SA Expat Nov Issue

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Birthday Cakes



k n i r D nd a d o Fo n a c i r Af h cts t u u d o o S r P


PIZZA BOEREWORS ROLLS 78 Effra Road * Wimbledon * SW19 8PP

11 NOVEMBER 2013 @ Feature 6 Big Brotehr is Watching You ! @ Paul Lambis – Fat Revolution Blog 8 Adam and Eve @ Afrikaans 11 Bakgat tot die mag 3 ! @ Book Review 19 Ouboet ! Dit gebeur toe nou sooo... @ Entertainment Guide 22 Britains best views @ SA Artist in the UK 26 Mark Bellingham @ Food & Drink 31 Origin of Mampoer @ Legal Eagles 36 When is CCTV covered by the Data Protection Act @ Health & Beauty 48 Oreos as addictive as Cocaine @ Travel 54 The Cotswolds Travel Guide


@ Motoring 56 Wheels of Steel


@ Sport 58 Sharks Curriecup Champions 2013

Back Again What a crazy month it's been. Never seems to be enough hours in a day to get to all the “To Do Today” list. Saying that, exciting stuff in the pipeline with the launch of our USA Edition on the 1st of December. I never realised that there was so many South Africans living in the USA. In this month's issue we are running a feature on the UK Government suppossedly spying on all of us through the net and other resources. We also have a look at a new South African film “Bakgat tot die mag 3” with a UK theme, could be a good one ! A interesting article in our Health and Beauty Section features research on Oreo Cookies implying that they are as addictive as cocaine to lab rats. Read this and make your own conclusion ! Paul Lambis has made a hillarious contribution again titled “Adam and Eve”, a must read. He has published a book “ Where is Home” ? Get your hands on a copy now as this is worthwhile reading. The Guys from Tune Me What ?has contributed interesting info on South African musos from the past which makes one long back to the old days. In our Book Review Section we are focusing on the unknown. Buy it, read it and let me have your thoughts ! We always have something for the kids to enjoy so do print out the colorin picture which should keep them occupied for a while. We would also like to congratulate the Sharks on their win, although I am a Lions fan, stupid but loyal, a very fine line indeed. We are all looking forward to the Boks playing Wales on the 9th so if you are not at the game, dont forget to support them wherever you might be in the world. Well I think that just about covers it. Catch you later aligators !!

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Reports that the United Kingdom’s intelligence agency has intercepted and collected vast amounts of Internet and phone data raise serious concerns that the government has breached the privacy rights of millions of people in the UK and elsewhere. The government should explain to the public the scope and magnitude of the alleged surveillance by the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) as well as the authority and limitations under which it is conducted, Human Rights Watch said. The government should also create a more robust and transparent oversight authority that reports to Parliament. This agency should be mandated to disclose as much information to the public as possible, consistent with the requirements of national security and public order. “If these allegations are true, the British government has been snooping on millions of people inside and outside the country,” said Benjamin Ward, deputy director of the Europe and Central Asia division at Human Rights Watch. “We need clear answers from the government about the scale of its surveillance and an informed debate about how to strengthen privacy protections and oversight over this type of incursion into people’s lives.” Information revealed by the Guardian on June 21, 2013 suggests that since 2011, GCHQ has been intercepting fibre-optic cables carrying Internet data in and out of the UK in an operation called “Tempora.” According to these reports, GCHQ has access to enormous amounts of the data traveling from North America to and through the UK to other countries and is sharing that data with the United States National Security Agency (NSA). This data is said to include recordings of phone calls, email content, and data on the use of websites and social media. The Guardian reported that the UK intelligence agency has tapped more than 200 cables linking the UK to the global Internet. Intercepted content is stored for up to three days, and metadata, which for the Internet includes information identifying users, their locations, and their searches, for up to 30 days. According to the reports, hundreds of analysts for GCHQ and the NSA then filter through the data, searching for information of interest to them. Because of the UK’s location, the majority of transatlantic Internet traffic may flow through the cables the government has access to, including traffic flowing to and from servers of major USbased Internet companies implicated in media reports relating to similar alleged programs operated by the NSA. The allegations suggest that the legal framework in the UK that regulates such an interception and oversight mechanism is inadequate to protect against wholesale breaches of privacy rights, Human Rights Watch said. “The UK government has a duty to protect national security and prevent crime,” Ward said. “But there is a big difference between taking steps that are necessary and proportionate to achieve those aims, and indiscriminately collecting and searching the communications of millions of people who are under no suspicion whatsoever.” The government also needs to clarify how much data on people located outside British territory is being gathered and how it is being stored, used, or shared with third parties, particularly since the legal protections for such interception is weaker under UK law. Justice Minister Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger of Germany wrote to the British government on June 25 asking to what extent the program targeted German citizens, and called for the issue to be discussed at the European Union level.On June 26, Viviane Reding, the EU commissioner for justice, fundamental rights and citizenship, said she had asked Foreign Secretary William Hague for clarifications, stressing that if the allegations are true, they could have a serious impact on the rights of individuals in the EU. Hague has defended intelligence sharing between the UK and the US, saying that in both countries intelligence work operates under the rule of law. “In some countries secret intelligence is used to control their people – in ours it only exists to protect their freedoms,” he said. In a statement to the UK Parliament on June 10, he said he would “not be drawn into confirming or denying any aspect of leaked information,” referring to the “policy of successive British Governments not to comment on the detail of intelligence operations.”

