ziman

Mr. and Mrs. Giueseppe Zoida

Anonymous (11)

7.1.21–6.30.22 14

Experiential Learning: Students Learn by Doing

Hands-on lessons engage students while allowing them to gain new perspectives leading to a deeper understanding of their classroom studies.

bonding with classmates create lifetime memories.

We want kids to be their best 14-year-old selves, academically, personally socially, and emotionally, when they move on from here. That’s what we’re going for.”

Truly Great STEAM tests the imaginations of RCDS students by engaging them in the Engineering Design Process, a cyclical process that prompts them to think and act like engineers.

Project planning, problemsolving, mathematics, creativity, and perseverance are just a few skills RCDS woodshop instills in our students.

RCDS students embark on more than 28 class trips a year, visiting sites such as Ellis Island, Philadelphia, Boston, Longstreet Farm, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Your Gifts at Work


Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alpert

Mrs. Anne Angers

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baret

Mr. William Joel Barrett, Jr. ’79 and Mrs. Joanne Barrett

Mrs. Ruth Barker

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Berg

Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Bilow

Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Branin, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broege

Mrs. Helen Bryan

Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Carmody

Mrs. Elaine M. Chevalier

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark

Mr. Eric Levin and Mrs. Nancy Conn-Levin

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Cruz

Ms. BJ DeBree ’55

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devine

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. David P. Devlin ’85 and Mrs. Karin Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Downie

Mrs. Barrie Fahey

Dr. Aaron T. Feiler D.D.S. ’87 and Mrs. Kerri Feiler

Mr. and Mrs. Eli S. Feldman

Feldman and Feldman Architects, P.C.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Ferguson III ’50 and Mrs. Ann Ferguson

Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Francis

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gibson

Ms. Felicia Ann Grant

Mr. Gregory Greene and Mrs. Danielle Devine Greene ’79

Mr. and Mrs. Marius Gudelis

Mr. Paul Immo Gulden Jr. ’56 and Mrs. Joyce Gulden

Mrs. Isabel Palmer Hertz ’49

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hickey

Mrs. Tabitha Huber

Mrs. Stephanie Pearse Hurtt ’58

Mr. Charles H. Jones, Jr.* and Mrs. Hope Haskell Jones ’49

Mr. and Mrs. Arnold C. Joseph

Michael Severance Joy Hauser ’58

Mr. Robert M. Kaye

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kolb

Mr. and Mrs. Lon William Lamb, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Largey, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laub

Mr. Robert Cutting

Lawrence III ’52 and Mrs. Mary Stout Lawrence ’55

Mrs. Phyllis Lefrak

Mr. and Mrs. Regis B. Lippert

Mrs. Stacy Lyle ’88 and Mr. Paul Lyle

Dr. Donald Arthur MacDonald, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. John Magee

Drs. Federigo Magherini

Mr. and Mrs. Brett Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarren

Ms. Casey McChesney

Mrs. Lorraine McEvoy

Mr. Henry Dickson Mercer, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Metz

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory C. Mitsch

Dr. and Ms. Brendan Mulholland

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullins IV ’85

The Navesink Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Demarest S. Newman

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Nocella

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Spencer Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Petersen

Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis Post

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Reynolds

Mrs. Margaret S. Riker

Mr. and Mrs. John Charles Rudy


Mrs. Nikki Alpert

Mrs. Judy Berg

Mr. Marsh Adams Bryan*

Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Branin

Mr. Peter Carton

Mrs. Jennifer Steiner Crowell ’88

Mr. Jeffrey Cruz

Mrs. Denise B. Devine

Mr. J. Hugh Devlin*

Mr. John H. Devlin Jr. ’83

Mr. Alfred L. Ferguson III ’50

Mr. Peter Francis

Ms. Jayne Geiger

Mrs. Donna Gibson

Mrs. Victoria Gmelich

Mrs. Danielle Devine Greene ’79 and Mr. Gregory Greene

Mr. Paul Immo Gulden Jr. ’56

Mr. Daniel Leroy Hertz Jr.*

Mrs. Tabitha Huber

Mr. Charles H. Jones, Jr.*

Michael Joy Hauser ’58

Mrs. Eileen O’Hern Luby

Mr. Dennis P. Lynch*

Dr. Donald Arthur MacDonald, Jr.

Mrs. Susan Magee

Mrs. Meghann Marturano

Mrs. Kristen Masserio

Mr. Gregory Melconian

Mrs. Debra Menkowitz

Mr. Henry Dickson Mercer, Jr.

Mr. Gregory Mitsch

Jennifer Hurtt Mullins ’85

Mrs. Tammy Snyder Murphy

Mrs. Kelli O’Brien

Mrs. Jane Orr

Mrs. Carrie Page

Dr. Thomas Spencer Pearson

Mr. Corey Popham

Mrs. Suzanne Rekate Post

Mrs. Adrianne Raphalian

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83

Mr. Shawn Reynolds

Mr. Wayne Romanczuk

Mr. Shawn Rubin

Mr. and Mrs. Matt Rummler

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan

Mr. George H. Schildge ’52 and Mrs. Janie Schildge

Mr. Thomas F. Scott

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Theodore Scurletis

Mr. Alan Shapiro

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Silbert

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Spector

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stankovits

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tilmont

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Timpone

Ms. Carol Toolan

Torcivia Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Twomey

Rev. Tom and Mrs. Ronnie Warren

Mr. Barry Weisbord

Mr. and Mrs. R. Van Arsdel Whisnand

Dr. Eric Wolman


Mr. Charles Ryan

Mrs. Siran Sahakian

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95

Mrs. Lynn Spector

Mrs. Terry Stankovits

Mrs. Mary Lou Strong*

Mrs. Denise G. Thomas

Mr. Joseph Arthur Torcivia

Mr. Michael Walker

Mr. Roy Van Arsdel Whisnand

Mr. Todd Whitenack

Dr. Eric Wolman

Mrs. Susan Young


7.1.21–6.30.22 16

The Arts: Setting the Stage for Creative Expression

The RCDS Arts Program encourages students to express themselves and develop and practice the non-cognitive skills and qualities that are strong predictors of success in life.

