Your startup January 2018

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elcome to the third edition of YOUR STARTUP in Lancashire, in association with Business Lancashire.

If you’ve just started a new business, thinking about starting a business or have been trading for just a few years, this is the magazine for you! Most Startups find it hard to begin with and we hope that this inspirational advice and guidance will help you make the right choices, by avoiding some of the common mistakes. In this third edition, we continue to provide a twice-a-year magazine full of advice; tips, information and case studies from regional experts. Finally, we’d like to thank all the contributors for their help by contributing outstanding articles and especially our core supporters: Chorley Group, Marketing Lancashire, FSB, and Boost Lancashire Editorial: Andy Mann - 01772 364152 Advertising: Sam Whitear - 01772 364151 PR & Marketing: Phil Ghayour - 01772 364150 Design: Stuart Box - 01772 364150

Contents 3 Welcome 4 CG Professional 6 Boost Lancashire 8 East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce 10 Beever and Struthers 12 Xcina 14 Mark Preston 16 Federation of Small Businesses 18 Anonymous Shopper 19 20 Selling made easier 22 BizSpace 24 Chorley Group 26 Business Finance Solutions 28 Blackpool & Fylde College 30 Lancashire For Shale 32 Harrison Drury 34 Jets GPS Solutions 36 Santander

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38 Burnley FC in the Community This publication is produced by The Samuel James Group Ltd, Unit 6/7 Eastway Business Park, Fulwood, Preston PR2 9WT. Reproduction of the contents of this magazine in any form is not permitted, without the permission of the Publisher. Whilst every care is taken to ensure accuracy, the Publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors and/or omissions in advertisements, photographs or illustrations. The opinions and advice in this magazine do not necessarily express the view of the company.

Published by The Samuel James Group



FULL DAY TRAINING COURSE MANAGING PEOPLE & HOLDING DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS Are your managers trained to manage people? Are your managers confident and capable of dealing with difficult conversations with employees?

ENQUIRE ABOUT OUR WORKSHOP TODAY…. £150 PER DELEGATE | Dates TBC in February 2018 Delivered by qualified employment lawyers & experienced trainers, covering; 1. Introduction to management & leadership 2. Dealing with difficult/awkward conversations with employees 3. Scenario based workshops – including review of scenarios submitted by your delegates 4. Formal processes (disciplinaries and performance management) Held at a local Lancashire venue with refreshments and hot lunch We can also provide training in-house bespoke to your business. Contact CG Professional for more information

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HR Tips for new businesses Job Design & Recruitment - What role are you filling - Write a job description - Consider how much you can pay - Writing an advert fair and open to all - Where to advertise

Wages - How much? - How & when will you pay? - Are you paying at least the National Minimum Wage? - What benefits will you offer?

We can help! We have cost effective packages for new businesses. Contact CG Professional for more guidance. Email: Tel: 01257 448410

Administration - Set up a payroll system - Get employer’s liability insurance - Register with HMRC as an employer - Check if you need to automatically enrol staff into a Workplace Pension Scheme - What benefits will you offer?

Pre-Employment - Check references - Check the individual has the right to work in the U.K. - Do you need to do a DBS check (depends on the role/industry)? - Check driving licence or any other qualifications where appropriate - What benefits will you offer?

Health & Safety - Ensure you are offering a safe place to work - Undertake necessary risk assessments - Issue appropriate training & policies - Ensure you have sufficient first aid trained staff - What benefits will you offer? - Issue PPE

Offer Terms & Conditions - Send out an offer letter with basic terms of employment - Follow up on full terms & conditions of employment within 4 weeks of the start date - Issue a staff handbook and/or any policies



Cavity wall firm goes for growth after mentoring boost


Lancashire firm which specialises in removing defective cavity wall insulation has grown sales by 150% in a year, thanks in part to support from Boost. Cavity Extraction Ltd, based in Preston, is also creating new jobs after winning major contracts with energy companies and Local Authorities.



The firm, founded in 2015, has been supported in its rapid growth after managing director, Damian Mercer, received specialist business mentoring from Boost partner Orvia. Boost is Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub and is led by the Lancashire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and Lancashire County Council, and supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Damian, who worked in the home surveying and refurbishment sector before setting up his own company, said: “We rectify issues with damp that arise where cavity wall insulation has been incorrectly installed or was inappropriate for the housing type or geographical area. As well as insulation removal, we also replace failed cavity wall ties and remove cavity wall rubble which are also causes of damp. “I believe our level of technical knowledge is what makes us different to the competition. We’re picking up new contracts all the time and we plan to recruit and train more people as we grow. The mentoring support has enabled

me to have a plan to manage this rapid growth we’re experiencing.” After being referred to Orvia’s mentoring programme, Damian was matched with mentor John Townsend. Over the course of four months John provided bespoke mentoring on a range of topics to ensure sustainable and manageable growth. John Townsend said: “It was great working with Damian because he’s very determined, but also willing to seek advice and be challenged about his growth plans. Damian’s commitment to his staff and ensuring they receive up-todate training sets the business apart in a very competitive environment.” Damian added: “John provided an impartial viewpoint, providing perspective and guidance in not losing focus. I would recommend the mentoring programme to anyone.” Since receiving the mentoring, Damian has recruited four new members of staff and gained a host of accreditations. These include the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA) accreditation, Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS) and Onsite Competency Assessment Report (OSCAR). Ann Lancaster, operations manager at Orvia, added: “It’s great to see that Damian has benefitted from the mentoring support and has made excellent progress with his business growth.” The company is now looking to access further support through Boost, including exploring opportunities to secure finance for investment in plant and machinery.

Boost helps cheesecake firm get just desserts


Lancashire-based handmade cheesecake manufacturer has taken on two new staff members and increased turnover by 30 per cent after support from Boost.

Gorgeous Cheesecakes, established in 2014 by Matt Watts, has an impressive portfolio of clients across the UK, including Selfridges, Barton Grange Farm Shop, Holmes Mill in Clitheroe, Bents Garden and Home near Warrington, and Tong Garden centre in Bradford. The popular Blackpool-based dessert producer received help from the Boost mentoring programme delivered by Community and Business Partners, which has enabled the business to get expert management advice to improve processes. Boost is Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub and is led by the Lancashire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and Lancashire County Council, and supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Matt, owner of Gorgeous Cheesecakes, said: “We are a small, family-run company that has gone from indulgent home baking to employing a team of dedicated professionals, supplying high end outlets. I think our passion really makes us

stand out, our commitment to using delicious, fresh, local produce and handmaking each cheesecake resonates with our customers.” Community and Business Partners matched Matt, 46, with experienced management consultant and mentor Tim Akerman, managing director at Tamarind Tree Consulting Ltd. Tim, who worked with the business over a four-month period, said: “You only have to look at Matt’s clients to appreciate the quality of his products and services. Being part of the mentoring service is all about supporting business owners like Matt to grow to their full potential. “We looked at streamlining the production and improving the business model to become more resilient, flexible and efficient. Matt can now start to enjoy running his company with a proactive plan for future growth.” Tim produced a workbook around processes and as part of the programme, delivered group sessions to the whole team at Gorgeous Cheesecakes, allowing staff to contribute and learn. Matt added: “Tim’s attitude was great, he helped me take a step back and see things from a new perspective. He’s equipped the team with skills so we can employ new and efficient working practices, such as piping the flavours in a different way and changing the way our deliveries are trayed up. “I was looking for support to organise and improve our manufacturing processes and workflow, I got exactly what I asked for with the mentoring from Tim.”