“It’s completely unreasonable for the UK foreign secretary to try to close down debate by saying he will notcomment on intelligence operations,” Ward said. “Ordinary people in the UK and people in other countries who may have been targeted – people with no conceivable involvement in crime or terrorism – have a right to know whether their privacy has been violated.” GCHQ appears to have been acting under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000(RIPA). That law allows a senior government minister– a “secretary of state” in the UK– to issue a warrant at the request of a senior intelligence or police official. The warrant authorizes the interception of communications for which the sender or intended recipient is in the United Kingdom, if the secretary of state believes intercepting the information is necessary and proportionate. The grounds for granting a warrant under the law are extremely broad. In addition to permitting a warrant if it is “necessary” in the interests of national security, the law permits a warrant if it is “necessary” for preventing or detecting serious crime or safeguarding the economic well-being of the United Kingdom. Section 8(4) of the law also allows a senior government minister to issue a certificate that allows granting a warrant to intercept communications sent or received outside the “British Islands”– the UK, plus Jersey, Guernsey, and the Isle of Man– without specifying a named person or premises. The Guardian suggests that the foreign secretary has relied on that provision to justify intercepting fibre-optic communications since these cables carry traffic from abroad. In issuing the certificate, the secretary of state must confirm that the interception is “necessary” for a legitimate purpose under the law and provide a description of the material it is necessary to examine. However, it is unclear how specific the description contained in the certification must be. In addition, because a significant portion of Internet traffic between two people in the UK may be routed abroad, such traffic could also be intercepted through the Tempora program under the lower standard for communication outside the UK. Once the communications have been intercepted, RIPA provides very weak safeguards for the use of material that relates to people located outside the “British Islands.” Oversight under RIPA is neither transparent nor comprehensive. The interception of a communications commissioner has oversight of the government’s power to intercept, but the prime minister, not the parliament, appoints the commissioner. The commissioner examines a number of interception warrants after the fact and assesses whether they comply with the criteria of necessity and proportionality, but does not reveal how many warrants are inspected. The commissioner’s annual report– for which the prime minister must approve the content– suggests that the selection is largely made at random. A person who believes one of the intelligence agencies has breached their right to privacy this way can file a complaint before the Investigatory Powers Tribunal, a judicial body. The tribunal can quash the interception warrant and order the records collected to be destroyed or award compensation. But if it doesn’t uphold the person’s claim, it doesn’t let the person know whether an interception took place, and the tribunal’s decisions cannot be challenged in court. “In the 13 years since the UK’s law on intercepting communications was introduced, technology has evolved in ways that could never have been predicted back then,” Ward said. “The allegations of mass surveillance highlight the need to bring the law up to date.” Under the European Convention on Human Rights, and the UK’s Human Rights Act, which incorporates the convention into domestic law, the UK must respect the right to private life. Any interference with this right must be “in accordance with the law,” “necessary in a democratic society,” and proportionate. The greater the potential impact on rights of the exercise of executive discretion, the greater the authorities’ duty to ensure there is adequate oversight to guard against abuse. After the media disclosed information about GCHQ’s involvement in US secret surveillance programs, Hague told Parliament that warrants he and other senior ministers grant for GCHQ operations “are legally required to be necessary, proportionate and carefully targeted, and we judge them on that basis.” The revelations by the Guardian would appear to directly contradict this assertion. If the government wants the British people to have confidence in the work of the intelligence agencies and in their “adherence to the law and democratic values,” it needs to give a clear explanation about these claims and about how the law is being applied, Human Rights Watch said. Any new legislation should ensure that communications data is intercepted only in exceptional circumstances and that any decision authorizing such interception is subjected to independent scrutiny by a judicial authority. The law needs to be clear on what is authorized and for what purpose, and avoid broad categories such as “the interests of national security” or the economic well-being of the United Kingdom. In a recent report, the UN special rapporteur on the right to freedom of expression and opinion, Frank La Rue, urged countries to regard communications surveillance as “a highly intrusive act that potentially interferes with the rights to freedom of expression and privacy and threatens the foundations of a democratic society.” He warned that “[i]nadequate national legal frameworks create a fertile ground for arbitrary and unlawful infringements of the right to privacy in communications and, consequently, also threaten the protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression.” The UK government is also a member of the Freedom Online Coalition, a group of governments that have “committed to collaborating to advance Internet freedom.” “The UK’s moral credibility as a leader on Internet freedom is in peril unless it ensures that privacy is protected along with security,” Ward said. “The government should immediately provide a full account of these surveillance programs and rights safeguards.”

die hart is ons woning niet die lewe is ons woning nie lees ek in telkemale spoor as vergete wesens alleen, verlate laaste asems snak waarin my hoop-verloor le my krom-verhurk my spoorsny agter n vlugsein in die melkweg na verby ons planeet se wrak, blou voos en sif, mensbetrap van wegspoor en dwaal

