Business Lancashire February 2019

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Xcina partners with Moorhouse to develop cyber risk technology solutions


BIBAs application stage is open February 2019

BAE Systems has announced plans to recruit nearly 700 apprentices across its UK business in 2019, a 30 per cent increase on the previous year. The new recruits will join the Air, Land and Maritime businesses in September 2019 and will embark on one of 25 training programmes, which provide the opportunity to combine full time employment with studying for a recognised qualification. The Air sector is recruiting almost half of the company’s UK apprentices at its sites in Samlesbury and Warton, where they will have the opportunity to work on a unique range of exciting projects including Typhoon and F-35 – the world’s largest defence programme – and play a key role in developing emerging technologies for future combat air systems, supporting the UK’s world-leading combat air capability for decades to come. Prime Minister, Theresa May, said: “I’m delighted that BAE Systems is taking on even

BAE Systems to recruit 700 apprentices in 2019

more apprentices in 2019, with 700 young people being given the opportunity to kick-start their careers in this world-class firm. “Britain’s businesses have a hugely important role to play in training the next generation and themselves benefit by attracting diverse talent and improving their skills base. Through our modern Industrial Strategy we will encourage even more partnerships to create high-quality jobs across the UK.” Charles Woodburn, Chief Executive Officer at BAE Systems, said: “We are proud to be one of the UK’s largest employers of apprentices and our plan to recruit nearly 700 apprentices next year reflects our ongoing commitment to nurturing talent and developing high end skills for the future. “With technology becoming ever more advanced and integrated in the workplace, it is crucial that we train the next generation of engineers and business leaders to develop the

necessary skills which will be needed to drive innovation, solve complex challenges and build on our position as one of the UK’s most innovative and productive companies.” Ahmed Munshi, 22, from Samlesbury, is in his penultimate year of a Project Management Apprenticeship. Ahmed said: “When I finished school, I was encouraged to follow a route into university however I wanted to gain a practical, hands-on experience while earning and studying for a degree. My apprenticeship experience has been at full speed from the beginning and really pushes me to exceed – both in my work placements and during my studies towards my degree. “I would absolutely recommend an apprenticeship with BAE Systems to anyone who wants to gain practical work experience, while working towards a career with real long-term prospects.”

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February 2019


CONTENTS MANUFACTURING 4 the February 2019 edition of Business Lancashire. In this issue, you learn more about the Made Smart Programme and we also highlight new research from Levity CropScience plus the latest growth stories in the county.










You can also read about how fighter jet technology is helping the British equestrian team and how the Veka Group has saved enough energy to power a village.










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July 2018

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It is not hard to see why County Council cer ck Cartledg Your Custo Mico-working Coun re. d tive Offi ecu Ex growth hungry businesses in the room ief owner of Cotton Lancaster is well placed to host cuttingand supported by funding from the by Burnley support agencies an s Business and mo siness Society1; Rob Binns, Council Ch ess ert r, Bu and their feedback to Government ina, Business Centre; Guy Cookson, European Regional Development Fund edge businesses.” with busin cyber resilience exp Kevin Porte rector at XcCourt by and partner at Lancaster-based creative Robert Binns, owner of Cotton nt Di (ERDF). reflects the thoughts of many of the supported latest advice areas Developme the er off agency Hotfoot Design; and Anne Court, added: “It was a great Catarina King, who co-founded businesses I work with each week. It Xcina, to of business Williamson of Lancashire-based opportunity to directly speak to the Society 1 in Preston in 2017, said: will be great to see some of the points on a range guidance consultancy Customer Love Ltd. Prime Minister’s special adviser about “I feel as a group of four Lancashire addressed come to fruition.” ed by: Publish

18 May 20 INSIDE: y e l n r Bu s supportses Lancashire firms’ mission If you would like to be involved with BUSINESS LANCASHIRE, s busine & CONTACTS CONTRIBUTORS please get in touch with the below: h to Number 10 to help t n e with sevs small businesses grow es n i s u B Group Editor: Andy Mann Design: Robert Leach This publication is produced by The Samuel James Group Ltd, Week Unit 6/7 Eastway Business Village, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9WT. 07951 731722 01772 364150 / 07930 962609

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Group Commercial Director: Sam Whitear

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Published by The Samuel James Group


Lancashire to bid for UK City of Culture 2025 MARKETING Lancashire and the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has revealed the findings of scoping work undertaken by cultural expert Andrew Dixon, to explore Lancashire’s potential and appetite to bid for UK City of Culture 2025. Andrew, whose experience includes leading the successful Hull bid for City of Culture in 2017, was commissioned by the LEP in autumn last year and began consulting with Lancashire stakeholders through a series of interviews and a visioning workshop. His findings were shared with around 100 stakeholders and invited guests from the public, private and cultural sectors. Tony Attard OBE, High Sheriff and Chair of Marketing Lancashire, said: “Culture is a super accelerator for urban regeneration and the benefits of bidding for City of Culture are many. The journey will be challenging. It will demand determination,

vision, finance, commitment and organization, but above all will demand an applied, unified consensus. “The prize for Lancashire would be substantial, which is why I am advocating that we bid for UK City of Culture in 2025.” The UK City of Culture programme was developed by the UK Government to build on the success of Liverpool as European Capital of Culture 2008 and the Cultural Olympiad in 2012, by creating a national cultural event spread over a year, focused on a particular city or area. A successful bid by Lancashire could be a catalyst for a step change in the county’s cultural and economic development. By means of example, City of Culture Hull 2017 reached an estimated audience of over 5 million people, leveraged £220 million of investment and created nearly 800 new jobs.

David Taylor CBE, Chair of the LEP, said: “The direct and indirect benefits of culture to inclusive, sustainable growth are becoming evermore understood. Culture can increase the ‘stickiness’ of places, attracting and retaining talent across all industries. Large scale events, such as City of Culture, would heighten the profile of Lancashire, bring investment, encourage partnership working and reach new audiences.” Rachel McQueen, Chief Executive of Marketing Lancashire, presented the key findings of the scoping study and commented: “Andrew has made it clear to us that we have both the ambition and the capacity to put a compelling bid together, but that it will only be successful if it represents and is supported by the entire county.”

The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with contributions from Andrew Dixon, Tony Attard, Angie Ridgwell, Chief Executive of Lancashire County Council, County Councillor Michael Green, Laurie Peake from Super Slow Way and Joel Arber from UCLan. Tony Attard, added: “Hosting UK City of Culture in 2025 will enable us to deliver a transformational opportunity for the next generation of young people and will allow us to share the incredible cultural talent that exists across the county, as well as opening up Lancashire to new experiences and to a world class cultural programme.”


Lyndhurst Precision Engineering's inspection facility is blue chip quality LYNDHURST Precision Engineering is celebrating the success of its new in-house inspection facility. The dedicated, temperature-controlled facility allows Lyndhurst to ensure that the components the firm manufactures meet the high expectations of our customers, in terms of quality and competitiveness on the world stage. Some of the components put through their paces at the inspection facility include those used by Lyndhurst’s blue-chip clients in the nuclear, defence, medical, automotive and renewable energy sectors. The facility houses a series of state-ofthe-art apparatus including Faro Arms and Mitutoyo co-ordinate measuring machines, calibrated to the highest possible standard, inline with the quality management systems of the cutting edge industries Lyndhurst provides

components to. As a result of its high-levels of production and quality control, Lyndhurst is now a preferred supplier to a blue-chip international organisation in the automotive and aerospace industries. Mark Marriner, managing director, Lyndhurst Precision Engineering, said: “Everything which leaves Lyndhurst is tested and inspected, in-line with the highest possible certifications and quality levels, all backed up with our ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management certification, which is the most recent and most up to date available. “Becoming a preferred supplier to a highly regarded world class organisation is testament to our ability, reliability and credibility in the engineering and manufacturing of precision components.”

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Xcina partners with Moorhouse to develop cyber risk technology solutions for the UK insurance market XCINA, the Preston based UK leading provider of digital resilience services, including governance, compliance, technology risk, information security assurance and advisory services, has announced a ground-breaking partnership with the UK insurance broker, Moorhouse Group Limited. Moorhouse and its online insurance quote comparison service,, provides insurance products to the UK microbusiness and SME market. The products it offers, from its panel of insurance providers, range from public and employer liability insurance and professional indemnity, to insurance cover for plant and machinery, van insurance and goods in transit. The partnership’s vision is to develop innovative cyber risk technology solutions and mobile applications for the mass insurance market, and to provide an end-to-end

response service for all Moorhouse’s policy holders. In particular, the partnership will roll-out a series of applications and services aimed at risk assessment, threat detection, incident response and critical resource application, supported by a virtual 24/7 cyber incident response team, to address the shortfall in the number of UK SMEs purchasing adequate cyber insurance policies. The first version of the app will be launched in February 2019 and will be made available to Moorhouse’s 46,000+ clients. This risk assessment app will allow SMEs to assess their cyber threats and the risks they pose, generating reports and recommendations on the next steps required for maintaining appropriate insurance cover levels, as part of a wider digital resilience strategy. Michael (Mo) Stevens, Chief Executive Officer of Xcina, said: “This

partnership is a significant development for Xcina as it continues to drive our national digital resilience agenda. Moorhouse shares our commitment to providing bespoke, tailored solutions that ensure SMEs have the right policies, processes and technologies in place. “It is estimated that more than 60% of UK businesses describe their cyber insurance as not being based on an accurate assessment of their firm’s individual risk. Our collaboration will help address this within the insurance market.” Lyndon Wood, Chief Executive Officer at Moorhouse, added: “Our aim is to ensure that our customers have full protection and awareness of their business risks for long-term stability and business longevity. “This collaboration with Xcina underscores our commitment, as a trusted insurance service partner,

to enable SMEs to accurately assess their risk profile and choose the right cyber insurance policy to protect their business.” Xcina provides digital, operational and regulatory services in support of end-to-end resilience and risk management for SMEs. Xcina helps companies prepare for increasing legislative and regulatory demands on how data is held and processed. This is done via tailored digital strategies and a range of services, including consultancy, training, ongoing monitoring, analysis, detection, and response to cyber threats. Xcina supports resilience and business continuity using its proprietary capability maturity model, which focuses on the three core pillars of people, process and technology.



In association with Boost Business Lancashire

Leyland pet care business launches unique product range after Boost advice A LEYLAND-based pet care business has launched a range of dog grooming products with the help of Boost business support. Paw Naturel manufactures and distributes specialist dog shampoo, fragrances and scrubs which are all made from natural ingredients, using no harsh chemicals. Angela Pinder, a qualified dog groomer, set her sights on developing a range of products specifically aimed at causing less skin irritation for dog groomers and dog owners. The advice Angela has received through Boost’s Growth Support Programme has given her the confidence to set up the new business and develop the Paw Naturel brand. In September Paw Naturel’s rub and scrub product was voted ‘Best Grooming Product of 2018’ at the Pets and Aquatic Trade Show (PATS). Boost is Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub and is led by the Lancashire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and Lancashire County Council and supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Sue Denver, Boost advisor said, “It’s Angela’s passion to help improve pet training standards and the health and wellbeing of dogs. She has focused on a very niche area related to pet grooming and is really making it work. “Angela has received advice and support from a wide range of services across the programme, including masterclasses to help with her marketing and business planning.” Angela sai: “The support through Boost has been invaluable in helping to set up the business and make sure to pitch it correctly, right from the start, and determining what resources to put in place. The courses were so useful, particularly learning about scaling up and what to do to grow the business. “We are very proud to offer natural, premium quality, vegan grooming products that are free from any harsh or harmful chemicals and we only use specialist suppliers within the UK. The judges at PATS liked the fact that our Heart Rub & Scrub Cleansing Bar was long-lasting, paraben and sulphate-free, and eco-friendly with sustainable packaging.” Sue added: “Angela joined the Boost Growth Support Programme with aspirations to recruit three employees and turnover £250,000 over a three year period. She has already created these jobs within the first 12 months and

is well on her way to achieving significant growth over the coming months. “She plans to recruit two more people by the end of the year and continues to receive support through our Access2Finance programme in order to further her business plans.” County Councillor Michael Green, Cabinet member for economic development, environment and planning said: “Many passionate companies like Paw Naturel start with a great product, and then focus on getting it to market. By working with Boost, we help you to think about the next stage for you and objectively assess opportunities. “I am delighted that Boost support has secured funding for another three years so we can continue to support innovative and ambitious businesses in Lancashire and help them realise their potential. If you’re determined to grow in 2019, Boost should be part of your growth conversation.” Angela added “The advice I’ve received through Boost is enabling me to get my business into a position where we can purchase premises as opposed to leasing. We are already outgrowing our current location after only a short period and look forward to further expansion.”

