JULY 2013
“The Legacy”
A Tapestry of Afri-Expat Tales
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Contents JUNE 2013 @ Feature 6 Nelson Rolilhalha Mandela @ Afrikaans 10 Fanie Fourie's Labola @ Paul Lambis – Fat Revolution Blog 16 The Power of Film @ Book Review 19 Scatterlings – A Tapestry of Afri-Expat Tales @ SA Artists in the UK 21 Andrew Hofmeyr @ Entertainment Guide 22 Top 10 Most Haunted Places @ Arts & Crafts 26 Mod Podge Shoes
@ Food & Drink 30 Red Wine Basics (Part 1) @ Business 40 Umbrella Calculator @ Health & Beauty 48 Carrot Juice Benefits @ Travel 52 Surfing in Cornwall @ Motoring 55 Choosing the right car @ Sport 56 FriendsLife T20
r e t t e
Howzit So I bought a bicycle for ÂŁ15 with no saddle, ÂŁ20 later and now I am hooked. I haven't cycled for years and have only now realised what I have been missing ! In this month's issue we pay homage to Nelson Mandela, his life and achievements Paul Lambis entertains us with his blog as usual. In our Book Review section we are excited to review Scatterlings - A Tapestry of Afri - Expat Tales by Eve Hemming, be sure not to miss out on your copy ! Fancy something spooky, have a look at the 10 Most Haunted Places in the UK, and perhaps you can go and visit ! Catch you later Aligators
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STATEMENT OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS,NELSON MANDELA, AT HIS INAUGURATION AS PRESIDENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, UNION BUILDINGS, PRETORIA, MAY 10 1994 Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Distinguished Guests, Comrades and Friends: Today, all of us do, by our presence here, and by our celebrations in other parts of our country and the world,confer glory and hope to newborn liberty. Out of the experience of an extraordinary human disaster that lasted too long, must be born a society of which all humanity will be proud. Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all. All this we owe both to ourselves and to the peoples of the world who are so well represented here today. To my compatriots, I have no hesitation in saying that each one of us is as intimately attached to the soil of this beautiful country as are the famous jacaranda trees of Pretoria and the mimosa trees of the bushveld. Each time one of us touches the soil of this land, we feel a sense of personal renewal. The national mood changes as the seasons change. We are moved by a sense of joy and exhilaration when the grass turns green and the flowers bloom. That spiritual and physical oneness we all share with this common homeland explains the depth of the pain we all carried in our hearts as we saw our country tear itself apart in a terrible conflict, and as we saw it spurned, outlawed and isolated by the peoples of the world, precisely because it has become the universal base of the pernicious ideology and practice of racism and racial oppression. We, the people of South Africa, feel fulfilled that humanity has taken us back into its bosom, that we, who were outlaws not so long ago, have today been given the rare privilege to be host to the nations of the world on our own soil. We thank all our distinguished international guests for having come to take possession with the people of our country of what is, after all, a common victory for justice, for peace, for human dignity. We trust that you will continue to stand by us as we tackle the challenges of building peace, prosperity, non-sexism,non-racialism and democracy. We deeply appreciate the role that the masses of our people and their political mass democratic, religious, women, youth,business, traditional and other leaders have played to bring about this conclusion. Not least among them is my Second Deputy President, the Honourable F.W. de Klerk. We would also like to pay tribute to our security forces, in all their ranks, for the distinguished role they have played in securing our first democratic elections and the transition to democracy, from blood-thirsty forces which still refuse to see the light. The time for the healing of the wounds has come. The moment to bridge the chasms that divide us has come. The time to build is upon us. We have, at last, achieved our political emancipation. We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination. We succeeded to take our last steps to freedom in conditions of relative peace. We commit ourselves to the construction of a complete, just and lasting peace. We have triumphed in the effort to implant hope in the breasts of the millions of our people. We enter into a covenant that we shall build the society in which all South Africans, both black and white, will be able to walk tall, without any fear in their hearts, assured of their inalienable right to human dignity - a rainbow nation at peace with itself and the world. As a token of its commitment to the renewal of our country,the new Interim Government of National Unity will, as a matter of urgency, address the issue of amnesty for various categories of our people who are currently serving terms of imprisonment. We dedicate this day to all the heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and surrendered their lives so that we could be free. Their dreams have become reality. Freedom is their reward. We are both humbled and elevated by the honour and privilege that you, the people of South Africa, have bestowed on us, as the first President of a united, democratic, non-racial and non-sexist South Africa, to lead our country out of the valley of darkness. We understand it still that there is no easy road to freedom. We know it well that none of us acting alone can achieve success. We must therefore act together as a united people, for national reconciliation, for nation building, for the birth of a new world. Let there be justice for all. Let there be peace for all. Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all. Let each know that for each the body, the mind and the soul have been freed to fulfill themselves. Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another and suffer the indignity of being the skunk of the world. Let freedom reign. The sun shall never set on so glorious a human achievement! God bless Africa! Thank you.
