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JRU SHS Welcomes New Student Officers in the First Hyflex Mass Induction

By Genesis Sam Cuevas
José Rizal University
Senior High School division (JRU SHS) held its annual Mass Induction in a first-ever Hyflex setup at the JRU Auditorium and via Zoom last September 9 to congratulate and officially induct the academic year’s new batch of student leaders and club officers.

Due to its nature, the event was held simultaneously onsite and via Zoom as the first event for the newlyimplemented Hyflex learning modality.

Significant figures of the JRU SHS administration were present to induct the newly-appointed officers, led by Mr. Romel Navarro, the principal of the SHS Division. He officiated the oath-taking.
By Joshua Rieson Sorreda
To welcome Rizalians back for School
Year 2022-2023 in the newly implemented HyFlex setup, José Rizal University commenced Frosh Day on August 15, live at the JRU Quadrangle and streamed on the university’s official Facebook page.

Dr. Vicente K. Fabella, University President, welcomed the Rizalian community to a new school year as he graced the event with his presence and uplifted the spirits to find the inner hero within themselves.

Epitomizing the #HusayRizal tagline, the JRU Drummers, Teatro Rizal, and JRU Pep Squad showcased their skills and talents through their performances.

There were activities and games for the Rizalians and university shirts, stickers, and many more as freebies.
Furthermore, GMA Network artists Mikee Quintos and Dave Bornea made a special appearance to hype the audience and to welcome the new school year.

After conducting two school years in the online setup due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which halted the annual event, JRU commenced the event on campus with the physical presence of the Rizalian community. It has been three years since the last Frosh Day was held at the JRU Quadrangle with a live audience.