SATURNE #25 ft. Austin North

Page 1 : Amanda Pelletier - Ashley Roe - Abby Elridge - Simon Rosenfeld - Casey Knapp - Caroline Tommy K.W. Lam - Troels Moller - Bree Wilkinson - Jodie Luckie - Beth Drake - Ruth : r - Shane Hawkins - Charlotte Scott - Jasmine Pezeshki PHOTOGRAPHERS Drake

ey - Kathy Do Nguyen - Felice Trinidad - Caia Alessandri - Olivia Ghalioungui STYLISTS

Thompson - Erica Mer - Enes Johaness - Aaron Wilcox - Rajina Dusara MAKEUP STS / HAIR STYLISTS Yoriko Fujita - Yui Hirohata - Colleen Dominique - Dongyoon anhg WRITERS / PR SATURNE Cerena Hammana - Lyna Allet - Diane Marchetti DaSilva - Lilia Abdelli Zeraoui - Florian Adé PHOTO STUDIOS Hype Studios, LA.

e are also


We are coming back to you with this second issue of the year. Cerenaactors Hammana We're featuring 2 amazing as our february / march 2023 covers : Austin North and Adelaide Kane. As well as many talented actors and singers like Dexter Darden, MYLA, Mina Okabe, UNFLIRT, Eloise, ABISHA, NIIVA and Mimi Webb. We'd like to thank again all the people who are involved in this issue : writers, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists, groomers, PRs... Nothing would be possible without you all! For ASMR lovers or people who may not know ASMR, Diane Marchetti has written a special article for you, page 8. You can also find a serie of photos that I took of Soccer Mommy during one of her concert last year in Paris. This was magical! We hope that you'll like this issue, don't forget to listen to our playlist and we'll see you next time dreamers.








de Kane












ASMR" Trend by Diane Marchetti 8

TOGRAPHY PHOTOGRAPHY Mommy by Cerena Hammana



at is this practice that is invading the world of relaxation?

s a relaxation practice whose abbreviation means « Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response » used to describe a tingling, static-like, or goosebumps sensation in response to specific ng audio or visual stimuli. y to Yoga for example, ASMR allows a practice of relaxation without constraint, being free on rnet, anyone with a mobile and headphones can relax with this method.

it does not replace any traditional medicine, according to an American study by Plos one rom June 2018, ASMR would have the virtue of reducing the heart rate releasing endorphins. also attribute it as a virtue of reducing anxiety, improving concentration and helping with sleep. According to google trends, a peak in internet searches occurs around 10:30 p.m., which me.

unds favor relaxation ?

s based on the use of slow movements combined with a calm and calm voice. If some sessions words whispering in our ears or even quiet noises like those of the sea others are real al improvisation. Indeed we can find roleplay as for example at the doctor or hairdresser.

we practice ASMR all the sounds we can hear are called Trigger. These refer to things we know sage, computer noises or the sound of a makeup palette.

arketing and publicity use ASMR ?

here are many people who practice ASMR, so many ASMR influencers collaborate with brands. r it be mattress marks for sleeping or makeup to serve some Trigger.

latforms have also released ASMR videos like Still Watching Netflix on Youtube which recently a video of Ben Barnes doing ASMR to promote Shadow and Bone Season 2

r we like or hate ASMR, it is a real fashion effect that today exceeds the use that we could it alone in our room in our bed to fall asleep. It is now becoming a real promotional tool nds.




ue. Myla composed her first songs in English, showcasing her talent for songwriting that caught the attention of the music industry. In October 2022, she signed with Warner a signing that marks the beginning of her professional career. ---

NE MAGAZINE : Can you introduce yourself for people who don't know you?

: My name is Myla and I’m a 19-year-old french singer. I’m on social media and I started my music in December with the release of my first single "911".

w did you start music?

: It’s a bit of a curse in the sense that I have a family of musicians, my grandmother is a er and my grandfather is a pianist, my mother works for opera, my father is a musician and my also releases his own music. So I’ve been making music since I was a little girl with them. In ade I went back to conservatory and they then took me back to a school where I could have d schedules, in the morning I went to school and in the afternoon I sang. dn’t want to go, I was like “no, I don’t want to go, I don’t want to do music just like you”. In the ad no choice and I went there, I didn’t like it at the beginning, during my first years, but in the ved it. I even found a diary from when I was 12 where I said, “Why do my parents want me to c, I don’t want to do it like them”. I find it very funny with hindsight because now it’s a real

w did you make yourself known?

Except for my Stranger Things and Violetta fan account from when I was younger. I made my n Tiktok where I made humorous videos with my dad and videos about Britney Spears. Today ng to do something a little more serious but it’s hard for me because I just want to enjoy and ething fun

u are also on social media, how have they helped you in life and in your early career?

The social networks helped me a lot, it made me realize that there was not only the path of but that there was a multitude of opportunities that could be offered to me if I took them. I chance to meet a lot of people who lived just by what they loved and it made me dream. It wed me to be much more sociable, to have much more confidence in myself, it forced me to more. It’s the same for singing, when I started posting covers I was very anxious, I had no nce in myself, I knew I was just singing through my classes but that’s all. It was people who o tell me that I sang well and that there was perhaps something to do with it, I even had the ion of French singers like Bilal Hassani. It’s really different from when family or friends say nd of things. On the Internet, you’re so subject to criticism… So, thanks to them I gained nce and launched myself.

