Preserve Magazine - 2015

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Stewards of Land & Water p.11 The Hacienda Garden & Farm-ToTable Dining p.15 All that Jazz at the Hacienda p.35


Elegant Detail is Our Focus • Communication is Our Priority • Satisfying Dreams is Our Goal


14 R S C R BREATHTAKING VIEWS AND BIG ACREAGE. Located less than 2 miles from the Preserve Main Gate, Lot 5 has Pacific Ocean, Monterey Bay, and Preserve Mountain views on 55+ acres, and borders the Big Sur Land Trust to the south. List price includes buyer's initiation fees to the private Preserve Golf and Ranch Clubs. Featured in photographs is a hypothetical rendering by Architect Frank Hennessy that

highlights a possible 4200 sq ft home.

Preserve Land Company, Inc. 831.620.6762 CA BRE # 01937920

14 R S C R Offered at $1,210,000 SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM 2


Photography by Joe Fletcher



ave you ever been frustrated by another person’s genuine incredulity when you try to convey your excitement about a place? Those of us who are familiar with The Preserve are also familiar with this frustration. The problem, of course,

is that the English language is just too pedestrian when it comes to describing places like The Preserve. Then again, we might just be a bit too exuberant and biased when it comes to our 20,000-acre community. The antidote is commonly found in simply having the skeptic or uninitiated experience The Preserve firsthand. Our frustration then quickly shifts to joy as we watch others behold The Preserve for the first time. Fortunately, that joy keeps growing the more time we all spend at The Preserve. The Preserve magazine is designed to expose you to a community that has dedicated itself to protecting some of the most beautiful and biologically diverse land in our country, which shares a value system that is welcoming and respectful, and that has a wonderful place for family and friends to gather and have fun. We hope it entices you to visit and experience The Preserve for yourself. Only then will you truly appreciate why it is our favorite natural gathering place.

Ron Eastman, The Preserve Board Chair Mike Kelly, The Preserve Chief Operating Officer SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM 4


PUBLISHER Zack Bates PRESERVE MARKETING AND BRANDING COMMITTEE Kate Dickman, Roz Fisher, Diane Flynn, Allyson Kavner, Mike Kelly, Carla Joy Goettsch, Jen Anello, Kris McAulay EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Carla Joy Goettsch, Brian McCallen, Carla Zilliox SANTA LUCIA CONSERVANCY CONTRIBUTIONS Christy Fischer, Dr. Christy Wyckoff DESIGN Eric Reed, Elaine Shyu PHOTOGRAPHY CONTRIBUTIONS Christine Bush, Larry Lambrecht, Cory Isom, Santa Lucia Conservancy CUSTOM PUBLISHING & DESIGN 20301 SW Birch St. Suite #203 | Newport Beach, California 92660 MEMBERSHIP INQUIRIES The Preserve Ranch & Golf Clubs 831.620.6700 REAL ESTATE INQUIRIES Preserve Land Company 831.620.6762 Santa Lucia Preserve, its owners and partners are not liable for claims made by any advertisers or any inaccuracies or intentional copyright infringements. © Private Club Marketing, Inc. All rights reserved.









p.21 conservation 7

Conservation Grazing: Reclaiming California’s Native Grasslands 11 Stewards of Land and Water 15 Now Growing at The Preserve: The Hacienda Garden 19 Where the Wildlife Wander

community 21 A Modern Legacy Begins 25 Supporting Our Family Through the Preserve Community Foundation

27 Favorite Preserve Memories 31 Q&A with Executive Chef Jerry Regester

culture 35 All That Jazz at the Hacienda 39 A Top 100 Golf Experience: The Preserve Golf Club 43 A Wild Mushroom Hunt and Lunch 47 New Preserve Events & Activities


C O N S E RV Reclaiming California’s Native Grasslands


he Santa Lucia Preserve lies at the heart of one of the most splendid and biodiverse regions of the world. California’s Central Coast offers a kaleidoscope of colors – the deep greens and russets of the redwood forest,

aquamarines and misty grays of the sea, the soft sage of the chaparral, and the vibrant blues of streams and ponds. But perhaps the most beckoning of all to wildlife and people alike is the ever-changing yet always enchanting hues of our rare coastal prairies. Emerald in winter, flower-studded in spring and a brilliant gold in the summer, our native grasslands are home to an amazing diversity of life. They are also one of the most imperiled habitat types on Earth. Easily converted to a range of human uses and dependent on low-intensity grass fires and other natural disturbance, this essential part of California’s rich natural history is rapidly disappearing.




Within the protected lands of The Preserve, over 1,000

cows as a force of ecological good is a very new idea,

acres of rare native grasslands are in the care of the

but the techniques we are adapting date back over 150

Santa Lucia Conservancy. Golden eagle and prairie

years, to the days when small numbers of cowboys drove

falcons, California poppies and Mariposa lilies, and

great herds of cattle across wild unfenced country from

a host of less known but ecologically valuable critters

Kansas to California.

like California tiger salamanders and native pollinators thrive alongside our more common (and beloved)

Today, the Conservancy is working with Leslie Dorrance

friends like bobcats, foxes and black-tailed deer.

and her family, 4th generation ranchers, who love the land and share our goals of protecting it for people and

The Conservancy has recently completed a rigorous

nature. Together we are pioneering a grazing system

scientific assessment of habitat restoration priorities,

focused on restoring grassland vitality by using portable

ranking these vanishing grasslands as our top

electric fences to focus grazing in areas that benefit both

conservation priority. Our plan is ambitious and

livestock and native plants. Dorrance and her cattle

cutting-edge: to replace the lost natural processes

move gracefully across the landscape, leaving it healthy

of wildfire and native grazers like Tule elk with an

and wild in their wake.

innovative ‘Conservation Grazing’ program using carefully managed livestock. After a hiatus of over 15

The Conservancy’s science team and advisors are

years, the return of these icons of our western heritage

working alongside Dorrance to plan out the process

represents an exciting blend of old and new. Using

and monitor the results. The early responses are very


exciting. After nearly a decade of being unable to find California tiger salamanders at one of their historic breeding ponds on Peñon Peak, this past spring the salamanders returned, with a bumper crop of new ‘tadpoles.’ Two years of careful grazing management around the pond has reduced dead thatch and improved grassland habitat the salamander needs to survive.