Students work in a variety of media to stimulate creativity, design thinking, discipline, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

A willingness to take risks is not something everyone is comfortable with. Our arts program provides many opportunities for our students to put themselves out there…And those experiences will serve our students in any discipline— it’s not limited to the arts—these skills will guide them for the rest of their lives.”

Students learn to view the world from unique perspectives.

A strong emphasis on the performing arts allows students to learn the fundamentals of public speaking while building confidence and practicing creativity and teamwork.

Your Gifts at Work


Class of 1948

Arthur Gibb

Hope Haskell Jones

Class of 1949

David M. Dickson

Shelley Dwight Emery

Isabel (Ibby) Palmer Waud Hertz

William Van Winkle

Class of 1950

Alfred L. Ferguson

Class of 1951

Beverley Morrison Waud Sutherland

Class of 1952

Jonathan Dewey Blake

Robert Cutting Lawrence III

John Pitts

George H. Schildge

Class of 1953

David Haven Blake

Fredericka Anderson Buff Pitts

Class of 1954

G. Peter M. McCurrach

Susie Moorhead Spencer

Class of 1955

BJ Hesseltine DeBree

Kimmy King Timolat Short

Mary Stout Lawrence

Class of 1956

Penelope Houghton Pearse Buzby

Paul Immo Gulden

A. Sheffield Tulp

Class of 1958

Richard Nelson Boyd

Frederick Knight Burt

Stephanie Ann Pearse Hurtt

Michael Severance Joy Hauser

Class of 1959

Frederick W. Brickenkamp

Alfred Pearce Ilch

Niels Mercer Johnsen

Cynthia Russell Shultz

Class of 1960

Susan Boyd Blanchard

Class of 1961

Charles Dudley Daly

Class of 1962

Janice (Lolly) Clarke

Kingsley C. Norris

Class of 1963

George L. Carey

Darrell Harvey

George W. C. McCarter

Katherine Lobdell Norris

Class of 1965

Ellen Mary Boyd

Class of 1966

Stephanie Severance McCarter

Robert Young McCarter

Craig Adam Severance

Class of 1968

Maury Bowers Mangan

Class of 1969

Sarah Suzanne Somerville

Class of 1970

John Hamlin Reaves

Sarah Winmill Shebesta

Class of 1972

Joanne S. Barker

Class of 1973

Robert Michael Chernow

Leveritt Sage Gridley

Mark Campbell Winwill

Class of 1974

Thomas Bassett Winmill

Class of 1975

James Webb Carpenter

Class of 1977

Jennifer Singluff Robinson

Catherine Stanger

Class of 1978

Penelope Paige Wood Wiener

Class of 1979

William Joel Barrett

Danielle Devine Greene

James Robert Henderson

Class of 1980

Gregory Bilow Di Russo

Lynn Elizabeth Iler

Class of 1981

Edgar Farrington

Brett Lawrence

Class of 1983

Derek S. DeBree

John Devlin

James Paul Largey

James Andrew Lieberman

Richard Willis Post

Carl Reiss

Daniel Nelson Schildge

Willard Campbell Somers

Cynthia Lynne Holzer Sparr

Class of 1985

David Devlin

Sean Timothy Lawson

Jennifer Hurtt Mullins

Sarah Cornell Ellwood Opler

Class of 1986

Kerin Ann O’Malley Hanson

Meg Catherine Lieberman

Robert Andrew Moll

7.1.21–6.30.22 18

Athletics: Coached to Compete with Character

Focus on the Three A’s: Ability, Attendance, and Attitude encourages student-athletes to develop life skills that help them become successful in all their endeavors.

More than 80% of Upper School students participate in RCDS athletics.

We worked like a team, not a one-person show. That’s what wins games —teamwork.”

—Max Baret ’22

RCDS’s no-cut policy creates a sense of inclusivity that makes each player feel like they belong and that they are a valued member of the team.

When working as a team, role models rise to the occasion. Students learn to lead, support their teammates, and respect their opponents.