Boost; Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub, is helping the county’s businesses grow. “Boost referred us to the Lancashire Manufacturing Growth Fund – which helped improve the overall profitability of the business.”

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2017 was a brilliant year for ELCC; 2018 could be even better


iranda Barker, the new Chief Executive of East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce (ELCC), who joined the Chamber in April 2017, has described 2017 as a “brilliant year, Miranda Barker when membership continued to grow; Chief Executive we hit our commercial targets and East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce all our specialist areas had significant T: 01254 356400 achievements, setting the foundations 8


for continuous improvement in 2018.”

Every British Chamber of Commerce has the same core offering but over time, each one has developed additional specialist focus areas where they excel and offer additional benefits for their members. For ELCC, they are: 1. International Trade Their International Trade Club is the oldest one in the UK, being established on 2 December 1957. Hence it has just celebrated its 60thanniversary – a fantastic achievement. The club is also part of the wide range of exporting

and importing support offered by the Chamber, putting it in the top three Chambers nationally for providing expert advice and even undertakes this role for other Chambers as well as its own members. A key theme during 2017 was the focus on the potential implications of Brexit, especially for new exporters (who have seen their competitiveness improved as a result of the devaluation of the pound). Furthermore, the local export market in East Lancashire is thriving, with the USA being its largest export market. Chamber services such as export and documentation advice are always well received and a recent Chamber customer identified that they had saved over £27,000 in a single year through the Chambers export documentation services. At the annual International Trade Awards on 1 December 2017, the Chamber was delighted to announce that local accountants, Cassons, had renewed its three-year sponsorship. 2018 will continue to be busy, with an anticipated increase in demand for their services as a result of Brexit and the need for companies to follow Government legislation and become Authorised Economic Operators. 2. CiPS Training The training team has had another good year, maintaining its reputation for quality supply chain training, as the largest CiPS training provider and National Centre of Excellence in the UK. This includes everything from introductory taster events to becoming a Chartered Procurement practitioner or accessing this training topic through modular based courses, a wider range of options will be introduced in 2018, including partnership delivery with other Chambers and Nelson and Colne College. In 2018, ELCC will consolidate the depth and breadth of its offering, both internationally and in the UK. The aim is also to expand its business training portfolio, alongside its already established Leadership and Management courses. 3. Diamond Ambassador scheme The in-depth company support scheme goes from strength to strength, with over 60 members, paying £2,000 per annum each to join. As well as networking and introduction opportunities for this exclusive membership, 2018 will see the development of a peer to peer support group for managing directors to explore issues of concern common to them. A fresh highlight of the Diamond Ambassadors is the opportunity to feed a company’s views into both regional and national policy areas, such as the energy and industrial strategies; the role of the Northern Powerhouse and manufacturing, through the Chamber’s

representation on the leading regional bodies. Your voice and views are both welcome and encouraged!! Once again, 2018 will see this role developing, with a particular focus on raising the profile and voice of successful East Lancastrian businesses, as well as the need for more regional funding from Government. 4. Regional Manufacturers Forum Miranda has succeeded Mike Damms, the former ELCC CEO who retired this year, as Chairman of the Forum. The quarterly Forum has representatives from the North’s key manufacturing companies; Universities; Councils; Chambers of Commerce; sector alliances such as NWAA and the Enterprise Partnerships from Cheshire, Cumbria, Greater Manchester, Merseyside and Lancashire. A major achievement in 2017 was the Forum’s acceptance as a Northern Powerhouse partner, being featured in the Powerhouse second report to Government, and recognising its significant role in developing the supply chain across the North of England. Locally, the Chamber and the Forum have been involved supporting Burnley Bondholders, Blackburn Hive and Pendle Vision, as well as helping set up Rossendale Leaders, Ribble Valley Leaders and the fledgling Amazing Accrington. A new focus area in 2018 It is hoped that Environmental Services will be established as a new key focus area in 2018, supported by both ERDF and Lancashire County Council matched funding. A major project will be the launch of a low carbon initiative across the whole of Lancashire, being one of the first examples of a pan-Lancashire initiative, involving all its Chambers. The shared delivery will also involve Businesswise Solutions from Nelson, who will use their expertise to help set up, deliver and expand the initiative into other environmental consultancy areas. Look out for more exciting announcements. Summary “2017 has been a brilliant year and has exceeded my expectations as the new Chief Executive” said Miranda. “I am fortunate to have inherited an excellent team and a great set of policies and strategies, developed by my predecessor, Mike Damms, who we wish a long and happy retirement. “We have continued to raise our profile, on the back of increasing members and thriving partnerships. In 2018, we will build on these successes and introduce new initiatives. It is going to be an exciting and beneficial time to be a Chamber member.” YOUR STARTUP


Accessing and claiming R&D tax credits


e have been submitting claims since 2000 and have received over £5 million in tax repayments for our clients.

Beever and Struthers provide businesses with support in accessing and claiming Research and Development (R&D) tax credits and the creative sector tax relief. There are two main tax relief schemes available to Small or Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) carrying out Research and Development (R&D) activities in the UK:

Jacquie Adams Beever and Struthers Tel 0161 838 1802 email



• If the company is loss making, HMRC will pay the company for the R&D element of the loss at a rate of 14.5%.

R&D Expenditure Credit Scheme (RDEC) Available to UK Limited companies who have incurred expenditure attempting to improve a product, service or process through technological advancement on or after 1 April 2013. A taxable credit paid at the rate of 11% which is then taxed, resulting in a net benefit of 8.8%. The rate increased to 12% from 1 January 2018.

R&D Tax Credit Scheme Available to UK Limited companies attempting to improve a product, service or process through technological advancement.

What are the main benefits? • A taxable credit paid at the rate of 11% which is then taxed, resulting in a net benefit of 8.8%. • Loss making companies can offset the benefit against future tax liabilities.

What are the main benefits? • Companies are able to deduct up to 230% of the qualifying expenditure to reduce their taxable profits and therefore corporation tax liabilities.

Who can claim R&D tax relief ? To be eligible for R&D or RDEC tax relief, a company must meet the definition of a SME for R&D Relief purposes:

• Have been in operation for at least one year. • Have a turnover less than €100 million and assets on the balance sheet of less than €86 million. • Have less than 500 employees. How do you claim tax credit? • You need to submit a corporate tax return, together with a detailed report containing the figures backing them up. • Alternatively let Beever and Struthers prepare everything for you to submit to HMRC. Why use Beever and Struthers? • We will prepare the report for no fee. • You will only need to pay us if we are successful. • Beever and Struthers have been submitting claims since 2000 and we have received over £5 million in tax repayments and savings for our clients. • We have submitted R&D tax credit claims for companies operating in most industries, including engineering, manufacturing, software production and retail. Isoprime Limited A company that makes equipment used to analyse chemical compounds is looking to boost revenues after developing new uses for its technology in the food sector. Advances to Isoprime’s instruments, called massspectrometers, mean they can now analyse smaller samples for complicated chemicals.

