Wednesday Sep 14, 2022

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The San Juan Star DAILY Wednesday, September 14, 2022 50¢ NOTICIAS EN ESPAÑOL P 19 P5 Senate MinimumGovernor’sOverridesVetoofWageHikeforPublicEmployees Think Tank: Best Move for Gov’t in Long Term Is to Make the LUMA Contract Work P4 SettingsMostIsWearingWhileForever’Are‘MandatesNotStillRecommended,aProtectiveMaskNoLongerRequiredinNon-HealthCareinPuertoRico P3 SpanishCelebratedP21NovelistJavierMaríasDiesat70

Wednesday, September 14, 20222 The San Juan Daily Star

He emphasized that “in Puerto Rico, we have been successful in managing the pandemic thanks to the measures implemented at the historical moment in which we live.”

People with positive results under two or those who cannot use masks for medical reasons should remain in isolation until day 10. Meanwhile, a person with mild to moderate symptoms should also remain in isolation for 10 days. In case of severe disease, immunocompromised persons, or pregnant women, the period is determined in consultation with their health care provider.

According to the new community COVID-19 lev els of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which evaluate indicators of the impact on the hospital system, Puerto Rico is at a moderate level and the tendency to drop to a low level has begun to be seen in several municipalities on the island. In the case of pediatrics, the current occupancy rate is 3 percent, while adult bed occupancy does not exceed 4 Accordingpercent.todata compiled by the DS, in the past few weeks, COVID-19 community levels have begun to decrease in several municipalities. As of Tuesday, 73 towns were at a moderate level and five at a low level. Likewise, the percentage of positivity has been decreasing, estimated at 20.5 percent.

Protective masks against COVID-19 are no longer mandatory in most settings

The San Juan Daily Star, the only paper with News Service in English in Puerto Rico, publishes 7 days a week, with a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday edition, along with a Weekend Edition to cover Friday, Saturday and Sunday.


In keeping with CDC guidelines for school facili ties, the Health Department revised the guidelines used for educational institutions, reclassifying as recommendations some of the requirements estab lished in the past.

The San Juan Star DAILY PO BOX 6537 CAGUAS PR (787)(787)sanjuanweeklypr@gmail.com00726743-3346•(787)743-6537743-5606(787)743-5100 FAX

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The new Administrative Order 2022-548 makes it clear that the Department of Health (DS by its Span ish initials) does not promote the requirement of a negative COVID-19 result to allow visitors to enter long-term care homes for the elderly or community homes that serve people with disabilities.

use of masks as a preventive measure against the spread of COVID-19 will be recommended but not mandatory in educational institutions, public transportation, pharmacies, or long-term care homes, the island’s top physician announced on Tuesday.Ontheother hand, the mandatory use of masks is to be maintained in health facilities such as emer gency rooms, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and clinical laboratories. In the case of pharmacies, masks will only be required in the prescription area.


washing, disinfection of common areas, and the use of masks are still recommended to mitigate risks associated with the disease, mainly in populations at higher risk for complications such as older adults (65 years or older, history of chronic conditions, overweight and obese).

Health Secretary Carlos Mellado López

“The restrictions and mandates are not forever; they came into effect at the right time, and two years into the pandemic, citizens have been able to learn how to take care of themselves from this fatal virus,” Health Secretary Carlos Mellado López said in a written communication. “I am confident that we can continue to move forward, at the same time that we continue with the prevention and protection measures to guarantee the control of the disease.”

Mellado López emphasized that prevention measures such as up-to-date vaccination status, hand


INDEX September 14, 2022

The strategy for COVID-19 testing in K-12 edu cational institutions will continue to be implemented as it allows the identification of asymptomatic cases and prevents the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in schools. Testing is promoted by the CDC as a preven tion strategy to protect the entire school community. For detailed information on the COVID-19 Preven tion Guide for Kindergarten (K) through Grade 12 schools, visit the Department of Health’s website at


from July 1, 2024 onwards, the minimum wage of public employees shall be that

“NMEAD has about 100 ‘Community Hubs’ around the island. If the emergencies we have had to deal with in recent years have taught us anything, it is that individual, family and community preparedness is essential to be able to move forward,” Correa Filomeno said. “We cannot depend only on the government or external aid. We have to establish these ties in the communities to be able to help each other.”

“I hope the House will be sympathetic to my position,” he added.


Kennedy as distribution hub during emergencies


Senate overrides governor’s veto of minimum wage hike for public employees

Senate President José Luis Dalmau Santiago

In the governor’s opinion, the Salary Compensation Plan (which becomes effective in January) establishes items to balance the salaries of public employ ees that the vetoed measure does not consider.Inarecent press conference, House Speaker Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Mon tañez said the majority in the lower cham ber had the votes to override Pierluisi’s veto and was confident that lawmakers would do so.

House of Representatives not to override his veto.“[Iask] that they respect my decision because we have an ongoing review of the pay plan in all central government agencies and the vast majority of public corporations,” the governor said at a press conference. “The Fiscal Board has already cleared the way for that, and it has been a great effort. This measure is better than establishing a minimum wage.”

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 20224

The Kennedy Dining Hall becomes a MACRO POD, serving as a distribution point for food or donations to MICRO PODS, smaller community centers such as churches and nonprofit entities.The main objective of the “Community Hubs” is to es tablish cooperative ties between nonprofit, faith-based and community organizations to help the community prepare for disasters, assist them during the emergency response process and support them during recovery.

The island Senate on Tuesday ap proved with 18 votes in favor to override Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Ur rutia’s veto of the measure that seeks to establish the “Minimum Wage Law for Public Employees of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico” to establish a new min imum base wage of $10.50 per hour, in a staggered manner, subject to the law’s provisions.Senate Bill 563, seen on reconsider ation, provides that on “the first day of the month following the approval of this Act, the minimum wage of Public Employees shall be increased to $8.50 per hour.”

“By July 1, 2023, the minimum wage of public employees will be $9.50 per hour. On July 1, 2024, the increase to the minimum wage for public employ ees will be $10.50 an hour unless the Commission [on the minimum wage] issues a Mandatory Order varying the same,” the measure reads. “In addition,

Clemente said that “[w]ith this agreement, we will ensure

Nino Correa Filomeno, commissioner of the Bureau of Emergency Management and Disaster Administration

El Comedor de la Kennedy, located on the John F. Kennedy Expressway in the capital city, works to eradicate Puerto Rico’s lack of food security. Clemente and his staff pack and deliver around 3.5 million pounds of food a month, free of charge, to about 2,000 children and 3,000 older people a week at 60 gathering points across the island.

that no food or resources are lost in Puerto Rico in times of disaster.”“We will make every effort to take care of what we can get our hands on for the people,” he said. “This agreement means joining efforts to defend a country that has suffered profoundly in previous disasters.”

“For me, it is a privilege to sign this agreement with Chef Iván Clemente, whom I know and recognize for his titanic work to help the community, especially children and the elderly, so they can have food,” the NMEAD chief continued. “Clemente has been carrying out this work since 2009, and we are honored to be able to count on his help when we have to go out to the streets to help people in the middle of an emergency. Thank you for your dedication and commitment to Puerto Rico.”

Dining Hall to serve

established by the Commission.” Pierluisi asked the members of the

Bureau of Emergency Management and Disaster Adminis tration (NMEAD by its Spanish acronym) Commissioner Nino Correa Filomeno and Chef Iván Clemente of the non-profit organization Comedor de la Kennedy (Kennedy Dining Hall) in San Juan have signed an agreement to establish Comedor de la Kennedy as a “Community Hub” or community

center to help citizens in times of emergencies or disasters.


Second, the termination of both agreements would trigger the clock on a transition period, which could last up

However, Marxuach cautions that each proposed solution carries some consequences that must be analyzed beforehand to avoid mistakes or make a difficult situation even worse. If the contract is left to expire on Nov. 30, the automatic termination of the agreements would trigger the occurrence of several events.

“It still relies mostly on oil and diesel fuel for electric ity generation. According to PREPA’s unaudited financial information, from July 2021-May 2022, approximately 73% of PREPA’s expenditures correspond to the purchase of fuel and power,” Marxuach said. “This means that Puerto Rico is at the mercy of oil and natural gas markets, which have been affected recently by the unexpectedly rapid economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the strong post-pan demic shift toward the consumption of manufactured goods

“There are no effortless solutions to Puerto Rico’s en ergy problems,” Marxuach said. “It will take several years of steadfast hard work to rebuild the system and decrease energy rates. There are no shortcuts, no easy answers, and no straightforward ways out. The only option is to work through it. Otherwise, we face the unpleasant prospect of several more years of economic decline and the social stagnation that wouldMeanwhile,entail.”Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia said Tuesday that LUMA Energy will remain as PREPA’s T&D system op erator because the “basis contract,” or 15-year contract, will go into effect after Nov. 30.

Governor’s proposed fund for towns would draw from operational budget surplus

“So far LUMA has incurred budget overruns; has failed to meet key performance metrics regarding the duration and frequency of outages; is behind schedule in meeting certain maintenance goals (for example, controlling vegetation growth around important lines); and has shown little evidence that it is achieving the savings it represented it would generate from a more efficient management of the transmission and distribution system,” the report says. “It is up to the gov ernment of Puerto Rico, then, to defend the interests of the Puerto Rican Regardingpeople.”theprice of electricity, the CNE policy di rector notes that PREPA’s generation fleet is outdated except for a handful of units that were retrofitted to burn natural gas.

The CNE Review includes three possible scenarios for ending the LUMA Energy contract, but Marxuach concludes that the easiest course of action would be not to seek the extension of the interim operation period that ends on Nov. 30. That is because the Supplemental Agreement currently in effect provides for the automatic termination of both agree ments, the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement as well as the Supplemental Agreement, on that date, unless the government of Puerto Rico seeks to extend its effectiveness.

First, PREPA would be required to pay LUMA a ter mination fee of $115 million in 2020 dollars, adjusted for inflation, which is not currently budgeted, he said.

Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia on Tuesday detailed his request to the Financial Oversight and Management Board to allow a series of amendments to the commonwealth Fiscal Plan to help the island’s 78 municipalities financially. The governor said he wants to create a fund to help municipalities pay for essential services that they provide to their constituents.About25percent of the surplus of the government’s operational budget in any year would go into the proposed Municipal Fund for Essential Services after paying first for government debt obligations. The central government recently

reached a debt adjustment plan.

to 12 months and during which LUMA would wind up its operations and transfer them to a successor operator. PREPA would be responsible for paying a fee to cover the cost of LUMA’s operations during this period, he said.

“It depends on a series of factors, population among others, but it would be available to the municipalities,” Pier luisi said. “The formula would resemble the formula used for the equalization fund at the time of distribution, but it is a percentage of the surplus. That is, it works differently. It is no longer that they have to say $88 million every year; no, this is more responsible.”TheEqualization Fund’s objective is to ensure equitable treatment of all municipalities, with increased focus on those that are economically disadvantaged. The program provides assistance of last resort, up to $50 million a year, for the pro vision of government services. The oversight board has said the fund must be eliminated.

Therefore, Marxuach says, the best-case scenario may be to make the contract between PREPA and LUMA work. First, however, the government must also examine why LUMA cannot meet performance objectives.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 5

Think tank: Best option for gov’t is to make the LUMA contract work

The report includes a policy brief and an editorial that analyzes the public-private partnership between the govern ment and LUMA Energy, focusing primarily on the current situation and offering solutions for how the government can best protect the interests of the Puerto Rican people. In the publication, Marxuach details the current energy situation and explains why LUMA does not measure up to expectations.

instead of services, other constraints on energy supply, and the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This is the reason why CNE emphasizes the need to start rolling out large-scale renewable energy projects.”


CNE Policy Director Sergio M. Marxuach, in the Sep tember issue of CNE Review, said that while allowing the supplementary contract with LUMA Energy to expire on Nov. 30 is the easiest solution, it might have negative consequences.

“The likely scenario is that both agencies would adopt a wait-and-see attitude with respect to such disbursement as legal and operational wrinkles are worked out,” the economist said. “This means that the reconstruction of the grid would take even longer than the currently projected 10 years.”


Marxuach also notes that the government must consider the possible impact of terminating the O&M Agreement on the disbursement of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds to reconstruct the grid.

The analysis states that in the future, the Public-Private Partnership Authority should hire an independent world-class firm of engineers, with no business or political connections to Puerto Rico, to relentlessly and unwaveringly supervise LUMA’s performance of its obligations under its agreement.

Sergio M. Marxuach, policy director at the Center for a New Economy

“In other words, any surplus we have, 25 percent would go to that fund,” Pierluisi said at a press conference. “So that, among other things, guarantees that the municipalities can have their finances to provide the essential services they offer to their towns. It is a formula, what we are proposing is a formula, which is fiscally responsible, and now it is up to the oversight board to decide.”

for a New Economy (CNE) evaluation advises the island government to make the contract with LUMA Energy, the private operator of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s (PREPA) transmission and distribution (T&D) system, work instead of ending it.


“The problem with this and any other termination scenar io is that it appears there are no candidates to be a successor operator in the event of termination,” Marxuach said. “That is, there appears to be no Plan B. Who will then be in charge of Puerto Rico’s transmission and distribution system?”


The governor noted that the proposal is not the same as the existing Equalization Fund, which the oversight board insists on repealing. However, he said the formula for allocating funding for essential services is the same as the one followed by the Equalization Fund.

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 20226

The wholesale and retail trade sector projects employment increases due to the beginning of the Christmas season.

In response to questions from the STAR regarding how companies are selecting employees, many of which have decades of experience and are seeing their job search efforts failing to bear fruit, Rivera Roena recognized that companies have to change, too, and pay more attention to the potential employees’ resumes and what they can offer, instead of relying on what a computerized system says.

Private sector optimistic with new employment expectations for year-end 2022

Automobile Accident Compensation Administra tion (ACAA by its Spanish initials) has begun to offer two new insurance coverages, Plus and Premium, for island motorists.

Two new insurance plans now available to island drivers

By ALEJANDRA M. JOVER TOVAR Special to The Ialejandra.jover@gmail.comSTARnasurveyconductedby

For $50 per year, the Plus coverage offers medical-hos pital services, grants $75,000 to the insured driver’s spouse, and up to $70,000 to dependent children in the event of death. Likewise, it provides a maximum of $75,000 in the event of loss of a limb and $5,000 for funeral expenses.

Marcano Rivera stressed that to obtain the services, drivers must choose one of the three coverage options, the Basic as a mandatory premium or one of the two new alternatives (Premium or Plus). The coverage can be obtained when a driver renews the vehicle’s registration via an inspection sticker, known locally as a “marbete.” The digital Driver Services Center (CESCO by its Spanish acronym) in the Department of Transportation and Public Works provides the service and benefits information.

Group’s general manager for Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, said “the survey is an independent instrument that our company conducts by surveying em ployers around the world, which can serve as an essential economic index for the business community and the government sector in Puerto Rico because, in addition to knowing the employment expectations in Puerto Rico, comparisons can be made with the results at the international level.”

Manpow erGroup, Puerto Rico -- included in the study for the first time -- ranked 18th among 41 countries surveyed that expect a net gain in private sector jobs, withAfter32%.more than 41,000 employers worldwide were interviewed, the coun try that expects to offer the most jobs is Brazil, with a 56% net gain. In contrast, Poland only expects to increase its work force by Puerto1%.Rico expects to increase its job offer in 11 categories, with wholesale and retail trade being the most in-demand (67%), followed by banking, finance, and real estate (66%), and construction (61%). The sector with the least demand, although it would still be contemplating offering jobs, is education, health and government, with 16%. One of the sectors most affected by the pandemic, restau rants and hotels, is expected to offer jobs again with a 54% gain.

ACAA currently provides coverage for medical-hos pital services, chiropractic services, convalescent homes, rehabilitation, medical equipment and medications for those injured in a motor vehicle accident.

Noé Marcano Rivera, executive director of the Automobile Accident Compensation Administration

Melissa Rivera Roena, Manpower

The Premium coverage, which costs $70 per year, includes services under the current medical-hospital

Soft skills also come into play, those qualities that go beyond how many years an employee has been working in an industry or what achievements an employee is recognized for: companies are now focusing on issues such as the ability to adapt to a new job, the ability to work in a team and the temperament of theirRiveraemployees.Roenasaid companies have to temper their hiring process to the new reality of employees who want to work from home and have a work-life balance.

Melissa Rivera Roena, ManpowerGroup’s general manager for Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic


Among workforce trends and chal lenges, three out of four companies globally reported talent shortages, the highest figure in the last 16 years. Thir

“We are transforming the Corporation, adding new alternatives, and creating value through our service focused on maintaining our vision,” the ACAA chief said. “Over 55 years, we have helped rehabilitate thousands of people who received some trauma or injury in an accident. With these new products, we expand options and provide an economical alternative allowing drivers to ensure their well being and the safety of their family.”

Of 250 private companies surveyed -- and not part of ManpowerGroup’s client portfolio -- 44% expect to increase their workforce, while 12% plan to decrease it and 35% would remain unchanged. Nine percent have not decided.

Traditionally, more businesses hire per sonnel to meet consumers’ demands, even during a recession.

Interestingly, an upward trend in hir ing in microenterprises (with 10 or fewer employees) is reported at 37%. Since the pandemic, many people have decided to take charge of their economic future and have founded their own businesses. The trend is followed by large companies (with 250 employees or more), which expect to offer jobs by 34%.

ty-six percent of the employers surveyed said they are concerned that their current employees are not receiving enough technology training to keep their skills up to date.

“Machines cannot replace people, but we have to do the work,” she said.


coverage. Compensation to the spouse of a driver killed in an accident can go up to $92,000, while dependent children also can receive a maximum of $92,000 in com pensation. In the case of dismemberment, the coverage will award up to a maximum of $100,000, and $8,000 for funeral expenses.

Both products seek to increase benefits and compen sation for traffic accidents and became available Tuesday.

ACAA Executive Director Noé Marcano Rivera said the public corporation recognizes the economic difficulties that families in Puerto Rico face due to the consequences of traffic accidents.

“For this reason, we have designed two new free-se lection products that provide more compensation and financial support to the [insured driver’s] spouse and minor children in the event of death or loss of a limb due to a motor vehicle accident,” he said.

ACAA estimates that 40% of drivers will opt for one of the new alternatives due to the added value and security they provide to families and dependents.

who may have taken part in planning or executing the rally, or tried to “obstruct, influence, impede or delay” the certification of the presidential election.

At least 20 of these subpoenas were sent out and sought information about, and communications with, several lawyers who took part in the fake elector scheme, including Giuliani and JohnAboutEastman.thesame

The seizure of the phones, coupled with a widening effort to obtain information from those around Trump after the 2020 election, represent some of the most aggressive steps the department has taken thus far in its criminal investigation into the actions that led to the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob.

Federal agents with court-authorized search warrants took phones last week from at least two people: Boris Epshteyn, an in-house counsel who helps coordinate Trump’s legal efforts, and Mike Roman, a campaign strategist who was the director of Election Day operations for the Trump campaign in 2020, people familiar with the investigation said.

The extent of the investigation has come into focus in recent days, even though it has often been overshadowed by the government’s legal clash with Trump and his lawyers over a separate inquiry into the handling of presidential records, including highly classified materials, the former president kept at Mar-a-Lago, his residence in Florida.

ustice Department officials have seized the phones of two top advisers to former President Donald Trump and blanketed his aides with about 40 subpoenas in a substantial escalation of the investigation into his efforts to subvert the 2020 election, people familiar with the inquiry said earlier this week.

One of the recipients, people familiar with the case said, was Dan Scavino, Trump’s former social media director who rose from working at a Trump-owned golf course to become one of his most loyal West Wing aides, and has remained an adviser since Trump left office. Stanley Woodward, one of Scavino’s lawyers, declined to comment.

Another was Bernard B. Kerik, a former New York City police commissioner. Kerik, who promoted claims of voter fraud alongside his friend Rudy Giuliani, was issued a subpoena by prosecutors with the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington, his lawyer, Timothy Parlatore, said Monday. Parlatore said his client had initially offered to grant an interview voluntarily.

Justice Dept. issues 40 subpoenas in a week, expanding its Jan. 6 inquiry

Supporters of President Donald Trump storm the Capitol in Washington, Jan. 6, 2021. The Justice Department has issued about 40 subpoenas over the past week seeking information about the actions of former President Donald Trump and his associates related to the 2020 election and the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol, according to people familiar with the situation.

The fact that the Justice Department is now seeking infor mation related to fundraising comes as the House committee examining the Jan. 6 attack has raised questions about money Trump solicited under the premise of fighting election fraud.


The subpoenas seek information in connection with the fake electors plan.

For months, associates of Trump’s have received sub poenas related to other aspects of the investigations into his efforts to cling to power. But in a new line of inquiry, some of the latest subpoenas focus on the activities of the Save Ameri

The Justice Department has spent more than a year focused on investigating hundreds of rioters who were on the ground at the Capitol on Jan. 6. But this past spring, it started issuing grand jury subpoenas to people such as Ali Alexander, a prominent organizer with the pro-Trump Stop the Steal group, who helped plan the march to the Capitol after Trump gave a speech that day at the Ellipse near the White


Epshteyn and Roman have been linked to a critical element of Trump’s bid to hold onto power: the effort to name slates of electors pledged to Trump from swing states won by Joe Biden in 2020 as part of a plan to block or delay congressional certification of Biden’s Electoral College victory.

Epshteyn and Roman did not respond to requests for comment. A Justice Department spokesperson declined to comment.The names of those receiving the latest round of sub poenas in the investigation related to Jan. 6 have dribbled out gradually, with investigators casting a wide net on a range of issues, including Trump’s postelection fundraising and the so-called fake electors scheme.

ca political action committee, the main political fundraising conduit for Trump since he left office.

The new subpoenas encompass a wide variety of those in Trump’s orbit, from low-level aides to his most senior advisers.

By early summer, the grand jury investigation had taken another turn as several subpoenas were issued to state law makers and state Republican officials allied with Trump who took part in a plan to create fake slates of pro-Trump electors in several key swing states actually won by Biden.

time, federal investigators seized Eastman’s cellphone and the phone of another lawyer, Jeffrey Clark, whom Trump had sought at one point to install as the acting attorney general. Clark had his own role in the fake elector scheme: In December 2020, he helped draft a letter to Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, saying that the state’s election results had been marred by fraud and recommending that Kemp convene a special session of the Georgia legislature to create a slate of pro-Trump electors.

At least some of the new subpoenas also requested all records that the recipients had turned over to the House Jan. 6 committee, according to a person familiar with the matter.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 7

AlthoughHouse. it remains unclear how many subpoenas had been issued in that early round, the information they sought was broad.According to a subpoena obtained by The New York Times, they asked for any records or communications from people who organized, spoke at or provided security for Trump’s rally at the Ellipse. They also requested information about any members of the executive and legislative branches

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump asked a federal judge earlier this week to deny the Justice Department’s request to immediately restart a key part of its criminal investigation into his hoarding of sensitive government documents at his residence in RenewingFlorida.their request for an expansive independent review of records seized from Trump, the former president’s legal team argued that documents marked as classified should remain off limits to the FBI and prosecutors. They asked the judge, Aileen M. Cannon, to maintain her order barring agents from using any of the materials taken from his estate, until an outside arbiter, known as a special master has vetted all of them.

As part of her order, Cannon told the Justice Department that it would have to wait until the special master’s work was done to use any of the records in its investigation. But the judge conceded that the intelligence community could use the materials in a sepa rate assessment of how the former president’s hoarding of the records might have affected nationalOnsecurity.Thursday, the Justice Department shot back, telling Cannon in yet another filing that the intelligence assessment and the criminal inquiry were “inextricably linked.” Prosecutors asked her to lift her ban on using the seized materials and requested she restrict the scope of the special master’s review to unclassified documents, excluding about 100 seized files bearing classification labels.

In its initial filing on Monday, Trump’s legal team sidestepped the question of whether he had declassified all the documents he took to Mar-a-Lago, as he has insisted outside court. His lawyers said that as president, Trump had the authority to declassify anything he wanted and referred to the files as “purported” clas sified

Butrecords.they stopped short of affirmatively stating that he had declassified any files that the FBI seized. No credible evidence has emerged to support that assertion, and lawyers face professional consequences for making false claims in court.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Sept. 3, 2022. Lawyers for former President Trump asked a federal judge on Monday, Sept. 12, to deny the Justice Department’s request to immediately restart a key of part of its criminal investigation into his hoarding of sensitive government documents at his residence in Florida.


They said the prohibition on using those materials was hindering the intelligence com munity’s review of any risk caused by the inse cure storage of national security secrets and a classification review of the materials, arguing

That concession did not address the pos sibility that such actions could also further the criminalTheinquiry.dispute over the special master has already delayed a briefing on the seized ma terials to top leaders in Congress and leaders of congressional intelligence committees, a person familiar with the matter said.

The Justice Department said Monday that it would be fine with Dearie or either of its suggestions, pointing to their “substantial judicial experience,” including in federal cases that involved national security and issues of privilege.

The 21-page filing was an aggressive rebuke of the Justice Department’s broader inquiry into whether Trump or his aides illegally kept national security secrets at his property, Mar-a-Lago, or obstructed the government’s repeated attempts to retrieve the materials. It played down the criminal inquiry as a “storage dispute” and insinuated that officials might have leaked information about the contents of the files.

if she did not grant by Thursday their request to stay the portion of her ruling that is keeping investigators from working with the documents marked as classified, they would ask the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in Atlanta, to intervene and block it.

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 20228

The filing, which came as Trump returned to the Washington area, underscored how he has succeeded for now in using what amounts to a procedural sideshow to stall the criminal investigation, even after his representatives falsely said in June that his office had returned any documents marked as classified in his possession.Prosecutors had asked Cannon last week to let investigators resume working with about 100 documents marked as classified that formed a small portion of the nearly 13,000 items the FBI seized during a court-authorized search of Mar-a-Lago on Aug. 8.

The Trump legal team has countered with a semi-retired federal judge, Raymond J. Dearie, who formerly sat on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, and Paul Huck Jr., a former deputy attorney general in Florida.

“This investigation of the 45th president of the United States is both unprecedented and misguided,” the filing said. “In what at its core is a document storage dispute that

those efforts were inextricably intertwined with the criminal investigation.

In a separate filing Monday, Trump’s legal team suggested that if the judge wanted to know whether it had any objections to the candidates, it would prefer to privately submit them since the filings were likely to receive wide attention.

Trump asks judge to keep blocking FBI from working with seized classified files

Moreover, prosecutors informed her that

The filing was the latest salvo in what threatens to become a protracted court fight over a special master, even as the Justice De partment signaled late Monday that it could accept at least one candidate Trump’s lawyers had suggested for the post. Part of the dispute centers on whether the special master’s review should extend to blocking investigators from using any records potentially protected by executive privilege.

But on Monday, Trump’s lawyers dis missed the government’s claims, saying that those assertions appeared to be “exaggerated” and that only a “brief pause” would be required for the special master’s review to be completed. (Trump’s lawyers indicated on Friday that they expected the review to take three months.)