Your Gifts at Work


Class of 1987

Aaron Feiler

Lucien Gex Webb

Class of 1988

Jared Brian Ash

Jennifer Steiner Crowell

Stacy Eisenberg Lyle

Class of 1989

Thomas Adam Abrams

Erin Kira Brennan

Sarah Devlin Devine

Nicholas Gulden

Christopher Toolan

Class of 1990

Dennis Devine

Peter S. Izzo

Class of 1991

Swede Joseph Chevalier*

Class of 1992

Mary Jane Victoria Rubenstein

Class of 1993

Eugene Croddick

Brian Eric Weiss

Class of 1994

Nora Maureen Rahner King

Class of 1995

Kenan Francis Edward Rubenstein

Jesse Spector

Class of 1996

Donald Arthur Macdonald III

Class of 1997

Matthew Haddad

Daniel Metz

Class of 1998

Alyssa Ellen Spector

Monica Komery ’98

Class of 1999

Stacylyn May Dewey Doore

Christopher Torcivia

Class of 2000

Brittany Chevalier McIntyre

Class of 2001

Sarah Ann Stratton Keklak

Class of 2002

Clark Joseph McIntyre

Joseph Arthur Torcivia

Class of 2003

Hannah Elizabeth Cramer Keklak

Class of 2004

Catherine Anne Torcivia

Class of 2006

Emily Lynne Torcivia

Class of 2007

Francis William Luby

Class of 2009

Brennan Hanley Feldman

Hunter Matthew Grusd

Erin O’Hern Luby

Class of 2010

Elise Christine Reynolds

Zoe Rebecca Rosen Scurletis

Class of 2011

Sydney Kent Grusd

John Ronan Luby

Class of 2012

Jordyn Carson Grusd

Caitlin Pope Luby

Eleni Rose Scurletis

Class of 2013

Coulston Everest Feldman

Drew Hampton Feldman

Georgia Broderick Greene

Class of 2014

Ashley Renee Nocella

Ryan Alexis Joseph

Alexander Rusis

Class of 2015

John Hugh Devlin III

Brendan Patrick Greene

Caitlin Elizabeth Hickey

Madeline Grace Orr

Hannah Jane Reynolds

Andrew Rusis

Class of 2016

Elizabeth Hope Orr

Class of 2017

Luke Moriarty Devlin

Abigail Mary Ryan

Class of 2018

Lila Grace Greene

MaryClaire Elizabeth Hickey

Class of 2019

Megan Grace Alpert

Bryce Peter Devlin

Lilia Caroline Rusis

Class of 2020

Caroline Hickey

Class of 2021

Emma Reese Alpert

Emily Elizabeth Ryan

7.1.21–6.30.22 20

The Four Pillars instill belonging, purpose, and accountability among everyone in the RCDS community.

RCDS students participate in a roster of activities that support local programs, including the CROP Hunger Walk, Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Holiday Express and Lunch Break.

The RCDS Service Learning Program is born from our core values, and integrated into our students’ educational experience.

We’ve been talking about the School’s Four Pillars—Kind, Honest, Responsible, Respectful—since I was a Beginner. The Pillars are everywhere in the School as a reminder. My parents even have them posted on a bulletin board at home.”


The Parent Council’s Kindness Committee leads by example and facilitates additional opportunities for our community to give back.

Your Gifts at Work
RCDS is Better with The Four Pillars: Kind, Honest, Responsible, Respectful


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams

Ms. Elena Barnabei

Mr. Kenneth Bennett

Steven and Jane Brainard

BJ Brang

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Colbert

Mr. Frank Curatolo

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Day

Mary Do and Cyril


Mr. and Mrs. Donald Devine

Mrs. Nancy Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Diaco

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Dickstein

Patty and Bob Dohrenwend

Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Finnegan

Mr. Paul Immo Gulden Jr. ’56 and Mrs. Joyce Gulden

Mr. and Mrs. Jon Hoffman

Mrs. Stephanie Ann Pearse Hurtt ’58

Mr. Robert M. Kaye

Mr. and Mrs. Nate Kestenman

The Klein Family

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohl

Mr. and Mrs. Norman Konvitz

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kristol

Mr. Robert Cutting Lawrence III ’52 and Mrs. Mary Stout Lawrence ’55

Nancy Conn-Levin and Eric Levin

Ms. Virginia Loughlin

Mr. Brian Magovern

Mr. G. Peter M. McCurrach ’54 and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McCurrach

Susan Menkowitz

Richard A. and Valerie C. Moore Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation

Robert and Myra Page

The Rev. William Riker and Mrs. Barbara Carton-Riker

Dennis and Ann Ross

Jocelyn and Elliot Schnier

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Silverman

Mr.and Mrs. William D. Spector

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Steinhauser

Mrs. Carol Toolan

Mr. Alan and Mrs. Gail Tortolani

Mr. and Mrs. Giuseppe Tribuzio

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Trudel

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Turner

Mr. and Mrs. John Van Syckel

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Veenis

Mr. and Mrs. George Weiss

Mrs. Dareen Widmann

Anonymous (1)

7.1.21–6.30.22 22

Signature Traditions: Connecting Generations

No one sits alone during Family-Style Dining because students always have a place where they belong at RCDS.

Traditions like family-style lunch forced us to step outside of our comfort zones and meet new people.

Morning Greeting taught us people skills like shaking hands and looking someone in the eye. No-cut sports teams encouraged us to try new things.”

Celebrating student and faculty achievements as one big family makes Class Day one of the most anticipated events for the RCDS community.

Time-tested traditions like Morning Greeting have made a lasting impact on our students for nearly a century.

Your Gifts at Work
Signature traditions contribute to the sense of belonging at RCDS, and reinforce the School’s values and life skills.


Ms. Sarah Ahmadi

Mr. Mark Aymar

Mr. Patrick J. Angeloni

Mr. Michael Bair

Mrs. Lucy Bogdon

Ms. Lauren Bowler

Ms. Erin Kira Brennan ’89

Mr. Jeffrey Brown

Ms. Alexandra Campanella

Mrs. Erin Campanella

Mrs. Lynn Campanella

Mrs. Mary Beth Campanella

Mr. Paul Campanella

Mrs. Jayne S. Carmody

Mrs. Shanyn Champeau

Mrs. Carolyn Child

Mrs. Amy Clark

Ms. Bennett Coleman

Mrs. Carly Conley

Mrs. Jennifer Cosgrove

Mrs. Natalie Diehl

Mrs. Susan Drucker

Mrs. Lisa Fallon

Mr. Mark Fallone

Mrs. Linda Feeny

Ms. Dana Feldman

Ms. Carly Ferraro

Mr. Louis Ferraro

Ms. Sarah Fichtner

Mrs. Marcie Forsyth

Dr. Stephen Gaetano

Ms. Jayne Geiger

Mr. Anthony Greco

Ms. Valerie Guerrero

Dr. Nancy Holodak

Mr. Brandon Horner

Mrs. Cara Horner

Mrs. Stephanie Ann Pearse Hurtt ’58

Mrs. Nancy Johnson

Ms. Liz Kelleher

Mr. Robert L. Kelly

Mrs. Anne Kerr

Mrs. Alana Kirman

Mrs. Virginia S. Kolb

Mr. Lon William Lamb, Jr.