Pieter Dorfling
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South African Ghost Story This true story happened in Soweto. A man was hitch-hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night was rolling by and there was hardly a car on the road. The storm was so strong that he could hardly see his feet in front of him. Suddenly a car came towards him and stopped. Without thinking, he got in and closed the door, just to realize that there was nobody behind the wheel. The car moved off slowly. He looked ahead and saw a curve in the road. Scared he started praying, begging for his life. He was terrified. Just before hitting the curve a hand appeared through the window and turned the steering wheel. The man, now paralysed with fear, watched how the hand kept appearing every time they got to a curve. Gathering all his courage, he jumped out and ran to the nearest lights he could see. Wet and in shock, he went into a shebeen and asked for a double brandy. After drinking it, he told everyone of the horrible experience he had just had. Everyone was silent when they realized that the man was crying. About half an hour later, two men came walking into the shebeen and, on seeing the terrified man, the one said to the other, "Eish , isn't that the idiot that got into the car while we were pushing...?"
Bio - Eve grew up on a farm on the Lesotho border where she visually imbibed the rich textures, dramatic cloud formations, golden wheat fields and dolomite 'koppies' as her childhood vista. This was juxtaposed against the routine of boarding school in a small Freestate town. Eve is a devoted wife, mother and grandmother who hails from Hilton -South Africa and now resides in Auckland -NZ.
Eve is passionate about humanity and worked with underprivileged and disabled children in South Africa for many years. She is a special needs' teacher, expressive therapist and psychologist, currently practicing as an educational psychologist in Auckland. She is a freelance writer and since emigrating 5 years ago, has taken up the mantle as an advocate for the migrant population whom she supports and assists during their complex transition, adaptation and acculturation. Eve's book is part of her own healing journey and in the tapestry, woven with others' stories, Eve and others have found solace and strength through connectivity and identification. What the book is about - Eve chronicles her early years as a farm child through to adulthood in South Africa and her epiphany to emigrate. She uses her psychological knowledge and skills to provide a Process section as a facilitation tool for immigrants who go through stages of grief and adaptation. Others' stories are blended into the book, including children's tales and perceptions. Those who share their stories, have hailed from Rhodesia and South Africa and have settled in places like Peru, New Zealand, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, England, Canada, USA and Kenya. A South African time line from Khoi Khoi to current includes a political/historical background plus articles by well known SA writers, political figure heads and projectionists that enhances the readers understanding of the complexity of the SA story. The book concludes with poetry about Africa, some favourite traditional recipes and an epilogue. How to order it > To order additional copies of this book, contact: Xlibris Corporation 1-800-618-969 http://bookstore.xlibris.com/Products/SKUwww.xlibris.com.au 0503880049/Scatterlings-A-Tapestry-of-AfriExpatOrders@Xlibris.com.au Tales.aspx
Top 10 Haunted Places in England England is well known for being home to numerous haunted locations and dwellings. The ten places in this list are some of the most haunted places in England, with each place being the location of much unexplained paranormal phenomena. Take a spooky ride with us as we explore England’s most haunted places. 1. Borley Rectory, Essex Borley Rectory was a Victorian mansion in the pretty village of Borley, Essex. It was destroyed by fire in 1939, but gained a reputation as being heavily haunted after a series of locals reported some unexplained paranormal goings-on. In fact, the hauntings at Borley caught the nation’s attention when the story of Borley was covered in the Daily Mirror and by noted paranormal investigator Harry Price. The first indication that there was something paranormal happening at the hotel were footsteps heard in the dead of the night in the 1860s. The ghost of a nun, two headless horsemen, a phantom carriage, the phantom ringing of the servant’s bells and bottle-throwing are just some of the paranormal incidents reported at Borley. 