4th Issue of The Scroll S.Y. 2022-2023; Enter-stellar: To Infinity and Beyond

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VOLL VOLLISSUENO4 ISSUENO4 April-May2023 April-May2023 TheOfficialStudentPublicationof TheOfficialStudentPublicationof JoseRizalUniversity JoseRizalUniversity JuniorHighSchoolDivision JuniorHighSchoolDivision




NewsWriter StephanieLagutom

NewsWriter KirstinShamiekaLlaban

FilipinoLiteraryWriter JaninaCarolineCortez


It seems like it was just yesterday when we started our It seems like it was just yesterday when we started our school year after two years of quarantine I still can't school year after two years of quarantine I still can't believe how time flies so fast, and how people quickly believe how time flies so fast and how people quickly adapt to the changes that are constantly happening adapt to that are constantly happening around us While writing this letter, waves of nostalgia around us While writing this letter waves of nostalgia come into my mind I remember how I wanted to create come into mind I remember how wanted to create memories with my schoolmates, friends, and teachers memories my schoolmates, friends, and teachers during the first week of our class Now I don't think I during the first week of our class Now, don't think I am ready to end this chapter and turn to the next page am ready to end this chapter and turn to the next page to start a new one in my life to start a new one in my life

Reminiscing the past makes me realize how I started Reminiscing the past makes me realize how I started this journey with a single step Of course, a trip is not this journey a step Of course, trip is not just all about fun and excitement, but it is also about just all about fun and excitement but it is also about how you will face all the rough how you will all the rough waves waves and dark and dark clouds clouds that come to your path From that, I was able to find a that come to your path that I was able to a way to keep the way to keep the ffire ire of my passion burning by igniting of my passion igniting the determination I have; and that became my strength the determination I have; and that became my strength in reaching the in reaching the mountain mountain’s peak of success ’s peak of success

You might say that after the long journey that we have You might say that after the long journey that we have been through, this will be the finish line of it But no been this be the line of it But no Remember, when you look up at the night sky, you will Remember, when you look up at the night sky, you will see millions of stars shining during the darkest times see of stars shining during the times They were sparkling and blinking to the point that you They were sparkling and blinking to the point that you see them as magical and started to make a wish see them magical and started to a However, the thing is, they are not just stars that you However the thing is they are not just stars that you can tell what your heart wants Because they also can tell what heart wants Because they also represent endless possibilities for you and for your represent possibilities you for your future A star is a reflection of you who shines brightly future star is a reflection of you, who shines brightly using its own light, following its own path For a star to using its own light, following own path For a star to be born, there is one thing that should happen, a be born, there is one thing that should happen, a gaseous nebula must collapse So do not be afraid to gaseous must collapse So do not be afraid to crumble since that is not your destruction That is your crumble since that is not destruction That is your birth birth

EnglishLiteraryWriter GianCleinLadia

EnglishLiteraryWriter CassandraLouiseHernandez


FilipinoLiteraryWriter YuanSta.Ana

LayoutArtist RamonLuisConcepcion


On behalf of the editorial board and staff of The Scroll

On behalf of the board and S Y 2022-2023, we would like to present to you our final S Y 2022-2023 we like to present to you our final issue with the theme, issue with the theme, “Enter-stellar: To Infinity and “Enter-stellar: To and Beyond” Beyond”, as we express our heartfelt gratitude to every , as we express our heartfelt gratitude to every student and teacher who supported us throughout our student and teacher who supported us throughout our journalism journey To our English Department Chair, journalism journey To our English Department Chair, Ms Rovelyn Arcilla to our Student Development Ms Rovelyn Arcilla, to our Student Development Coordinator, Ms Gemma Garcia, to our beloved Coordinator, Ms Gemma to our beloved principal, Ms Grace Marie Martin, and to our dearest principal, Ms Grace Marie Martin, and to our dearest school paper adviser, Ms Marissa Rongcales, thank you school adviser, Ms Marissa Rongcales, thank you for the guidance and knowledge that you imparted to for the guidance and knowledge that you imparted to us You will always serve as our Polaris us You will always as our Polaris

This has been your Editor-In-Chief of The Scroll, saying This your of The saying take the time to pause today, to really look into what take the time to pause today to really look the past has taught you and look forward to all the the past has taught you and look forward to all the future has yet to teach you Here’s to new beginnings! future yet to you Here’s to new beginnings!