Mr. Michael Le Cardi

Mrs. Susan Leslie

Mrs. Jennifer Littman

Mr. Kevin Lovgren

Mrs. Melissa Macaluso

Mr. Donald Arthur Macdonald III ’96

Mrs. Tara Malia

Mr. Michael Mannino

Ms. Casey McChesney

Mrs. Lorraine McEvoy

Ms. Linda Messa

Ms. Carolyn Mulholland

Mrs. Rosemary Murphy Bell

Mrs. Karen Norton

Mrs. Bailey Palmieri

Mrs. Megan Peter

Mrs. Melissa Petersen

Mrs. Cheryl Podmajersky

Mrs. Suzanne Rekate Post

Ms. Aline Ronzier

Ms. Joy Santangelo

Mrs. Linda Schottland

Mrs. Amanda Schottlander

Mr. Thomas Scott

Mrs. Michelle Silbert

Mr. Carson Smith

Mrs. Leeanne Staveley

Mr. Brian P. Stolowski

Mrs. Amy Tilmont

Mr. Nathan Tomaino

Mr. Jeffrey Utz

Mrs. Patricia Weiss

Mrs. Nikki Wehrhahn

Mrs. Tracey Wetmore

Mrs. Dakota Woodham

Mr. Tristan Young

Ms. Catherine Zoida


7.1.21–6.30.22 24

Turn the Page:


The Bergeron Family initiated the campaign with a generous gift in memory of beloved RCDS teacher Jeanne Bergeron who passed in the spring of 2022.

Together with the Bergeron Family, the RCDS community raised a total of $33,570 to begin a new chapter for the RCDS library. Funds raised provided new books, updated resources, and technology needed to bring the library up to 21st-century standards and serve the needs of the entire RCDS community. By providing greater access to an array of wellmanaged resources, the school library will become the heart of the RCDS campus—a place to encourage students, educators, and families to become lifelong learners and improve students’ opportunities for success.


Mr. and Mrs. Peter Adams

Mr. Steve Aronne and Ms. Sarah Ahmadi

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baret*

Bergeron Nemec Family Trust*

Mr. Carl Bergeron*

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bumber

Dr. and Mrs. Jason Cohen

Dr. and Mrs. Evan Curatolo

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

Mr. Nicholas Clark Diaco and Mrs. Miriam Diaco

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Diehl Lauren and Charles Dohrenwend

Ms. Diane Dyas*

Mr. Edgar R. Farrington, Jr. ’81 and Mrs. Catherine Farrington

Miss Abbey Lyn Feiler ’88

Mr. Cameron Bolen Feiler ’21

Mr. Ty George Feiler ’18

Mr. and Mrs. John Harris

Mrs. Stephanie Ann Pearse Hurtt ’58 Merritt Keffer*

Gene and Ginger Kolb

Mrs. Andrel Magasiner*

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio

Mr. and Mrs. Rich McHugh

Mrs. Catherine Miller-Little*

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Oncea

Mrs. Cheryl Podmajersky*

Mr. and Mrs. Prasanth Rao-Kathi

Mr. and Mrs. Armins Rusis*

Mrs. Alyce Russo*

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan

Dr. and Mrs. Carl Senft

Mr. and Mrs. William Setterstrom*

The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation*

Mrs. Patricia Treacy*

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Vaccacio*

Mr. and Mrs. Neil Veenis

Mrs. Rona Wagner*

Anonymous (2)

*In memory of Mrs. Jeanne Bergeron



A heartfelt message of gratitude to all of our parents who volunteer their time, talents, and efforts to support the RCDS Parent Council. Whether acting as a class parent, chair or co-chair of an event, or committee member and volunteer, it truly takes a village, and we are very lucky to have you a part of ours.

The 2021-2022 school year began with some hurdles, but Parent Council rose to the occasion and planned many activities safely outdoors, pivoting as needed. Our first annual sports outing, Gator Cup, was a huge success and brought the entire parent community together for a fun day of golf, tennis, and paddle. We introduced a new free activity in the fall, Parent Council’s Chili Cook-Off, which quickly became a favorited family-friendly event for all. In December, Parent Council was able to bring back the treasured Scholastic’s Book Fair, in person, and not only was Riker Hall filled with amazing new book titles, but it was also beaming with joy, spirit, and enthusiasm from the entire community, especially from our children.

Parent Council also hosted Welcome Back and Holiday Breakfasts for our beloved faculty and staff, as well as a full week of appreciation events in the spring to support and champion their hard work and dedication. Our Kindness Committee coordinated numerous “Gators Give Back” initiatives throughout the year; Chalk the Walk, Thanksgiving meals to Horizon families, Holiday Giving Tree, Clean Ocean Action Beach Sweeps, Bicycle Drives, Crayon Collections for The Crayon Initiative, Coat Drive, and the Ukraine Cookie Fundraiser which raised funds for the Tikya Orphanage in Ukraine, are just a few examples of the generosity and community service in our amazing little school. While we had to forego the planning of Whale of a Sale, we were able to host Parent Council’s largest “friendraiser” in the spring, by inviting our fellow Gators to the racetrack for a derby-themed Gator Bash. Parent Council then sent the children off for a fun-filled summer with a surprise visit from the ice cream truck, applauding them for yet another, spectacular year at RCDS.

Thank you to Carson Smith who led our community during these unprecedented times. All our successes would not have been possible without his leadership. Thank you to our committed Board of Trustees, our inspiring faculty and staff, our generous parent population, and especially, our impressive children. I am so grateful to be a Gator!