2. Ancient Ram Inn, Gloucestershire The Ancient Ram Inn has often been referred to as one of Britain’s most haunted houses. The house itself is said to have been the location of many sinister happenings, including child sacrifice, suicide, black magic rituals and was also used as a hideout by criminals. The current owner, John Humphries believes that he shares his home with all sorts of spooks – two demons, a witch, orbs and other ghostly presences, and many people who have visited the property have described it as the ‘scariest place’ they’ve ever been to. 3. Pendle Hill, Lancashire Pendle Hill is located in an area known as Pendleside. It’s famous for its links to George Fox, which led to the foundation of the Quaker movement. A Bronze Age burial site was also discovered at the foot of the hill and it was also home to the Pendle witches, prompting many people to visit the site in search of ghosts and spirits. Most Haunted visited the site in 2004 for a live episode and the presenter, Yvette Fielding, maintains that that episode was the scariest episode of Most Haunted that they have ever filmed. 4. Berry Pomeroy Castle, Devon Berry Pomeroy Castle is known for being a picturesque castle in an even more picturesque town, but the pretty façade hides a sinister secret – the castle is haunted and is actually reported as being one of the most haunted castles in Britain. Two female ghosts, the White Lady and the Blue Lady are said to haunt the castle. The Blue Lady is said to haunt the tower, luring passers-by to her aid – and if they help her, it is said that they fall to their death. The White Lady is said to haunt the dungeons. 5. Woodchester Mansion, Gloucestershire Woodchester Mansion is an unfinished Gothic revival mansion in Gloucestershire. Whilst it looks complete from the outside, inside, several rooms, lots of plaster and whole floors are missing. Over the years it has gained a reputation as a haunted location and several paranormal sightings have been reported, including that of a phantom horseman, the Tall Man of the Chapel and a ghost in the cellar. Some visitors to the mansion have been attacked by ghosts and others have collapsed, whilst women who have been to the bathroom have reported seeing a floating head. The ghost of a little girl and the ghost of an old woman have also been spotted at the site.
The grounds of which Borley Rectory once stood 6. Village of Pluckley, Kent Pluckley village has a reputation for being the most haunted village in Britain – and it was actually named just that by the Guinness Book of World Records in 1989. Between 12 and 16 ghosts have been reported in the village, including a screaming man, a highwayman who appears at Fright Corner, a schoolmaster found hanged by a group of children and an old woman who used to sit on a bridge smoking. Pluckley has been featured in numerous television programmes and is a favourite spot of ghost-hunters across the country. 7. Athelhampton House, Dorset Athelhampton House is located in Dorset and is thought to be one of the most haunted places in the county. A pair of duellists haunts the Great Chamber, where they once interrupted a female guest by fighting. Tapping sounds have been heard coming from the wine cellar, whilst the ghost of the Grey Lady has been seen around the house on numerous occasions. The padding sound of a phantom cat’s feet has also been heard on the bare floorboards around the house. 8. Tower ower of London, London The Tower of London has sometimes been described as the most haunted building in Britain and has been investigated by countless paranormal investigators and teams over the years. The Wakefield Tower is thought to be haunted by the ghost of Henry VI and on the anniversary of his death, his mournful figure is said to pace around Wakefield Tower until the clock strikes midnight. The White Tower is thought to be haunted by the White Lady who has been seen waving at groups of schoolchildren. Her perfume is also thought to linger around the White Tower and the scent of it has made numerous guards physically ill. 9. Salmesbury Hall, Lancashire Salmesbury Hall is a black and white medieval house that dates back to the 14th century. It’s reported to be haunted by the ghost of Lady Dorothy Southworth, amongst others and has been investigated twice by Most Haunted, once in 2004 and once in 2009. It’s also appeared on an episode of Ghost Hunters International. A number of ghosts have also been caught on camera at the hall. 10. Chillingham Castle, Northumberland Chillingham Castle dates way back to the 12th century and has its fair share of ghostly tales and encounters. It holds frequent ghost tours to allow visitors to spot some of the castle’s other-worldly inhabitants, including that of a blue boy, a tortured child, the ghost of Lady Mary and a spooky Royal procession. The castle had a record 8 executions and the ghosts of the executed are thought to still haunt the castle today.