Beever and Struthers has been instrumental in claiming significant tax reliefs for Isoprime’s research and development expenditure. This has boosted their working capital to help the business grow. “The company values our personal proactive service. Whether it’s responding to queries or offering advice, we are always available,” said Jacquie Adams. J&J Ormerod PLC Kitchen, bathroom and bedroom manufacturer J&J Ormerod saved over £30,000 of expenditure through research and development tax credits. The Bacup based company developed a moveable racking and pallet storage system and stock replenishment system. The tax relief from the developments has helped the company to improve its capital expenditure and allowed it to grow. The company worked with Beever and Struthers Chartered Accountants and Business Advisors to identify projects which qualified for research and development tax relief. JJO Managing Director, Stephen Greenhalgh said “Research and Development is a cost which is often hidden in a complex operation. However, its importance in moving a business forward is vital and clearly the Chancellor recognises its importance by providing this generous relief.” If you would like further information about Research and Development or to find out if your company is eligible for tax credits please contact Jacquie Adams, Partner on 0161 838 1802 or email



Are you GDPR ready? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018 and introduces some new requirements as well as enhancing those existing in the 1995 EU Data Protection Directive and related member state legislation, such as the UK Data Protection Act 1998.




DPR will be one of the major talking points of 2018 and will impact every SME to a varying degree. Xcina can guide you and your business through the necessary steps to ensure you are GDPR ready and avoid the worry of substantial fines for non-compliance.

Both personal data and sensitive personal data are covered by GDPR. Personal data, broadly means a piece of information that can be used to identify a person. This can be a name, address, and IP address. Sensitive personal data encompasses genetic data, information about religious and political views, sexual orientation, and more. Failure to comply with GDPR such as not processing an individual’s data in the correct manner and/or security breaches can all result in hefty fines. Current evidence of firms who have been fined under existing regulations, suggests that these “headline” fine levels are not yet being applied. Under GDPR, the majority of cost to a company will be in an individual’s right to be forgotten and right of access to the information a company holds on them. Companies will have to evidentially prove their response to requests from an individual that their data has been removed or is stored in line with the agreed consents. Xcina, part of the London Stock Exchange listed, digital resilience company, Shearwater Group plc, provides information security and assurance services, helping you protect critical

information assets and prepare for the increasing legislative and regulatory demands on how data is held and processed. They have recently established a Northern base to help companies, including SMEs, become more aware of the need for digital resilient processes, so companies are prepared, responsive, and have monitoring systems in place. No one wants to have to suffer the consequences of a ransomware attack. “We assess and analyse existing systems, processes, operations and the way you do things, to determine the appropriate level of protection and compliance” observed Kevin Porter, Xcina’s Business Development Director. “We then make recommendations on the best approach and work with you to deliver and sustain the level of digital resilience you need, in an affordable and cost-effective manner. “As part of this, Xcina supports organisations in becoming fully prepared for GDPR, assisting them at every stage of the compliance journey, through assessments of current compliance readiness; gap analysis of planned or implemented controls; and offer a full range of GDPR focused services including data mapping, incident response, privacy impact assessments, training and awareness and a Virtual Data Protection Officer. “Our consultants are market leading specialist information security professionals, with extensive knowledge and experience across many industry sectors and a successful track record of delivering information security and compliance programmes to global organisations, both in the UK and abroad.”

Ten steps to be GDPR ready Review and document all your policies – to be GDPR ready, including privacy policy and notices, data protection policy, data sharing policy and information security policy.

Review your existing contracts – Make amendments to existing contracts where necessary and ensure your supply chain is also taking GDPR seriously.

Review all consents – examine how you obtain consent from individuals you collect data from and ensure it is recorded.

Processing of personal data – use wellstructured, secure and searchable databases that can be easily assessed if you receive a request from an individual to confirm what data you hold on them.

Ensure GDPR is on your Board or management team’s agenda – failure to be GDPR ready is a major business risk and appropriate resources and budgets must be assigned to GDPR compliance. Create a security breach notification procedure – you must ensure security breaches are identified, actioned and notified to the ICO within 72 hours. This is not based only on working days, so Friday night breaches should be particularly monitored. Provide GDPR training to employees – before May 2018. It should be noted that employees are the biggest source of security breaches, whether intentional or not.

Appoint a Data Protection Officer – if required or, if not required, appoint someone internally with the responsibility for data protection issues. Alternatively, you could appoint a Virtual DPO, working with a digital resilience company like Xcina. Transferring personal data outside the UK – you must remain GDPR compliant. Schedule regular GDPR review meetings – during 2018, to ensure that you are keeping on top of both potential issues and any updates in regulations, preferably working in partnership with a company like Xcina.

Kevin Porter Director Business Development and Sales Xcina Tel: 07785 921072 Email:



To be good at digital marketing, think like a comedian I

f you have ever attended one of my digital marketing seminars, you will



notice that a lot of what I say is about changing your mindset. The problem

with digital marketing, is that many small business owners just do not know what to focus their efforts on. All they hear is “do what works” … but how on earth are you meant to know ‘what works’!? Changing your mindset is so important When you think in the right way - your marketing plan suddenly becomes very clear. When I explain a certain digital marketing technique, many people turn around and say, “now why did I not think of that?” The reason is simply, because you are not in the right frame of mind. Start thinking like a comedian Sit for five minutes and write down your top three favourite comedians. Now write down what each of those comedians talk about. Do you see a pattern emerging? If you have ever watched Michael McIntyre or Peter Kay, you will notice what makes them funny, is the fact that YOU can and will relate to nearly everything they talk about. They talk about every day scenarios which you totally connect with. Now, if you start thinking like a comedian and make sure that everything within your digital marketing plan ensures your potential customers can relate; wondering what works and

what doesn’t, will fade into the background. I will also bet that any content you write and any marketing task you perform, generates a lot more traction, in turn increasing new business. So simple, it’s stupid Now you are in the right mindset and thinking like a comedian, the next step is to work out how you can relate to your audience. I do believe that digital marketing is not rocket science. In fact, I would go as far as saying that the best results I have generated are based on stupid simple marketing techniques. If you are struggling to totally relate to your audience - in fact, scrap that - I hate using the word audience in marketing as there is no connection. You are not trying to relate to any audience or customers BUT you are wanting to connect with real people. Get to know who these people are and how they think. Why do you think many people generate a lot of business through LinkedIn? Because they connect and relate to people. Go and ask the people who you have already done business with, these two simple questions: • What is it about my business you can relate to? • Do you think we can relate to you better? If so, how? That wasn’t hard, was it? Like I said, it’s not rocket science.

Mark Preston SEO Trainer and Consultant 07713 068 945

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Cheryl’s fitness venture celebrates three years with expansion

Paul Foster Development Manager Federation of Small Businesses T 01204 308681 M 07917 628909




brand new personal training and exercise studio has opened up in Fulwood and its owner is playing a key role in helping local people to get fit.

Three years after first establishing her

business, Cheryl Hughes took the plunge and moved EveryBody Fit UK to purpose-built premises on Lytham Road in Fulwood. Mayor of Preston, Brian Rollo, officially opened the state of the art facility and watched on as Cheryl and her team ran taster sessions of the classes they will be running for local people of all ages and fitness levels.

