March 4, 2013

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Baseball, page 11


cribe Vol. 37, Iss. 17

Monday, March 4, 2013

UCCS Student Newspaper

Inside Local emergencies may not merit a campus alert this

Issue news

Concealed carry page 3 House Bill 1226 passed the Colorado House of Representatives and has moved to the state senate. The bill seeks to ban concealed weapons on college campuses.

culture SneakyBoy page 6 Jimmy Gable and Dan Mancini, members of the group SneakyBoy, look to challenge preconceived notions.

Peter Farrell

Alerts from Public Safety in February notified students and faculty about campus snow closures, but not all campus alerts are treated equally. Campus emergency alerts are handled on a case-by-case basis. The e2Campus Emergency Notification System sends out mass emails and text messages to those subscribed to the system. The snow closure on Feb. 20 was an example of the e2 system at work. It was the first campus closure due to snow in more than two years. The last closure occurred in 2011 after pipes in Steamboat House burst. The campus e2 alert

system sent out both emails and text messages to subscribers as weather conditions developed. Still, not all students received the email. Taylor Klotz, a senior in mathematics and a tutor at the Center for Excellence in Mathematics, was at the center by himself when the campus closed. Klotz parked his vehicle at Four Diamonds earlier that day, but by the time snow hit campus, the shuttle service had stopped running. Klotz was not subscribed to the e2 alert system and did not answer phone calls to the learning center’s main phone line during the closure. “I had no idea that the shuttles were stopping,” Klotz said. Adverse weather con-

ditions are not the only catalyst for e2 notifications. The distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks on the campus computer network in February was not broadcasted through the e2 system, though students and faculty were notified via email of status updates every two hours. The UCCS IT department did not comment about the details of the attack, but the situation had become a hassle to many students with morning classes after network speeds came to a crawl the previous night. Some local incidents do not merit an emergency notification for e2 subscribers. Continued on page 2 . . .

Photo by Alex Gradisher An emergency notification was sent to those signed up for e2campus alerts, notifying them of the Feb. 21 snow day.

Lodge to expand seating area, get new patio April Wefler

opinion Victims page 9 Women are not to blame for rape, stalkers and abuse, common factors of domestic violence.

sports Baseball page 11 The university has no official plans to add baseball, but some students feel it is time to adopt a team.

Amid construction for the new Summit Village, a fence has been put up around the Lodge with a partition wall inside. The fence contains construction for a new patio. “The patio that was out there is being demolished – it was pretty cracked. It wasn’t designed to take the structure of added walls and a new roof,” said Jeff Davis, executive director of University Center Auxiliary and Enterprise Services. He added that a new slab is being put in. “Since that’s a construction area, you’ve got to protect it so that people do not get injured by potentially getting into the construction space,” he said. In addition to the new patio, the Lodge is also building onto the seating area, a result of the Summit Village expansion. With the addition of buildings Eldora and Copper, the university is adding 192 beds to Summit’s total bed inventory. Currently, Summit Village has a capacity of 597 students. Alpine Village has a capacity of 303 students, which puts the overall capacity at 900

Photo by James Sibert Expansion of the Lodge is part of the Summit Village expansion project. students. Last fall, the campus leased apartments in Sunset Village because of increased demand. “We’ve had people that wanted to live on campus that we were not able to accommodate. As the housing enrollment grows, the housing demand grows,” Davis said. He added the demand has been more on the freshman level, which is why the university chose to expand Summit rather than Alpine. Davis, himself a father, said that most parents want their children on

campus in resident halls as opposed to off-campus apartments. “When my daughter left to go to college, I wanted her in a residence hall versus in an apartment off campus dealing with unknown roommates and utilities and all that stuff,” he said. “From a student retention perspective, it’s been shown statistically that freshman students that live on campus are more involved on the campus [and] are more successful to graduation,” he added. After looking at how

many people were coming to the Lodge from a one to 15-minute time block and comparing it with the percentage of people in housing, the university found that the 192 additional beds would overload the capacity of the Lodge, prompting the larger seating area. Currently, the Lodge has a seating capacity of around 247. Davis said that the university is adding in about 84 seats and that the partition wall is to protect residents dining there now while construction is occurring.

Davis said that typically, not everyone comes to the Lodge at a specific time based on personal schedules, work, classes or similar reasons. However, “we know that there are times, especially the dinner hour, where more people do arrive at one point in time,” he said. The new Lodge is slated to be finished at the beginning of Fall 2013, serving the residents living in the new Summit Village, which is scheduled to be finished at the same time. S


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(Continued from page 1) Staff and residents at Timberline Village off North Nevada were not notified of a brushfire that broke out immediately north of the complex on Feb 13. Tim Stoecklein, program director of emergency management with

Public Safety, was contacted by the Colorado Springs Fire Department and went out to the scene with two officers to assess the situation. Upon arriving at the scene, Public Safety determined that the weather conditions would not

March 4, 2013

Local emergencies, campus alert

allow the blaze to encroach toward the Sunset Creek property and was not a direct threat to UCCS. “That’s one of the first things [we look at] – location, address, what’s going on [and] ‘How’s it going to spread?’”

Stoecklein said. Timberline Village consists of two buildings leased by UCCS from the Sunset Creek apartment complex. The village was introduced for the 2012-2013 academic year to address on-campus resident overflow in

Alpine and Summit. Although alerts weren’t sent out for the fire, Public Safety continually monitors city dispatch updates through Twitter and collaborative efforts between the CSFD, CSPD and UCCS. Generally, in a medi-

cal or fire emergency, student are encouraged to call 9 and then 9-11 from a campus phone or 9-1-1 from a personal phone “[T]he beauty of a campus police force is knowledge and interaction,” Stoecklein said. S

Resources available for international students on campus Nick Beadleston UCCS has a number of programs designed to help international students integrate into the community in an effort to become more of a global education destination. Despite the university’s advancements, however, some feel that more could be done to help foreign students. Currently, more than 200 international students attend UCCS. That figure includes both short-term and long-term exchange students, degree-seeking students and post-graduate students. Foreign students are assisted by the Office of International Affairs, which is located in Main Hall, Room 106.

The OIA opened in April 2012 and falls under the authority of C. David Moon, interim provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs. The OIA is largely a self-funded department, meaning it receives more funding from independent sources than from the university. According to Anthony Shull, OIA’s executive director, a majority of the funds come from programs and services performed by members of the office. The OIA’s chief income source stems from interactions with the Daegu Gyeongbuk English Village, which is a partnership between UCCS and Yeungjin College, located in South Korea. The aim of the proj-

ect is to establish a basis for teaching English in South Korea. In exchange for assisting in the process of finding instructors willing to teach overseas, obtaining their documentation and otherwise preparing them for their travel to South Korea, DGEV funds many of the OIA’s activities. While the administration does little financially to assist the OIA, interdepartmental cooperation is essential. Wangyun Chao, the international student and scholar services specialist at the OIA, said, “We could not be an operation today without help from other departments.” UCCS offers four levels of English language courses, each lasting a minimum of eight weeks.