“This convenient, and belated, claim by the government relative to enjoining the criminal team’s access to these documents only arises because the FBI concedes the intelligence community review is actually just another facet of its criminal investigation,” they argued.

The clash traces back to an order issued early last week by Cannon, a Trump appointee, in which she said she would appoint a special master with broad authority to review all the seized materials. In her order, Cannon said they could be scrutinized not only for any docu ments potentially covered by attorney-client privilege, a relatively common measure, but also for executive privilege, which would be unprecedented in a federal criminal inquiry.

The Justice Department and Trump’s lawyers have also sparred over the question of who should be appointed special master, with each side submitting two candidates for the post. Cannon will ultimately decide who gets theThejob.Justice Department has suggested two retired federal judges: Barbara S. Jones, who formerly sat on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, and Thomas B. Griffith, who formerly sat on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.

But it flagged that while Trump’s lawyers had described Dearie as retired, he remains a judge on “senior active” status, which might raise a legal problem if working as a special master counted as impermissible outside em ployment. The department opposed appoint ing Huck, saying he “does not appear to have similar experience.”

has spiraled out of control, the government wrongfully seeks to criminalize the possession by the 45th president of his own presidential and personal records.”

But Trump’s filing left open an ambigu ous possibility: that the FBI could undertake further actions related to the documents — including using criminal investigative tools like subpoenas — if their purpose was to assist the intelligence community’s risk assessment.


The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 9

A New Shepard rocket launched by Blue Origin, carrying no crew and only experiments, malfunctioned on Monday, Sept. 12, 2022, causing the rocket booster to crash.

man was sentenced to life in prison earlier this week for selling fentanyl that caused the deaths of 11 people who had bought it believing it was a less dangerous drug, the Justice Department said.

The capsule reached an altitude of more than 37,000 feet, or about 7 miles, far lower than a normal flight.

“It appears we’ve experienced an anomaly with today’s flight,” said Erika Wagner, the commentator during Blue Origin’s live coverage of the launch. “This wasn’t planned and we don’t have any details yet.”

Bezos’ rocket crashes; no people were aboard

In addition to the space tourism flights, Blue Origin also sells New Shepard flights as an economical means for

From March 31 to April 27, 2016, Broussard placed the repackaged fentanyl in hundreds of priority mail par cels and distributed them from a post office in Hopkins, west of Minneapolis, the Justice Department said. He would respond to online orders placed on his website, PlantFoodUSA.Net., which posed as a site for plant food, prosecutors said.


The New Shepard flights do not enter orbit around the Earth, but rather are short up-and-down trips that provide a


After delivering the life sentence, Judge Susan Richard Nelson of U.S. District Court in St. Paul told Broussard, “Your disregard for human life is terrifying,” according to prosecutors.

Broussard was convicted in March in U.S. District Court in St. Paul of 17 criminal counts, including conspi racy, importation of fentanyl and distribution of fentanyl resulting in death, the Justice Department said.

Broussard heard that his product was causing adverse reactions, but he continued distributing it, prosecutors said.

He mailed it across the country, the Justice Department said, and it was used by the 11 people, who had expected to receive a less dangerous drug similar to Adderall. Instead they ingested a fatal amount of fentanyl, a lab-made opioid 50 times stronger than heroin and roughly 100 times stron ger than morphine. In addition to the people who suffered fatal overdoses, four others were seriously injured by the drugs provided by Broussard, prosecutors said.

his customers not to take the deadly drugs,” the Justice DepartmentBroussardsaid.later reached out to his suppliers in Chi na and requested a discount on his next drug delivery, prosecutorsAndrewsaid.M. Luger, the U.S. attorney in Minnesota, said in a statement that Broussard’s actions had brought devastation on friends and families of the victims.

The flight, lifting off from Blue Origin’s launch site in West Texas, did not have any people aboard. The rocket was the same design as New Shepard vehicles that have taken celebrities including Bezos, William Shatner and Michael Strahan to the edge of space.

The Office of the Federal Defender in the District of Minnesota, which represented Broussard, did not imme diately respond to a call seeking comment Monday night.


The Federal Aviation Administration said it would investigate, and grounded the company’s flights until it can determine “whether any system, process or procedure related to the mishap affected public safety.”

“Booster failure on today’s uncrewed flight,” Blue Origin reported on Twitter later. “Escape system performed as designed.”BlueOrigin said no one on the ground was injured.

few minutes of weightlessness at the top of the arc, which reaches more than 62 miles above the surface.

Man gets life in prison for selling fentanyl that killed 11

The man, Aaron Broussard, 31, of Hopkins, Min nesota, obtained fentanyl from drug suppliers in China and conspired with them to smuggle the deadly drug into the United States, selling the product on his website, prosecutors said in a news release.

“Although Broussard had experienced a similar mix-up in August 2015 and was repeatedly told to test his drugs, he did not do so,” the Justice Department said.

Anothersaid.victim, in Ramsey County, Minnesota, died in his office. And in Scranton, Pennsylvania, a 26-yearold woman unknowingly ingested fentanyl and died of an overdose, prosecutors said.

After its parachutes deployed, the capsule landed, perhaps a bit harder than usual, in the Texas desert.

from China for 100 grams of a less dangerous drug. But the package actually contained 100 grams of 99% pure fentanyl, the Justice Department said.

Fentanyl is a lab-made opioid 50 times stronger than heroin and roughly 100 times stronger than morphine.

One victim, in Grand Rapids, Michigan, went into cardiac arrest and later died at a hospital. The victim’s mother pointed authorities to a small plastic baggie in her son’s room that contained a white crystalline pow der, which later tested positive for fentanyl, the Justice Department

scientists to conduct experiments in near-zero gravity.

“Although the trauma felt by the victims can never be undone and the true cost can never be calculated,” Luger said, “Mr. Broussard will now spend the remainder of his life behind bars.”

On Monday, one minute and four seconds after liftoff, as the New Shepard rocket passed through the period known as max-Q — when the vehicle experiences forces of maximum atmospheric pressure — a large yellow flame erupted from the booster’s engine. As the booster began to tilt, an emer gency abort system quickly propelled the capsule carrying the experiments away from the failing booster.

On March 12, 2016, Broussard placed a drug order

uncrewed New Shepard rocket launched by Blue Origin — the company started by Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon — malfunctioned earlier this week, causing the rocket booster to crash. An emergency escape system took the capsule, which carried three dozen experiments, to safety.

“Many of these customers died, or were otherwise overcome, within minutes after ingesting the drugs he sent them,” prosecutors wrote in a motion for detention. “One can hardly imagine a more serious drug crime.”

“This is standard practice for all mishap investigations,” the FAA said in a statement.

“Even after he learned that several customers had been hospitalized and nearly died, Broussard never warned


A choice, not a referendum

The electorate’s instinct to check-and-balance the president is another underlying explanation for the midterm penalty.

The arguments are often pretty plausible. After all, every cycle is different. There’s almost always something unprecedented about a given election year — in just the last few cycles, the pandemic, the first female presidential major party nominee and the first Black president were all truly novel. There’s always a way to spin up a rationale for why old rules won’tInapply.the end, history usually prevails. That’s a

In this account, presidents don’t simply lose because it’s a referendum; they lose because a crucial segment of the public wants to moderate the direction of public policy. It’s related to the idea that public opinion is something like a thermostat, in which the public moves to turn down the heat when policy runs too hot in either direction.

good thing to keep in mind right now as Democrats show strength that seems entirely at odds with the long history of the struggles of the president’s party in midterm elections.

And that gives me a little more pause about blowing them off.

A thermostatic reaction

Supporters of Kansans for Constitutional Freedom at an August watch party in Overland Park, Kan., after a state referendum that would have effectively restricted abortion was defeated.

Google search interest is a rough proxy for something that’s hard to dispute: Trump looms over

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202210

This cycle, the arguments for Democratic strength cut at the heart of the underlying theories for why the party in power struggles in midterms.

about every election cycle, there’s an argument for why, this time, things might be different — different from expectations based on historical trends and key factors like the state of the economy or the president’s approval rating.

The emergence of “democracy” as one of the more important issues in the election is almost entirely a function of his presence, whether it’s by promoting “stop the steal” sentiments, endorsing candidates on the right, or fanning fears of election subversion and political violence.

The theory helps explain why some of the worst midterm drubbings come after a president pushes an ambitious agenda — like the Republican landslides after Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society, Bill Clinton’s health care push, or the enactment of the Affordable Care Act under Barack Obama. It may also help explain why presidents with less ambitious plans or accomplishments — like Jimmy Carter or George H.W. Bush — have sometimes avoided a rout, even if their parties lost seats.

Préstamos Personales Pequeños otorgados para la semana que terminó el sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022 Tasa110.00%(%)Mínima PonderadoPromedio(%)110.00% Tasa110.00%(%)Máxima


Consider this: “Donald Trump” still earns more Google search interest than “Joe Biden.” It’s nothing like prior midterms, when the attention was focused all but exclusively on the president. These midterms certainly are different.

But this cycle, it’s the Republicans who achieved one of their most important policy objectives — the equivalent of the Great Society or Obamacare — when the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and fulfilled a half-century-long political goal of the conservative movement.

If there’s a saying that captures why midterms go so poorly for the president’s party, it’s the idea that “midterms are a referendum, not a choice.” If it’s a referendum, the Democrats are in trouble. After all, President Joe Biden’s approval rating is in the low 40s.

I can’t think of an equivalent precedent for anything like this. If you can — a good example of when the party out of power achieved the most significant policy change of a president’s first term — feel free to send us an email at dear.upshot@nytimes. com.Maybe some readers will come up with a helpful analogy. Either way, we’re experiencing something very different from the usual midterm election.

Trump doesn’t just make it harder for Republicans to make the midterms into a referendum. He has made it less likely that Republican candidates will even try to make the midterms into a referendum. Republican candidates spent the primary season focused on earning the support of Trump and his supporters, rather than focused on Biden. It led them far from the classic “check-and-balance” midterms message, in which a challenger promises to work with the president where they agree but block the excesses of his agenda.

But this year, there’s a pretty good reason to think this won’t just be a referendum: Donald Trump.

Why things may really be different for this midterm election

Loyalty Finance LLC

But this cycle, there really is something different — or at the very least, there is something different about the reasons “this cycle might be different.”

this campaign in countless ways, often distracting the news media, candidates and voters from Biden.

As my colleague David Leonhardt put it: “The most ad vanced category of mass-produced semiconductors — used in smartphones, military technology and much more — is known as 5 nm. A single company in Taiwan, known as TSMC, makes about 90% of them. U.S. factories make none.”

The structures etched on these microchips are vanishin gly small. “Nm” is short for nanometer. Read this slowly: A na nometer is one-millionth of a millimeter.

Chris Miller, a professor of international history at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, des cribes the microchips coming out of Taiwan eloquently in his forthcoming book, “Chip War: The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology.” He points out that the coronavirus that began spreading around the planet in 2020 was only about 100 nanometers in diameter. The same year, Taiwan Semiconductor was etching shapes less than half that size onto scores of mi llions of chips for Apple.

hen I first arrived in Taiwan as a college student in the summer of 1973, there was no ambiguity whatsoever about the American role on the island.

More specifically, Taiwan is a colossus in the global market for semiconductors, the brains of modern electronics. Taiwan takes some comfort in what its president, Tsai Ing-wen, calls its “silicon shield” — its mastery of the manufacturing of the microchips that are as essential to the economy in the 21st century as oil was 100 years ago.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 11

Andeno Co

Taiwan produces most of the world’s highest-tech silicon chips — slivers the size of a fingernail, on which are embedded billions of microscopic transistors. The very best chips are made — “fabricated” is the term of art — at the Taiwan Semicon ductor Manufacturing Co., or TSMC, which may be the most important company that most people in the United States have never heard

As Dale C. Copeland, a professor of international rela tions at the University of Virginia, writes in Foreign Affairs: “Chi na now has some capability to produce chips with transistors that are under 15 and even under 10 nanometers in size. But to stay on the cutting edge of technological developments,” China

In a long Zoom conversation, Copeland said a nation’s military power had always been built on its economic strength.

Were Taiwan’s semiconductor operations to be destro yed, Miller estimated, the total worldwide economic damage could easily exceed the cost of the entire coronavirus pande mic.

The ‘silicon shield’

How silicon chips rule the world

“Cutting countries off from access to critical materials can cause a war,” he said, “but calibrating access carefully might be able to prevent one.”

How long that tech gap can be sustained may be as im portant a geopolitical question as the nuclear, ballistic and antiballistic puzzles of the Cold War.

needs chips “measuring under seven or under five nanometers, which only Taiwan can mass-produce at a high level of quality.”

In this sense, limiting trade in the most advanced semi conductors is, at a bare minimum, provocative to China, which dearly needs them. But permitting trade in “fairly advanced” semiconductors softens the blow and can promote prosperity, Copeland said. That is essentially what the Biden administration is doing.What is most important is “a country’s expectations of fu ture trade,” Copeland said. If it is clear that China will be better off with a steady flow of chips from Taiwan, he added, peace is likely to“the beating heart” of the global semiconductor industry, Miller said. But China’s military exercises, in response to the Taiwan visit of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, illustrate how vulnerable the global economy has become.

China has made the production of its own state-of-the-art silicon chips a national priority, but it has been unable to catch up with Taiwan. The Biden administration is intent on making sure that it does not, imposing restrictions on the export of the most advanced chips — and chipmaking equipment — to Chi na. And with $50 billion from the new CHIPS and Science Act, the administration is trying to shift some of the fabrication of the best chips back to American shores.

Stock prices and the pelosi visit

Two wafers containing silicon chips at the Taiwan Se miconductor Research Institute in Hsinchu. Taiwan is a colossus in the global market for semiconductors, the brains of modern electronics.

Ideology and nationalistic fervor have led to war in the past, and Chinese leaders say the Taiwan question can’t be put off indefinitely.Atthemoment, though, just about everyone else is de pending on the power of the silicon shield.

Over the previous two years, President Richard Nixon and his national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, had opened relations with the People’s Republic of China in Beijing. But a short distance away in Taiwan, which the People’s Republic considers a breakaway province, U.S. Air Force jets soared overhead. There was a U.S. base right in Taipei, within walking distance of my favorite bookstore.

Taiwanof.Semiconductor is the most valuable company in Asia and one of the dozen most valuable in the world, with a market capitalization of more than $400 billion. If you invest in international stocks through a broad, diversified mutual fund or exchange-traded fund, you probably own a piece of it. I do, through several Vanguard index funds in my retirement accou nts.

It has been a splendid investment. Over the 20 years through Wednesday, Taiwan Semiconductor returned 18.6% annually, including dividends, FactSet data shows. That thras hed the S&P 500, with an annual return of 10.3%, and Intel, the biggest American chipmaker, at 6.7%.

The magic of those chips Taiwan Semiconductor isn’t a household name because it doesn’t sell its products directly to consumers. But its own customers certainly do. For a clue about the company’s com mercial power, consider that the microchips it makes for Apple are the core of every iPhone sold.


Tasa mínima, promedio ponderado, y máxima para préstamos personales pequeños otorgados para la semana que terminó el sábado, 10 de septiembre de 2022 Tasa26%(%)Mínima PonderadoPromedio(%)32% Tasa33%(%)Máxima


“If you start looking at the role Taiwan plays in just about every industry, which is tremendous and which everyone relies on, you have to ask, ‘What could we produce without it if it were gone?’“InYear 1, we would face tremendous disruptions across all sectors of the economy. It would take years to recover and to replace that capacity, if it were destroyed.”

The iPhone 13 mini in my pocket, as well as the new iPhone 14 models introduced Wednesday, is built around chips that were designed by Apple in California; produced by Taiwan Semiconductor in Hsinchu, Taiwan; and shipped for assembly on mainland China or perhaps, these days, in another country.

Now, while Taiwan remains a close ally, it is also protec ted by something far more subtle — its absolutely central role in world markets.

After reading Chinese philosophy, I’d drop by the base canteen for a fix of cheeseburgers, Coca-Cola and rock ’n’ roll. At night, the local bars were often filled with hard-partying GIs, flown in from Vietnam for rest and recreation.

As an American in Taipei, you understood in a visceral way that you were living in an outpost of the American empire in Asia, protected by the U.S. military.

aimed at bringing people back often make it harder to concentrate. (One company, for example, added a rock climbing wall.)

So you wanted to get work done at the of fice?

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202212

But in the office — “a hoarder’s paradise,” as she called it — her time isn’t always her own. Clients and colleagues pass through all day with requests.

All this means that going back to the office comes with more trade-offs for certain workers. Someone has to reset the router. Someone ends up ordering the birthday cupcakes.

Samu Hällfors, an entrepreneur from Finland, found inspiration in his own experience getting distracted in the office. He co-founded a company in 2010, called Framery, that makes office privacy booths, which to date has sold over 75,000 units. Framery’s sales jumped to $93 million last year from $83 million in 2020, and the company is on track to make $150 million this year. Hällfors recalled the frustration of a colleague who once confronted their boss for talking loudly into a headset.

“He stood up and shouted to our boss, ‘You should go somewhere else; nobody can concentrate,’” Hällfors said. “He might have used some curse words as well.”

If Zuro needs to power through solo tasks, he usually does so in the morning, at home or in the evening after his 220 employees leave the office. “It’s usually pretty loud,” he said. “Pretty hustle and bustle here.”

But when more than 50 million people started working

from home in March 2020, some of them discovered a luxury their companies couldn’t offer: peace and quiet. As executives tighten their return-to-office policies, workers are finding their days filled with more interruption. The workplace, they’ve discovered, isn’t always the ideal place for doing work.

“I have my larger to-dos, but I just have to address things as they come up,” said Jennifer Choi, who manages finances and operations at an arts nonprofit in New York and finds herself fielding office maintenance, technology and human resources questions during the four days each week she spends in the offi

Batchelor’s office introduced the colored lighting system earlier this year, as employees started coming in two or three days a week. The aim is to help them find that balance between productivity and the actually desired stop-and-chat. Just the other day, for example, Batchelor’s boss came by her office to discuss a training they were planning. The green light was on.

Azeema Batchelor, who works at law firm Wiley Rein in Washington, D.C., has become reliant on her office’s red light, green light system. A rod the width of a sharpie sticks out of her monitor with a dome on it. When she needs to focus, she turns the dome red. When on a call, she switches it to yellow. When she is open to people strolling through her office to chat, a green light beckons them in.

The office, in other words, also serves as a living room, gym and summer camp recreation hall. “It’s for sure not a library here,” said Andrew Zuro, the company founder.

Some are nostalgic for the silence they had at home, especially since in-office perks, aimed at luring people back, can make it harder to concentrate.

Roberts, who runs a nonprofit in the Florida Keys, started out a recent morning with a list of tasks that ideally she would have raced right through. Figure out coverage for someone going on summer vacation. (Easy.) Look at the accountant’s recent audit. (Blah.) Redo a reimbursement request that the county finance department turned down. (Why?!) All simple enough.

Even the work that Roberts isn’t particularly well equipped to handle often winds up on her desk. “I’m the IT person,” said Roberts, who runs Keys Area Interdenominational Resources. “When the printer is jammed I’m trying to figure it out, Googling how to fix it or calling on my husband or children, ‘What do I do?’”




fice interruptions aren’t distributed evenly, according to pre-pandemic research. Women are more likely than men to be asked to do tasks that do not lead to promotions and that “everyone prefers be completed by someone else,” like coordinating holiday parties, according to a 2017 paper in the American Economic Review. Women were 48% more likely to volunteer for this type of work, and when asked to complete it, women agreed 76% of the time, compared with men at 50%.

Research tends to back up the squishy sense that people get more done outside the office. A study from Stanford of a 16,000-person travel agency found that call center employees working remotely were 13% more productive than their in-person colleagues. Another study of 1,600 professionals found that they wrote 8% more code working a hybrid schedule compared with being fully in the office.

But many executives feel strongly about the benefits of the office: the opportunities to find mentors, build relationships and brainstorm. Some workers also struggle to be productive at home, especially those with care-taking responsibilities. So companies are going to extremes to bring quiet into the office.

By the end of the workday Roberts, like so many, leaves the office with a to-do list no shorter than it was when she arrived.The last two decades saw businesses rethink their office spaces — some squeezing into smaller ones as rent increased, others undertaking an arms race for perks. The most luxe offices gained slides, nap pods, laundry, ball pits and streams of cold brew.

Then there is the set of businesses that have embraced the office as a site of occasional chaos. At Zline, an appliance company based in Reno, Nevada, where employees go in five days a week, late Friday afternoons in the office are for pingpong. Sometimes the employee band, called Hourly Rate, starts jamming and one of the more intrepid employees scales the company’s rock climbing wall.

As managers try to draw people back to the office, they’re wrestling with how to rebuild a sense of community without taking away the focus that often came with remote work. Meanwhile, some workers are getting nostalgic for the silence they had at home, especially because many of the office changes

“We started talking about the fact that I went on the Peloton for the first time since my second son was born,” Batchelor said, adding that had they both been out of the office, the conversation would have been all business. “She would have sent me an email being like, ‘FYI the training is being rearranged.’”

The euro was last up 0.17% at $1.0314. The yen gained 0.18% to 133.11 yen per dollar. Sterling fell 0.29% to $1.219, after gaining more than 1% the previous day.

First Mort 7.99 --.-- --.-Reliable --.-- --.-- 4.40 Oriental 4.99 11.95 4.99 Scotia 4.99 14.99 4.99 BPPR --.-- 17.95 4.95

“Yesterday’s data gave hope that inflation has peaked and the Fed will need to raise rates less sharply to keep infla tion under control,” currency analysts at Commerzbank said in a Tradersnote. pared bets the Fed would raise rates by 75 basis points for a third straight time at its September policy meet ing, and now see a half-point increase as the more likely op tion.Fed policymakers sought to temper any expectations of significantly looser policy, with Neal Kashkari telling a con ference on Wednesday that the central bank was “far, far away from declaring victory” on inflation.

The market’s upturn began Wednesday, which T. Rowe Price traders largely attributed to a “relief rally” on light trad ing volumes. Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard and Cleveland Fed President Loretta Mester also delivered com ments that seemed to be more “dovish” than markets expect ed, with Brainard stating that she still believed the economy could avoid a recession as the Fed raised rates.

CooPACA 3.50% 2.00 3.75% 2.00 3.75% 2.00 3.75% 2.00 3.50% 0.00 5.50% 0.00 0.00 3.75% 5.50 0.00 4.00% 0.00 3.00% 0.00 3.50%


The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 13 Stocks


Data on Wednesday showed U.S. consumer prices were unchanged in July, month on month, after advancing 1.3% in June.




Oriental 3.50%



dollar lost further ground versus other major curren cies on Thursday, after traders reined in bets on an ag gressive interest rate hike by the Federal Reserve after softer-than-expected U.S. inflation data the previous day.

First Mort

Scotia 3.50%


Money House

Dollar rallies against euro, yen after surprisingly firm U.S. consumer prices

“While yesterday’s data clearly reduces the risk of further aggressive Fed action (+75bps) and therefore helps curtail US dollar demand, we equally see it as unlikely that this data alone will prompt much further US dollar selling from here,” currency analysts at MUFG said in a note.

Stocks broke a string of three weekly losses, as inves tors appeared to grow more confident that the market had reached at least a temporary bottom after surrendering about half of its summer rally. Some moderating inflation fears may have also been at work, and a midweek decline in oil pric es—which briefly hit their lowest level since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine—caused energy shares to underperform within the S&P 500 Index, although the sector still recorded a gain. A rally in heavily weighted Tesla helped the consumer discre tionary sector outperform. Markets were closed Monday in observance of Labor Day.

Our traders noted that signs that inflation was cooling quicker than expected also seemed to support sentiment. Stocks rallied after the Wednesday afternoon release of the Fed’s “Beige Book” summarizing economic reports from its branch banks. The report indicated that price increases were moderating in nine of its 12 districts, as “lower fuel prices and cooling overall demand alleviated cost pressures, especially freight shipping rates.” The report also noted some declines in prices for steel, lumber, and copper. A surprise moderation in Chinese producer price inflation (see below) seemed to help foster a rally on Friday.

Her reign began overseas when her father died in 1952. She was 25, travel ing in Kenya, and she made it her mis sion to ease the transition away from co lonial rule. On Christmas Day in 1953, in a speech from Auckland, New Zealand, she emphasized that her idea of a Com monwealth bore “no resemblance to em pires of the past.”

Historians of colonization describe it as an overdue reckoning after the sevendecade reign of a queen who was as di minutive in stature as she was command ing in her use of duty and smiles to soften the image of an empire that often com mitted acts of violence as it declined.

With queen gone, former colonies find a moment to rethink lasting ties

Decades later, Elizabeth was still seen by many as a unifying symbol of august values. Even in countries where the push for a republic has grown, people found

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202214

Elizabeth went on to visit nearly 120 countries. She met more leaders than any pope and often embarked on 40,000mile jaunts around the world, all while colony after colony bid adieu to old Brit tania after World War II. India and Paki stan became independent nations in 1947 and declared themselves republics in the 1950s. Nigeria did the same the follow ing decade. Sri Lanka became a republic in 1972, while the most recent country to cut ties with the crown was Barbados, just last Evenyear.insome countries with deep co lonial wounds, the queen often seemed to benefit from a belief that she could be separated from Britain’s at times callous rule. Elizabeth was assigned little blame when British authorities in Kenya tortured suspected Mau Mau rebels in the 1950s, or after British forces fighting anti-colo nial unrest used similar tactics against civilians in Cyprus in 1955 and Aden, Ye men, in 1963.

But as the queen aged and receded from view, and as the world tackled a broader examination of the sins of co lonialization, it became harder to keep the monarchy at a benign distance from racism and the acts of empire. In former colonies worldwide, demands for a full accounting of the pain, suffering and plundered riches that helped contribute to the royal family’s enormous wealth have been increasing.


At the ceremony in November mark ing the end of the queen’s status as Bar bados’ head of state, Charles acknowl edged “the appalling atrocity of slavery” in the former British colony.

And yet, trying to decolonize — to free a country from the dominating influence of a colonizing power — is an empire of work in its own right. The queen gazes from the currency of many countries, and her name graces hospitals and roads. Institutions like the Scouts have created generations who swore allegiance to the queen, and edu cational systems in many countries still prioritize the British colonial model.

Queen Elizabeth II in Tuvalu during a 1982 tour of the South Pacific, which also inclu ded a stop in the Solomon Islands.


But Friday morning, when asked about the death of Queen Elizabeth II, Barty sighed and frowned. Her eyes seemed to hold a cold spring of compli cated emotion as she recalled meeting the queen in 2018 with a Commonwealth young leaders’ program.