Cheryl and her team will provide over 30 small group personal training sessions per week. The sessions are led by qualified personal trainers, with a limit of no more than 15 clients per session. At the opening, Cheryl Hughes said: “My fitness journey was the reason I started EveryBody Fit. I was the person that stood at the back of a class, and I felt like I didn’t belong or feel welcome. It occurred to me that if I felt this way, then maybe others did too. “I started the business working from local community halls and I set myself a goal of opening my own studio within three years. In fact, today is exactly three years to the day that I started EveryBody Fit” She continued “During those three years, there has been some fun times and some tough times, and it has been hard. People don’t always see what I have had to sacrifice to be here today. But I have done it, I want to thank everyone for their support, as without everyone, then EveryBody Fit wouldn’t be EveryBody Fit”. Paul Foster, from the Federation of Small Businesses said: “It is great to see Cheryl’s hard work paying off, particularly in an industry which can have so many positive impacts for local people. We wish Cheryl every success going forward.” Women in Business graduate from The Growing Club

Taking the tentative early steps to starting a business can be both exciting and incredibly scary, and doing so whilst working full-time, caring for relatives or bringing up a family can bring added stresses and pressures. Federation of Small Businesses’ member, Jane Binnion’s The Growing Club is developing a strong reputation for helping female entrepreneurs to not just cope, but actually get their businesses really motoring. The Growing Club CIC is a not for profit organisation providing an alternative model business growth club for women sole traders, female owners of micro-business and female founders of not-forprofit organisations. The initiative is designed for women committed to growing their business who would like an alternative to traditional coaching. Jane said of the second cohort to graduate from the Club: “It’s been an amazing year. The Growing Club, which was set up as an experiment to bridge the gap in business growth education for women, is going from strength to strength. The women work together for a year and create such a strong collaborative community, supporting each other’s growth in all aspects. As group 2 graduate, group 4 started on October 10th. If anyone would like to find out more about the Growing Club CIC, or would like to join this next cohort, please email Jane@



Lancashire customer service expert shares lessons learnt from national awards


Phil Heaven Shoppers Anonymous Regional Director Lancashire p: 01772 433162 m: 07824 365105



leading Lancashire customer service expert was a judge at this year’s National Customer Service Awards, hosted at Wembley stadium.

Phil Heaven, Regional Director at Shopper’s Anonymous, Lancashire judged the Customer Centric Culture award category. A shortlist of seven entries made presentations to a panel of judges which included Phil, with leading card provider Capital One being announced as the overall winner at the evening’s black-tie dinner. Phil said: “There were some key features across the finalists:

choice used to measure performance. • All used a combination of data, and insight, to drive change in their organisation. • Some had to consciously move away from a revenue optimisation culture to achieve customer centricity, • Companies held daily or weekly ‘hour’ for ‘Voice of the Customer’ meetings. • Employee and engagement surveys were intertwined in the customer programme. • Customer journey mapping (including the digital experience), was often the catalyst for change. • Customer data was on-line by way of dashboards (or similar). “The trend is your friend”!

• A strong base of measurement data (of customer feedback) had been established. • Each company had developed an internal network of customer champions. • Customer insight is shared across all functions within the business and internal customer service is measured • Importance of building customer loyalty for long-term growth. • Net Promoter Score was the overwhelming

“A clear theme from the entrants was that Customer Experience will increasingly become the key competitive battleground in the future and that by 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator in business to business. “This is because differences between products and services are diminishing, and the only way a brand can distinguish itself is by focusing on the whole customer experience.”

A Magnificent Seven Reasons Why You Should Be Using Promotional Gifts


o you want your business details to be remembered and stand out from the rest, or are you content to be one of many business cards gathering dust in plastic boxes in offices across the country?

Here at, we know your answer to that question, but the key issue is acting on it. So, here are seven reasons (there are many more, but we know you’re busy!) why you should be using promotional gifts to promote your business. Build Your Brand Your brand and its market position must be regularly reviewed and promoted – simple fact. This doesn’t need to involve costly marketing campaigns - the drip feed of building your brand through promotional gifts can be just as effective, if not more so. By customising products that are used by your clients and prospects in their daily business lives, they have a constant reminder of your logo, who you are and what you can offer. What’s more – your contact details are extremely easy to find, so there is more chance of a spontaneous call, if they don’t have to go digging in that plastic box. Incentives To Buy Promotional gifts can be used more blatantly to entice people to buy. This is particularly effective in retail point of sale, but also used in less “sexy” areas, such as insurance and banking where customers are often offered quality pens, originally done so to help fill in proposal forms. Historically, it has been proven that the offer of a free pen can significantly increase the number of quote requests. First Impressions - We All Love A Freebie! Let’s be honest – we all love to get value for money, but even better to get something for free. It’s also good for the soul to give, so using promotional gifts creates an all-round feeling of bonhomie which shouldn’t be underestimated in forging new business relationships. When interacting with total strangers – maybe at Expos and Trade Shows – the goodwill of offering promotional gifts is a great ice breaker and makes a memorable first impression. Company Incentives Within the workplace promotional gifts can be used to incentivise staff. This can be done

in two different ways. Firstly, gifts can be used for targeted incentives or rewards for effort. Secondly, they can be used to create team spirit and company pride with the likes of branded clothing, desk items and corporate stationery. Recognition leads to a sense of fulfilment, inspires company loyalty and creates a workforce that feels appreciated. This all helps the bottom line! Targeted Marketing When you have a stock of promotional merchandise you can choose who to send it to and when, so your marketing becomes targeted, and therefore cost effective. It’s a highly effective way of making a first impression, which in turn leads to longevity, because if you use the right product, your target prospects will keep it for a long time to come. Most promotional gifts have a much longer life span than other media and marketing formats. Happy Clients Stay Happy Of course, it’s not only new clients that appreciate a promotional gift. As a high percentage of business comes from existing customers, giving them gifts is a wise investment. Remember the three R’s – Repeats, Referrals and Recommendations! A promotional gift can act as a wonderful prompt for a happy client to recommend you to their associates. Again, your contact details are easily available because they’re printed on the gift, so referring your services doesn’t take much effort. Buy Time Whenever a gift is given and received there is an opportunity to talk and network. Everyone pauses to receive a gift, and in most cases simple politeness stops people from simply walking away. This is your chance to say a little about what you do and then listen carefully to what they do, triggering your radar for opportunities, referrals and buying signals. This is all made so much easier when offering a relevant promotional gift and works with all types on encounters, not just formal networking events. Has anyone got a pen….? Using customised gifts to promote your business is a fantastic way of maximising your Stephen Ward marketing mix. Gifts are the catalyst to other Managing Director activity. Well targeted advertising promotional Ad-Options Ltd t/as gifts enhance and support all other marketing activity. They’re also an effective way of bypassing 01772 429111 the competition on Google by keeping it simple Tel: and direct. YOUR STARTUP


Why you need to think like a sales person to make your business flourish If you haven’t sold in your career, before you start your business, you often don’t know what a great sales person does. But everyone quickly has to learn how to sell to keep your business thriving.

Hayley Caine Selling Made Easier hayley@ 07941 862655




he anxiety and worry when sales are not happening, can freeze you like a rabbit in headlights and even worse, can make you doubt your decision to carry on. At my ‘Selling Made Easier’ informal coaching sessions at my kitchen table, I have seen Lancashire business owners who lose

their passion and forget why they started their business. The harder you try and worry, the worse your sales performance becomes customers can sense the fear and desperation. You need to change your mind set and think differently about the art of selling. Our culture in the UK and attitude to selling and sales sometimes hinders progress. It is a combination of our stiff upper lip approach, dislike about talking about money and fear of

rejection. So how do you overcome this? Think like a great sales person and understand your beliefs and maximise your thoughts around selling techniques.

them. • If after 1 month you have not spoken to a customer about an idea then get rid of it. Think of some more.