The courses include preand post-tests designed to ensure that English Language Learners are placed in the correct level. Along with the core English classes, students can take satellite classes focusing on various aspects, including American history and academic writing. Additionally, ELL students can take advantage of the services at the Writing Center in Columbine Hall, Room 316. The center specifically caters to ELL students Mondays and Wednesdays from 2:30-5:30 pm. Prior to the OIA’s opening, the MOSAIC Office functioned as a support system for international students arriving on campus.

While MOSAIC still offers support to any requesting students – specifically incoming students in need of mentoring – they now generally refer international students to the OIA, as they are better suited to meet their needs. “Even now I would like to take a culture course,” said Nouha Gaza, a Tunisian native and former student who currently teaches Arabic for the university. Gaza, who frequently utilized the campus’ programs for international students, said that there need to be more courses allowing international students to interact in public settings with their native colleagues, both on and off-campus. Chao and Mike Saenz,

the OIA’s international student advisor, indicated that the OIA has been attempting to create a program tentatively labeled iBuddy, which would link these students with a volunteer American student currently attending UCCS. The American student would assist the international student in purchasing school supplies and books as well as with local recreational activities and opportunities. Plans to implement the iBuddy program are being hindered by logistical issues and a lack of resources. Still, members of the OIA remain optimistic that as the office establishes stronger interdepartmental ties, the program will be established soon. S


March 4, 2013

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Bill banning concealed carry on campus heads to state senate Samantha Morley After much deliberation and controversy, the Colorado House approved House Bill 1226 on Feb. 18, banning concealed weapons on college campuses. The bill has moved to the state senate and is one step closer to making it illegal to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. Three related gun control bills were also approved. Combined, the four laws limit gun magazines to 15 rounds, ban concealed weapons on college campuses, require background checks for those looking to buy a gun and impose a fee on gun buyers to pay for their background checks. Democrats held a 37-28 majority vote. SGA President Stephen Collier attended the committee meeting and expressed his dissatisfaction with the ruling. “I am deeply disappointed in the Senate House passing this bill,” he said in an email to The Scribe. “The presented ‘for’ arguments were based on nothing more than emotion, fear and hyperbole. Furthermore, representatives, I believe, belittled UCCS students and every other Colorado higher education student.” Collier explained how arguments made it seem as if college students are not “responsible enough to maintain a concealed weapon while on campus.” According to the Colorado Daily, three University

Photo by Nick Burns House Bill 1226 passed the Colorado House of Representatives and has moved to the senate as the debate rages as to whether or not college students should be able to carry concealed weapons on campus. of Colorado student government members showed support of HB 1226. Tyler Quick, vice president of external affairs; Colin Sorensen, Legislative Council president; and Julia Harrington, co-director of legislative affairs, attended the House meeting to support the bill. Quick commented that the bill should be passed quickly because he felt the CU community was “concerned and distracted by [the] presence of concealed carry weapons on campus.”

Rep. Claire Levy, DBoulder, sponsored the bill. During an interview with the Daily Camera, Levy stated that “there are a lot of students who simply are not ready to be in the presence of firearms. It’s a dangerous mix.” Evan Shelton, founder and CEO of Students for Ammunition and Weapons Safety, commented in an email, “If this bill passes and is signed into law, I believe there will be plenty of protests.” Shelton is waiting to see how the bill fares in

the senate before taking any action. “However, we strongly urge ALL individuals who do not agree with the bill to contact their Senate representative and speak their minds in an attempt to have the bill killed on the Senate floor,” he said. Pikes Peak Community College’s Student Body President Troy Smith believes that students should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. The UCCS and PPCC student governments are working together to contest

the bill. “[Collier and I] are putting together a group to oppose this. It looks like we have a big group of student government leaders and they’re all on board,” Smith said. The group aims to educate people that the bill was developed out of Boulder and that “the rest of Colorado isn’t Boulder.” The CU Board of Regents held a meeting at UCCS on Feb. 20 to discuss concealed carry on campuses. The Republican-dominated board voted

6-2 to postpone the issue “indefinitely.” Republican Regents Jim Geddes and Sue Sharkey urged that the right to have concealed weapons on campuses be supported. “I think it’s important to begin highlighting the growing coalition of schools coming out against HB 13-1226,” Collier said. Colorado State University in Fort Collins is readying to pass a resolution against the bill, and Colorado Mesa University is also opposed to the document. S

Online courses draw attention from administration, faculty Peter Farrell

Kyle Marino Massively open online courses, or MOOCs, are a recent trend in the professional academic world. Administration faculty are weighing the possibility of joining other universities in providing credits for the courses. The premise behind online courses focuses on the flexibility of the student. Enrollment in an online course means no attendance or docked points for absences, taking material at a time that fits the student’s schedule and earning credits toward a degree without entering a classroom.

What makes MOOCs different from regular online classes is the heavy emphasis on online-only learning. Additionally, MOOCs have a heavy emphasis on free education. Companies like edX, Coursera and Udacity all began in 2012 with a similar premise of offering online education without tethering students to a classroom desk. Spokespersons from the dean’s office believe that MOOCs can become a productive way to educate people, though they don’t know if they will be implemented at UCCS in the near future. For a commuter campus like UCCS, the appeal of massive online courses is a

unique prospect. David Anderson, chair head of the UCCS chemistry department and member of the president’s taskforce on MOOC technology, is optimistic, but is cautious about the idea of MOOCs at UCCS. “Nobody knows where all of this is going to go,” Anderson said. The Board of Regents and administrative faculty realize that the online courses should be taken seriously as other colleges are beginning to accept MOOCs for credit, Anderson said. The primary obstacle of MOOCs for universities is adopting a business model and generating revenue. The regents and university administration will

do something about it, but they are unsure how to fit it into a business model as MOOCs are free, Anderson added. UCCS is in the process of forging a tentative partnership with Coursera. CU Boulder is following in step. At the moment, the online program at UCCS has a handful of undergraduate programs that require a 60/60 split of in-person and online credits. It also offers several more master’s and certificate offerings. The undergraduate programs offered include health care, criminal justice, business and nursing. Some senior students would like to have seen more online courses of-

fered by UCCS in the time they spent pursuing their undergraduate degrees. Polina Reynolds, a senior in biology, philosophy and psychology, has taken online courses from both UCCS and Coursera. “They are lacking in communication, but technology is improving,” Reynolds said. “[Coursera] classes have a definite structure and a timeline that is motivating, but are also no commitment.” Kimberly Aronstam, a UCCS alum who graduated in 2009 with a degree in business, echoed Reynolds. Aronstam said there were no online classes offered when she was an undergraduate student at

UCCS. “I would’ve killed to take online classes,” she said. An immovable criticism of MOOCs and strictlyonline courses is the lack of hands-on learning material. For students who learn kinesthetically, online-only presents a notable obstacle. Other students are not so swayed by the idea of learning in a more digital medium. “It seems like a good idea,” said freshman Jacob Fisher, “but it takes away from the experience you get of learning in a classroom environment and meeting lifelong friends.” S Eleanor Skelton contributed reporting.


