The Salesman: Western - April 28, 2013

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���������������������� ����������� �������������������� Fitness a nd Exer ci se

Wher e It ’s Hap p en in g

Hos pic e Ber ea v emen t So cia l Clu b

����������������������������������������������������� Oa k la w n Hos pi t a l ����������������������������������������������������� 200 N. Madi son St. , Mar shal l ���������������������������������������������������� 269.781.4271 ���������������������������������������������������

1:00 pm Friday, May 24. Lu n ch at Cou n try Kitch en , 15421 N. US 27, Marsh all. Cost: Men u Prices. RSVP by callin g Lisa at 269.789.3939.

OLIC St af fed H ou rs

9:00 am-12:00 n oon Tu esdays, an d 4:00-7:00 pm Th u rsdays. Th e gen eral pu blic an d existin g patien ts are in vited to st op by for a free sleep diso rde r screening . No phy sician referral or appoi n tme n t requ ired for th is screen in g. For mor e in for ma tion , call 269.789.8134 or 888.288.0854 .

������������������������ ��������������� �������� � � ��������������� ��������� � � ��������������� ������� � �������������������������

Wrigh t Medi ca l Bui ldi ng 215 E. Mans ion St. , Mar sha ll

Oa k la w n Holis t ic Cen t er 15217 W. Michi gan Ave ., Mar sh all 269.789-3873

Oa k la w n Sleep Cent er Ar th rit is F ou nda ti on Wal k w it h Ea se P ro gr a m 401 E. Michi gan Ave., Marsha ll 3: 45 pm M ond ay s and Wedn esd ay s, b eg inn in g Apr il 888.288.0854 29-Ju n e 26. Grou p meets at Hu gh es Elemen tary School, 1 03 W. H ugh es St. , Ma rs ha ll. This exerc is e pro gr am can h elp to re duc e pa in an d imp ro ve ove ra ll h ea lth by impro ving • e xibi lity, s tre n gth , ba lanc e an d sta mina. Pa rticipan ts receive a free wa lking wo rkbo ok an d pedometer. Cost: Free of ch arge. To register, call 2 69.7 81 .7 585.

SP ORTSMETR ICS™ b y Oa k law n Phy sical Rehab ilit at io n C ent er' s Sp or t s Me di cine & Pe rfor ma nce Pr ogr am 3:3 0-4 :3 0 pm M onda ys , Wednes days a nd Frida ys , May 6 -June 1 4. OLIC-Fitnes s Club gym. Six -week prog ra m is lim ited to 1 2 par ticipan ts an d led by a cer ti• ed tra in er who works to red u ce t h e ch an ce of ACL tea rs in a th letic c ompet ition. P rogr am ta rget s fema le a th lete s in grade s 7-12 . Cost : $ 150, in clu din g pre- a nd pos t- ass es sment. Call 2 69.7 81.6 030 for more infor ma tion or to r eg is ter.

Free Sleep Dis ord er Screeni ng s

Sur v iv ing & Thr iv ing Brea s t Ca nc er Sup p ort Group 6:00-8:00 pm- Tu esday, May 28. Ricketson Medical Bldg. Con feren ce Room. Cost: Free of ch arge. For more in formation , call 269.789.3962.

Oa k la w n Wound Care Cen t er a t Oa k la w n Life Im pr ov em ent Cent er 13697 15 Mile Road, Marsh all 269.789.4905

Look Good ...F eel Bet t er

OLIC- Fit nes s Club a t Oa k la w n Life Im pr ov em ent Cent er 13697 15 Mile Road, Marsh all 269.781.7585

10: 00-11:30 am Tu esd ay, May 28. Oaklawn On cology Clini c, Wright Medical Bldg ., Ste. 2E. Providin g cos me tic advice an d in st ru ction to wome n battlin g can cer. Cos t: Free of ch arge . Registration n eeded by May 14, by callin g 800.227.2345.

Rick et s on Med ica l Bu ildi ng 103 E. Mans ion St. , Mar sha ll

Fr ee Kne e or Hip Pa in Sem ina r 5: 00-6:30 pm Th u rsday, May 30. Oaklawn Life Im-