Signing off Signing off


Cartoonist LesterNeoCobilla Cartoonist AndreaJameelaEvangelista Cartoonist AleishaFelicityReal LayoutArtist AndreaTaneza Cartoonist AngelineNicoleHuizo Editor-in-Chief Princess Hannah Carnaje Managing Editor Marcus Dwein Ferrer
FeatureWriter KatelynAtienza SportsWriter MikkoAshleyAbanto FilipinoLiteraryEditor JeraldRichmondPagnanawon EnglishLiteraryEditor MayaGabrielleFabian NewsEditor XianCyrenMeriales LiteraryEditor SheikAhmedMathewSagnip SportsEditor XianDondonilla FeatureEditor ChristineMaeTumacder GraceMarieB.Martin MarissaM.Rongcales RovelynA.Arcilla Principal,JHS SchoolPaperAdviser Chair,EnglishDepartment
EDITORIAL EDITORIAL The Break of A New Dawn 04-05 04-05 NEWS & FEATURE NEWS & FEATURE JRU sweeps five awards in the DSSPC JHS commences onsite Intramurals with a Memorable Opening Ceremony 06 06 07 07 Math day celebration: utilizing practical minds Fire drill ignites fire safety in the university 08 08 The Scroll’s Promising Young Journalist JRU hosts Carnivalooza to Rizalians: A token of appreciation Mathapat Stores donates profits to help fire victims and street sweepers 09-11 09-11 10th graders, share their journey as researchers; with Layague as GRES adviser CENTERFOLD CENTERFOLD Centerfold 112-13 2-13 TO: Future Researchers 114-15 4-15 LITERARY LITERARY Tropeo & The boy who once fell 116 6 Reaching for the Stars 117 7 Bukang Liwayway 118-19 8-19 REFLECTIONS REFLECTIONS Reflections 20-23 20-23

JHScommencesonsite Intramuralswitha MemorableOpening Ceremony

His exceptional commitment, talent, and dedication outshone even those with more experience and skill, making his victory remarkable. Isaiah's triumph was recognized with the Mr. Photogenic award and the Best in Sportsmanship accolade.

Furthermore, the competition acknowledged the outstanding escorts and muses from each grade level. Dwayne Barcelon from Grade 8 secured the 2nd Runner-Up position, Leicester Verde from Grade 9 claimed the 3rd Runner-Up spot, and Duane Dominguez from Grade 10 earned the 1st Runner-Up title, as well as the Best in Talent and People's Choice Award.

After a two-year break, students and faculty gathered at the university gymnasium last April 14 to witness the JRU JHS Intramurals 2023 opening ceremony.

To kickstart the event, the Sayaw Rizaliana ignited the scene as they grooved into the music with the crowd.

The Mr. and Ms. Intramurals competition showcased the remarkable talents and beauty of representatives from each grade level. Eunice Garcia from 9D took center stage with her graceful dance moves and emerged as the Muse Competition winner.

Her outstanding dance skills and natural charisma undeniably paved the way for her victory, securing the grand title of Ms. Intramurals. In addition, Garcia was also honored with the Ms. Photogenic title, further highlighting her exceptional presence.

Similarly, Isaiah Kraiven Lopez from Grade 7 defied expectations by clinching the Mr. Intramurals title in the Escort Competition, despite competing against participants from higher grade levels.

Among the muses, Liz Yvonne, Grade 7 representative, achieved the 2nd Runner Up position, Dasia Calie, Grade 8 representative, became the 3rd Runner Up, and Caedys Navarro of Grade 10, secured the 1st Runner Up spot, along with the Best in Talent and People's Choice Award. These remarkable individuals showcased their exceptional talents and left an indelible mark on the competition.

The opening ceremony continued with motivating speeches from the JHS administration, emphasizing the significance of teamwork, camaraderie, and sportsmanship.

The reintroduction of the Intramurals at JRU JHS after the pandemic, has invigorated the school community, fostering unity, pride, and resilience among students and faculty. As the intramurals progress throughout the final weeks of the School Year, JRU JHS eagerly anticipates witnessing exceptional displays of athleticism, sportsmanship, and the creation of unforgettable memories.


Mathday celebration:utilizing practicalminds

The Junior High School (JHS) students gathered in the quadrangle to celebrate the

annual Math Day celebration on March 31, 2023. The event featured many songs, dance performances, a Math quiz bee, and an oath-taking ceremony.

The program started with a Math quiz bee with representatives from every section in JHS to compete. 10F won 1st place questions were based on real-life applications of mathematics instead of its technical use.