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March 4, 2013

Club fundraising competition raises nearly $800,000 Kyle Marino There are inspiring stories each year of people coming together to better the community. This year, the Club Fundraising Competition, held by UCCS in conjunction with Indy Give, raised almost $800,000, all of which was given to nonprofit organizations this year. The Student Veterans

Association won $200 for its club account, a pizza party and recognition in the Pikes Peak Education newsletter for raising awareness of young people donating money to charity. “Our goal is to get anyone under the age of 36 to donate to a non-profit charity. We want college kids in particular to donate anything, even if it is a dollar, to a non-profit charity and help the community,” said Jesse Perez, the com-

petition coordinator and graduate assistant director at the Communication Center. In 2012, the Veterans Association contributed the most to raising money and awareness for Peak Education. “The Veterans Association was a huge contributor to raising over $47,162 dollars for Peak Education,” Perez said. “The goal is not to raise money, but to raise aware-

ness. The Veterans Association was integral in our cause this year.” Peak Education is a nonprofit organization that helps prepare underprivileged kids for high school and college. “The goal of Peak Education is to give students the tools needed to succeed in high school, college and beyond,” Perez said. “Ninety percent of the graduates from Peak Education go to college.

Close to 100 percent of the graduates graduate high school.” If students were to donate money to a nonprofit organization, not only would they get the satisfaction of improving the lives of others, but they also can earn incentives for donations. “The Indy Give has incentives for people who donate. For example, if you donate $50 to a nonprofit, you can get a $25 gift card to Starbucks. This

is known as a ‘matching’ incentive,” Perez said. For college students, donating may seem like a stretch. However, according to Perez, every dollar counts. “Philanthropy is not just for the wealthy, more established people,” said Perez, “but everyone can make small contributions to help. You can make a difference by donating $5 or $10, and that will make a difference.” S


March 4, 2013

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Free Expression Poetry Club open mic features alumnus poet Eleanor Skelton Murmurs echoed in front of a microphone on the stage as poets addressed a variety of issues. The Free Expression Poetry Club hosted a poetry open mic at Clyde’s on Feb. 23. The event featured Andrew Zigler, a UCCS alumus and one of the founding members, as well as five other poets and one musician. FREEX has been hosting slams and open mics on and off campus for several years. The club’s purpose is “to promote cultural and social awareness through art and performance within the UCCS community.” Club members identify as “the Freaks.” Kirsten Ortega, an assistant English professor, and Mary Jane Sullivan, a philosophy professor, have taught Poetry & Social Justice and were original sponsors of the club. Ortega remains a faculty club sponsor. The audience accompanied the poets with the finger-snapping applause typical to slam culture. The crowd was smaller compared to other slams with about 20 people present. Kevin Boyer, a senior political science major and the club president who hosted the event, generated an energetic

atmosphere with a poem about his bare feet. Taryn Miller, a junior English major, read a poem about temptation. “It’s a chocolate cupcake and it’s whispering my name.” Her second poem focused on drowning in the grunge of daily life and assignments. Alex Hladkyj, a senior communication major, performed an instrumental guitar piece dedicated to victims of the Holodomor in the 1950s in the Ukraine. He followed with a song in Ukrainian and then a piece he described as “a simple love song, in English, this time.” His music had a free, open, quality – like street music in a park, contained within the university basement pub. Hladkyi has relatives in Ukraine living near the Carpathian Mountains. “I am reconnecting with my heritage through music and speaking Ukrainian,” he said. “Originally, I did speak Ukrainian as my first language. However, the kids at school couldn’t understand me, so I quit [using] the language,” he added. “This summer, I met a beautiful Ukrainian woman who inspired me to reconnect with my heritage and she helped me realize that I can become so much more. She touched me and made

me realize that I could be such a better person.” One of Hladkyi’s cousins is a well-known singer in the Ukraine, and her father is a composer. Hladkyi is also currently working on an album. Sarah Hansen, a new poet to UCCS slams, read a poem followed by much enthusiasm and applause from the crowd. Stan Hill, or “Stan the Man” to the Freaks, recited a poem he said was appropriate for “sitting on the edge of a blizzard.” The poem was “The Cremation of Sam McGee,” which he accompanied by light, metonymic tapping on a Bodhrán, an Irish drum, matching the natural rhythm of the piece. Hill’s folksy persona was complemented by a 20sstyle plaid driving hat. Boyer performed another original poem about the maximum occupancy in Clyde’s and how walls cannot contain poetry and exceed their capacity. Kevin Schmidt, another frequent attendee of FREEX club meetings, read two poems, one of which was about yoga pants. Kimberly Southcott, a first semester transfer student majoring in nursing, performed a memorized poem called “What Kids Teach Us” about nannying a 4-year-old. Andrew Zigler, the feature poet, known to

the Freaks and other local poetry communities as “Ziggy” or “DrewDat,” recited some of his most popular poems. He compared slam poetry and boxing, saying “You get to punch somebody in the face and not get in trouble for it... we fight for more than to be considered the best ... We fight with our lungs, filled with possibility ... They want to prove that the weapon is in our chest.” Zigler has a bachelor’s of arts in English and works with at-risk youth at a residential treatment faPhoto by Nick Burns cility, teaching Andrew Ziegler, co-founder of the Free Expression Poetry Club, permartial arts and formed as the featured poet for open mic night at Clyde’s. poetry. One of his poems was doesn’t need to be just sors the Hear Here slam about teaching and “the silence we push yelling and screaming, off campus on the second but it’s fun when it is.” and third Saturday night upon our students.” His final poem about the of every month from “This is the voice we teach our students to power of a hug expressed, 7:30-9 p.m, with poetry use,” he said, connecting “Nothing will bring bliss workshops beginning at situations disadvantaged like the love-hug-drug.” 6:30 p.m. Hear Here reJermard Beasley, or cently moved from the students may be in with the quiet, inside voices “the Beas,” closed out Movement Arts Community Studio to Marstudents are taught to the event. The FREEX club is in- malade at Smokebrush. use. Between pieces, Zi- volved in the local Poetry Both venues are located gler commented, “Poetry 719 group, which spon- downtown. S

‘American Meat’ educates viewers on different farming methods Samantha Morley

Photo by Joshua Camacho Director Graham Meriwether talked about his film “American Meat” after the screening on Feb. 25.