“Does the monarchy die with the queen?” said Michele Lemonius, who grew up in Jamaica and recently complet ed a doctorate in Canada with a focus on youth violence in former slave colonies. “It’s time for dialogue. It’s time for a con versation.”Manyformer British colonies remain bound together in the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 56 countries. The vast majority of them are connected by their shared histories, with similar le gal and political systems, and the organi zation promotes exchanges in fields like sports, culture and education. Especially for smaller and newer members, includ ing a few African countries that were not British colonies and joined more recently, the group can confer prestige, and while the Commonwealth has no formal trade agreement, its members conduct trade with one another at higher-than-usual rates.Most of the Commonwealth mem bers are independent republics, with no formal ties to the British royal fam

“She was seen merely as a female monarch,” said Sucheta Mahajan, a his torian in India, where the queen was also welcomed after decades of exploitive British rule. “Nothing more, nothing less.”

“The queen, in a way, allowed the whole jigsaw puzzle to hang together so long as she was there,” said Mark McK enna, a historian at the University of Syd ney. “But I’m not sure it’ll continue to hang on.”

“It is an entirely new conception — built on the higher qualities of the spirit of man: friendship, loyalty and the desire for freedom and peace,” she said.

ily. But 14 are constitutional monarchies that have retained the British sovereign as their head of state, a mostly symbolic role.In these countries, the monarch is represented by a governor-general who has ceremonial duties like swearing in new members of Parliament, although there have been moments when their ac tions proved contentious — a governorgeneral dismissed Australia’s prime min ister, Gough Whitlam, in 1975, to end a political conflict. And even though Prince Charles has now been proclaimed the new king for all these “realm and territo ries,” in many of them, the queen’s death has been greeted with bolder calls for full independence.OnSaturday, the prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda announced plans to hold a referendum on becoming a republic within three years. In Australia, the Bahamas, Belize, Canada and Jamai ca, debates that have simmered for years about their democracies’ ties to a distant kingdom have started to heat up again. From the Caribbean to the Pacific, people are asking: Why do we swear allegiance to a monarch in London?

In Jamaica in March, Prince Wil liam and his wife, Kate, were met with protests that demanded an apology and reparations. And in August, President Nana Akufo-Addo of Ghana — which gained its independence from Britain in 1957 — urged European nations to pay reparations to Africa for a slave trade that stifled the continent’s “economic, cultural and psychological progress.”

“Post-colonial does not mean de colonized,” said Lemonius, who runs community projects in Jamaica, includ ing one focused on sports for young girls. “The eye still looks to the monar chy, toward the master. Once you shift your gaze away from that long enough, you have the time to start looking at yourself and moving toward reconstruc tion.”

illicent Barty has spent years try ing to decolonize her country, recording oral histories across the Solomon Islands and promoting Mel anesian culture. Her goal: to prioritize lo cal knowledge, not just what arrived with the British Empire.

Her son King Charles III, at 73, has little chance of matching the queen’s power as a shaper of global opinion — a task she took on at a younger age, in a different time.

Reconciling a seemingly benevolent queen with the often-cruel legacy of the British Empire is the conundrum at the heart of Britain’s post-imperial influence. The British royal family reigned over more territories and people than any oth er monarchy in history, and among the countries that have never quite let go of the crown, Elizabeth’s death accelerates a push to address the past more fully and strip away the vestiges of colonialism.

“I love Her Majesty,” she said, sip ping coffee on the Solomon island of Guadalcanal in the Pacific, 9,300 miles from Buckingham Palace. “It’s really sad.”

themselves getting emotional about the queen.“She is not only a constitutional mon arch for the country I was born in,” said Sarah Kirby, 53, a public relations execu tive in the Bahamas. “She was also, for me, just an amazing representation of what a woman can do and how to serve your country with honor and to be the backbone of the country as well.”

“Typically, when you come across them in the wild, they’ll let you know that they’re there and keep an eye on you, but they don’t come after you,” she said.


Biden will be there. Putin will not. The funeral guest list is coming together.

The last reported fatal kangaroo en counter in Australia occurred in 1936 in the state of New South Wales, when William Cruickshank, 38, succumbed to injuries he had sustained months earlier when he tried to rescue his two pet dogs from a large kan garoo.“His jaw was broken and he received extensive head injuries which confined him to hospital until his death,” The Sydney Morning Herald reported at the time.

residents, princes and prime ministers from across the globe are expected to travel to London next week to pay their respects to Queen Elizabeth II, who, at her death, had become history’s secondlongest reigning monarch.

According to Tass, the official Russian news service, Peskov told a news briefing Sunday that the Kremlin had not decided who would represent Russia at the cere mony.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 15

tinct is to flee, she said. The animals will not attack unless they feel cornered, she added.


He was found with serious injuries by a family member on his property in rural Western Australia on Sunday afternoon. Paramedics and police were called to the scene but could not immediately get to the man because the kangaroo was in the way, police said in a statement. Officers fatally shot the kangaroo, and the man was later pronounced dead at the scene.


77-year-old Australian man was ki lled this weekend by a kangaroo in what is believed to be the country’s first fatal kangaroo attack in over 80 years. Police believe that the man, who was identified by Australia’s national broadcas ter as Peter Eades, was keeping the wild kangaroo as a pet.

Many leaders from the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of 56 countries, are expected to attend. Among those likely to make the trip are President Cyril Ramapho sa of South Africa and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who referred to the queen Monday as “our sovereign, our head of Turkeystate.”President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told reporters Friday that he would like to attend the funeral if his schedule allows.

Tanya Irwin, a senior veterinary nurse and wildlife caregiver at Native Animal Res cue in Western Australia, said that authori ties rarely approved permits to keep kanga

roos as “Theypets.don’t cope well in human situa tions, in care,” she said.

While fatalities from kangaroo assaults are rare, encounters resulting in injuries are not. In July, a kangaroo in Queensland left a 67-year-old woman with cuts and a broken leg. In April, another woman, also in Queensland, was kicked to the ground and stomped on while she was playing golf. In March, a 3-year-old girl suffered serious cuts to her face and back from an encoun ter with a kangaroo in New South Wales.

Fatal kangaroo attack is said to be first in Australia in 86 years

The state funeral for Queen Elizabeth II will be held at 11 a.m. next Monday at Westminster Abbey. Kangaroos near Canberra, Australia.

Fatal kangaroo attacks are extremely uncommon because a kangaroo’s first ins


Western Australia is home to the wes tern gray kangaroo, which can grow more than 7 feet from head to tail and weigh nearly 120 pounds.

In Australia, permits are required to keep wild animals as pets. The Western Australia police did not respond to ques tions about whether the man had a permit to keep the kangaroo.

President Joe Biden is among the lea ders who have already announced their plans. “I don’t know what the details are yet, but I will be going,” he told reporters after a speech in Ohio on Friday.

And Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro said he had accepted an invitation to pay his res pects.Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, will also make the trip. “She meant so much to so many and, on a personal note, has been an ins piration throughout my life,” she said in a statement. The leaders of other European countries, such as Germany and Italy, will also Membersattend. of the royal families of seve ral European countries, including Belgium, Brussels and the Netherlands, have confir med that they will travel to pay their res pects.President Vladimir Putin of Russia will not be there, according to Dmitry S. Peskov, the Kremlin spokesperson.

status quo of a grinding artillery batt le. Pro-Russian social media accounts have shown images of Russian and proKremlin Chechen forces mustering for deployment in Ukraine or headed to the front.Russia retains an advantage in wea pons and supplies, and Putin has over the course of the war shown no sign of relenting his military’s assault. Last week he insisted Russia had “not lost anything, and will not lose anything,” dismissing his country’s casualties to that point.

By expelling Russian troops from a large slice of strategic territory in the nor theastern Kharkiv region, Ukrainian for ces are now positioned to make a move on the Donbas, the industrialized eastern territory that President Vladimir Putin of Russia has made central to his war aims. Just before flooding troops across the border in February, Putin declared the Donbas independent from Ukraine, and he held up the region’s sovereignty as a key justification for the invasion.

Terrain like rivers and forests is fur ther hampering Ukrainian advances. Near Izium, Russian forces have retrea ted across the Oskil River, which runs north to south and connects to the Si versky Donets River, which flows to the southeast into the Donbas.

“ has options to exploit momentum” in the Donbas, Kofman said. Russian forces, he added, “will be on the defensive for the foreseeable fu ture.”Ukraine’s ability to recapture roughly 1,000 square miles around Kharkiv in a matter of days was largely predicated on a Russian retreat, as Moscow’s for ces withdrew to avoid encirclement and isolation, especially near the strategically important city of Izium.

With Russia’s Kharkiv defenses de molished and their troops redeploying elsewhere, the last remaining Russian front lines — those in the Donbas and Ukraine’s south — are likely where the remainder of intense ground fighting will play out, analysts said.

The current Ukrainian offensive “was a rapid breakthrough designed to take advantage of favorable positions and thinly manned Russian defenses,” said Michael Kofman, the director of Russian studies at CNA, a research institute in Ar lington, Virginia.

The reminder was not subtle: Despi te losing the battle, the war was far from over.

Butback.Ukraine faces potentially serious pitfalls if it pushes any farther.

Any future advances would mean that Ukrainian forces would further ex

Around Lyman, a small city in the Donbas, entrenched Russian forces ap peared to have fought back recent Ukra inian attacks. Further southeast, near the village of Pisky, Ukrainian attacks seemed to have also gained little traction, accor ding to pro-Russian social media accou nts. The Ukrainian-held city of Bakhmut, also in the Donbas, is under intense she lling, including in the city center.

tend their supply lines, straining convoys of fuel, ammunition and reinforcements as they have to move farther away from their established logistics hubs.

After Ukraine’s stunning offensi ve in its northeast drove Russian forces into a chaotic retreat and reshaped the battlefield by hundreds of miles, Ukrainian leaders Monday were weighing critical gambles that could de termine the near-term course of the war.

Ukraine’s sudden gains prompt new questions for commanders

A Ukrainian soldier standing atop an abandoned Russian tank near a village on the outskirts of Izium in eastern Ukraine on Sunday.

They will also have to contend with the rigid structure of Russia’s military and, ultimately, the decisions of Putin, who has resisted mobilizing a national draft and sought to preserve a sense of nor malcy inside Russia.

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202216

That could leave Ukrainian units vul nerable, said John Blaxland, a professor of security and intelligence studies at the Australian National University in Can berra. Although he added that a Russian counterattack was “not necessarily going to happen,” in part because the morale of Moscow’s troops appears to be foun dering.

Securing territory is a resource-inten sive challenge in its own right. In recap tured towns and villages, Ukrainian units have to sweep for explosives, including inside abandoned Russian equipment, and look for potential saboteurs. Once those tasks are complete, emergency ser vices such as police and bomb disposal crews can Russianarrive.troops appear to have left a large amount of equipment behind, as they did during their hasty retreat from Kyiv. One soldier familiar with the batt le said that one unit that took part in the offensive around Kharkiv is already known to have captured so much Rus sian equipment, including tanks and am munition, that other units are looking to use it to fill their own supplies.

Along Ukraine’s newly established front in the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian troops not only have to prepare for future advances but also fortify their own gains.

With momentum currently on Ukraine’s side, the recent string of victo

On Monday, the Ukrainian mili tary claimed to have advanced over the past day into an additional 20 Ukrainian towns and villages in the Kharkiv region that had been under Russian control, adding to the hundreds of square miles it has retaken in the northeast. It also said it had recaptured nearly 200 square miles in the southern Kherson region in recent days, as its forces try to cut off thousands of Russian forces stationed west of the Dnieper River.

The military’s assertions could not be independently verified, but Western analysts, including at the Pentagon, said that the Ukrainians were overall making gains as quickly as Russian forces were falling


But on Sunday night, Moscow de monstrated its willingness to punish Ukraine for its military successes by appearing to launch cruise missiles at power plants and their substations in the country’s east.

Stretching the Ukrainian forces — a military still much smaller and far less equipped than its Russian foe — too far could leave the troops vulnerable to attack. Moving too slow, or in the wrong place, could leave an opportunity squan dered. And waiting too long could allow the front lines to freeze as winter sets in.

The Russian pullout from the Kharkiv region and Izium, a railway hub, has left the Ukrainians with the “ability to shift quickly” elsewhere in the country, Kof man said. He also noted Ukraine’s troops have an advantage in manpower and the ability to conduct “operations along more than one axis,” referring to a sepa rate offensive taking place in Ukraine’s south, near the port city of Kherson.

But Ukraine’s window of opportuni ty to take advantage of Russia’s degraded morale and pell-mell retreat is quickly closing.Every day that passes, Russian forces have time to dig in and gather reinforce ments, drawing new defensive lines and preparing to return to the monthslong

The two rivers, by exposing troops trying to cross, have been used to lethal effect by both Ukraine and Russia — as the Oskil was used in 1942, when Soviet snipers and artillery on the eastern side slowed Nazi Germany’s push toward Moscow.

Russian officials face their own hard questions, especially with a growing bac klash to their “special military operation” from pro-war voices at home. Russia’s military leaders, analysts say, will have to take a cleareyed look at the reality of their forces’ current conditions — de pleted and demoralized in some areas — to determine how much of Moscow’s goals they can accomplish in the coming months, if any.

ries around the country’s second-largest city, Kharkiv, means Ukrainian troops are positioned to make gains farther east — before Russian forces can retrench on new front

Both rivers have been used by Rus sian forces as natural defensive lines, ensuring that Ukrainian forces could be easily targeted as they attempt to cross over a limited number of bridges.

Russia now has control of nearly 90% of the Donbas, where its military shifted much of its focus after a staggering defeat around the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, in the spring. If Ukraine were to retake even a part of the region, it would be an emba rrassing blow to the Kremlin.


He triumphed in the Aug. 9 vote with a thin margin over his rival, Raila Odinga, who rejected the result and challenged it in the Supreme Court. But the court upheld Ruto’s victory in a unanimous decision last week.Ruto said in his speech Tuesday, “I will work hard for all the people of Kenya irrespective of who or how they voted.” He pointedly commended the role of the elec toral commission and the Supreme Court in managing the vote, and vowed to improve election integrity, increase the judiciary’s budget, build more courts and swear in six Court of Appeal judges rejected by his pre decessor. He pledged to fight corruption.

against him, and some analysts said that his decision to limit their access to the cere mony was a sign of his resentment.

“The optics don’t look favorable gi ven how this measure was rolled out,” said David Makali, a veteran journalist and communications strategist. “But I am ready to give the new government the be nefit of doubt and hope this isn’t a delibe rate move to suppress the press.”

Ruto presides over a business empire that includes luxury hotels, ranches and a huge poultry processing plant. Despite his dizzying wealth, he pitched his campaign this year to Kenya’s “hustlers,” the multitu

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 17

de of young and ambitious strivers trying to make ends meet.

Ruto, 55, who has been the country’s vice president for the past 10 years, was born to a religious family in a small villa ge in Kenya’s Rift Valley, where he helped plant maize and went to school barefoot.

However, he said, “I don’t think we want to start a mud fight at a wedding and in the process soil the bride’s gown.”

He was part of an administration that over the past decade took steps to muzzle the press by threatening journa lists with arrest, shutting down broadcas ters, starving media outlets of advertising revenue and warning journalists that they didn’t have full freedoms as protected by the Constitution.Thoseworries were revived this wee kend when Ruto’s team announced that it was giving exclusive broadcast rights to cover the inauguration to MultiChoice Kenya — an affiliate of the South African pay-TV company MultiChoice. Kenyan media had to rely on the broadcast from the South African outlet.

On Tuesday morning, Mathiu of Na tion Media said that after negotiations with Ruto’s team, they were allowed to have their vans around the stadium but that the main feed would still come from MultiChoice.Mediaanalysts said they hoped the move did not augur an era in which the press will be further stifled.

A stampede at the entrance of the Moi International Sports Center Kasarani in Nairobi, where the inauguration was held, injured at least a dozen people.

Odinga did not attend the ceremony, saying in a tweet that he was out of the country.Ruto and his vice president, Rigathi Gachagua, who also took the oath of offi ce, both said they knew they were taking the helm of a nation facing mounting eco nomic, political and social challenges.

Security was tight at the stadium, stra ining to stop hundreds more people who thronged the gates. At least a dozen people were injured as they jostled to enter, a dis patcher with the St. John ambulance servi ce said.Ruto showed his initial interest in poli tics in the 1990s, becoming a stalwart ally of Kenya’s longtime ruler, Daniel arap Moi, winning a position in Parliament and later serving as a Cabinet minister for agriculture and higher education.

And he promised in his speech to bring down the cost of food and fertilizer, impro ve access to credit for small and medium businesses and make Kenya a thriving in vestment and business destination.


illiam Ruto was sworn in as Kenya’s fifth president Tuesday in a ceremony attended by dozens of global leaders and diplomats — a pea ceful handover of power following a bitter election campaign that underscored the entrenched if troubled place of democracy in East Africa’s largest economy.

Kenya is in a region layered with stri fe — in Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan and the Congo — and Ruto, observers say, could play a role in promoting peace and stability.

But in a potentially ominous sign for freedom of the press, Ruto’s team limited the access of local television stations to the inauguration, handing exclusive broadcast rights for the ceremony to a local affiliate of a South African pay-TV company. (Jour nalists from local newspapers and radio stations could cover the proceedings in person.)During the campaign, Ruto had repea tedly accused Kenya’s media outlets of bias

Kenya is saddled with onerous debt, much of it borrowed to finance large in frastructure projects. Inflation is climbing, the currency continues to depreciate aga inst the dollar and food and fuel prices are skyrocketing because of the war in Ukrai ne. Four back-to-back seasons of belowaverage rainfall have left more than 4 mi llion Kenyans hungry and thirsty.

Ruto announced Tuesday that Ken yatta had agreed to his request to serve as his representative in peace initiatives in conflicts in Ethiopia and the Great Lakes region.But at home, Ruto faces a divided na tion after a nail-biter of an election that also saw more than one-third of voters, many jaded by political infighting and endemic corruption in government, stay home.“The incoming administration has a full inbox,” said Karuti Kanyinga, a scho lar at the Institute for Development Stu dies at the University of Nairobi. “There’s a lot to worry about.”

Dennis Itumbi, Ruto’s spokesperson, justified the move by saying MultiChoi ce Kenya was not just any private con tractor but was partly owned by Kenya’s national broadcaster. Wanjohi Githae, a member of Ruto’s communications team, said in a text message Monday that while local media could bring their broadcas ting vans, there was no parking space for them “anywhere near the stadium.”

After bitter election, crowds and confetti greet Kenya’s new president

One of those worries will be how Ruto’s government will treat the media.

During the campaign, Ruto clashed with his boss, the former president, Uhuru Kenyatta, who had endorsed Ruto’s rival, Odinga, a former prime minister and op position figure. Kenyatta did not congratu late Ruto until Monday evening, when he finally welcomed him to the presidential office.On Tuesday, Kenyatta attended the inauguration, and when the two leaders shook hands and even hugged, the audien ce in the stadium leaped to their feet and erupted with cheers.

His extraordinary rise almost came to an end a decade ago, when the Internatio nal Criminal Court charged him with crimes against humanity, accusing him of helping to orchestrate the violence that followed the 2007 elections. But the court dropped the case against him in 2016, citing “wit ness interference and political meddling.”

Mutuma Mathiu, editor-in-chief of the Nation Media Group, which owns print and television news outlets, said in an interview that the media had a “national duty” to co ver the transfer of power, and defended his organization against charges of bias.

The Moi International Sports Center was filled to its capacity of 60,000 people by 5 a.m., with attendees blowing vuvuze las, dancing to gospel and patriotic songs and waving the Kenyan flag. Immediately after the new president was inaugurated, the crowd broke into chants of “Ruto, Ruto,” as fireworks popped near the dais and confetti was scattered across the sta dium.“I want to thank God because a village boy has become the president of Kenya,” Ruto said to roaring applause.

Sharon Ramírez Legal Notices Graphics Manager Aaron Christiana Editor

murder by the IRA of her cousin Lord Mountbatten and his 14-year-old grandson? Some officials in the Irish government, after all, were former IRA capos.

whole life, King Charles has been in the shadow of women with more star power. First, his mother, the queen. Next, his first wife, Diana. Then, in recent years, Meghan Markle, with her breakaway from Buckingham Palace and her sensational Oprah interview alleging racism in the royal family.

I saw this dynamic up close, on the 1985 visit of Prince Charles and Princess Diana to Washington, four years after they married. They brought 7,000 pounds of luggage.

The queen showed all the empathy and warmth she could not summon when Diana died. By the end of the visit, the Irish had melted. They were calling Elizabeth their “prodigal mother,” “Liz,” and some were even waving Union Jacks. Her Irish guard of honor gave her the moniker “Eilis A Do,” Gaelic for Elizabeth II.

But as the visit wore on, heads swiveled to Diana. If the royals are the last great silent film stars, as some say, here was Garbo.

The Irish were skeptical at first, not wanting to be treated as subjects. Gerry Adams complained the visit was too soon. (Maybe wait another century.) The queen’s guards were skeptical, too. She had the tightest security ever on the island.

And how could the Irish move past the 1972 Bloody Sunday horror, when British forces gunned down 14 innocent civilians?

I always thought of Queen Elizabeth as an avatar of nepotism and colonialism. But as time went on, and victimhood became the fashion, I began to have a creeping admiration for her stoicism.

She visited the Garden of Remembrance, a memorial to Irish patriots who died battling for independence, laying a wreath and bowing her head. She paid sartorial tribute with outfits by her Irish dressmaker: a gown featuring 2,091 hand-sewn shamrocks, hats trimmed in green feathers, an Irish harp brooch made of Swarovski crystals, ladies-inwaiting in 50 shades of green.

“She’s a great little mover,” Travolta pronounced afterward.Diana was euphoric. No one seemed to notice if Charles was having a good time.

Ray Ruiz Legal Notice Director

María Rivera Graphic Artist Manager

Diana rarely spoke in public. She didn’t have to. When the couple experienced Americana in a suburban mall, she unveiled The Look. She tucked her chin, then flashed those sky blues under her hooded lids and her hat brim — a look both shy and sulky.Diana seemed to relish her ability to draw all attention wordlessly. Charles seemed to handle it well, but I wondered how it would work out in the long run. (It didn’t.)

The capstone of the trip came when Nancy Reagan played fairy godmother to Cinderella at a White House dinner. Diana wore a midnight blue velvet gown and a pearl-and-sapphire choker. As the princess started tapping her fingers on the table and her feet on the floor to the music, the first lady led over Diana’s dance partner: John Travolta. The Marine Band had been practicing “Night Fever,” and the glamorous pair twirled. “Diana’s Saturday Night Fever,” The Daily Mail trumpeted.

I was raised in an Irish family baked in bitterness about British oppression. The monarchy seems like an expensive relic to me, and I think King Charles, on the throne at last at 73, will struggle with a domain in which former colonies may consider dropping him as head of state.

How could Queen Elizabeth move past the 1979

As the women around him held the spotlight, the Prince of Wales spent decades trying to find himself and prove he was not a mere ornament, fretting that he did not want a life of polo and cutting ribbons.


everything from Baltimore architecture to the TV hit “Dynasty.”Hewas so smooth people compared him to Cary Grant. Even the biting British tabloid reporters on the trip were at a loss for a negative angle. “I think the myth of him being a wimp has been dispelled by himself,” said James Whitaker, then The Daily Mirror’s royal watcher.

The women who overshadowed Charles are gone now. We’ll see what this new king can do, as he collects his prize in the primogeniture lottery and steps into a spotlight that’s all his own.

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202218


It’s hard to remember, but in public, they seemed to delight in each other’s company back then, with smiles, winks and teasing.

Charles was charming and self-deprecating, chatting with lawmakers and hoi polloi about

The queen spoke a phrase in perfect Gaelic and offered regret about how Britain had made Ireland suffer. She said both sides needed to be “able to bow to the past but not be bound by it.”

Then, in 2011, I covered her fraught trip to Ireland, the first by a British monarch in a century. Suddenly I understood how one small movement of her head could soothe over 800 years of bloodshed and hatred.

Charles in charge

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Hay 235 adultos hospitalizados y de ellos, 47 están en intensivo. Mientras, 38 menores están hospitalizados y 2 menores están en intensivo. 28 adultos están en ven tilador y un menor.

Finalizada la investigación preliminar, conforme los hallazgos, la norma legal vigente y el quantum de prueba exigido en esta etapa de los procedimientos, la DIPAC determinó que existe causa suficiente para creer que el Rivera Torres incurrió en conducta de naturaleza penal, en infracción al artículo 3.1 de la Ley 54-1989, mejor conocida como la Ley de Prevención e Intervención con la Violencia Doméstica.


“Lo que yo vislumbro es básicamente aquí hay 2 escenarios: un escenario, es que llegado el primero de diciembre, LUMA con tinúa rindiendo servicios, pero bajo el contra to base, conforme a los términos del contrato base, todos los términos, incluyendo los que se pusieron en suspenso o se modificaron por vía de ese acuerdo suplementario. Ese es un escenario. El otro escenario, es que LUMA opte por solicitar la cancelación del contrato, por qué no se cumplió una condición resolu toria que tiene el contrato base. La condición resolutoria es que se culmine el proceso de la quiebra el proceso del Título tres. LUMA ten drá la opción de decir, pues no vamos a con tinuar rindiendo servicios bajo el contrato. Si esa fuera su decisión, lo que sucede es que entonces inmediatamente entran en un pro

investigar a juez

por la excónyuge del juez, quien indicó ser víctima de un patrón de maltrato psicológico, consistente en humi


Las personas con vacunas al día son 1,041,541 per sonas.

El secretario acogió la recomendación de la División de Integridad Pública y Oficina de Asuntos del Contralor (DIPAC) del Departamento de Justicia como resultado de la investigación preliminar de una querella presentada

AN JUAN – El secretario del Departamento de Jus ticia, Domingo Emanuelli Hernández, recomendó el martes, a la Oficina del Panel sobre el Fiscal Especial In dependiente (OPFEI), la designación de un fiscal especial independiente (FEI) para que investigue al juez superior, Josian Javier Rivera Torres, adscrito al Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Guayama, por conducta constitutiva de vio lencia doméstica.

Gobernador volvió a su rol de abogado de LUMA según presidente del Senado

llaciones, mensajes denigrantes, insultos que generaban frustración, descontento y sentimientos de inseguridad, por los pasados cinco años.


Diez de ellas no estaban con vacunas al día y dos con vacunadas al día.

Pierluisi Urrutia dijo en conferencia de prensa, que no importa el escenario, el con sorcio de LUMA Energy seguirá operando el sistema de transmisión y distribución de energía eléctrica el primero de diciembre de 2022. El gobernador se refiere a la expiración del contrato suplementario del consorcio, que vence el 30 de noviembre.

Las personas fallecidas fueron 4 hombres y 8 muje res entre las edades de 36 a 99 años de las regiones de Arecibo, Bayamón, Mayagüez, Metropolitano y Ponce.

En vista de lo anterior, le aconsejó al secretario de Justicia que recomendara la designación de un Fiscal Es pecial Independiente en el presente caso.

Además, le hizo un llamado para que prepare una transición del operador del siste ma de transmisión y distribución energética. “Mi llamado al Gobernador es a que defienda a la gente y se prepare para una transición. Defender este contrato y a esta empresa, es darle la espalda una vez más a los puertorri queños”, afirmó Dalmau Santiago.