Boost helps media company’s North West expansion A PRESTON-based media and publishing business is expanding across the region after receiving support from Boost, Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub. The Samuel James Group is building a portfolio of publications and developing its marketing services after a helpful start from Boost’s Growth Support programme. Set up by directors Sam Whitear and Andy Mann, the multi-media business offers digital and social media services as well as media relations and bespoke publications for local businesses. It is the company behind media titles including Business Lancashire, Business Manchester and Your Start Up Lancashire magazine. Sam has a wealth of experience previously working for several high-profile press organisations and Andy has had a long career as a public relations professional in the aerospace and utilities sectors. Sam and Andy were introduced to Boost by an existing Growth Support Programme participant, who felt they’d benefit from the start up support offered through the programme. Sam said: “We’d registered our business at Companies House but had not started trading when we joined the Boost programme. By taking part in

the Lean Launchpad series we were able to prepare a business plan and a personal action plan to take the business forward in a manageable way right from the start.” Sue Denver, their Growth Explorer provider said: “Sam had significant ambition for the business when he joined the Growth Support Programme. He has gained a wealth of support from the programme. The business has already employed three more people in the past 12 months and is well on the way to achieving his growth ambitions.” Andy added: “Attending the first round of courses through Boost provided us with thoughtprovoking guidance on setting up a business and helped us determine the direction we wanted to take. We initially identified a gap in the market to help start-ups manage their communication and then realised that there was a need for a good news business focussed publication in Lancashire. “Two years’ on, as established publishers, we have grown from producing one printed publication, to producing five online publications and two newspapers and we plan to launch a third in 2019. We have also become a partner with the Northern Powerhouse and won the Downtown Lancashire in

Business award for PR & Marketing Agency of the Year 2018.” Michael Green, Lancashire County Council’s Cabinet member for economic development, environment and planning, said: “Boost’s successful programmes have already helped thousands of businesses to find the right support to develop. Sam and Andy continue to receive on-going Boost support services and I expect they will meet if not surpass their business targets.”


Follow us @BoostInfo

The support we have received through Boost has been invaluable to the business. We’ve only been trading for about five months and already we’ve had to employ two more staff. Simon Milnes Lucardo

Boost; Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub, is helping the county’s businesses grow. If you’re looking to fuel your business growth, start the growth conversation today.

Disclaimer: Boost Business Lancashire is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and restrictions apply. To see if your business is eligible and qualifies for support from the Boost programme, please call us on 0800 488 0057

Funded support Growth programmes 5,000 businesses helped

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The benefits of buying commercial property in self-invested personal pension schemes Dan O'Neill from Farleys solicitors shares his views: Property and pensions can be excellent long term investments. But what happens if you combine the two and invest your pension in property? Here’s how it can be done via a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP).

• On the SIPP holder’s death, it could be transferred to a beneficiary as a ‘death benefit’. The death benefit rules make investing in commercial property more popular for What is a SIPP? length of time, gains may be large. The yield on members even into retirement, because it can property tends to be higher than the dividends A self-invested personal pension (SIPP) is an be handed down the generations, tax free in from funds and equities. investment-regulated pension scheme where some cases. you can invest in a wide variety of asset classes • It releases capital back into the business to • It falls outside of an estate for Inheritance Tax and enjoy the tax benefits of a pension. It holds help with cash flow. Many business owners purposes and with the possibility of leaving investments until you retire and start to draw may benefit from buying their work premises the pension and the asset to a non dependent a retirement income. It is a type of personal through their pension, as this can make beneficiary as a pension fund, rather than pension and works in a similar way to a standard significant amount of cash available to the paying it out as a lump sum, there is much personal pension. The main difference is that business for investment. greater scope to avoid the sale of the property with a SIPP, you have more flexibility with the • There is no capital gains tax on the sale of the on death. investments you can choose. property. Any capital gain resulting from an • You can also borrow up to 50% of the net fund How to Invest in Commercial Property in a increase in the value of the property is exempt value of the SIPP for the purpose of buying a SIPP from capital gains tax. commercial property within a SIPP. There are two ways you can invest in commercial • No income tax on rents received - any rental As can be seen, a Self Invested Personal Pension property via a SIPP, by investing in a commercial income is exempt from income tax. If VAT scheme (SIPP) may be an efficient way of saving property fund, or buying commercial premises applies to the purchase of a property, it is for retirement by investing in commercial and putting them in a SIPP. This is proving possible to register the SIPP and elect to tax property. popular with small business owners who put in respect of the property and reclaim the tax their own commercial premises into their SIPPs. on the purchase price and/or any landlord How can I get a SIPP? Those with large pension pots may consider improvements. • In order to invest in a SIPP, you must be a UK buying other commercial premises to hold • ·It’s not accessible to creditors in the event of resident or transferring from one UK pension within their SIPP. personal or business bankruptcy. A property scheme to another. Once the pension scheme held in a pension scheme is in a totally is established, the funds can paid into the What Types of Commercial Property Can I separate legal entity to the member and/or SIPP by contributions or transfers from other Invest in? his company so it would be protected in the pensions. Most SIPPs allow you to select from a range of eventuality of financial distress of the member • It is important to seek independent financial commercial property assets, including: or the company. advice to set up the SIPP and to consider • Offices • There is no individual or corporate liability your options regarding your investment. • Shops on SIPP loans. Where the investor is also the Furthermore, legal advice will be needed in • Factory units owner of the business renting the property terms of the property purchase. • Warehouses from the SIPP there may also be benefits to Get in touch the business as rent is an allowable business • Hotels Farleys’ dedicated team of commercial property expense. • Care homes solicitors have experience in the acquisition • It can be purchased in conjunction with • Student accommodation other SIPP investors, such as work colleagues. and disposal of commercial property using What are the Advantages of Holding Owning a business property can also be useful SIPPs, acting for various sizes of pension scheme administrators throughout the North West. Commercial Property in a SIPP? for succession planning, where instead of purchasing via a number of individual SIPPs; a We have developed specialist expertise and • In terms of the benefits of using a SIPP to invest in property, a clear advantage is the group SIPP or small self-administered scheme regularly act for self-employed individuals and companies who purchase or transfer their offer of potentially strong capital growth. As could be instead used to enable property property is commonly held for a significant business premise through their SIPP. ownership to remain unchanged.

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Thought Leadership February 2019

Is your company doing enough to manage its Cyber Security Risks? Kevin Porter, Business Development Director, Xcina reflects on the issue.

On 10 December 2018, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) issued its key findings related to how wholesale banks and asset managers oversee and manage their cyber security, concluding that there is a recognised need and importance for strong cyber security processes and governance. Their findings have relevance for all organisations. The FCA observed the need for organisations to foster a proactive “security-centric culture”, which transforms cyber away from being an IT related issue to an organisation wide priority, especially at Boardroom level. Additionally, they concluded that incident management plans did not always appear to reflect the likely impacts of a successful cyber-attack on clients; other market participants and on markets more generally.

Current Landscape

Under Data Protection legislation, such as the EU GDPR and the UK Data Protection Act 2018, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has powers to enforce greater fines for data breaches up to a maximum of £20 million or 4% of annual global turnover, whichever is the greater. The FCA can also proceed with enforcement actions, which can potentially lead to criminal proceedings or a lifetime ban from performing operations within the financial services sector. The new Senior Manager and Certification Regime (SM&CR), came into effect from 10 December 2018 and enforces personal accountability and liability against managers who fail to take reasonable steps to prevent breaches occurring.

Operational Resilience

Cyber security should be part of a broader approach to ensure a firm’s operational resilience, with additional focus required around data protection; regulatory compliance; business continuity; third party management; risk management; strategy; governance and training. The aim is to ensure firms can withstand and/ or recover quickly from a cyber-attack. Threats are ongoing and persistent, with breaches having potential legal, regulatory, operational and reputational impact, leading to client and financial loss. Attacks are not sector specific. Organisations are constantly under threat, with a greater expectation by regulators, customers and stakeholders that management will remain on top of these risks, utilising robust resilience processes and policies to minimise and mitigate the impact of cyber attacks.

Operational Resilience is Critical for Survival Every organisation should ask themselves: Can we withstand, absorb and recover quickly from a cyber attack, whilst ensuring continuous operations and data security?

This is because if an organisation suffers a breach from a cyber attack, then prompt action must be taken with senior management’s primary focus on: 1) Identification: detailing the nature of the breach; 2) Containment and Recovery: you must shut down systems or restrict access and take steps to recover data, if required; 3) Investigation and Assessment:

immediately perform a risk assessment to determine adverse impacts; 4) Notification: determine whether individuals, the ICO and/or the FCA should be notified; 5) Evaluation and Response: assess root cause and implement measures to prevent reoccurrence.

Staff Training

Cyber security covers people, process, systems and external events. One of the areas of highest risk relates to people, not only from the perspective of human error, social engineering or fraud, but also due to a lack of awareness of securityrelated policies and procedures; lack of ongoing insights or an ineffective training, e-learning or induction programme. Cyber-awareness training is a must and should be performed as part of your staff induction as well as on an ongoing basis This should be at least annually, utilising e-learning courses and/or scenario-based training as appropriate.

Role of Senior Managers

The SM&CR places greater onus and accountability on senior managers to effectively manage and plan for cyberattacks. Managers need to demonstrate convincing responses to questions such as: • Is the firm resilient to cyber-attacks? • Is there a robust cyber / information security framework in place? • Can the firm mitigate against disruption and personal data loss as well as ensure timely recovery and restoration of services? Senior management now needs to demonstrate that reasonable measures

have been taken to prevent or minimise the impacts of cyber attacks. Such measures may include, but are not limited to: • Implementation of an effective cyber security framework; • An effective incident management response process; • Greater oversight of Third Parties, particularly your supply chain; • Adequate and ongoing training; • Improved governance and clearly defined roles and responsibilities; • Regular monitoring and reporting; • Interoperability and communication across key business functions; and • The adoption of a proactive securitycentric culture.

How Xcina Can Help

Xcina, the UK’s leading AIM listed digital resilience company, can help many organisations navigate their cyber resilience journey, through its range of comprehensive services and solutions, notably: • Information Security / Cyber Security; • Regulatory Compliance (SM&CR Compliance Programme – undertaking a gap analysis of SM&CR readiness, plus full support for implementation and ongoing compliance); • Data Protection; • Business Continuity Management; • Third Party Management; • Certified e-Learning training programmes. For more information, please contact Kevin Porter on 07785 921072



UCLan gives cash injection to budding student entrepreneurs THE University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) is continuing its sector-leading approach to student entrepreneurship by providing funding to support new start-ups. Through its mentoring and business support arm Propeller Hub, formerly Northern Lights, UCLan has provided financial support to 13 students and graduates over the last three months by offering up to £1,000 to new businesses through the Propeller Enterprise Awards. The cash injection, decided by a judging panel after applicants were invited to present their business ideas, is helping a variety of businesses; including fashion brands, arts companies, an international B2B consultancy, food vendors, support groups and more.

The funding will be used in many ways including purchasing equipment, contributing to marketing materials and event promotion, covering insurance and paying for web development and hosting. The Hub offers several services to students and graduates at the University including training courses, one to one mentoring, workspaces and networking opportunities. Steve Simm from Propeller, said: “We’ve worked hard over a number of years to create a culture of entrepreneurship within the University community that continues beyond graduation. Our aim is to help shape successful graduates whose enterprising skills benefit the region economically, environmentally and socially. Over

the last three years alone, Propeller has played a part in creating an estimated 542 businesses that have generated more than 1,000 jobs with an estimated annual turnover per business of £40,000.” One of the winning businesses was AJ Dance Company. Founder Anna James, said: “We are overjoyed to announce that we have been awarded one of the Propeller Enterprise Awards. This award will provide part of the funding to create and develop the project ‘small is beautiful’, a collaborative movement and music performance piece. We will be asking for members of the Preston and North West communities to register their interest in performing under the dance and movement part of the project.”


education February 2019

Bernard’s contribution to agriculture recognised by the Queen

FOUR people with very strong Myerscough College and University Centre connections have been recognised in the Queen’s New Year Honours. Bernard Rimmer has been part of Myerscough’s staff for 47 years and is currently the College’s Estate Supervisor. Bernard is awarded the MBE for services to the agricultural community. Bernard is based at Holmefields Farm, Scorton, and has been a highly respected figure in the farming sector for decades, breeding pedigree Hereford Cattle, in a business set up with his wife, Barbara. Bernard has also enjoyed a spell as the President of the Hereford Cattle Society, has represented the North of England on the Society Council since the 1990s and has judged at many major agricultural shows. Bernard’s association with Myerscough dates back to the early 1970s, where initially he looked after the College’s former site at Winmarleigh. When the centre closed down, Bernard bought and developed

the Holmefields Farm site. At the time, the College had been running a number of beef production trials and began to breed Herefords, with the pedigree name ‘Barbern’ – short for Barbara and Bernard. Ann Turner was Principal and Chief Executive of the College between 2006 and 2018, and retired from Myerscough life last March after more than twelve years at the helm. Ann is also awarded an MBE for services to land-based education and training. Ann became the first woman to take the College’s top job on 1 March, 2006, and over her time oversaw a period of enormous growth and campus development. Before Ann became the College’s first female Principal in its 110 year history, she was a long term member of Myerscough’s senior management team, having previously held the position of Director of Finance for seven years, from 1998, playing a key role in ensuring the College achieved significant growth and enhanced its position regionally, nationally and

internationally. Ian Higginbotham is a former chair and current member of the Myerscough College Corporation (Board of Governors), and received a College Fellowship in 2018. Ian is awarded the British Empire Medal for services to the community. Ian became Chairman of the Myerscough Corporation in 2010, serving until the end of 2013. During this time Myerscough became among the top 5% performing Colleges in the UK. Edwin Booth D.L is Myerscough College’s Patron and also an Honorary College Fellow. In addition to his business interests he is also the out-going Chairman of the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership, who have worked closely with the College on projects including Myerscough’s state-of-the-art Food and Farming Innovation & Technology Centre. He is awarded the CBE for services to business and charity. Alison Robinson, Chief Executive and Principal of Myerscough College, said: "I am absolutely delighted that a

number of our Myerscough team have received New Year’s honours. "Bernard has been with the college for decades and is planning to get to 50 years service! "Ian, in addition to his College duties, has undertaken a wide variety of community and charitable roles, including Treasurer of Victim Support Lancashire, Chair of Anglican Cidari Multi Academy Trust, National Treasurer and Administrator for the Free Methodist Church, as well as leading humanitarian teams to Rwanda and India, and much more. "Served on a number of local, regional and national bodies. For example, Ann acted as the Rural Advisor on the Lancashire Local Economic Partnership, was Chair of The Lancashire Principals Group, Chair of Landex (Land Based College’s Aspiring to Excellence) and Chair of Cultiva.’’ "As Chair of the LEP Edwin has overseen a £320m Growth Deal for Lancashire and £450m City Deal, together creating over 30,000 jobs."