More than 50 people filed into Berger Hall Feb.25 for an advanced screening of “American Meat,” a documentary detailing the different methods farmers use to bring animal products to consumers. “We’re trying to show some of the ways our food system works and also show the system from the perspective of the people that raise the animals that we eat,” said director, cinematographer and producer Graham Meriwether. “We show you every different type of system,” Meriwether said. “There’s no hidden camera footage. It’s very journalistic in nature in the sense that it doesn’t alienate or say that ‘this is bad’ or ‘this is good.’” The film showcased pri-

marily four farmers: Joel Salatin, Chuck Wirtz, Fred Kirschenmann and Daniel Salatin. The documentary looked at raising animals in open pastures and in containment facilities with information on the production abilities of each method and how the techniques effect the way consumers get animal products. Meriwether was motivated to direct the film after reading “The Omnivores Dilemma” by Michael Pollan. “While I was reading that book, I was working on the weekends on my friends’ farm,” Meriwether said. He explained that he became interested in the different methods of farming and contacted Joel Salatin. The documentary struggled some. “The film took a lot of different turns. We

were starting out to do a totally different film and ended up with the one we have today,” he said. “American Meat” is Meriwether’s first feature film as a director, and he has previously participated in short journalistic pieces. Meriwether has not personally raised animals but said one of his life goals is to farm “just to raise food for my family.” He said he would start with egglaying hens and broilers – chickens raised for meat consumption. A panel followed the film. Panelists included Meriwether; Lena Macias, owner of Black Forest Farmstead; Mike Callicrate, founder of Ranch Foods Direct; and Susan Gordon, manager of Venetucci Farm. Attendees asked questions ranging from how to

be more proactive in the Colorado Springs community to what went into the documentary. People who asked questions received Chipotle coupons. Judith Rice-Jones, teaching assistant for Geography of Food and wife of an organic farmer, encouraged consumers to take a moment to think about where their food comes from and appreciate the efforts. “It’s a nice tradition that I think we should think about bringing back,” Rice-Jones said. She added that “we vote with our forks every time we eat and that everything that goes into food goes into you.” “American Meat” will be shown close to 110 times throughout the country in high agricultural states, and Meriwether plans to attend every screening. S


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March 4, 2013

SneakyBoy hits the scene with sound and screen projects Nick Beadleston Recently back from touring with band Slow Magic and sitting in their headquarters – a windowless, walled-off section of a downtown warehouse filled with a mix of eclectic art and tools of the trade – Jimmy Gable and Dan Mancini talked about issues ranging from their group’s origins to their views on social media’s emergence. Gable and Mancini are the two behind local media production group SneakyBoy. The group got its start, and its name, at the 2011 24 Hour Film Race. The event has contestants produce a film on a truncated timetable and challenges not only the creative process of teams but also their ability to produce under pressure. Gable and Mancini worked on “Moonlighters,” a film that – at 3 minutes and 57 seconds long – earned them several awards, including Best Original Music Score and Best Costume Design. All teams were given the same prompt: identity theft. According to the duo, while most groups took the negative route, focusing on their criminal element of identity theft, they decided to produce a film more in keeping with their ethos. “Moonlighters” (viewable at sneakyboy) features a group of “nocturnal altruistic identity thieves” who, after assuming the identities of others, go forth and do good acts on

Photo by Nick Burns Jimmy Gable, left, and Dan Mancini formed the local media production group SneakyBoy. behalf of their “victims.” Required to submit a team name, Mancini and Gable chose SneakyBoy, a two-fold moniker with ties to their central themes and origins. Mancini indicated the

name hinted that “relatively innocuous words, when juxtaposed, are more than the parts of their sum.” The “Sneaky,” explained the two, represented how they used to sneak into, among other

places, the Broadmoor and backstage at various shows. These youthful adventures shaped their perceptions of power and showed them that one can make his own authority.

The “Boy” alludes to the notion of what Mancini refers to as “the new masculinity” and to the concept of challenging preconceived roles. While SneakyBoy is known largely for their

work producing music videos for local bands such as Altars and Gungor – for whom they produced their first full-length feature – they strive to work in as many mediums as they can. Gable summed up their editing style by referring to it as “tandem editing.” “We always seem to edit nocturnally – the magic seems to leave with the sun,” he said. Gable and Mancini have attended UCCS off and on, including taking a music class with James Guerra, a frequent SneakyBoy collaborator as well as the group’s “hustler,” helping them procure new gigs and clients. The three were originally in a local band dubbed Freedmont. Since then, Guerra has moved more into the area of sound design, occupying his own studio downtown. He remains in close connection to Gable and Mancini. Both artists indicated that while they are currently focusing on their work, they enjoyed their time at UCCS and would gladly return. Currently, the duo is taking advantage of what they call the winter lull to focus on their writing. They are also heavily invested in the launch of their new web project, tentatively named, which would serve as both a canvas for their past and present works, as well as a forum for artistic collaboration. While the project seems to be nearing its release, the two are reluctant to give a specific date. S

Café Francophile encourages learning French language and culture Dezarae Yoder “C’est chouette.” The phrase doesn’t translate directly to English but is similar to the American phrase “this is nice” or “this is great.” The French Club, or Café Francophile, c’est chouette, according to Keara Lake, the club’s cochair and board member of the United Languages and Cultures Association (ULCA). Café Francophile meets weekly to engage with French language and culture. Those wishing to be involved in the meetings do not have to be able to speak French.

“The first 15 to 20 minutes, we speak in French – the rest of the meeting is in English,” said Lake of the weekly gatherings. “If we play games or watch movies in French, we will always help those that might not be of a high level in the language.” “If you want to speak in French, just keep it clean,” Lake said. “It’s a really respectful environment,” she added, saying that a simple interest in French culture or the language is more than enough to come and benefit from the meetings. “We have small meetings but a ton of people,” Lake said of the current club membership, which

is around 60 members. Lake is relatively new to the co-chair position, having taken over the post in January, but she feels confident in the club. “It’s what I think French Club should be – we encourage French speakers as well as Francophiles (French culture enthusiasts) to exercise their knowledge of the language as well as culture in an open and comfortable environment,” she said. Rebecca Hemingway, previous club president, changed the club name from the French Club to Café Francophile last fall after members decided they wanted a change. “It

was a bit ominous,” Lake said. As for Lake’s affiliation with ULCA, she is eager to see it take off. “It’s not just for the languages, it’s for everyone and anyone … it’s about multiple cultures. It’s like a mini model UN and incredibly diverse. Everything we do we make a learning experience.” The fall semester will be a big recruiting year for ULCA, and it will be hosting a Cesar Chavez Blood Drive as well as joining the National Society of Leadership and Success for a flash mob later this semester. The club meets every Friday at 3 p.m. in the Lan-

guage Technology Center in Dwire Hall Room 270. Those wanting more information can contact Lake and cochair Alyssa Phelps at frenchcb@uccs. edu. S Photo by Robert Solis

Keara Lake is the current co-chair of Café Francophile.


March 4, 2013

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Volunteer work, foster children motivate student to do more

Photo by James Sibert In addition to her classes and job, Chanee Lintel volunteers by training seeing-eye dogs, working for the police station and writing letters to soldiers overseas.