Well you wanted it, so here it is.....SA Campers make a return to Shell Island!!!!! A weekend or more of fun, sea, friends, family and party at this wonderful location on the west coast of Wales https://www.facebook.com/events/156662777848067/
Mod Podge Shoes
My husband jokes every time I get the bottle of Mod Podge out that I’m going to Mod Podge fabric to our computer keys or Mod Podge our kids clothing to their bodies. Hey, don’t tempt me. I know, I may go a little overboard with this stuff…….but I just had to try it on some shoes. Originally, I saw the idea on a site my sister showed me. And the lady Mod Podged starburst wrappers to some shoes. It was cute…….but I wanted to try fabric.
Grab a pair of your old flats or buy a nice inexpensive/clearance pair to try it out von. What the heck, these were only a couple of dollars at Wal-Mart. Worth the experiment.
Then make a slit up the back, almost to the top of the scoop in your shoe.
Just lay a piece of fabric over the shoe, big enough to cover the entire thing.
Apply some Mod Podge to the toe of the shoe. Use plenty of it.
Trim around the edges, just so there’s not tons hanging over the edge.
Lay your fabric on top of your shoe and stretch it to the contours of the shoe. You want as little puckering as possible along the sole.
And remember, it’s okay if there is fabric hanging over the edge. We’ll take care of that later.
Continue on down the shoe, applying plenty of Mod Podge and pulling the fabric tight as you smooth it down.
Then fold over the other piece but make sure there’s enough extra to fold over the end and then smooth down, keeping the raw end tucked under.
Then make some slits along the curve of the shoe to make it easier to tuck under the fabric.
As you get to the heel of the shoe, lay one side flat and cut straight up the back. Apply your Mod Podge and smooth out your fabric.
Then trim the fabric along the curve of the shoe, leaving about a 1/2 inch of fabric.
Apply Mod Podge to the under side and tuck the fabric under nice and tight.
Now, using an Exacto Knife/Utility Knife (with a really sharp blade), trim off the excess fabric……right next to the sole.
And then continue tucking along the sides and heel of the shoe.
And then cover the entire shoe with a nice thick coat of Mod Podge.Allow to dry completely.
Now a new cutie-pie pair of shoes to wear around.
Andrew Colomb
Mild curry mince (perfect for vetkoek) You don't rely need a recipe to make curry mince for your vetkoek; all you need is onion, your favourite spices and minced meat. You can add anything from garlic and raisins to Worcester sauce and frozen veggies. Serves 4
1 large onion or 2 small onions (chopped) 1 teaspoon minced garlic 350 to 400 gram lean mince 1 ½ teaspoon (7 ml) ginger 2 teaspoons (10 ml) brown sugar 1 teaspoon (5 ml) mild curry powder 1 ½ teaspoons (7 ml) turmeric ¾ teaspoon (4 ml) salt dash of pepper 1 tablespoon butter 25 ml (2 tablespoons) chutney 2 teaspoons (10 ml) apricot jam 2 teaspoons (10 ml) vinegar 2 teaspoons (10 ml) worcester sauce 2 teaspoons (10 ml) tomato paste 1 peeled potato (cubed)
Heat the spices gently in a heavy saucepan. Add butter and onion and fry until soft. Add garlic and fry for a minute or so. Add mince, sultanas, chutney, apricot jam, vinegar, worcester sauce and tomato paste. Add cubed potato. Simmer covered for at least ½ hour. Serve warm with vetkoek.