that I would make music. I thought I’d be a manager, that I’d work for big theaters, but not this. So during my higher education I started to feel sad, I just realized that I had to share things with people. And music is the only thing I see myself doing in 10 years to really fill me up. SM : What is your writing process? MYLA : I don’t really have a writing process, I usually draw inspiration from things around me. Mostly I go to the studio with my brother and our friend Ulysse and we wonder what we could do. We test things and an idea appears and is drawn more and more gradually. Then it starts working on and that’s how I write a song. SM : What inspires you to create your songs? MYLA : Mostly it comes from a feeling or feeling of the moment, I simply extrapolate what I feel. For example "911" talks about sickly jealousy. Obviously I wouldn’t kill a girl or anyone and even less because she gets too close to a boy. I’m just here dramatizing my own emotions. In "lovesick recipe", I’m not really going to cook someone. I like that all my songs are very visual, in my head I have like scenes of films, paintings, particular aesthetics that I try to shape to make a song. In addition the influences that come back the most when I am in studio are Madison Beer, Dove Cameron, Billie Eilish, Bella Poarch and Melanie Martinez SM : What's the hardest thing about being French and making music in English ? MYLA : The hardest part is being put forward, and I also thought that it would bother people that I sing in English when I’m French. But in the end, I’m the one who puts my own obstacles in my way. In any case, I think it’s an obstacle to sing in English in France but I prefer to do it because that’s how I feel the best. I prefer to continue like this even longer than not being true to myself. SM : How would you like people to see you? MYLA : I have no idea, I’d like to be seen as Myla. I want to do lots of things, music, I want to do movies, I want to continue my videos on TikTok. I can’t really focus on anything, I just want to be an artist who does what she likes and that the things I do are taken seriously. SM : Are you preparing an album or a next single? MYLA : I'm always preparing things, I’m always looking for new songs, clip ideas. But in any case I’m working on an EP. I also have a new single "Walk away" that will be released at the end of April.


Eilish, I really recognize myself in this girl. I love Ariana Grande but for reer I would say Billie Eilish.


Barrett - Madhouse.


a lot of music, funny videos and movies.


hing was possible I would like a mix between classical and pop, I would do a style that perfectly matches the two.


posters of Martina Stoessel in Violetta.


vorite TV show is Black Mirror and my favorite movie is the Fablemans.


d say that my best concert was Ariana Grande's, because the same ng we had no place so we only found in reduced visibility and when we d at the concert we were replaced in better places. It was amazing.


o weird things with my tongue and I can purr.


SM : What made you start acting ? DD : I’ll say I’ve been putting on a show since I was a kid! I always singing and dancing, but when I was 15, I auditioned for a Disney Channel original movie called MniuteMen, and it was my first major booking on a network ive always dreamed of working for! SM : A lot of people know you from the Maze Runner Movies, how was this adventure for you and what was your favorite part of filming huge movies like these ones ? DD : With out a doubt it would have to be filming with my cast mates, and the bonds that we built. We really are a family, and having a chance to shoot with them for 6 years, and the fact we still keep in touch to this day, shows me that whatever we built was something special! SM : Who would be your dream collaboration on a movie or TV Show, writers or actors related ? DD : Man there’s so many actors who have inspired me through Time. Everyone from Denzel, to Will Smith, Leo, Jamie Foxx, Viola Davis, Andrew Garfield, Oscar Issac, Emma Stone, Margot Robbie to name a few. SM : Do you have a preference between shooting a movie and a tv show ? DD : I really dont think I do. I truly love all aspects of the craft. I want to get back to the stage one day, and do some Broadway again! SM : If you weren’t an actor today, what other dream job you’ll want to do and why ? DD : I mean entertainment related I would love to be a recording artist someday. Music has always been a big part of my life, and I’m constantly inspired by all the artist making music. Not entertainment related id have to say I always wanted to study Psycholgy. SM : Do you have a go-to ritual for when you’re nervous before an audition or filming? DD : I usually pray if I get really nervous, sometimes ill listen to music to get in the right headspace! SM : Do you have anything to say to your fans who’s waiting to see what’s next for you ? DD : Thank you so much for your constant support, and love!! I’m so excited for all the things to come, and if you keep following me and supporting me on this Journey I promise I won’t leave you Disappointed. This Train is Moving on God’s time, so I believe everything coming my way is promised and bountiful. SM : Lastly, what can you say about your new movie « Chang Can Dunk » ? DD : Chang can dunk is a movie I think everyone needs to see. Its a beautiful coming of age story, grounded in truth, authentic experiences, and basketball. I’m also really excited I get to play my age this time around. Its my first time stepping into a roll like this, so im excited for people to watch it!

m also listening to Pimp and Butterly at the moment in its y. That album is special.


ually in my trailer watching, Hey Arnold, Avatar, King of s, or Whatever Basketball I can find lol.


never been to Asia, so my dream is to get there and e the entire continent. I would love to get to India, China, Thailand, etc. Maybe spend a month out there just ing.


es are tools of incompetence used to build bridges to re and monuments of nothingness, and those who use eldom specialize in anything else."


el Jackson is my favorite artist of all time and the greatest r do it is what I believe. I love Stevie wonder, J Cole, Queen, ck Lamar, Billy Joel and Jay z to name some others.


d have to say Instagram. Is the only one I really use.


vorite Movie of all time is Rush Hour, my favorite Tv show king Bad, and favorite book is Kingdom Man - Tony Evans.



do something realour name and actually MIMI WEBB : with Goodmy ! It's last show tonightdo (in Paris), it as aso, message exited !to Tired my but younger exited. self to people to take in their own hands. That was kinda like a way to connecting and part finishing album off SMreally : What's your favorite of thethe tour? to make the message come across. MW : I'd say learning the history of each city. SM : Your album contains bops such as 'Red Flags' but first also started more melancholic SM : You with music and whenvulnerable you were 12, andlike songs around 'Freezing'. that time, Why you is knew thisyou balance wantedso to be a professional important in your album? singer. do you remember what was the 'trigger' to this realization? MW : I love to do the balance, the emotional music also itlike It's MW : but I think wasupbeat when pop-stuff I started again. live-seeing people just knowing reactions twotoworlds like, me and getting be able on stage to , you and singing, know, mixand them everyone together.was just very happy and smiley. SM : In your song 'Role Reversed', you say the lyric: ' Younow startyou're fires aand let Nominee! them burn', what is!! SM : And BRIT Congrats What the meaning/signification was your reaction ? behind those lyrics?