Stewards of Land and Water


alifornia is entering the fourth year of a drought that has impacted the supply of its most precious resource – water. And the Santa Lucia Preserve is no exception. However, this self-sustaining community has proactively developed strategic

conservation plans that have made it a leader in the region. Unlike other communities on the Monterey Peninsula, The Preserve is entirely self-sufficient with its water supply. “We are fortunate, especially given today’s climate, to own and operate our water system,” said Chief Operating Officer Mike Kelly. Management of the system incorporates both short and long-term strategies to preserve and protect the water supply for future generations.


According to Forrest Arthur,

water is provided by approximately



75 wells drilled at various sites on


The Preserve. To manage landscape


Community “Historically,




water usage, xeriscape principles

always in some sort of drought

(techniques that in aggregate reduce

situation. On The Preserve, we

the demand for water) are applied in

can’t make it rain, but we can

the landscape design and approval



process and monitored following

plan for our future needs.”

construction. Ultra low flow toilets,




shower heads and faucets are The strategic planning involves

required for all new construction.

a collaborative effort under the

Tiered water rates encourage users

guidance and stewardship of the

to be diligent about their water use.



However, Arthur stated that water

Conservancy is a non-profit, tax

supply strategies are in place and


confidence is high for the long-term





established to ensure that 90

needs of a growing community.

percent of the Santa Lucia Preserve, including its most environmentally

As part of the design of The

sensitive areas, remains natural

Preserve golf course, extensive

and is never subdivided. The

water conservation practices are

Conservancy protects and manages

being implemented. Five storage

18,000 acres of The Preserve’s

ponds with a capacity of 40 million

original 20,000-acre ranchero for

gallons capture rainfall and ground

recreation, grazing, environmental


research, and wildlife habitat. The

throughout the year. These ponds

remaining 2,000 acres of The

are the primary source of water

Preserve is devoted to residences,

for irrigation of the golf course.

recreation and community services.

As drought conditions persisted

Arthur explained that there are

last year, The Preserve community

three major categories of water


users at The Preserve: residences,

conservation measures. As a whole,

facilities and the golf course.

water usage decreased by 40 million

From the beginning, mandatory

gallons compared to the prior year.



The golf course was responsible for

and best management practices

approximately 75 percent of these

were established and have been

reductions while the residences and

adhered to, enabling The Preserve

facilities contributed the remaining

to make positive headway within

25 percent. Key to the reduction in

its sustainability objectives.

water use was eliminating irrigation

For residential and facility users,

in approximately 20 of the 70 acres











normally watered on the course. “It was the right thing

“Since last August, we’ve introduced some test plots with

to do for the environment and the community, and the

different types of Bermuda, and they’ve performed very

membership was made aware of the critical nature of this

well,” Isom reported. “We’re still evaluating the different

requirement due to the severity of the drought,” said

varieties to determine their growing characteristics and

Arthur. “Water usage on the golf course was reduced by

dormancy patterns to see how they handle our cooler

approximately 40 percent.” Other actions that were taken

weather. We’ve been told we could reduce water use by 30

include maximizing existing retention and storage areas

percent by converting, but in fact, we could get up to a

on the golf course, and building systems to catch rainwater

40-50 percent reduction without lowering our agronomic

runoff from parking areas, Golf Clubhouse gutters and

standards and have seen anywhere from a 30-60 percent

rooftops, and employee housing units.

water savings in our trials while still maintaining highquality turf,” Isom said. Surfaced in Bermuda grass, he

Although the drought is not over, the region experienced

said the course will play “much better in the hot summer

significant amounts of precipitation in December of 2014;

months,” a time when the cool season grass consumes a

in that month alone, rainfall exceeded levels experienced

great deal of water. All of these measures taken together

during the entire rain season of 2013-2014. At press time,

will enhance The Preserve’s ability to weather chronic

the community’s storage ponds were filled at 100 percent

California droughts in the future.

of capacity. While Mother Nature is certainly in charge of the rain, The Conservation practices will continue into the foreseeable

Preserve, along with their Santa Lucia Conservancy partner,

future. Priority consideration is being given to the

are making every effort to control their own destiny with

construction of a new storage pond on land adjacent to

an environmentally proactive approach. The residents

the New Corporation Yard. This pond will bolster the

and staff share a common love and responsibility for this

community’s ability to catch and store more rainfall and,

amazing and unique community, and they are committed

therefore, reduce seasonal vulnerability. Nine new wells

to being a leader in land and water conservation.

have been drilled to create new sources of drinking water and enhance the community’s irrigation supply. “Onsite well exploration will continue,” Arthur said. Significantly, he explained that recent upgrades to the community’s


wastewater treatment plant have tripled the treatment


capacity, creating more recycled water for golf course use


as the community expands. The Golf Club is also considering the use of drought-


resistant grasses that could potentially save millions of


gallons of water annually without reducing the quality of the


playing surfaces. Cory Isom, golf course superintendent, said he’s ready to make the case to the membership


about converting the fairways from a bent and rye grass


combination to a homogeneous strand of Bermuda grass, while keeping the bent grass greens and tees intact.