With hundreds of varieties of red wine grapes, there is as much red wine information to learn about as there are red grapes planted in all corners of the globe. That being said, you'll likely encounter only a handful of these grapes most often. In our red wine basics section, we cover the flavor profiles and regions of the most common red wine grapes. You can certainly choose to discover more beyond this short list, but for a quick and easy red wine 101, the following will fit the bill: Cabernet Franc Flavors: Violets, blueberry, earth, black olive, coffee Along with cabernet sauvignon and merlot, cabernet franc is part of the essential blending triad that makes up the majority of the Bordeaux blend (and Meritage) red wines produced in the United States. On its own, caberenet franc is a more tannic, earthy cousin to cabernet sauvignon. In warmer sites outside of Europe, its most distinctive attributes are its pure notes of violets and blueberry, and its ripe tannins often carry the scent of fresh roasted coffee. It is made (though rarely labeled) as a varietal in Chinon, Bourgueil, and Saumur-Champigny, where it is hard and tannic and can evoke an austere minerality. In Pomerol and St-Emilion it is featured in blends with merlot, adding a spicy, pungent, sometimes minty note. Cabernet Sauvignon Flavors: Bell pepper, green olive, herb, cassis, black cherry The primary component of great Bordeaux and the defining grape of the Napa valley, cabernet sauvignon is grown all over the world, but rarely achieves greatness. It ripens late and can quite weedy and even vegetal in cooler climate regions such as Chile. In Bordeaux and Tuscany it is almost always blended to soften its intensely astringent tannins. The Napa style is dense, purple-black, jammy and tasting of currants and black cherries. Thick and ripe, layered with expensive new oak scents and flavors, it has almost single-handedly created the phenomenon of the cult wineries. In Washington, the best cabernet straddles the border between the ripeness of California versions and the nuanced herb, leaf, and olive flavors of great Bordeaux. Gamay Flavors: Strawberry, raspberry, cherry The grape of Beaujolais, gamay is often made to be drunk quite young, and shows bright, tangy, fruitdriven flavors of strawberry, raspberry, and sweet cherries. When made by the method known as carbonic maceration, young gamay has a slight effervescence and a distinct smell of bananas. Beaujolais Nouveau, released each year shortly after harvest, is the most famous example. Grenache/Garnacha Flavors: Spice, cherry Old vine grenache makes some of the greatest red wines of both Spain and Australia, and is an important component of Chateauneuf-du-Pape, Gigondas, and Cotes-du-Rhone in France. An earlyripening grape, it tends toward high alcohol and low acidity. At its best it creates very fruity, spicy, boldflavored wines somewhat reminiscent of a softer, less-intense version of syrah.
Being Arrested
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You can be arrested by the police if they have a valid arrest warrant or: * If you are in the act of committing certain offences or are about to commit certain offences * If they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that you are committing, have committed or are about to commit certain offences. The police should only use reasonable force to make an arrest and should inform you that you are under arrest as soon as possible. After the arrest, you should be told why you have been arrested. You must be cautioned as soon as it is practical to do so, as follows: "You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in Court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence." They must ensure that you understand this disclosure. This means: - The interview will be recorded and can be used as evidence against you in court - You may remain silent or refuse to answer questions - Your refusal to answer may be used taken into account and used against you if the offence goes to court. If you are arrested somewhere other than at a police station, you should be taken to a police station as soon as possible. Once you are at the police station, you should be informed of your rights, which are: - Your right to inform someone of your arrest - Your right to legal advice (from a solicitor, who can advise you on what is happening, explain legal terms, speak on your behalf and present your defence. Access to a solicitor from a police station is free, regardless of your financial circumstances www.cjsonline.gov.uk/defendant/your_rights/) - Your right to see the police codes of practice. You do not need to use these rights immediately, they can be exercised any time you are detained. You do not have to speak to the police until your solicitor is present. The right to legal advice can be delayed in very serious cases. The right to inform somebody of your arrest can be delayed in certain circumstances, for example if an officer of the rank of superintendent or above believes somebody being told about your arrest could lead to interference with evidence. You should not be detained in police custody for longer than 24 hours without being charged, unless an officer with the rank of superintendent (or above) or a magistrate gives permission. If you are suspected of any offence other than terrorism, the maximum you may be detained in police custody is 96 hours. If you are arrested on suspicion of terrorism, a judge can authorise continued detention for up to 28 days. If you are charged with the offence, then you must appear before a magistrates’ court. The police have to decide whether you can be released on bail, or whether you must remain in custody until your court hearing. In England and Wales, a person is innocent until proven guilty, and so you should not be kept in custody before trial unless there are good reasons for doing so. Being arrested if you have learning difficulties If you have learning difficulties, the police should only interview you when a responsible person is present, unless delay would result in a risk of injury or harm to property or people. You should be accompanied at interview by: A relative or other person responsible for your care Somebody experienced in dealing with people with people with learning difficulties who is not employed by the police Some other responsible adult who isn’t employed by the police Being arrested if you are not a UK national If you are from abroad, you have the right to tell your