Bridging the Educational Information Gap between Rural High School Learners and their Urban Counterparts

Here's one for all the durban guys who are familiar with the slangs...Its similar to the "Why men should not write advice columns": Dear Agony Aunt, I've never written to you before, but I really need your advice on what could be a crucial decision. I've suspected for sometime now that my vrou has been jolling. The usual signs. The phone rings, but if I answer, the caller hangs up. My vrou has been vying out with her graafing stekkies a span recently, although when I ask their names she always tunes, "Just some friends from work. You don't know them." I sometimes stay awake to look out for her lift coming posie, but she always comes walking up the driveway. As I hear the sound of a cab leaving, around the corner, as if she has got out and walked the rest of the way. Why? Maybe she wasn't in a taxi at all? I once picked up her cell phone, just to check what time it was and Ayoo! she vyed tananas, completely berserk. She quickly grabbed the phone out of my hand and vloeked me blind, screaming that I should never touch her personal property. She then accused me of trying to spy on her. Anyway, I never brought the subject up with my vrou. I think deep down, I just didn't want to know the truth, but last night she vyed out again and I decided to really check on her. I decided I was going to park my Citi Golf 1.4 with mags, M3 mirrors, Fosgate sound and Nos next to the garage and then duck behind it so I could get a lukker view of the street around the corner when she came way posie. It was at that moment, crouching behind my Golf that I noticed a small amount of brake fluid leaking from the rear brake drum. So, tune me is this something I can easily repair myself or do you think I should take it to the garage? Yours truly Manogran (Mano)

Ouboet ! Dit gebeur toe nou sooo... "Hierdie Boek is geskryf deur 'n "biker" wat in 1976 'n ernstige motorfiets ongeluk oorleef het. Die sigbare besering wat ek opgedoen het in die motorfiets ongeluk was 'n vergruisde regterbeen. Al te same was ek vir meer as 3 jaar in gips gewees. Meer as 5 groot operasies en velle klein operasies het gevolg. Ek was vir meer as drie en 'n half jaar op krukke gewees. Dit is egter die sielkundige kant wat ʼn baie groter inpak op jou lewe vorentoe kan hê as wat jy ooit sou kon droom. By verre die grootste letsel wat ek oorgehou het, was verslawing aan verdowingsmiddels. Die eerste paar maande in die hospitaal na die ongeluk was ek in geweldige pyn. Die verdowings middel “Pathadine” was kort op die mark. Die mediese gemeenskap was onder die indruk dat dit ʼn “relatiewe” skadelose verdowingsmiddel is. Dit is dalk die geval wanneer die verdowingsmiddel vir kort periodes gebruik word maar verseker nie as dit vir meer as drie jaar op ʼn gereelde basis vir 6 weke op ʼn keer aan jou toegedien word nie. Ongeveer drie jaar na die ongeluk het ek besef: ek is ʼn volslae verslaafde. Mens wil mos nie aanvaar dat dit wel die geval is nie, daar kom egter ʼn tyd wat die verskonings net eenvoudig opdroog. Oor die dinge wat met my gebeur het en die goete wat ek beleef het as gevolg van hierdie verslawing kan ek ʼn baie dik boek oor skryf maar dit is nie waaroor hierdie boekie gaan nie. Die hardste en donkerste was die uiteindelike verlies van my vrou en drie kinders. Op my manier het ek alles menslik probeer om die verslawing te oorwin. Vyf keer in inrigtings, maande by ʼn psigiater, jare lank op Prozac, alles met die een doel om die verslawing te oorwin. Omdat verslawing ʼn probleem is waarmee ek vir die res van my lewe sal moet swoeg en baklei het ek gevind dat een van die beste teenvoeters vir verslawing is om die lewe as ʼn groot grap te sien. Dit klink seker erg maar om die lewe ernstig op te neem is iets wat my baie vinnig onder kry. Daar is dood eenvoudig te veel “Hoekoms” waarvoor niemand ʼn antwoord het nie. Ek is baie lief om die humor in alles te sien en uit te buit. Ook lief om in ʼn droomwêreld te leef waar ek die mooi van die lewe om myself kan draai soos ʼn kombers. Jy kan dan met reg vra hoekom noem ek die dinge? wat het dit met jou te doen? Die antwoord is eenvoudig. As dit die enigste positiewe aspek is wat ek uit hierdie verslawing van ʼn leeftyd kan kry: die gawe om mense te laat lag en om ʼn storie te kan vertel wat baie diep uit my hart kom. As hierdie stories aanklank vind by baie, dan is dit iets wat ek met albei hande wil aangryp want daar is absoluut niks anders mooi en goed uit hierdie verslawings saga nie. Gun my net ʼn klein bietjie sonskyn, soos wat ek vir jou gun. Ek het ʼn prys vir daardie stukkie sonskyn betaal wat bitter min mense ooit die vaagste benul voor sal hê en ek sal daardie paaiement bly betaal tot die dag wat ek nie meer hier is nie."