“Y si tuviéramos un proceso de transi ción, para que todos entiendan, cuánto dura ría ese proceso de transición, pues el tiempo que le tomaría a la Autoridad de las Alianzas Público Privadas llevar a cabo otro proceso de Alianza Público Privada para identificar, seleccionar y contratar a un sustituto para LUMA. LUMA se ocupa del sistema, se le pagan por sus servicios como se le pagó en transición antes de que asumiera control del sistema que fue el primero de junio del año pasado”,Segúnmencionó.elgobernador, en esa alternativa, el costo por administrar el sistema eléctrico en lo que se consigue el sustituto sería ma yor. Actualmente, LUMA cobra 115 millones según el contrato, pero si el consorcio (que el gobernador insistió es el único que puede decidir) decide cancelar el contrato, habría que pagarle entre 180 a 200 millones mien tras dure la transición a un nuevo operador.


ceso de transición y esa condición se incluye a solicitud de LUMA, porque obviamente le inquietaba la quiebra”, expuso.

AN JUAN – El informe de COVID-19 del Departa mento de Salud (DS) reportó el martes, sobre 288 ca sos positivos confirmados, 927 casos probables y doce muertes.


12 muertes y 1,215 casos nuevos por COVID-19 según informe del DS

propios términos, entonces comienza a apli car el contrato base, el contrato de 15 años de LUMA. Ese contrato no ha comenzado a aplicar en ciertas áreas porque así lo dispone el contrato suplementario o el acuerdo suple mentario”, añadió.

El total de muertes atribuidas es de 5,046.

Departamento de Justicia recomienda designación de un FEI para superior de Guayama por violencia doméstica

L CAPITOLIO – Para el presidente del Se nado José Luis Dalmau Santiago las expre siones del gobernador Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia sobre la permanencia de LUMA Ener gy significa que retomó su rol como abogado de la empresa contratada para la transmisión y distribución energética.“Después de 14 meses de defender a LUMA en contra de los mejores interés del pueblo, cuando vio que el país no aguantaba más, le envió un ultimátum a Luma (23 agosto) diciendo que se le estaba acabando la paciencia. Pero luego cambió de posición y dijo que Luma estaba en probato ria (29 agosto) y de repente hoy los defiende nuevamente diciendo que se quedan (hoy 13 septiembre). Pierluisi lleva 14 meses de abo gado de esta empresa, defendiendo la incom petencia de esta compañía, que no solo pone en riesgo el sistema energético del país, sino que se pone en riesgo el desarrollo econó mico de Puerto Rico”, dijo Dalmau Santiago este martes en declaraciones escritas.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 19

El monitoreo cubre el periodo del 28 de agosto de 2022 al 11 de septiembre de 2022.

“El primero de diciembre, no importa lo que suceda, LUMA va a estar rindiendo servicio en Puerto Rico”, dijo el goberna dor. “Eso se estableció. Ese acuerdo se firma, cuando ya teníamos ese proceso en curso y con miras a que ya estaría culminado para el 30 de noviembre. El acuerdo expira el 30 de noviembre y si ese acuerdo expira por sus

La tasa de positividad está en 21.73 por ciento.

Directing for a Comedy Series

Directing for a Limited Series or Movie

Supporting Actor, Drama

Best Limited Series

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202220

Michael Keaton, “Dopesick”

Zendaya, “Euphoria”

Supporting Actress, Drama

“The Beatles: Get Back” (Disney+) Documentary Or Nonfiction Special

employees. NBC executives are considering ending its primetime lineup at 10 p.m., and handing the hour over to local sta tions.

Emmy voters often have a habit of finding a winner, and sticking with it, and this year was no different. John Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” won the best talk show category for a sev enth consecutive year, and “Saturday Night Live” took the best variety sketch series for a sixth straight year.

Best Drama

Sheryl Lee Ralph, “Abbott Elementary”

Matthew Macfadyen, “Succession”

Mike White, “The White Lotus”

Outstanding Writing for a Variety Series

There were other big moments in the comedy awards. Quinta Brunson, the creator of the good-natured ABC work place sitcom, “Abbott Elementary,” about a group of elementary schoolteachers at an underfunded Philadelphia public school, won for best writing in a comedy. It was only the second time a Black woman won the award (Lena Waithe was the first, in 2017, for “Master of None”).


Mike White, “The White Lotus” Documentary Or Nonfiction Series

“ don’t know what ‘Squid Game’ is, it is the con test you enter when you’re in massive debt and desperate for money,” the host said. “Joining the cast next season? Netflix.”

“Saturday Night Live” Reality Competition Program “Lizzo’s Watch Out for the Big Grrrls” Writing for a Comedy Series Quinta Brunson, “Abbott Elementary” (“Pilot”)

“Ted Lasso” (Apple TV+)

“George Carlin’s American Dream” (HBO)

Best Actor, Comedy

HBO’s portrait of a dysfunctional media dynasty, won best drama at the 74th Emmy Awards on Monday night, the second time the series has taken the prize.Jesse Armstrong, the show’s creator, also took home the Emmy for best writing, the third time he’s won in that category. And Matthew Macfadyen won best supporting actor in a drama for the first time for his performance on the show.

Directing for a Drama Series

Outstanding Writing for a Variety Special

But HBO’s chronicles of the rich were not the only win ners Monday night.

MJ Delaney, “Ted Lasso” (“No Wed dings and a Funeral”)

“The White Lotus” (HBO)

During his monologue, Thompson took a dig at Netflix’s recent

Best Actress, Limited Series or TV Movie

Supporting Actress, Comedy

This year’s host, Kenan Thompson, the “Saturday Night Live” veteran, opened the ceremony in a top hat and led a group of dancers in a bizarre interpretive dance to theme songs of fa mous TV series like “Law & Order,” “The Brady Bunch” and “Game of Thrones.”

Jason Sudeikis, “Ted Lasso”

It was the sixth time in eight years that HBO has taken the television industry’s biggest prize for a recurring series, making it yet another triumphant night for the cable network. HBO, as well as its streaming service, HBO Max, won more Emmys (38) than any other outlet, besting its chief rival, Netflix (26).

Michael Keaton, who played a small town doctor in “Dopesick,” took the best actor award in a limited series. And Amanda Seyfried won best actress in a limited series for her well-received performance as Elizabeth Holmes in “The Drop out.”

This year’s ceremony was the first return to the Microsoft Theater since the pandemic. Producers for the Emmys incor porated an element that it experimented with at last year’s cer emony, which took place inside a tent: Instead of theater-style seating, nominees were gathered around tables with bottles of Champagne and wine around them.

“Adele One Night Only” (CBS) Outstanding Variety Special (Live)

Supporting Actor, Comedy


Amanda Seyfried, “The Dropout”

Business challenges aside, the night was mostly a feelgood celebration. Zendaya won her second Emmy by taking best actress in a drama for her role as a troubled teen in HBO’s “Euphoria.” Jean Smart repeated as the best actress in a com edy for her role as a Joan Rivers-like comedian in HBO Max’s “Hacks.”“Squid Game,” the blood-splattered, South Korean Net flix series, won a pair of awards: Lee Jung-jae for best actor in a drama, and Hwang Dong-hyuk for directing. Those wins rep resented a major breakthrough for a foreign language show as television becomes more global, and as American audiences are increasingly receptive to series with subtitles.

Jesse Armstrong, “Succession” (“All the Bells Say”)

Best Comedy

‘Succession’ wins best drama at Emmys as HBO triumphs again

Jean Smart, “Hacks”

Netflix, which lost subscribers this year for the first time in a decade, has laid off hundreds of staffers and is reining in its spending. HBO’s parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery, has shelved projects and is about to lay off a significant number of

“Ted Lasso,” the Apple TV+ sports series, won best com edy for a second consecutive year, as the tech giant continues on an awards show tear. Apple TV+, which had its debut in No vember 2019, won best picture at the Oscars (“CODA”) earlier this year. And Jason Sudeikis repeated as best actor in a comedy as the fish-out-of-water soccer coach in “Ted Lasso.”

This has been the most competitive Emmys season ever: Submissions for all the categories surged, and 2022 is very likely to set yet another record for the highest number of scripted tele vision

Butseries.there was also a sense of concern among the execu tives, producers and agents in attendance at Monday night’s Emmy Awards, that 2022 represents the pinnacle of the socalled Peak TV era, which has produced the highest number of scripted television series, nearly every year, for more than a decade.

Best Actress, Drama

Murray Bartlett, “The White Lotus” Variety Talk Series

In one of the night’s most electric moments, Sheryl Lee Ralph won best supporting actress in a comedy for her role on “Abbott Elementary” as a veteran teacher at the school. Ralph began her Emmys speech by singing “Endangered Species” by Dianne Reeves, and received a standing ovation from the room full of nominees. Her victory was also historic: It was only the second time a Black woman won the award. The last time was in 1987, when Jackée Harry won for her role in the NBC sitcom “227.”

“The White Lotus,” the cable network’s beloved upstairsdownstairs dramedy that took place at a Hawaiian resort, won best limited series, and tore through several other categories. The show won 10 Emmys altogether, more than any other se ries. Mike White, the show’s creator and director, won a pair of Emmys for best directing and writing. And performers from the show, Murray Bartlett and Jennifer Coolidge, both received acting Emmys.

Jennifer Coolidge, “The White Lotus”

Best Actor, Limited Series or TV Movie

“Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” Variety Sketch Series

“Succession” (HBO)

Hwang Dong-hyuk, “Squid Game” (“Red Light, Green Light”)


“The Super Bowl LVI Halftime Show” (NBC)

Jesse Armstrong, the creator of “Succession,” with the cast accepting the Emmy for best drama on Monday night.

Brett Goldstein, “Ted Lasso”

Supporting Actor, Limited Series or Movie

“Jerrod Carmichael: Rothaniel” Outstanding Variety Special, Pre-Recorded

Julia Garner, “Ozark”

Writing for a Drama Series

Best Actress, Comedy

“Mike White, my God, thank you for giving me one of the best experiences of my life,” Bartlett, who played an off-thewagon hotel manager, said from the Emmys stage.

Supporting Actress, Limited Series or a Movie

“Last Week Tonight With John Oliver” (HBO)

Lee Jung-jae, “Squid Game”

Best Actor, Drama

Writing for a Limited Series, Movie or Drama Special

rence Sterne, whose epigram “I progress as I digress” Marías took as a personal motto. He knew Sterne quite well: At 25, he translated the Irish writer’s famously diffi cult, uproarious novel “The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman” (1759) into Spanish, one of nearly a dozen British and American books that he rendered into his nativeAlthoughtongue.he did most of his translation work in his 20s, Marías made the character of the translator — and the idea of translation, in all its mean ings — a central theme in his work. Opera singers, directors and spies — in his fiction, all of them confront the tension between the urgency to know and the difficulty of under standing.His novels were never overtly political, but they dealt with many of the themes that have occupied Spanish society since the fall of the country’s fascist regime in the 1970s: betrayal, memory, moral ambivalence and the unexpected weight of the past.

His publisher, Alfaguara, said the cause was pneumo nia.

moved to Massachusetts, where his father had a visit ing professorship at Wellesley College. Another tem porary position a few years later took them to New Haven, Connecticut, where his father taught at Yale.

Like most modern monarchs, his role was largely ceremonial, his primary duty being to dispense noble titles to other artistic worthies — he named director Pedro Almodóvar the Duke of Trémula and Ashbery the Duke of Convexo.


Javier Marías Franco was born Sept. 20, 1951, in Madrid, the son of Julián Marías, a philosopher, and Dolores Franco, a writer unrelated to the country’s ruling dictator. In fact, his father, a follower of phi losopher José Ortega y Gasset’s, had opposed Franco during the Spanish Civil War and was nearly execut ed afterward. He received a last-minute reprieve but was forbidden to teach.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 21 Kashable LLC 28.46% 28.63% 28.72% Institution MinimunRate(%) AverageWeighterRate (%) MaximumRate(%)

Although he was a staunch opponent of Fran cisco Franco’s, the dictator who led Spain from 1939 until his death in 1975, Marías went against the in stincts of many of his fellow liberals by remaining skeptical, even critical, of the public urge to dwell on the memory of the fascist era.

avier Marías, a Spanish novelist whose elegant style and intricate plots centered on espionage, mur der and betrayal won him comparisons to Marcel Proust and Ian Fleming, died Sunday at his home in Madrid. He was 70.

He was more than just a famous novelist. Marías wrote a widely read weekly column in El País, Spain’s leading newspaper, where he set down his thoughts on everything from bike lanes (he hated them) to the Spanish government (which he also detested, regard less of the party in power).

Although he was not particularly well known in the United States, Marías was among the few writers to combine critical praise with a bestseller readership: He sold about 8 million copies of his 14 novels, four books of short stories and dozens of essay collections. His books were translated into 46 languages; his 1992 novel “Un Corazón Tan Blanco,” published in English in 1995 as “A Heart So White,” sold 1.3 million cop ies in Germany alone.

The Marías household was liberal and intellec tual, and Javier devoured books, particularly tales of adventure by Joseph Conrad and Robert Louis Steven son. When he was 17, he ran away to Paris to spend a summer with his uncle Jesús Franco, a B-movie direc tor (“Vampyros Lesbos” and “Virgin Among the Living Dead”) and occasional pornographer whom Marías later called “something like the Spanish Ed Wood.”

He cultivated a public image as a curmudgeon, but in person he was generous and witty, inviting in terviewers for long conversations in his dimly lit study, his fingers tweezering an ever-present cigarette. (One column he wrote in 2006, for The New York Times, castigated Madrid’s anti-smoking laws as “far more befitting of Franco than a democracy.”)

He returned to Spain to study at the Complutense University of Madrid, graduating with a degree in phi losophy and literary sciences in 1973. He wrote an other novel, then spent the next several years as a translator, taking on not just novels but poetry, too, including volumes by Wallace Stevens, William But ler Yeats and John Ashbery.

“Some things are so evil that it’s enough that they simply happened,” he told a reporter with The New York Times Magazine in 2019. “They don’t need to be given a second existence by being retold.”

Marias is survived by his wife, editor Carme Lopez Mercader, and his brothers Fernando, an art historian; Miguel, a film critic and economist; and Ál varo, a Hemusician.worehis fame lightly, and joked that such comparisons said less about his talents than they did about a general decline in literary achievement. When “The Infatuations” won the state-run National Novel Prize, one of Spain’s highest literary awards, he rejected the $20,000 in prize money, saying he did not want to be indebted to a government of any kind.

Marías wrote in a looping, discursive style that critics often compared to that of Henry James or Lau

Marías occupied a repu tational perch in Spanish culture that would be al most inconceivable for an American author. His nov els were greeted like blockbuster summer films, he received practically every prize available to a Span ish writer, and he was regularly considered a favorite to win the Nobel Prize in literature, one of the few awards to elude his grasp. Most critics considered him the greatest living Spanish writer; some said the greatest since Miguel de Cervantes.

When Javier was a few months old, the family

He did maintain one such relationship, though: In 1997, he became king of Redonda, an uninhab ited island in the Caribbean. The fictional Kingdom of Redonda is something of a running in-joke among European artists, who occupy the throne and make up most of its peerage. After his predecessor, author Jon Wynne-Tyson, abdicated in his favor, Marías took the royal name Xavier I.

Then, reverting to his familiar ambivalence, he said, “That’s what I think on some days, anyway,” adding, “Other days I think the contrary.”

As of press time, a successor to King Xavier I had not been named, although several pretenders claim the throne as theirs.

Javier Marías in Madrid, Feb. 2, 2014. Ma rías, a Spanish novelist whose elegant style and intricate plots centered on espionage, murder and betrayal won him comparisons to Marcel Proust and Ian Fleming, died on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022, at his home in Ma drid. He was 70.

Javier Marías, to many the greatest living Spanish novelist, dies at 70


Autumn Adeigbo

cret. The wonderful eye-catching outfits served various purposes, we are told. The fact that her security agents could immediately spot her through a crowd seems the most important one.

Wednesday, March 4, 202020 The San Juan Daily Star FASHION Wednesday, September 14, 2022

But bright colors came later in her life. The queen started out in the 1950s with tailored dresses cinched at the waist. Not trend setting, mostly discreet and somber. Back then she wore clean lines, pastel colors. She also favored patterns like plaid and tiny florals.

Naeem Khan

Coat by Proenza Schouler


Víctor Glemaud

Maison Rabih Kayrouz

Fit22 for queena seen in New York Fashion Week

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth certainly had her own rules in the fashion department. Through the decades she developed a style that did suit her so very well. She was graceful and perfec tion in every single occasion. Always stately, classy and elegant. That the iconic world leader and dog lover loved color is no se


And it was a winning move! Colors gave her a happy aura, she seemed energetic, and most importantly, approachable. As we all know, her skirt suits were accessorized to the nines:

In time, Elizabeth II showed her true colors. She started using color blocking, monochrome suits, and grew a passion for vivid and neon colors, like lime, electric blue, purple, fuchsia … and every other shade in the extended Crayola box. Now she was setting trends.

pearls, brooches, elaborate hats, umbrellas. Everything match ing, everything coordinated and everything majestic.

we are told she loved fashion, and photos of her attending London Fashion Week have surfaced this week, the late Queen Elizabeth II was not really a die-hard fash ionista.She had style, grand style, and I do believe she had fun approving her looks. But in keeping with her role as an impor tant world leader and respected monarch, the queen carefully distanced herself from fads and extreme trends.

The British monarch was comfortable in her own skin. Confident. She truly shined when ever she stepped out in one of her signature suits, artistic hats, purse and gloves. As a tribute to the beloved queen, I found some looks and colors in the runways of New York Fashion Week that remind me of her, and I think she would have liked. These looks are fit for a queen. Enjoy!


“For a country like Peru, this is just too expensive,” Mendoza, in Lima, said.

Cameroon.Most people who die from monkeypox are Africans. There are two different strains of the disease, a more lethal one circulating in Congo and neighboring countries, and a less virulent version in West Africa, which is the one now being seen in high-income countries. Though deaths from monkeypox are rare, the risk of a fatal case is greatest in chil dren and pregnant women, and the disease is excruciatingly painful for anyone infected.

Dr. Sylvie Briand, the director of the WHO’s epidemic and pandemic preparedness and prevention department, said the global response to monkeypox was complicated by the fact that most of the medical interventions lacked human clinical trial data, and did not have regulatory approval.

Many public health experts say that a lethargic mon keypox response, predicated on the analysis that few people are dying in this outbreak, ignores the risks posed by this vi rus that is behaving in ways not seen before.

It is difficult to even know the number of people who have monkeypox in developing nations because many lack capacity for diagnosing the disease, which is done with a polymerase chain reaction test. Most of the testing in coun tries that have had outbreaks for years is done at the surveil lance level, testing only a sampling of the population to find the overall incidence of the disease. Testing to diagnose indi vidual patients, many of whom live in isolated rural areas, is rare or“Wenonexistent.don’thave access to testing in Africa so we don’t know where cases are, so you can’t use that as a basis for decisions on the use of resources,” said Dr. Boghuma Titanji, an assistant professor of medicine at Emory University who responded to a monkeypox outbreak in 2018 in her native

“The obvious solution for this problem is for the U.S. government to put all of the doses it owns — more than 15 million — into vials, so they can go into arms, in the U.S. and elsewhere,” said James Krellenstein, a founder of PrEP4All, a medicines access advocacy group. “This is the single most important step that anyone can take to help bring this out

But Mendoza, an infectious disease specialist, has little to offer. “I have no options,” he said in an interview. Neither the antiviral drug nor the vaccine being used against mon keypox in the United States and Europe is available in Peru.

An analysis by the advocacy organization Public Citizen estimates that the high-income countries that have snapped up the Jynneos vaccine are paying $110 per dose. Paul Chap lin, Bavarian-Nordic’s president, said in an earnings call last month that the vaccine had one price in all markets, which would be discounted only for high-volume purchasers.

The Latin American arm of the WHO has secured a donation of a small number of doses for that region; Bra zil’s ministry of health confirmed that it expected to receive 50,000 of them.

break under control globally.”


The scramble for monkeypox vaccines and treatments has been centered in the United States and Europe, where supplies of shots have stretched thin or nearly run out. But more than 100 countries are now reporting monkeypox cas es, and a vast majority of those have had no vaccine or treat ments at Theyall.have been shut out by the prohibitive cost and by wealthy nations who bought up most of the available doses. The United States already controlled most of the vac cine, which was originally developed for smallpox, as part of its bioweapons strategy after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Some public health groups are also criticizing the WHO for not doing more to ensure swift movement on equitable access to tests, treatments and vaccines, after it declared monkeypox a public health emergency of interna tional concern on July 23. They say the issues echo those seen with COVID-19, but without any of the mechanisms that were developed to try to right the balance during the coronavirus pandemic.

The antiviral drug tecovirimat, marketed in the United States as Tpoxx, has been safety-tested in humans, and its ef ficacy against monkeypox has been tested in nonhuman pri mates. Two human clinical trials to test against monkeypox are underway, the first of which should report data early next year. But the current lack of human data means the WHO cannot do the typical prequalification process that helps countries speed up authorization of a drug.

Krellenstein said he felt that not everyone in the re search world shared the sense of urgency that pushed the WHO director-general, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, to declare the emergency.

“Monkeypox really has a huge runway right now to better adapt,” Titanji said. “It’s a bad thing to not get on top of another pox virus circulating in human beings.”

“We have nothing, even though we are the country with one of the highest numbers of cases by population,” said Mendoza, who works with the medical charity Partners in Health.Neighboring Brazil, which, according to the World Health Organization, has close to 10% of global monkeypox cases, currently has no vaccine or treatment either. Nor do the countries in West and Central Africa that have struggled with monkeypox outbreaks for decades.

The rapid spread of the disease to high-income nations, beginning four months ago, set off a scramble for vaccines. While there is no shot specifically for monkeypox, data from trials with nonhuman primates suggested that vaccines against the closely related smallpox virus might also prevent transmission of this one. The focus became the Jynneos small pox vaccine made by Danish firm Bavarian-Nordic, which is the easiest to administer of several smallpox vaccines and has the lowest number of side effects.

Bavarian-Nordic had approximately 16 million doses of the vaccine, most of which were owned by or contracted to the United States, which contributed more than $1 billion to develop the vaccine as a defense strategy after 9/11 when officials feared smallpox could be used as a bioweapon. Those U.S. doses were earmarked as a defense stockpile and in the form of bulk drug, not bottled vaccines, which slowed distribution. The roughly 1 million that remained were quick ly purchased by Canada, Australia and European countries starting in

ThereMay.are no doses purchased or ordered for African countries to date. A clinical trial of the Jynneos vaccine led by the National Institutes of Health is beginning in Congo but that country has no vaccine supply available for health work ers or contacts of people who fall ill.

A monkeypox sore on a patient’s foot at the Arzo bispo Loayza Hospital in Lima, Peru, last month.

“The reaction seems to be, ‘Nobody is dying so it’s not a security threat’ — and it’s gay people and trans people and Africans who are sick — so it seems very academic” to the national security decision makers who control access to the vaccine stockpile, he said.

Monkeypox shots, treatments and tests are unavailable in much of the world

the past month, a couple of patients a day have sat across from Dr. Alberto Mendoza at the HIV clinic where he works in Lima, Peru, to hear him confirm what they had feared: They have monkeypox. The men are tormented by the painful lesions the virus causes. They’re also afraid, because the visible sores mark them as men who have sex with men, a dangerous identity in Peru, where there is intense discrimination against homosexuality.

“People think that because it’s an emergency it will be a matter of days, but for all those things it’s a matter of week or months,” she said. “We are trying to shorten the time be tween each step and make it happen faster. But it’s not so easy. You have to make sure something is safe and effective.”


None of the 7 million doses sent for bottling is desig nated for global access.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 23

“The original sin of this whole pandemic is that we could have tested these things in endemic countries, and then we would have the data,” said Dr. Ranu Dhillon, an infectious disease expert and instructor at Harvard Medical School. But there was little appetite or investment in mon keypox when only countries such as Cameroon and Central African Republic were affected, he said.


ra mención de persona natural y/o jurídica que se mencione en el mismo, se identificará en letra tamaño 10 puntos y negri llas, conforme a lo dispuesto en las Reglas de Procedimiento Civil, 2009. Se le apercibe que de no comparecer los interesa dos y/o partes citadas, o en su defecto los organismos públi cos afectados en el término im prorrogable de veinte (20) días a contar de la fecha de la última publicación del edicto, el Tribu nal podrá conceder el remedio solicitado por la parte peticio naria, sin más citarle ni oírle. En Salinas, Puerto Rico, a 9 de septiembre de 2022. MARISOL ROSADO RODRÍGUEZ, SE CRETARIA REGIONAL. IRIS V. RODRÍGUEZ RODRÍGUEZ, SECRETARIA AUXILIAR DEL TRIBUNAL I.







URBANA: Predio de terreno compuesto de DOCIENTOS SESENTA Y OCHO METROS CUADRADOS (268.00m/c), ubicado en el sitio Las Marías, del Barrio Lapa, del término Municipal de Salinas, Puerto Rico, y en lindes: por el NOR TE, con la sucesión de Don Antonio Márquez, por el SUR, con Don Bartolo Rivera, por el ESTE, con Don Remigio Guz man; por el OESTE, con Don Gregorio Maldonado. Enclava en dicho solar una casa propia para vivienda, hecha de made ra del país y extranjeras, techa da en zinc, que mide VEINTE PIES de frente por VEINTE PIES de fondo.” El abogado de la parte peticionaria es la Lcda. Maritza Guzman Matos, PMB 767, 1353 Ave. Luis Vigoreaux, Guaynabo, PR 00966; Tel. (787)-758-3277; Email: alegarquecirculación(20)dentropublicadopetición.docomparecerferencia,,además,elTribunalhaseñaladoenestecasoparael5dede2022,alas10:00demañana,mediantevideoconalacualustedpuedeasistidoporabogaypresentaroposiciónalaEsteedictodeberáserentres(3)ocasionesdeltérminodeveintedías,enunperiódicodegeneraldiaria,paracomparezcansiquierensuderecho.Todaprime

Civil Núm.: SA2022CV00056.





lindes: por el NORTE, con la sucesión de Don Antonio Már quez, por el SUR, con Don Bar tolo Rivera, por el ESTE, con Don Remigio Guzman; por el OESTE, con Don Gregorio Mal donado. Enclava en dicho solar una casa propia para vivienda, hecha de madera del país y ex tranjeras, techada en zinc, que mide VEINTE PIES de frente por VEINTE PIES de fondo.” El abogado de la parte peticiona ria es la Lcda. Maritza Guzman Matos, PMB 767, 1353 Ave. Luis Vigoreaux, Guaynabo, PR 00966; Tel. (787)-758-3277; Email: cretariaV.guez,dePuertomásporconcederdelfechaveinteenorganismoscitadas,recerleProcedimientoa10sequedederecho.parezcangeneralentérminotresedictotarasistidocualdianteaparahama,ás,queelTribunalseñaladovistaenestecasoel5deoctubrede2022,las10:00delamañana,mevideoconferencia,alaustedpuedecomparecerporabogadoypresenoposiciónalapetición.Estedeberáserpublicadoen(3)ocasionesdentrodeldeveinte(20)días,unperiódicodecirculacióndiaria,paraquecomsiquierenalegarsuTodaprimeramenciónpersonanaturaly/ojurídicasemencioneenelmismo,identificaráenletratamañopuntosynegrillas,conformelodispuestoenlasReglasdeCivil,2009.Seapercibequedenocompalosinteresadosy/opartesoensudefectolospúblicosafectadoseltérminoimprorrogablede(20)díasacontardeladelaúltimapublicaciónedicto,elTribunalpodráelremediosolicitadolapartepeticionaria,sincitarlenioírle.EnSalinas,Rico,a9deseptiembre2022.MarisolRosadoRodríSecretariaRegional.IrisRodríguezRodríguez,SeAuxiliarDelTribunalI.