For add itional inf or mati on , e-ne ws, director y provemen t Cen ter classroom. Led by a Registered of services, maps or to registe r for an even t or Nu rse from Oaklawn Hospi tal’s “Join t Camp” an d a clas s, visit ����������������������� physi cal th erapist assi st an t. Participan ts will learn

abo u t th e cau ses of pain , latest treatmen ts, s u rgical Oa k la w n Holis t ic Cen t er Cla s s es option s, medication s, n u trition an d exercise. A 6: 00 -7 :00 pm Mond ays Low Glycemi c Progr am tou r of th e OLIC Fitn ess Clu b an d Ph ysi cal Reh abSuppor t Group. Cost: $10/ mon thly ilitation Cen ter will follow . Ea ch pa rticipa n t will reComm u ni ty Ga rde n Youth Gard en in g Classe s 7: 00 -8 :00 pm Mond ays, May 6, 13 an d 20. ceive a free two-week OLIC Fitne ss Club membershi p. Ses sion 1 : 5 :3 0 pm Mon da ys, May classe s - Es se n tial Oils & Bach Flow er, Ad ult Cost : Free of ch arge . Call 8 88.2 27.2 202 to RSVP. be ginnin g Ma y 2 0 through h ar ves t s eas on & Chi ld Nu tr ition, pH Balanc in g. Cos t: $10 pe r Ses sion 2 : 5 :3 0 pm W ednes da ys , class. For mor e infor ma tion, to ma ke an appoi n t- Mat er n al a n d Ch ild Hea lt h beg in n in g May 22 thr ou gh h arves t s ea son . me nt or to regist er for class , call 269. 789. 387 3. �������������������������������������������������� Th e classes teach h an ds-on garden in g skills to ����������������������������������������������������� children ages 5 -10. Cla ss siz e is limit ed to ten p er “Grea t Fo ot wo rk ” - Dia bet ic Fo ot Check Reg is t r a t ion is r eq u ir ed for a ll cla s s es . ���� ses sion . Cost : $15 per ch ild for th e sea son . In clu des 1:00- 4:00 pm T h ursda y, May 9. Oaklawn Wound a ga rdening T-sh irt. Ca ll 26 9.7 81.7 585 to R SVP. Care Cente r. 1: 00- 1: 30 pm Gue st Spe aker - TBA. ������������������������������������������������������ 1:30- 4:00 pm Indi vidual , pr ivate foot exam inat ions. ������������������������������������������������� Pren ata l Hea lth & Fit nes s Class Cost: Free of cha rge . Registr ation is requ ired. Call ������������������� 6:3 0 pm M onda ys . Week ly prena ta l wat er a ctivity 26 9. 78 9. 490 5 to ma ke your appoi ntm ent. class open to ex pectan t mother s. Cost: $120 with Prep a red Ch ild birth Ed uc a ti on Cla s s fu ll 8-week OLIC membersh ip or $48 for 8-week On e- Day Even t Wi do w s Suppo rt Grou p OLIC punc h c ar d. 12:00 n oon Friday, May 17. Wrigh t Med ical Bldg., 8:30 am-3:00 pm Satu rday, May 4. All th e elemen ts th ird-• oor classroom. Gu est Speaker: Ed Keh oe, of th e se ries con soli dated in to a 6-h ou r eve n t. Ev ent s, S em ina rs and Sup po rt Gr oup s Cost : $40. Ea rly regist ration recomme n ded. Tai Chi instr uc tor, will demon str ate wa ys to impr ove balanc e, coor dina tion an d • exibility. Cost: Brea s t -feed in g Cla s s “Is it Alle rgi es. .. $6 . To RSVP, call 26 9. 96 4. 81 84 by noon on May 6: 00-8: 30 p m Thu rsday, May 9. Cost: $10 p er or N ot ? ” 15 . No-show s will be cha rged $6 . cou ple; free wh en en rolle d in Prepa red Ch ildbirth Edu cation . A lle rg y Aw a rene ss

Se m in ar 6:00 pm Tu esday, May 7. Ricketson Medical Bldg. May is Nation al Allergy an d Asth ma Awaren ess Mon th . Don ’t su ffer. Join Oaklawn Medical Grou p Aller gist Dav id Swend er, MD, for a d is cus si on ab ou t allergies , th e sy mptom s and t heir t rea tmen ts . Cost : Free of cha rg e. Cal l: 26 9.7 89.8 291 to R SVP.

Partn er s in Can ce r Rec ove ry Grou p 6:00- 8:00 pm Tu esd ay, May 16. Ricket so n Medical Bldg. Con feren ce Room. Cost : Free of c ha rge. For more in form ation, c all 26 9.789.3 962 .

31 s t Oa k la w n Hos pi t a l Hos pi t a lit y Cla s s ic - 10K, 5K, Ma y Wa lk a nd Mile Fun Run Satu rday, May 18, in fron t of th e Hon olu lu Hou se. Registr ation for ms an d onli n e link s are ava ilable at oaklawn h ospi tal.or g/ abou t-th e-h os pitality- classi c. Mail-in pre-registration en ds May 13. On lin e pre-registration en ds May 15. For mor e infor ma tion or to receive a broch ur e by ma il, call 269.789.8134.





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