SLAVA’S SNOWSHOW returns to Southbank Centre’s Royal Festival Hall, London for an unprecedented third winter season 17th December 2013 – 5th January 2014

Britain's Best Views

Seven Sisters Sussex, England There’s nothing quite like getting up high and taking in a magnificent view. Scramble to the top of Scottish mountains or look down on the great lakes of the Lake District from its highest peaks. If that sounds a little strenuous, catch a lift to the top of ‘The Shard’ and take in London... Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England Stonehenge is an icon of prehistoric Britain that’s recognised the world over. The stones are shrouded in druidic lore and speculation as to their original purpose continues. But Stonehenge’s power to inspire and mystify is beyond doubt. The massive structure, so obviously not of this age, is a magnificent sight, even from the road. For the full effect, apply with English Heritage to gain access to the stone circle itself at dawn or dusk. The London Eye, London The London Eye offers some of the most dramatic views over London, and an exciting ride at the same time. You can see up to 40km (25 miles) in all directions, as far as Windsor Castle on a clear day. On your 30 minute ‘flight’ you’ll see The Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s Cathedral, ‘the Gherkin’ and more. Make your experience extra special with a champagne flight or private capsule. Seven Sisters, Sussex, England The South of England’s white chalk cliffs are an iconic sight and a symbol of Britain’s proud island history. And for our money, the most dramatic of these are the Seven Sisters along the Sussex Heritage Coast. To experience the ‘classic’ view, head for Seaford Head from where you get a sweeping panorama to the cliffs. For as long as anyone can remember their austere beauty has repelled invaders and welcomed home weary seafarers.

Ardnamurchan, West Coast of Scotland Scotlan Gloriously unspoilt and undisturbed, Ardnamurchan is accessed by a single-track road through some of Britain’s most enchanting scenery. Take the coast road from Arisaig to Morar to see otherworldly white-sand beaches with perfect views across the turquoise water to the ‘Small Isles’ of the Inner Hebrides in the distance. This most westerly tip of the British Mainland is remote but the views are well worth the trip. Calton Hill, Edinburgh, Scotland Edinburgh has one of Europe’s most instantly recognisable cityscapes, its blend of graceful Georgian and austere gothic architecture and rugged volcanic geography inspiring generations of writers and artists. And there’s no better place to see it than from Calton Hill. From here you get an almost 360 degree view of the city that takes in the castle, the Old and New Towns, Arthur’s Seat and the sea beyond. You can also admire the array of neoclassical monuments on Calton Hill that first inspired Edinburgh’s moniker as the ‘Athens of the North’. Glencoe, Highlands, Scotland Glencoe, in the heart of the Highlands, is without doubt one of Scotland’s most famous and scenic glens. Travel from Glasgow on the A82 and you’ll pass right through. Stop at the numerous viewpoints to see a landscape of majestic, sombre beauty, and the scene of one of the most infamous episodes in Scotland’s history. In 1692, 38 members of the MacDonald clan were murdered here by government troops, a terrible event in Highland History that charges this ghostly glen with extra atmosphere. Wastwater, Lake District, England The Lake District has long provided inspiration for poets, painters and writers. Wastwater is the deepest of all the region’s bodies of water, and also the most visually sublime – a 3-mile long ribbon of shining glass caressed on all sides by scree-strewn mountains and some of England’s highest peaks. The only road there is off the main coastal A595; its remoteness adds to the appeal. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England Newcastle’s river, the Tyne, has been the life blood of the city since the area was first settled nearly 2,000 years ago and it remains a focus for Newcastle’s cultural life today. From the top of the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art on the Gateshead side of the river, you get a fantastic view of the city that takes in the billowing Sage Centre, designed by Norman Foster, the famous arched Tyne Bridge and the striking Millennium Bridge. The Millennium Bridge, known as the ‘winking eye’ on account of its unique tilting mechanism, is the latest addition to one of the most dynamic city skylines in Britain. Three Cliffs Bay, Gower, Wales The view over Three Cliffs Bay in South Wales takes in a perfect semi-circle of marsh, cliffs and creamy white beach hugged by unique rock formations. If you stay at the popular Three Cliffs Bay Campsite, right on the cliffs, you can wake up to this romantic view each morning. If not, the best approach is from Southgate from where you can hike along the cliff top a mile or so to the bay. The Shard, London The tallest building in Western Europe opened to the public in February 2013. The Shard is now the most prominent building on the London skyline and the ultimate place to get a great view over the capital. This is the only building in London tall enough to give you a view that takes in the entire city, and even lets you look down on other famous landmarks from above! The higher of its two viewing platforms is open-air, but one level down you can use the high-tech ‘tell:scopes’ to learn about the landmarks you’ll find on all sides.