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Our completely reimagined and expanded restaurant and patios offer sweeping vineyard and valley views. The locally focused menu is sophisticated yet rustic, created from the fresh bounty of our organic gardens, apiaries, and handcrafted ingredients from our resort’s artisans.







he “locavore” movement has arrived at The Preserve. Locavores are typically interested in eating foods that are produced within 100 miles of their consumption. However,

The Preserve’s lucky locavores can now eat produce that’s grown within a few hundred yards of the Hacienda dining room. Thanks to the efforts of a few members collaborating with Chef Jerry Regester and Gardener Nicky Thomas, diners are savoring seasonal fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits grown in our very own Hacienda Garden. As they relish each bite of sweet, vine-ripened tomatoes or desserts made from freshlypicked fruit, they can look out the Hacienda’s picture window and see the landscape from which these delicacies were just


picked! Calling themselves the “Green Goddesses”, Ranch Club members Laura Gamble, Pat Eastman, Sue Fuller, Sandy Hahamian and Teri Goodman took the initiative to explore the possibility of re-establishing the garden begun in the early 1990s. Chef Jerry’s arrival in June 2014 provided the perfect opportunity to revitalize the garden. As plans and objectives expanded, and excitement for the project grew, The Ranch Club stepped forward to contribute a larger, more suitable space behind the Hacienda. In the true spirit of collaboration, the Goddesses along with other interested members, have underwritten the effort for the benefit of The Preserve as a whole. Pat Eastman explains, “This is a tremendous opportunity to experience the ‘farm-to-table movement’ right in our own backyard!” Laura Gamble adds, “With this garden, we have a rare opportunity to promote the best eating and cooking practices, while enjoying a menu filled with the freshest seasonal produce possible.” The garden project would not have had its abundant start without Nicky’s expertise and hands-on approach. A longtime organic gardener, she is definitely in her element. Nicky adds, “I feel so fortunate for this opportunity to work with Chef Jerry and to share freshly-picked produce with The Preserve’s members.” She has planted over 200 tomato plants of a great


many varieties. She’s also planted several lettuces,

Chef Jerry regularly features the garden’s bounty on his

herbs, greens, carrots, potatoes, and fruit trees to

menus. He is particularly excited to have members and

name just a small sampling of the garden’s crops. Nicky

guests experience vegetables at their peak ripeness.

is especially enthusiastic about growing non-GMO

“It’s absolutely incredible to have a garden this large and

corn on The Preserve after verifying that the Hacienda

varied. To be able to act on my deeply-held philosophy

Garden is outside the three-mile limit of bees that

of continually changing our menus based on the

may be pollinating a nearby corn field. She proudly

freshest produce available is just the coolest thing ever.”

confirms, “We truly have pure local corn.” The garden

Chef also points out that relatively few of the nation’s

also features over 40 rose bushes; many of them are

top restaurants grow and serve their own produce.

heritage varieties. With several climbing up the ranch-

“Our new Hacienda Garden is another wonderful thing

style arbors that anchor the central path, the garden is

that truly distinguishes The Preserve.”

certain to provide a visual as well as culinary feast. 17 SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM

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WILDLIFE WANDER The Santa Lucia Preserve is, at its very essence, a bold and forward-thinking model of conservation. In an era where the leading threat to wildlife is loss of habitat, The Preserve design permanently protects over 90 percent of the land for the explicit purpose of providing large, diverse and connected areas of healthy and wild natural lands.


More impressive still is the community itself. The people

It is still early in this three-year study, but as the images are

who call this place home are invested intellectually and

collected, we are learning a great deal about our wildlife

emotionally in this majestic landscape and in the well-

and gaining rare insights into their lives: young lions

being of the rare diversity of life it supports. At the heart

playing tag, tiny fawns exploring a new world, and shy

of it all is a conservation community.

foxes on midnight hunts for mice. Social events on The Preserve are great venues for our participants to share

In partnership with The Preserve landowners, the

encounters and establish friendly ‘bragging rights’ over

Santa Lucia Conservancy is leading several ground-

who has captured the most interesting photos and which

breaking research projects focused on understanding

homes have the greatest diversity visiting their backyards.

the natural resources of The Preserve and measuring our efforts to conserve it. Our newest project is aimed

A better understanding of how wildlife is interacting with

at understanding how wildlife are using habitat in the

the people and developed spaces of The Preserve will help

different areas of The Preserve, and how the presence of

us in many ways: improving human-wildlife interactions,

people may affect them.

prioritizing habitat restoration, and adaptively managing our lands. A project of this scale is only possible because

In August of 2014, the Conservancy and 25 Preserve

of the extraordinary commitment of The Preserve’s

households launched the “Where the Wildlife Wander”

conservation community. You can see ‘best of photos’

project, systematically documenting wildlife using

and information on living with wildlife on our website at

state-of-the-art cameras. In just six months, these

citizen scientists along with Conservancy biologists have downloaded tens of thousands of images, documented

The Santa Lucia Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) non-profit

nearly 40 birds and mammals, discovered a new species

land trust incorporated in 1995 to conserve the ecological

to The Preserve (kangaroo rat, Dipodomys sp.), and

health and integrity of The Preserve.

logged over 3,500 wildlife observations using 65 cameras. This incredible network of motion-sensitive

Science-based and forward-thinking, the Conservancy

infrared cameras allows us to observe the local wildlife

plays an essential role in ensuring The Preserve attains

without capturing them or affecting their behavior,

its full potential: a place of enduring wild beauty and

allowing us to compare the number of species using

resilient biodiversity, actively cared for and protected by a

habitat adjacent to homes and recreational areas versus

thriving community of people who treasure it.

land managed as wild habitat. SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM 20

As the saying’s not where you are, it’s who you are with. But for April and Andrew Bosworth, the place is

a modern

legacy begins

equally important and meaningful. In 2012, an engaged April and Andrew a.k.a. Boz were looking for the perfect place for their September nuptials. While deciding on a venue, they discovered that their good friends Chris Kelly and Jennifer Carrico were Preserve members, who happily offered to sponsor the Bosworths’ special occasion.