After the competition, members of the String and Glee club performed “Hanggang Kailan” by Orange and Lemons, followed by solos with Margarette Fionna Bañez performing “Halik” by Kamikazee and Caitlin Rosario with “When I Dream About You” by Gracenote. The Sayaw Rizalianas also showed off a hype dance of “ParadoXXX Invasion” by ENHYPEN.

An oath-taking for the Mathapat Store For a Cause Project happened where every section of the JHS division pledged to donate their proceeds from their individual Mathapat stores to the chosen charity.

Firedrilli universit

On March 21, Jose Rizal University (JRU) conducted a fire drill inside the university campuses to prepare students for a real fire emergency.

The fire alarm suddenly rang while classes were ongoing. Students and teachers left their classrooms as they headed toward their designated campuses’ quadrangles.

After everyone assembled in their designated campuses’ quadrangle, students and faculty all paid attention as the loudspeakers preached about fire preventive measures.

The university has an action plan in case of a fire emergency in the form of an Emergency Response Action Plan (ERAP).

The speaker laid out the exit plan: to calmly head towards the quadrangle and slowly exit the building, and; the building layout, the location of emergency exits, fire extinguishers, and fire hoses.

He also demonstrated how to use fire safety equipment such as fire extinguishers through the pull the pin, aim the nozzle, squeeze the lever, and sweep from side to side (PASS) and fire hoses.

In addition to discussing fire-preventive measures inside the school, the speaker also shared practical fire safety tips that can be used elsewhere, such as how to correctly put out a fire at home and handle a burning gas tank.

Students and teachers returned to their respective classrooms and resumed classes afterward.


The Scroll’s Promising Young Journalist

JRU-JHS’s official student publication, The Scroll, joined the Division School Press Conference of Mandaluyong City last March.

Out of the JHS participants, only one writer won, Miko Abanto of grade 9 won fifth place, and although it was not his first time joining a journalism competition, he admits: “This year's competition was different as it was in the Filipino Copyreading & Headline Writing cattegory, which was entirely new to me.” To add to his journalism achievements, he won sixth and ninth place in the two previous journalism competitions he has participated in.

He initially signed up for the English category, but due to unforeseen circumstances, he was moved to Filipino and had to rush his preparation. He says that this was especially hard because he does not specialize in Filipino writing.

Additionally, the two previous journalism competitions he joined were during the pandemic, so that was another obstacle. “Unlike my previous experience with the DSPC, this was my first time competing onsite with other students, but it didn't really change my focus or approach to the competition. I remained fully committed to the contest and dedicated myself to do the best I can, regardless of the presence of other competitors,” he says.

JRUhostsCarnivaloozatoRizalians:A tokenofappreciation

Jose Rizal University (JRU) organized a Carnivalooza open to all Rizalians, especially kindergarten, grade 6, and grade 10 students

The purpose was to express appreciation for their hard work by giving them a day to relax, have fun, and unwind before the end of the school year.

to participate in different activities such as colorful booth games and thrilling inflatable slides.

The facilitators have prepared various prizes for all winners of the games.

The teachers served street foods like kikiam, fishball, taho, and ice cream.

Students were given free play money for elementary and tickets for high school as their tokens

Junior High School Division (JHS) held an outreach program for the recent fire victims in Addition Hills last April 28 at

11 am on Block 37 Panatag Covered Court.

The Mathematics Department, in collaboration with Mrs. Esteves, led this outreach event. Each section in JHS also sent one representative to help in the outreach program.

A short program was held at the grounds of the JHS Division, in which the remaining groceries were allocated to the street sweepers of Brgy. Daang Bakal, May 12,

around 17 street sweepers benefited from the outreach program.

JRU-JHS students sold various things for a month; they chose to donate their profits to the fire victims in Brgy. Addition Hills and the street sweepers of Brgy. Daang Bakal.

The Mathapat stores were an initiative of the students, while the math teachers facilitated the selling of vouchers to the buyers.

The outreach was considered successful as all the groceries had been rolled out.

MikkoAshleyAban grade9wonfifthplace

ersity Junior High School Division (JRU-JHS) successfully conducted a guided research (GRES), with the rch for Data and Solutions,’ to all grade 10 students with the guidance and assistance of Mr. Roberto

a two-day program was held via Zoom that was organized by the Supreme Student Government (SSG) signed director, Ana Lorraine Estacio, together with Bryan Arcangel as the Assistant Director and Ethan Technical Support sections were divided into six clusters. The presentations of the groups from different clusters were sly in six classrooms.