'Care to Taste' Where: Investec, 2 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QP When: Thursday 14th November 2013 Price: £25 (Including wine and canapés)

Joost van Der Westhuizen in Edinburgh • Friday 15 November 2013 • 7pm - Midnight • President Suite, Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh • A chance to mix and mingle with Joost and other well known rugby celebrities • Sponsored drinks reception by Harviestoun Brewery • A cheese platter for each table • Sporting quiz with top prizes • Free Prize Draw • One course hot fork buffet • Club house priced Bar – cash and credit card facilities available • J9 Foundation bracelet • A great night with loads of laughs and fun

Half Moon presents Dan Patlansky

Thursday 7 November

How to Make a Dream Catcher Having bad dreams lately? Do away with them, with a simple dream catcher. Let Buzzle show you how to make your own dream catcher. As the Native Americans believe, the night air brings with it dreams that are both good and bad. The dream catcher swaying gently in the breeze catches these dreams as they flow by, and pass them to you. The good dreams incidentally know how to find their way through the holes and land gently into the mind of the one sleeping below it. While, the bad dreams get filtered and find their way back into the night air. Sweet dreams are made of these, don't you think? The dream catcher has been an important element of Native American culture for generations. By focusing your good thoughts into good dreams, a dream catcher might also help you sleep soundly. Read more at Buzzle: A traditional dream catcher uses willow bark, grapevine or sinew. These can be rather tough to find, but plenty of modern alternatives are available. and is decorated using things found in everyday life. In all its simplicity, it is akin to a dream filter, safeguarding you from those ferocious dreams that hound you at night.

Making the Dream Catcher

Step 1: Loop the Hoop If you are using a dry willow or grapevine we suggest placing it into a bowl of warm water for 15 minutes. This will ensure the vine does not break while making the dream catcher. Once it is supple, twist the vine to form a circular frame. Twist the ends together, so that it does not open up. Place a weight/book over the loop so that it dries out flat. Step 2: Wrap it up Once the hoop is dry, cover the entire hoop with suede lace or ribbon. To wrap the hoop, feel free to use a ribbon in a color of your choice. Use glue to ensure the covering is in place. Make sure that suede does not overlap, but rests adjacent to the previous loop. Once you have the entire hoop covered, make a hanging loop and cut off the extra lace/ribbon. Step 3: Making the Foundation for the Web You start by tying a knot at the base of the hanging loop that you just finished. Work your way in a clockwise manner to create a loop. Tie a loop knot as shown. Space out the knots at equal distance from each other. You should ideally get 8 knots in the first round. This is the base for the next round of web that you have to create. Step 4: Weaving and Decorating the Web Once you have the basic shape of the web in hand, start weaving the second layer. Ensure that the knots of the second layer are at the exact center of the earlier knots. This just means you have to weave your way through to tie a knot at every midpoint of the previous loop. You can pass the string through a bead and then tie a knot. Although not entirely essential, you beads lend a charm to the dream catcher that make it hard to miss. Stop weaving the web when you have a tiny circle in the middle. Secure the string to the web in a final stitch, pull tightly and cut off the remaining string. Step 5: Add the Hanging Feather Last but not the least, do not forget to attach a feather to the hoop. The feather has to be directly opposite the hanging loop. Secure it in place with string or ribbon and snip off the remainder ribbon. Your dream catcher is ready to be hung by your window near your bed.

Andrew Colomb

“Cubed beef (Rump) and Vegetable, a great way to entertain friends and family�

Ingredients: 2 kg cubed rump steak 500 g diced carrots 500 g diced potatoes 500 g diced onions 55 g French onion soup 60 g texan steakhouse herbs 60 g smokey bbq herbs 60 g mixed herbs 500 g margarine, Butter for less flavor but less kilo's

Directions: 1. Place meat in a deep large enough pot, and half fill with water. Leave to boil for 20 minutes. (add water if necessary). 2. Add onions with 250g margarine and 300ml water. Cook until onions are soft and "glassy". 3. Add carrots with all of the spice and 250g margarine. 4. Put the lid on. Leave until carrots are "softish". 5. This can be served with rice, but will be perfect inside some pastry. Serves 15-25 people