YO: EDGARDO ALDEBOL MI RANDA, ALGUACIL AUXILIAR, Sala Superior de Caguas, al pú blico en general: CERTIFICO Y HAGO SABER: Cumpliendo con un Mandamiento de Ven ta de Ejecución de Sentencia del Secretario del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina, venderé en pública subasta al mejor postor en moneda legal de los Estados Unidos, el cual se encuentra en el Lote de Firstbank locali zado en: Centro Industrial Río Cañas, Calle North, Lote 1516, Carr. 175, Entrada Carraízo, Caguas, Puerto Rico, el día 5 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 A LAS 9:30 DE LA MAÑANA el si guiente bien mueble: MARCA: JEEP. MODELO: PATRIOT. VIN: 1C4NJPBB2HD150739. AÑO: 2017. La venta se lleva rá a cabo para con su produc to satisfacer hasta donde sea posible, para responder por las siguientes cantidades a la parte demandante al 14 de mayo de 2019 acumulaba como deu da las siguientes cantidades: $25,940.42 de principal, más $1,189.45 de intereses los cua les se continúan acumulando hasta el saldo total de la deuda, más $441.87 de cargos acumu lados los cuales se continúan acumulando hasta el saldo to tal de la deuda, más una suma equivalente al 5% del total adeudado para honorarios de abogados según pactado. Por tal razón dicho producto será consignado judicialmente para que su desembolso esté condi cionado a la ulterior resolución por el Tribunal con competen


and inspections, as well as 10% of the original principal balance, or $21,687.80, to cover costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees guaranteed by the mortgage obligation. The records of the case and of these proceedings may be examined by the parties at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Federal Building, Chardón Ave nue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. WHERAEAS, Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned judgment and the order of exe cution thereof, the following pro perty belonging to Defendant will be sold at a public auction: RÚSTICA: Parcela de terreno radicada en el barrio Arenas en el término municipal de Ci dra, marcada con el número 5, con una cabida de l021 metros cuadrados con 2663 diezmi lésimas de otro. En linderos NORTE, en cuatro alineaciones que suman 37.458 metros con un camino municipal; SUR, en una distancia de 25.092 metros con el solar 15; ESTE, en una distancia de 32.718 metros con el solar identificado como solar 6 y OESTE, en una distancia de 32.380 metros con el solar 4. Property recorded at page 49, volume 417 of Cidra, pro perty number 15171, Registry of the Property of Puerto Rico, Section II of Caguas. WHE REAS: The property is subject to the following lien: HIPOTECA en garantía de pagaré a favor de Doral Financial Corporation, o a su orden, por la suma de $216,878.00 con intereses al 7.% anual y vencimiento 1 de septiembre de 2036. Constitui da por la Escritura 167 otorga da en San Juan el 11 de agosto de 2005 ante la notario Marga rita M. Pérez Rosich, e inscrita al folio 49 del tomo 417 de Ci dra, finca 15171, inscripción 3ª. MODIFICADA en cuanto a su vencimiento, siendo ahora su nuevo vencimiento el 1 de julio de 2036, según consta de la escritura 368 otorgada en San Juan el 10 de julio de 2006 ante el notario Eder Enrique Ortiz Ortiz. Inscrita el 22 de octubre de 2021 al Tomo Digital Kari be, finca 15171 de Cidra, Nota Marginal. Senior Lien: None. The above-described property is subject to the following junior lien: HIPOTECA en garantía de pagaré a favor de Doral Bank, o a su orden, por la suma de $23,500.00 con intereses al 9.95% anual y vencimiento 1 de noviembre de 2020. Constituida por la Escritura 93 otorgada en San Juan el 29 de octubre de 2005 ante la notario Angelik Rodríguez Maldonado, e inscri ta al folio 49 del tomo 417 de Ci dra, finca 15171, inscripción 4ª. Potential bidders are advised to verify the extent of preferential


The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202224 (787) 743-3346

POR LA PRESENTE se les notifica para que comparezcan, si lo creyeren pertinente, ante este Honorable Tribunal dentro de los veinte (20) días contados a partir de la última publicación de este edicto a exponer lo que a sus derechos convenga en el expediente promovido por la parte peticionaria para ad quirir su dominio sobre la finca que se describe más adelan te. Usted deberá presentar su posición a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Adminis tración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electróni ca: https://unired.ramajudicial. pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación en la secretaría del Tribunal.


held on the October 21, 2022 at 10:05, at the address indica ted above. In San Juan, Puer to Rico, this 11 day of August 2022. Joel Ronda Feliciano, Appointed Special Master.



WHEREAS: On May 25, 2022, this Court entered Default Judg ment in favor of Plaintiff, against Defendant. On July 18, 2022, this Court entered Order for Execution of Judgment, stating that Defendant has failed to pay the sums of monies adjudged to be paid under the judgment. In the Judgment, the Court stated that Defendant has defaulted on the repayment obligation to GITSIT Solutions, LLC, and ordered to pay the Plaintiff the principal sum of $196,863.67, plus interest at the rate of 7.25% per annum from July 1, 2017 until the debt is paid in full. The Court also ordered Defendant to pay GITSIT Solutions, LLC late charges in the amount of 5% of each and every monthly installment not received by the person entitled to enforce the mortgage note within 15 days after the installment was due until the debt is paid in full. Furthermore, the Court ordered Defendant to pay GITSIT Solu tions, LLC all advances made in accordance with the mortgage note including, but not limited to, insurance premiums, taxes

POR LA PRESENTE se les notifica para que comparezcan, si lo creyeren pertinente, ante este Honorable Tribunal dentro de los veinte (20) días contados a partir de la última publicación de este edicto a exponer lo que a sus derechos convenga en el expediente promovido por la parte peticionaria para ad quirir su dominio sobre la finca que se describe más adelan te. Usted deberá presentar su posición a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Adminis tración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electróni ca: https://unired.ramajudicial. pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación en la secretaría del Tribunal.

lien with the holders thereof. It shall be understood that each bidder accepts as sufficient the title and that prior and preferen tial lien to the one being fore closed upon, including but not limited to any property tax, lien (express, tacit, implied or legal), shall continue in effect it being understood further that the suc cessful bidder accepts them and is subrogated in the res ponsibility for the same and that the bid price shall not be applied toward their cancellation. The present property will be acqui red free and clear of all junior liens. WHEREAS: For the pur pose of the First Judicial Sale, the minimum bid agreed upon by the parties in the mortgage deed will be $216,878.00 for the property and no lower offers will be accepted. Should the first judicial sale of the abovedescribed property be unsuc cessful, then the minimum bid for the property on the Second Judicial Sale will be two-thirds of the amount of the minimum bid for the First Judicial Sale, or $144,585.33. The minimum bid for the Third Judicial Sale, if the same is necessary, will be onehalf of the minimum bid agreed upon by the parties in the afo rementioned mortgage deed, or $108,439.00 (Known in the Spanish language as: “Ley del Registro de la Propiedad Inmo biliaria del Estado Libre Asocia do de Puerto Rico, 2015 Puerto Rico Laws Act 210 (H.B. 2479), Article 104, as amended. WHE REAS: Said sale to be made by the appointed Special Master is subject to confirmation by the United States District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and the deed of conveyance and possession to the property will be executed and delivered only after such confirmation. NOW THREFORE, public notice is hereby given that the appoin ted Special Master, pursuant to the provisions of the Judg ment herein before referred to, will on the October 7, 2022, at 10:05 AM, at Rondapro, 441 Calle E, Frailes Industrial Park, Guaynabo, 00969, Puerto Rico in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 2001 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, the property described herein, the proceeds of said sale to be applied in the manner and form provided by the Court’s judgment. Should the first judicial sale set herei nabove be unsuccessful, the second judicial sale of the pro perty describes in the Notice will be held on the October 14, 2022 at 10:05 AM, at the ad dress indicated above. Should the second judicial sale set he reinabove be unsuccessful, the third judicial sale of the property described in this Notice will be


Plaintiff V.

cia sobre el caso de epígrafe. Se apercibe a todos los intere sados que el vehículo objeto de la subasta se encuentra locali zada en el Centro Industrial Río Cañas, Calle North, Lote 1516, Carr. 175, Entrada Carraízo, Caguas, Puerto Rico, por lo que todo aquel que quiera participar de su subasta podrá pasar por dicha localización, en horas laborables, previo a su celebra ción, para inspeccionarlo física mente. La subasta se llevará a cabo el día y a la hora señalada habiendo las personas intere sadas inspeccionado o no el mencionado bien. En adición, por la presente se informa que siendo la propiedad a subas tarse un bien mueble no habrá tipo mínimo en la misma, por lo que el vehículo será adjudicado al mejor postor en ese momen to. La forma de pago deberá ser en efectivo, giro o cheque de gerente a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instan cia. Si se declarase desierta la subasta, se dará por terminado este procedimiento pudiendo adjudicarse el acreedor el ve hículo dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes, si así lo esti mare conveniente, por la tota lidad de la cantidad adeudada, si ésta fuera igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la subasta, y abonándose dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si ésta fue re mayor. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado esta rán manifiestos en la Secretaría del Tribunal con competen cia sobre el caso de epígrafe durante horas laborables. De acuerdo con el mejor conoci miento de la parte demandante, la propiedad antes descrita que ha de venderse en subasta no tiene gravámenes anteriores, ni posteriores. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titulación y que las cargas preferentes, si alguna continuará subsistente; enten diéndose que el remanente los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad del mismo, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Para la pu blicación de este Edicto en un periódico de circulación general una vez por semana durante dos (2) semanas consecutivas, y para la colocación del mis mo en tres (3) sitios públicos visibles del municipio en que se celebre la subasta, al igual que en el municipio en que re side la parte demandada, libro el presente en Caguas, Puer to Rico, hoy 18 de agosto de 2022.







Si usted deja de expresarse dentro del referido término, el Tribunal podrá dictar sentencia, previo a escuchar la prueba de valor de la parte peticionaria en su contra, sin más citarle ni oír le, y conceder el remedio solici tado en la petición, o cualquier otro, si el Tribunal, en el ejerci cio de su sana discreción, lo en tiende procedente. URBANA: Predio de terreno compuesto de DOCIENTOS SESENTA Y

OCHO METROS CUADRA DOS (268.00m/c), ubicado en el sitio Las Marías, del Barrio Lapa, del término Municipal de Salinas, Puerto Rico, y en


Si usted deja de expresarse dentro del referido término, el Tribunal podrá dictar sentencia, previo a escuchar la prueba de valor de la parte peticionaria en su contra, sin más citarle ni oírle, y conceder el reme dio solicitado en la petición, o cualquier otro, si el Tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discre ción, lo entiende procedente.



Certifico y Hago Constar: Que en cumplimiento con el Manda miento de Ejecución de Senten cia que me ha sido dirigido por el (la) Secretario(a) del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Su perior de Carolina, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en públi ca subasta y al mejor postor, por separado, de contado y por moneda de curso legal de los Estados Unidos de Amé rica y/o Giro Postal y Cheque Certificado, en mi oficina ubi cada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina, el 11 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 1:15 DE LA TARDE, todo derecho título, participación o interés que le corresponda a la parte demandada o cual quiera de ellos en el inmueble hipotecado objeto de ejecución que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Solar marcado con el número Cuatro raya “N” (4-N) del PROYECTO LA MARINA, situado en el barrio Cangrejos Arriba del término municipal de Carolina, Puerto Rico, con una cabida superficial de CIENTO

CALLE ERIDANO, CAROLINA, PUERTO RICO 00979. Según figuran en la certificación re gistral, la propiedad objeto de ejecución está gravada por las siguientes cargas anteriores o preferentes: Nombre del Ti tular: N/A. Suma de la Carga: N/A. Fecha de Vencimiento: N/A. Según figuran en la certi ficación registral, la propiedad objeto de ejecución está gra vada por las siguientes cargas posteriores a la inscripción del crédito ejecutante: Nombre del Titular: Secretario de la Vivien da y Desarrollo Urbano. Suma de la Carga: $157,500.00. Fecha de Vencimiento: 4 de junio de 2080. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad de la pro piedad y que todas las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes al crédito ejecutan te antes descritos, si los hubie re, continuarán subsistentes. El rematante acepta dichas cargas y gravámenes anterio res, y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se establece como tipo de mínima subasta la suma de $105,000.00, según acordado entre las partes en el precio pactado en la escritura de hipoteca. De ser necesaria una SEGUNDA SUBASTA por declararse desierta la primera, la misma se celebrará en mi ofi cina, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Ca rolina, el 18 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 1:15 DE LA TAR DE, y se establece como míni ma para dicha segunda subas ta la suma de $70,000.00, 2/3 partes del tipo mínima estable cido originalmente. Si tampoco se produce remate ni adjudica ción en la segunda subasta, se establece como mínima para la TERCERA SUBASTA, la suma de $52,500.00, la mitad (1/2) del precio pactado y dicha su basta se celebrará en mi ofici na, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Ca


POR LA PRESENTE: se les notifica para que comparezcan, si lo creyeren pertinente, ante este Honorable Tribunal dentro de los veinte (20) días contados a partir de la última publicación e este edicto a exponer lo que a sus derechos convenga en el expediente promovido por la parte peticionaria para ad quirir su dominio sobre la finca que se describe más adelan te. Usted deberá presentar su posición a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Adminis tración de casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección electróni ca: https://unired.ramajudicial. pr, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación en la secretaría del Tribunal. Si usted deja de expresarse dentro del referido término, el Tribunal podrá dictar sentencia, previo a escuchar la prueba de valor de la parte peticionaria en su contra, sin más citarle ni oírle, y conceder el reme dio solicitado en la petición, o cualquier otro, si el Tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discre ción, lo entiende procedente. El abogado de la parte peticiona ria es el Lic. Jaime Rodríguez Rivera, cuya dirección es #30 Calle Reparto Piñero, Guayna bo, PR 00969-5650, Teléfono 787-720-9553. SEGÚN SUS TÍTULOS: “RÚSTICA: TERRE NO en el barrio Mamey del término municipal de Guayna bo, Puerto Rico, compuesto de



Sala: 401. Sobre: COBRO DE DINERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HIPOTECA POR LA VÍA ORDI NARIA. ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA, EL PRESIDENTE DE LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS, EL ESTADO LIBRE ASOCIA DO DE PUERTO RICO, SS. AVISO DE PÚBLICA SUBAS TA. El Alguacil que suscribe por la presente anuncia y hace constar que en cumplimiento de la Sentencia dictada el 20 de mayo de 2022, la Orden de Ejecución de Sentencia del 12 de agosto de 2022 y el Manda miento de Ejecución del 15 de agosto de 2022 en el caso de epígrafe, procederé a vender el DÍA 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 9:15 DE LA MAÑANA, en mi oficina, localizada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Centro Judicial de Carolina, Sala Superior, en la Avenida 65 Infantería, Carretera Número Tres (3), Kilómetro 11.7 (En trada de la Urbanización Man siones de Carolina) Carolina, Puerto Rico, al mejor postor en pago de contado y en moneda de los Estados Unidos de Amé rica, cheque de gerente o giro postal a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal; todo título, derecho o interés de la parte demandada sobre la siguiente propiedad: URBANA: PROPIEDAD HORI ZONTAL: Balcones De Monte Real, situado en la Carretera Estatal Número 853 en el Ba rrio Canovanillas del Municipio de Carolina, Puerto Rico. Apar tamento Número 5202. Está localizado en el edificio G, piso segundo. Consta de un área superficial de 1217.60 pies cua drados, equivalentes a 113.16 metros cuadrados. En linderos: NORTE, en 35’ 6”, equivalentes a 10.82 metros, con paredes de bloques hacia el exterior; por el SUR, en 23’ 3”, equivalentes a 7.09 metros, con pared de blo que hacia el exterior y en 12’ 3” equivalente a 3.73 metros con pared de bloques hacia el ex terior y la puerta principal que


da acceso al apartamento; por el ESTE, en 14’ 9”, equivalen tes a 4.50 metros, con pared medianera de hormigón que lo separa del apartamento nú mero 5002 y en 15’ 7” equiva lente a 4.75 metros con pared de hormigón y bloques hacia el exterior; y por el OESTE, en 48’ 4”, equivalentes a 14.73 me tros, con pared de hormigón y bloques que lo separa del apar tamento número 5302. Esta propiedad está formada por sala, comedor, balcón, tres (3) dormitorios con closets, cocina, dos (2) baños y área de lavan dería. Le corresponden dos (2) estacionamientos identificados con el mismo número del apar tamento y una participación de 0.0020036% en los elementos comunes. Inscrita al Folio 127 del Tomo 1415 de Carolina, Finca Número 58712, Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección II. La hipoteca consta inscrita al Folio 159 vuelto del Tomo 1416 de Carolina, Finca Número 58712, Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección II. Inscripción tercera. Direc ción Física: Cond. Balcones de Monte Real, Bldg. G, Apt. 5202, Carolina, PR 00987. Número de Catastro: 20-089-093-10002-258. El tipo mínimo para la primera subasta será de $144,500.00. De no haber ad judicación en la primera subas ta se celebrará una SEGUNDA SUBASTA, el DÍA 24 DE OC TUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 9:15 DE LA MAÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será de dos terceras partes del tipo mínimo fijado en la prime ra subasta, o sea, $96,333.33. De no haber adjudicación en la segunda subasta, se celebra rá una TERCERA SUBASTA, el DÍA 31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 9:15 DE LA MA ÑANA, en el mismo lugar, en la cual el tipo mínimo será la mi tad del precio pactado, o sea, $72,250.00. Si se declarase desierta la tercera subasta, se adjudicará la finca a favor del acreedor por la totalidad de la cantidad adeudada si ésta es igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la tercera subasta, si el tribunal lo estima conveniente. Se abonará dicho monto a la cantidad adeudada si ésta es mayor. Dicho remate se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a la demandante el importe de la Sentencia por la suma de $110,651.23 de principal, más intereses sobre dicha suma al 5% anual desde el 1 de junio de 2021 hasta su completo pago, más $605.01 de recargos acumulados, los cuales continuarán en aumento hasta el saldo total de la deuda, más la cantidad estipulada de $14,450.00 para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogados, así como cualquier otra suma que contenga el contrato del présta mo. Surge del Estudio de Título



rolina, el 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 1:15 DE LA TAR DE. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para, con su producto satisfacer a la parte demandan te, el importe de la Sentencia dictada a su favor ascendente a la suma de $97,799.57 por concepto de principal, más la suma de $12,968.87 en intere ses acumulados al 23 de febre ro de 2022 y los cuales conti núan acumulándose a razón de 3.50% anual hasta su total y completo pago; más la sumas de $4,069.78 en seguro hipo tecario; $5,635.00 en tarifas de servicios; $550.00 de tasa ciones; $140.00 de inspeccio nes; $873.33 en preservación; $615.00 de adelantos pendien tes; más la cantidad de 10% del pagare original en la suma de $10,500.00, para gastos, cos tas y honorarios de abogado, esta última habrá de devengar intereses al máximo del tipo legal fijado por la oficina del Comisionado de Instituciones Financieras aplicable a esta fe cha, desde este mismo día has ta su total y completo saldo. La venta en pública subasta de la referida propiedad se verificará libre de toda carga o gravamen posterior que afecte la mencio nada finca, a cuyo efecto se no tifica y se hace saber la fecha, hora y sitio de la PRIMERA, SEGUNDA Y TERCERA SU BASTA, si esto fuera necesario, a los efectos de que cualquier persona o personas con algún interés puedan comparecer a la celebración de dicha subasta. Se notifica a todos los intere sados que las actas y demás constancias del expediente de este caso están disponibles en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante horas laborables para ser examinadas por los (las) interesados (as). Y para su publicación en el periódico The San Juan Daily Star, que es un diario de circulación general en la isla de Puerto Rico, por es pacio de dos semanas conse cutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, así como para su publicación en los sitios públicos de Puerto Rico. Expe dido en Carolina, Puerto Rico, hoy 16 de agosto de 2022.

The San Juan Daily Star 25Wednesday, September 14, 2022





Demandados Civil Núm.: CA2021CV02755.



Demandante Vs. SUCESION





Registral que sobre esta pro piedad pesa el siguiente grava men posterior a la hipoteca que por la presente se pretende ejecutar: Aviso de Demanda: Pleito seguido por Banco Po pular de Puerto Rico Vs. Suce sión de Román Parrilla Méndez compuesta por Fulano y Men gano de Tal, La Sucesión de Nydia Maritza Chévere Dones también conocida como Nydia Chévere Dones y Lydia Maritza Chévere Dones, compuesta por Sutano y Perencejo de Tal, Lee Parrilla Chévere, Departamento de Hacienda por conducto de la División de Caudales Relictos y el Centro de Recaudación de Ingresos Municipales (CRIM), ante el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Carolina, en el Caso Civil Nú mero CA2022CV00524, sobre Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca, en la que se reclama el pago de hipoteca, con un balance de $110,651.23 y otras cantidades, según Demanda de fecha 24 de febrero de 2022. Anotada al Tomo Karibe de Ca rolina. Anotación A. Se notifica al acreedor posterior o a su su cesor o cesionario en derecho para que comparezca a prote ger su derecho si así lo desea. Se les advierte a los interesa dos que todos los documentos relacionados con la presente acción de ejecución de hipote ca, así como los de Subasta, estarán disponibles para ser examinados, durante horas la borables, en el expediente del caso que obra en los archivos de la Secretaría del Tribunal, bajo el número de epígrafe y para su publicación en un pe riódico de circulación general en Puerto Rico por espacio de dos semanas y por lo menos una vez por semana; y para su fijación en los sitios públicos re queridos por ley. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anterio res y los preferentes, si los hu biere, al crédito del ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes; en tendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate y que la propiedad a ser ejecuta da se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores tal como lo expresa la Ley Núm. 210-2015. Y para el conoci miento de los demandados, de los acreedores posteriores, de los licitadores, partes inte resadas y público en general, EXPIDO para su publicación en los lugares públicos correspon dientes, el presente Aviso de Pública Subasta en Carolina, Puerto Rico, hoy 25 de agosto de 2022. MANUEL VILLAFA ÑE BLANCO ALGUACIL #830, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INS TANCIA, CENTRO JUDICIAL DE CAROLINA, SALA SUPE

CINCUENTA PUNTO CIN CUENTA METROS CUADRA DOS (150.50 M.C). En lindes por el NORTE, en una exten sión de veinticinco punto cero cero metros (25.00 m.), con el solar número tres raya (N” (3N); por el SUR, en igual exten sión de veinticinco punto cero cero metros (25.00 m.). con el solar cinco raya “N” (5-N); por el ESTE, en una extensión de seis punto cero dos metros (6.02 m.), con el solar número veintisiete raya “N” (27-N); por el OESTE, en una extensión de seis punto cero dos metros (6.02 m.), con la calle Camelia. Enclava una casa. Inscrita al fo lio 52 del tomo 644 de Carolina Norte, finca 33,168, Registro de la Propiedad de Carolina, Sección I. Propiedad localizada en: URB. LA MARINA, #7 (4-N)




Parte Demandada Civil Núm.: CA2022CV00524.

Civil #:: BY2022CV03526.


MEDIA CUERDA. En lindes por el NORTE: con e camino veci nal; por el SUR: con Sinforiano González Santa; por el ESTE: con Bernardo Hernández y por el OESTE: con don Marcos Centeno.” SEGÚN MENSURA: “RÚSTICA: Solar radicado en el barrio Mamey del término Municipal e Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, con un área superficial de 2,229.599 metros cuadrados, equivalentes a 0.5673 diezmi lésimas de cuerda. En lindes por el NOROESTE: en tres (3) alineaciones que suman 27.15 mi con la calle Domingo Gonzá lez Lugo; por el SURESTE: en dos (2) alineaciones que suman 34.00 metros lineales con finca propiedad del Municipio de Guaynabo; por el NORESTE: en 3 alineaciones que suman 63.30 mi con solar propiedad de Carlos Hernández y por el SUROESTE: en dos (2) alinea ciones que suman 57.19 mi con terrenos propiedad de la Suce sión Sinforiano Gonzalez San ta y en 17.52 mi con solar de Norma Iris Monroig González. Enclava una estructura”. Se le informa, además, que el Tribu nal ha señalado vista en este caso para el 5 DE DICIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 2:00 DE LA TARDE, mediante videoconfe rencia, a la cual usted puede comparecer asistido por aboga do y presentar oposición de la petición. Este edicto deberá ser publicado en tres (3) ocasiones dentro del término de veinte (20) días, en un periódico de circulación general diaria, para que comparezcan si quieren alegar su derecho. Toda prime ra mención de persona natural y/o jurídica que se mencione en el mismo, se identificará en letra tamaño 10 puntos y negri llas, conforme a lo dispuesto en las Reglas de procedimiento Ci vil, 2009. Se le apercibe que de no comparecer los interesados y/o partes citadas, o en su de fecto los organismos públicos afectados en el término impro rrogable de veinte (20) días a contar de la fecha de la última publicación el edicto, el Tribu nal podrá conceder el remedio solicitado por la parte peticio naria, sn más citarle ni oírle. En Bayamón, Puerto Rico, a 31 de agosto de 2022. LCDA.








Y PARA QUE ASÍ CONSTE, y para su publicación en un pe riódico de circulación general y por un término de catorce (14) días en los sitios públicos con forme a la ley, expido la presen te bajo mi firma y sello de este tribunal, hoy 7 de septiembre de 2022 en Caguas, Puerto Rico. Angel Gomez Gomez, ALGUACIL.