The art of selling starts with a great definition: “Selling is helping other people grow their business and solve their pain.”

Leads • List and count the value of the potential sales and how long it will take before you get money coming in. • List and count the number and type of people you want to talk to. • Talk to them, be interested in them and go to see them in person. • Have they got the budget and enthusiasm to grow

It is therefore crucial to look outwards not inwards. Stop thinking about your products and services and how much money you need. Be interested in your customers and their worries. Develop some great questions to make your customer think. • What is their biggest headache? • How can they make more money? • Does your offer solve their problems and give them a return on their investment with you? • Do the sums for them and understand their concerns and risk. Once this rapport has been established, you are more likely to be working with people you love and who share your values and ethics. Let them taste, see, feel and understand your offer for free, as if you are already working with them to improve their business. A free “taster” can often lead to long term business relationships. There are some important things sales people must do in the background, right at the start of the business but it may feel like you are juggling all the time and are a champion plate spinner. Checklist to ensure you are taking the correct vital steps and sales process. Plan and targets are clear. • Who you want to work with, how many sales do you need, how much money each month do you need, what is your profit, what is an average sales order and how many can you deliver with your current workload. Identify customer pain and write down how you solve them. • Package yourself and your offer - your price, define your product, how do you promote and with what, how you add value and what is their return on investment. • Research your customers and their competitors • Do not look at your competitors you are very different and it is a distraction Ideas • Orders and money coming in to your business start with ideas • You must sift through your ideas, date them and keep them safe. • Imagine yourself talking to a customer about your idea, would it be good for them, would it work for you and them, would it make profit for

Quotes • Know their return on investment and what your offer does for their profit and performance • Keep it simple • Offer a free taste of what you do before they commit • Consider timescales • Terms and conditions, get these right or you will not get paid Orders • This is the easy part and what you love - it is now in your operations department where you are brilliant at what you do. • Check they loved it and follow up and ask what else you can do Report and Reflect • How can you improve, what worked, what didn’t, why it didn’t, why it did? • What numbers can you achieve with your sales activity • What sales activity worked best • How resilient are you and can you cope with the ups and downs of rejection? It is not personal although it feels like it. • Who can you discuss this with you to keep you positive and give feedback? Learning to like people, sales and the art of selling, reduces stress and worry and keeps your love and passion for your business thriving. Spend an hour today and start to build your own amazing sales department and always, always celebrate your sales results and how far you have come. My vision and passion is to make business owners love sales and think like a great sales person tracking their results. I am doing this by creating ‘Kitchen Table sessions’ all over the UK, with our franchising opportunities. You can book a free sales review one on one meeting for an hour at a regular ‘Kitchen Table session’ at PR6 7DQ or by video call at www. and see if our approach is right for you and your business. YOUR STARTUP


Build your business future with BizSpace National workspace provider, BizSpace, has 98 centres across the UK, with the North West home to 22 sites. Best known for their office space to rent, along with their meeting rooms and co-working space to hire, they prove that they are so much more than that.

Julie McNulty Business Centre Manager BizSpace Tel: 01772 880729 Web:




unning a company is an amazing achievement. Whether you’re starting out, outgrown the kitchen table or just hosting meetings, they believe nothing should get in the way of your success. So, their aim is to support you at every turn: to share ideas, open doors, and be part of the journey. From renting an office in Preston to hiring a meeting

room in Chorley, they make it easier to find the best space for your business: whether it’s a day, a week or a year. Once you’ve moved in, their team of staff do everything they can, to help you do the amazing thing you do and (hopefully) have a lot of fun along the way. Here’s how…

Distributed across all their sites, the company host free networking events, dubbed ‘Let’s do Bizness’, designed to make networking fun for SMEs and start-ups. Their networking events

focus on arming small company owners and entrepreneurs with the knowledge and skills to boost their business. As a provider of workspaces, they want to turn their sites into a destination hub for small business owners, a place where they can come for tips and advice, a helping hand and of course, a place to network with new business. Community is a valuable quality that BizSpace offers, whether it’s collaborating with customers or charity fundraisers, they pride themselves as a company that gives back. They encourage customers to get involved throughout the year and all their customers take the opportunity to raise funds for local and national charities. For example, last September, a BizSpace team walked 25km through the picturesque Peak District; in October, staff and customers in Cheadle held a coffee morning for Macmillan and in the summer, the BizSpace CEO, Gareth Evans, alongside a BizSpace team, took part in the JLL Property Triathlon North. Another value BizSpace pride themselves on is flexibility. It’s not just offices, they have meeting rooms and co-working space if you want temporary or ad hoc space, as well as studios, light industrial and storage units. Plus, the workspace is generally unfurnished, giving you a blank canvas to make it your own. Throughout the last five years, the company has not only continued to buy new sites across the country and the North West, but has revamped their business centres to suit the brand styling. The branding has been rolled out through all BizSpace’s 98 business centres and industrial sites throughout the UK. Recent refurbishments include Bolton, Nelson, Newton Heath and Altrincham. They do their best to create the best environment for their customers, provide excellent facilities, networking events

and all round positive energy. Meet the Preston Community BizSpace’s Preston Technology Centre consists of modern, bright office space, along with high tech units that can be used for light industrial purposes, or as studio space or workshop units. Like every BizSpace site, the centre manager implements a sense of community, supporting and tailoring the site to the needs of their customers, working with them every step of the way to build their business. Living up to the BizSpace value, an element of fun is brought to the site by regularly hosting Macmillan coffee mornings and charity fundraisers, along with hosting collaborative events with high street brands and even site parties. Preston customers commented on the impact BizSpace has made to their business and their experiences occupying a unit with BizSpace: “I have lots of great memories from being at BizSpace. I don’t just think of Julie and Brent as service providers, I genuinely think of them as friends too. With the help of BizSpace, Bounce Cycles has grown significantly and I may even be taking on a second unit in the future,” said Frank Spear, Managing Director, Bounce Cycles. “BizSpace has been a fantastic base for our company to grow and we are pleased to recommend it to other businesses looking for flexible and professional office space”. Liz Tapner, CEO, Selnet “Having an office presence, allowing business owners to visit us and hold sensitive meetings at our offices. This has helped us to grow the relationships and services, we can offer to our customers,” added Tracey Murphy, Managing Director, HR Savvy.