Although the Mampoer name has come to be closely associated with the Groot Marico, its origin lies further north, in the northern and eastern parts of the former Transvaal. Here Sekwati founded the Bapedi tribe in the early 19th century. In 1861 his son Sekhukuni took over the tribal leadership. An elder brother, Mampuru, had been groomed for chieftainship, and together with his followers, regarded Sekhukuni as a swindler. Sekhukuni, however, proved to be a capable leader, refusing to yield authority to the unceasing attempts of white settlers to subject him and his followers. Eventually the British got the upper hand in 1879 and Sekhukuni was imprisoned in Pretoria. He was released after the BoerBritish conflict in 1881, but soon afterwards, in August 1882, murdered by Mampuru. Sought after by the authorities of the former Transvaal Republic, Mampuru placed himself under the protection of Niabela, a chief of the Ndzundza tribe of Transvaal Ndebele. In tribal politics it would have been impossible for Niabela to refuse Mampuru’s solicitations without losing authority. Thus he found himself in conflict with the white authorities and after a costly war was imprisoned along with Mampuru. The latter was hanged in public on 23 November 1883 outside Pretoria Central Prison. The burgers who had taken part in the war had been promised land: 15,000 morgen of Ndzunza land was subdivided into plots of 8 morgen each. The people to whom their land was allotted, had no previous experience of farming. They were mostly "bywoners" or white squatters. Even experienced farmers would have found it difficult to make headway on these small tracts of land. Though there were more than 40 perennial streams in the area, people were quarreling about water rights. Though attempts at farming turned out less successfully, the Mapochslanders soon became known for their pot-stills and the peach-brandy they distilled. They called it Mampoer, thus immortalizing the unfortunate Bapedi chief. J. Sanderson, visiting the Marico in 1851, mentions orchards of citrus trees, pomegranates, figs and grapes. Brandy, "a very coarse fiery spirit" was distilled from grapes, figs and yellow peaches, and named Cape Smoke. In the north, taxation was already in existence in 1878. In time many regulations were introduced. A tradition of clandestine production developed parallel to the legislative route, as could be expected from frontiersmen with a fiercely independent mind-set. In any case,a pot-still used to be a component of most well run farmyards. As one old Marico farmer remarked: "three things are a pest on any farmyard: a blue gum tree, a bitch on heat and a mampoer-still". A result of all the regulatory legislation, and inseparable from the mampoer culture, are the numerous tales surrounding encounters with the law and enriching an already ample story-telling tradition with mostly highly amusing and entertaining anecdotes. The Process Fruits used to distill Mampoer in the Marico include all the citrus varieties, among which lemons are said to reign supreme. But still owners will use peaches, apricots, pears, plums and figs. Among these there is considerable consensus that figs are the top of the range, followed by the authentic yellow peach. Since the 1940’s however, the latter is no longer so abundant, or must be obtained from the highveld. The many varieties of wild birds for which the Marico is famous, also compete for available fruit. Wild fruits are sometimes favoured by distillers for their distinctive flavours, such as marula, milk-plum, karree-berry and kei-apple. The first part of the actual process involves the fermentation of the fruit. This is the course by which sugar is converted into alcohol through the agency of micro-organisms. Carbon dioxide is released as a by-product. When all the sugar has been converted, a different process commences, whereby the alcohol is further transformed into vinegar. It is therefore essential to know when the alcohol-content in the fermentation casks or barrels is at its highest level. At this point the fermented liquid enters the still, which is now coupled to the condenser, a spiral copper pipe several meters in length, submerged in a container through which cold water circulates. All joints are sealed. A fire is then lit and the still warmed up. Controlling the temperature is of utmost importance. Alcohol evaporates at a lower temperature than water. The object of the process is to separate the alcohol (and allied essential fragrances) from the bulk, which is mostly water and impurities. Inside the condenser, the alcohol vapours become a liquid once more and is recovered in a glass jar. Frequent testing will establish when the process has run its course. The apparatus is then taken apart and cleaned thoroughly. Now the result of the first distillation is returned to the still and the process repeated. The mampoer so obtained can reach an alcohol percentage well into the 1980’s. Those in the know agree, however, that at around 64% the product retains most of the aromatic fragrances characteristic of the fruit used. Broadly speaking, the above is a general account of the distilling process. Individual distillers have their own idiosyncrasies and refinements however, transforming the process from one of mere chemistry into one exploring the arcane dimensions of alchemy. Authentic mampoer distilling is a protracted, labour-intensive process, allowing no mistakes. Only 6-10% of the fermented sap will end up as mampoer in a bottle. The distiller who leaves the "traditional" ways of his forebears and acquires a license to distill, will find the pinch of the taxman quite sharply. Mampoer distilling can therefore hardly be regarded as a lucrative exercise. In fact, it is a labour of love, keeping old traditions alive and perhaps sustained by those more subtle, unmaterialistic rewards usually associated with alchemy.

When is CCTV covered by the Data Protection Act? Most uses of CCTV will be covered by the Data Protection Act. This gives you the right to see information held about you, including CCTV images of you, or images which give away information about you (such as your car number plate). The Data Protection Act sets rules which CCTV operators must follow when they gather, store and release CCTV images of individuals. The Information Commissioner can enforce these rules. You can see our advice to operators in our CCTV code of practice (pdf). Some uses of CCTV are not covered by the Data Protection Act; for example, the use of cameras for limited household purposes (such as to protect a home from burglary) - even if the camera overlooks the street (for more information on this, see our FAQ). If you are concerned that CCTV is being used for harassment, anti social behaviour or other matters dealt with under the criminal law, then these are matters for the police. Images taken for recreation, such as on mobile phones, digital cameras and camcorders, are also exempt from the Act. Law enforcement covert surveillance activities are covered by a separate Act - the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) 2000 and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Scotland) Act (RIPSA) 2000. What can I expect? The CCTV operator must let people know they are using CCTV. Signs are the most usual way of doing this. The signs must be clearly visible and readable, and should include the details of the organisation operating the system if not obvious. CCTV should only be used in exceptional circumstances in areas where you normally expect privacy - such as in changing rooms or toilets, and should only be used to deal with very serious concerns. The operator should make extra effort to ensure that you are aware that cameras are in use. Conversations between members of the public should not be recorded on CCTV. (There are some specific exceptions to this, such as a panic button in a taxi cab or the charging area of a police custody suite). What must a CCTV operator do? * Make sure someone in the organisation has responsibility for the CCTV images, deciding what is recorded, how images should be used and who they should be disclosed to; * Register with the Information Commissioner’s Office (check our public register); * Have clear procedures on how to use the system and when to disclose information; and * Make regular checks to ensure the procedures are followed. When can CCTV images be disclosed? You have the right to see CCTV images of you and to ask for a copy of them. The organisation must provide them within 40 calendar days of your request, and you may be asked to pay a fee of up to £10 (this is the maximum charge, set by Parliament). This is called a Subject Access Request. You will need to provide details to help the operator to establish your identity as the person in the pictures, and to help them find the images on their system. * CCTV operators are not allowed to disclose images of identifiable people to the media - or to put them on the internet - for entertainment. Images released to the media to help identify a person are usually disclosed by the police.