MW :: Oh It was yeah!allI was about just someone like I couldn't comingbelieve to you, it. I wasyou've and just chilling met them with and myyou friends are with in my them flatand, and my of all manager the sudden, came over theyand leave surprised you with me.allIt the was just mad. tough memories You know and ,times just seeing ahead and everyone's they reaction... pretend they Younever knowknew my family you . was It's kind so happy. of a bit It's like a'So dream now come all thetrue! sudden you're happy and I'm the one sitting here crying. SM : Now, let's talk about your album, 'Amelia'. Can :you about theyou meaning behind your this album SM Twotalk years ago, also released EP ' and what Seven Shades it means of Heartbreak'. for you? Do you remember your state of mind at the time of the release and now? MW : Amelia for me is just all about introducing my real name Amelia. It's showing these two differents sides to me.the It'stime not just like 'Mimi MW : II remember thinking 'Whatdoing it's the shows' gonna be like it's also dropping the girl thisfrom album' the countryside. but then , You now seeing know, the family reactions is soitsimportant exiting. It'stoa memory me, and making I'll always all remember those memories because with those my times friends... thatI kindaupwanted lead to the album to introduce , you enjoy andbeing showmysterious a deeper, morepeople and connected not knowing side of me. what's it's gonna be. SM : What Talking doabout you wish the for difference in your between future? Amelia and Mimi, your last song 'Amelia' is like a letter to your past self from the future. cathartic to MW : I wish for loads and Was loadsit of success, write this song? happiness and yeah, to release more music !








dinner and hang out.



grateful for that, and now season 4 ! It was obviously hectic, a lot going on, I haven’t been filming in Barbados, but some of the other cast did, but Charleston is one of my favorite places in the world now, such a cool city, a lot of good food. We all live close to each other, so we’ll go out, Chase and I go out surfing, and you know, we maintain those friendships obviously off set, but on set it was a lot of fun, a lot of chaos, and I think this season turned out pretty good. SM : How was it to film the train scene and have Topper be a part of the Pogues for a short moment ? AN : It was a lot of fun, it was definitely out of Topper’s comfort zone, in a lot of technical details just filming that, like I’m driving the car for a lot of the stuff and I got to remember my lines and, there’s a point where we have the truck on this rig and Kiara is jumping in at the bed of truck, you know there’s just a lot of technical details that went into that. But it was just fun being with that all crew, I don’t film a lot of scenes with Jonathan, Bailey and Carlacia, so we had a lot of laughs, a lot of delirious moments when we were just, filming at 4am, trying to keep each other awake, yeah, that was a fun time. SM : Was it complicated to shoot night scenes ? AN : It was. It was a lot of getting roads blocked off, we had police involved and a lot of stunts, The part where GG flies off the overpass, the highway, was a lot of fun to watch but very technical and complicated to film. SM : Do you think Topper will finally get over Sarah and have a redemption arc ?

AN : I hope so, as this point. He just got a lot to go but obviously she makes me crazy and love makes you do some crazy things. But I think at this point after we see him burn down the chateau, I think he’s kind of trying to realize it and go off it but emotions always come back like you see in episode 6, when they end up kind of getting back together. But now you know, all this time is passed, 18 months, they went off and found the treasure and now we’ll see what’s going on through Topper’s head at this point, in season 4. SM : Let’s say you could decide your character path for season 4, what will you do ? AN : That is a great question. I would say, based off the way season 3 ended, Topper is on a pretty interesting state of mind, he just burned down the entire building, put people’s life at risk so I don’t know if he’s kinda goes off the rails like Rafe did or if he comes back and finds love with someone else, and maintains some type of sanity but I don’t know, we’ll see. This is all a very last minute process, every season we get to Charleston and a lot of the scripts are very last minute, they got it writing as we go sometimes so I feel I won’t really know until we get there.

e burns down the chateau I feel like he’s probably listening to some heavy metal in the car right me, but before that whenever he’s hanging with Sarah, having a little fairy-tail moments he’s y listening to some John Mayer, you know heartbreak warfare. [laughs]

w did it feels to have your first premiere for obx ?

o much fan. Just having everyone there in one place, everyone was flying in and there was a d of fans, being able to meet all of them, connect one on one, which we would never really gotten nd we got that big Poguelandia event as well. It was special, a very special moment for everyone. ot to take my family with me, my mom, dad, sister and my sister’s husband, we just soaked it in had a lot of fun. My family’s been very close with me and helped me get into the industry at , and you know covid hit and everyone really haven’t been able to be out and do events like that, nd of bring them around, full circle, was a special night.

ve your family watched the show ?

ughts] They sure have. It was difficult for my mom to watch the first season when Topper was rugs and making bad decisions but my mom knows it’s acting, it’s not me.

hat was your first reaction when you heard that OBX was renewed for a 4th season ?

idn’t know until five minutes before we announced it. We were at Poguelandia and they were like e gonna go on stage and make the announcement" and I’m like "what announcement ?" And re like "Season 4". I was like "what ? We’re back for a season ?". So I just taking it all in, soaking viously it is very exciting, who knows what’s in store tho, we will see.

hen did you realize the show was this big ?

e show came out during Covid, obviously. So we’re kinda locked inside especially here in LA, for and then the first time I went out was in Destin, Florida, big vacations spot, big demographic show, which I didn’t know at the time, so I went there, you know everything was open, we’re out ut and I still have my blond highlights in, which is just a giveaway, so I had people stalking me at el, just everywhere I went there was fans of the show, it was really special, getting to meet e and I’ve had families that come up to me and be like « thank you for giving us something to uring this really weird time that we’re all going through. Something that we can all kind of s in and have a sense of escapism. But that moment in Destin, Florida was really weird to hend.