Modern-day heroes come in all forms – whether through volunteer work or their regular jobs. Most, like junior Chanee Lintel, disguise their powers and just enjoy helping others. Lintel, a criminal justice and sociology major, splits her time between being an event coordinator for the Office of Student Activities (OSA), volunteering to train seeing-eye dogs, volunteering for the police station, writing letters to soldiers overseas and planning her new club. “I do a ton,” Lintel said. “Twenty-one credit hours – which is about an extra 30 hours a week of homework – 20 hours a week of volunteer work, [I] work 25 hours a week, and I work out 14 hours a week,” she said. Lintel has been working for OSA since June 2012, where she coordinates events for Clyde’s. Most of her time is spent volunteering and spending time with two of the dogs she is training to become seeing-eye dogs, Denmark and Nautilus. From when the puppies are 8 weeks old to when they are 14 months, Lintel trains the dogs to maturity before they are sent to a

Make sure your heart is in it. Do it because it’s the right thing to do. It shouldn’t be a job; it should be a vacation. - Chanee Lintel

10-phase program in California. From there, the dogs are taught how to become professional seeing-eye dogs. Lintel’s other volunteer work includes working for the police station. This includes “anything from data entry stuff to going on search warrants to sitting in on briefings and creating photo line ups – whatever they need done,” she said. “I listen to [Criminal Justice Center] calls – so calls from inmates – and look for incriminating evidence and stuff like that,” she added. On volunteering, Lintel said, “Make sure your heart is in it. Do it because it is the right thing to do. It shouldn’t be a job; it should be a vacation.” Lintel is also working on starting her own club at UCCS. The club, which is at the moment nameless, is a project Lintel is working on to help foster children. Lintel, a foster child herself, plans to start small with her club on campus, growing and expand-

Taylor Eaton

ing throughout the community. “The idea of it is to use UCCS as a resource and reach out to kids in the El Paso County foster care,” she said. “Basically, to provide them with healthy outlets – like mentors and going out and spending time with someone, to academics and sports camps. There is a ton you can do with that.” Students will volunteer with the club and help Lintel work with foster children and underprivileged youth, spending time with the children and comforting them. Lintel moved herself into the foster care system at the age of 13 because of her ambition to make it to college, something she knew she would not be able to do if she continued to live with her biological mother. She had the following advice for foster kids: “My advice would be to find the light in it. And that is what I did. If you can learn from your experiences in foster care, you’ll be much better off.” S

Student artist finds inspiration for work in Dylan, Banksy April Wefler A digitized culture is leaving behind a number of outdated inventions, whether they’re records or photo slides. One visual arts student seeks to collect and use what some may be tempted to sell or throw away. John Slye, a junior, started collecting records four years ago. “My dad had a cabinet just full of them, maybe 30 or 40, and I was always drawn to it as a kid,” he said. “Right before I came to college, I found a record store in Denver called Twist and Shout and bought 20 records and was hooked.” He hosts Slye’s Independent Radio Hour on UCCS Radio every Thursday from 5-6 p.m. Slye became involved his freshman year after his roommate mentioned the radio station was looking for people. “I’ve always loved creating playlists for people. I just thought it would be fun,” he said. Slye said his favorite artist is Bob Dylan. “I think I almost have every record he’s ever put out. I’m like a fly to a light whenever I see a record of his.” He said that he likes how prolific Dylan is. “He went through so many phases. He started out as a folk artist, and when he transitioned to rock and roll, a large percentage of his fan base became very upset. He never seemed to

cave to criticism,” Slye said. Slye said that he saw Dylan in concert a couple months ago and that Dylan was still trying to reinvent his music. “I try to take it to my artwork – trying to constantly re-approach things, take it from different directions to see how it can be expanded into different means,” he said. One of Slye’s art projects consisted of a curtain made from photo slides. “The art department had thousands of them to show artwork to students, and when we went digital, they threw three boxes of them away, but one of the art professors decided to save them all and see if students would be willing to use them as artwork.” Slye got the idea for the project during an art class in the library. “There’s this one window where at sunset, the sun comes in and it just feels like you’re in an oven. I had to go through [the photo slides] to sort them by color, and it had a nice stained glass quality to it,” he said. This past summer, Slye also became interested in street art after watching the documentary “Exit Through the Gift Shop,” featuring an artist, Banksy, who drew a stencil on the beach, similar to buried treasure. “It brought back all this nostalgia for me. I remember as a kid, digging these huge holes in my backyard, looking for buried treasure or fossils,” Slye said.

Photo by James Sibert John Slye created a map and treasure box, which he hid on a playground, as one of his art projects. “I always imagined having that moment where you stick the shovel in the ground and it hits the treasure box and you find something – that moment of discovery. I never had that as a kid, so I thought I would give it to someone else,” he added. Slye found a local elementary school, looked on Google Earth and used a picture of the school as a treasure map. He decided to hide the map and a treasure box in the school’s playground. “I took Banksy’s idea a little step further, and I collected a bunch of items that I consider

to be a treasure – headphones, a Calvin and Hobbes book, a book on Bob Dylan, silly knickknacks … I also included a [Simon and Garfunkel] record,” he said. “I had little silly stuff like shark fins and sand pits that they had to dodge.” Slye buried the treasure and map the weekend before the school was back in session. Five days later, he went back to the school to see if someone had found the treasure. When he got there, the ground had been moved, but the box was still sealed.

“My worry was that they thought it was a bomb, so I started looking around in the trees for FBI agents and just panicking,” Slye said. When he lifted the box, he realized it was empty except for a letter from the parents of the 7-year-old who found the treasure. “They said the treasure was very beautiful and wondered if it was meant for someone else. To be able to have that connection with someone, that’s been my favorite artwork I’ve done so far,” Slye said. S


Page 8

March 4, 2013

SGA campaigning a waste of time without competition Staff Editorial If the campaigning for the Student Government Association 2013-2014 election seems quiet, it’s not just your imagination. Few candidates are running for office for this term, and many of them are running unopposed. This year, UCCS allowed campaigning to start immediately after a Feb. 18 info session despite the lack of candidates for various positions, including the SGA presidency and vice presidency. Unless more students run for office and create competition, campaigning is a waste of time, energy and resources, as students will be asked to vote for many candidates running unopposed. Last year, there were three two-person teams running for president and vice president of SGA. This year, there is one president and vice president running unopposed: Jasmine Caldwell and Laura Schreiner, respectively. That means they will have nearly unrestricted freedom with putting up posters. The SGA guidelines state that if one party does not put up ads, then the other parties do not get


to either. There’s no mention of what to do when there is no other party to speak of, though. An unopposed president and vice president also mean students have next to no choices about student leadership at the university. If students disagree with Caldwell and Schreiner’s platform and their plans for the campus, the only option they have is to abstain from voting altogether. Really, that’s not an option at all. This problem doesn’t only apply to president and vice president candidates, though. SGA’s election website (uccs. edu/sga/elections.html) reveals the extent of the lack of participation. The director of finance, senator of housing, senator of nursing and senator of engineering are also unopposed positions. Out of 19 available representative-at-large positions, 11 students are running for them. Senator of LAS and senator of multicultural affairs are the only two positions in which candidates are facing competition. Meanwhile, multiple other positions – like senator of college of business, senator of graduate school

and senator of sustainability, for starters – haven’t been able to generate any candidates at all. Voting for the SGA election is important. Students’ votes help determine how the fees you pay are spent and what projects they will fund. SGA is an opportunity for students to get involved in university politics and be a voice for the student body. Whether running as a president, vice president, representative, senator or for any other position, students both young and old have the ability to voice student concerns and help change the direction of the university. Issues like parking, high tuition costs, rising student fees and fostering university camaraderie at a largely commuter school are issues that impact all students. Don’t stand by and let others dictate UCCS’ direction. Even though the window for submitting applications to run for office has closed, getting involved and showing an interest in the university’s direction has no deadline. Especially when so few candidates have applied, now is the time to hold student representatives accountable. S


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Photo by Robert Solis Chen Zhao is running unopposed for director of finance.