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Oreos as Addictive as Cocaine

Joseph Schroeder, associate professor of psychology and director of the behavioural neuroscience program, and Lauren Cameron ’14 found that eating Oreos activated more neurons in the brain’s “pleasure center” than exposure to drugs of abuse.

Connecticut College students and a professor of psychology have found “America’s favourite cookie” is just as addictive as cocaine – at least for lab rats. And just like most humans, rats go for the middle first. In a study designed to shed light on the potential addictiveness of high-fat/ highsugar foods, Joseph Schroeder, associate professor of psychology and director of the behavioural neuroscience program, and his students found rats formed an equally strong association between the pleasurable effects of eating Oreos and a specific environment as they did between cocaine or morphine and a specific environment. They also found that eating cookies activated more neurons in the brain’s “pleasure center” than exposure to drugs of abuse. The results are preliminary and subject to further scientific review.

“Our research supports the theory that high-fat/ high-sugar foods stimulate the brain in the same way that drugs do,” Schroeder said. “It may explain why some people can’t resist these foods despite the fact that they know they are bad for them.” The research was the brainchild of neuroscience major Jamie Honohan ’13. A scholar in the College’s Holleran Center for Community Action and Public Policy, Honohan was interested in how the prevalence of high-fat and highsugar foods in low-income neighbourhoods contributed to the obesity epidemic. “My research interests stemmed from a curiosity for studying human behaviour and our motivations when it comes to food,” said Honohan. “We chose Oreos not only because they are America’s favourite cookie, and highly palatable to rats, but also because products containing high amounts of fat and sugar are heavily marketed in communities with lower socioeconomic statuses.”

To test the addictiveness of Oreos, Honohan and a co-researcher, Becca Markson ’13, worked with Schroeder and two other students, Science Leader Gabriela Lopez ’15 and Katrina Bantis ’15, last year to measure the association between “drug” and environment. On one side of a maze, they would give hungry rats Oreos and on the other, they would give them a control – in this case, rice cakes. (“Just like humans, rats don’t seem to get much pleasure out of eating them,” Schroeder said.) Then, they would give the rats the option of spending time on either side of the maze and measure how long they would spend on the side where they were typically fed Oreos. While it may not be scientifically relevant, Honohan said it was surprising to watch the rats eat the famous cookie. “They would break it open and eat the middle first,” she said. They compared the results of the Oreo and rice cake test with results from rats that were given an injection of cocaine or morphine, known addictive substances, on one side of the maze and a shot of saline on the other. Professor Schroeder is licensed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration to purchase and use controlled substances for research. The research showed the rats conditioned with Oreos spent as much time on the “drug” side of the maze as the rats conditioned with cocaine or morphine. Neuroscience major and Science Leader Lauren Cameron ’14 was awarded a Keck Grant, which provides summer research stipends in the sciences to qualified students, to work with Schroeder to continue the research over the summer. They used immunohistochemistry to measure the expression of a protein called c-Fos, a marker of neuronal activation, in the nucleus accumbens, or the brain’s “pleasure center.” “It basically tells us how many cells were turned on in a specific region of the brain in response to the drugs or Oreos,” said Schroeder. They found that the Oreos activated significantly more neurons than cocaine or morphine. "This correlated well with our behavioral results and lends support to the hypothesis that highfat/ high sugar foods can be thought of as addictive," said Schroeder. And that could be a problem for the general public, says Honohan. “Even though we associate significant health hazards in taking drugs like cocaine and morphine, high-fat/ high-sugar foods may present even more of a danger because of their accessibility and affordability,” she said. Schroeder will present the research next month at the Society for Neuroscience conference in San Diego, Calif.

Welcome to Fighting Fit’s regular page in SA EXpat

“A dream to some. A nightmare to others” Self-Defence for Men, Women and Children Self Defence Master Tony Lloyd and his team of highly qualified Martial Arts Instructors teach self-defence on a one-to-one bases and small group courses across South London and Surrey. This is in addition to the weekly classes in Putney, Tooting, Wimbledon, Kingston, New Malden and Epsom. All classes incorporate Martial Arts, Fitness and Self Defence. Kickboxing and Kung-Fu help build self confidence and awareness, by making you alert and aware of your surroundings. In our classes we practice our Self defences repeatedly so they become second nature, to manage the adrenaline rush and keep the ‘Fight or Flight instinct’ under control. The first rule of self defence is to get away, or if that is not possible, try and talk your way out of danger.