someone’s day, or someone comes up to you. I remember meeting some of my favorite celebrities, and I’ll never forget that. Or you know, taking a photo or doing an autograph, or just having conversation, I love having conversations with people, I’d take a photo obviously but being able to just chat about life and be more personable is really special. But I think just someone is always watching. SM : You’re gonna play in Beautiful Disaster, what can you tell us about your character in the movie ? AN : Yes so I’m playing Shepley Maddox, who’s Travis Maddox’s cousin, they both live together and they have a really funny relationship. I’d said Shepley is kind of Travis’s high man, his support system, anytime he’s getting ready for a fight he’s there supporting. He definitely feels that Abby, Travis’s love interest, is a bit of a distraction, and he sees that Travis is acting differently then he ever has and that he’s really falling for this girl, and he doesn’t know rather to be happy for him or protective over him, so they have a really great dynamic. Its just a fun movie, I think people are gonna love it, they’re love the action, the fight sequences, but also, the romance and the relationships between everyone. SM : Besides Topper, who’s your favorite character on the show ? AN : I’d say Bary, I really like him. I love Nick who plays Bary, he’s just a funny guy. I think Bary has to be on that show, you know, he makes that dynamic between Rafe and him really interesting. And his gold tooth [laughs]. SM : Do you want to add something? AN : I just want to thank the fans for their support. It’s such a special thing to be a part of. So I’m just sending my love to everyone out there, that’s about it and I think we'll touch on some good stuff soon!

iful Disaster".


now how those Pogues are… Gotta watch them".


vorite movie is "Whiplash" with Miles Teller and JK Simmons, cause I’m a mer and I fell in love with that movie.


bly "Bloodline", on Netflix.


n of the Mack" by Mark Morrison.


d take my best-friend Dan, who’s a handyman and who can survive much anywhere, I’ll take snacks of course and then I’d take a generator ts].


n’t been to many places, I love Hawaii, if I would get a vacation place or bably move to a really small town in Hawaii or something like that.


blues, and rock and roll. I’m a drummer like I said, I’ve been drumming was 10, so it’s therapeutic when I play, I love how much feelings goes in ues and rock and roll, so yes that’s the one.




been working on film and TV since I was about 19. I did projects like Power Rangers, The purge, Teen wolf, Reign, Once upon a Time, and now Grey’s Anatomy. So I’ve been woking a lot. SM : You've played in big series like Reign, Once upon a time, Teen wolf etc like you’ve said, what do you do to be so versatile and how does it feel to have an entire generation growing up with you ? AK : It’s interesting, because it’s so much fun to play different parts and also to look back and see the choices that I’ve made, during that time in my life. Like if I would’ve played the same role in Teen wolf now, I would make different choices for that character. You almost have a snapshot of who you were, you can look back on those projects and it’s very interesting and I think it’s kind of cool as I’ve grown and changed in my career. People who followed my career have grown up and changed as well, the same as me. SM : Do you remember your first audition ? AK : I remember kind a few of my auditions. I didn’t really work much until I was sixteen, and I remember when I went out for an Australian soup opera called neighbors that was like a Talent quest, and like a Teen girl magazine and I put down a video for it, the day before I was flying to Cyprus to visit some family, I was very sick I’ve had a sinus infection, and I put that audition down not thinking anything of it I was sixteen I was more worried about my grades then anything else, and I ended up wining that talent competition, that was my first sort of acting job as a young person. But it’s funny, the audition process for every project is different, I remember auditioning for The Purge, and it had been very difficult to put work since I moved to the States and I remember walking in to like my last audition being like « if you don’t get this job, you’re going to go home to Australia and go back to the university, this it it ». I’d cry in the audition, I cried my eyes out, drove home and I was like, I think I was twenty at the time, « that’s the best I can do, I’ve been here for two years if this doesn’t work out I’m going home ». I have auditioned for Teen wolf since I have moved here, so I’ve been auditioning for Teen Wolf for three years, and none of the roles were right. I’ve gotten close but they weren't quite right, and then I went in for them again and they called my agents back and they said « hey, we know that we’ve been auditioning Adelaide for years, this is only a small role, it’s like two episodes but we have this other role, Cora Hale, that we think that she would be better for and it’s a much bigger role , if she would be interested » and I was like « yes, absolutely ! » So very different. And with Reign, they hadn’t cast anybody else, they didn’t even have an audition sent out, I’ve been auditioning that year for a lot of pilots, and I’ve done really well, and there were a few pilots that wanted to hire me, including a few of The CW, they wanted to hire me for two other shows. And i was like « hey, can I audition for Reign ? I know that you have’t start a casting for it yet but my family is Scottish it’s a really interesting story » and they agreed, so I red the script and I picked my own audition scenes and I taped with the head of casting of the CW Laurie, and they gave me that job. I haven’t really done much, even for Grey’s, I did a self tape right before I flew to London to do my Visa. I was in London for like three weeks maybe four weeks and I did my call back there in a hotel room and then when I came back I think the day before I flew back they were like « well you have the job and you have to be in a fitting in two days » I was like « oh okay » . So it's all different every time, sometimes you audition for something and you get the job and you don't shoot for three months or a year, and sometimes you get a job and you start working the next day. I remember all the jobs that I get, how that audition happened because it’s different every time, there’s no formula like if I do it this way I'll get the job, no it doesn't work like that, so yes, it's really interesting.

, I do. I find it for me if I know there's gonna be a challenging scene or challenging audition, if ly anxious about it, like really nervous, I will drill that audition until I don't have to think about ds anymore. For that scene, I'll rehearse it, rehearse it, rehearse it, until it's boring. Until I know rds, backwards, upside down, I’ll practice it in an American accent, an English accent, an an accent, I’ll practice it in a cartoon voice, I’ll practice it while doing my dishes, while working le having a shower, while meditating, until it's so boring because that way I don't have to worry nowing my lines. They're in my head. And then I can just spend time relaxing, I try to get good efore I have a big scene or a big audition, I’ll make sure to eat even if I'm nervous I'm not I force myself to eat something. If I have time I'll exercise, nothing crazy like a walk or do some d I often listen to music at something very emotional, I'll listen to music to help me get in that ce and get rid of all the other distractions. And if it’s just a lot of words, I'll put my headphones play like white noise so that I can just concentrate on the words and how my beats are and how o perform it. I’ll practice in the mirror and watch my face and see what my face doing because mes what I feel and what my face show are not the same thing. I wanna make sure that what's in t is showing in my face and sometimes it doesn’t, when you’re nervous you just freeze up.

ight, you do a lot of Conventions, where you meet the fans, what do you like the most about it ?