Kia’s Optima makes a smart business choice – without any compromises 24



f you’re in the market for a luxurious executive saloon or estate, you could be forgiven for maybe considering one of the typical German marques. However, now is the time to stand out from the crowd, and do it in style - why not look at what Chorley Group Kia in Blackpool can offer with its new range of diesel and plug-in hybrid Optima’s. Refined proportions, sleek lines, a more swept back dynamic shape and precise attention to every angle – and every detail – gives the AllNew Optima its impressive style. Whatever your choice – refined Saloon, spacious Sportswagon or eco-friendly Plug-in Hybrid – the All New Optima’s impeccable quality, unmistakable style and luxurious comfort will make every journey enjoyable. The All-New Optima Saloon and Sportswagon ranges comprise of three stunning models – the “2”, “3”, and the range-topping “GT-Line S” which are available in a choice of two powertrains – either the 1.7 litre CRDi (diesel) ISG 6-Speed manual, or a 7-speed Dual Clutch Transmission. The All-New Optima PHEV is available in a 2.0 litre Gasoline Direct Injection (GDi) petrol engine with a 6-speed Automatic transmission mated to a 9.8kWh battery. Of course, all versions of the Optima come with Kia’s industry leading 7-Year / 100,000 mile warranty as standard. Plug-in Hybrids offer the benefits of an electric car – quiet, refined ride, instant torque, low running costs, ability to drive into low-

emission zones in cities – with the reassurance of a petrol engine to complete long-distance journeys without deviation from your usual routes to charge. The Optima PHEV could cut your fleet operating costs as well as your personal BIK tax liability. The BIK rate is just 9% (as the official CO2 emissions are less than 49g/km), so the company car tax payable by an employee on the 20% band is just £52 per month. The six-speed Automatic gearbox is silky smooth and makes for easy driving both in town and on the motorway. With over 30 miles of electric range, shorter commutes and city driving can be very economical, with a cost of just £1 for a full charge. With combined fuel consumption up to 201.8mpg, yet also with a formidable 205bhp, you truly get the best of both worlds. The diesel Optima is available from £179 per month on business contract hire from our awardwinning Chorley Group team. In addition the new Optima PHEV Sportswagon and Saloon are both available from just £285 per month on business contract hire – meaning we can deliver a variety of options at a price suitable for your business needs. The Optima is a car that has to be driven, and Chorley Group fully appreciate the high demands your business day will bring, every day. That’s why we can offer you a free 2 or 3 day test drives in our full Kia range, giving you a true understanding of whether one of our Kia range will suit your personal and business needs. Contact our dedicated team of Kia specialists today on 01253400510 or find us at



The Alternative Face of Business Finance If you are serious about growing your business, chances are that one of the things you will need is finance to make it happen, but if you have pitched to the bank and have been turned down, where do you go from there?


anks decline business loans for many reasons, from limited trading history to insufficient security, any combination of which may make your business just too big a risk.  But when it comes to seeking funding the good news is that there are alternative finance providers out there that are ready, willing and able to help you grow.

Mark Gibbons Senior Loan Manager Tel: 0161 245 4977



Flexible finance for your business From manufacturers and FMCG to fast growth tech companies, Business Finance Solutions (BFS) specializes in helping companies that have been turned down or declined for new or increased lines of credit with their bank.  Backed by the British Business Bank (BBB), BFS provides funds to work with you at any stage of your growth journey, whether you need start-up costs or are looking to invest in new equipment, staff or general working capital.      What products are available? BFS offers a range of flexible finance products that is helping to close the funding gap, delivering jobs and revenue that would otherwise not exist. The range of finance solutions for businesses in Lancashire includes Start Up Loans and the Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund with finance ranging from £500 to £100k.   Start-up Loans – BFS, provide personal loans for new business start-ups from £500 to £25,000 at a fixed rate of 6% per annum, with no set up

or early repayment fees, the loans are coupled with a package of support.  NPIF Microfinance - The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund (NPIF) Micro Finance provides loans of between £25,000 and £100,000.  Interest rates typically will be between 8-12%, with terms of 2 to 5 years with no early repayment fees.    BFS backing business Business Finance Solutions (BFS) is the UK’s largest alternative business finance provider and operates across the North West working with local business support services, Growth Hubs, Chambers of Commerce and Local Enterprise Partnerships to ensure that businesses have access to the finance they need through a wide range of products and business support.   BFS has been supporting people with flexible finance to start up and grow their own businesses for over 15 years. They do so through government backed schemes which work with businesses at every stage of their growth journey, whether that is to cover start-up costs or are looking to invest in new equipment or to export. There is of course always a risk in starting a new business but anyone taking that leap in Lancashire has access to an unparalleled range of funding services and support networks that add real ‘been there and done it’ value to an entrepreneur’s journey. BFS has advisors working across Lancashire that can help to find the best funding solution to meet your needs. So, if the bank says no, you know where to go. | 0161 245 4977 |


In 2017, Clitheroe based door hardware manufacturer Loxta Hardware https://www. contacted Boost, Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub, looking for funding and growth support. After being introduced to the range of alternative finance options available, Loxta went on to secure a £50,000 investment from BFS to fund its major expansion plans. Established in 2012 by founder and director Shaun Singh, Loxta designs and produces a range of door hardware products for a range of trade clients, from interior

designers and architects to ironmongers. Shaun has developed over 100 product ranges using innovative design and manufacturing techniques that have enabled the business to deliver stronger products, softer contours and a wide variety of colours and finishes that are resilient and resistant to corrosion. Loxta is now using the NPIF funding to engage in further product testing, purchase more stock, to take on new staff and to launch new products that will spearhead its entrance into the export market for the first time this year.

PICTURED L-R: Andy Walker, Sue Barnard, Shaun Singh, Mark Gibbons



Bespoke training solutions for your business needs B

lackpool and The Fylde College (B&FC) has been working with industry to offer bespoke training solutions for over 125 years. It all began in 1892, with a school for fishermen, offering navigational instruction to the brave souls boarding the hundreds of ships leaving the Port of Fleetwood each day, to ply their trade in the treacherous waters off the British coast. Today, the College is a major national provider of education and training, which focuses on driving the economy, delivering a skilled workforce for industry and ensuring rewarding and fulfilling careers for those who learn with B&FC. With around 18,000 students walking



through its doors each year – from traditional further education to commercial courses, apprenticeships and degree-level study – B&FC has a responsibility to continue producing people who deliver results in the workplace. The College is rated outstanding by Ofsted and was this year, the only college in Lancashire to receive a ‘gold’ rating in the government’s new Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). B&FC was also rated the number one large general further education college in England for the third year running in 2017. However, it is the organisation’s commitment to academic rigour, balanced against the needs of business, which led to it receiving the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education 2015, for its work with employers. Claire Jameson, Director of Business

Development at B&FC, said: “While we may be receiving regular awards for operating at the highest levels within the education sector, it means nothing if we are not meeting the workforce needs of industry. “As an organisation, which has been operating within this market for a long time, we’re keenly aware of what is expected from us and that is why more than a thousand companies nationwide use us to deliver their training. “We don’t talk about links with businesses; we talk about relationships and partnerships because that’s what they are. Our partnership with BAE Systems is almost 15 years old and continues to deliver high-achieving employees for the business each year. “We understand that every business has different needs and co-create programmes with industry partners to ensure we are providing bespoke solutions aligned to their specific requirements.” While the College works closely with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) related industries, it also retains its position as a hospitality training provider of international renown. The Blackpool Tourism Academy partnered with some of the biggest hospitality employers in the country, from Merlin Entertainments – which runs Alton Towers, Blackpool Tower, Madam Tussauds and Sea Life – to Sandcastle Waterpark and Blackpool Zoo.

The tourism academy helped Blackpool achieve WorldHost Destination status and has been cited by the Lancashire Enterprise Partnership for good practice as an employer-led skills partnership. Claire added: “This is a prime example of a specific project where we have worked highlysuccessfully with top-level national employers to meet a specific need. “Another example is our maritime provision at Fleetwood Nautical Campus which sees us partner with some of the biggest shipping companies in the world. Fleetwood regularly welcomes back students to keep building their skillset as their careers progress. “We’re currently working closely with the NHS and local authorities to co-create programmes to upskill current staff and to ensure our health and social care students are meeting their business needs. “With the changes in landscape and the introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy, companies have a real opportunity to invest in their people. Upskilling can make a huge impact in solving problems in workforce retention and recruitment and support the future-proofing of industries which are impacted by ageing populations.” For more information, contact Blackpool and The Fylde College on 01253 352352 or

Claire Jameson Director of Business Development Claire.jameson@ 01253 352352



Lancashire Shale Gas and Manufacturing making it together


ancashire For Shale in late 2017 held a very successful briefing to an audience of interested parties, on the benefits of how shale gas and manufacturing can grow together to create more jobs and secure our future.