SchoolFibre attends industry leading edtech Expo THE SchoolFibre team, part of Prestonbased IT support and connectivity specialists, NetDec, has recently attended the Bett Expo in London, to develop its ongoing collaboration with industry leaders. Taking place over three days, the Bett Expo is the world’s biggest edtech (educational technology) event, bringing together innovative edtech organisations to share state of the art practical solutions, as well as global knowledge and experience. SchoolFibre specialises in providing cost-effective fibre internet connections to


more than 700 education facilities across the UK. They work with Vodafone, BT, Virgin Media, TalkTalk and Colt and other providers to provide schools with fast and reliable internet connectivity. At the Expo, the SchoolFibre team met their industry leading software partners, iboss and Impero, to discuss developing their working relationship for delivering internet based solutions to the classroom, including content filtering, safeguarding, learning tools and reliable connectivity. Craig Townley, Managing Director,

NetDec, said: “Attending the Bett Expo was a fantastic opportunity to affirm existing collaborations with partners such as iboss and Impero, as well as establishing new ones, with other industry leaders within edtech. “As we extend our partnerships, we will continue to upgrade and benefit hundreds of educational facilities across the UK, where we already provide cost-effective, high quality internet solutions as well as associated software.”


education February 2019

Lancashire’s Largest Apprenticeship & Careers Expo is returning for 2019 FOLLOWING on from two successful events in 2017 and 2018, Lancashire Apprenticeship Expo will be returning to Preston’s Guild Hall on 26 March 2019. With over 70 regional employers, ranging from engineering giants Leyland Trucks to legal specialists Harrison Drury attending, there will be more local career opportunities available than ever before. The Expo is being supported by Preston’s College, Blackpool and The Fylde College, UCLan and one of the region’s largest apprenticeship employers, the NHS. Also, many of Lancashire’s colleges and training providers will also be present, making finding a career

through the apprenticeship program even more accessible. Lead organiser, Shout Futures’ Director, Andrew Richardson explained: “We are delighted to take over the full organisation and promotion of the event. We believe passionately in the positive impact that apprentices can bring to all sizes of business. Between our network of members, the wider business community and the region’s colleges, universities and training providers, we a perfectly positioned to maximise on the potential this event undoubtably has. “Our event is much more than a recruitment event. As part of the region’s largest business networking

organisation, Shout Network, we will be challenging employers to consider upskilling their current workforces through the apprenticeship route. “The 2019 event will offer anybody interested in apprenticeships more local and relevant choices than ever before.” Schools wishing to book their students on the event can also take advantage of a limited bursary, which is available to help with any costs for transport. The event will also include independent careers support provided

by the Apprentice Factory who will be on hand to provide information, advice and guidance for any person, whatever age or background, to discover more about their careers options and get practical help on how to get to where they want to be.

Burnley apprentice named best in the North West BURNLEY apprentice, Zack Duxbury, has been named the North West Regional Apprentice of the Year, after winning the SPARKS UK Electrical Apprentice of the Year regional competition at Burnley College. The SPARKS judges were impressed with Zack’s ability and the level of competence, safety and neatness achieved by him. Zack (17), who studies at

the College, is undertaking his apprenticeship with Avon Electrical and will now compete in the national SPARKS UK Electrical Apprentice of the Year competition, taking place in Bracknell, later this year. Burnley-based Avon Electrical is an approved NICEIC contractor and offers a range of electrical services, both domestic and commercial, including re-

wiring, alarm installation, outside lighting, landlord testing, PAT testing and low energy light solutions. The North West SPARKS competition featured more than a dozen electrical apprentices, who were tasked with solving a complex wiring system, which had to be completed in under a strict five-hour time frame, whilst at the same time, testing the knowledge, technique

and thoroughness of the apprentice. Zack, said: "I’m delighted to have won the contest. It was a great challenge and I’m looking forward to taking part in the finals later this year. My experience both at College and with Avon Electrical has really helped me advance my electrical knowledge and skills, progressing at each stage to work more and more on complex jobs, both large and

small. Gareth Read, Managing Director, Avon Electrical, added: “Everybody at Avon Electrical is delighted for Zack. He is a hard-working and dedicated electrical apprentice and his skills have certainly impressed us. Zack has a bright future in the industry and winning this NW competition exemplifies his future potential.”



Employers and students benefit from Nelson and Colne College’s new Industry Careers Days NELSON and Colne College (NCC) has held a series of new Industry Careers Days to inspire students studying vocational subjects to focus on their futures and to support them in gaining valuable employer links. Dozens of industry professionals from employers large and small contributed to the days across a twoweek period, with the events spanning the vocational curriculum at NCC, including Business, Childcare, Creative Arts and Media, Digital, Engineering, Football and the Fitness Industry, Health and Social Work Professions, Science, Sport Sciences and Uniformed Services. The days provided students with the chance to meet potential future employers and learn from motivational speakers, as well as gain further advice and guidance for Higher Education, develop portfolio building and improve employability and CV/interview skills. Employers also benefited from the event, and had the opportunity to learn more about the advantages of student work placements and the arrival of new technical T Level qualifications nationwide in 2021, with NCC being selected to deliver the new Childcare and Digital qualifications a year earlier from 2020. Chloe Beagles, 17, who is studying Level 3 Health and Social Work Professions at NCC, has her heart set on a career working in the NHS. Chloe, formerly of Park High School, said: “I’m having an amazing time at Nelson and Colne College, my tutors have been so supportive and I have a good relationship

improve my CV. I’m really enjoying the course here at NCC – my teachers are really good, the course content is ideal for me and it is interesting and challenging.” Spencer Phelan, formerly of Park High School, is studying Level 3 Business at Nelson and Colne College, added: “College has been really good, studying Business has boosted my confidence in my ability to write and in delivering presentations and all of my teachers are really helpful.” Assistant Principal for Technical with them. They really do make sure that you understand the topics you are studying and help Curriculum Morag Davis, said: “Our very first Industry Careers Days were designed you achieve your full potential. to inspire our students right across our “I would like to become a paramedic and technical curriculum areas to explore the I’ve done all sorts of work experience – in GP world of opportunities that exist beyond practices, hospitals, day centres and in nursing homes. I’ve also had the chance to complete the post-18 education, encourage them to engage with the large numbers of employers A&E Cadets as part of the extracurricular offer invited and to really think about their at College, which promotes practical skills like future employment, further education or CPR.” volunteering aspirations. Former Marsden Heights Community “The days were also a fantastic chance College student Shazaib Farooq, 17, who is for the college to develop and grow its studying Level 3 Networking and Systems Support, said: “I gained a lot of confidence from already strong links with a broad range of employers and industry sectors, particularly the Industry Career Day in Digital and it has focused me to go for the job I want in the future. ahead of the introduction of T Levels from 2021, where each students’ qualification I would really like to go into website building will include a minimum of 45 days of work because I enjoy the design element and coding placement with an employer. I would like involved with it. to thank all of the employers who have “We also had an interesting session on perception versus reality, and I gained very supported the events and contributed to useful information and advice on how to their tremendous success.”


education February 2019

Crowberry Consulting is now an IEMA approved training provider CHORLEY-based Crowberry Consulting Ltd is delighted to confirm that it has been recognised as an approved Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) training provider for two environmental sustainability accredited courses. The IEMA is a worldwide alliance of environment and sustainability professionals, with a network of more than 14,000 people in over 100 countries, working together to help businesses and organisations become better prepared to meet their environmental undertakings. Crowberry Consulting has offered environmental, energy and ethical services since 2006, delivering training courses in the UK and Europe. The company has now added to its training portfolio by being able to offer two IEMA accredited courses: Environmental Sustainability Skills for the Workforce and Environmental

Sustainability Skills for Managers. Commenting on this significant achievement, Becky Toal, Managing Director, said: “Being able to work in partnership with the IEMA and offer businesses these Level 2 courses is fantastic recognition of the quality of our trainers and a great opportunity to embed sustainability thinking across a range of sectors. We are delighted to be starting 2019 with these new training opportunities and have developed a range of dates from March to December for delegates to book on, via our website. We can deliver the courses at either an organisation’s location, our offices or at various Lancashire venues. “I am also pleased to confirm that we have just heard that Crowberry Consulting has been shortlisted for the Ethical-Green Business of the Year 2019 award, at the annual FSB Awards, North West Area Finals.” The one-day course, aimed at operators, covers

risks and opportunities from environmental sustainability, legal compliance, key environmental issues faced by business such as climate change, pollution and resource use, with links to the UN sustainable development goals. The course includes a balanced mix of presentations, interactive, fun workshops and practical exercises to take back to the business. The two-day Environmental Sustainability for Managers goes into more depth and includes reviewing the barriers, data and KPIs for sustainability management, supply chain elements, employees and sustainability, as well as case studies and practical exercises. Crowberry Consulting is a signatory to the Lancashire Skills Pledge and offers a range of courses on ISO 14001, ISO 50001 environmental and energy standards as well as the IEMA courses.

Patrick takes a major STEP in the right direction

AN Accrington solicitor has joined an elite body of lawyers specialising in family inheritance and estate planning after securing a prestigious industry qualification.

Patrick Swanney, from WHN Solicitors, has obtained the Diploma in Trusts and Estates from the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP). The internationally recognised qualification means the 33-year-old is now fully STEP accredited as a registered trust and estate practitioner, and is able to deliver expert advice on all

areas of the administration, taxation and accounting of trusts and estates. To gain the qualification, Patrick, who lives in Accrington, completed a rigorous 18-month assessment process comprising distance learning and assignments. Patrick is also a member of Solicitors for the Elderly (SFE) which enables him to give expert advice to older clients in relation to issues such as long-term care funding.

His success significantly strengthens WHN’s estate planning expertise, as he joins the firm’s other full STEP members, Stephen Parr and Helen Law. Patrick said: “STEP promotes the highest professional standards among its international members and obtaining full accreditation represents the pinnacle of achievement in this specialist field of law. “Completing the programme has allowed me to hone and broaden

my knowledge of the technically complex area of estates and trusts, including tax planning, inheritance, capital gains tax and trust planning.” Stephen Parr, a director who leads the asset planning team at WHN Solicitors, commented: “Patrick’s achievement is a significant boost for WHN’s service offer, as his full STEP membership further strengthens our knowledge and expertise in this challenging area of legal practice."



BIBAS awards is open for applications ONE of Lancashire’s leading business awards is open for applications to companies across the county. The Be Inspired Business Awards, the BIBAs, with new categories to encourage firms of all sectors and sizes and the people behind them to celebrate their successes. The application window is now open until 29th March with the awards’ organisers promising a unique application process which will help businesses develop. The BIBAs’ judges will undertake two rounds of judging with applicants having a face-to-face interview

followed by a visit to their business premises to get under the skin of each applicant. Babs Murphy, chief executive of awards’ organisers, the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, said: “Each year the BIBAs grows to make them the business awards they all want to win in Lancashire and this year is no exception. “We have added new categories to open up to legal, financial and marketing and digital businesses from across the county and they will get the opportunity to go through an application process which is proven to help grow businesses.

“Our application forms, followed by two meetings with our judging panels, drawn from some of the leading lights of the county’s business community, are proven to help businesses think differently and deliver increased growth.” The BIBAs will hold a boot camp workshop to help applicants to hone their entries to the awards at the North & Western Lancashire Chamber of Commerce’s offices on Amy Johnson Way, Blackpool on Wednesday, February 20. The session will see judges and former winners give advice on how to make a BIBAs

application and interview shine. Any businesses wishing to attend the boot camp session can register at www. bootcamp In 2018, the lifetime achievement

award, Lancastrian of the Year, went to Tony Attard, the High Sheriff of Lancashire and founder of Burnley-based textiles firm, Panaz. Other winners included Prestonbased Sunshine Events

and Blackburn’s Flavour Warehouse, which both picked up two awards, Creative Business of the Year and Service Business of the Year and Manufacturer of the Year and Exporter of the Year respectively.