“Coming through the gates on our first visit was like entering another world,” April explains. “We were blown away by the beauty and expansiveness of the land. We even saw wild turkeys and a coyote!” Boz adds, “Ironically, one of our original requirements was that our guests would not have to drive too far to get to the ceremony. But once we experienced this exquisite drive, we quickly changed our minds. We wanted our guests to share that same incredible first impression.” Both April and Boz grew up in open spaces. She spent her childhood in rural Pennsylvania; he was raised on a California horse ranch and vineyard that has been in his family for 120 years. “We are both outdoorsy people and love camping and hiking. We wanted to have an elegant wedding, but we didn’t want it to be too formal or imposing,” Boz elaborates. “The Preserve has all the grandeur without all the pretentiousness.” “The fact that there’s a redwood grove on the property is amazing,” he continues. “We’d go up to the redwoods when we were kids and we loved fairy rings. My dad used to call them cathedrals and I always thought it would be cool to get married in the redwoods. As soon as we saw the grove at The Preserve, we knew it was the perfect spot for our wedding.” April rode into the ceremony on a horse. “I’ve been a horse-lover and equestrian since my childhood and it was fun to incorporate that into our wedding. It was a truly perfect day.” Even before the wedding they knew they would eventually purchase property at The Preserve – and their dream has become a reality. As the VP of Ads & Pages at Facebook, Boz’s home base needs to be in the Bay Area. “We’ll have the best of both worlds,” April elaborates. “We have our house in a more suburban area near his work, but we’ll have our weekend home at The Preserve to be a little further away from it all.” “For me,” Boz describes, “it is quintessential California. It’s hard to find a place that captures the openness, chaparral and redwood


forests that I experienced throughout my childhood. And it’s

They plan to start building within the year. In the meantime,

remarkable to know it will be preserved. There was no doubt

they have visited often. “We’ve brought friends and family

that we’d make a home here.”

down to stay at the Hacienda,” Boz says. “We’ve all taken golf lessons, hung out by the pool with the waterslide, and explored

Not surprisingly, they’ve purchased a lot that can accommodate

Carmel Valley or the 17-mile drive on day trips.” April muses,

horses. April started riding English when she was eight years

“As our son gets older we’ll definitely be spending a lot of time

old – Hunter/Jumper and also some Dressage. She’s owned

outdoors at The Preserve. And, there are so many wonderful

horses most of her life, competing and winning many titles

events offered throughout the year; it will be fun to incorporate

in local horse shows. She also competed at Penn State, going

our unique family traditions once we have our own place.

to Nationals with the equestrian team three out of four years.

Everyone, including the staff, is so friendly. It definitely feels

Meanwhile, back on the ranch in California, Boz was immersed

like a home away from home.”

in trail riding and western traditions. “So,” April laughs, “our son is definitely going to ride English!” Boz is quick to respond with a smile, “He’ll be learning both.”


When asked to highlight the one unforgettable element about The Preserve, they both pause and reply that it’s a very hard question. Then Boz laughs, “Did I mention the waterslide? The waterslide is a huge plus! Seriously though, I don’t know that there is a better, more tranquil place to be. Napa and Sonoma have gotten so busy and so dense. When you drive into The Preserve you get an immediate sense of relaxation and comfort.” April sums it up. “It holds so much meaning to us because it’s where we got married and started our life together. It’s a magical place – and we’ve chosen to make our future here.”



Supporting Our Family Through The Preserve Community Foundation her two grown sons , a 16 year old

of the money.” Lorena also needed

and a 20 year old. Born and raised

funds for post surgery expenses, at

in Mexico, Lupe comes from a large

least enough for the first three months

At The Preserve, the meaning of

family of eight siblings – five girls

of medication – medication she will be

“family” is extended to everyone

and three boys – of which she is the

taking for the rest of her life.

– members, guests, and staff. The

second oldest. And Lupe is closest to

moment you drive through its gates,

her sister Lorena, who at one time

The Preserve’s tight-knit community

The Preserve becomes your home,

also worked at The Preserve.

quickly heard about Lupe’s decision

Lupe and her sister Lorena

your community. And in the Golf

to donate a kidney to her sister.

Clubhouse, one of its own is always

For a long time, Lorena suffered from

Preserve members Robert Kavner

eager to welcome you with a warm smile;

hypertension and didn’t know it. She

and Sal Gutierrez, president of the

her name is Lupe.

experienced terrible headaches, but

Preserve Community Foundation,

never went to get checked out by a

contacted Lupe to let her know that

Maria Guadalupe “Lupe” Esparza has

doctor. One day she became very ill,

the Preserve Community Foundation

been a part of The Preserve family

collapsed and had to be rushed to the

would help her. One of the two areas

for over 14 years. “Lupe is short for

hospital. That’s when they discovered

the Foundation directs giving is in

Guadalupe; it’s my nickname,” Lupe

that Lorena’s abnormally high blood

providing emergency support for

said. “Everyone here, from co-workers

pressure had affected her kidneys, and

employee families during times of

to members, call me Lupe.” Lupe is

to make matters worse, her kidneys

extreme crisis.

a server in the Golf Clubhouse; you

were 50 percent damaged. This was

can find her tending bar in the Mixed

11 years ago. According to Lupe,

Lupe’s first concern was for her

Grill or serving patrons in the main

Lorena handled the illness as best she

sister and wanted the community to

dining room. “I started working in

could until her kidneys just stopped

focus their help on Lorena. But the

banquets and the Hacienda for a

working. “When we were told only 3

Foundation did more than that; they

couple of months before I moved to

percent of the kidneys were working,

also flew out Lupe’s and Lorena’s

the Clubhouse.” That was back in

that’s when we had to do the surgery,”

parents from Mexico so that they could

2001 and she’s been at the Clubhouse

Lupe said. Lupe’s family got tested as

be present to support both of their

ever since. When you ask Lupe what

potential kidney donors, but no one

daughters for the surgeries. “I heard

keeps her here, her face instantly lights

was compatible, except for Lupe, who

about Lorena’s condition through

up. “I love everything about this place!

was the closest match.

Lupe,” Sal said. “The Foundation

The members…they are so friendly. I

reached out to those [members]

like to be around nature and see the

But before the surgery could even

who knew about her situation. It

beautiful hills, and this place is very,

happen, Lorena had to come up with

was a small group of 15-20 people.

very peaceful,” she said.

