Meet The Candidates 2013

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Official Newsletter of the MAST Key Club/New Jersey District/Division 8


Volume 1 Issue 8

Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue Elections By Alyssa van Doorn

MAST Key Club Officers

Officer elections are a vital part of Key Club. The officers that are elected set the tone for the entire service year. Officer positions within Key Club at the club level are president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and bulletin editor. Officers work tirelessly to keep the largest club at MAST running seamlessly. This Issue of The Sandy Keys is dedicated to the candidates running for officer positions for the 2013­2014 service year. Before voting please take the time to read what each candidate has to say and to think about what you believe will be best for our club.

Jackie Lowenstein Vice President

Ashley Hann President

Dan McCormack Treasurer

In this issue! Presidential Candidates...2­5 Vice Presidential Candidates.....................6­7

Katie Henry Secretary

Secretary Candidates ....8­10

Danielle Ciaurro Co­Editor

Treasurer Candidates ....11­13

Becky D’Albero Co­Editor Leor Golan Co­Editor Alison Pham Co­Editor Alyssa van Doorn Co­Editor and Co­Webmaster Joe Nardone Co­Webmaster Tracy Vollbrecht LTG Division 8 Señorita Mancini Advisor Mr. Ellithorpe Advisor

MORE INFO! Check out, the New Jersey District Key Club website.

Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Alyssa van Doorn


HeyFethere fellow Key Clubers! My name is Alyssa van Doorn and I would love to be your Key Club President for the 2013足2014 service year. Key Club is not just a part of my life, it is a part of my entire family's life. My brother was a member of our club, because of this I often attended Key Club events even before I was a student here. My mother often chaperons different events and is a member of Kiwanis. For me, Key Club truly is a family affair. The position of president needs to be filled by someone who can lead and motivate a group余 my experiences at Key Leader my freshman and sophomore year provided me with the knowledge to be a good leader and my position of bulletin editor gave me an outlet to put these skills to use. Lucky for me the position of editor is not only a position of leadership, but one that requires followership and good communication skills. As president, I would do everything expected of me and more. I would like to continue supporting the causes we currently do and seek out even more opportunities to serve. Specifically in regards to animals. Everyone has a cause that is dear to their heart, for me that cause is animals. All the candidates for president are qualified and I am confident that anyone one of us would do well in the position余 no matter what the outcome is the club will be in good hands. Unfortunately, only one person can be elected president and quite frankly I hope that person is me.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue Grace Mcllvain


Serving in key club is a passion, a commitment and a joy. If elected key club president I will push our club to be better than it ever has before, I will go above and beyond to insure that our club is the best it can possibly be.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Danielle Ciaurro


Hi, I’m Danielle! I’m running for President of Key Club. This past service year I was an Editor of the Sandy Keys newsletter so I’ve gained a lot of leadership experience from doing that: as a leader, as part of a group, and as an officer and a role model to other members in Key Club. I’ve also been coordinating monthly Rec Therapy sessions at Children’s Specialized Hospital with another Key Clubber and I co­captained a Relay for Life team in June 2012 with Shannon Cassaro (who’s also running for President). This year and last year I’ve done as much fundraising and gone to as many Key Club events as I possibly could. I truly love everything about Key Club. It’s opened me up to new service opportunities that, otherwise, I never would have known about. It’s helped me make a difference, not just in New Jersey, but globally too and that wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t join Key Club. Now I want to do more and make more of a difference.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue e Shannon Cassaro


2013 Issue Hey Key Clubbers! My namebruary is Shannon Cassaro (though I know some of you just know me as “mom”). I have been a member of Key Club since the beginning of freshman year. It has always been one of my greatest passions and I get involved with nearly every event! In all honesty it was a huge push for me to come to this school because I heard how great MAST’s Key Club is. For those of you that know me, you know that I am a genuinely caring person and I love helping others in any way I can so hearing that I partially based my decision on what high school to go to based on their Key Club isn’t too surprising. For the past three years I have been an extremely active general member and have had the chance to work closely with all of the officers from each year. In doing so I have gained many tips and advice and learned from how they handled the club and the many activities and events that it does. I have attended DCON the past three years (and am going this year) and Key Leader my sophomore year and have gained so much from every one of those experiences in the way of leadership skills. I co­captained the Relay for Life team for MAST last year as I am doing this year. In addition, I am a Committee member for Relay for Life this year. In January I was in charge of helping Mr. E and Senorita run our annual Pasta Dinner that many of you volunteered at. From these leadership roles I have been able to further hone my leadership skills and gain an understanding of what will be expected of me as president. If you elect me as your Key Club President, I am confident that I will not let you down. I ask you to give me the honor of leading our great club in the upcoming service year. 5

Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Rebecca D'Albero

Vice President

Hey guys! My name is Becky D’Albero, I am currently a Junior and I’m running for Vice President of Key Club. I have been a member of Key Club since my freshmen year and have enjoyed it from the very start. This club is like a family to the many students of MAST including myself. We work together as a team to make our community the best it can be and welcome new members with open arms. I would be thrilled to take on a leadership position once again in this club. Throughout my years as a Key Club member, I have gone to multiple events and have worked within the club as an officer. As a matter of fact, this past year I worked as an editor for The Sandy Keys, our club’s newsletter. This leadership position has increased my ability in working well with others and meeting strict deadlines in addition to giving and taking constructive criticism. It would be an honor to serve as your VP; I hope you guys find me to be a good candidate and if you vote for me I promise not to disappoint you.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Daniel McCormack

Vice President

Ever since the beginning of freshman year I have actively participated in Key Club. I quickly became more involved as the Freshman Class Representative and knew that I wouldn’t want to stop there! My first Key Leader Conference taught me to become a better leader and I used the knowledge I gained to pursue my service involvement even further. At the end of freshman year I was elected club treasurer! It was after this point that I attended District Convention where I gained an even greater sense of what Key Club was truly about and this only pushed me to increase my involvement with the club. I actively participated in almost all service projects this year as a result of being club treasurer. Because of this, I am aware of the logistics and specifics involved in operating a successful club. I believe it is my experience and passion that make me an excellent choice for Vice President! I hope to continue the work started by our current Vice President and aim to clarify the membership hours recording system so our club can be recognized even further for the great work we do! Thank you!