Parent Council Executive Committee



TREASURER Tricia Frankenfield









In Honor of Mrs. Sarah Ahmadi

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of Mrs. Jeanne Bergeron

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baret

Bergeron Nemec Family Trust

Mr. Carl Bergeron

Ms. Diane Dyas

Merritt Keffer

Mrs. Andrel Magasiner

Mrs. Catherine Miller-Little

Mrs. Cheryl Podmajersky

Mr. and Mrs. Armins Rusis

Mrs. Alyce Russo

Mr. and Mrs. William Setterstrom

The Philip and Tammy Murphy Family Foundation

Mrs. Patricia Treacy

Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Vaccacio

Mrs. Rona Wagner

Anonymous (1)

In Honor of Mr. Paul Campanella

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of Swede

Joseph Chevalier

Mrs. Elaine M. Chevalier

In Honor of Mrs. Amy Clark

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Honor of Jack ’15, Luke ’17, Bryce 19, and Chase ’22 Devlin

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of

Mr. J. Hugh Devlin

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

The Navesink Foundation

In Memory of

Mr. Tucker A. Francis

Mr. and Mrs. Peter T. Francis

In Honor of Mrs. Linda Feeny

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie

In Honor of Mrs. Jayne Geiger

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mannino

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

In Honor of Mrs. Anne Kerr

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Mannino

In Honor of Mrs. Ginger Kolb

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Honor of Mr. Bill Lamb

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of Mr. Dennis P. Lynch Lynch Blades Foundation INC

In Honor of Mr. Michael Mannino

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of Mr. Clifford Petterson

Mr. Jarrett Weinpel and Mrs. Lauren Petterson

In Honor of Suzy Post

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

In Memory of RCDS Student

Mr. Theodore K. Reiss

Mrs. Helen Bryan

Mr. David M. Dickson ’49

Mrs. Tabitha Huber

Dr. Donald Arthur MacDonald, Jr.

J.L. Reiss Foundation

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

In Memory of Mrs. Ruth M. Reiss ’75

Dr. Donald Arthur MacDonald, Jr.

J.L. Reiss Foundation

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

In Memory of Mr. Clay Stites

Mr. John H. Devlin, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

7.1.21–6.30.22 27


Mr. and Mrs. Michael Addeo

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bialous

Alpha Fit Club

Anjelica’s Restaurant

Asbury Park Distilling Company

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carter

Aspire Fitness

The Bertz Family

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bialous

Big Mike’s Little Red Store

Mr. and Mrs. William Bodgon

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovo

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bray

Ms. Erin Kira Brennan ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Bruhn

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Buchner

Ms. Alexandra Campanella

Celtic Concepts

Mr. John Chan

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chin

Mr. and Mrs. Reed Choate

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Conley

Mr. Eugene F. Croddick II ’93 and Mrs. Nicole Croddick

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Curatolo

Dr. and Mrs. Evan Curatolo

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Daniels

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth DeGiglio

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Diehl

Charles and Lauren Dohrenwend

The D’Orazio Family

Mr. and Mrs. David Druckman East

Coast Vibes

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eby Mrs. Lisa Fallon

Shawn and Tara Fallon

Ms. Brooke Fargo

Faustini Wines

Ms. Carly Ferraro

Ms. Sarah Fichtner

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Finnegan

Mrs. Marcie Forsyth

Lee And Tricia Frankenfield

Mr. Jeff Friedman and Ms. Denise Leonhard

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallaudet

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ghiraldi

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Giannotti

Dr. Christopher Gillis and Dr. Estelle Chang

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Glazman

Grunin Holdings

Ms. Christine Grace Guidera

Mr. Nicholas Gulden ’89 and Mrs. Emily Gulden

Mr. Matthew Haddad ’97 and Mrs. Sarah Cassar

Dr. Nancy Holodak

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hom

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Horner

Mr. Peter S. Izzo ’90 and Ms. Marian E. Lapide

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones

Hayden and Cheryl Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kane

Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan

Ms. Liz Kelleher

Mr. Evan Kestenberg and Mrs. Sasha Sagalovich

Sheila and Andrew Khatri

Mr. Kenny King and Mrs. Nora Rahner King ’94

Monica ’98 and Andrew Komery

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kosmicki

David and Jodi Kreizer

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacey

Timothy and Eileen Leahy

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leasor

Mrs. Shayne McCreery Lesbirel ’94

Mr. Chuck Lesbirel

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Levin

Mr. Aaron Levine and Mrs. Katherine Bumber

Mr. Brian Lichten Berger and Mrs. Karen Cundari Berger

7.1.21–6.30.22 28

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Littman

Mr. and Mrs. David Long

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicolosi

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norton

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodrigues

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romanczuk

Torcivia Family Foundation

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traina

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Loughlin

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio Mr. and Mrs. Tim McCooey Mr. and Mrs. Rich McHugh

Mr. Todd (TJ) Olszewski and Ms. Jennifer Lewis

Mrs. Stacy O’Neil

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Page

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rubin

Sadie James

Ms. Joy Santangelo

Mrs. Marilyn Schlossbach

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Travalja

Triple T Hospitality

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudel

Ursino Interiors

Mr. and Mrs. Chris McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Melconian Dr. and Mrs. Marc Menkowitz Mr.

Daniel Metz ’97 and Mrs. Bethanie Metz

Mr. and Dr. Chris Miller

Mr. Douglas Mishkin

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moini

Monarch Wellness

Mr. and Mrs. David Moore

Dr. and Ms. Brendan Mulholland

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen

Justin Munice and Mrs. Amanda Munice ’93

Nadine Naue

Mrs. Sarah Nelson


Mr. David Paolo and Mrs. Sarah Personette

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Paulus

Mr. and Mrs. Dana Pearson

Ms. Sabrina Perri


Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pierce

Pilates Blast

Mrs. Cheryl Podmajersky

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Popham

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Purcell

Brian and Adrianne Raphalian

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Remey

Mr. and Mrs. David Reni

Mr. Greg Reynholds and Ms. Elena Ladygina

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Richter

Rising Up Gardens

Del Negro and Senft

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Silbert

Mr. John Peter Skirkanich II ’97 and Mrs. Alyssa Skirkanich

Mr. Carson Smith and Ms. Amy Howell

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector

Mr. and Mrs. Jason Spiro

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stolte

Catherine and Michael Sullivan

Dan and Karla Swift

Sycamore Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

Mr. Christopher Toolan ’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth Toolan

Mr. Christopher Torcivia ’99 and Mrs. Brianna Torcivia

Ms. Lisa Tortolani

Ms. Suzanne Veninata

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Weiss

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wetmore

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher White

The Whitenack Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Yockel

Michael and Tiziana Ziman



Thank you to our 2021 RCDS Gator Cup Sponsors, Participants, and Auction Donors:

Bar on the Fly

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Baret

BBHS, Fox & Roach, Realtors

The Bertz Family

The Blonde Shallot

Mr. and Mrs. Santiago Borja

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bovo

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Bray

Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Bruhn

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Buchner

Mr. Paul Campanella

Jennifer and Thane Carlston

Christina Caruso

Catch Hospitality Group

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caulfield

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chin

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clarke

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Cohen

Ms. Valerie Cole

Cosh NYC

Cosmic Dino

Dr. and Mrs. Evan Curatolo

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Daniels

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Demino

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

Mr. Nicholas Clark Diaco and Mrs. Miriam Diaco

Mr. and Mrs. William Dinger

Mr. and Mrs. William Dockery

Mr. and Mrs. David Druckman

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Eby

Mr. Parker Engels

Exterior Christmas Lighting

Shawn and Tara Fallon

Lee And Tricia Frankenfield

French Market

Mr. Jeff Friedman and Ms. Denise Leonhard

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gallaudet

Garden State Roofing and Siding

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Giannotti

Dr. Christopher Gillis and Dr. Estelle Chang

Mr. Daniel Golden

Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldsmith

Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith

The Golf Den

Ms. Christine Grace Guidera

Mr. Nicholas Gulden ’89 and Mrs. Emily Gulden

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Guthrie

Mr. Matthew Haddad ’97 and Mrs. Sarah Cassar

Mr. Mike Hoey

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hogan

Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hom

Michael and Christine Hughes

Mr. Peter S. Izzo ’90 and Ms. Marian E. Lapide

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Jones

K. Palm Fine Art

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Kane

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Karczynski

Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan

Sheila and Andrew Khatri

Mr. Kenny King and Mrs. Nora Rahner King ’94

Monica ’98 and Andrew Komery

Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kosmicki

7.1.21–6.30.22 30

David and Jodi Kreizer

Miss Victoria Kuritsyna

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacey

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leasor

Mr. Dave Lesser and Dr. Jenna Levy

Mr. Aaron Levine and Mrs. Katherine Bumber

Mr. and Mrs. David Long

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lyle

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maroney

Peter and Meghann Marturano

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio

Mr. and Mrs. Chris McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Rich McHugh

Mr. and Mrs. Gene McQuown

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Melconian

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Menkowitz

Mr. and Dr. Chris Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Moini

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mullen

Mr. Edwin Oels

Mr. David Paolo and Mrs. Sarah Personette

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Paulus

Mr. and Mrs. John Peck

Dr. and Mrs. Charles Pierce Pilates Blast

The Pilates Project

Proper and Polished Inc.

Mr. and Mrs. Lee Purcell

Mr. and Mrs. Timonthy Ragan

Whitney Rahim

Mr. and Mrs. Prasanth Rao-Kathi

Relish your Chef

Mr. and Mrs. David Reni

David and Catherine Rice

Mr. and Mrs. Marc Richter

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Romanczuk

Mr. and Mrs. Jake Rothenberg

Roam Gallery

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rubin

Salvestrin Vineyard

Savor the Flavor

Schael Spa

Scout & Cellar

Mr. Carson Smith and Ms. Amy Howell

Soul Strong

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector

Mrs. Genevieve Redding

Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Stolte

Dan and Karla Swift

Mr. Christopher Toolan ’89 and Mrs. Elizabeth Toolan

Torcivia Family Foundation

Mr. Christopher Torcivia ’99 and Mrs. Brianna Torcivia

Ms. Lisa Tortolani

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Traina

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Travalja

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudel

Dr. David Tukey and Mrs. Stacy Schuster

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Turner

Mr. and Ms. Christopher Twomey

Ms. Suzanne Veninata


Mr. and Mrs. Brad Walker

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Weiss

Westhouse New York

The Whitenack Family

Mr. and Mrs. Jan Williams

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Yockel

Anonymous (7)



The Rumson Country Day School would like to thank all the members of the Vitae Disce Society who have supported Annual Giving for five or more consecutive years.


Mr. Jared Brian Ash ’88 and Mrs. Amy Ash

Ms. Joanne S. Barker ’72

Mr. Jonathan Dewey Blake ’52 and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake

Mr. David Haven Blake ’53

Mr. Richard Nelson Boyd ’58

Ms. Ellen Mary Boyd ’65

Mr. and Mrs. Francis S. Branin, Jr.

Mr. Frederick W. Brickenkamp ’59

Vivian and Fred Burt

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmody

Mr. James Webb Carpenter, Jr. ’75 and Mrs. Kristine L. Juster

Mr. Dennis Scannell Devine ’90 and Mrs. Sarah Devlin Devine ’89

Mr.* and Mrs. J. Hugh Devlin

Dave ’85 and Karin Devlin

Mr. Gregory Greene and Mrs. Danielle Devine Greene ’79

Mr. Darrell Harvey ’63 and Mrs. Robin Harvey

Mrs. Daniel L Hertz Jr. ( Isabel B. Waud ’48)

Mrs. Stephanie Pearse Hurtt ’58

Mr. Niels Mercer Johnsen ’59 and Mrs. Marlene Johnsen

Mr. Robert M. Kaye

Mr. Robert Cutting Lawrence III ’52 and Mrs. Mary Stout Lawrence ’55

Mr. Robert C. Lawrence IV ’81 and Mrs. Gerri Gussin Lawrence

James A. Lieberman

Mr. and Mrs. Regis Lippert

Mr. William Luby and Mrs. Eileen O’Hern Luby

Mr. G. Peter M. McCurrach ’54 and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth McCurrach

Mr. and Mrs.* Henry Dickson Mercer, Jr.