$15,000. “It was very hard, all the

Insurance covered most of the medical

expenses,” Lupe recalled. “My sister,

expenses, but we helped out with the

Lupe has an hour and a half commute

my friends, and my family, we all

flights and filling prescriptions, which

everyday to work; for the last six years,

worked together to donate stuff and we

was under $20,000.”

she has lived in Marina, Calif. with

had a fundraiser just to collect some


Both surgeries were successful with little to no complications. Three and a half months after the surgery, Lupe returned to work and three to four months after that, Lorena also resumed working, but part time. Lupe recalled, “I saw her this past weekend and she’s so happy. She’s working and she’s completely recovered. It’s amazing how everything’s changed her life.” According to Lupe, before the surgery, Lorena was too weak to do much of anything. Now Lorena can enjoy the outdoors and even do some hiking with Lupe. At this point in the conversation, Lupe’s voice starts to waver as she tries to express her gratitude to the membership and the Preserve Community Foundation, “I don’t have enough words to say thank you to them. They have not just been members to me, but they’ve been family. And they see me as family.” About the Preserve Community Foundation The Preserve Community Foundation provides support to The Preserve staff’s families in need. Consistent with the values of preserving the land and environment, it is important to acknowledge and support the exceptional individuals who work at The Preserve and make it such a special place to live. The Foundation is committed to achieving maximum participation from Preserve members, investing in our community by providing educational opportunities to our employee families and to the future of the entire Monterey community. The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM 26



We all have a story, do n’t we? Whether it’s h appy, sad, funny or scary, certai n experiences seem to plant themselves as perennial memory seeds in our brains th at can define us and in decisions and – in man form our y cases – enrich our li ves. We cast a net to tr harvest a few pearls, an y and d several of our mem bers – Patti Boitano, Forster, Tim Gonzale Nancy z, and Steve Troy – ki ndly responded. They their personal memo shared ry with us as it relates to either how they fou way to this glorious an nd their d special place or a fa mily memory that was created while experiencing T he Preserve.


e, me and our three ging experience for my wif an -ch life a s wa ia rn lifo horseback to est ranch in Solvang, Ca under chickens, and riding “A family vacation to a gu m fro s egg t lec col s kid r ing ou hough both fresh outdoor air, watch place to raise our kids. Alt st children. Breathing the be the s wa y cit big the ering if nday brunch got us wond on vacation and briefly the redwoods to enjoy Su w many times had we been Ho ge. an ch a for dy rea big cities, we were ys we fell in love with the my wife and I grew up in nt. In just a few short da ere diff s wa p tri is Th at if we could live here? thought, wouldn’t it be gre of California. “old west” ranchero life horses and a trailer. For y life, buying a couple of bo cow the o int p ste st fir before we took our The more we rode, the We weren’t home a week enjoy long rides together. to rks pa nty cou d an te ekends trailering to sta ce conversation the next year we spent we of our own. It was a chan ch ran a on ing liv d ne agi g for a the days in Solvang and im el Valley many times lookin rm more we thought back to Ca d ite vis d ha We . e Preserve eks to get that would lead us to Th ch club. It took three we ran te iva during a school field trip pr re -ac 00 ,0 20 mention a had never heard anyone e with it. ranch to buy. We certainly ly 15 minutes to fall in lov on d an 00 20 in ck ba the Santa Lucia Preserve an appointment to tour at we did find lm trees and coconuts. Wh pa d fin n’t did We r. tou ee-hour lf course, s Island, we took the thr , a lake, a clubhouse, a go ter cen Like the cast of Gilligan’ rts spo a rs, gle an ing staff of wr ured trails, stables, a car rner and 299 families were 100 miles of manic that I now live like Ted Tu ds en fri my l tel sly rou were hooked! I humo and a vaquero lifestyle. We help me pay for it. the have grown to four, with rve. Our first two horses ese Pr e Th on e tim l ful city and now live you can find us down at We sold our house in the ing one of the many trails, lor exp t no are we If s. h performance horse r horsemanship original ones replaced wit where we can show off ou eo rod s er’ mb me a – o ng da s for that d getting ready for the Fan to The Preserve redwood the barn cutting cows an ing rid us d fin l wil you t maybe and penning cattle. Or jus skills of cutting, sorting Sunday brunch. now with children of Our children are grown ul every day that a simple their own. We are gratef Santa Barbara guided family vacation south of eserve to a lifestyle our us to the Santa Lucia Pr erations.” family will enjoy for gen - Steve Troy mber since 2000 Ranch and Golf Club me


ng place, and “The Preserve is a remarkably welcomi d times to our has many ways of bringing fun and goo s throughout family. As a family, we have enjoyed hike even staged the property, shared terrific meals, and the corkscrew an energetic family competition on bringing their slide at the pool. Our children enjoy ing the fun friends to The Preserve and further shar year, we factor the property produces. This past nce when shared a very memorable family experie icipate in our son, Geoff, and I teamed up to part Cathy and the Boar Hunt golf tournament. With ory in the our son, Kevin, cheering us on to vict factor couldn’t get horse race, The Preserve family fun any better.” - Tim Gonzalez 2013 Ranch and Golf Club member since

e on a sunny July day in 1995. “We first discovered The Preserv ch Inn to celebrate our 20th We had been staying at Post Ran a bike route and Robinson anniversary, were in search of . We drove to the top of the Canyon Road had been suggested ving in its spiritual quality, hill on a road that was deeply mo climactic felt natural splendor, and startling t little trafficked back road. as if we alone had discovered tha ienda on the down hill. When we saw the Hac ded hea and es bik our ed oad We unl fect spot! where to build and found the per in ice cho vast had who ily fam lt by a right, we thought that this was bui presented to visit that . Weeks later, the opportunity was ted oun rem and , ath bre our ght We stopped, daydreamed, cau ourselves beginning of a love affair between the was so And . did We re. mo n d and lear Hacienda and stay for the weeken the commitment; what and endowed added meaning to zed ani org was y anc serv Con a t and The Preserve. The fact tha t a legacy! Of What an insurance policy and wha ce. hen s tion era gen see ld wou what we we saw that day would be largely because of the amazing e for the natural beauty and stayed cam we t tha is in aga and in aga r course, the theme you’ll hea common values.” e irresistible magnetic force and sam this by wn dra are who , cted people, self sele - Nancy Forster e 2000 Ranch and Golf Club Member sinc