Demandados Civil Núm.: LP2022CV00139.



de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante las horas laborables bajo el epígrafe de este caso. C. Que se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes ante riores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes, en tendiéndose que el rematente los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes posteriores. D. Que la Propiedad se encuentra afecta las siguientes condicio nes restrictivas: Sujeto Condi ciones de Venta por el término de 10 años, por un crédito de $9,500.00, para sufragar gas tos de cierre, bajo el Progra ma Mi Nuevo Hogar. Requiere consentimiento de la Autoridad para el Financiamiento de la Vivienda. E. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer a la parte demandante el importe de la sentencia que ha obteni do ascendente a la suma de $153,249.48, más la suma de $9,892.43, que incluye intere ses según pactados, cargos por demora y otros cargos, que se acumulan diariamente hasta su total y completo pago, más la suma de 10% del principal, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado. La primera subasta se celebrará el día 31 de octubre de 2022 a las 9:00am, en la Oficina del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia de Caguas, por el tipo mínimo de $188,416.00. De de clararse desierta dicha subas ta se celebrará una segunda subasta el día 7 de noviembre de 2022 a las 9:00am en el mismo lugar antes menciona do. El precio para la segunda subasta lo será 2/3 partes del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $125,610.67. De declarar se desierta dicha segunda su basta, se celebrará una tercera subasta el día 15 de noviembre de 2022 a las 9:00am en el mis mo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la tercera subasta lo será 1/2 del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $94,208.00.

salvo que se representen por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberán presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaria del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala de Utuado, con co pia al abogado de la parte de mandante, Lcdo. Jorge García Rondón, de PMB 538, 267 Sie rra Morena, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00926 dentro del término de treinta (30) días contados a partir de la publicación del Edicto, se les anotará la rebel día y se dictará sentencia en su contra concediendo el reme dio solicitado en la Demanda sin más citarles ni oírles. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto por Orden del Tribunal, bajo mi fir ma y sello del Tribunal, en Hu macao, Puerto Rico, hoy 2 de septiembre de 2022. IVELISSE C. FONSECA RODRÍGUEZ, SECRETARIA. IVELISSE M. MONCLOVA CRUZ, SECRE TARIA AUXILIAR.




TERCERA SUBASTA: Se cele brará el día 31 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:45 DE LA MAÑANA. PRECIO MÍNIMO: $147,283.00. Las subastas de dicha propiedad se llevarán a efecto en mi oficina situada en el local que ocupa este Tribunal en el Centro Judicial de Caroli na, advirtiéndose que el que obtuviere la buena pro de dicha propiedad consignará en el acto del remate el importe de su oferta en moneda legal, en adi ción a los gastos de la subasta,

POR LA PRESENTE se le emplaza para que presente al Tribunal su alegación respon siva a la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días a partir de la publicación de este edicto. Usted deberá presentar su ale gación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SU MAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente direc ción electrónica: http://unired., salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberé presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaria del tribunal. Si usted deja de presentar su alegación responsiva dentro del referido término, el tribunal podrá dic tar sentencia en rebeldía en su contra y conceder el remedio solicitado en la demanda, o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discre ción, lo entiende procedente.








El Alguacil del Tribunal que sus cribe anuncia y hace constar: A. Que en cumplimiento del Man damiento que me ha sido diri gido por la Secretaría del Tri bunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, Sala de Caguas, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor de contado y en mone da de curso legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América y cuyo pago se efectuará en efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Al guacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, todo derecho, título o interés que tenga la Parte De mandada en el bien inmueble que se describe a continuación: RÚSTICA: Predio de terreno radicado en el Barrio Cañabon cito, sector Las Hormigas del término municipal de Caguas, Puerto Rico, identificado con el #2 en el plano de inscripción, con una cabida de 2,532.68 metros cuadrados, equivalen tes a 0.6447 cuerdas. En lindes por el NORTE, con Sucesión de Vicente Santos Ramírez; por el SUR, con camino a dedicarse a uso público; por el ESTE, con el Solar #1 antes segregado, y po el OESTE, con el predio #3 a segregarse. Dirección Física: RD 785 Lot 2 KM 2.2 Bo. Ca guas, PR 00725. Finca 45,539, inscrita al folio 174 del tomo 1,288 de Caguas, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección Primera de Caguas. B. Que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado están



(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto)

siguiente dirección y dentro del plazo de treinta (30) días con tados desde la publicación del presente edicto: Lcda. Ana Cristina Gómez Pérez Abogada de la albacea de Donésteves de Para RUA 15092 PO Box 13762






Greenspoon Marder, LLP Lcda. Frances L. Asencio-Guido


EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 6 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 7 de septiembre de 2022. En BAYA MÓN, Puerto Rico, el 7 de sep


21 de octubre de 2021, expedi do en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina, en el caso civil número CA2021CV02811, sobre cobro de dinero y ejecución de hipote ca, seguido por Sun West Mort gage Company v. Carmen Elvi ra Concepcion Corchado y Aida Luz Corchado Colon, por la suma de $293,074.73 más inte resesy otras sumas adicionales o en su defecto la venta en pú blica subasta, anotado el día 22 de noviembre de 2021, al tomo Karibe de Trujillo Alto, finca nú mero 29,366, Anotación A. La venta se llevará a cabo para con su producto satisfacer a Sun West Mortgage Company Inc., total o parcialmente el im porte de la Sentencia emitida el 25 de abril de 2022. La venta se llevará a cabo para con su pro ducto satisfacer a Sun West Mortgage Company, Inc., por la hipoteca de $294,566.00, total o parcialmente. El importe de la Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe, ascendente a las siguientes cantidades: $324,076.39 de principal, más intereses al 4.75% anual desde el 30 de noviembre de 2021, así como los intereses acumu lados y por acumularse a partir de esa fecha y hasta el total y completo pago de la deuda; cargos por demora equivalen tes al % de todos aquellos pa gos con atrasos en exceso de 15 días calendarios de la fecha de vencimiento hasta el total y completo repago de la deuda; $24,456.60, es decir, el 10% sobre el principal del pagaré hi potecario para el pago de cos tas, gastos y honorarios de abogado, según pactado; 10% de la cuantía original del Paga ré para cubrir cualquier otro adelanto que se haga en virtud de la escritura de hipoteca y una suma equivalente al 10% del principal original del Pagaré para cubir los intereses en adi ción a los garantizados por ley. El precio mínimo de licitación con relación a la antes descrita propiedad y la fecha y hora de cada subasta es como sigue: PRIMERA SUBASTA: Se cele brará el día 17 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:45 DE LA MAÑANA. PRECIO MÍNIMO: $294,566.00. SEGUNDA SU BASTA: Se celebrará el día 24 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:45 DE LA MAÑANA. PRE CIO MÍNIMO: $196,377.33.

The San Juan Daily Star 27Wednesday, September 14, 2022

San Juan, Puerto Rico 00908 Se le advierte que de no res ponder a este Aviso, los pro cedimientos para la formación y liquidación del caudal del causante continuarán sin más citarle ni oirle.

En este caso la parte deman dante ha radicado Demanda para que se decrete judicial mente el saldo del siguiente pagare: Pagaré a favor de La Cooperativa de Ahorro y Crédito Las Piedras, o a su orden, por Veinte Mil Dólares ($20,000.00), con intereses al seis punto setenta y cinco por ciento (6.75%) anual, vencede ro el primero (1ro) de octubre de dos mil doce (2012), según consta de la escritura número catorce (#14), otorgada en Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, el día veintiséis (26) de septiembre de dos mil dos (2002), ante la Notario Público Kata Michelle Declet Estrada, inscrito al folio #6vto del tomo #283 de Las Piedras, finca #5368, inscrip ción 6ta. y está garantizado por hipoteca sobre la propie dad sita en Carretera 189 R 921 Km 0.7 Barrio Sabana Las Piedras, PR 00771, que se des cribe como sigue: RÚSTICA: Parcela de terreno compuesta de quinientos punto cero cero (500.00) metros, situada en el Barrio Collares del término mu nicipal de Las Piedras, Puerto Rico, que colinda por el NOR TE, con Félix Figueroa; por el SUR, con camino vecinal del Barrio; por el OESTE, con Ro gelio Ortiz: y por el ESTE, con Miguel Gómez. Enclava casa. Inscrita al folio 6 del tomo 283 de Las Piedras, finca número 5,368, Registro de la Propiedad de Humacao. La parte deman dante alega que dicho Pagarés se ha extraviado, según más detalladamente consta en la Demanda radicada que puede examinarse en la Secretaría de este Tribunal. Por tratarse de unas obligaciones hipotecarias, y pudiendo usted tener interés en este caso o quedar afectado por el remedio solicitado, se les emplaza por este Edicto que se publicará en un (1) periódico de circulación general una (1) sola vez y que si no comparecen a contestar dicha Demanda radi cando el original de la misma a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual pueden acceder utilizando la siguiente dirección,electrónica:

res y para el público en general el presente edicto se publicará en un diario de circulación ge neral en el Estado Libre Asocia do de Puerto Rico una vez por semana por un término de dos (2) semanas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre cada publicación. Se fija rá además, en tres (3) lugares públicos del Municipio donde ha de celebrarse la subasta, estos lugares serán la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colecturía de dicho Municipio. Se notificará a la parte demandada copia del edicto de subasta mediante co rreo certificado con acuse de recibo a su dirección que obra en autos. Una vez efectuada la correspondiente venta judicial, otorgaré la escritura del traspa so al licitador victorioso, quien podrá ser la parte demandante, cuya oferta podrá aplicarse a la extinción parcial o total de la obligación reconocida por la Sentencia. Colocaré al licitador victorioso en posesión física de la Propiedad mediante el lanza miento de los ocupantes en el término legal de veinte (20) días desde la fecha de la venta en pública subasta y para ello procederé a romper candados de ser necesario. El Registra dor de la Propiedad cancelará, libre de derechos, todo grava men posterior a la fecha en que se otorgó la hipoteca que ha sido ejecutada mediante esta acción, y procederá a la inscrip ción de la venta a favor del comprador en subasta libre de todo gravamen posterior a la fecha en que se otorgó la hipo teca que ha sido ejecutada me diante esta acción. Expido el presente edicto bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Carolina. En Carolina, Puerto Rico, a 24 de agosto de 2022. HÉCTOR L. PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, ALGUA CIL PLACA #278, ALGUACIL SUPERIOR. ***

POR LA PRESENTE se les notifica que se ha iniciado la preparación del inventario de los bienes relictos del causan te Juan José Donéstevez de Para. Se les requiere para que toda reclamación con los co rrespondientes comprobantes bajo juramento sea presenta da y dirigida al peticionario por conducto de su abogada a la


siendo éste el mejor postor. cualquier momento luego de haberse comenzado el acto de la subasta, el Alguacil podrá re querir de los licitadores que le evidencien la capacidad de pago de sus posturas. Del pro ducto obtenido en dicha venta, el Alguacil pagará en primer término los gastos del Alguacil, en segundo término las costas, gastos y honorarios de aboga do hasta la suma convenida, en tercer término los intereses de vengados hasta la fecha de la subasta, en cuarto término las sumas establecidas en la Sen tencia para el pago de recargos por demora, contribuciones, seguros y en quinto término la suma principal adeudada con forme con la sentencia dictada. Disponiéndose que si quedara algún remanente luego de pa garse las sumas mencionadas, el mismo deberá ser deposita do en la Secretaría del Tribunal para ser entregado a la parte demandada, previa solicitud y orden del Tribunal. Se entende rá que todo licitador acepta como bastante el título del in mueble y las cargas o graváme nes anteriores y los preferentes al crédito del ejecutante, si los hubiere, continuarán subsis tiendo, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda responsable de los mismos sin destinarse a su extinción el pre cio del remate. Se le aprecibe a los tenedores de gravámenes posteriores al que se ejecuta que, para proteger cualesquie ra derechos que tengan sobre el inmueble, deberán compare cer a la subasta, pues de no hacerlo así y de no igualar el precio de venta del gravamen hipotecario que se ejecuta, el Tribunal ordenará la cancela ción de todos los gravámenes posteriores. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquiere libre de cargas y gravámenes posterio res. Si se declara desierta la tercera subasta se dará por ter minado el procedimiento, pu diendo adjudicarse al deman dante la finca dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes, si así lo estimare conveniente, por la totalidad de la cantidad adeu dada si esta fuere igual o menor que el monto del tipo de la ter cera subasta, y abonándose di cho monto a la cantidad adeu dada si esta fuese mayor. Art. 221, Ley Hipotecaria y del Re gistro de la Propiedad de Puer to Rico, 30 L.P.R.A. §2721. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedi miento del caso de epígrafe están disponibles en la Secre taría del Tribunal Superior de Puerto Rico, Sala Superior de Carolina, durante horas labora bles. Para conocimiento de la parte demandada y de toda persona que tenga interés ins crito con posterioridad a la ins cripción del gravamen que se está ejecutando, si alguna, y para la concurrencia de licitado


Demandante V.

Treinta y Seis Metros Cuadra dos, equivalente a Cero punto Cinco Uno Cinco Uno cuerdas.


Dirección Física: Cond. Rosa María, Apto. 2-C, Carolina, PR 00985. Finca 52154, inscrita al folio 224 del tomo 1215 de Carolina, Registro de la Pro piedad de Puerto Rico, Sección de Carolina. B. Que los autos y todos los documentos corres pondientes al procedimiento incoado están de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante las horas laborables bajo el epígrafe de este caso. C. Que se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes, entendiéndose que el rematente los acepta y queda subrogado en la respon sabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el pre cio del remate. La propiedad a



ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes pos teriores. D. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer a la parte demandante el importe de la sentencia que ha obtenido ascendente a la suma principal de $83,639.97, más la suma de $14,561.47, que incluye intere ses según pactados, cargos por demora y otros cargos, que se acumulan diariamente hasta su total y completo pago, más la suma de 10% del principal, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado. Dichas sumas están vencidas, son lí quidas y exigibles. La PRIME RA SUBASTA se celebrará el día 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022

El Alguacil del Tribunal que sus cribe anuncia y hace constar: A. Que en cumplimiento del Man damiento que me ha sido diri gido por la Secretaría del Tri bunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, Sala de Carolina, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor de contado y en mone da de curso legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América y cuyo pago se efectuará en efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Al guacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, todo derecho, título o interés que tenga la Parte Demandada en el bien inmue ble que se describe a conti nuación: RÚSTICA: Solar A: Predio de terreno radicado en el Barrio Hato Puerto de Loíza, hoy Barrio Palma Sola, del tér mino municipal de Canóvanas, Puerto Rico, con una cabida su perficial de Dos Mil Cero Vein ticuatro punto Cuatrocientos





Demandados Civil Núm.: CB2022CV00063.


De declararse desierta dicha segunda subasta, se celebra rá una tercera subasta el día 8 de noviembre de 2022 a las 2:00pm en el mismo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la tercera subasta lo será 1/2 del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $57,438.00. Y PARA QUE ASÍ CONSTE, y para su publi cación en un periódico de circu lación general y por un término de catorce (14) días en los si tios públicos conforme a la ley, expido la presente bajo mi firma y sello de este tribunal, hoy 7 de septiembre de 2022 en Caroli na, Puerto Rico. Hector L. Peña Rodriguez, ALGUACIL.

El Alguacil del Tribunal que suscribe anuncia y hace cons tar: A. Que en cumplimiento del Mandamiento que me ha sido dirigido por la Secretaria del Tri



de manifiesto en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante las horas laborables bajo el epígrafe de este caso. C. Que se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad y que las cargas y gravámenes ante riores y los preferentes, si los hubiere, al crédito ejecutante, continuarán subsistentes, en tendiéndose que el rematente los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su ex tinción el precio del remate. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gra vámenes posteriores. D. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer a la parte demandan te el importe de la sentencia que ha obtenido ascendente a la suma de $77,754.44 por concepto de principal, más la cantidad de $6,429.11, que incluye intereses, cargos por demora y otros cargos, que se acumulan diariamente hasta su total y completo pago, más la suma de 10% del principal, por concepto de costas, gas tos y honorarios de abogado, pactados con en el pagaré y en la escritura de Hipoteca de la parte demandante pactados en el pagaré y en el contra to de hipoteca. La PRIMERA SUBASTA se celebrará el día 25 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022 A LAS 2:30 DE LA TARDE, en la Oficina del Alguacil del Tri bunal de Primera Instancia de Carolina, por el tipo mínimo de $84,250.00. De declararse de sierta dicha subasta se celebra rá una SEGUNDA SUBASTA el día 1 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022 A LAS 2:30 DE LA TAR DE en el mismo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la segunda subasta lo será 2/3 partes del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $56,166.66. De declararse desierta dicha segunda subasta, se celebra rá una TERCERA SUBASTA el día 8 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022 A LAS 2:30 DE LA TARDE en el mismo lugar antes men cionado. El precio para la terce ra subasta lo será 1/2 del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $42,125.00. Y PARA QUE ASÍ CONSTE, y para su publicación en un periódico de circulación general y por un término de ca torce (14) días en los sitios pú blicos conforme a la ley, expido la presente bajo mi firma y sello de este tribunal, hoy 7 de sep tiembre de 2022 en Carolina, Puerto Rico. HÉCTOR L. PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, ALGUACIL.

MAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente direc ción electrónica: https://unired., salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaría del tribunal. Si usted deja de presentar su alegación responsiva dentro el referido término, el tribunal podrá dic tar sentencia en rebeldía en su contra y conceder el remedio solicitado en la demanda, o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discre ción, lo entiende procedente. Se le apercibe a los herederos antes mencionados que de no expresarse dentro de ese térmi no de treinta (30) días, en torno a su aceptación o repudiación de herencia, la herencia se tendrá por aceptada. También se le apercibe a los herederos ante mencionados que luego del transcurso del término de treinta (30) días antes señala do, contados a partir de la fecha e publicación de este edicto, se presumirá que han aceptado la herencia del(los) causante(s) y, por consiguiente, responden por las cargas de dicha heren cia conforme dispone el Artícu lo 1,578 del Nuevo Código Civil, 31 L.P.R.A. sec. 11,021. Repre senta a la parte demandante, la representación legal cuyo nombre, dirección y teléfono se consigna de inmediato: BUFETE FORTUÑO & FORTUÑO FAS, C.S.P. LCDO. JUAN C. FORTUÑO FAS RUA NUM.: 11416 PO BOX 3908, GUAYNABO, PR 00970 TEL. 787-751-5290, FAX: ejecuciones@fortuno-law.com787-751-6155E-MAIL:

The San Juan Daily Star 29Wednesday, September 14, 2022



Expedido bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, hoy 6 de sep tiembre de 2022. LCDA. MA RILYN APONTE RODRÍGUEZ, SECRETARIA REGIONAL. DENISSE TORRES RUIZ, SE CRETARIA AUXILIAR.

MERO DE CATASTRO: 356047-005-01-901. Que esta propiedad se encuentra afecta a una primera Hipoteca por la suma de TREINTA Y OCHO MIL DÓLARES ($38,000.00), a favor del Portador, con inte reses al cuatro por ciento (4%) anual y con vencimiento el 17 de diciembre de 2045. Se cons tituyó mediante la Escritura nú mero 104, sobre Constitución de Hipoteca, otorgada el 17 de diciembre de 2015, ante el No tario Público Ramon Guillermo Velez Rivera. Que dicho pagare se le extravió al demandante corno tenedor del mismo y tie ne urgencia de su cancelación mediante el procedimiento legal a que se contrae en la presente acción ya que el deudor no ha podido pagar las mensualida des correspondientes y se va a realizar una dación en pago de la propiedad. Que el deman dante era el tenedor y acreedor del mismo, el cual no ha sido negociado, traspasado ni ce dido a persona alguna. Que el anteriormente indicado Pagaré se ha extraviado y a la parte demandante le urge la necesi dad de su cancelación ya que el mismo no ha sido negociado, traspasado ni cedido a persona alguna, siendo la parte deman dante la única dueña del suso dicho Pagaré. Se les informa a los presuntos tenedores del

Un segundo nivel con una es tructura de madera de doce pies tres pulgadas (12’3”) por dieciséis pies tres pulgadas (16’3”). La primera planta de concreto consta de dos dormi torios, baño y sala-comedorcocina y terraza. La segunda planta consta de una habita ción y un baño, con un valor de $51,000.00, según la escritura número 48, otorgada en Caro lina el 27 de abril de 2004, ante la notario Rosario González Rosa y escritura numero 47 de Acta de Subsanacion, otor gada en Carolina, Puerto Rico, el dia 27 de abril de 2004, ante el mismo notario, e inscrita al tomo Karibe de Canóvanas, fin ca número 16,172, inscripción 3ra. Dirección Física: Carr. 958 Km 6.5, Solar A, Bo. Palmaso la (Hato Puerco), Canóvanas, PR 00926. Finca 16,172, ins crita al folio 17 del tomo 409 de Canóvanas, Registro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico, Sección Tercera de Carolina.




POR LA PRESENTE se les no tifica que la parte demandante ha radicado una Demanda de Cancelación de Pagaré Extra viado en la cual alega que le vendió la propiedad a descri birse a Nelson Ortiz Alemañy mediante la Escritura Número Ciento Tres sobre Compra venta otorgada en Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico el 17 de diciembre de 2015 ante el Notario Lcdo. Ramón Guillermo Vélez Rivera: RÚSTICA: Predio de terreno de ochenta y un céntimos de cuer da, equivalentes a treinta y un áreas, ochenta y tres centiáreas y sesenta y dos miliáreas, loca lizado en el Barrio Llanos Tuna del Municipio de Cabo Rojo; colindante por el OESTE, con la carretera que de Cabo Rojo, conduce a Boquerón; por el SUD, con Antonio Ortíz antes, hoy con Carmen Luisa Rodrí guez Ortíz y Cacelia Ortiz; por el ESTE, con Adriana Ferrer y Rosalina Ortíz y por el NORTE, con la Carretera denominada “El Salto”. Enclava una estruc tura de madera y zinc. Consta inscrita en el Registro de la Propiedad de San Germán al folio noventa y nueve (99) del tomo trescientos ochenta y tres (383) de Cabo Rojo, finca número trece mil setecientos treinta y cinco (13,735). “NÚ


B. Que los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado están

Demandante V. LORENZO


bunal de Primera Instancia de Puerto Rico, Sala de Carolina, en el caso de epígrafe, venderé en pública subasta y al mejor postor de contado y en mone da de curso legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América y cuyo pago se efectuará en efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Al guacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, todo derecho, título o interés que tenga la Parte De mandada en el bien inmueble que se describe a continuación: URBANA: Apartamento dos C (2-C). Apartamento de dos dormitorios, un baño, cocinalaundry, sala-comedor y balcón localizado en la esquina Su roeste y en la segunda planta del Condominio Rosa María del Municipio de Carolina, Puerto Rico. Colinda por el NORES TE, a su lado derecho, con el apartamento dos D (2-D) y en trada principal, en treinta y tres punto noventa y dos (33.92) pies, equivalentes a diez punto treinta y cuatro (10.34) metros; por el SURESTE, colinda con el apartamento dos B (2-B), en veintitrés punto cuarenta y dos (23.42) pies, equivalentes a siete punto catorce (7.14) metros; por el SUROESTE, con patio común y balcón, en treinta y tres punto noventa y dos (33.92) pies, equivalentes a diez punto treinta y cuatro (10.34) metros. El balcón tie ne un área de cuarenta y seis punto treinta y dos (46.32) pies cuadrados, equivalentes a cua tro punto treinta (4.30) metros cuadrados; por el NOROES TE, colinda con patio común, en veintitrés punto cuarenta y dos (23.42) pies, equivalentes a siete punto catorce (7.14) metros. El apartamento tiene un área privada de ochocientos sesenta y nueve punto sesenta y tres (869.63) pies cuadrados, equivalentes a ochenta punto ochenta y dos (80.82) metros cuadrados. Le corresponde una participación en los elemen tos comunes de punto ciento diecisiete por ciento (117%).

A LAS 2:15 DE LA TARDE en la Oficina del Alguacil del Tri bunal de Primera Instancia de Carolina, por el tipo mínimo de $83,675.36. De declararse de sierta dicha subasta se celebra rá una SEGUNDA SUBASTA el día 1 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022 A LAS 2:15 DE LA TAR DE en el mismo lugar antes mencionado. El precio para la segunda subasta lo será 2/3 partes del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $55,783.57. De declararse desierta dicha segunda subasta, se celebra rá una TERCERA SUBASTA el día 8 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022 A LAS 2:15 DE LA TARDE en el mismo lugar antes men cionado. El precio para la terce ra subasta lo será 1/2 del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $41,837.68. Y PARA QUE ASÍ CONSTE, y para su publicación en un periódico de circulación general y por un término de ca torce (14) días en los sitios pú blicos conforme a la ley, expido la presente bajo mi firma y sello de este tribunal, hoy 7 de sep tiembre de 2022 en Carolina, Puerto Rico. HÉCTOR L. PEÑA RODRÍGUEZ, ALGUACIL.



En lindes por el NORTE, con camino dedicado a uso público; por el SUR, con solar “B”; por el ESTE, con el remanente de la finca de la cual se segrega y por el OESTE, con terreno pro piedad de la Sucesión de Bar tolo García. Edificación: Se ha construido una casa de treinta y dos pies con tres pulgadas (32’3”) por veintiocho pies con una pulgada (28’1”) con una terraza de madera de catorce pies dos pulgadas (14’2”) por ocho pies tres pulgadas (8’3”).


Demandados Civil Núm.: CA2022CV01555.

sabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el pre cio del remate. La propiedad a ser ejecutada se adquirirá libre de cargas y gravámenes pos teriores. D. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer a la parte demandante el importe de la sentencia que ha obtenido ascendente a la suma principal de $103,892.47, más la suma de $11,734.24, que incluye intereses según pactados, car gos por demora y otros cargos, que se acumulan diariamente hasta su total y completo pago, más la suma de 10% del prin cipal, por concepto de costas, gastos y honorarios de abo gado. La primera subasta se celebrará el día 25 de octubre de 2022 a las 2:00pm, en la Oficina del Alguacil del Tribu nal de Primera Instancia de Carolina, por el tipo mínimo de $114,876.00. De declararse de sierta dicha subasta se celebra rá una segunda subasta el día 1 de noviembre de 2022 a las 2:00pm en el mismo lugar an tes mencionado. El precio para la segunda subasta lo será 2/3 partes del precio mínimo de la primera, o sea, $76,584.00.

POR LA PRESENTE se le em plaza par que presente al tri bunal su alegación responsiva dentro de los treinta (30) días de haber sido diligenciado este emplazamiento, excluyéndo se el día del diligenciamiento. Usted deberá presentar su ale gación responsiva a través de Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SU



Demandante Vs JOSE A. BOU Demandado(a)

revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 8 de septiembre de 2022. En Caguas, Puerto Rico, el 8 de septiembre de 2022. LISILDA MARTÍNEZ AGOSTO, SECRE TARIA. VIONNETTE ESPINO SA CASTILLO, SECRETARIA AUXILIAR.

Estado Libre Asociado de Puer to Rico TRIBUNAL GENERAL DE JUSTICIA Tribunal de Pri mera Instancia Sala Superior de Ponce/ CLARIBEL ORTIZ RIOS






WHEREAS: Judgment was entered in favor of plaintiff to recover from defendants the principal sum of $86,409.11, plus interest at a rate of 5.060% per annum until the debt is paid in full. The defendant Nilda Luz Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilsa Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Luz Santiago a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago a/k/a Nilda Santia go a/k/a Nilsa Santiago to pay Finance of America Reverse, LLC., all advances made under the mortgage note including but not limited to insurance pre miums, taxes and inspections as well as 10% ($17,100.00) of the original principal amou nt to cover costs, expenses, and attorney’s fees guaranteed under the mortgage obligation. The records of the case and of these proceedings may be examined by interested parties at the Office of the Clerk of the United States District Court, Room 150, Federal Office Buil ding, 150 Chardon Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico. WHE REAS: Pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned Judgment, Order of Execution, and the Writ of Execution thereof, the under signed Special Master was or dered to sell at public auction for U.S. currency in cash or certified check without apprai sement or right of redemption to the highest bidder and at the office of the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Dis trict of Puerto Rico, Room 150 – Federal Office Building, 150 Carlos Chardón Avenue, Hato Rey, Puerto Rico, to cover the sums adjudged to be paid to the plaintiff, the following property.