High Commission, embassy or consulate your whereabouts. Being arrested if your first language is not English If you have difficulty understanding English and the interviewing officer cannot speak your language, you should be provided with an interpreter. The police must not interview you until the interpreter is present unless a delay would mean an immediate risk of harm to someone or serious loss of or damage to property. Being arrested if you have hearing or speech difficulties If you have hearing or speech difficulties, the police should offer you an interpreter. They should not question you until the interpreter is present unless a delay would mean an immediate risk of harm to someone or serious loss of or damage to property, or unless you agree in writing to be interviewed without one. Find out more information on the Criminal Justice Website at: www.cjsonline.gov.uk/defendant/arrest/ Being detained under the Mental Health Act 1983 Under secton 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983, the police can remove you from a public place to a 'place of safety' if they believe you are mentally ill and are in urgent need of care or control to protect yourself or others from harm. A place of safety could be a hospital or a police station, where you will be assessed by a doctor and interviewed by a mental health professional, who is specially trained in both mental health and the law relating to it. The maximum time you can be detained is 72 hours, by which time, any necessary arrangements for your treatment and care should be made. If detained, you have the right to: - have a person of your choice informed of your whereabouts - access to legal advice - medical treatment from an appropriate healthcare professional if required - the support of an 'appropriate adult' - any person independent of the police and experienced in dealing with mental health problems, e.g. a relative, or somebody responsible for your care. You should not be interviewed without one, unless delay would result in a risk of harm to people or property. Being arrested on suspicion of terrorism Under the Terrorism Act 2006, if you are arrested under suspicion of terrorism you can be detained at a police station for up to 28 days (although periods of more than 2 days must be approved by a judicial authority). Your rights to access to a solicitor and to have somebody informed of your arrest can be delayed for 48 hours, and delays can be obtained more easily than for other offences.
Design – with your needs in mind our engineers will discuss all aspects with leading manufacturers to get the best design of systems for your environment. Installation – all installations are carried out by qualified, F-Gas registered personnel. Installations will be carried out in the safest, cleanest possible way to help avoid any disruption to you or your business. All work will be carried out to strict timetables agreed by you the customer. All installations include a twice yearly maintenance plan for your peace of mind. Maintenance – we plan and supply comprehensive maintenance programmes for all refrigeration, airconditioning, ventilation, process cooling, heat pump, mechanical and electrical systems. From one-off visits to full maintenance programmes starting from one, two or three visits per year for a fixed cost that fits your budget. All maintenance programmes include F-Gas register update or an Fgas register supplied. Retrofit – this option is more for the commercial customer using “R22” or any “HCFC’s (please see Defra notes) http://archive.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/air/fg as/documents/fgassupport-rac8.pdf ) Service/Repair /Re-Active – we offer a 24/7 service nationwide. We can offer same day repair on most breakdowns requiring minimal parts. Our aim is to have as little down time for you as possible. Any major works will be quoted to you before any materials or parts are purchased and installed and we offer very competitive rates. Decommissioning – safe removal of refrigerants, oils and equipment as and when required by you. All equipment will be disposed of in the correct manner outlined by Defra and Refcom. Certificates of destruction and decommission will be supplied for your records and that of the environmental services. P.A.T Testing – we also carry out portable appliance testing; all certificates will be electronically mailed for your convenience. PART P Registered – domestic electrical installations, modifications and outdoor power supplies installed and tested by our qualified personnel. Inspection and Testing of Domestic Electrical supply – we offer inspection and testing of domestic electrical supply installations and modifications. Other services – re-lamping (bulb replacement), ceiling tile replacement and cleaning, emergency light testing, general plumbing, retail, corporate, small business building, car park and grounds maintenance available.
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Contact Jenny Poole
l o ho c fS r u S h c ea B l a r t s i F
Beginner These lessons are aimed at total newcomers to surfing. There will be a short safety discussion and then a paddle and standing sessions. You will be about waist to chest depth in water. Improver Level 1 This next session works on you being able to stand up for longer, building up to turns on the waves. You will be in white water about chest depth. Improver Level 2 Level 2 surfers will be on their feet regularly, turning alongside the front of the wave. When conditions are smaller you will be starting to surf out back. But in chest depth white water in conditions are not suitable. Improver Level 3 Depending on conditions you will be riding waves beyond the white water and maybe upgrading to slightly more advanced equipment. Improver Level 4 Surfers here have good paddle out skills, be surfing out back (when conditions are right). Have good board control and using more advanced boards. Intermediate You are more likely to have your own equipment, be riding out back in good conditions. More advanced theory will be bought in at this stage, along with fitness and health advice. Video analysis can be used from this point onwards to illustrate performance. Advanced Advanced personal surfers and also competitors. Looking at riding out-back all the time with good level of turning proficiency. Full reports are given for the sessions, which are adjusted to suit the needs of the individual. Filming will be used for analysis after the session.