ula since 1988, Monterey Penins e th on ed liv “As we have life on this never thought that we , lly ca lo re he raising our sons had spent ecial. After all, we sp e or m y an be surfed peninsula could ium, the boys had ar qu A y Ba y re te Mon years enjoying the our home, we only minutes from s ot sp ed wn no in world re Sunset Center, ng events at the pi op dr wja d ce had experien ished our , but when we fin eo od R as lin Sa d Pebble Beach, an little did erve community, es Pr he T to in home and moved ng on the cake.” t to enjoy the “ici ou ab re we we at we know th grandchildren hter-in-law and ug da , ns so r ou To now see lomb is truly ts with such ap en ev ve er es Pr the Old participate in rtney’s wedding in ou C d an ’s ic in d our “icing.” From Dom ns and friends, an so th wi gs tin ou golf Barn to frequent ephews, The ieces and grandn dn an gr th wi al Easter Festiv Brian, who us! When our son, r fo e ac pl al ic ag Preserve is a m seams, all is bursting at the e us ho e th e, m -old lives abroad, is ho t! Even 22-month ou ab is ve er es Pr at The clamoring for wh rite horses from members her favo re , ke oo Br r, te granddaugh friendships even strengthened ve ha l al y he T frequent visits. eserve ties. s who also have Pr nd ie fr a re A y Ba with r? It might have d memory thus fa re su ea tr t os m a Do I have ine Bush, our ust when Christ ug A st la on no to be the after house and er, came to the ph ra og ot ph ve ar old, wonderful Preser a little over a ye st ju en th , ke oo photographed Br background of as a little girl. The rn wo d ha I s es dr wearing a ent...covered f to a magical mom el its nt le y ul tr a the Santa Luci with ‘icing!’” - Patti Boitano nce 2002 Club member si Ranch and Golf SANTA LUCIA PRESERVE.COM 30

Q&A with

Executive Chef Chef Jerry Regester


xecutive Chef Jerry Regester oversees the culinary program for both The Preserve Ranch and Golf Clubs. Born and raised in the northeast, Jerry Regester began his career training at the New England Culinary Institute, where he also fell in love with wine. Following graduation, he

moved west to follow his dreams of working in the wine country. Since that time, Jerry has had the opportunity to work with some of the world’s greatest chefs at places like Domaine Chandon in Napa, California, The Lodge at Pebble Beach in Pebble Beach, California and Pacific’s Edge Restaurant at The Highlands Inn in Carmel, California to name a few. In addition, he has had the chance to showcase his skills at events like Pebble Beach Food and Wine, the Carmel Tomato Fest and the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Cooking for Solutions. Jerry’s focus is on using sustainable ingredients and adhering to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s Seafood Watch Program. He describes his cooking style as rustic elegance with refined flavors. Jerry’s philosophy: “Great cuisine starts with great ingredients.”


What’s your guilty food pleasure? What’s so irresistible about it?

based on what’s growing in season, pick what I need from the garden and walk a few feet to the Hacienda kitchen to put it all together. However, processed food is something

Risotto! I love to make it and finish with lots of butter

I wish would go away. Food shouldn’t live on your shelf

and cheese. I can never have just a small serving…it’s

for years; think about the amount of preservatives and

the romance of making it with the proper technique

stabilizers in the ingredients that allow this to happen.

and ingredients, peak of season. Ultimately, it’s the

Food is best enjoyed and better for you in its natural

wonderful creamy, cheesy rice that is irresistible, and it


only takes 20-30 minutes to do it properly.

Let’s talk food trends. What do you see as the next big food trend? And what food trend do you wish would go away? Right now, the trend is still going “back to basics,” to food that is sustainable and locally sourced for farm-totable freshness. The Preserve community has embraced this by putting together the Hacienda Garden for all members to enjoy. I can create fresh and healthy dishes


What’s the most underused ingredient that yields amazing results? Tell me how you use it.

If you were to dine at the Hacienda and/or Golf Clubhouse as a guest, what would you order?

Sherry vinegar is a great ingredient because it’s a well

I would order the Kampachi because I love to start a meal

rounded vinegar that enhances and gives excitement to

with a raw item and Bouillabaisse because I love fish stews.

food, but yet isn’t too acidic. In Preserve dishes, I have I’ve used a couple of drops to enhance and enliven a sauce.

What are your food plans for The Preserve in 2015 and goal(s) for the next 3-5 years?

If you hadn’t become a chef, what other profession would you have pursued?

For 2015, I have implemented a weekly changing menu at

used sherry vinaigrette with shallots on garden greens or

the Hacienda and it has been well received by the Preserve community. My food plans include growing the Hacienda

A farmer because I worked on farms as a young child,

Garden and our local products as well as continuing to

picking grapes and baling hay. I enjoyed the hard work

change the menu. My goals are to source local dairy cows

because I found it fulfilling.

to make our own butter, have a wood burning oven in the

What job kick started your career in culinary? Lebros Italian restaurant was my first real restaurant job where the Chef kicked my butt and taught me how to move extremely fast while maintaining great taste, consistency and quality. I still visit it every time I go home to Buffalo, New York.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received from a chef friend or mentor? Cal Stamenov (Chef at Bernardus Lodge) told me to stay humble and that great food has to be balanced. He taught me how to use acidity as a form of seasoning. I met Cal at Domain Chandon in Napa, Calif. back when he was chef de cuisine.


Hacienda kitchen and build a pastry program so my team can make everything in house, soup to nuts.

I N N O V A T I O N . C R A F T S M A N S H I P. V A L U E . Since 1978 Groza Construction has been building homes on the Monterey Peninsula. We are excited to announce the completion of our seventh home in the Preserve. In continuing the legacy, we would like to announce new ownership at Groza. Cody West and Asa Engstrom will work alongside Brian Groza over the next 5 years in forging the next generation of leadership at Groza. Please consider our experience and expertise for your future project. We would appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working with you. P 8 3 1 6 5 5 7 6 0 5 | 8 8 3 A B R E G O S T R E E T | M O N T E R E Y, C A 9 3 9 4 0 W W W . SANTA G R O LUCIA Z A C OPRESERVE.COM N S T R U C T I34O N . C O M

all that

J Aat theZ Z H AC I ENDA

Thanks to the Monterey Jazz Festival and The Santa Lucia Preserve, one stellar spring evening last March the Hacienda was transformed into a venue rivaling New York’s famed CafÊ Carlyle. This year, fans were treated to an intimate dinner show featuring world-class jazz singer and pianist Dena DeRose, with bassist Peter Barshay and drummer Akira Tana.