Plaintiff VS. Nilda Luz Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilsa Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Luz Santiago a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago a/k/a Nilda Santiago a/k/a Nilsa Santiago; United States of America

(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto) EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 2 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted en terarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta no tificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circula ción general en la Isla de Puer to Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sen tencia, Sentencia Parcial o Re solución, de la cual puede esta blecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la

Santiago; United States of GENERALAmericaPUBLIC


LA SECRETARIA que suscri be le notifica a usted que el 6 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 12 de septiembre de 2022. En San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 12 de septiembre de 2022. GRISEL DA RODRÍGUEZ COLLADO, SECRETARIA REGIONAL. ELSA MAGALY CANDELARIO CABRERA, SECRETARIA AU XILIAR DEL TRIBUNAL I.


URBANA: Solar número seis de la Manzana H, Urbanización Santa Mónica, Barrio Pájaros de Bayamón, Puerto Rico, compuesta de 325.00 metros cuadrados. En lindes por el NORTE, con el solar número 5, en 25.00 metros; por el SUR, con el solar número 7, en 25.00 metros; por el ESTE, con la Ca lle número 6, en 13.00 metros y por el OESTE con el solar nú mero 21, en 7.00 metros y con el solar número 20, en 6.00 me tros, con un total la distancia de 13.00 metros.” Property Num ber 19,829 recorded at page 146 of volume 438 of Bayamon Sur, Registry of the Property of Puerto Rico, Section I of Baya món. The mortgage being fore closed is recorded at page 37, volume 1,933 of Bayamon Sur, property 19,829, 12th inscrip tion, Registry of the Property of Puerto Rico, Section I of Baya mon. WHEREAS: This property is subject to the following liens: Senior Liens: None. Junior Liens: Reverse mortgage se curing a note in favor of Se


EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que ci 17 de agosto de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representado usted una parte en ci procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 9 de septiembre de 2022. En Ponce, Puerto Rico, el 9 de septiembre de 2022.



Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de

cretary of Housing and Urban Development, or its order, in the original principal amount of $171,000.00, due on March 30, 2094 pursuant to deed number 84, issued in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on June 9, 2014, before notary Magaly Rodriguez Batis ta, and recorded, at page 37 of volume 1,933 of Bayamon Sur, property number 19,829, 13th inscription. Other Liens: None. Potential bidders are advised to verify the extent of preferential liens with the holders thereof. It shall be understood that each bidder accepts as sufficient the title and that prior and pre ferential liens to the one being foreclosed upon, including but not limited to any property tax, liens, (express, tacit, implied or legal) shall continue in effect it being understood further that the successful bidder accepts them and is subrogated in the responsibility for the same and that the bid price shall not be applied toward their cancella tion. THEREFORE, the FIRST public sale shall be held on the 11th day of October, 2022 at 9:20am. The minimum bid that will be accepted is the sum of $171,000.00. In the event said first auction does not produce a bidder and the property is not adjudicated, a SECOND public auction shall be held on the the 18th day of October, 2022 at 9:20am, and the minimum bid that will be accepted is the sum $114,000.00, which is twothirds of the amount of the mini mum bid for the first public sale.


TO: Nilda Luz Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilsa Santiago Medina a/k/a Nilda Luz Santiago a/k/a Nilda L. Santiago a/k/a Nilda Santiago a/k/a Nilsa


If a second auction does not result in the adjudication and sale of the property, a THIRD public auction will be held on the the 25th day of October, 2022 at 9:20am, and the mini mum bid that will be accepted is the sum of $85,500.00, which is one-half of the minimum bid in the first public sale. The Spe cial Master shall not accept in payment of the property to be sold anything but United States currency or certified checks, ex cept in case the property is sold and adjudicated to the plaintiff, in which case the amount of the bid made by said plaintiff shall be credited and deducted from its credit; said plaintiff being bound to pay in cash or certified check only any excess of its bid over the secured indebtedness that remains unsatisfied. WHE

REAS: Said sale to be made by the Special Master subject to confirmation by the United Sta tes District Court for the District of Puerto Rico and the deed of conveyance and possession to the property will be executed and delivered only after such confirmation. Upon confirma tion of the sale, an order shall be issued cancelling all junior liens. For further particulars, reference is made to the jud gment entered by the Court in this case, which can be exa mined in the Office of Clerk of



EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 7 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 8 de septiembre de 2022. En BAYAMÓN, Puerto Rico, el 8 de septiembre de 2022. LCDA. LAURA I. SANTA SÁNCHEZ, SECRETARIA. IVETTE M. MA RRERO BRACERO, SECRE TARIA AUXILIAR.

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202230











EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 7 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia

RAMOS GERENA Demandado(a) Civil: BY2021CV05035. Sala: 503. Sobre: COBRO DE DI NERO Y EJECUCIÓN DE HI POTECA. NOTIFICACIÓN DE SENTENCIA POR EDICTO. A: NESTOR PEDRO RAMOS GERENA. (Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto)


(Nombre de las partes a las que se les notifica la sentencia por edicto)

Civil Núm.: CG2022CV02021.

BALLO GARCIA, Secretaria Regional. f/ JESSICA NEGRON SURIS, Secretaria Auxiliar.

(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto)

the United States District Court, District of Puerto Rico. In San Juan, Puerto Rico, this 10th day of August of 2022. By: Pedro A. Vélez-Baerga, Special 787-672-8269.specialmasterpr@gmail.comMaster.


pagare extraviado y a las per sonas desconocidas que la Demanda se fue presentada a través del sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Ca sos (SUMAC), por lo que usted podrá presentar por conducto de su abogado (a) su moción a través de éste utilizando la siguiente dirección


EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 2 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted en terarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta no tificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circula ción general en la Isla de Puer to Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notificación. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedimiento sujeta a los términos de la Sen tencia, Sentencia Parcial o Re solución, de la cual puede esta blecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publi cación de este edicto. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archi vada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 8 de septiembre de 2022. En Bayamón, Puerto Rico, el 8 de septiembre de 2022. LAURA I. SANTA SÁN CHEZ, SECRETARIA. NÉLIDA OCASIO ORTEGA, SECRETA RIA AUXILIAR.




(Nombre de las partes a las que se les notifica la sentencia por edicto)

Demandado(a) Civil: PO2022CV00467. 406.




TERCERA SUBASTA el día 27 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA en mi oficina sita en el lugar antes in dicado. Que en cumplimiento de un Mandamiento de Ejecu ción de Sentencia que ha sido liberado por la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Mayagüez, en el caso de epígrafe con fecha de 6 de junio de 2022, procede ré a vender en pública subasta y al mejor postor, todo derecho, título e interés que tenga la par te demandada de epígrafe en el inmueble de su propiedad ubi cado en: Lot 1 SR 109 KM 6.1 Espino Ward, Añasco PR 00610, y que se describe a con tinuación: RUSTICA: Solar nú mero 1 radicado en el Barrio Espino de Añasco, Puerto Rico, con un área superficial de 420 metros cuadrados que colinda por el Norte, con el área a ser destinada a uso público y el re manente de la finca; por el Sur, con el Solar número 2 y con el remanente de la finca; por el Este, con el remanente de la finca y por el Oeste, con el área a ser dedicada a uso público y el Solar número 2. Finca núme ro 5,156 inscrita al folio móvil del tomo 15 de Añasco del Re gistro de la Propiedad de Puer to Rico, Sección de Mayagüez. La subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer, hasta donde al cance, el importe de las canti dades adeudadas a la parte demandante conforme a la sen tencia dictada a su favor, a sa ber: $96,957.20, por concepto de balance principal del présta mo más intereses acumulados al 31 de julio de 2014, y los cua les continúan acumulándose anualmente; más la cantidad de $15,450.00, equivalente al 10% de la suma principal original pactada, estipulada para cos tas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; más recargos acumu lados hasta la fecha en que se pague la deuda; más cualquie ra suma de dinero por concepto de contribuciones, primas de seguro hipotecario y riesgo, así como cualesquiera otras sumas pactadas en la escritura de hi poteca, todas cuyas sumas es tán líquidas y exigibles. La hipo teca a ejecutarse en el caso de epígrafe fue constituida me diante la escritura número 57 otorgada el día 30 de abril de 2012, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, ante el Notario Público Samuel Soto Alonso y consta inscrita al Tomo Karibe de Añasco, finca número 5,156, Registro de la Propiedad de Añasco Sección de Mayagüez. Por la presente se notifica a los acreedores que tengan inscritos o anotados sus derechos sobre los bienes hipo tecados con posterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del eje cutante o acreedores de cargos o derechos reales que los hu biesen pospuesto a la hipoteca del actor y a los dueños, posee dores, tenedores de o interesa




endoso o al portador garantiza dos hipotecariamente con pos terioridad al crédito del actor que se celebrarán las subastas en las fechas, horas y sitios se ñalados para que puedan con currir a la subasta si les convi niere o se les invita a satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honora rios de abogado asegurados quedando subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecu tante. Entiéndase: Hipoteca Revertida en garantía de un pagaré a favor del Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop ment, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $420,000.00, ven cedero el día 10 de abril de 2084, constituida mediante la escritura número 350, otorgada en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el día 5 de agosto de 2010, ante la notario Laura Mia Gonzalez Bonilla, e inscrita al folio 145 del tomo 1583 de Rio Piedras Nor te, finca número 4,125, inscrip ción 11va. Que la cantidad mí nima de licitación en la primera subasta del inmueble antes descrito será la suma de $420,000.00 según se estable ce en la escritura de hipoteca antes relacionada. En caso de que el inmueble a ser subasta do no fuera adjudicado en su primera subasta se ordena la celebración de una segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, en la cual, la cantidad mínima será una equivalente a 2/3 parte de aquella, o sea la suma de $280,000.00; desierta también la segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, se ordena la celebra ción de una tercera subasta en la cual, la cantidad mínima será la mitad del precio pactado para la primera subasta, es decir la suma de $210,000.00. La pro piedad se adjudicará al mejor postor, quien deberá satisfacer el importe de su oferta en mo neda legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América en el momento de la adjudicación, entiéndase efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Pri mera Instancia, y que las car gas y gravámenes preferentes, si los hubiese, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsis tentes, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabili dad de los mismos, sin desti narse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad no está sujeta a gravámenes ante riores y/o preferentes según surge de las constancias del Registro de la Propiedad en un estudio de título efectuado a la finca antes descrita. Una vez efectuada la venta de dicha propiedad, el Alguacil procede rá a otorgar la escritura de tras paso al licitador victorioso en subasta, quien podrá ser la par te demandante, cuya oferta po drá aplicarse a la extinción par cial o total de la obligación


drá aplicarse a la extinción par cial o total de la obligación reconocida por la sentencia dictada en este caso. La propie dad a ser ejecutada se adquiri rá libre de cargas y graváme nes posteriores. Si el producto de la venta fuere insuficiente para satisfacer la cantidad re clamada, se procederá a la eje cución de la sentencia en con tra de la parte demandada por el remanente de las sumas no satisfechas, mediante embargo y venta en ejecución de cuales quiera otros bienes propiedad de la parte demandada en can tidad suficiente para dejar cu bierta y totalmente satisfecha a la parte demandante cualquier deficiencia o parte insoluta de la sentencia dictada a su favor según dispuesto en la senten cia dictada en este caso. Se dispone, conforme con la sen tencia dictada en este caso que, una vez efectuada la su basta y vendido el bien inmue ble, los adjudicatarios sean puestos en posesión del mismo dentro del término de veinte (20) días por el Alguacil de este Honorable Tribunal y los actua les poseedores lanzados del referido inmueble. De ser ello necesario, el Alguacil podrá dili genciar el Acta de Subasta que se expida en horas laborales, de día, los 5 días de la semana y podrá romper cualquier cerra dura o candado que dé acceso al inmueble objeto de este des alojo. Y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general, se publicará este Edic to de acuerdo con la ley, me diante edicto, en un periódico de circulación general en el Es tado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, una vez por semana, por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, y para su fijación en tres (3) luga res públicos del municipio en que ha de celebrarse la venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribu nal y la Colecturía, y se le notifi cará además a la parte deman dada vía correo certificado con acuse de recibo a la última di rección conocida. EN TESTI MONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto de Subasta para conocimiento y compare cencia de los licitadores, bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, en Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, a 6 de julio de 2021. ALG. IVELISSE


DEMANDANTE VS. Damaris Ortega Archilla, t/c/c Damaris Ortega; Estados Unidos de América

Barrio de Hato Rey, lugar del Floral Park, término municipal de Rio Piedras; la casa es terre ra de construcción de concreto y techo de zinc y mide nueve metros con cincuenta centíme tros de frente por veinte metros de fondo, y contiene garaje y habitación para servicio domes tico construido de iguales mate rial. El solar es marcado con el número nueve de la manzana D, en el plano de la Urbaniza ción de la finca de donde proce de, y mide doce metros cin cuenta centímetros de frente por treinta metros de fondo, o sea, trescientos setenta y cinco metros cuadrados, colindando por el SUR, con la Avenida Bro adway; por el NORTE, con el solar número ocho de la Socie dad J. Hernández y Hermanos; por el ESTE, con la calle San Pedro; y por el OESTE, con el solar número diez de dichos J. Hernández y Hermanos. Finca número 4,125, inscrita al folio 203 del tomo 783 de Rio Pie dras Norte, Registro de la Pro piedad de Puerto Rico, Sección II de San Juan. Dirección de la Propiedad: 55 (D9) Betances St. (Broadway Ave.) Floral Park Dev, San Juan PR 00917. La subasta se llevará a cabo para satisfacer, hasta donde alcan ce, el importe de las cantidades adeudadas a la parte deman dante conforme a la sentencia dictada a su favor, a saber: de 181,416.54 de principal, intere ses pactados y computados sobre esta suma al tipo de 6.0% anual hasta su total y completo pago, contribuciones, recargos y primas de seguro adeudadas, y la suma de $42,000.00 equi valente al 10% de la suma prin cipal original pactada, estipula da para costas, gastos y honorarios de abogado; más recargos acumulados hasta la fecha en que se pague la deu da; más cualquiera suma de di nero por concepto de contribu ciones, primas de seguro hipotecario y riesgo, así como cualesquiera otras sumas pac tadas en la escritura de hipote ca, todas cuyas sumas están líquidas y exigibles. La hipoteca a ejecutarse en el caso de epí grafe fue constituida mediante la escritura número 349 otorga da el día 5 de agosto de 2010, San Juan, Puerto Rico, ante el Notario Público Laura Mia Gon zalez Bonilla y consta inscrita al folio 145 del tomo 1,583 de Rio Piedras Norte, finca número 4,125, Registro de la Propiedad de Río Piedras Norte, Sección II de San Juan. Por la presente se notifica a los acreedores que tengan inscritos o anotados sus derechos sobre los bienes hipo tecados con posterioridad a la inscripción del crédito del eje cutante o acreedores de cargos o derechos reales que los hu biesen pospuesto a la hipoteca del actor y a los dueños, posee dores, tenedores de o interesa dos en títulos transmisibles por


Al: Público en General


The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202232


Yo, ALG. IVELISSE FIGUEROA VARGAS, ALGUACIL PLACA #924, Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Ma yagüez, a los demandados, acreedores y al público en ge neral con interés sobre la pro piedad que más adelante se describe, y al público en gene ral, por la presente CERTIFI CO, ANUNCIO y HAGO CONS TAR: Que el día 13 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA en mi oficina, sita en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Supe rior de Mayagüez, Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, procederé a ven der en Pública Subasta, al me jor postor, la propiedad inmue ble que más adelante se describe y cuya venta en públi ca subasta se ordenó por la vía ordinaria mediante Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe, la cual se notificó y archivó en autos el día 10 de noviembre de 2015. Los autos y todos los documentos correspondientes al procedimiento incoado, esta rán de manifiesto en la Secreta ría durante horas laborables. Que en caso de no producir re mate ni adjudicación en la pri mera subasta a celebrarse, se celebrará una SEGUNDA SU BASTA para la venta de la su sodicha propiedad, el día 20 DE OCTUBRE DE 2022, A LAS 10:00 DE LA MAÑANA; y en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación, se celebrará una


SALA: 506. SOBRE: Cobro de Dinero y Ejecución de Hipoteca por la Vía Ordinaria. EDICTO DE SUBASTA.




CIVIL NÚM.: SJ2019CV12232.


Yo, Edwin E Lopez Mulero, Al guacil del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de San Juan, a los demandados, acreedores y al público en general con inte rés sobre la propiedad que más adelante se describe, y al públi co en general, por la presente CERTIFICO, ANUNCIO y HAGO CONSTAR: Que el día 13 de octubre de 2022, a las 11:00 de la mañana, en mi ofici na, sita en el Tribunal de Prime ra Instancia, Sala Superior de San Juan, San Juan, Puerto Rico, procederé a vender en Pública Subasta, al mejor pos tor, la propiedad inmueble que más adelante se describe y cuya venta en pública subasta se ordenó por la vía ordinaria mediante Sentencia dictada en el caso de epígrafe, la cual se notificó y archivó en autos el día 4 de febrero de 2022. Los autos y todos los documentos corres pondientes al procedimiento in coado, estarán de manifiesto en la Secretaría durante horas laborables. Que en caso de no producir remate ni adjudicación en la primera subasta a cele brarse, se celebrará una segun da subasta para la venta de la susodicha propiedad, el 20 de octubre de 2022, a las 11:00 de la mañana; y en caso de no pro ducir remate ni adjudicación, se celebrará una tercera subasta el día 27 de octubre de 2022, a las 11:00 de la mañana en mi oficina sita en el lugar antes in dicado. Que en cumplimiento de un Mandamiento de Ejecu ción de Sentencia que ha sido liberado por la Secretaría del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de San Juan, en el caso de epígrafe con fecha de 18 de julio de 2022, proce deré a vender en pública su basta y al mejor postor, todo derecho, título e interés que tenga la parte demandada de epígrafe en el inmueble que se describe a continuación: UR BANA: Solar y casa sitos en el

dos en títulos transmisibles por endoso o al portador garantiza dos hipotecariamente con pos terioridad al crédito del actor que se celebrarán las subastas en las fechas, horas y sitios se ñalados para que puedan con currir a la subasta si les convi niere o se les invita a satisfacer antes del remate el importe del crédito, de sus intereses, otros cargos y las costas y honora rios de abogado asegurados quedando subrogados en los derechos del acreedor ejecu tante. Entiéndase: Hipoteca Revertida en garantía de un pagaré a favor de Secretario de la Vivienda y Desarrollo Urbano de Puerto Rico, o a su orden, por la suma principal de $154,500.00, con intereses al 5.060% anual, vencedero el día 20 de abril de 2082, constituida mediante la escritura número 58, otorgada en Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, el día 30 de abril de 2012, ante el notario Samuel Soto Alonso, e inscrita al tomo Karibe de Añasco, finca número 5,156, inscripción 12da. Que la cantidad mínima de licitación en la primera subasta del in mueble antes descrito será la suma de $154,500.00 según se establece en la escritura de hi poteca antes relacionada. En caso de que el inmueble a ser subastado no fuera adjudicado en su primera subasta se orde na la celebración de una se gunda subasta de dicho inmue ble, en la cual, la cantidad mínima será una equivalente a 2/3 parte de aquella, o sea la suma de $103,000.00; desierta también la segunda subasta de dicho inmueble, se ordena la celebración de una tercera su basta en la cual, la cantidad mínima será la mitad del precio pactado para la primera subas ta, es decir la suma de $77,000.00. La propiedad se adjudicará al mejor postor, quien deberá satisfacer el im porte de su oferta en moneda legal y corriente de los Estados Unidos de América en el mo mento de la adjudicación, en tiéndase efectivo, giro postal o cheque certificado a nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Pri mera Instancia, y que las car gas y gravámenes preferentes, si los hubiese, al crédito del ejecutante continuarán subsis tentes, entendiéndose que el rematante los acepta y queda subrogado en la responsabili dad de los mismos, sin desti narse a su extinción el precio del remate. La propiedad no está sujeta a gravámenes ante riores y/o preferentes según surge de las constancias del Registro de la Propiedad en un estudio de título efectuado a la finca antes descrita. Una vez efectuada la venta de dicha propiedad, el Alguacil procede rá a otorgar la escritura de tras paso al licitador victorioso en subasta, quien podrá ser la par te demandante, cuya oferta po


Demandados Civil Núm.: ISCI201301759.


reconocida por la sentencia dictada en este caso. La propie dad a ser ejecutada se adquiri rá libre de cargas y graváme nes posteriores. Si el producto de la venta fuere insuficiente para satisfacer la cantidad re clamada, se procederá a la eje cución de la sentencia en con tra de la parte demandada por el remanente de las sumas no satisfechas, mediante embargo y venta en ejecución de cuales quiera otros bienes propiedad de la parte demandada en can tidad suficiente para dejar cu bierta y totalmente satisfecha a la parte demandante cualquier deficiencia o parte insoluta de la sentencia dictada a su favor según dispuesto en la senten cia dictada en este caso. Se dispone, conforme con la sen tencia dictada en este caso que, una vez efectuada la su basta y vendido el bien inmue ble, los adjudicatarios sean puestos en posesión del mismo dentro del término de veinte (20) días por el Alguacil de este Honorable Tribunal y los actua les poseedores lanzados del referido inmueble. Y para la concurrencia de licitadores y para el público en general, se publicará este Edicto de acuer do con la ley, mediante edicto, en un periódico de circulación general en el Estado Libre Aso ciado de Puerto Rico, una vez por semana, por espacio de dos (2) semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo me nos siete (7) días entre ambas publicaciones, y para su fijación en tres (3) lugares públicos del municipio en que ha de cele brarse la venta, tales como la Alcaldía, el Tribunal y la Colec turía, y se le notificará además a la parte demandada vía co rreo certificado con acuse de recibo a la última dirección co nocida. EN TESTIMONIO DE LO CUAL, expido el presente Edicto de Subasta para conoci miento y comparecencia de los licitadores, bajo mi firma y sello del Tribunal, en San Juan, Puerto Rico, a 9 de septiembre de 2022. Edwin E Lopez Mule ro, ALGUACIL, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA SALA DE SAN JUAN.




POR LA PRESENTE se le em plaza para que presente al tri bunal su alegación responsiva, con copia a Ia representación legal de Ia parte demandante, dentro de los 30 días de haber sido publicado este emplaza miento, excluyéndose el día su publicación. Usted deberá pre sentar su alegación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SUMAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando Ia siguiente dirección electrónica: https:// unired.ramajudicialpr/surnac’, salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberá presentar su alegación responsiva en Ia secretarla del tribunal. Si usted deja de pre sentar su alegación responsiva dentro del referido término, el tribunal podrá dictar sentencia en rebeldía en su contra y con ceder el remedio solicitado en Ia demanda. o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discreción, lo entiende procedente. Extendido bajo mi firma y Sello del Tribunal, en Caguas, Puerto Rico, hoy día 7 de septiembre de 2022. Lisilda Martinez Agosto, Secretaria. Vilma Oyola Rivera, Sub-Se cretaria.





(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto)






Certifico y Hago Constar: Que en cumplimiento con el Man damiento de Ejecución de Sentencia que me ha sido diri gido por el (la) Secretario(a) del Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala Superior de Humacao, en

Lcdo. José R. Gonzalez RiveraRUA 13105

Greenspoon Marder, LLP Lcda. Frances L. Asencio-Guido R.U.A. 15,622

The San Juan Daily Star 33Wednesday, September 14, 2022







POR LA PRESENTE, se le emplaza y requiere para que notifique a: AGS LEGAL COLLECTIONS, LLC Abogados de Ia parte demandante





POR LA PRESENTE se le emplaza para que presente al Tribunal su alegación respon siva a la demanda dentro de los treinta (30) días a partir de la publicación de este edicto. Usted deberá presentar su ale gación responsiva a través del Sistema Unificado de Manejo y Administración de Casos (SU MAC), al cual puede acceder utilizando la siguiente direc ción electrónica: http://unired., salvo que se represente por derecho propio, en cuyo caso deberé presentar su alegación responsiva en la secretaria del tribunal. Si usted deja de presentar su alegación responsiva dentro del referido término, el tribunal podrá dic tar sentencia en rebeldía en su contra y conceder el remedio solicitado en la demanda, o cualquier otro, si el tribunal, en el ejercicio de su sana discre ción, lo entiende procedente.



EL SECRETARIO (A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 3 de agosto de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de esta. Esta no tificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circula ción general en la Isla de Puer to Rico, dentro de los diez (10) días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 7 de septiembre de 2022. En San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 7 de septiembre de 2022. GRISEL DA RODRÍGUEZ COLLADO, SECRETARIA REGIONAL. JOHANNA RODRÍGUEZ BENÍ TEZ, SECRETARIA AUXILIAR.




Demandante V. CITIBANK N.A.;

P.O. Box 10242



Teléfono: (939) 545-4300



EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 1 de septiembre de 2022, este



Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días conta dos a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notifica ción ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 6 de septiembre de 2022. En Coamo, Puerto Rico, el 6 de septiembre de 2022. ELI ZABETH GONZÁLEZ RIVERA, SECRETARIA. MARÍA DEL C. FIGUEROA RODRÍGUEZ, SE CRETARIA AUXILIAR.

(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto)


Demandados Civil Núm.: AR2022CV01279.