Lee Petts Chairman Lancashire for Shale Telephone 0345 123 2544



The event, held at Burnley Football Club, included four speakers, a short Q and A session and highlighted that Lancashire has a very significant manufacturing sector, including being number 1 in the UK for aerospace and advanced manufacturing, as well as a growing energy and environment cluster, employing 41,000, supported by four Enterprise Zones (the only county in the UK to have four). A major conclusion from the presentations was that a thriving shale gas industry in the county would help to boost Lancashire’s economy and position our energy industry companies as a new centre of excellence.

Lancashire could be the focus of the next industrial revolution. Furthermore, a successful Lancashire shale gas industry could create new supply chain opportunities for local manufacturing and engineering companies, as well as encouraging greater investment in these vital sectors. Francis Egan, CEO of Cuadrilla welcomed guests and emphasised that: “Shale gas drilling is making excellent progress at Preston New Road and will create further opportunities for shale gas supply chain members. “When Lancashire gas flows into Lancashire homes as a result of operations by a Lancashire business, employing local people, with the support of local suppliers, it will be a proud moment for everyone involved.” The meeting then watched a video featuring Katie Klaber, a leading energy consultant in the USA, and the former CEO of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, an organisation at the forefront of bringing together all the components of the shale gas value chain in America’s leading shale

gas producing area. She commented: “The shale gas industry and its supply chain really took off here in the Marcellus region in Pennsylvania after 2009. Before then, we produced around 25% of our own gas from conventional wells, now, after just about a decade, we produce 25% of our entire nation’s gas, so that gives you some idea of the scale of it here. “There are a lot of opportunities for local manufacturing and engineering firms, for instance making tanks for water storage and other fabrication. And then there’s all the ongoing maintenance. It’s much more costeffective to use local suppliers. “Shale gas here has boosted the manufacturing economy more broadly by making energy more secure and affordable. It’s also encouraged the reshoring of some manufacturing capacity that had gone abroad, and that’s had a knock-on benefit. There’s no doubt it’s been responsible for billions of new investments.” The next speaker, Miranda Barker, CEO East Lancashire Chamber of Commerce, added: “To date, over 500 companies have registered for the Shale Gas Supply Chain portal at www. and contracts worth approximately £7million have been tendered, giving plenty of opportunities for local suppliers to benefit from shale gas exploration. “The revised online site is a major

engagement tool for local businesses. This is because the new supply chain portal enables them to register their interest in the shale gas industry, specifying their areas of expertise and qualifications. The site also reflects the latest developments with the exploration programme and the quality and safety standards required. “Business opportunities and invitations to tender will be updated on a regular basis and will ensure that millions of pounds of future spend remains in the county, supporting local jobs.” Final speaker was John Baldwin, Managing Director, CNG Services Limited, who informed the audience that: “The biomethane sector is a great analogue for what UK shale gas could one day be. “Britain has a growing biomethane industry, taking energy from crops, farm slurry, sewage sludge and food waste, and turning all that into natural gas through a process of anaerobic digestion. The gas can then be used to generate electricity on site or be injected into the gas grid. “Delivering growth has only been possible with the development of an accompanying supply chain. The industry has been built on the support of UK manufacturing and engineering companies and it’s very easy to see how a successful shale gas industry will create similar opportunities for equipment manufacturers and engineering suppliers in Lancashire.”



A guide to selling a business

Jack Stephenson Solicitor – Corporate & Commercial Harrison Drury Tel: 01772 258321




hether you are looking to retire or merely move onto a new venture, it is important to achieve a clean break from the business and ensure the terms on which you do so tie in with your future plans. Jack Stephenson, a solicitor in Harrison Drury’s corporate team, looks at some of

the basics you need to consider.

Q. What is difference between an asset sale and a share sale? If your business is owned by a limited company, you can either sell the company’s assets or any shares in the company that you own. Selling the shares may achieve a clean break as the buyer would acquire all of the assets and liabilities of the company. If your business is not run as a limited company, then there will be no shares to sell. You

would therefore sell the assets of the business including the goodwill, fixtures and fittings, contracts and (if applicable) any intellectual property. Q. What are the important provisions to include in the sale documentation? It is always important that the agreement to sell the business limits the possibility of the buyer pursuing you in the event that the purchase does not work out as planned. Important clauses might include… Warranties: A warranty is a statement of fact by you as to the state of the business. When selling a business, it is important that the warranties are limited as much as possible and that they are relevant to the business. Limitation of Liability Clauses: If the buyer expects you to provide warranties, it is important that your potential liability in the event that there is a breach of those clauses is limited. For example, common clauses would ensure that your liability is not more than the purchase price received from the buyer and imposing limits on the time period that the buyer has to bring a claim. Q. What happens to the employees when selling a business? When selling the assets of a business, it may be the case that the employees are afforded protection under the TUPE Regulations 2006.

Under the regulations the buyer will basically take your place as the employer of the employees. Where the TUPE Regulations apply, there may be an obligation on you to inform and consult with the employees regarding the transfer. Q. What happens to the property when selling a business? When selling the business, you may need to determine what happens to any arrangements you have in place with regard to the business’ premises. This may involve a sale of the property (provided you own it of course), or an assignment or a surrender of the existing lease. If you are selling the shares of a company, any arrangements already in place with the property may well continue as the company itself (as owner of the property or tenant under the lease) stays the same, it is merely the shareholders that change. Whatever the position it is important that protections are included within the transfer documents ensuring that you are not liable for any breaches that might occur after you have sold the business. Harrison Drury solicitors has a team of experienced corporate and commercial lawyers able to advise on all aspects of selling a business. If you are looking to sell a business and require advice, please contact Jack Stephenson on 01772 258 321.

£30m in completed deals in 12-months Harrison Drury’s specialist Mergers and Acquisitions team can advise you on all legal aspects of: • Buying a business • Selling a business • Management buyouts • Due diligence • Fundraising • Company reorganisations

KEY CONTACTS David Filmer Director

Jack Stephenson Solicitor

Offices throughout Lancashire and Cumbria

Tel: 01772 258321 YOUR STARTUP


Jets GPS Tracking partners with Lancashire companies to help them manage their fleet vehicles


lackburn based Jets GPS Tracking Ltd has teamed up with fellow East Lancashire business, Cronshaw Electrical Ltd, to supply hardwired GPS tracking devices.