Blackpool’s new Hampton by Hilton team wins two awards THE new seafront Hampton by Hilton hotel in Blackpool has just received the accolade of the ‘Fastest Ramp-up’ in the Hampton by Hilton Group and Sales Manager, Stacey deRome, has gained a ‘Rising Star’ award for her exceptional hard work to successfully attract new customers. The Hampton by Hilton hotel was completed by Blackpool’s Create Construction in May 2018 and is now at the forefront of the regeneration of the New South Promenade. The stunning hotel comprises of 130 bedrooms, a fitness room, business work zone, reception area and restaurant/bar – and is now playing an important role in attracting both business and leisure visitors to the area and providing much needed job opportunities. The Hilton Group has recently recognised the Hampton by Hilton Blackpool as being the fastest growing new hotel of 2018 in Europe, having ramped up their visitor numbers, in the first three months, more quickly than any other hotel in the group. This recognition demonstrates both the opportunity that existed in the area for corporate business, as well as the leisure trade – and the fantastic work by the hotel’s team to attract new customers.

Stacey deRome was recognised by the hotel’s management company Interstate Hotels & Resorts as the Rising Star for 2018, due to her contribution towards building relationships in the town and with the Hilton brand, contributing to the amazing success of the new hotel. Stacey commented: “I am thrilled with the win. It is great to be a part of a team offering accommodation for both corporate clients and leisure guests. My favourite part of the job is building relationships with our customers. We pride ourselves on offering all guests an enjoyable and memorable experience, ensuring that they return to our hotel time and time again.” Gill Mathison, Director and Owner, commented: “I am so proud of Stacey and our team at the hotel for these well-deserved accolades! They have all worked exceptionally hard, resulting in an outstanding number of customers. This success has exceeded all our expectations and we are now more confident than ever that this hotel will continue to attract more visitors to the area.”


Business Support

Tienda Digital creates bespoke portal for Lancashire delivery firm PRESTON-based, Tienda Digital has created a state-of-the-art driver portal for SP Transport Ltd, whose headquarters are also in Preston. The bespoke portal, purpose built for SP Transport, helps the firm manage its network of delivery drivers more efficiently and effectively. Following an initial consultation, Tienda Digital discovered that SP Transport required a bespoke website system to manage drivers, time sheets, payment schedules and mileage tracking. Used by both SP Transport and its partners, the system ensures all records are electronic rather

than paper, saving office staff more than 70 hours a week. Lancashire based web design and app development agency, Tienda Digital specialises in the design and development of websites, mobile applications and software. The firm helps businesses save time and increase revenue through bespoke digital solutions. Daniel Fisher, Managing Director, Tienda Digital, said: "SP Transport has a network of drivers across the UK and works with major organisations including Amazon. Following our

discussions, it was evident they required a userfriendly, state-of-the-art online portal to manage the drivers, their schedules and the associated data. “The website application was the obvious next step for the business, making it easier for Tienda staff and the firm’s partners to access important data from any location. This bespoke portal will ultimately save SP Transport time and money and is typical of the high-quality web design and app development services we offer.”

Levity CropScience’s research shows its products have flower power LEVITY CropScience has published its latest research on how nitrogen affects the growth of plants. The research, published in the Journal of Horticulture and Post Harvest Research, utilised Levity’s ‘LimiN’ technology, present in its Lono product line. Carried out by Levity’s R&D team, the research illustrates how the correct delivery of nitrogen to ornamental plants can significantly improve flowering, growth habit, and the ability to withstand stress. Ornamental plants are grown for decorative purposes, forming a major branch of horticulture. These plants are utilised in gardens, homes and

landscape gardening projects. In the UK, ornamental horticulture is worth close to £2billion annually and creates 15,000 full-time jobs. Led by Levity’s Dr Sally Wilkinson, the research focused on marigold, pansy, petunia and geranium plants, demonstrating how the agronomy specialists’ industry-leading Lono product delivers better rooting, faster growth, higher chlorophyll and 25-130% more flowers. David Marks, CoManaging Director, Levity CropScience, said: “This research showcases how Levity technology and products can produce better and more resilient ornamental plants, compared to other

nitrogen fertilisers. “Ornamental horticulture is an important global market; therefore, it is important growers have access to our smart fertilisers that help plants last longer and stand up to transplanting.” Sally added: “When plants efficiently take up nitrogen, it makes a real difference to their growth and longevity. Our research highlights that, through using Levity’s unique products, growers can use less fertiliser but achieve greater results. Whilst this research focuses on ornamental plants, the principal can be applied across different crops around the world.”


Business Support February 2019

KeyFleet joins sixth BNI chapter after £1 Million in sales RIBCHESTER-based vehicle leasing and fleet management firm KeyFleet has joined its sixth BNI group, having supplied £1 million worth of vehicles since first joining the referral marketing organisation. With eleven chapters in Lancashire, East Lancashire was recently named the top BNI region out of 72 across the UK. KeyFleet now has seven members of staff with active roles in six BNI chapters in Blackburn, Lancaster, Burnley, Clitheroe, Accrington and Samlesbury, several of whom also perform cross chapter roles. KeyFleet managing director Marc Mcloughlin, said: “Referral marketing is core to our marketing

strategy, with the BNI Givers Gain philosophy adopted at board level and throughout the company. “As the fleet management industry has gone more and more online in recent years, we took the decision to go in the other direction and refocus on the local community and a more personalised service. “I personally was the first of us to join BNI back in 2017 and undertook the Asentiv referral marketing course which we have adopted now

completely. Since then, we have supplied over £1 million worth of vehicles and BNI directly accounts for around 30% of our business, with referral marketing as a whole accounting for well over half of our business. “We absolutely follow the BNI processes and have found that is the greatest route to success. We have a team BNI meeting every week involving all seven staff involved in the six chapters to see who we can help across the multiple chapters we are involved with. There is nothing truer than the BNI ethos of Givers Gain, and we have found if you help others in business, they will help you, simple as that.”

British equestrian team set to benefit from fighter jet tech BRITAIN’S elite equestrian teams will benefit from sensor technologies normally used to manage cockpit conditions for fighter pilots to improve their competitive performance. The project is part of BAE Systems’ ongoing technology partnership with UK Sport and will support the teams transporting horses to major competitive events throughout the season. As with athletes, the performance of horses flying to international competition can be adversely affected by the symptoms of long haul air travel. Engineers at BAE Systems were asked to provide a technical solution to overcome the impact of long haul travel to ensure the animals arrive in a peak state of health and fitness; ready for competition. The specialist team at BAE Systems

produced a unique and bespoke environmental monitoring unit developed, called Equus-Sense, for the British Equestrian Federation (BEF). The technology builds upon advanced sensor systems such as those that monitor cockpit conditions and air quality found in Eurofighter Typhoon combat aircraft for the fighter pilots. Novel integration techniques and additional sensors appropriate to equestrian transport were introduced to provide a complete monitoring unit for the horses. The system covers sound, temperature, vibration, humidity, dust levels and oxygen, allowing trainers and athletes to monitor the environmental conditions for

horses travelling to international events. Equus-Sense can be housed in any travelling environment for horses, and will sense and log environmental conditions during transit. It allows trainers to evaluate the individual conditions of horses upon arrival at competitions to make informed decisions on their readiness to compete. In time the technology could be applied to other sporting organisations outside the BEF to monitor transportation and welfare of other horses travelling to competitions worldwide. “When it comes to elite sport, marginal gains can help leverage

a real competitive advantage, and that preparation begins before competitors reach their competition,” said Henry White, UK Sport Partnership Lead at BAE Systems. “We develop aircraft and equipment monitoring technology which helps ensure our fighter pilots are as comfortable as possible to enable them to realise their incredible skills and there is no reason why horses cannot benefit from this. Applying such technology to horse transportation had its challenges but our expert engineers have developed such a system allowing the equestrian competitors to benefit and help gain an advantage” Director of Equine Sports Science and Medicine for the BEF’s World Class Programme, John McEwen added; “This has been a valuable project that has improved elite horse transport. This is an area that can have a major performance effect and we are grateful to BAE Systems for their scientific support. “Small marginal gains are very important to us, to provide maximal performance, and the travel environment is critical to this. The improvements made will ensure the highest level of welfare for our elite horses and ensure that they travel first class.”



AGT Computer Services moves to new Lytham St Annes home as part of expansion IT support company, AGT Computer Services, has moved into its new HQ in Lytham St. Annes. The new office, adjacent to its previous premises, will facilitate the company’s growth, with AGT hoping to increase its team and offering in the coming months. Founded in 2005, AGT provides organisations with Business IT support in the North West. Anthony Thackray, Director, AGT, said: “Our new office highlights the benefits of our current expansion and our vision to expand even further in the coming months and years.

We look forward to continuing to support organisations across the North-West and beyond. “As we grow, we will be looking to bring new IT specialists on-board to help deliver our new digital transformation package ‘Cloud5’ and I invite people with relevant experience to get in touch with us. “To complement our new premises, local digital marketing specialists, Code Galaxy, has created a new, bespoke, state-of-the-art website for us, reflecting our brand and offering superbly.”

21Digital expands into new premises BLACKBURN based digital marketing agency, 21Digital, has expanded into new premises, after almost doubling its team from seven to thirteen in the last twelve months. The move sees the company remain in Blackburn, moving just a few doors down from its previous offices into larger premises that will allow for further expansion. Recently rebranded from Twentyone Agency, 21Digital provides web design, web development, SEO, Google AdWords, conversion rate optimisation, digital consultancy, social media marketing and email marketing to clients across the North West. Managing director Sam Fletcher, said: “This

moves follows another great year for us, with turnover topping half a million and profits up by 60%. In 2018 we also doubled our client roster to 40 accounts and are predicting further growth, having launched three new service sub-brands to run in partnership with our core brand. “Our goal is to become Lancashire’s most successful agency by proving SMEs do not have to go to Leeds or Manchester because we have the skills on their doorstep. “As well as strengthening our allunder-one-roof service offering, 2019 will see us increasing focus on core client sectors of automotive, home & garden, and retail.”


Business Support February 2019

VEKA Group saves enough energy to power a village

The UK’s most active investor experiences record year BGF, the UK & Ireland’s most active investor in growing businesses, experienced a record year of investing in the North West, providing £80m in longterm funding across 16 deals. This includes £58m across eight new investments and £22m follow-on funding for eight existing portfolio companies based across the region. BGF’s team in the North West has now invested more than £230m across 23 businesses in the region since BGF was set up in 2011. Neil Inskip, BGF, said: “Last year saw a continued climb in our investment activity across the North West, reflecting the work we’ve done to grow the team and build our infrastructure to drive new deals. “North West entrepreneurs are clearly concerned about uncertainty surrounding Brexit, but this hasn’t translated into a wholesale pause in growth plans. We are pleased

to be entering the new year with an encouraging pipeline and our focus in the region is to ensure that motivated companies are not forced into a growth hiatus because of a lack of support or investment in 2019.” New investments in 2018 included Mission Mars, the North West operator behind hospitality concepts Albert’s Schloss and Rudy’s Neapolitan Pizza. Mission Mars was the highest ranking North West business in 2018’s Sunday Times FastTrack. BGF also added web hosting company Miss Group, Merseysideheadquartered Evoke Creative, Lancaster-based technology business Gaist and international bakery business Carrs Foods to its portfolio, while providing further funding for portfolio companies Kids Planet and High Access.

AFTER a four-day audit, industryleading systems supplier VEKA Group, which has a facility in Burnley, has been awarded the International Standard ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems. 2018 saw the group save enough energy to power 750 average-sized houses for a full year. MD Dave Jones, said: “We’re very proud to have seen our hard work in this area recognised, but the certification is by no means the ‘end point’, rather, an important milestone in our continuous endeavour to reduce energy across the business. “One of VEKA Group’s biggest energy-related investments in recent years was a new substation that enabled the introduction of 81 sub-meters across the business. These give instant measurable feedback on our usage and any improvement actions taken. “We replaced an existing transformer with a newer, more energy-efficient version which achieved a saving of 30,000kWh / year, and our Operations Managers have set energy consumption parameters for the extrusion lines which are checked every day. Significant parts of the extrusion equipment have also been upgraded saving 255,000kWh per year. “An ongoing switch over to LED lighting across the site has so far saved 350,000 kWh per year, or enough energy to power 75 average-sized homes a year. “Refurbishment of one of the office blocks allowed the latest energyefficient air conditioning units to be introduced, saving 30% against the originals, and background heat is provided via heat recovery units fitted

on our compressors. Compressed air plays an important part in our manufacturing process and our compressors have been optimised via a new computer programme, reducing their running by 1500 hours per year without affecting production. “Our energy-saving efforts also extend to our vehicles; a replacement programme means the whole HGV fleet is now ‘Euro 6’ and, along with effective load and route planning, this has reduced fuel consumption by an amazing 20% over the past 12 months.

“Continuing to reduce our corporate energy consumption has both environmental and business benefits. VEKA and Halo customers can rest assured they’re working with a company that is focussed on sustainability and environmental responsibility, and, if we continue to reduce our usage as energy costs continue to rise, we will be doing our utmost to avoid resultant price increases being passed to our customers. “We’re training a number of ‘energy champions’ within the VEKA Group team who will have responsibility for cascading information to colleagues about how we can continue to further reduce energy usage across the business."