Mr. Thomas F. Mullins IV and Mrs. Jennifer Hurtt Mullins ’85

Kingsley C. ’62 and Katherine L. ’63 Norris

Mr. Edmond Opler and Mrs. Sarah Ellwood Opler ’85

Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis Post

Shawn and Christine Reynolds

Mr. George H. Schildge ’52 and Mrs. Janie Schildge

Cynthia Russell Shultz ’59

Will Somers ’83

Mr. and Mrs. William D. Spector

Mrs. Suzanne Spencer ’54

Mrs. Beverley Waud Sutherland ’51

Mr. A. Sheffield Tulp ’56 and Mrs. Debra Tulp

Mr. Marshall Van Winkle III ’47 and Mrs. Brenda Van Winkle*

Mr. Lucien Gex Webb ’87 and Mrs. Christina Gulden Webb ’91

Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Whisnand

Mr. Mark Campbell Winmill ’73

Mr. Thomas Bassett Winmill ’70

Mrs. Mary Christine Winmill

Ms. Sarah Starr Winmill ’74

15-24 YEARS

Mr. Steve Aronne and Ms. Sarah Ahmadi

Mrs. Susan Blanchard ’60 and Mr. Arthur Blanchard

Mr. Eugene F. Croddick II ’93 and Mrs. Nicole Croddick

Mr. Nicholas Crowell and Mrs. Jennifer Steiner Crowell ’88

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cruz

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundations

Mr. John H. Devlin ’83 and Mrs. Elizabeth Devlin

Mr. Brennan Feldman ’09

Mr. Coulston Feldman ’13

Mr. and Mrs. David Feldman

Mr. Drew Feldman ’13

Alfred Ferguson

Mr. Arthur Gibb, Jr. ’48

Mr. and Mrs. Justin Gmelich

Ms. Kathleen Kamatani

Mr. James Paul Largey ’83

Mr. Dennis P.* and Mrs. Ann Marie Lynch

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Mitsch

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Orr

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Petersen

Mr. John Pitts ’52

Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryan

Toros and Siran Sahakian

Mr. Daniel Nelson Schildge ’83 and Ms. Jennifer Schildge

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scurletis

Mr. Rodney W. Jester and Ms. Sarah Suzanne Somerville ’69

Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector

Dr. Eric Wolman

10-14 YEARS

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Alpert

Mr.* and Mrs. Stephen Alpert

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baret

Mr. David Bedoya and Mrs. Betty Leon

Jason and Heather Bilanin

P. Douglas and Kelly Bird

Steven and Jane Brainard

Jeff and Stephanie Cady

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cerussi

Martin and Ellen Chavez

Mr. Charles D. Daly II ’61

Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gibson

Miss Georgia Broderick Greene ’13

Mr. Hunter Matthew Grusd ’09

Miss Jordyn Carson Grusd ’12

Miss Sydney Kent Grusd ’11

Mr. and Mrs. Sean Hickey

Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Horner

Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Kolb

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Largey

Mr. and Mrs. David Long

Mr. Francis William Luby ’07

Miss Erin O’Hern Luby ’09

Miss Caitlin Pope Luby ’12

Mr. John Ronan Luby ’11

Drs. Federigo and Suzanne Magherini

Mr. and Mrs. Brett Marcus

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maroney

Mr. and Mrs. James Masserio

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McCarren

Ms. Casey McChesney

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Melconian

Dr. and Mrs. Marc Menkowitz

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Page

Dr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Pearson

Mr. and Mrs. Corey Popham

Mr. Richard Willis Post, Jr. ’83 and Mrs. Jennifer Post

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Raphalian

Maggie Riker

Dr. and Mrs. Carl Senft

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Silbert

Mr. Brian P. Stolowski

Catherine and Michael Sullivan

Mr. and Mrs. Frederic W. Thomas, Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tilmont

Mr. Michael Walker

Rev. Tom and Mrs. Ronnie Warren


Anonymous (3)

Mr. Patrick J. Angeloni

Mr. Jared Brian Ash ’88 and Mrs. Amy Ash

Mrs. Ruth Barker

Mr. Kenneth Bennett

The Bertz Family

Mr. and Mrs. William Bogdon

Ms. Erin Kira Brennan ’89

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Brown

Mr. and Mrs. Jarrett Bruhn

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Campanella

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Campanella

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Campanella

Ms. Alexandra Campanella

Mr. George L. Carey ’63

Mr. and Mrs. Tim Champeau

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Child

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Chin

Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clark

Janice Lolly Clarke ’62

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Clarke

Dr. and Mrs. Jason Cohen

Ms. Bennett Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. Jared Daniels

Mr. Colin Day and Ms. Heather Burke

Derek DeBree ’83

Dr. Gregory Bilow Di Russo ’80 and Dr. Roseann Di Russo

Mr. David M. Dickson ’49 and Mrs. Nancy Dickson

Mr. and Mrs. Myron Dickstein

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Diehl

Mr. and Mrs. William Dinger

7.1.21–6.30.22 32

Mr. and Mrs. James Drucker

Mrs. Lisa Fallon

Shawn and Tara Fallon

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fallone

Mr. and Mrs. John Feeny

Ms. Dana Feldman

Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Finnegan

Lee And Tricia Frankenfield

Mr. Jim Rogers and Ms. Jayne Geiger

Mr. and Mrs. David Goldsmith

Mr. Anthony Greco

Miss Georgia Broderick Greene ’13

Mr. Brendan Patrick Greene ’15

Miss Jordyn Carson Grusd ’12

Mr. Hunter Matthew Grusd ’09

Miss Sydney Kent Grusd ’11

Mr. Paul Immo Gulden Jr. ’56 and Mrs. Joyce Gulden

Mr. Mark Hanson and Mrs. Kerin Ann O’Malley Hanson ’86

Michael Severance Joy Hauser ’58

Mr. James Robert Henderson ’79 and Mrs. Carol Henderson

Miss Caitlin Elizabeth Hickey ’15

Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Hoffman

Dr. Nancy Holodak

Mr. Peter-Scott Izzo ’90 and Ms. Marian Lapide

Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson

Hayden and Cheryl Jones

Arnie and Catherine Joseph

Ms. Kathleen Kamatani

Mr. and Mrs. William Keenan

Eva and J. Ryan Kelly

Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Kerr

Mr. Kenny King and Mrs. Nora Rahner King ’94

Mr. and Mrs. James Kirman

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kohl

David and Jodi Kreizer

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lacey

Mr. and Mrs. William L. Lamb

Mr. Sean Timothy Lawson ’85

Timothy and Eileen Leahy

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leslie

Mr. and Mrs. Drew Loughlin

Mr. Donald Arthur Macdonald III ’96 and Ms. Kathleen Connelly

Mr. and Mrs. John A. Magee

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Malia

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mannino

Pamela and Mark Martens

Peter and Meghann Marturano

George W. C. McCarter ’63

Mike and Stevie McCarter

Lorraine McEvoy

Mr. and Mrs. Rich McHugh

Mrs. Sue Menkowitz

Robert Moll ’86

Mr. and Mrs. David Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Mark Norton

