IED011 NORTH ESSEX AUTHORITIES Strategic (Section 1) Plan Inspector: Mr Roger Clews Programme Officer: Andrea Copsey Tel: 07842 643988 Email: Address: Examination Office, Longcroft Cottage, Bentley Road, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex CO16 9BX ______________________________________________________________________
To: Emma Goodings, Head of Planning Policy & Economic Development, Braintree District Council Karen Syrett, Place Strategy Manager, Colchester Borough Council Gary Guiver, Planning Manager, Tendring District Council 8 June 2018 Dear Ms Goodings, Ms Syrett and Mr Guiver EXAMINATION OF THE STRATEGIC SECTION 1 PLAN ADVICE ON THE NEXT STEPS IN THE EXAMINATION 1.
Now that the hearing sessions have concluded I am able to advise you about the further steps that I consider are necessary in order for the Section 1 Plan to be made sound and legally-compliant. I shall also deal, as far as I can, with your question as to whether the Section 1 Plan [hereafter, “the Plan”] could be adopted by each of the three North Essex Authorities [NEAs]1, separately from and in advance of their Section 2 Plans.
My letter focusses on those aspects of the Plan and its evidence base which I consider require significant further work on the part of the NEAs. It also advises on specific changes that are needed to some of the Plan’s policies. More detailed matters, and aspects of the Plan that do not require
The three NEAs in the context of this letter are Braintree District Council [BDC], Colchester Borough Council [CBC], and Tendring District Council [TDC] 1