Pink Link’s opening of its latest female networking group is a roaring success THE launch of the Poulton, Pink Link group was a sellout and over 45 entrepreneurs attended to make new connections and strengthen business relationships with women from across the Fylde. From pet-sitters to solicitors, a personal Indian chef to accountants, the variety of the businesses ensured that there was plenty to discover about each other. The launch took place at The Moorlands Tennis Club and was

celebrated with Bucks Fizz and delicious home baked cakes from Rachel’s Yummy Scrummy Cakes. As the networking commenced, the volume rose and business opportunities evolved. Coral Horn, Director of Pink Link, said: “Our Blackpool group is literally bursting at the seams. It was obvious that another network in the area was needed and Poulton was the ideal location. The number of new members signing up to

the network shows that we made the right decision.” Frances Bowley of Spa on the Breck added: “We’ve found networking is a great way to showcase our business whilst making new contacts.” Louise Wood, Mortgage Advisor, added: “I’ve combined growing my business with making friends! I like Pink Link so much that I’ve joined Poulton and now I’m a member of three groups.”


Business Support February 2019

Universal Smart Cards launches Java Card developer kit SMART card specialists, Accrington based Universal Smart Cards, has launched an exclusive developer kit for Java Card. The state-of-the-art tool comes as a result of an innovative partnership between Universal Smart Cards and German semiconductor and systems solution manufacturer, Infineon. Designed to work with the latest Java Card platform from Infineon, the Oracle Java Card OS Edition 2 product incorporates the awardwinning microprocessor Infineon SLE78 chip. The kit will be utlilsed by organisations worldwide, with numerous multinational companies already placing orders for the tool. Some of the key features of the kit include: a premium Omnikey dual interface card reader, three dual interface sample Oracle Java cards, product datasheets, sample applets

and the software development kit that allows the user to develop their cards, even though no additional software is necessary. Paul May, Director of Sales and Marketing, Universal Smart Cards, said: “Utilising sophisticated oncard file management and enhanced data security, the Java Card Applet Development Kit is a great starter package for developing applications such as company ID, payment, logical access, physical access, city cards, transport and ticketing. “Resulting from a partnership between Universal Smart Cards and Infineon, the Java Card Applet Development Kit is a complete set of tools that allows you to develop, integrate, test and customise Java Card applications, quickly and effectively.”

Lancashire gets first chance to tap into £20m manufacturing business support programme MADE Smarter, the government-backed £20m business support programme aimed at North West SME manufacturers who want to embrace more digital technologies, has announced details of its first Lancashire event. Taking place at County Hall in Preston on the morning of 4 February, the Manufacturing Made Smarter In Lancashire workshop will give the region’s manufacturers a chance to find out firsthand all about the new Made Smarter programme. This includes finding out more about how to qualify for free advice and funding support to help with the adoption of new, smarter production methods such as 3D-printing, the use of ‘big’ data and the latest design software. Experts in robotics and automation, additive manufacturing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IOT), and other advanced manufacturing processes, will also be on hand to give advice and share their knowledge. North West companies who already have some

ideas about how they would like to upgrade their technology, or explore something new and radical, will be able to speak to specialist digital technology advisors about Made Smarter’s match-funded grant scheme. Firms who attend will also get the chance to register for an audit of their business from a Made Smarter consultant who will visit their premises. The consultant will then prepare a diagnostic report together with recommendations regarding how new technology could potentially help the company increase productivity, cut operating costs and develop new processes and products. Leading the Preston event, which is a coproduction with Lancashire’s Boost business support service, will be Made Smarter Programme Manager, Alain Dilworth. He said: “Lancashire was at the very heart of the first industrial revolution and remains home to hundreds of high-quality engineering, automotive, aerospace, food production and other

manufacturing businesses. “It’s therefore fantastic that we are hosting this event in the county, and we are greatly looking forward to tapping into Lancashire’s long, passionate and proud tradition of innovation, production and global commerce.” Andy Walker from Lancashire County Council added: “Programmes like Made Smarter, together with our own Innovation Strategy, have the potential to transform the way Lancashire does business and is especially relevant for smaller firms across the county. “Also, as this event will demonstrate, Made Smarter isn’t for just for tech companies or advanced manufacturers, it’s for any manufacturing business which is interested in finding out about new ways of working but isn’t sure where to start.” Any company interested in registering for the event should contact Boost.



Dugdale Nutrition farms out IT support A UK leader in the manufacture of livestock animal feed and one of Lancashire’s proudest family businesses has farmed out its complete IT support contract to a North West technology specialist. Independently-owned Dugdale Nutrition, innovators in the ruminant sector for over 160 years, has teamed up with Burnley-based Holker IT. Operating primarily from their main base in Bellman Mill, Salthill, Clitheroe, Dugdale Nutrition has enjoyed unprecedented growth in recent years, leading to the opening of a second site in Speke, Merseyside. Matthew Collinge, IT Manager at Dugdale Nutrition, said: “The pace of business today means that having the right level of IT is paramount. We utilise a demanding 24/7 operation and need to be able to rely on systems which run at maximum efficiency at all times. “We have partnered with Holker IT to assist us with all aspects of our growing IT infrastructure at our two sites. “Together over the coming months we plan

to fully utilise information technology across all departments to improve efficiency and provide a dynamic and wide-ranging service to our customers. With Holker, we feel in very safe hands.” Holker IT will carry out a full review of the IT infrastructure at Dugdale Nutrition, with the aim of delivering significant improvements in performance and resilience, whilst also providing full IT support for the 50 users across both sites.

Matthew Metcalfe, Managing Director at Holker IT, said: “The heritage of Dugdale Nutrition is there for all to see and it remains a very forward-thinking company with a desire to stay a leader in the UK animal feeds sector. “The project they initially set us was a challenging one, but one that we are relishing and we are looking forward to a long-term relationship as the firm continues to grow.”

TNP advises Scottish public sector on creating better digital networks LANCASTER-based public sector network specialist TNP (The Networking People) has been awarded a place on the new system established by the Scottish Government to give local authorities, health trusts, universities and colleges easier access to a full range of technical advice. The Network Advice Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) uses an electronic process designed to further streamline procurement of advice for organisations seeking

to develop, enhance and secure their network infrastructure. Commercial Director Chris Wade at TNP, said: “Existing public sector network configurations often don’t provide the flexible and resilient infrastructure they need. We provide expert advice and guidance to ensure that improvements are cost effective and fit for purpose. “TNP has huge experience within the public sector across the UK, and is familiar with the

specific requirements in Scotland having worked on a number of projects including creating, enhancing and extending networks in the Highlands and Islands. That experience adds value to TNP’s assessment of systems and the advice we provide on enhancing networks, and delivering better performance often achieved using the client’s existing infrastructure to provide more efficient and safer services.”


Business Support February 2019

Preston feels safe and the High Street is a ‘better place’ ACCORDING to a survey carried out by the Preston City Centre Business Improvement District (BID), almost 85% of respondents feel the city centre is a ‘safe place to be’. As part of its manifesto, BID pledged to conduct the survey of Preston visitors each year, with a total of 505 responses in 2018. Of those surveyed, 60% rated the city’s leisure offer as good or very good with 49% stating the city’s galleries/ museums and culture were of good quality. 52% of respondents thought the high-street was a ‘better place to be’ following improvements made

to Fishergate, an increase of over 10% on the previous year. BID Chair, John Boydell, said: “The survey underlines the positivity around Preston city centre. Tens of thousands of people are using the city centre on a weekly basis. More than 45% of survey respondents who visited the city centre live out of town, proving that visiting Preston is a conscious decision. We were pleased to read that almost 70% of respondents are acutely aware of the BID’s work with 75% believing the body adds value to the city “Since we launched this survey back in 2010, we have seen a shift in

public opinion and attitude towards Preston and, while there is always more work to be done, stakeholders continue to make positive strides towards a more prosperous city centre.” Andrew Stringer, Manager of St. George’s Shopping Centre & Chair of the City Retail Forum, said: “I am delighted that this year’s survey shows increased positivity. There’s a palpable energised feel to the city at the moment”. Andy Coverdale from the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) and the chair of the city’s Business Crime Reduction Partnership said:

“The survey results demonstrate what many people in Preston already know; our city centre is predominantly a safe place to be. The recently improved street-scene is

a major positive for the city and has never looked better. I, and many other people that I speak to, are optimistic about Preston’s future.” Margaret Mason, an

independent Florist on Friargate, said: “It is wonderful to know that people’s perceptions of Preston city centre match my belief that this is a great place to do business.”

Local electrical firm has the spark BURNLEY-based, nationwide electrical contractor, Surdival Electrical Services is experiencing a period of exceptional growth, with the firm’s latest project at ASDA Burnley. Founded by Mark Survidal in 2003, the electrical contractor has grown from just a few employees to over 40 nationwide qualified electricians. Focusing on the retail sector, the firm’s portfolio of clients includes major supermarkets; Tesco, ASDA and Morrisons. Surdival Electrical Services recently revamped ASDA Burnley with the installation of the latest self-scanning stations. The project was undertaken in the evening by the firm, to minimise downtown at the busy supermarket. The company has also solidified its local roots

with its commitment to being a Burnley FC Business Hub Member, ensuring Surdival Electrical Services will make use of the club’s Business Hub, a contemporary and professional space for

organisations of all sizes to network and operate from. Mark Surdival, said: “After a number of years working as an electrician, I decided to set up my own business in 2003. Surdival Electrical Services has steadily grown to be an industry leading contractor with my colleague’s stationed across the UK, providing solutions to an array of blue chip organisations. “As well as high qualified and professional electrical specialists, we can provide labour on a labour only hourly basis. All our staff are trained to the highest standards and are available for both short and long-term electrical projects across many sectors, including retail and construction.”



Top Tips for reducing energy in your buildings AS Winter’s icy hand descends, BSRIA has provided ten useful tips on how to reduce the energy used in non-domestic buildings. In the UK, non-domestic buildings are responsible for about a fifth of the country’s total carbon emissions. As the majority of existing buildings will still be in use by 2050, improving the energy performance of existing buildings is important to help the country to meet their emissions reduction targets as well as reducing operating costs for many businesses. 1. Conduct regular energy audits to determine where and how the energy is used in the building. 2. Ensure proactive service and maintenance is in place for main HVAC components such as chillers, boilers and cooling equipment to maintain high operating efficiency levels. This includes regular cleaning and replacement filters. 3. Adjusting thermostat set points to save on heating and cooling requirements. Reducing the thermostat downwards by one degree can reduce

fuel consumption by 8% 4. Use energy efficient lamps such as compact fluorescents or LEDs which can provide operational savings delivering less heat output and longer life expectancies 5. Ensure that any radiator and HVAC grills are not blocked by user’s equipment or furnishings to allow appropriate air circulation within rooms 6. Ensure that heated cooled air doesn’t escape from the building via windows left open, or leaky building fabric 7. Ensure workstation allocation is aligned with artificial lighting requirements of the work, removing the need for additional task lighting. 8. Understand how and where energy is used out of hours – many non-domestic buildings have been found to have a significant base load during unoccupied hours 9. Provide a simple user guide for occupants, for greater understanding of what building services

operate and how to operate any adjustable systems 10. Appoint Energy Champions to provide greater engagement with users and conduct routine walk arounds and make it an agenda item in Executive and Management meetings “Reducing energy consumption can deliver direct results in lowering carbon emissions and reducing cost, since many businesses don’t have a carbon reduction strategy. At BSRIA we believe that organisations need to give this more prominence in their strategic thinking” says June Davis Business Manager for BSRIA North, “We run a number of events throughout the year aimed at promoting best practise, our next event Engineering Wellbeing – Managing the Environment is on 29th March at Hotel Football in Manchester. For anyone interested in attending, please contact, June.davis@bsria.” or visit

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Business Support February 2019

Taste Lancashire returns for another bite MARKETING Lancashire has announced plans for its second Taste Lancashire food and drink conference on Tuesday 5 March 2019 at Holmes Mill in Clitheroe. This prestigious event will challenge, inspire and celebrate Lancashire’s £1.04 billion food and drink economy. Bringing together producers, retailers, buyers, chefs, hoteliers, food and drink entrepreneurs and exporters, as well as key influencers, delegates at this gathering of Lancashire’s most influential hospitality movers and shakers will hear from industry experts and commentators. Topics

like the latest food trends, sustainability, customer expectations, and food health and wellbeing will be on the menu as well as insights into how to further develop the profile of Lancashire’s food and drink sector nationally and internationally. Rachel McQueen, chief executive of Marketing Lancashire, said: “Lancashire food and drink is a key strength of ours, being the largest area of growth in our visitor economy. We’re a county with four Michelin stars, multi awardwinning gastropubs, artisan food and drink producers and retailers who champion Lancashire

on a regional, national and international stage. We also have great potential to help shift perceptions of England’s food and drink offer, which still lag behind

Mercia boosts North West SMEs with over £14m invested in 2018

the reality. “Following our successful Taste Lancashire conference in 2017, we are now keen to build on that momentum, to both support and

MERCIA invested £14.3million in North West businesses in 2018, up from £9.0million the previous year, highlighting its role as one of the UK’s most active investors and a key source of funding for regional SMEs. Mercia made investments in 24 companies in the region during the year, including Manchester-based tech firms Pimberly, ParkCloud and Shaping Cloud, the Lancashire games firm Soccer Manager and muffin plant machinery firm Baldwin Engineering Holdings, and Lancashire Waste Recycling. The group, which

celebrate those people who not only inspire our palates but also sustain our local economy and attract visitors to our wonderful county.”

manages Lancashire Rosebud Finance and part of the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund, employs 27 staff in the North West and has offices in Manchester and Preston. During the year the group increased its third party funds under management from £350.0million to over £400.0million. Growing by around 30 per cent a year, Mercia now has over 80 employees in eight locations nationwide and partnerships with 19 regional universities. According to recent reports from Beauhurst, Mercia is one of the top

four investors in university spinout businesses and one of the UK’s top four most active venture capitalists specifically focused on innovation. Mark Payton, Chief Executive of Mercia Technologies PLC, said: “Regional cities such as Manchester and Preston, are increasingly important technology hubs, however venture capital remains heavily focused on London. Mercia has offices in all of these locations and as these latest figures show, it is addressing this shortfall by sourcing and backing exceptional businesses across the UK’s regions."