Mrs. Stacy O’Neil

Dr. and Mrs. Ty Olson

Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Paulus

Mrs. Cheryl Podmajersky

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rathemacher

Mr. and Mrs. David Reni

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rodrigues

Ms. Aline Ronzier

Dennis and Ann Ross

Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Rubin

Ms. Joy Santangelo

Jocelyn and Elliot Schnier

Mr. Thomas F. Scott

Miss Eleni Rose Scurletis ’12

Miss Zoe Rebecca Rosen Scurletis ’10

Mr. Tarry Shebesta and Mrs. Starr Winmill Shebesta ’70

Cynthia Holzer Sparr ’83

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stankovits

Mrs. Leeanne Staveley

Mr. Christopher Torcivia ’99 and Mrs. Brianna Torcivia

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trudel

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Trudel

Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Utz

Mr. William Van Winkle ’49 and Mrs. Beverly Van Winkle

Ms. Amanda Weiss

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Weiss

The Whitenack Family




The Legacy Society honors those supporters who have designated a portion of their assets in their will or through their estate planning to benefit The Rumson Country Day School. Individuals who include the School in their estate plans become members of The Rumson Country Day School Legacy Society. All names are recognized in our annual Philanthropy Report. You can have a lasting impact on the people and organization that mean so much to you! One of the easiest gifts you can make is to name The Rumson Country Day School as a beneficiary of one of your assets, such as your retirement plan or life insurance policy.

Below is an example of the language you may use in your will. I give, devise, and bequeath to The Rumson Country Day School, a not-for-profit organization located in Rumson, NJ, $ or percent (%) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate as an unrestricted gift to be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of The Rumson Country Day School to help the School continue its long standing tradition of educational programming designed to nurture the entire child.

Please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@rcds.org or 732-842-0527 x1152 for further information.

Mr. Charles Robert Beattie, Jr.* and Mrs. Jane Beattie

Mr. Jonathan Dewey Blake ’52 and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake

Mr. Maurice Clements Jr. ’58*

Mr. and Mrs. John Cook

Mr. Richard W. Coppage*

Mrs. Shelley Adams Crowell ’67 and Mr. John Crowell

Mrs. Diana de Villafranca ’47*

Mrs. Anne Tilford Ellis ’37* and Mr. John Ellis

Mr.* and Mrs.* Richard S. Ellwood

Ms. Sally-Anne French

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Gordon

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Holzer

Mrs. Stephanie Ann Pearse Hurtt ’58

Mr. William Callender Hurtt Jr.*

Mr. William Callender Hurtt III ’87 and Mrs. Gretchen Hurtt

Mr. Henry Morgan Tilford Jones ’87 and Mrs. Parker Jones

Mr. Charles H. Jones, Jr.* and Mrs. Hope Jones ’48

Mrs. Florence Macdonald

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Minerva

Mr. James T. O’Connor and Mrs. Betsy O’Connor ’82

Dr. and Mrs. Robert Penney

Mr. and Mrs. R. Willis Post

Ms. Barbara H. B. Potts ’39

Ms. Linda Schottland

Mr. William Van Winkle ’49 and Mrs. Beverly Van Winkle


7.1.21–6.30.22 34



The Rumson Country Day School’s Endowment Funds can be compared to an individual’s savings account and investments. A strong endowment endeavors to provide a permanent source of annual revenue providing support for teachers, students, and programs. Continuing to grow our endowment affords RCDS the opportunity to both plan and fulfill strategic, long-term decisions on a solid financial foundation. Above all, perhaps, endowment means long-term security, protecting the School’s quality if enrollments temporarily decline or the economy hits a rough spot.

Mr. Jonathan Dewey Blake ’52 and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake Hirair & Anna Hovnanian Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James B. Masserio Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Mullins IV ’85 Mr. Carl Reiss ’83 and Mrs. Anne Reiss Mr. Jesse W. Spector ’95 and Mrs. Maryam Spector
To give to the endowment or for more information, please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@rcds.org or 732-842-0527 x1152
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Whitenack
Bank of America BlackRock Deutsche Bank Goldman, Sachs & Co. New York Life Foundation UBS Voya
7.1.21–6.30.22 36


There are numerous ways that you can make a gift in support of excellence at The Rumson Country Day School. Every donation makes a difference and is greatly appreciated!

CREDIT CARD VISA/MC/DISCOVER: Online: www.rcds.org/donate

By Phone: 732-842-0527 ext. 1152


The Rumson Country Day School Advancement Office

35 Bellevue Avenue

Rumson, NJ 07760

MATCHING GIFTS: Ask your employer if it will match your personal gift — doubling or tripling your impact!

GIFTS OF SECURITIES: Gifts of common stock or other securities may have added benefits to donors, such as an income tax charitable deduction and/or a capital gains tax savings. Please contact the Advancement Office at advancement@rcds.org or 732-842-0527 x1152 to receive complete transfer instructions.

GIFTS VIA WIRE TRANSFER: Please contact the Advancement Office at email to advancement@rcds.org or 732-842-0527 x1152 to receive complete wire transfer instructions.

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