Better riding in five easy steps Ever wonder about how a riding buddy of yours always manages to outstrip you on rides? Do you know someone that really pushes his ride, but you’ve never seen a scratch on him? If so, it’s likely to be as a result of IPSGA. IPSGA is an acronym, which stands for Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration – the building blocks of truly excellent riding. Those having done IAM will have heard about this, but for those looking for an insight into what a more advanced riding skills course is about, here’s the main points using the IPSGA technique. Please, by no means think that once you’ve read this you’ll be a better motorcyclist. These ideas are taught by police forces worldwide - what’s the secret? Information In essence, at no point while riding should you ever stop looking for and using appropriate information. The first building block on the way to advanced riding is moving from assumption to information. The advanced rider will take the same approach to information, regardless of whether they’re on their familiar country roads or enjoying completely new terrain. Position The single most important aspect of positioning in the road is that one should never sacrifice safety for position. Positioning is all about putting you in a safe place to manoeuvre on the road. Much of this is about your view, which you shouldn’t change position to improve. This may sound a little strange, but for almost any manoeuvre you’re thinking of making, a safe view is always better. Speed It’s so common to just assume that faster is better. This is simply not the case. For one, there are speed limits in most places in the world that sensibly place a limit where it is needed. Although you probably have some hated sections of road that you feel have been needlessly limited, it’s hard to say with any conviction that speed limits in general are bad. In general, however, you’re always looking for a speed at which the unexpected can be dealt with safely. Gear The gear you wear should be dependent on one thing: does it offer the best flexibility in your current situation? Too low and you’re losing control through rev limiters, and too high and you lose responsiveness. Acceleration In much the same way as with gears, you should be asking yourself whether the acceleration (or deceleration) you’re currently committing to offers the best flexibility for your situation. This is one of the key elements to more exhilarating riding. Clever use of acceleration equates to faster track times and more comfortable and exciting Sunday rides. If you’re looking to become a better rider, check out your local police for safe riding courses. You can usually pick one up for next to nothing.
Glorious Goodwood 2013 will get underway at the world's most beautiful racecourse with our Opening Ceremony, where we celebrate the Festival’s past winners and reveal our specially commissioned cups for the week's feature races. There will be a feast of high-quality racing on display with races including the Bet365 Lennox Stakes taking the limelight. Feature race: race
Bet365 Lennox Stakes. http://www.goodwood.co.uk/
Expect the Unexpected Friends Life t20 returned on June 26 with 18 counties battling it out to reach Finals Day at Edgbaston on August 17, (with a reserve day pencilled in for Sunday August 18 if required). With the counties split into three regional groups, each play five unpredictable home games against their local rivals as they battle for bragging rights before reaching the knock-out stages. Tickets are on general sale for Finals Day - one of the biggest days in the cricketing calendar - via www.edgbaston.com/tickets
MoRunning is getting dirtier! Get all your friends together and come and join us. Make sure you sign up early to secure your entry as this run is going to sell out quickly! Take your pick from our 10k Muddy MoRun or 10mile Muddy MoRun! Here’s a bit more info… The event is great fun, a chance to dress up, an opportunity to get involved with friends, work colleagues and family and to support a great cause. This run, even though it’s off the beaten track, is suitable for everyone. You don’t need to be mega fit to take part. Just have fun and be part of a unique and exciting event. The event takes place in the stunning Swinley Forest and is set next to the Go Ape Centre at the Lookout. There is carparking here. Here’s a link to find full directions You will be running off-road and there will be mud! But to ease your mind, there is only around 3 sections where you might get waist deep in mud! The rest of the time you will run cross country through the gorgeous setting that is Swinley Forest. It will be great fun!! Make sure you grow your Mo (starting from the 1st November) Ladies, don’t think this event isn’t for you!!! (no we don’t expect you to grow a Mo!!) Just paint one on or attach one. We need you taking part just as much as the guys. And any fancy dress outfits will be well received with prizes for the best look. The Fix UK is proud to be supporting Movember and the Prostate Cancer Charity. PLEASE NOTE fundraising is optional and just your participation alone will be more than appreciated. Sign up today as places are limited and we expect to sell out early!