Code Galaxy is the ticket for Convenzis

BLACKPOOL-based, Code Galaxy, has developed a significant partnership with Manchester events company, Convenzis, following a year of growth for both companies. Convenzis provides fast, accurate and relevant political monitoring, campaigning tools and research services for public and private affairs professionals. The company’s events facilitate technical and practical debate through keynote presentations. Contributors include UK and foreign ministers, senior civil servants, private sector experts and academics, discussing the latest initiatives and projects, alongside case studies and comments on best practice. Over the last year, Code Galaxy has been very effective in raising the digital profile for Convenzis, as it built the firm’s e-commerce platform, allowing users to acquire event tickets, as well as creating and maintaining

Convenzis’ branding and email marketing systems. Daniel Snape, Owner, Convenzis, said: “Code Galaxy has been instrumental in helping us achieve a very successful first year. Since our inception, we have worked with several high profile international organisations, including Microsoft and the NHS. “Code Galaxy’s great ideas and execution has allowed us to attain a healthy portfolio of clients, requiring us to strengthen our team, with the appointment of three new professionals.” Nicky Speakman, Managing Director, Code Galaxy, added: “As with all of our clients, helping Convenzis grow as a successful business, is a privilege for everybody at Code Galaxy. We help a range of organisations across many sectors find solutions for their marketing problems, utilising our email marketing, branding and web design skills.”

Equity release expands to £3.6 billion RETIRED homeowners released £3.6 billion in new property wealth last year as the market doubled in size in just three years, new data from the UK’s leading independent equity release adviser Key reveals. When further advances and additional drawdown are taken into account, the market is getting close to £4 billion. Homes paid out nearly £10 million a day in 2018 with customers releasing an average £76,500 to improve their standard of living in retirement. Plan sales rose by 21% in the year to 47,081 and new lending increased by £586 million to a new record high of £3.6 billion – more than double the £1.71 billion level achieved in 2015, Key’s 2018 Equity Release Market Monitor shows. Will Hale, CEO at Key, said: “The equity release market recorded another strong year of growth in new lending taking it to £3.6 billion and has doubled in size in three years demonstrating how important it is to

retirement planning. Once further advances and additional drawdown is included it is getting close to £4 billion. “The growth in gifting highlights the intergenerational benefits of equity release for families with money being used to clear debts, fund university fees and pay for house deposits and weddings. Even the use of equity release to fund home and garden improvements has benefits for families as it helps people to ‘age-proof ’ their home and preserve wealth for the family. “Debt remains however a major issue for some retired people and substantial numbers are relying on equity release to clear credit cards and loans as well as paying off mortgages. Good specialist advice is key to ensuring that older homeowners receive the most benefit from their property wealth and use it in the most appropriate way for them and their families.”


Business Support February 2019

Blackpool launches new business tourism advocacy initiative VISIT Blackpool has launched a new business tourism advocacy and ambassador recruitment programme aligned to the town’s new Conference & Exhibition Centre. In addition to promoting the £28m facility, which is set to officially open next year as part of the existing Winter Gardens

electrified rail connections. Other regeneration projects include major improvements to roads, bridges and traffic management schemes, and the development of new cultural, retail and leisure zones across the town. Blackpool’s advocacy programme is set to be spearheaded by Sir Andrew Parmley, a former

renowned orchestras and choirs. Now living in London Sir Andrew was born in the North West, grew up on the Fylde coast, and attended Blackpool Grammar School. Sir Andrew, said: “When I was growing up, Blackpool was the destination of choice for conferences of every type

complex, the initiative will also look to raise awareness of the £500m of recent investments which are transforming the resort. These include several new hotels, a tramway extension, public transport interchange and newly

Lord Mayor of the City of London and an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music. He is also a member of the Prime Minister’s Apprenticeship Delivery Board and sits on the boards of several highprofile national charities and world-

– industrial, commercial and political. And even though the town has been through many major changes since then, including some very tough times in recent years, I have always remained a passionate advocate for the resort.

“The recent swathe of new investments and improvements to Blackpool’s infrastructure, including the new Conference & Exhibition Centre, are now set to create a business tourism destination which will be unique in the UK. “It will offer the best of the British seaside and northern friendliness together with highgrade hotel accommodation, efficient transport links and brand new conferencing facilities. “This is the message I will be spreading through my work in London and across the world, and I am proud that Blackpool has asked me to help drive this new advocacy programme.” Mandy Tythe-McCallum, Business Tourism Manager for Visit Blackpool, said: “Sir Andrew is an enthusiastic champion of Blackpool and regularly returns to the resort to see for himself how the new investments are changing the face of the town. “We therefore couldn’t wish for a more respected and wellconnected individual to help us spread the word about Blackpool’s reinvigorated business tourism offer based on his first-hand knowledge of what’s actually happening. “However, we are also looking to ensure partners across Lancashire, including our world-class universities, our large employers, and other influential organisations, are all fully briefed on the new conference and exhibition centre.



European promotional supplier joins forces with Blackpool manufacturer A EUROPEAN promotional products supplier is set to become one with a leading UK manufacturer. Following PF Concept's acquisition of SPS EU Ltd, based in Blackpool, in December 2017, the two companies will become one operation in early 2019 under the name of PF Concept UK Ltd. As part of the transition, PF Concept is making significant investments in the UK business to increase capacity, make it easier and faster for customers to place orders,

deliver the best customer service possible. PF Concept and SPS will combine their extensive product portfolios and present customers with one collection, offering PF Concept products alongside a British Collection so that customers can still easily find their preferred products. In preparation for this, PF Concept has relocated its UK sales team and customer service functions to the SPS manufacturing site in Blackpool. The combined PF Concept UK

team will be led by Phil Morgan, with Tracey Bowen leading the sales and marketing functions. Tracey said: “2019 is set to be a big year for PF Concept, and an exciting year for our customers, as we continue to invest in our British operation. With a unified team, new products, a new facility and new equipment, we believe we will take big strides forward as a business, all of which will be hugely beneficial to our customers.” Phil Morgan, director and CEO at SPS said: “Just as PF Concept is

renowned for a fantastic product range and short lead times, SPS has a great reputation for UK manufacturing. With such a strong focus on the need for re-usable drinkware, our growth has been significant, and this additional investment will be critical to us meeting demand in the UK and across Europe. It’s an exciting time for our UK team, as we see continued investment helping us to become even stronger at what we do so well.”

Batch Brew bottles export success BATCH Brew, a Burnley distiller of small-batch gin, has broken into the North American spirits market after securing two new export contracts with suppliers in the US and Canada. Last month, the business shipped its first order of 4,000 bottles to fulfil an exclusive US distribution deal with a Georgiabased spirits distributor, and in September, shipped 450 bottles to SAQ, the state-owned alcohol retailer of Quebec. These new export deals, combined with an increasing overseas demand for craft gin, means the company is now expecting to see its export sales grow from 12.5% of annual turnover to more than 20% in the next 12 months. To help it break into the US and Canadian markets, the company has been working with the government is International Trade Advisers (ITAs), who have supported the business in navigating overseas legislation and cultural differences. Batch Brew’s North American successes are the most recent in a series of export wins for the business. Last month the company also began shipping to a new retail partner in Italy, as well as shipping its first pallet of a bespoke gin made using Chinese botanicals to a new partner in China.

Batch Brew’s exporting success is being showcased as part of the Food is GREAT campaign, a cross-departmental initiative led by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) and the Department for International Trade (DIT) to showcase UK food and drink overseas and help more firms export. Founded in 2011, Batch Brew started life as a brewery, before its founder and director Phil Whitwell recognised the opportunity available in the craft

gin market. The company produced its first gin in 2014 after trying out 252 recipes to find the right flavour. The business now sells a core range of three gins, along with a variety of monthly gin ‘innovations’. As well as gins, the business produces its own vodkas and rums, and has a whisky currently maturing. Earlier this year, Batch Brew’s Industrial Strength Gin was crowned ‘Best Gin’ at the International Spirits Awards in San Francisco, and its Signature

Gin was voted the UK’s favourite craft gin by the Craft Gin Club. Claire Plowes, Operations Manager, Batch Brew, said: “When we first started out, exporting wasn’t part of our business strategy. However, with the recent craft gin boom, we jumped at the chance to have gin drinkers around the world try our product. “These new North American deals are a big step forward for the business, but there’s been a few things we’ve had to tackle to make them happen. “For example, in the US and Canada not only is the standard spirit bottle size larger than in the UK at 75cl, the standard for packaging is also different, with the US market shipping in boxes of 12, compared to our boxes of six. To get around this we’ve not only had to adjust our bottle size, but also commission custom boxes. “Similarly, we’ve had to adjust our labelling to meet specific US and Canadian requirements.

In Canada, everything must be labelled in both French and English, while in the US we’ve had to adjust the prominence of the word ‘gin’ on our label to meet its product description requirements. “Support from International Trade Advisers has not only enabled us to overcome some of the legal barriers we’ve encountered in new markets, but has also helped us seek out new opportunities overseas. Thanks to their support, we’re now in discussions with a potential new partner in Germany, who we met at a Northern Powerhouse meetthe-buyer event in Harrogate last year.” Paul Stowers, Head of Region, North West, DIT, said: “Gin exports from across the UK are booming, and the US is our biggest market – worth £184m last year. Distillers from across the North West are wellpositioned to benefit from this demand. “To help more local firms take advantage of the export opportunities available, we have a team of International Trade Advisers – like those that work with Batch Brew – on hand to offer one-to-one guidance on everything from addressing labelling regulations, to sourcing trusted logistics providers."


Stagecoach celebrates one million contactless customers MORE than one million people have used contactless payment methods on Stagecoach buses in South Lancashire, Merseyside and Cheshire since it was rolled out across its fleet. The system, which was implemented in July 2017, enables passengers to pay with contactless credit or debit

cards as well as Apple Pay and Google Pay on smartphones. The speed of transactions using contactless technology has helped to reduce the time taken to pay for travel and improve the network’s reliability. Stagecoach Merseyside, Cheshire and South Lancashire’s one millionth

contactless customer was rewarded with a 28 day megarider pass and £100 Love2Shop vouchers. Rob Jones, managing director at Stagecoach Merseyside, Cheshire and South Lancashire, said: “The rollout for contactless pay has been incredibly successful and we’re delighted to be marking

our millionth contactless payment In this everevolving era of technology, it is so important that we continue to innovate and stay ahead of changing customer requirements. “Incorporating contactless has enabled us to streamlining the payment process and enhance the passenger

experience. This is just one of the ways in which we are continually investing in our services to ensure we’re harnessing new technology that better enables our business to continue to offer comfortable, connected, affordable, and efficient services.”

Lancashire family-owned logistics company launches year-long centenary celebrations ONE of the UK’s oldest UK and International logistics specialists has unveiled a new livery to launch a year of Centenary celebrations. The new Bowker Transport livery will debut on two Volvo tractor units, donated by the commercial vehicle manufacturer for use during the Centenary year. The new livery replicates the vintage blue, red and gold colour scheme used historically by the company. The launch heralds a year of activities for the Preston-based haulage experts involving staff, customers and suppliers. Bowker operates in excess of 160 vehicles and 300 trailers,

providing over one million square feet of warehousing at their seven UK sites. Bill Bowker, Director

said: “We are extremely proud of our history. We are pleased to introduce our new livery to celebrate the

Centenary which is a significant milestone within our Company’s history. Undoubtedly, this is a momentous

achievement making Bowker one of the oldest road transport companies still operating in the UK and the new livery is a fitting tribute to our past and the future which marks the launch of the celebrations. Joe Roddy, Sales Director for Volvo Trucks UK & Ireland said: “Congratulations to Bowker Transport on reaching this historic milestone. It is rare for any business to achieve this level of excellence for so long. That’s why we’re delighted to donate the centenary trucks and be part of the celebrations. Congratulations to Bowker Transport and all its customers from everyone at Volvo. And here’s to the next 100 years.”