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March 4, 2013

Page 9

Freedom to defend yourself does not stop because legislation declares it

Nick Burns With 32 people dead, the Virginia Tech massacre remains the single deadliest shooting by an individual in the United States. The school was a “gunfree” zone, and concealed carry was not allowed on campus. And Colorado wants to make all college campuses in the state a place where victims are

found. House Bill 1226, which bans concealed carry on campuses, passed the Colorado House of Representatives on Feb. 18 and has moved on to the state senate. This is in spite of the Colorado Supreme Court decision last March that determined the Board of Regents could not restrict concealed carry on campus based on the law. Because of this, the political peacocks decided to arrogantly just make a change to the law. The bill itself does not present a problem to be solved. The legislature is not actually fixing anything by creating the law. The bill states that it is for the “preservation of the public peace, health,

and safety.” But the bill also says it will do this by “eliminating the authority” for a person to legally carry concealed weapons on campus. The bill’s supporters argue that call boxes and rape whistles are sufficient, that this will assist in suicide prevention and that students just aren’t responsible enough. These blanket statements are missing the mark. Our legislatures’ statements are offensive and downright dangerous to our liberty to keep ourselves safe. The right to protect oneself is a non-negotiable, basic liberty for everyone. When attacked and fearing immediate threat to your person, you may use whatever force is necessary to stop the threat.

Some individuals, even some college students, choose to preemptively train themselves and arm themselves for safety. These individuals have decided to receive training, have a background check and take on the responsibility of protecting themselves and others in an instant where – and only in the case that – deadly force is required. If this bill passes, proverbial sheepdogs – lawabiding, gun-toting citizens – will be felonious criminals once they enter onto campus grounds. The absurdity is mindboggling. Personal responsibility for safety will be left at the door. The state wants to dictate how, when and where you can defend yourself.

It wants to advertise that only victims reside on these grounds. As a 1999 study from John Lott, University of Maryland, and William M. Landes, University of Chicago Law School, found mass shootings occur in “gun-free” zones. This was reconfirmed after the Sandy Hook shooting. If Columbine, Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, Aurora and Sandy Hook are any indicators, mass murderers go where people are not armed. If the state determines the absolute right to protection is its to give and take, then our representatives should be held fully accountable for mass shootings in “gun-free” zones. All students should be

aware that while on campus, every safety measure should be used to keep from situations where they become victims. Going to your car at night? Call for a Public Safety escort. Haven’t seen a UCCS police officer in hours? Contact Public Safety and ask them to come by your building. Take the RAD classes offered by the school and demand more classes. Do not take chances with your safety or your life. The school has a few resources, so use them. If the bill passes, it will restrict how some choose to defend their lives when the need arises. Never allow yourself to be put into a bad situation. Demand a person with training and a gun be present. S

Victims not the ones to blame for rape, stalking and abuse

Shelby Shively Much of domestic violence is committed by men, as they rape, stalk and abuse women. These crimes are all under the umbrella of intimate part-

ner violence. Throughout my experiences studying domestic violence and volunteering with survivors of domestic violence, many people will ask the same question: “Why do victims stay in abusive relationships?” They are asking the wrong question. Instead, they should be asking, “Why do abusers abuse?” Society is quick to engage in victim-blaming but should focus on the kinds of victims we tend to blame. We are not likely to blame the victim of a

burglary or a mugging. We do not blame victims of drunk drivers or mass murders. We do, however, blame the victims of intimate partner violence. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 85 percent of domestic violence victims are females. Thus, we blame the female victims of a largely male crime. So what is causing so many men to believe they deserve, even need, some sort of power and control over women? What is causing men to believe that this sort of behavior

is acceptable? Many abusers were abused as children or witnessed abuse between their parents, which teaches them that abuse is normal. Those not exposed to abuse as children are exposed to constant messages in the media that women exist solely for men’s pleasure. In reality, real women counteract these messages by not acting as subservient and accommodating as the women portrayed in media. As a society, we are the last reason abusers abuse.

When we engage in victim-blaming, we reinforce everything the perpetrator already believes. We hold women responsible for men’s supposedly uncontrollable sexuality; we tell women that they should have left an abusive situation. Instead of teaching women the precautions they can take to avoid intimate partner violence, we should be educating men to not slip date-rape drugs into women’s drinks or sleep with drunk women, as they are legally incapable of consent. Women can take as

many precautions as we like – but they are not going to end intimate partner violence. We need to educate the perpetrators of these crimes, and we need to hold them wholly accountable for their actions. The victim did not instigate the abuse. The abuser did. If you really want to gain an understanding of rape, stalking and domestic abuse, look to the perpetrator. Perpetrators are quick to blame the victims of their crimes; we do not need to join them in doing so. S

Leaked FBI emails address sexting, accountability issues

Taylor Eaton Sexting is becoming a popular hobby among FBI employees. Emails leaked from

the FBI describe real situations of transgression that employees have been participating in as well as the reprimands they received. The situation is an opportunity for the public, and specifically students and young adults, to learn from the employees’ mistakes. One employee was caught using her phone to send her ex-boyfriend’s wife nude photos of herself, which ultimately landed her 10 days of suspension. Another 10day suspension was given

to an employee for sending nude photos to coworkers. Another employee was terminated because he purchased, viewed and sold child pornography. Even though the emails were never meant for the public to see, the FBI has stepped up to take responsibility instead of denying the evidence. Many of the misconducts written in the emails are mostly common, everyday issues affecting normal citizens. While the emails were never meant for the

Something on your mind?

public, since they were leaked, the FBI has accepted responsibility. FBI Director Candice Will explained to CNN that the emails were meant to teach the employees a lesson. The transparency of the FBI is refreshing to see as the government is forced to become more open about its practices. A fair number of students and young adults could probably relate to the employees who were caught sending nude photos to one another. It is when the sexter

gets caught sending nude photographs that the situation gets embarrassing. While names of FBI employees were not released in the emails, it must have been mortifying for the offenders to receive the emails as FBI workers. Employees were likely able to figure out which of their coworkers were responsible for the sexting. Many of the sexters and offenders – like the employee who was distributing child pornography – will have to face criminal charges and

court dates, identifying themselves to the public. The FBI handled the employees and the leaked emails with great regard and clarity. The public, especially students and young adults, could learn from the employees’ mistakes. Sexting could lead to extensive consequences, like sexual harassment charges and possession or distribution of child pornography. Everyone should stop to consider the consequences before taking and sending photos. S

Email the editor at

Life on the Bluffs

Page 10

Campus Chatter Taylor Eaton,, photos by Joshua Camacho

March 4, 2013

Top Ten

There are more than 20 million students in America, and more than 10,000 of them are at UCCS. Their opinions matter.