At Home:

"It’s better to have and not need, than to need and not have"

• Think before you open the door • Install a door chain and a peep-hope • Get all outside doors and windows fitted with good locks and bolts

In the street: • • • • •

Avoid going to deserted areas – keep to well-lit roads if possible Walk confidently and look as if you know where you are going Stay alert: be aware of what is going on around you Avoid short cuts such as alleys and waste grounds Don’t use your phone while looking down, be aware of your surroundings

Whenever you feel threatened: • Remember that meeting aggression with aggression usually leads to confrontation. You should always aim to diffuse the situation, or at least get away fast If you value your health and safety and want that added peace of mind, call us now!

On public transport: • • • •

Sit where there are loads of people Use bus stops in busy, well-lit areas Be aware of other passengers If you feel uneasy in a carriage, change to another at the next stop

When you are out: • • • • • • • • •

Don’t leave your drink unattended Buy your own drinks Go every in two’s Don’t turn your back on someone you don’t know Tell friends where you are going and with who, especially if you are going on a date

In a car:

When parking in daylight, consider what the area will be like in the dark Before you get into your car, check the back seat If you have broken down, keep your car doors locked If someone offers help, open the window no more than one and a half inches and ask them to phone the police • If someone approaches you when you are stationary, stay in the car with the doors locked and keep the engine running so you can drive away quickly • When in traffic keep your doors locked

In the event of physical attack:

• Get away as fast as you can to a place where there are people • If you can’t get away, shout ‘call the police’ or ‘Fire’ (rather than ‘Help’) to attract attention • Set off your personal alarm close to your attacker’s ear, then thrown it out of reach • If you have to fight back, do it quickly. Aim for your aggressor’s most accessible weak spot (shin, knee, groin, stomach, eyes, little fingers) then run away without waiting to see how much damage you have done • Remember that things you normally carry such as hairspray, a torch, umbrella or your door keys are not termed offensive weapons. However, if you injure someone without just cause, you yourself could be charged with assault.

T: 0208715 0463 ● M: 07774 887 885 ●

The Cotswolds Travel Guide

The Cotswolds - honey-coloured villages, rolling hills and excellent pubs

The Cotswolds is an area of gentle hills lying between the enticing cities of Stratford-upon-Avon, Bath, and Oxford. It’s quintessential England, with pretty villages of honey-coloured stone, manor houses, charming churches, dry-stone walls and country pubs. Cuture & heritage The Cotswolds owe much to the superior quality of their medieval sheep. Wealth from wool established the great “wool” churches and created the landscape with its dry-stone walls to enclose the animals. The area includes a variety of other notable architecture, including black and white medieval buildings at Tewkesbury and elegant Regency houses in Cheltenham.

Shopping From traditional antique shops at Stow-on-the-Wold and Tetbury to contemporary crafts in Cirencester, you’ll find a whole range of great local shops. There is also fashionable clothes and gift shopping in Regency Cheltenham, high quality items at Prince Charles’s Highgrove shop in Tetbury, and food shopping, including delicious local fare at Daylesford Organic Farmshop.

Attractions The Cotswolds has one of the most enchanting natural settings in Britain. Visit leafy gardens, both large and small, two arboretums, National Trust properties, and some small but lovely museums. Of national importance are the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust at Slimbridge, Gloucester Cathedral, the Westonbirt Arboretum and Hidcote Manor Garden..

Top daytime must-do's

* Enjoy lush gardens, like Hidcote Manor or Kiftsgate Court. * Walk the Cotswold Way, a National Trail which runs between Chipping Campden and Bath. * Learn about the Arts and Crafts Movement at Kelmscott Manor and Cheltenham Art Gallery & Museum . * Visit Gloucester Cathedral or Tewkesbury Abbey for imposing religious architecture. * Watch wildlife at the Cotswold Farm Park or the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust .

Top night time must-do's

* Catch a play at the historic Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham (a Frank Matcham designed building). * Enjoy a summer show at Longborough Festival Opera or a concert at Westonbirt Arboretum . * Stay out for the lively Festival of Literature or Jazz. * In winter, spend a bewitching candlelit evening at Berkeley Castle or Blenheim Palace . * Eat at a Michelin-starred restaurant or a great country pub.

Sport The Cotswolds is horseriding heaven, with the National Hunt Festival (including the Gold Cup) taking over for a week in March, plus more horse-related events at Gatcombe and Badminton. There are also well regarded cricket festivals at Gloucester and Cheltenham, and, of course, the “cherry and whites” – Rugby at Gloucester.

Food & drink Gloucestershire has a large section of excellent pubs, from smart gastropubs to traditional inns. Many serve a great choice of wines as well as local beers. You’ll also find farmers’ markets, delis, farm shops and prize-winning cheese producers all selling the freshest local produce.

Music & nightlife Gloucestershire has a large section of excellent pubs, from smart gastropubs to traditional inns. Many serve a great choice of wines as well as local beers. You’ll also find farmers’ markets, delis, farm shops and prize-winning cheese producers all selling the freshest local produce.



Millennium Stadium Saturday, 9 November, Kick-Off 5.30pm


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