KeyFleet win three-year contract with major telecommunications provider NELSON-based IT, communications and cloud provider Daisy Group has awarded fellow Lancashire business, KeyFleet a three-year contract to support its fleet management operation. KeyFleet will provide fleet management support via its SaaS fleet management platform ‘Keys’. Daisy Group, which operates more than

1,000 company vehicles and a further 700 ‘pay and reclaim’ users, had a challenge, like all fleet operators, to keep accurate driver records for P11D reporting across its multiple vehicles and divisions. Colin Bell, Procurement Director for Daisy Group, said: “I became aware of the Keys system as a result of a case study issued which showed some of

its reporting functions and an audit trail created by the software. Once we had the team in from KeyFleet, it didn’t take long for

us to feel comfortable moving forward with a commitment. It’s satisfying to support a local business that shares many of our values, and

we’re confident the system will help us achieve our objectives.” Marc McLoughlin, MD of KeyFleet, added: “We are of course delighted to support such a large fleet, the largest fleet on Keys to date, for one of the fastest growing and most progressive businesses in Lancashire and we look forward to adding real value to

their operation. We try to keep our solutions simple and easy to use. I am sure the fleet team at Daisy, with our support and training, will find many previously arduous and manual tasks become elementary and easy to execute. This is a great contract win for KeyFleet and should serve as a major milestone in our journey.”

£38m Network Rail contract win sparks Story Contracting recruitment drive

STORY Contracting is set for major expansion and job creation after being selected to deliver additional Network Rail contracts for one of England’s main rail routes. The infrastructure company has been awarded framework contracts for structures work on the South of the LNW (London North Western) rail route, which covers Crewe to London, and property work from Preston to Crewe. The LNW route is home to the West Coast Mainline, which is the busiest mixed-use railway in Europe and supports the major British cities outside of London. The contract will be completed over a twoyear period and will allow Story Contracting, which has a Lancashire base at Buckshaw

Village, Chorley, to employ in the region of 25 additional staff over the coming year. The company also recently secured three framework agreements with Transport for Greater Manchester. These cover the renewals of structures, property and track on the Metrolink network. The Network Rail contract equates to up to £38m of work for the Carlisle-headquartered company and is part of ‘CP6’, Network Rail’s five-year programme during which it plans to spend £35bn making Britain’s railways more reliable. Story Rail Director, Ian Purdham, said: “We are absolutely delighted, and personally I’m delighted for the team. We’ve worked

immensely hard on developing our client relationship, on winning these tenders and growing the business. We are looking forward to working with Network Rail in a collaborative, integrated team for the benefit of Britain’s railways and its passengers. Story Contracting Chief Executive, Jason Butterworth, said: “We are thrilled with the contract wins which reinforce our reputation for delivering quality projects safely, on time and to budget. “These opportunities will mean we can employ even more professionals across multiple regions and also entice new talent into the industry, including investment in the future with our graduate and apprentice programmes.”


Transport February 2019

Double celebration for LJLA with growing passenger numbers and the UK’s best on time performance 2018 WAS another successful year for Liverpool John Lennon Airport (LJLA) and the cause for a double celebration with the Airport’s latest passenger figures showing a milestone in passenger throughput, at the same time as having the UK’s best scheduled flight punctuality record. 5.1 million passengers chose to use Liverpool John Lennon Airport in 2018, the highest figures seen at the Airport in seven years and an increase of 3% compared to 2017. The Airport has seen growth in passenger numbers and services throughout 2018 with a number of new routes having started last year to a diverse mix of destinations including Bergen, Dalaman, Iasi, Palermo, Paphos, Pula, Shannon and

Toulouse. LJLA now serves over 70 destinations. LJLA has also continued to be one of the UK’s best performing airports operationally. The Punctuality League, a report published by OAG, the world’s leading air travel intelligence company, shows that Liverpool had the UK’s best on time performance record in 2018, with over 84% of arriving and departing flights operating within 15 minutes of their scheduled arrival and departure time. Liverpool has the seventh best record in the world when compared to airports of a similar size for scheduled flight on time performance. Whilst passenger numbers and

choice of destinations continue to rise, the Airport experience for passengers continues to remain one of the UK’s best. Queue times for passengers to go through Airport security remained low throughout 2018, with 97% of passengers taking 10 mins or less to pass through security and over 80% taking less than 5 minutes. This is great news for the growing numbers of passengers who choose to fly from Liverpool, reassured to know that, whilst the Airport has become busier, it remains one of the UK’s faster, easier, friendlier airport experiences with queues at a minimum and flights operating on time. 2019 is set to be another busy year for the Airport, with new

routes to Corfu, Copenhagen and Varna commencing in the Summer. John Irving, CEO for Liverpool John Lennon Airport commented: “2018 has been another very good year for the Airport and for the region’s air travellers too, with Liverpool now offering an even greater choice of destinations and a fantastic passenger experience. "As an important gateway airport, Liverpool also benefits the City Region, the North West and North Wales with an excellent passenger experience and improved connectivity helping to attract more inward investment and boosting the region’s visitor economies.”

Myerscough College rallies around Legend Fires North West Stages ORGANISERS of the biggest rally in the North of England are promising this year’s event will be the best yet, based at its new home at Myerscough College. Myerscough’s Bilsborrow campus will be the central base for the Legend Fires North West stages, which will be held on Saturday 23 March. The route will comprise of 50 stage miles over 12 special stages, of which approximately 35 miles are on closed public roads. Entries will open in the next few weeks, with the College’s state-of-the-art Motorsport Centre making the venue the perfect choice for hosting the event’s Central Service & Scrutineering. Following the change in the Road Traffic Act Legislation in 2017, organisers, Motorsport North West, took a year’s sabbatical to concentrate on the vast amount of work needed to pursue the possibility of a number of ‘Closed Road’ Special Stages for the 2019 event. Following over twelve months of painstaking planning it will become the first special stage tarmac

rally in the North of England to take advantage of the new laws allowing use of the public highways for motorsport. Belinda Oldham, Head of Motorsport at Myerscough College and University Centre, said: ”We are delighted that the North West Stages rally is back for 2019 and the College is looking forward to welcoming the hundred or so competitors onto our beautiful campus. ”The organising committee have worked tremendously hard to get to this point and with the combination of closed roads and private venues it should be a fantastic event for both competitors and spectators. ”The College continues to offer students experiences of working at prestigious events on the motorsport calendar in addition to their course studies and this is a big opportunity. We’re pleased to be able to continue to offer these unique opportunities to Myerscough students as part of their enrichment.’’ Dave Read, Event Director for the North West Stages, said: ‘’We have

worked closely with Wyre Council for a number of years having run Special Stages on the Council owned Fleetwood Waterfront in the past, so it made sense to seek their support for Closed Road Special Stages. ‘’We’re delighted to be moving to the facilities at Myerscough College, which is well known for their motorsport courses. Moving the base (to Myerscough) still allows some of the traditional area to be used, but opens up other options in the Lancashire Fells. ‘’The College also boasts a rally heritage having a long-established motorsport department with stage rallying a core element of their activities and a number of lecturers having strong links to the sport. It has long established links with a number of Lancashire based Motor Clubs who have been instrumental in the organising of the event for many years. ‘’By bringing the rally to Myerscough and engaging with staff and students that in itself provides valuable educational benefits providing

first-hand experience of the running of a major motorsport event. All in all it’s a win, win scenario for both the College and the rally organisers and is the start of what is hoped will become a long-term relationship. ‘’Wyre Borough Council, with whom the organisers have worked closely, are confident the rally will bring significant levels of income to the area at what is a relatively quiet time in tourism terms.’’ The Legend Fires North West Stages rally is the largest multi-venue tarmac rally in the North of England, attracting thousands of people who compete and watch the action. Myerscough HE Motorsport tutor, Simon Moss, said: ”Occasions like this give the students crucial real life experience on events where they’ll be working alongside potential employers. The students will get to experience, first hand, a major event and such experience looks great on their CV when they apply for jobs within the industry.’’







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Lovania Nurseries goes green with Aldi FAMILY-owned Lovania Nurseries, has revealed it will cut more than 200 tonnes of non-recyclable black plastic per year from its operations after securing a new five-year supply deal with Aldi. The Preston business has committed to converting all its plant trays to rPET, which is made of recycled materials and is easily recyclable, enabling Aldi customers to dispose of the used packaging in household kerbside collections. Lovania supplies plants and bulbs to horticultural businesses and major retailers, and has been in partnership Aldi for more than 20 years. The new long-term supply deal will enable the business to invest in packaging and machinery to improve efficiencies. Lee Chambers, Head of Sales, at Lovania, said: “We’ve come a long way since our business began, and continued investment from Aldi is encouraging

us to grow and modernise more than ever before. “We understand the importance of operating in a sustainable way and moving all our cell pack trays is the first step for us to becoming more environmentally friendly.” The announcement follows recent environmentally-friendly initiatives from Aldi, including plans to be carbon neutral by 2019 and to ensure all its packaging is recyclable, reusable or compostable by 2025. Fritz Walleczek, Managing Director of Corporate Responsibility, at Aldi UK, added: “We’ve set some ambitious plastic reduction targets and are pleased to see our suppliers working with us to find solutions and help to achieve our goals. “Many of our customers are avid gardeners and these products will help them to cut single-use plastic from their green spaces.”

The Saffron Group to hold super event at Blackburn Youth Zone THE SAFFRON Group consists of Lancashire South Asian business and Charity leaders, who meet regularly in Blackburn with Darwen, to discuss how they can promote the benefits of diversity and work with their local communities to help them benefit from their business skills, through informal events and positive action. Their latest project is to hold an engaging activity event at Blackburn Youth Zone. Taking place on the evening of 6 March, the "Saffron Superheroes" event will bring together a diverse range of individuals and businesses, with the aim of breaking down cultural divides and barriers in the local and wider business community. Members of The Saffron Group, which includes leaders from a number of high profile Lancashire businesses, have assumed identities as superheroes that best suit their personalities for the event.


Raz Mohammed, a member of the Saffron Group and CEO of Blackburn Youth Zone, said: “The Saffron Group is more about relationships than business. We’re trying to bring like-minded business

people together to help better engage with the diverse community we have here in Lancashire. Through informal events, we want to break down the cultural barriers that exist, in both the business and wider community and make a difference in the community through projects like the Youth Zone. The Saffron Group recently challenged business leaders in the local community to a ten-pin bowling competition, which proved a great success as relationships were formed in a more casual and social environment. Continued Raz: "Our event at Blackburn Youth Zone on 6 March is open to any business in the Lancashire community that wants to have a fun, activity-filled evening. I encourage businesses and business leaders in the local and wider community to get in contact with me and come to the event, whether as a participant or an observer.” AS PART OF OUR COMMITMENT TO BEING A GOOD CORPORATE CITIZEN



Universal Smart Cards appoints Paul May as new Director of Sales and Marketing UNIVERSAL Smart Cards has announced the appointment of Paul May as Director of Sales and Marketing, based in Accrington. Having worked at Universal Smart Cards for over seven years as a Business Manager and more recently Commercial Director, Paul has been involved in the sale and production of millions of smart technology cards for transport ticketing, fuel payment

schemes, mainstream sport event tickets, identification and access, and much more. Commenting on his appointment, Paul, said: “I’m delighted to accept the role of Director of Sales and Marketing. I am really looking forward to helping shape the future

of the company from a strategy point of view and getting more involved in both the sales and marketing functions of the business and build on the solid foundations already laid. I will aim to help both teams have a fantastic 2019.”

Chris Allen, Managing Director at Universal Smart Cards, added “I am absolutely delighted that Paul has accepted the role. It gives Paul a wider remit from his Commercial responsibilities to help with the focus and strategy in Sales and Marketing. Both the sales and marketing teams will benefit from having someone full time in this role to help them plan and execute the next phase of our growth.”

CEO of Peel Ports to drive Skelmersdale forward THE Skelmersdale Place Board has announced that Mark Whitworth, the Chief Executive of Peel Ports and Chair of West Lancashire College, as its new Chair. Mark’s expertise and leadership qualities will be invaluable in supporting and promoting Skelmersdale, he will work closely with fellow Place Board members and Ambassadors to help raise the profile of the town and borough. Skelmersdale has ambitious plans with the space to grow its population and business base to ensure the Borough is well placed to attract new business opportunities. Commenting on his new role Mark said “I am very much looking forward to working with both the Place Board and Ambassadors to help promote Skelmersdale as a great place for business and to help generate further investment to the area. Skelmersdale is on the doorstep of a phenomenal catalyst for growth and is well-placed to capitalise on those new opportunities, particularly being in such close proximity to the Port of Liverpool. I am delighted to be a part of Skelmersdale’s exciting future”. The timing of Mark’s appointment

is pivotal to Skelmersdale’s growth plans, including the regeneration of Skelmersdale Town Centre and proposed new rail link and station, which will be the ‘growth game changer’ to benefit the area and wider Lancashire / North West economy. Steve Jones, who will be stepping down as current Place Board Chair, said: “I feel honoured to have been Chair of the Skelmersdale Place Board during its formative phase and I am confident that Mark will bring the energy and drive that will help Skelmersdale reach its potential. I’m delighted to hand over the reins to Mark who in his current role at West Lancashire College shows his passion for the area and sees the potential of the skills and talent that we have here, as well as the potential for expanding and growing our businesses.” Councillor Ian Moran, Leader of West Lancashire Borough Council said: “I wish to congratulate Mark on becoming the new Chair of the Skelmersdale Place Board. It is great to see this initiative, which was originally initiated by the Borough Council, gathering its own momentum and being driven forward by business leaders.”