Jan Evans Director Jets GPS Tracking Ltd e: m: 07967 713 036 t: 01254 914 538



The three-year agreement will see Cronshaw Electrical use the fleet tracker product offered by Jets to effectively manage its fleet of 12 North West based vehicles. As part of the induction set up process, Jets GPS Tracking offers a three-step implementation process, by the end of which, clients are confident and competent with the equipment installed. Jets GPS Tracking aims to save businesses time and money, whilst increasing productively with their range of innovative GPS tracking devices and vehicle cameras. Also, Jets’ hardwired devices are recognised by insurers and can lead to preferential rates. Jan Evans, owner of Jets GPS Tracking said: “We are delighted to work with a local company

to help them with their fleet management needs. Our hardwired tracking devices and three step implementation process gives Cronshaw Electrical the tools and processes they need to effectively and efficiently manage their fleet.” Paul Cronshaw, owner, Cronshaw Electrical Ltd added: “We elected to use Jets GPS Tracking because we heard great things about their product quality and service. We were so impressed that we actually ended the contract with our previous tracking supplier early, in order to begin working with Jets GPS Tracking as soon as possible.” The agreement coincides with Jets’ recent order increase with Chorley based Ruttle Plant who upped their order of hardwired trackers from 62 to 79. The trackers installed into van tachographs will accurately measure the distance travelled by drivers, ensuring they are adhering to working time directives. The order was boosted two years into a five-year deal between Ruttle Plant and Jets GPS Tracking. Additionally, Jets’ tracker was praised by Business Lancashire after the publication trailed the device over a two-month period.

Jets-Advertising-128mmx170mm.qxp 26/10/2017 15:41 Page 1


trackyour assets... With a Jets GPS Solution




Phish & Chips please, Jenson


ritish racing driver Jenson Button has swapped the F1 paddock for fried haddock as he took the wheel of Santander’s unique scam-busting Phish & Chips van and served fresh fish and chips to the



public in exchange for phishing emails and smishing texts.

Customers simply needed to show staff of the Phish & Chips van a suspected phishing email (printed out or on their smartphone or tablet) or suspected smishing text message in exchange for a free portion of fish and chips (or battered halloumi and chips). For customers that did

not have either a phishing email or smishing text, they could take a short quiz created by Santander UK asking them to identify genuine and fraudulent emails and texts. As Santander’s brand ambassador, Jenson is throwing his weight behind the bank’s national campaign to help the public avoid being scammed by phishing emails and smishing messages. Jenson fired up the friers of the Phish & Chips van as it made its appearance in London, following a month-long nationwide tour to raise awareness of scam messages. During the tour, the Phish & Chips van, which accepts payment in the form of phishing emails and smishing texts, has handed out over 3,000 portions of fish and chips to the public, along with a side of advice on avoiding the tricks criminals’ use in their attempts to steal people’s money and identities. On his honorary new role as a scam fighting, itinerant purveyor of fish and chips Jenson Button said: “Being behind the wheel of the Phish and Chip van around London was certainly a different driving experience! It was a lot of fun being part of the tour and serving fish and chips to the public in exchange for their scam emails. It’s been eye opening to see how many people receive these emails every day!” The Phish & Chips van was created following research showing how the nation is in the grip of a phishing epidemic, with a staggering three quarters (74 per cent) of Britons targeted by scammers with phishing emails, smishing texts and vishing calls. With each person targeted receiving an average of 16 fraudulent emails, texts or calls last year, this means up to 600 million phishing, smishing and vishing attempts potentially took place in the UK in the last 12 months (the equivalent of over 1.6 million scam messages each day). While ‘phishing’ as a term may have entered the mainstream lexicon, Santander’s research shows that one in seven people don’t know the terms phishing, smishing or vishing at all, while almost three quarters of people are not fully familiar with their meaning.

Reza Attar-Zadeh, Head of Customer Experience at Santander UK, commented: “Santander takes the fight against fraud very seriously – we have seen the life changing impact it can have on people’s lives. Consumer awareness is absolutely key to tackling what is currently one of the biggest threats to the security of people’s finances. “Our Phish & Chips van is a way of delivering our three key fraud prevention messages in an engaging way while educating people that both banks and consumers have a role to play in keeping the fraudsters at bay.” In addition to dishing out fish and chips, Santander UK is serving up its top tips and advice on avoiding becoming a victim of phishing scams: • Never share your Santander One Time Passcode (OTP), PIN number or online banking password with another person, not even Santander staff; • Never download software or let anyone log on to your computer devices remotely during or after a cold call; and • Never enter your online banking details after clicking on a link in an email or text message. Reza added: “Phishing has been around for a number of years, originating with emails that were unsophisticated and obviously fraudulent. However, today phishing emails have evolved. They can appear in inboxes as convincing and genuine communications from consumer brands, but there are signs to look out for such as spelling mistakes, generic greetings rather than your name and suspicious looking email addresses.” Santander UK is a financial services provider in the UK that offers a wide range of personal and commercial financial products and services. It has brought real competition to the UK, through its innovative products for retail customers and relationship banking model for UK SMEs. At 30 June 2017, the bank served Miranda Seymour around 14 million active customers with c19,500 T:020 7756 4189 M:07860 857 999 employees and operates through 826 branches E:miranda.seymour@ (which includes 61 university branches) and 65 regional Corporate Business Centres.



Burnley FC in the Community – working with local businesses

Ryan Bradley Business Development Executive Burnley FC 01282 704 716




t Burnley FC in the Community, we believe in the immense power of our football club to transform people’s lives for the better. We work hard every day to deliver on our mission to inspire, support and

deliver change to communities across Burnley, Pendle, Rossendale, Hyndburn, the Ribble Valley and Calderdale. Our work is channelled into five key areas: sports, education, health, social inclusion and community facilities. Our highly-skilled, dynamic and passionate team deliver over 30 community projects that touch the lives of a

huge spectrum of people in and around Burnley. From children and young people right through to senior citizens. Though we are embedded within the ethos of Burnley FC, we are financially independent from the football club. We rely on fundraising activities, donations, sponsorships and grants to do the work we do and every penny we raise, goes towards developing new opportunities for those who need it most. We actively encourage businesses to be a part of our organisation’s vision, to positively impact the lives of people in Burnley and the surrounding areas. As the fastest growing charity in East Lancashire, we are keen to work with local businesses to achieve our mission and offer many exciting corporate partnership opportunities, including our Friends of Burnley FC in the Community scheme. Get by with a little help from my ‘friends’ Launched in September 2016, the Friends of Burnley FC in the Community scheme aims to get businesses ‘hands-on’ and involved, with the various projects delivered by Burnley FC’s official charity. As a ‘Friend of ’, businesses pledge to raise £1,000 to support the variety of community programmes delivered by our charity’s committed team and help us to continue to positively impact the lives of people from across East Lancashire. Businesses can rest assured that Burnley FC in the Community will ensure each company’s corporate and social responsibility agenda is a

hit, receive invitations to regular networking events and enjoy the benefits of the link and PR opportunities that come with being affiliated with a Premier League football club’s official charity. Becoming a Friend of Burnley FC in the Community is also a fantastic way to get employees actively engaged with community work and research has proven it increases staff morale, motivation and helps employees feel more connected to their local community. Companies that have joined our Friends of Burnley FC in the Community scheme include Eric Wright Group Limited, Citrus Office Solutions, M65 Recruitment and B&D Print. In addition to the donation, many companies have raised further funds for our cause, through fundraising events such as sponsored walks, Tough Mudder North West, cake sales and 5-a-side football tournaments. Our fundraising events calendar and corporate sponsorship opportunities are growing and we continue to work hard to offer a wide range of events for companies to get involved in, to raise both awareness and vital funds for our community work across the region. We’re always on the lookout for new friends! To find out more information about Burnley FC in the Community, the ‘Friends of ’ scheme and the various Corporate partnership opportunities available, please visit www.burnleyfccommunity. org or contact Business Development Executive, Ryan Bradley on 01282 704 716, r.bradley@

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