ke a lot of things about conventions. I've been taking this year off because I’ve been very tired, traveling is very hard as I get older. But I think my two favorite things about it it’s, one, I get to my castmates and with life and some people living in different cities, in different countries, it’s eally nice to see those people. People from Reign are really lovely, people from Once Upon A e really lovely, sometimes there’s a big convention with a lot of different shows, I'll get to see I've known through auditioning or thought events who I haven't seen in years from other which is really cool, we can catch up. But the main reason is that I just really feel the obligation to the fans, especially people that have been fans of mine for a very long time, followed my or a very long time, I like that I can show up and be there and sometimes you know sometimes ke it's not enough time to spent and be like « hi how are you thank you so much » and I know et paid to be there and they charged to be there but if I did all of this for free, I would never y time for anything else but I like that I get to meet people and they can tell me « oh this really meant so much to me » or « I really loved this role that you played » and it's really nice to t in real life from real people. You know you can read reviews about your performance online, even read nice comments from people on Instagram but it's not the same and I'm the same as y else I want my work to be good and I want people to like my work and you know I want to do ob and it's really nice to hear that and it makes me feel good to be able to show up for the fans eally try to do my best at conventions to have good energy and try to talk to people and mes people come back and back and back to the conventions and I try really hard to recognize d they give me presents, they give me letters and that really means a lot to me and I'll bring ck to the US. I have a big folder with all of the letters in it, and I keep the presents as well you means a lot to me and off the whole reason I like acting in the first place is to trying to give a myself try to give something that means something to another person, that brings them joy or or whatever.

t’s talk about Grey’s anatomy, you play Jules Millin, what did it feel to you to join the show after ong time, after I think 18 years ?

mean, one I was very excited because Grey’s anatomy is a huge show, you know, it's one of the work shows, it’s such an important part of so many people’s lives, like people have grown up ey’s.


because Grey’s is a huge show and there’s a lot of fans that, it means so much to them and I'm still nervous, I want to do my best for the show, by the character that I've been given and by the writing but I'm given to just perform well for the fans that love the show so much. They can be a little harsh, you know, and I respect that, it's their share more than it is mine, and I just wanna do my best and do a good character, an entertaining character, an entertaining story and continue like the legacy that is Grey's Anatomy, in a way that the fans enjoy and feel like it's true to the show that they’ve loved for so long. Which is like pretty intimidating but I think it was really beautiful coming on with Midori and Alexis and Harry and Nico all five of us came on together, we are like our own little unit, they're so fantastic and supportive. Just having them it's so wonderful, like the Grey’s Anatomy cast has been extremely welcoming and really kind to all of us but it is lonely when you're joining an established TV show by yourself when it's just you. It can be really difficult to feel at home and I didn't have any of that trouble with Grey’s at all. Like we all came in together, everyone was so welcoming, we all felt right at home right away, it’s been a really easy fun experience and not all of the shows are like that, I’m very very grateful. It’s been incredible, it’s been really really great, it came in a very good time too, I wasn’t sure witch direction my career was going before I booked this. I had done huge amount of work over the pandemic, so I was like « what am I doing » and now I get to be a doctor every day which is really cool for someone who barely passed math class in high school. SM : I interviewed Jaicy Eliott a couple months ago, and she said that when she joined the show as an intern, she was really scared that the writers were going to kill her character, do you feel the same? It is something that comes to your mind ? AK : Well, I think we all think about it, because, you know, it's a hospital, people die. I wouldn't say I'm scared, I mean it would be a bummer if they decided they didn't want me anymore and they killed me but at the same time, how would they kill me, like would I get sick ? Would it be like a car accident ? As an actor, that's exciting and it's challenging to play those kind of scenes, like whether you’re really sick for a long time and you have to portray that whole journey in yourself and in your relationships with the people that you love, when you know that you only have that much time or, you know, whether it's really abrupt and you have like a couple of really horrible scenes where you’re like in pain and chucking up a lot and whatever. It’s scary because I like being on the show and I don't want to leave, but it's also really exciting because it's challenging and fun to do difficult things so I don't know, maybe that's just me but crying and screaming and yelling is some of my strong suits acting wise? Those are things I'm good at, things I really enjoy doing in performance and so I think I'll be really excited too, I’ll be like « oh, ok now tell me more, how are we gonna do this ? I mean like lead up to this ? ». I want to be really involved with a with my death and the story of my death cause I think it’s fun. SM : What show or what movie would you like to play in ? AK : I would say "Killing Eve". I would love to do something like "Killing Eve", something sort of murder mystery detective, with that really strong narrative structure. I said for a very long time that I would love to be on an episode of "Black Mirror", that would be so cool. I just started watching "The Last Of Us" and that's a really incredible show. I would like to be involved in something like that, or something like "The Mandalorian" as well. If it’s nerdy or like really intense drama then I would probably want to be involved. SM : You have a very big community on TikTok, and you also came out on this application, why did you choose this app ? Do you feel safer, closer to people on TikTok than you maybe on Instagram ? AK : Yes and no. I think TikTok for me is a lot less formal. Instagram is like, it's work.

dn't expect to end up with the following on it to be honest, it was just a shit posting account. m surprise that it’s done as well as it has but I think the nature of TikTok does allow you to be a e yourself, it's a far more relaxed, for more casual form of social media which I really like. It's have a place to just be myself and not have to make sure that the photos are perfect or if they’re r if the feed looks good because that's kinda what Instagram is, it's almost a resume at this Like if I want to get into fashion I'll have a better chance of doing that if I do it through m than if I do it though Tiktok. It did just feel like a safer, a more intimate space to come out finitely want to start participating in more LGBTQ+ plus events and programs, and be involved TQ+ charities and be more vocal about that on my Instagram as well. There's a lot going on the United States that is severely impacting LGBTQ+ rights and as a bisexual woman I feel like responsibility to speak about that and be involved and support the rest of my community. I been out so I haven’t been in a position to do that as anything more than like an ally . And mething I do intend to do and feel a very great responsibility for, with my platform. I think just er, felt more comfortable, I feel like I felt like the right decision at the time. And I got a really sponse, the community were very welcoming and very kind. I didn't get too many deaththreat's was nice, I expected a lot worse, I expected a lot more intolerance and homophobia then I got so very grateful for that. you have some advises for the people who want to become an actor ?