Jones Melling appoints first non-exec director LANCASHIRE based property and construction advisory firm, Jones Melling has appointed its first nonexecutive director. Experienced business advisor and accountant Phil Hawthorne has joined the Preston-based firm. He brings over three decades of experience in the finance, property, pharmaceuticals, leisure and engineering sectors. Previous roles include senior positions at PwC and Proctor & Gamble. Ken Jones, co-

founder and director of Jones Melling, said: “We’ve expanded quickly in the last few years and it’s important we continue to manage this ongoing growth in a structured way. “Phil has been there and done it all before. He can draw on huge reserves of experience and insight, bringing a fresh pair of eyes to the big decisions we take.” Fellow director, Gary Melling, added: “Phil has strong expertise in management accounting and

forecasting, so can add to our knowledge in this area. “He will also be a great sounding board for the business. His experience outside the property sector also means he can bring an alternative perspective.” Phil, a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, added: “Mentoring up-andcoming professionals is something I enjoy immensely. I’m looking forward to helping Gary and Ken develop their business.”


APPOINTMENTS February 2019

New faces and old at CLEVR Money CLEVR Money, the Blackpool, Fylde, Wyre and Preston credit union, has welcomed back a familiar face as one of its new managers, among a raft of new appointments. Anthony Brookes has been appointed Business Development and Collection Manager at the Blackpool-based credit union in Birley Street. Previously a loans officer for seven years with the local credit union, Anthony has returned to the notfor-profit business after three years away. Despite the new trading name, CLEVR Money, everything else feels pretty familiar. “I have had an incredible welcome, and it has been wonderful meeting up with so many of the members I’ve worked with before,” said Anthony. “I’ve been out and about in the community catching up

with members and seeing what I can do to help them get their finances on track, and reminding people just how much the credit union can do for them. The credit union has gone through a number of changes during Anthony’s absence, including being rebranded as CLEVR Money, the launch of a new website, expansion in Preston and the appointment of Jackie Colebourne, who was the very first member of staff, to Governance and Administration Manager. The team has also recently expanded, with the arrival of new loans officer Kenny Connelly and apprentice business administrator Jordan Moorhouse. They join assistant manager Andrew Moulding and loans officer Michelle Swain at the Birley Street office.

Libby a major coup for family law specialists SARAH Bentley has recruited the services of Elizabeth ‘Libby’ Reed, a leading figure in the Crown Prosecution Service for three decades, to strengthen her fastexpanding family law practice in Padiham. “It’s both a professional coup and a personal joy to welcome Libby aboard,” said Sarah, who established Sarah Bentley Solicitors just over a year ago. “We have been colleagues and friends for many years and her vast legal

experience speaks for itself.” Libby, who lives in Ightenhill, Burnley, added: “Family law was where I started and it has always remained a key element in my work, so when Sarah asked if I would be interested it was impossible to resist.” The former Senior Crown Prosecutor has enjoyed a hugely successful career, rising to Head of Greater Manchester Crown Court Unit, the biggest outside London.

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Made Smarter appoints BAE Systems’ Andrea Thompson as Chair of Steering Board BASED at BAE Systems in Lancashire, Ms Thompson is BAE’s Managing Director for Europe & International Programmes. This includes responsibility for BAE’s role in the F-35 Lightning II fighter aircraft programme, the world’s largest defence project. Prior to this Andrea spent several years working in the United States, primarily in the automotive sector, before returning to the UK to work for major names including Leyland Trucks and Rolls Royce. In her role as Chair of the Made Smarter steering group Andrea will oversee the successful development and operational delivery of the Made Smarter programme. Joining her on the board, which features over a dozen representatives drawn from manufacturing firms from across the North West, will be Trevor Cassie, Group Operations Director of BCW Engineering which is based in Burnley. Trevor and colleagues will monitor progress of the pilot project and report on learnings which will help to inform the proposed national roll-out of the Made Smarter concept. Other outputs will include the ongoing promotion of Made Smarter locally, regionally and nationally, and the strengthening of relationships between Made Smarter and other partners working across the advanced

manufacturing agenda in the North West. The board will also be responsible for ensuring good governance during the lifetime of the Made Smarter North West pilot. Commenting on her appointment as Chair, Ms Thompson, said: “Having spent many years working in global industries like engineering, automotive and aerospace I know how respected and admired the North West of England’s manufacturing tradition is. “However, much of this is down to the legacy of the first industrial revolution which started in this region. With Made Smarter, we now have a real opportunity to kick-start a new era of technology-led manufacturing, driven by innovative and ambitious SMEs, throughout the whole of the North West. “I am very proud to have been appointed to the role of Chair for the steering group, and I am relishing the opportunity to helping shape and develop this exciting project which has the potential to transform the region’s industrial economy.” BCW’s Trevor Cassie, said: “With the progression of digitalisation in manufacturing there are exciting times ahead for firms across Lancashire and the wider North West, and I am greatly looking forward to being part of the Made Smarter team.”


APPOINTMENTS February 2019

Family Law Specialist joins Blackpool Solicitors BLACKPOOL law firm, Blackhurst Budd has appointed Sharon Emslie as head of its family law department. Sharon specialises in relationship breakdown and divorce. She has a wealth of experience in dealing with children matters and helping clients through the complexities of dividing assets on divorce, particularly for clients with business interests. Sharon commented: “I’m looking forward to helping the clients of Blackhurst Budd in all areas of family law and providing them with an affordable, approachable and expert service. Wherever possible I encourage clients to reach agreement on divorce and I achieve a settlement in a high proportion of my

cases. However, should a settlement not be possible, I regularly represent clients in court proceedings relating to financial matters and children. Warren Spencer, Managing Director at Blackhurst Budd, added: “We are delighted to welcome Sharon to the firm. Blackpool has a higher than average divorce rate according to national statistics and it’s vitally important that clients take legal advice at an early stage. “Whilst the divorce process itself can be straightforward, dealing with the financial aspects requires legal expertise to ensure that a fair settlement is reached and ultimately, to prevent future financial claims being made.”


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Park Hotel restoration plans reach significant milestone TWO of Preston’s longest-established companies are spearheading plans to revive the golden age of railway hotels. Cassidy and Ashton and Frank Whittle Partnership (FWP) are anticipating approval of their plans to restore the Park Hotel, overlooking Avenham and Miller Parks, to its former glory. Lancashire County Council’s development control committee is set to discuss the planning application to turn the offices back into a 156 bedroom four star hotel, as well as the addition of a new spa, banqueting pavilion and offices. The plans are recommended for approval. Cassidy and Ashton and FWP were both established in 1960 in the centre of Preston and they have joined forces to deliver one of the city’s most important regeneration schemes. The 3.3 acre complex was first opened in 1882 as the grandly titled London and North Western and Lancashire and Yorkshire Hotel with subways connecting guests and passengers directly to the platforms of Preston railway station. Cassidy and Ashton is acting as architects and FWP as project managers and cost consultants working for Local Pensions Partnership, a collaboration between Lancashire County Council and the London Pensions Fund

Authority managing £16 billion of pension assets. The Park Hotel was acquired from Lancashire County Council in 2016 and the significance of the project lies in the need for Preston to show ambition and provide modern luxury hotel facilities as well as retaining its historic assets. The investment from the county’s pension fund in Preston is a real statement of intent for the city and the county and the reinstatement of a four star hotel – next to what is intended to become an HS2 mainline rail station – proves there is ambition to drive the city’s economy deep into the 21st century. Assigning the multi-million restoration project to two of Preston’s premier firms, each with extensive national expertise in their respective disciplines working with blue chip clients, is also a major investment in the city’s ability to deliver high profile and complex projects. In addition to restoring the main buildings of the Park, the plans aim to demolish the neighbouring concrete office building to be replaced with a building housing more bedrooms, conference facilities, a lounge bar and gym. Chris Taylor, project architect at Cassidy and Ashton, said: “We have designed a scheme that

adds a much-needed four star hotel to Preston hospitality provision for both business guests and tourists. “Perhaps as important, we are restoring a major city landmark to its former glory and by adding wedding, conference and spa facilities for hotel guests and the public we will be creating a lot of new jobs in the hospitality sector.” David Robinson, managing partner at FWP, said: “Protecting heritage assets is important to the culture of a city and Preston has many fine civic and private buildings to be proud of. “Some are being reimagined and improved like the new market hall, the Harris museum and library or the bus station. “Others, like the Guild Hall entertainment complex or the old central post office, have been taken into private hands and given a new lease of life. “The Park Hotel is one of the most prominent landmarks visitors see when arriving into Preston by rail from London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds or Liverpool. Knowing the distinctive red brick building is a luxury hotel immediately tells them Preston is an ambitious, forward-looking city.”



Will your business energy supply be as secure after Brexit? LEE PETTS, Chairman, Lancashire for Shale gives his views: Unless the Prime Minister manages to break the political deadlock in the meantime, the UK looks set to leave the EU on 29 March without a deal, which could put our energy security at risk. Shale may be the answer. Britain depends on its European neighbours for much of the energy it uses. For instance, we buy electricity from France and natural gas from Norway, The Netherlands and Belgium. We are a net importer of both, meaning we import more energy than we produce ourselves. This reliance on foreign supplies makes us hostage to fortune. It would only take a diplomatic spat or a technical malfunction to starve us of the energy we need, and if we crash out of the EU in a 'No Deal' Brexit, that insecurity could get worse. In 2018, a House of Lords Committee examined the potential impacts of Brexit on UK energy supplies. It concluded that “Post-Brexit, the UK

may be more vulnerable to supply shortages in the event of extreme weather or unplanned generation outages”. If you think it sounds implausible, think again, ‘the Beast from the East snow storm in March last year’ showed how vulnerable we are to interruptions in gas supplies from the Continent, with National Grid forced to issue a gas deficit warning. In 2016, ‘a ships’ anchor was blamed for snagging an electricity connection’ to France that cut off half of our imports. All of this points to the need to continue exploring our shale gas resources, including here in Lancashire. Some may argue that the localised risk of minor earth tremors is too high, and fixate on keeping the Traffic Light System set at just 0.5 ML (local magnitude), but we would argue that running out of affordable gas is by far a greater

risk. With experts now saying fracking could be conducted safely even at 1.5 ML, it's time to get on with confirming the commercial viability of shale gas production in the national interest. We’ll be discussing the role of shale gas in energy security at our Exploring Shale event in Burnley on 28 March 2019.

EXPLORING SHALE Burnley, Lancashire 28th March 2019, 8am - 10am Find out what shale gas could mean for your business, register at


Property February 2019

Business boost for Rossendale as eco-friendly housekeeping franchise opens new shop ROSSENDALE has been given a business boost with a new eco-friendly cleaning and laundry shop set to open in its town centre. Bright & Beautiful, the award-winning professional domestic housekeeping franchise, has opened its doors to local residents in and around the town. The success of Bright & Beautiful’s cleaning service has led to the expansion of a drop-in laundry and ironing shop in Rossendale and will be located at 88A Bank Street, Rawtenstall. Set up seven years ago with a team of 10 professional housekeepers, the business

will continue to provide a range of eco-friendly cleaning, tidying, laundry and ironing to the highest standards of security and service. Franchise owner, Nicola Bailey, has also recently won the prestigious ‘Service Business’ award at the annual Rossendale Business Awards 2018 for being the most successful and sustainable Rossendale service business. The awards are an annual showcase for the achievements, quality and diversity of local businesses and enterprising people with 18 different categories.

Thrilled with the launch of her new shop and winning the award, Nicola Bailey, said: “The future is really exciting for our business and we have so much to celebrate,

both the opening of the new shop and recognition for the quality and scope of the service that we deliver to our customers”. It is also great to be able to demonstrate


29th MARCH 2019 9AM - 3PM

how we have a track record of success since we began trading in 2011 and to share how we plan to further develop and grow our business."



Hurstwood Holdings celebrates the successful launch of its Rossendale office development MANCHESTER-based Hurstwood Holdings is celebrating the successful launch of one of its Rossendale office developments, following a major uptake from local businesses. The Hurstwood Court facility is home to 22 local SMEs, ranging from video specialists to occupational therapists and financial consultants. Because of this success, only five units at the bespoke, state-of-the-art office space are available, with the facility offering break out areas, meeting rooms and engaging working spaces. The company is one of the UK’s leading property providers, with over 500 commercial customers occupying its office suites, industrial estates, retail development, leisure and medical facilities across the UK. Based in Manchester city centre, HurstwoodHoldings has been a leader in the development of both commercial and residential properties for more than three decades. The Hurstwood Court office is one of five developments the company

services on New Hall Hey Road in Rossendale, along with another office block, gym, industrial park and a large retail unit. Sian Hindle, Sales Manager, Hurstwood Holdings, said: “We are delighted with the positive reaction from local businesses to Hurstwood Court, alongside some of our other successful developments in Rossendale. “We brought in an experienced interior design to make Hurstwood Court a dynamic and engaging space for local business to thrive alongside each other and it has definitely worked. “Hurstwood Court is now one of our flagships in exemplifying both our commitment to creating fantastic places to work and the increasing demand for such modern spaces.”


Hardmans Mill, Rossendale, BB4 6HH

Hurstwood Court, Rossendale, BB4 6HH

On-Site Parking Refurbished Offices Hot Desking and Break Out Rooms

Furnished Office Options Fibre Broadband Available Break Out and Meeting rooms

Visit or call 0161 220 1999 for more information.

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