Things to do when the Internet is down by Dezarae Yoder,

Jacob Camacho, sophomore, geography

Azzam Alsh Ammri, freshman, engineering

April Cole, junior, biology/preveterinarian medicine

How safe would you feel if your peers were able to carry concealed weapons on campus? I would feel pretty safe. I really don’t know anyone at school who would cause a problem with it.

How safe would you feel if your peers were able to carry concealed weapons on campus? I wouldn’t feel safe. If there are guns in this community, it wouldn’t be safe.

How safe would you feel if your peers were able to carry concealed weapons on campus? It really depends on the person. I know with the conceal and carry they have to pass the test, but there are just some people on campus that really should never have a gun.

Would you consider carrying one? Why or why not? I wouldn’t carry one because [my family] isn’t a big gun family, but I have no issues with other people carrying it around and stuff. Do you think there is a better way to keep yourself safe on campus without guns? I think they [UCCS] have a pretty good campus security. I mean you know pretty much who to call when you’re in trouble.

Would you consider carrying one? Why or why not? No, because this is a safe state and place. Do you think there is a better way to keep yourself safe on campus without guns? Yes, stay home – you don’t have to go out in the middle of the night. There is campus safety and security people.

Would you consider carrying one? Why or why not? No, because I don’t want to have one on me. I’m afraid I might shoot myself with it. Do you think there is a better way to keep yourself safe on campus without guns? I think the police on campus do a fine job with that. S

Gun Control

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Listen to “Communication Breakdown” by Led Zeppelin

Run up the legalized incline in Manitou (but maybe not under the influence of legalized marijuana) Whip out the Sega Genesis – might as well be stuck in a different time Start up the wok for stir fry time

Call up your homies to complain Start using a typewriter while talking in Old English Read a book Pee yourself

Clean your gun Leech off Starbucks’ free Wi-Fi


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5 1












2 9 Comic by Steven Fenczik,

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Tuesday, March 5

Yoga for Mindfulness and Stress Reduction University Center, Room 309 Noon Running Club Clyde’s 5 p.m.

Spring 2013 Career and Grad School Fair Berger Hall 12:30 p.m.

Everyman On The Bus The Mining Exchange: A Wyndham Grand Relay for Life Kickoff Hotel Clyde’s 7:30 p.m. 6 p.m.




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Thursday, March 7

Workshop: Study Smarter, Not Harder University Center, Room 124 1:45 p.m. Club Orientation University Center, Room 116 3:30 p.m.

Friday, March 8

SGA Senate University Center, Room 303 8:30 p.m. SGA Joint Session University Center, Room 303 9:15 p.m. Poetry Slam Clyde’s 6 p.m.

Saturday, March 9 Sunday, March 10 Women’s Softball vs. Metro State Four Diamonds Field Noon

Women’s Softball vs. Metro State Four Diamonds Field 11 a.m.


March 4, 2013

Page 11

Adding a baseball team deemed a ‘heavy investment’ Kyle Marino With no collegiate baseball team on campus, some students are left wondering if and when UCCS will adopt a team. UCCS currently fields 14 intercollegiate varsity sports and is still looking to expand. “We are looking to add baseball or wrestling here in the future,” Athletic Director Steve Kirkham said. “We don’t have a timetable, but it will take a heavy investment in order to fund a baseball team.” Along with the funding, UCCS must comply with Title IX, which provides opportunities for women’s sports by banning sex discrimination in athletics and academics.

Currently, UCCS has one more women’s team than men’s. To be in compliance with Title IX, the school needs to add another men’s team, Kirkham said. Besides finances and Title IX, there are several additional factors that contribute to whether UCCS can adopt a baseball team. “Not only do we have to convert a field to a baseball field, we have to pay travel surcharges, buy equipment, pay a coach... the list goes on,” Kirkham said. UCCS Baseball Club President Michael Cope and first baseman Mike Barton think they are one of the top club baseball teams and that they don’t get the recognition they deserve.

“We have one of the top teams. We went into Adams State and beat them. They are a Division II team. We have a solid team,” Cope said. “It kind of stinks that we don’t have a team,” Barton added. “We don’t get the recognition we deserve. We feel like we are capable of beating anyone and it would be nice to get some recognition.” The club currently has 19 players on the roster. Three of the players, including Cope, are player coaches, with two of them seeing extensive playing time. Despite not having a coaching staff, the team is close and works to respect one another on and off the field. “Even though we don’t

have a coach, we are still very close,” Barton said. “We know to listen when Mike or some of the other guys say to do something.” Those interested in joining the

team can contact Cope at S

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Wrestling out of 2016 Olympics, fights to return for 2020 Dezarae Yoder To be an Olympic medal winner is no small honor. This distinction – instilled from ancient Greece, where the games originated – still carries weight but will be denied to wrestlers. Beginning with the 2016 Olympics, wrestling will no longer be a sport. The International Olympic Committee recently removed Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling from its core sports in the upcoming games, making the sport compete for the last spot in the 25-event lineup in 2020. Colorado Springs is home to many Olympic qualifiers and winners, as is UCCS itself. Clarissa Chun, UCCS alumnus, won a bronze medal in freestyle wrestling at the 2012 London games. Adam Wheeler, a former UCCS graduate student, competed in Greco-Roman wrestling at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, winning bronze. Both fought to get there, trained long hours

Photo courtesy of Clarissa Chun’s Facebook page UCCS alumnus Clarissa Chun won a bronze medal for wrestling in London in 2012. and received the recognition and honor desired by many athletes around the world. After the decision was announced, Swiss-born Raphael Martinetti, presi-

dent of the International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles, resigned. Serbian Nenad Lalovic assumed the role of interim president for the

Check out our website!

guild, noting Martinetti’s swift resignation was due to the IOC decision, according to the Associated Press. In a recent interview, Lalovic told the AP that


the sport has to become more of a sport for spectators, the rules need to be more colloquial so that there is more understanding and the sport itself more approachable. “Wrestling has become a sport purely for experts. We have to have seminars for referees before major events,” he said. “The rules have to be clearer and the sport more attractive and spectacular. I would like a spectator to come into an area and know all the rules by the time he or she goes out.” Chun echoed Lalovic, telling The Scribe, “We’re not out yet. We have a chance to prove to the IOC that we belong.” The International Federation of Associated Wrestling Styles must lobby for a spot against seven other events, proving it belongs in the Olympics. The precise results and reasoning for the decision to drop wrestling from the 2016 games have not been made public as of yet. Still, the decision is not final, IOC spokesman

Mark Adams told the AP on Feb. 12. “The session is sovereign and the session will make the final decision.” There is a push from wrestlers and fans to keep the sport in the 2020 games, but athletes and enthusiasts will have to avoid the final chopping block come September. Keith Sieracki, coaches director of Colorado USA Wrestling, looks toward 2020 with hesitance but remains optimistic. “First of all, we’ve got to keep a positive attitude,” Sieracki said. “We’ve got to work with the IOC.” Without the Olympics as motivation, there is worry of less involvement in Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling from the high school and college levels. “There are so many youth wrestlers out there who have the dream of someday wrestling in the Olympics – whether it ever happens for a majority of kids or not – it’s always good to have a big dream out there to chase.” S