really sure that's what you want to do you. I love acting and it's all I've ever really known, that’s ver really done, if I had known at like sixteen how hard it would be to get here and everything I ave to go through to be in the position I'm in today, I don't know if I would've done. I might osen to go to university instead if I had known how hard it would be. It is incredibly difficult. hurts all the time. It’s constant rejection, constant second-guessing yourself and how you look w you dress, are you young enough or old enough, are you cool enough or are you tall enough, w it's constant and you have to be either very strong or very crazy to stay in this industry for as I have, or some of my friends have, because it breaks you down you have to build yourself up d over and over again. And that's if, if you manage to get enough work to support yourself which one in 1 million chance. It's really hard. So be sure, be sure that's what you want to do and ure you know how to support yourself because it might take some time, like it took me a long d it takes some people even longer, so make sure you can pay your bills. I'd say that the most nt thing that I need to remind myself of is "don't make acting your entire life". It's really nt to have a life outside of acting, to have friends, and hobbies, and passions, and interests, so r life is full when your work is not. Like that's the only thing that's gotten me through times haven't been working or haven’t been able to get a job, is time with friends, hobbies, other s ,studying things that are completely useless for Having a life that isn't completely ent on acting and having an identity that isn't completely dependent on acting and this world, at's a really really quick way to get very depressed. It’s a very difficult industry, you could work ears straight and then never get another job ever again. You can get the job of a lifetime and be ar famous for three years and then nothing for the rest of your life. So it's important to have ings that give you meaning and give you joy in your life. People can fall into « acting is all there ed to be like that too and I was miserable. Acting still is my life, it's the only thing I want to do, never get another job again after Grey’s, I really love fashion, I really love psychology, I really ding and books and writing. There's a lot of other things that I really love, that I could do if I ot the job again. And that really helps, it makes the work that I do have more precious and more , because you never know, this could be the last acting job I ever do so I wanna appreciate it lasts. I meann I hope it isn’t, [laughs] I hope I keep acting for the rest of my life, but just in case, e also things I could to that I am excited about if I never work again.


would love to work with all of those "Reign" people again, I love them so much. There aren’t really any actors that I worked with that I wouldn’t love to work it again, but I would say these are my favorites.

IF I HAD TO DESCRIBE MYSELF IN 3 WORDS Stubborn, cheerful and odd. I’m definitely a little odd when I meet people they don’t expect me to be the way I am. I look very different to how I am. Which is really funny cause I don’t think about that.

THE ITEMS I'D TAKE ON A DESERT ISLAND Well I would want a multi use tool like a Swiss Army knife, and then I would want a waterproof Kindle preloaded with all my favorite books, books on like humble medicine and how to make fires, all the information I need, And then a solar powered charger for my Kindle and that's what I would want.

THE APP THAT I CAN'T LIKE WITHOUT Probably WhatsApp. That’s how I keep in touch with my family, with my friends overseas. Thats how I keep in touch with people here in the US when I travel. Without WhatsApp I wouldn’t be able to call and text and check in with the people I love as much as I do now.

MY FAVORITE MOVIE, TV SHOW & BOOK My favorite movie is "The Fifth Element". My favorite TV show, would be the original "Charmed". And then my favorite book or books, is "The Daughter of The Empire" trilogy, by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts.

THE THING I LOVE TO DO WHEN I'M ON SET BUT NOT FILMING I read a lot, but I also picked up crochet this year, so I’ve been crocheting like knitting a lot, and that’s pretty much all I do now. But I take my Nintendo Switch to work as well and I play video games a lot when I’m bored on set.

MY DREAM DESTINATION I have a few. I would really love to go back to Japan but one place that I’ve ever been and really want to go and just see is the Maldives. I’ve never been, it looks beautiful, I want to see if its as beautiful as everyone says it is. I feel like it looks like a dream and I wanna see if that’s true, I’m very curious.

MY FAVORITE QUOTE "If anything is worth doing, it's worth doing poorly". So if someone has struggle with like depression and anxiety, essentially what it means is if you can’t have a shower, wash your face. Anything is worth doing, it doesn’t matter if you can’t go to the gym and exercise, like do ten crunches, do five, do one, it doesn’t matter. During very difficult times in my life, that mindset really helped me, like if I don’t have the energy to clean to whole kitchen I’d be like ok I’ll just do the dishes. Cause at least I’ve done something. And I find that it helped me pull me out of dark places and helps me get more done so I can give myself the rest and time that I need. It’s like a mental health quote but it really saved me, more than once.



Originally from Bulgaria, she lived in England a bit, that's how she learned English and then she moved to Canada. She still lives in Toronto. Describing her sound as ' quite playful and conversational', we can only agree about that. You might have heard her lively song 'Friends: “Friends” is about falling in love with a person who you’re supposed to only be friends with, and how scary and exciting that can be because you don’t want to lose the friendship but you can’t deny that there’s something more there.' A song that she describes as 'very real to her ' because it's largely inspired by the relationship she is in now. In 2020, she released her self-titled album 'NIIVA'. A very special album for her, because she considers this album as 'a collection of threats and love letters ', but also for the conditions of recording: ' A lot of the songs were recorded during quarantine, in someone’s living room - whether it be mine or the producers, which was crazy. For another, because the EP came out over lockdown, I didn’t get a chance to perform it live or take it on tour, and yet it was received so well and has reached so many people, which just makes me the happiest.' Her sound changed between her album and now, it used to be a darker sound. But her current music, it's lighter 'I gravitate toward songs that make you want to move and bop your head along.' Sweeter, All In, Trigger... all those songs are such bops that we love and listen to on repeat. But her most special song is 'Welcome Back': 'It was written entirely over quarantine, and it’s about being in that dark weird emotional place when everything shut down and changed, and then coming out of it and coming back to yourself. I think it’s one of the more simple and beautiful songs on the EP and it was very therapeutic to write and perform.' There is a lot we can wish for NIIVA in the future, and she deserves them all. But here is what she wishes for:' I’m so excited for more live shows, and more new music, and my biggest wish is that I can connect with more and more people who can sing along with me about being in love with their friends - it’ll be like a great big therapy session. '


er mum sang to her, dancing to 90s pop, music was pretty much a huge part of her life. Now, a s later, she is the one enchanting us with her songs.

r, she released her EP ‘Everything Falls Into Place’. This EP was transformative for her: "The behind the EP was to create a body of music that reflected a transformational period of my life. It’s y an EP of love songs, but it also represents a major shift in my mindset from being in quite a dark finally seeing the light".

autifully crafted EP tells a story, her story in her own words. "The highs, the lows, and mostly my hips. I think the underlying storyline is that of self-discovery, acceptance, and self-love".