oward Fisher, Jazz Festival Board member and a

During the opening reception, patrons filled the patio

resident of The Preserve – along with his wife, Roz

to listen to a trio comprising outstanding local student

– worked closely with Tim Jackson, the Festival’s

musicians. As members of the Monterey County High

artistic director to deliver the second annual Jazz at the

School All-Star Band, these young people have benefited

Hacienda event. Howard explains, “This evening is a true

directly from the efforts of the Jazz Festival. Proceeds from

collaboration between the Jazz Festival and The Preserve.

the annual Jazz Festival and funds raised at events like Jazz

The Preserve puts on a great party with incredible food

at the Hacienda support the Jazz Education Initiative,

in an amazing setting, and the Jazz Festival delivers an

which brings professional musicians into local schools

exceptional production. The lighting and sound in the

to cultivate students’ interest and exposure to the legacy

Great Room of our 1920s-era Hacienda provided a full,

of jazz. The important mentoring taking place at school

high-end musical experience for all the guests.”

sites, along with the annual summer Jazz Camp and AllStar performance tours, give students real-life


Monterey County High School All-Star musicians, sisters Akili and Ayana Bradley, with Roz and Howard Fisher, Preserve Ranch and Golf Club members since 2000.

professional experiences and opportunities, while

served and the trio returned to the stage to perform

conveying meaningful artistic guidance to new

their long, electrifying second set. There was absolute

generations, regardless of level. After guests were seated

magic in the air, the music was phenomenal and the

for dinner, Tim introduced the students who spoke with

crowd was spellbound.

earnest gratitude about the important role the Festival’s program played in their Jazz education.

But as with all good things, the evening ended much too soon. As the happy patrons left the scene, Howard,

Then it was time for some music from the Dena

Roz, Tim, and The Preserve team were regaled with

DeRose Trio. Dena connected immediately with the

members’ rave reviews for the event. One comment

crowd while delivering a riveting first set. Afterwards,

in particular sums them up best: “My wife and I are

she and the other musicians joined lucky guests for

pinching ourselves that we have the opportunity to be

their first and second courses. Roz reflects, “Needless

at a quality event like this, in such a unique setting.

to say, their table mates were enthralled!” Dessert was

We’re already anticipating next year!”


1 W T R The estate at 1 Wild Turkey Run has an enviable combination of quality architecture, craftsmanship, desirable location, panoramic views and privacy that make it a rare opportunity. A winding private drive through the oak and madrone trees emerges onto a natural, elevated clearing, offering spectacular sweeping views over the Preserve Ranch Center and the Santa Lucia Mountain Range. The home exudes a casual elegance; crafted with only the finest elements, yet the warm design is conducive to entertaining and family enjoyment. Highlights include 33x29 great room with bar, the dining room has two built in wine closets, and the pool and spa are complimented with a game room/ pool house with telescopic sliding doors. The master bedroom shares a double sided fireplace with the master tub.

1 WILD TURKEY RUN Offered at $8,750,000 Preserve Land Company, Inc. 831.620.6762 CA BRE # 01937920

27.74 acres with 1.9 acre homeland 8,800 sq. ft. 5 bedroom home + 6 full and 2 half bathrooms 3 car garage




Routed across coastal foothills a few miles inland

behind Santa Lucia Preserve, contacted Sandy Tatum, a

from Carmel-by-the-Sea, The Preserve Golf Club is

patriarch of the game who had collaborated with Robert

nationally recognized for its excellence. Rare among

Trent Jones, Jr. and Tom Watson on the design of The

modern courses, The Preserve is true to the concept of

Links at Spanish Bay in Pebble Beach, Calif. A purist who

protecting and preserving its natural landscape. Nature

abhors contrivances on a golf course, Tatum gave Gray his

is fundamentally important to its design without any

candid advice.

suggestion of imposed architectural features. The greens meld into the land, seemingly there forever. Sheltered by

“Because sand does not appear in most inland areas,

haystack-shaped hills and framed by burly oaks, colorful

Sandy was not a big fan of extravagant bunkering,” Gray

wildflowers and gurgling creeks, the course beckons both

remembers. (There are today fewer than 50 bunkers

the golfer and the naturalist to appreciate The Preserve’s

on the course. Most are directional, not penal). Tatum

vast ranchero. Keen observers will note that many of the

cautioned that the landscape should be modified as little

golf holes trace the migratory routes of native animals,

as possible. He also felt the putting surfaces should be

from bobcat and badger to wild boar and mule deer.

left open in front so that players could bounce the ball onto the greens. Both men wanted graceful transitions

How did this seamless creation come into being? Nearly

between holes so that the course could be walked by

25 years ago, Tom Gray, one of the visionary developers

reasonably fit players.


Gray next consulted an acquaintance, J. Michael Poellot,

within a 20,000-acre parcel of gentle hills and mammoth

to create a golf blueprint for the course. Best known for

oaks,” the publication reported. “Fazio moved almost no

his design work in the Far East, Poellot juggled dozens

earth here, so perfect was the routing established by Poellot

of routings to devise a layout that take players into the

and Tatum. The greens are subtle, the bunkering low key,

meadows and across the ridge tops, a course that fits its

the atmosphere one of constant tranquility.” In addition,

setting hand-in-glove.

The Preserve is ranked No. 35 on the current roster of Golfweek’s 100 Best Residential Courses.