March 4, 2013

Page 12

Cycling Club faces funding issues, looks to gain sponsors Samantha Morley The Cycling Club has been part of UCCS for about five or six years, with the number of members growing each year. But now it’s having trouble financing club activities. “Our budget is pretty small. The majority of our funds are coming from out-of-pocket,” said Jason Lupo, Cycling Club president. “This year we weren’t able to get the full $3,000 we wanted from the school, from the SGA, to run the team.” The average cycling season costs between $10,000 and $15,000. The club received $1,970 from the school, which primarily covered track nationals. The group won two national titles during the trip. “It was a successful trip, but that just about ate up almost all of our funding,” Lupo said. SGA allocates $3,000 for each eligible, recognized club – which includes a faculty member

Photo by James Sibert Cycling Club President Jason Lupo discussed the problems facing the Cycling Club and its shortage of funds. and a certain number of members, among other qualifications. Unrecognized clubs may only receive $1,000. “I know all the club sports are having the same issue – whether it’s rugby or club soccer,” Lupo said. “We’re trying to resolve it with some of the people at the Rec Center and trying to get more funding to

try and figure out how to better distribute that [money].” The team consists of 16 members, four to five times more members than previous years. While the increase in members helps provide some money, it almost immediately goes toward clothing. The $150 dues include a jersey, sweatshirt

and hat. Optional clothing is available and costs extra. USA Cycling requires members to be in UCCS gear, pressuring cyclists to purchase additional clothing. “The majority of our guys are spending anywhere from $225 to $400 for clothing,” said Lupo. UCCS does not provide funding for clothing.

Members may also need to pay for race fees. Entry costs are about $25 each per race. The club races two to three times per weekend for eight weekends, totaling about $400-$500 for racing fees alone. “Our team is so big this year that there is no way we possibly could – even with $3,000 – cover everybody’s entry costs,” Lupo said. To ease funding troubles, Lupo and other club members are striving to gain sponsors. “It’s really hard because our team is so new. Sixteen [members] is still a relatively small number ... and we don’t have the results that a lot of the other teams do,” he said. So far, the club has encouraged companies such as Bicycle Village, H2Overdrive, RockTape, DanceArt Academy and Novatec Wheels to become sponsors. While having a relatively small number of cyclists, members point

to their aspirations, such as Cycling Club member Madalyn Godby, who aims to participate in the 2016 Olympics in Brazil. On Feb. 6, Godby won a bronze medal at the 2013 Pan American Continental Track Championships for her 500-meter time trial, setting a national record with her time of 34.300. “[Godby] has been doing really well and had some really good success,” Lupo said. “She got some medals at Pan Am Games and just set a new American record. Hopefully she’ll make the 2016 Olympics in Brazil.” The lack of funding is putting stress on all of the club members. “It’s been a really tough road this year. There’s been a lot of dissatisfaction with the team,” he said. A few members have quit due to the stress of not having enough money for the club. “The school is happy that we are there, but I wish we had more help from them,” said team member Brad Tyra. S

Incline now legal, offers free shuttle service from Manitou Jonathan Toman A “no trespassing sign” that stood at the bottom of the Incline in Manitou Springs is no longer necessary. As of Feb. 1, hiking the Incline is officially legal. The city of Colorado Springs, specifically the parks department, has been the “driving force for the effort that has lead us to where we are today, which is legally opening the Incline,” according to Marc Snyder, mayor of Manitou Springs. Javier Pineda, a freshman political science major and Spanish minor, has never done the Incline and didn’t know it was illegal. “No, I didn’t; I thought it was totally legal, to be honest,” he said. “Since everybody did it, I thought it was totally legal.” Pineda, originally from Frisco, Colo., exemplifies many Incline users in that he “would’ve done it even before it was legal – it’s just going out to have some fun and challenge yourself.” One of the options to mitigate costs associated with the Incline, such as emergency responders and maintenance, was to charge money for people to use it. The city of Colo-

rado Springs, however, wanted it open and free to use. This dilemma led to a license agreement for the Barr Trail parking lot between Colorado Springs Utilities and the city of Manitou Springs. Manitou would have to maintain and construct needed changes on the lot but would then have access to the revenue generated from a $5 flat fee for people to park there. The money gained from the Barr lot will be used to help run the new free shuttle to the Incline, running 6 a.m. to 6 p.m, May 19 through Sep. 9 for the next two summers. The shuttle will run from the Tajine Alami parking lot on the east side of Manitou, through town – hitting all the normal bus stops along the way – up Ruxton Avenue to the Incline. Parking has been a problem for the city of Manitou Springs. Visitors can ride the shuttle or pay for parking downtown closer to the Incline. Not everyone in Manitou is a fan of paid parking, but Snyder explained the reasoning. “By the end of Summer 2014, we’ll have a good feel for whether or not the shuttle is accomplishing

what we want,” he said. “We have a free option … so if you’re really offended by paid parking, you can park down here all day, all night and ride the shuttle to your heart’s content,” Snyder said. “Instead of trying to get all these cars into such a restricted downtown, let’s see if we can’t get people parking over here.” Snyder believes the best option for UCCS students coming over to Manitou to run Barr Trail or do the Incline is the shuttle. “I think absolutely, especially [for] students who don’t usually have tons of disposable income,” he said. “By and large, if you want to park up on Ruxton near the Incline, you’re gonna pay at least $5, and, you know, if you’re a frequent user, that adds up.” The process to legalize the Incline has been a long time coming, due in part to the “multi-jurisdictional headache” caused by the many stakeholders of the Incline, which include the U.S. Forest Service, Cog Railway, Colorado Springs Utilities and the cities of Manitou and Colorado Springs. The current effort to legalize the Incline began when the Colorado Springs Parks put together a proposal that included a

timeline and work plan to facilitate the process, and Manitou Springs City Council put together and adopted an Incline Site Development and Management Plan. “The key for us was to have a responsible party take over responsibility for the Incline,” said Snyder. That party soon became the Colorado Springs Parks, who took over 100 percent of the responsibility for maintenance and liability. After a brief scare that it had been stolen, the “no trespassing” sign that used to be on the Incline will be placed in the Pioneers Museum, a symbol of a different time. As far as what will be different, Snyder Colorado Springs resident Damon anticipated changes trip after completing the Incline. to both Barr Trail and the Incline. “It $40,000 from the Barr should be a lot safer, and Trail lot money has been a lot more stable as far as allocated to rehabilithe physical condition of tate the lower Barr Trail, the Incline,” he said. which has taken “a horRehabilitation on criti- rible beating,” according cal areas of the Incline has to Snyder. begun, although none are Now that it is legal, volunteers as it is consid- businesses in Manitou can ered too dangerous. begin to find ways to capi-

Photo by Nick Burns Beardslee finished his return talize on the Incline. “It’s incumbent on us to find a way to get those Incline users to stop off in town,” said Snyder. “Now it’s really time to start promoting this thing as another wonderful amenity in the Pikes Peak Region.” S

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