A always remained true to herself when it comes to her music. The writing was a way to express e emotions. When singing, she preaches about self-love but also self-doubt. But for her, writing g as a form of therapy by putting those thoughts in her head on paper '"t also helps to turn them egative into something more positive".

and ‘Time Alone’ are about her mental health and ‘I Think I Love You’ is the coming-out song hed to have when she was a teenager. "I wanted to write a song that was unapologetically queer. up, I and other queer people didn’t have any artists that we could listen to who sang songs about what feeling and going through. I think it’s so important to feel seen and represented when realizing who and I wanted to be able to be that person who makes someone feel seen".

t-ever song was ‘All That’, released in 2017. A beautiful song about a situation that ABISHA rough. "I felt very vulnerable and exposed. Now looking back on it, I think it was a brave first release, that my sound and songwriting has evolved a lot".

west song ‘Breathe’ is the perfect RnB song, with an addictive sound and her honeyed voice, it’s ect match and we cannot get enough. "I've been sleeping on a secret’, she sings in her mellow bout this favorite lyrics of mine, here’s what she has to say about it. ‘The secret is that everything d is already within you. Nobody and nothing external can bring you happiness or love as you can .

r rich voice and the enigmatic sounds that seem to be her signature, ABISHA is on the front ne of the most influential alt-pop singers of the moment. We can expect more of this on her d also a lot of her sound evolving.

MY CHILDHOOD CELEBRITY CRUSH MY FAVORITE QUOTE Billie Piper. "When one door closes, another one opens" (because it’s so true).



SOMETHING I LIKE TO DO WHEN I'M NOT SINGING Drive somewhere for a spontaneous trip.


She always sang but the lockdown changed everything: 'I only decided to start doing it properly when lockdown started in my first year of uni. It made me lose a bit of interest in film and this interest kind of moved on to learning how to produce my music! I then dropped my first song so impulsively from my bedroom onto SoundCloud and that’s where it all started! ' During the pandemic, she found a lot of inspiration and took her time trusting the process. ' It allowed me to learn and experiment so much and I was writing almost every day! ' There are a lot of perks to starting music independently, in your bedroom. And Unflirt is aware of that. She played by her own rules and it paid off. 'I guess it was nice as I was able to do it all in my timing but also as the process was very organic and felt natural for me. Music was never really something I ever considered doing, so being able to just learn and do it independently without any pressure was nice.' She released her EP 'Bitter Sweet', a collection of raw and vulnerable songs. 'For me, it represents accepting both the pain and happiness that I felt when I was going through this time in my life, and now when I look back at it and this collection of songs it feels very bittersweet for me'. This EP is crafted with a specific order of songs that were a representation of her state of mind at the time:' The order of the songs represents the order in which I was going through things emotionally in the process of moving on. Before Dawn starts with denial, Out of Time edges slightly into a painful acceptance, and Differently is where all the frustration and pain build up, leading to a choice to move on. ' She wrote her EP when she was only a teenager. Since then, she grew up and can look back on how she felt. ‘ I feel like it definitely might have felt like that at the time. It was just the first time I had experienced getting hurt that much . That made writing it so easy as I had so much to let out and express. To release, I feel like it’s been easier since I wrote these two years ago, so It’s given me time to sit on it and kind of detach and move on from it emotionally now.' She went on tour with Beabadoobee and she is more than grateful for this experience and she loved that time with her friends: ' Before the tour, I had only performed three times so it allowed me to practice and I think performing every night to huge crowds, especially doing it acoustically really pushed me into the deep end and gave me the push I needed to finally feel comfortable with performing.' Unflirt is a treasure of a singer, true to herself, with song that sing to yourself and to your heart. if you needed to have more argument to stream her music, this is her EP in a single sentence :'The only way to get over something is to go through it'. And that's probably the realest thing I've related to in a very long time.

Mina Okabe

playing instruments and writing songs. Growing up, I always took part in musicals and choirs. was 15, I started taking songwriting more seriously and started working towards hopefully ble to only do music - which I am now so happy to be able to do!

u’re a Danish/Japanese artist, living in Copenhagen and you grew up in New York, Manila, and ! Does growing up and living in different cultures helped your creativity and inspiration as a n?

definitely think the places I have lived have had an impact on the way I write music and an on my music taste. I have been exposed to many different types of music growing up. A lot of sic I would listen to, and my parents would listen to, was music that was popular in the t places I lived. There are a few japanese songs that feel very nostalgic to me when I hear them, as songs by Oasis, Amy Winehouse and The Cure just to name a few.

u recently went on tour and you also did a few dates around Europe. How was it to age?

ove playing live. Playing headline shows is such an incredible experience because I get to see s of people who listen to my music. When I started touring, I couldn’t believe that people had tickets to see me play. Setting up a show and figuring out how to interpret the songs live has n so much fun. I have such an amazing band, who I love spending time with so I always look to playing concerts with them.

lso amazing to play support for Lukas Graham in Denmark and Norway. There are so many at his shows, so being able to play for big crowds has been really cool. I have always dreamed ng concerts abroad so I am so excited for the coming shows with Lukas Graham in Sweden and. I can’t wait to play even more shows, both in and outside of Denmark!

ur song ‘Every Second’ was an instant hit. How did you react when you find out about it viral and how did you feel about it?

still can’t believe everything that is happening with Every Second. Seeing the numbers go up amount of videos being made with my song on instagram is crazy. I realised it started getting on instagram when it had 30,000 videos and the fact that it now has 3.3 million videos is so me.


about and how she seems to stay true to herself

MY SHOW iggest mistake you could ever make is being tooFAVORITE afraid to makeTV one”. I love Friends.