In 1998, Gray reached out to Tom Fazio, who he says “had the highest profile at the time among the game’s

Because it hews closely to the sport’s original Scottish

cognoscenti. This was important to us from a marketing

model as an unembellished field of play, and because

perspective. We needed a designer ‘name’ for the course.

quality never goes out of style, The Preserve Golf Club will

Our expectation was that there would be two private clubs

endure for generations to come as a modern classic.

an avid golfer visiting the Monterey area would beg, borrow or steal to get on--The Preserve and Cypress Point. Those were the two you’d go home and tell your friends about.” Working from Poellot’s routing and mindful of Tatum’s guidelines, Fazio dropped the holes where they were meant to fall. Opened in 2000, the course today looks like it did then: a formalized extension of the landscape adapted for a cross-country target game. Then as now, The Preserve is a mesmerizing layout that rambles across the roly-poly terrain. It follows the lay of the land and does not trumpet its presence with man-made flourishes. In the end, the challenge of each hole is riveting, but a round of golf at The Preserve is all about reveling in nature. This fact has not been lost on today’s top 100 panelists and raters, who in the current ethos tend to highly-value naturalistic courses that blend with nature. Conspicuously “manufactured” courses that shout their intentions are out of vogue. Understated grandeur, as achieved by the “Golden Age” architects in the 1920s, is the ideal. A fixture since 2005 on Golf Digest’s list of ‘America’s 100 Greatest Golf Courses,’ The Preserve receives high marks for aesthetics, conditioning and ambience. “Located a few miles inland from the…Monterey Peninsula, The Preserve is dramatically different, the only golf course



A WILD MUSHROOM Hunt & Lunch Last March marked the second consecutive year

mingling, the 80 eager mushroom hunters were

The Preserve collaborated with Relais & Châteaux

ushered onto shuttles and escorted to various lots on the

on Gourmet Fest’s Mushroom Hunt and Lunch.

20,000-acre property known for producing varieties

Members and guests couldn’t have asked for better

of wild mushrooms, from chanterelles to candy caps.

weather with clear sunny skies and temperatures

Each group was led by a mushroom expert or mycologist

peaking at 76 degrees. This sold out event began with an

to not only help find mushrooms, but also to provide

informal gathering of members and guests on the lawn

information about them. After scouring hillsides and

in front of the 1920s Spanish Colonial Hacienda, the

tree trunks for wild mushrooms, the groups were

dining and social heart of The Preserve. Participants

ready to devour the sumptuous mushroom-themed,

noshed on homemade pastries, refreshments and

four-course plated lunch with pairings in the rustic

espressos by Lavazza Coffee as most newcomers floated

yet elegant Old Barn. A popular venue for weddings

in and out of the Hacienda lobby and Great Room

and social events, the Old Barn was decorated with hay

admiring its beauty and history. After the morning

bales and wine barrels, and warmly welcomed famished



members and guests with inviting table settings and twinkling marketplace lights draped from its eaves. The Preserve’s Executive Chef Jerry Regester, Relais & Châteaux’s Chef Jacob Jasinski from Ocean House and their culinary teams worked side-by-side to ensure a delicious and perfectly-timed dining experience for all.

FIRST COURSE Ciabatta & Mushroom Focaccia Smoked Whitefish with Chanterelles & Pacific Uni Newton Chardonnay

SECOND COURSE Dungeness Crab Legs and Pigs Feet Terrine with Beluga Lentils, Maitaki Mushrooms & Porcini-Goat Cheese Vinaigrette 2013 Lucia Soberanes Chardonnay

THIRD COURSE Roasted Pheasant with Onions, Mushrooms & Black Walnuts 2011 Lucia Garys’ Vineyard Pinot Noir & Newton Cabernet

FOURTH COURSE Cardamom Carrot Pecan Cake with Black Truffle Spiked Carrot Caramel, Candy Cap Bourbon Ice Cream Lavazza Coffee



– Executive Chef Jerry


New Preserve

EVENTS & ACTIVITIES In the Kitchen with Jerry Ranch Club members learn kitchen prep and cooking techniques from Executive Chef Jerry in the Hacienda Kitchen. This is a hands-on cooking class where members make dishes with the help of Chef Jerry and his team. Each class has a unique theme and students also receive a special culinary gift.

Family Fun Friday! A day chock full of activities for the entire family: R.I.P.P.E.D. 4 Kids, Aqua Fit at the Polo Pools, Family Activity Hour, and Moore’s Lake. R.I.P.P.E.D. 4 Kids is the only children’s workout to combine all aspects of fitness and character building while encouraging goal setting, self-discipline and a heavy dose of playful energy. Because of their lowimpact format, Aqua Fit aerobics classes are suitable for every fitness level. During Family Activity Hour, kids and families enjoy science and nature-themed projects while learning some fun facts too. Wrap up the day and cool down at our private Moore’s Lake with stand up paddle boarding.


Family Sports Gather family and friends at the Sports Center for a pickup game of volleyball, basketball, Frisbee throwing, or flag football. It’s a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get in some exercise and experience the unique camaraderie on The Preserve.

Beach Ride Weekends The cool ocean breeze will surround you as you ride horseback on a beach along the shoreline located at the heart of Monterey Bay. Most days offer stunning views of Santa Cruz and Monterey. Saturday beach rides are reserved for beginner riders who travel at a walk-only pace, while Sundays are for advanced riders who own their horse.

Team Match Play Round Robin

Poker Ride & Hike

A two-person team plays against every team in their flight over

Horseback riders and hikers travel along

the course of four months. Flights are based on combined course

Preserve trails and stop at each of the five

handicaps and then matches are determined. There are no ties as

stations to draw a card. The 90-minute journey

each match must produce a winner.

concludes at Moore’s Lake where participants enjoy a ranch-style picnic and the best poker

Santa Lucia Invitational

hands from each group win prizes.

In this three-day tournament, pair up with your guests to compete against other teams in a best ball Stableford. In this mixed event, there’s an optional 4 Ball Couples’ Challenge to kick things off followed by a putting contest and skills challenge.

Pronghorn Home & Home This event is a great opportunity for golf members to

100 Mile Challenge Hiking Series This collaborative effort between the Conservancy and Ranch Club Sports Center focuses on exploring Preserve paths less traveled. These group-led hikes venture to discover Preserve trails and cover 4-5 miles per outing with the goal of reaching a 100 miles hiked in a couple of years.

experience other prestigious private clubs outside of the Monterey Peninsula as well as engage in a friendly golf competition with their peers.

Preserve Architectural Home Tour This open house allows members to tour four of The Preserve’s architectural gems and the event finishes with a wine reception in the last home. All proceeds benefit the Preserve Community Foundation’s scholarship fund.







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