(Nombre de las partes a las que se le notifican la sentencia por edicto) EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 7 de septiembre de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días contados a partir de la publicación por edic to de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edic to. Copia de esta notificación ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 7 de septiembre de 2022. En BA YAMÓN, Puerto Rico, el 7 de septiembre de 2022. LAURA I. SANTA SÁNCHEZ, SECRE TARIA. MARILYN COLÓN CA RRASQUILLO, SECRETARIA AUXILIAR.


el caso de epígrafe procederá a vender en pública subasta al mejor postor en efectivo, cheque gerente, giro postal, cheque certificado en moneda legal de los Estados Unidos de América al nombre del Alguacil del Tribunal de Primera Instan cia, en mi oficina ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Humacao, el 3 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:00 DE LA MAÑANA, todo derecho título, participación o interés que le corresponda a la parte demandada o cual quiera de ellos en el inmueble hipotecado objeto de ejecución que se describe a continuación: RÚSTICA: Parcela marcada con el número ciento cincuenta y siete (157) en el Plano de Par celación de la Comunidad Rural Cangrejeros de Barrio Candele ro Abajo del término municipal de Humacao con una cabida superficial de cero (0) cuerdas con novecientos sesenta y dos (962) diezmilésimas de otra, equivalentes a trescientos se tenta y ocho (378.00) metros cuadrados. En lindes por el por el NORTE, con la parcela número ciento cincuenta y seis (156); por el SUR, con la par cela número ciento cincuenta y ocho (158); por el ESTE, con la parcela número ciento setenta (170) ; y por el OESTE, con la Calle número tres (3) de la Co munidad. Consta inscrita al folio 130 del tomo 377 de Humacao, finca número 16,538, Regis tro de la Propiedad de Puerto Rico en Humacao. Propiedad localizada en: Barrio Candele ro Abajo Com, Humacao, PR 00791. Según la certificación registral, la propiedad objeto de ejecución no está gravada por cargas preferentes o posterio res a la inscripción del crédito ejecutante. Se entenderá que todo licitador acepta como bastante la titularidad de la pro piedad y que todas las cargas y gravámenes anteriores y los preferentes al crédito ejecutan te antes descritos, si los hubie re, continuarán subsistentes. El rematante acepta dichas cargas y gravámenes anterio res, y queda subrogado en la responsabilidad de los mismos, sin destinarse a su extinción el precio del remate. Se establece como tipo mínimo de subasta la suma de $20,799.99, según acordado entre las partes en el precio pactado en la escritura de hipoteca. De ser necesaria una SEGUNDA SUBASTA por declararse desierta la primera, la misma se celebrará en mi ofi cina, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Hu macao, el 10 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:00 DE LA MAÑANA, y se establece como mínima para dicha segunda su basta la suma de $13,866.66, 2/3 partes del tipo mínimo establecido originalmente. Si tampoco se produce remate ni adjudicación en la segunda su





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basta, se establece como míni ma para la TERCERA SUBAS TA, la suma de $10,399.99, la mitad (1/2) del precio pactado y dicha subasta se celebrará en mi oficina, ubicada en el Tribunal de Primera Instancia, Sala de Humacao, el 17 DE NOVIEMBRE DE 2022, A LAS 11:00 DE LA MAÑANA. Dicha subasta se llevará a cabo para, con su producto satisfacer a la parte demandante, el importe de la Sentencia dictada a su favor ascendente a la suma de $7,968.13 de principal, intere ses al tipo del 9.420% anual según ajustado desde el día 16 de diciembre de 2020 hasta el pago de la deuda en su totali dad, más la suma de $4,160.00 por concepto de honorarios de abogado y costas autorizadas por el Tribunal, más las canti dades que se adeudan men sualmente por concepto de seguro hipotecario, cargos por demora, y otros adeudados que se hagan en virtud de la escri tura de hipoteca. La venta en pública subasta de la referida propiedad se verificará libre de toda carga o gravamen poste rior que afecte la mencionada finca, a cuyo efecto se notifica y se hace saber la fecha, hora y sitio de la PRIMERA, SEGUN DA Y TERCERA SUBASTA, si esto fuera necesario, a los efec tos de que cualquier persona o personas con algún interés puedan comparecer a la cele bración de dicha subasta. Se notifica a todos los interesados que las actas y demás cons tancias del expediente de este caso están disponibles en la Secretaría del Tribunal durante horas laborables para ser exa minadas por los (las) interesa dos (as). Y para su publicación en el periódico The San Juan Daily Star, que es un diario de circulación general en la isla de Puerto Rico, por espacio de dos semanas consecutivas con un intervalo de por lo menos siete (7) días entre ambas publica ciones, así como para su pu blicación en los sitios públicos de Puerto Rico. Expedido en Humacao, Puerto Rico, hoy día 30 de agosto de 2022. JOSÉ LUIS RODRÍGUEZ HERNÁN DEZ, ALGUACIL REGIONAL INTERINO. WILNELIA RIVERA DELGADO, ALGUACIL PLACA #249, ALGUACIL DE SUBAS TAS, TRIBUNAL DE PRIMERA INSTANCIA, CENTRO JUDI CIAL DE HUMACAO, SALA SUPERIOR.




EL SECRETARIO(A) que sus cribe le notifica a usted que el 31 de agosto de 2022, este Tribunal ha dictado Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución en este caso, que ha sido debi damente registrada y archivada en autos donde podrá usted enterarse detalladamente de los términos de la misma. Esta notificación se publicará una sola vez en un periódico de circulación general en la Isla de Puerto Rico, dentro de los 10 días siguientes a su notifica ción. Y, siendo o representando usted una parte en el procedi miento sujeta a los términos de la Sentencia, Sentencia Parcial o Resolución, de la cual puede establecerse recurso de revisión o apelación dentro del término de 30 días conta dos a partir de la publicación por edicto de esta notificación, dirijo a usted esta notificación que se considerará hecha en la fecha de la publicación de este edicto. Copia de esta notifica ción ha sido archivada en los autos de este caso, con fecha de 6 de septiembre de 2022.




Humacao, Puerto Rico 00792 Expedido bajo mi firma, y sello del Tribunal, en Arecibo, Puer to Rico, hoy 2 de septiembre de 2022. VIVIAN Y. FRESSE


Lcdo. Ricardo A. Acevedo Bianchi - RUA 20637


Demandante Vs.

Parte Demandante Vs. JUAN DEL PUEBLO 1 AL 10, COMO





To the extraordinary situation at Wim bledon, which Djokovic won again in July but which earned him no ranking points; the tournament had been stripped of points by the men’s and women’s tours because of Wimbledon’s ban on Russian and Belarusian players over the war in Ukraine.

“I had to be sure,” he said.

His coronation also comes down to tim ing:

In an interview with the Spanish pub lication El País, Juanjo Moreno, Alcaraz’s physiotherapist, said Alcaraz had a “good genetic predisposition that we have man aged to bring to its maximum splendor.”

Alcaraz’s situation is radically different from the case of Nadal, who, as the longtime No. 2, had to chase Roger Federer for years before finally securing the top ranking.

Timing is everything for Carlos Alcaraz

“Numero uno!” shouted someone in Spanish.Alcaraz took note, just as he had after waking up Monday and looking at the up dated ATP rankings on his phone.

“I’m 19 years old,” he said with a grin. “And I have worked a lot and very hard day to day on recovery, and I have a magnificent team.”He offered his thanks

Quality sleep is also essential. “The oth er day, we helped him with a sleep supple ment because we had given him a lot of caf feine,” Moreno told El País.

But Alcaraz’s meteoric rise to the top has not been simply because of his genius — though the word, which should be used very sparingly in tennis or anything else, does seem to apply in his acrobatic case.

Finishing at that hour (and going to sleep at 6 a.m.) is no way for an elite athlete to optimize performance or for a major sports event to maximize its reach even if tennis is a global sport and 2:50 a.m. in New York is prime time in certain parts of the world.

Moreno explained that the team paid close attention to Alcaraz’s hydration and energy replenishment during matches, which included the ingestion of caffeine, a legalButsupplement.Moreno said post-match recovery was the key: focusing on the use of a station ary bike, hot-and-cold contrast baths, mas sage and what he calls the “four Rs.” Those are “rehydration, replenishment of muscle glycogen, restoration of lost amino acids and recovery for the immune system.”

“Look, I don’t want to take credit away from myself,” Alcaraz said. “But it’s true that Rafa, Djokovic, Federer, they were in a pe riod when they were all playing. I had the luck or whatever you want to call it that Djokovic could not play. Everybody has their reasons, but that is the reality. He could not play much for a while, and Rafa kept playing but not all year, either. But like I said, I don’t want to take credit away from myself. I have been playing all season, playing incredible matches and incredible tournaments, and I’ve worked really hard so that things like this couldAthappen.”theend of 2021, Alcaraz was consid ered one of the brightest young talents in the game and was ranked No. 32. Less than nine months later, he has won the Rio Open, Mi ami Open, Barcelona Open, Madrid Open

and now his first Grand Slam title at the U.S. Open.Along the way, he has beaten the old guard, defeating Nadal and Djokovic in Ma drid, and the new wave, defeating 21-yearold Italian Jannik Sinner, 24-year-old Ameri can Frances Tiafoe and 23-year-old Ruud in NewAlcaraz’sYork. latest duel with Sinner in the quarterfinals was the match of the tourna ment, played at close to full throttle for five sets in 5 hours, 15 minutes, with Alcaraz sav ing a match point in the fourth set.

But Alcaraz said Monday that other lessscientific factors were also in play.

U.S. Open victory party at Carlos Alcaraz’s Manhattan hotel wrapped up before 3 a.m. Monday, which was early by his standards at this round-the-clock Grand Slam event.

At 19, Alcaraz is the youngest No. 1 since the ATP rankings were created in 1973. That is quite a feat in a sport that has had plenty of prodigies: from Bjorn Borg to Mats Wilander, Boris Becker to Pete Sampras, to Alcaraz’s Spanish compatriot Rafael Nadal, who also won his first major at age 19 (at the 2005 French Open).

Alcaraz has reached No. 1 before the end of his second full season on tour and after winning his first major title with a fourset victory against Casper Ruud on Sunday.

Carlos Alcaraz with the U.S. Open trophy on Monday in Times Square.

“I got to bed at 5:15 a.m. after the Cilic match, and 6 a.m. after the Sinner match,” he said rather wearily as he sat in the back seat of an SUV, shifting his gaze from his interlocutor to the streetscape outside the tintedHewindows.wasrolling toward Times Square for a rendezvous with his new trophy, and upon arrival, he stepped onto the sidewalk in his jeans and blue-and-white sneakers and was soon holding the silverware high with the photographers — professional and amateur — clicking away as a crowd began to gather.

To Novak Djokovic’s refusal to be vac cinated for COVID-19, which kept him out of this year’s Australian Open and U.S. Open and four Masters 1000 events in North America.ToNadal’s limited schedule because of a series of injuries.

On the upside, this was the first time in U.S. Open history that all sessions in Arthur Ashe Stadium were sold out. That was in part because of the impact of Serena Wil liams’ announcement that the end of her ca reer was imminent, which spiked interest in first-week tickets at Ashe Stadium.

It was also the latest-finishing match in U.S. Open history, wrapping up at 2:50 a.m. ET, which is certainly notable but also a du bious honor even if the tournament present ed him with a commemorative photo from that record-breaking match Sunday.


The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202234

Like the elegant Edberg’s and the elas tic Kuerten’s, Alcaraz’s powers of recovery were astonishing, and for now at least he plans to play in the Davis Cup for Spain later this week in Valencia after flying home.

But Stacey Allaster, the U.S. Open tour nament director, said officials would cer tainly take another look at the night-session schedule before the 2023 Open.


“But above all, it was going on the court with the adrenaline, the matches and every thing,” he said. “You forget the pain. You for get the fatigue, and you push through.”

What is clear is that Alcaraz’s three con secutive late-night marathons did not keep him from the championship. He beat Marin Cilic, Sinner and Tiafoe in five sets each be fore defeating Ruud, becoming the third man in the Open era to win a major after winning three consecutive five-setters. (Stefan Edberg did it at the 1992 U.S. Open, and Gustavo Kuerten did it at the 1997 French Open.)


The boos for Wilson started the mo ment he and his new team took the field, and they continued throughout. He was sacked twice and hit numerous times, much to the delight of the sellout crowd at Lumen Field. Fans held signs that said “Show Russ the Boom,” a reference to Seattle’s “Legion of Boom” defense, and “12 > 3,” a nod to the Seahawks’ nickname for their fans — as in the 12th

“I’ve hit my hand on helmets or bod

The Cowboys now will turn to their backup quarterback, Cooper Rush. A fifthyear player who was undrafted out of Cen tral Michigan, Rush made his first career start last season filling in for Prescott. He led Dallas to a win over the Minnesota Vikings that day, but to call him untested would be an Cowboysunderstatement.fanswhosounded off on

But as news of Prescott’s injury filtered out, some Cowboys fans started calling for the team to pick up or trade for a variety of quarterbacks, while the more cynical among them began talking about drafting one next year with a pick that could — it appears now — be pretty high in the first round.Meanwhile, the other three teams in the NFC East all won — yes, even the New York Giants! That leaves Dallas in an un expected spot for what might be awhile: last place.Nextup for Dallas: Joe Burrow and the Cincinnati Bengals, who will be eager for victory after a frustrating opening-day loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers.

ussell Wilson was traded to the Denver Broncos in the offseason by the only team he had known for the previous decade, having grown disillusioned with his former team’s lack of protection for him, unwillingness to give him say in personnel decisions and widening chasm from its championship days.In Denver, he regained a measure of control and a defensively sound team thought to be one quarterback away fromBooscontending.rained down on Wilson as he took the field against the Seattle Se ahawks on Monday night and he very nearly silenced them. Playing from be hind in the third quarter, Wilson led the Broncos on back-to-back drives into the red zone where his running backs fum

he talk for the Dallas Cowboys this season was about whether they could finally make a deep playoff run after a disappointing loss in a wild-card game last season extended a 26-season streak of not making it past the divisional round.

Though Wilson repeatedly connect ed with his new receivers, Jerry Jeudy and Courtland Sutton, for big gains and threw for 340 yards and one touchdown, he could not will the Broncos to a vic tory that surely would have carried per sonal significance.


The heralded Denver defense was repeatedly penalized, allowing the Se ahawks to extend drives.

The Seahawks’ defense ultimately won, recovering fumbles by Melvin Gor don and Javonte Williams on goal-line stands to help the Seahawks maintain a 17-13

The ageless Brady finished 18 of 27 for 212 yards, with a touchdown and an in terception. Without Cooper as an option, Prescott struggled even before his injury, finishing 14 of 29 for 134 yards and an in terception. His adjusted yards per pass fig ure of 3.07 was the worst of the 28 quar terbacks who started Sunday. Last season’s top offense never got on track: Ezekiel El liott ran for 52 yards, and Prescott didn’t have a completion longer than 22 yards.

message boards were glum even before the news of Prescott’s injury, taking them selves to task for getting their hopes up, and blaming the receiving corps and an other perennial scapegoat, Coach Mike McCarthy.“It’sa long journey; this is Week 1,” McCarthy gamely said after the loss to the Bucs. As for the catastrophic performance, he had a relatively sunny take: “Offensive ly, our rhythm was up and down.”

Looking forward, he said of Rush, “We’ll definitely rally around Cooper.”

Smith finished with 195 yards and two touchdowns on 23 of 28 passing.

There was some concern over the de cision to trade receiver Amari Cooper. But Dallas had the most potent offense in the league last season, scoring 530 points, and quarterback Dak Prescott had thrown for 37 touchdowns. At the very least, Dallas looked like the favorite to win the NFC East.Then came Week 1. Making the play offs at all seems a little far-fetched after Tom Brady, 45, and running back Leonard Fournette schooled the Cowboys defense, and the Dallas offense never came close to a touchdown in a 19-3 home loss to the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday night.

By game’s end, the crowd of 68,695 chanted “Ge-no, Ge-no,” to celebrate Wilson’s replacement, Geno Smith, who began the game by completing 17 of his first 18 passes, one of which found tight end Will Dissly alone for a 38-yard score on the Seahawks’ first offensive posses sion.

The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 35

The Cowboys’ season started poorly. Then it got worse.

After a dull first half, which ended with Tampa ahead, 4-1, in field goals (and 12-3 in points), Brady threw his first touchdown pass of the year in the third quarter. That provided the final margin of victory. That Fournette got 127 yards on 21 carries, in cluding 40 yards on the drive that led to the touchdown, showed that Tampa was confident it had the game in hand nearly the whole time.

Tampa Bay Buccaneers linebacker Devin White, left, sacks Dallas Cowboys quar terback Dak Prescott (center) as Tony Pollard (20) looks on in the second half of an NFL football game in Arlington, Texas on Sunday. (AP Photo/Michael Ainsworth via

It was enough for the more fatalistic Cowboy watchers to declare the season over already.

Thelead.Seahawks are not expected to compete for the playoffs in the NFC as they overhaul the rest of their roster be yond quarterback. But by beating Wil son, Seattle took its first step toward a new era.

The Seahawks’ defense ultimately won, recovering a pair of fumbles on goal-line stands to help Seattle hold on to the lead.

bled on goal-line stands.


Seahawks take control over Russell Wilson’s Seattle return

Wilson’s final drive ended when Broncos kicker Brandon McManus missed a 64-yard field goal attempt with 20 seconds on the clock, and the Se ahawks held on to win 17-16.


ies a lot in my career,” Prescott said after the game. “Never really had anything, maybe a jammed finger. I actually thought that’s what it was. The next play I realized I couldn’t grip the ball.”

player — and Wilson’s No. 3 jersey.

Worse, Prescott fractured his thumb while he was throwing a fourth-quarter pass. He will miss several weeks because the injury requires surgery to repair, the team said; multiple news media reports put the estimate at six to eight weeks.


The man who keeps baseball’s union moving

“Complacencycontinue. is not an option,” Clark said. “I’m not wired that way. We as base ball players can’t be wired that way. And so

On the field, Clark is more circum spect. The game’s competitive integrity under the new labor deal, to him, remains a work in progress. Cincinnati and Oak land conducted fire-sale trades as soon as the lockout ended, and Washington unloaded as the season unfolded.

So Clark will keep moving toward what in his mind is a better game. Al though his contract is up this year, it is ex pected to be extended when the union’s executive board meets in November.

“Tony doesn’t need to be the lead ne gotiator,” Cole continued. “He just needs to be the leader of the union, and that’s creating solidarity, it’s informing the play ers, it’s a lot of tireless, thankless work. He’s been up to every challenge ever since we voted him in.”

ony Clark learned long ago not to stay in one spot. There was a time when basketball was his future. Keep mov ing, the coaches instructed. It makes you harder to defend. Off he went to the Uni versity of Arizona and their Hall of Fame coach, Lute Olson. Clark’s path was cer tain.“I knew that was the plan,” he said. Then he blew out his back in his first Wildcats practice. Eventually, he trans ferred to San Diego State and kept trying to make things work. For two more years, he kept baseball at arm’s length while chasing his hoop dreams. The Detroit Tigers, who had selected him with the second overall pick in the 1990 draft after his senior year of high school, waited. And soon enough, their patience was rewarded.

being comfortable is not necessarily some thing that’s comfortable. That’s in large part how I try to lead our organization. If we’re static, we’re going backward.”

Throughout Clark’s athletic life, fighting for his career came naturally. As soon as his production diminished, he knew he would be replaced. Today, in different ways, the battles

The addition of Meyer — who in early July was promoted to deputy executive di rector of the union — has afforded Clark more time to devote to areas beyond labor strategy. In 2019, baseball’s union teamed with the NFL’s players to create One Team Partners, an organization that hopes to help athletes in all sports capitalize on their name, image and likeness. Unions from Major League Soccer, the WNBA and the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team soon joined.

It is September, the playoff races are crackling and the ink on the new collective bargaining agreement is still drying. And Clark, 50, is still moving.

many people involved as we could. There should be no complaining as to why we didn’t do this or did do that.”


“This was not the road map, not what I anticipated doing, had planned on doing or was what I was interested in doing,” Clark, now in his ninth year as the executive di rector of the Major League Baseball Players Association, said over breakfast in Phoenix late last month. “But here we are.”

Shortly after finishing his oatmeal and fruit plate, he was completing details to unionize more than 5,000 minor league players, offering power to a group that has traditionally been treated as disposable la bor. In Washington, soon after, Clark an nounced his union would be joining the AFL-CIO. Strategically, the hope is that aligning with the nation’s largest labor fed eration and its 12.5 million members will allow growth both in terms of influence and power.

“What we saw coming out of the lockout, we believe, was planned by those teams all along,” Clark said. “It wasn’t anything that was in the deal that was going to affect the decisions that those clubs had already made.”

The new five-year labor agreement was an arduous slog for both players and owners — the 99-day lockout was the second-longest work stoppage in baseball history — and six months later the dust is still settling. The players hoped to “change some habits,” Clark said, referring to man agement.“The changes and attacks on the game itself, turning players into commodities and assets and dehumanizing them, how it’s affected the game on the field, that decision-making as a whole has players understanding and more engaged on the details and the facts and, thus, willing to voice their opinions and concerns in ways that are necessary,” Clark said. “Not just necessary for them as current players, but necessary for the next generation of play ers that comes and reflective of what the players have done before. And so we’re en couraged.”“Fraternity” is one of Clark’s favorite ways to describe the union, because it en compasses not just the current players but the alumni and the minor leaguers as well. Clark reminds his fraternity, both with his actions and his words: Keep moving.

Some days were better than others as Clark settled into the job. Negotiations for a new labor deal with owners were bruis ing in 2016. For the first time since Marvin Miller organized the players in the 1960s, their average annual salaries declined year over year, dropping 6.4% from 2017 throughClark2021.and the union leadership came under fire. They hired Bruce Meyer, an ex perienced labor lawyer, to be the lead ne gotiator for the next deal.

“I think in the last CBA, there was a lot of Monday-morning quarterbacking,” said Craig Stammen, a reliever for the San Diego Padres who was a player represen tative during the 2016 negotiations. “There were a lot more players involved this time around. The executive committee and the subcommittees made it a point to get as

As Stammen explained, going into that 2016 deal, “nobody saw analytics come in and change things to where the owners didn’t want to pay anybody over 30.”

we were trying to vote on who was going to represent us next,” said Andrew Mc Cutchen, a 14-year outfielder currently playing for the Milwaukee Brewers. “We all came together at the time and we were like, this is it. Tony Clark has been through some things. He has some old-school vibe, he was in front of things in the past, so he understands as a player, from the players’ standpoint. He gets it.”

“I can remember going back to when

The San Juan Daily StarWednesday, September 14, 202236

Clark also spearheaded efforts to in crease the players’ licensing programs and business deals in recent years that have increased the union’s cash reserves by hundreds of millions of dollars.

“I don’t want to get too far out ahead of that,” said Gerrit Cole, the Yankees starter who is a member of the union’s executive subcommittee. “But I give him high marks for certainly the last goaroundAddinghere.”Meyer and promoting Matt Nussbaum, the union’s general counsel, have helped, Cole said.

Clark was named the union’s director of player relations in 2010, the year after his retirement. Michael Weiner led the union then, and his goal had been to build out a formal player relations department that would engage and educate the next generation of players. Clark was to work as Weiner’s wingman in that capacity and then ride off into the sunset. Three years later, Weiner was dead from a brain tumor. Clark, upon Weiner’s recommendation in those final months, succeeded him.

With Tony Clark running the show, M.L.B.’s players have labor peace, are on the path to unionizing minor leaguers for the first time and say they are fighting for the soul of the game.

Baseball is more forgiving for young men with prematurely bad backs. Clark spent a few years in the minors before es tablishing himself as an everyday first base man with 30-homer power in the majors. He made the All-Star team in his final year with Detroit, 2001, and his 15-year career included stints with the New York Yankees, New York Mets and Boston Red Sox.


Every row must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

Sudoku Rules:

Fill in the empty fields with the numbers from 1 through 9.

How to Play:

Answers on page 38 The San Juan Daily Star Wednesday, September 14, 2022 37 GAMESGAMES


Every column must contain the numbers from 1 through 9


Every 3x3 square must contain the numbers from 1 through 9

Good things happen when you expand your thinking and look to the bigger picture, Capricorn. The refreshing Sun/Uranus link, can find you eager to move beyond your limits and perhaps discover that you’re capable of more than you thought possible. You may be ready to take a risk with something that could fail. But even if it does, you’ll enjoy the challenge of going for it.

As Mercury retro faces-off with Jupiter, it seems that you’re not easily pleased, Cancer. You may want the opposite of what you have, because you need variety and stimulation rather than the same routine. If this is the case, go for it! Reflect on how you can make your day so different that it leaves you feeling alive and buzzing. Start with some hearty exercise, and take it from there.

The key to making the most of the coming days lies in successful communication, Pisces. The Sun’s connection to Uranus, suggests there may be something you need to say that makes you nervous. Under today’s restless yet potent sky, you might find that going ahead leads to some useful discussions that not only heal, but could make things even better between you and another.

The San Juan Daily StarHOROSCOPEHOROSCOPE Wednesday, September 14, 202238

Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21)

Are people behaving strangely and acting moody or standoffish? It may be that you have unknowingly done something to annoy them, Taurus. Perhaps your tone was a bit intense, or you seemed too pushy, even if you were only trying to help. Rather than respond in kind, do the opposite. Send a friendly text or make a call. Reach out, and let them know you really do care.

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Answers to the Sudoku and Crossword on page 37

Aries (Mar 21-April 20)

The emphasis on your money zone encourages you to crunch those numbers, and find out if your dreams and desires are affordable. Where there’s a will there’s a way Leo, you just need to come up with a brilliant plan to make it happen. With Mercury your money planet rewinding, don’t rush into anything too fast. Make this a time to test out various ideas and do the preparation.

Taurus (April 21-May 21)

You may think you’re being kind and thoughtful, but the Moon’s angle to Pluto, suggests others could take offence. Before you make a move to straighten someone’s collar or point out the stain on their jacket, pause Virgo. Perhaps they really don’t need to hear this, when they have much bigger things in mind. Instead, offer them a coffee or a chat, and leave any criticisms out of it.

Although you appear cool and in control of your feelings, things may be different on the inside, where you might be taking an issue very seriously. With the Moon squaring off with Pluto, admitting this to yourself can be a start. You don’t have to share with another how you feel, unless you want to, but you do need to be honest with yourself and embrace the truth, Libra.

Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 20)

The coming days can be perfect for getting to grips with your stuff, Aquarius. And while this may refer to household clutter, it also includes emotional baggage and extraneous thoughts, all of which might be a drain on you. The Sun in your sector of change makes a lingering link to Uranus, so decluttering on all levels could leave you with room to embrace a golden opportunity.

Pisces (Feb 20-Mar 20)

Keen to adopt healthier eating habits on the home front? The Sun and Venus in Virgo, can see you cooking nutritious meals, and even extending this to treats that are good for you and taste wonderful too. The question is, how long will this last, Gemini? You are a sign that loves variety, so if the appeal wears off in a week or so, you’ll need to find another way to stay on track.

Scorpio (Oct 24-Nov 22)

Libra (Sep 24-Oct 23)

Virgo (Aug 24-Sep 23)

Ready to fight your corner? The Moon in your sign forges an edgy angle with Pluto, so it can seem that the powers that be are no longer working in your interests, and it’s time to make your own rules. Even so, your feelings around this idea could quickly change. As the Moon glides into Taurus, you’ll appreciate the security you already have and might not feel so adventurous, Aries.

Cancer (June 22-July 23)

You may want to be open with someone, and yet today’s lunar ties might cause you to be a tad defensive. Perhaps memories of a betrayal or past hurt spring to mind, and encourage you to clam up. There’s no rush when it comes to get closer to another, Scorpio. You’ll know when it feels right to discuss any personal details. Until then, just bide your time and get to know them better.

Leo (July 24-Aug 23)

With talkative Mercury in your social sector and Mars in your exploration zone, you may be curious about someone who is well travelled and has a lot of life experience. Something about them could tap into your love of adventure and far horizons, and might be a call to leave your comfort zone and try something different. Getting to know them can inspire you even more.

Aquarius (Jan 21-Feb 19)

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