MO : Spinning Around is a collection of songs I have written this past year. It was fun to make new and different songs that show a mix of emotions both instrumentally and lyrically and show sides of me I haven’t shown before in my music. SM : You say that ‘Talk To Me’ is standing out amongst your other songs and that it gives you a sense of confidence, why is that? MO : I feel this song is different from many of my other songs because of how straightforward I am. It was really fun to write because it brought out a different side of me. When I sing and listen to the song, it brings a sense of confidence out of me. SM : In your song ‘Rain’, you say that you love the rain because it makes you lose control and allow you to feel vulnerable. Why is that? MO : I find that when it rains I don’t feel so guilty about staying in. The song is about feeling lost and out of control but not wanting to face the things that make me feel this way, and therefore wanting to stay inside. When I wrote the song, I had corona and staying inside alone with my thoughts resulted in me reflecting on a lot of things. SM : How is this EP different from ‘Better Days’, in terms of inspiration and feelings? MO : I feel that Spinning Around shows new sides of me both lyrically and production wise. Rain is, for example, one of my most personal songs because of how self reflective I am. Talk To Me is probably one of my most confident songs because of how direct I am. Bare Minimum is very different from the songs on Better Days because of how big the song is production wise. Shut Up is a song with a little self irony which was so much fun to write. I feel that the music I have released reflects that I am constantly inspired by new music and experiences. SM : Is there any writing process or rituals that you have? MO : I don't really have any rituals. I always just make sure to record everything whenever I get new ideas! I feel like writing in different places and at different times brings new inspiration so I like making it varied. I don't feel the need to write in a certain environment or in a specific way. I do usually go for writing songs with my guitar, though. SM : What can we expect for the rest of the year from you? MO : I will be playing my first festivals in Asia and playing support for Lukas Graham in Sweden and Iceland, which I am super excited about! I also can’t wait to release more new music this year!


hat is the first memory you have of music?

E : My mum and dad singing Billy Joel songs like ‘Always A Woman To Me’ at the piano and he giggles.

hat was it like to first work on your album 'Drunk on a Flight' and why have you chosen this particular?

E : It was so exciting and fun. We didn’t really have any time pressure to get it done which is y why we got it done so fast! The title came about because a lot of major things in my romantic cided with flights away or home. And with all that time to kill, I would write hundreds of notes hone, drunk and in my feels and those notes became the songs.

hat is the essence of your album, and what does it represent for you?

E : I think it's bottled youth. It just represents the feelings a 22 year old girl can have when she ried away with the idea that she has to have her act together before she actually does. The is just be messy and have fun and get your heart broken. You’ll be okay.

u also explain that having a massive breakup can feel like 'a loss of time and adolescence that e you so frustrated.' Can you explain why?

E : Because it can feel like you’ve blinked and come to the end of another thing you thought And then all the pain and arguments and love and energy you poured into something to make eel like a waste. (It's never a waste but it can feel that way initially).

w this album helped you cope with everything?

E : It was just so cathartic to let everything out without being scared of the outcome. Aside at, it was just a relief to know that I could write songs again because I’d had such awful writers p until that point.

ELOISE : I’ve just been a hell of a lot more honest and brutal and introspective. It’s been a big “looking in the mirror” process for me which I thought I’d done before…until I actually did and it was brutal. It’s just been exposing and freeing which is all very new. SM : In the song 'In Another Year', you sing 'The only photo we have of us, is in a mental piece gathered in dust'. Can you explains the idea behind this lyric? ELOISE : It's just about the stage in a relationship where one of you realises you have watered the relationship plant in a while. People get so used to being with someone and coexisting that it becomes easy to stop growing together and I suppose that’s what I meant. The last time we were photographed out and about and happy is so long ago that the frame that one is in is weathering away. SM : All through your album, first it's more upbeat songs with vulnerable lyrics and then we go to more slow song. Why this difference? ELOISE : Because that’s what the human experience is like I guess. Ups and downs and confusion. It's an album embracing the throws of love and chaos. SM : Talking about your former work, 'Somewhere In-Between' you say it's a 'growing pain EP'. What is the difference between 'Drunk On A Flight' and 'Somewhere In Between', musically as well as on the personal plan? ELOISE : Musically, this album is so much more upbeat and energetic. Which links into why I think it’s emotionally different; The last project was about growing up and its aches and this album is about growing down which is probably why it sounds so much more bubbly and young. SM : How do you feel about going on tour later this year? ELOISE : So excited. Especially about playing the new stuff and hearing people sing to it and seeing which songs people respond to. SM : What do you hope people feel when they are listening to this album? ELOISE : I hope people take a load of pressure off themselves. You don’t need to get it all right, its fine to leave footprints in the snow. Just have fun and be silly and just as things that felt like they mattered in school didn’t actually matter, things that feel like they matter NOW don’t either. It’s always okay in the end. Hearts are made to feel…good and bad. SM : What do you wish for in your future? ELOISE : That I keep making music for as long as I love making music.

MY CHILDHOOD CELEBRITY CRUSH Zac Efron in High School Musical.

MY FAVORITE SOCIAL MEDIA I don’t want to be annoying but NONE. I would love to go without it. If YouTube counts as social media then maybe that?

MY FAVORITE QUOTE “You go your way, I’ll go your way to.” - Leonard Cohen’s explanation of love.

MY FAVORITE ARTIST Kendrick Lamar yesterday, today and tomorrow.

MY DREAM DESTINATION Wherever in Northern Italy they shot ‘Call Me By Your Name’!


Affair To Remember’, ‘When Harry Met Sally’ and ‘Worst Person In The World’ for films. ’Sex d The City’ and ‘Girls’ for TV and for books ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho and ‘Octavia’ by Jilly Cooper.


’m a simple girl. I love doing a pub quiz with my gorgeous friends and stumbling back and ordering McDonald’s in bed.

Austin North

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