Group 3 of 10-A, Marcus Ferrer, Ana Estacio, Lourraine Dela Cruz, Ryan Flores, Marielle Guce, and Hayden Cristobal, was awarded the Best Research Paper with their study, High School Dilemma: Decisiveness of Grade 10 Students in Identifying a SHS Track or Strand

All members of the group felt nervous and hopeless during the announcement of the awardees since they were not called for the Best Research Presentation However, one of them said that hearing their research title from the host as the first place in Best Research Paper brought pure joy to the whole group.










On the other hand, six groups were declared to have the Best Research Presentation.

Group 2 from 10-A, Jann Beriña, Princess Carnaje, Marc Castro, Victor Condicion, Aaliyah Cordero, and Hans Cristobal, conducted a study about Financial Budgeting and Expenditures of JRU-JHS Students.

Group 1 from 10-D, Alexandra Tuazon, Elune Reyes, Mykeisha Louie Mangaron, Joaquin Fabia, and Graian Ortega, had a research title of Students’ Outlook on How Personal Problems Affect Their School Performance, which tackles how students’ personal problems affect their school performance and what coping mechanisms they use to overcome them.

Group 2 from 10-B, Prince Elijah Mari Briones, Jeremmie, Marx Bugnalen, James Andrew Sky Catacutan, Antonio Rafael Catangay, and Francis Andrei de Castro, carried out a study with the title Submission and Procrastination of JHS Grade 10 Students in Person and Online.

Rizal University JHS - The Scroll 09 NEWS
NEWS 10 Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll
Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll 11 NEWS

Tropeo, ang simbolo ng tagumpay

Sa pagkamit ay walang kapantay

Tropeo, ang sumisiklab sa determinasyon

Gabay sa bawat paghamon

Kahit may pag-aalinlangan

Lahat ay paghihirapan

Sa paggawa ng makakaya

Ginhawa'y matatamasa

Tiyaga’t pag-asa’y bibitbitin

Hirap ay haharapin

Sa tiyaga’t determinasyon

tunay na tunguhin

Ilang luha man ang tumulo

Hindi pa rin susuko

Tuloy ang pagtungo

Sa landas pahantong sa tropeo


I tread through a meadow, grass lay beneath my feet, In search of purpose, waiting for destiny to meet Then came a noise, like a bird losing flight My eyes make their way to an angel in sight

His wings like milk, just like a dove A boy who fell from the heavens above I reach out to him, let him know my name

He bowed his head in silence, as if he were ashamed

He wept in my arms, and told me he tried

Who knew it'd be so hard to sail across the sky?

I wiped away his tears and told him not to fret, For he might succeed if he tried again

He ran across the field, far and wide Flapping his wings in hopes to fly

When he finally did, a sad truth had dawned

We knew that by the evening, he'd be long gone

I gave him a kiss, and I bid him goodbye, The boy who once fell, now up so high He gently smiles, knowing that we'd part The angel makes his flight to reach beyond the stars

Jose Rizal University JHS - The Scroll


Once lived a boy who was always ambitious and determined to reach his goals. Everybody knew of his dream to become an astronaut, considering that he would frequently talk about space and how he wishes to explore its greatest depths Sure, it was something to admire, but almost nobody was supportive of his choices Repeatedly, they would tell him to be “realistic”, but if realistic meant not being able to pursue this dream, it was not in his vocabulary.

Ever since he was a kid, he had already been dreaming of touching the stars He never let the negativity of others affect his hopes Even his own family had discouraged him from this chosen career path, but he strived and worked harder than ever to prove them wrong, to prove all of them wrong Until one day, he did

In the blink of an eye, he was in space, admiring the stars from up close like he always wished, replaying all of the moments he was told to stop aiming for the impossible. He smiled, satisfied with himself.

"Today, he is now one of the most well-known, accomplished astronauts out there," He ended with that Charlie, a single father of one, looked down to his daughter

"Wow," she mouthed out of disbelief. Mae, a 9year-old girl, brunette, felt the same way about the sea Charlie laughed, tucking his daughter into bed while undoing her braids "That man sounds a lot like you dad, do you know him?" she asked, genuinely curious. "I am that man." He replied, amused by the face his daughter just made.

Charlie had always seen himself in his daughter He was aware of her love for the sea ever since she was young and showered her with the kind of support he never received from his own parents He knew that one day she would be telling her own story to her future children "Good night." he tells his daughter, leaving a kiss on her forehead.