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue Maddison Stokes


Hello Key Club Members! My name is Maddison Stokes and I am running for Key Club Secretary. Being a secretary requires organization and time management skills, both of which I possess. I am great at meeting all deadlines and will make sure all my reports are in on time. I have a love for service and all Key Club represents, and a natural ability to keep everything in an organized manner. I would love the opportunity to serve as our club’s secretary. Thank you!


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue James Abbaticchio


First of all, I love key club. I try to get in as many hours as I can and even if I can't go to some events I normally try to help out at least for a little while. I played a more passive role in Key Club last year as a freshman, only mustering up about 40 hours for the year. But since District Convention last year, I've been inspired. Seeing the differences key club makes has increased my desire to be a bigger part of the organization. I was class rep for sophomores this year, and Katie expressed her satisfaction with me consistently handing in my grade's attendance and in only the first marking period of this school year I have surpassed my total hours from last year. My goal is 30 hours per month, with no less than 15 and I have achieved that goal all year round. Admittedly, I didn't submit my hours for the second marking period and that's still a process I have trouble understanding. As secretary that's one issue I would try and address. Additionally I assume it's appropriate to include job experience as well as personal accomplishments so here they are as follows:  I been a soccer referee going on 4 years  I crew on a charter boat for fishing and diving over the summer  I worked at Keansburg Amusement Park over the summer  I am a varsity swimmer  I throw in spring track


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Audrey Linico


My name is Audrey Linico, and i am running for this years Key Club Secretary. I am currently a sophomore here, and i have been involved in the schools key club since the start of freshman year. While I've been here i have attended a majority of the events. Among these are Trick足or足Suite, CSH, Pasta Dinners, the fish fry, Key Leader, Barnes and Nobles gift wrapping, Beach Party, Four Square Tournament, and many more. I have been involved in coordinating Project Noel, Trick or Suite, and currently March for Babies. Outside of our club, i volunteer to help with other clubs im in and at my local hospital. I ran for Lieutenant governor in the election last month and was defeated, but i am still interested in a position on a school level. I am very involved in Key Club and want to be a bigger part of our club to help make the best that it can be. What make me qualified for the position of secretary? Well, as stated before i attend and help out as much as possible in the clubs activities. To me, being a part of this club isn't spending hours on events that the club tells us to go to. Being a part of key club is reaching out to others who need help and working to give them a better life. I love the feeling of giving to others, and seeing the big cheek足to足cheek smiles on their faces. As secretary, i want to help our club get involved in more and new events. In the future, i see our club expanding and getting more involved with other districts, clubs, and organizations.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Maile McCann


For those that don't know me, my name is Maile McCann. I'm a sophomore here and I'm running for next years Key Club Treasurer. This years Key Club officers did an awesome job of upholding the MAST legacy and I want to continue that throughout the next year. I've been in Key Club since freshman year. This year I've been involved in numerous volunteer events within and outside key club. Some of these included Trick or Suite, Gift Wrapping at Barnes and Noble, Project Noel, Fish Fry, and other events. Outside of the Key Club, projects that I am involved in include tutoring middle schoolers, reading to pre足schoolers, cooking food at the Center in Asbury Park for AIDS victims, and volunteering at the Middletown Public Library. I also engaged in a month long project to save three libraries that were being closed down in Middletown. I attended countless board meetings and made public speeches in favor of keeping them open for the community. I would make a good Treasurer because I have experience handling money and examining budgets from my work at the library. I am a diligent worker and would make it my first priority to make all my deadlines needed for the Key Club. I have a devotion to the club and will work my hardest to fulfill all my duties, like collecting dues, maintaining accurate financial records, handling bank statements, and depositing club funds. I hope you elect me for the 2013足14 school year and I look forward to working with everyone.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Leor Golan


Hello Everyone, My name is Leor Golan and I aspire to become the MAST Key Club Treasurer for the 2013足2014 service year. Ever since I have joined key club here at MAST, I have been inspired to serve the community. I have developed an everlasting passion that is renewed every time I perform an act that is benefiting someone else. Becoming a club officer would give me a chance to promote service in the MAST community. I believe I have the responsibility and diligence to become the club's treasurer. My hard work will ensure that I will carry out all of the prescribed duties needed to manage the financial side of the club.


Meet the Candidates 2013 Issue

Brady McDonough


MAST Key Club, I, Brady McDonough, am running for Key Club Treasurer. The M.A.S.T. Key Club motivates young people to help others and I would like to play a bigger role in continuing that tradition. I love working with numbers, am trustworthy, organized, responsible and hardworking: all important characteristics for a treasurer. I chose to run for an officer position because I believe I have skills and ideas that would help our club continue to reach our goals. I am motivated, detail oriented, creative and I care about others. Generally, those characteristics could describe all of our Key Club members in some way. What makes me different, and the right choice for treasurer, is I am a natural leader, who is dedicated to serving our members, local community and our philanthropies worldwide. I am committed to improving the quality of life of others, while bringing a level of professionalism to the position of treasurer. I would be honored to serve and aid our members as treasurer. Thank you!


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