I was in 5th grade when I first compete in the DSSPC Back then, I really felt like I was a driver in a race; with my unfastened seatbelt, the car already started to move in a quick pace In simple words, I was not ready that time I did not know what I got myself into Especially that I only like reading and writing fictional stories I literally don't know anything about Copyreading and Headlining Thankfully, I was mentored by one of the great adviser, I must say, during my elementary days Together with my co-journalists I attended workshops and seminars every weekends to enhance my skills in editing Then to my surprise, I won 8th place in the contest Even now, I still consider it as pure luck

But as time flies I became more dedicated and passionate on what I do that related with journalism I also started writing poems and post it in a social media platforms which has already over 16,000 reads and 230 votes

Writing an effective news is one of the difficulties I encountered when I joined The Scroll I do not only want to write about certain events, but I also want to make an impact to my fellow Rizalians by using my own voice through writing It was also challenging for me to be the director of our Media Organization Dispatch But I really enjoyed guiding the reporters especially when they were about to interview the guests and students in a program In addition, publishing our issue on time is really hard, specifically when other staffers do not follow the deadline Nevertheless, we still successfully deliver all news to every Rizalians

What I have learned in this journey is to make sure that when you joined in this kind of organization you should have the strong will to do all the work needed with excellence You should have the dedication and passion of a writer, because our words can either plant gardens or burn forests

I started being a campus journalist two years before going to JRU I have gained experiences joining inter-school competitions I realized that as I went to JRU, I want to still pursue journalism

My journey in joining The Scroll was not easy at first On my freshman year, I was not accepted into the organization and was very disappointed Subsequently, I was not discouraged trying out again, that’s when I got in during 8th grade as a English News Writer Year after, I got accepted again, but now as Sports Editor Now, I am writing this evaluation as a Managing Editor for this school year Isn’t crazy how I keep growing over these years? That was actually my goal, to discover new sides of me and to improve my skills as a writer

This year, my leadership skills were tested It is easy for me to write an article within a deadline; however, it may not be for my clubmates As the managing editor, I must help manage the progress of each writers to meet the deadline

The last journalism competition I joined was back my elementary years I longed so much to join again Fortunately, this year we joined the DSSPC which turned out to be an incredible experience for us

"Bethemoonandinspirepeopleeven whenyou'refarfromfull."

I joined The Scroll to explore my writing capabilities

A struggle I encountered in the club is figuring out how to deliver news clearly to the community At times I would also struggle with deadlines as well My most memorable experience in The Scroll is being able to interview a renowned singer as a Media Organization Dispatch reporter One thing I learned during my time in The Scroll is that it is best to write with passion It allows you to dedicate time and effort in order to put out a quality output for the paper

Every year, I always tell myself to try and explore more new things to grow, so I wanted to join different clubs every year, which is why I joined The Scroll It's one of my objective to get out of my comfort zone to help me develop more as a person, and by that, I tried The Scroll as my nonacademic club By selecting different clubs every year, I can find what hobby I am good about Since I was new to this club, I was feeling eerie because I'm not really professional when it comes to handling the school paper I was also feeling left out because my partner is in senior year and I'm not good with handling social relationships/talking to new people But I tried and gave myself hope so I surpassed it The most memorable is of course, being a layout artist It makes me feel delighted because I contributed something in my high school years I always try to find and edit different kinds of pleasing layout, and I'm happy that my own design is represented this SY: 22-23

What I learn is that you always have to responsible

Whatever The Scroll position that you got, you always have to accomplish your work on time because The Scroll if the most important club in JHS

"Nomatterhowharditgets,stickyourchest out,keepyourheadupandhandleit."

My mother took up journalism as her pre-law course, so I wanted to give journalism a try too Other than that, I have dreams of becoming a novelist, but I thought I'd also give nonfiction writing a try Balancing my academics and my extracurricular activities was definitely a challenge There is a slight deficiency of dependable students in our section, so the diligent few have to shoulder most of the responsibilities I overcame these struggles by adjusting my schedule and improving my time management The thrill of seeing my name published on a byline for the first time is definitely a memory I won't forget!

I gained experience in working in a publication, albeit minor I also learned to manage my time better and to cooperate with others

"Neverjumpintoconclusions,evenifit's theonlyexerciseyoudo."

I joined The Scroll because I liked literature I overcame time management by having a separate schedule for regular school work and Scroll work The time we celebrated the publication of the first issue by having a pizza party was one of the memorable experiences I had I learned how to be an efficient and creative writer


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