SGA Special Elections page 6
cribe Vol. 37, Iss. 22
Monday, April 22, 2013
UCCS Student Newspaper
Inside this
Issue news
Bruce Benson page 2 CU President Bruce Benson spoke at Berger Hall about upcoming funding challenges for the CU system.
culture Spring Music Fest page 3 The Office of Student Activities will host a free music festival to help students relax before finals.
Neil deGrasse Tyson spoke at Gallogly Events Center April 17. Read more on page 7.
Man questioned, escorted from campus after revealing BB gun Sara Horton
opinion Constituents page 9 Elected officials must represent their constituents, but those constituents do not always make their voices known.
sports Rec Center page 11 Even though student employees at the Rec Center receive training, it’s not always enforced.
Photo by Nick Burns
A man was escorted from campus after showing a BB gun to a UCCS police officer. According to a press release issued after the incident, on April 16 at about 12:30 p.m., 49-year-old Robert Cordts stepped off a city bus and approached Officer Joe Dilwood outside University Center. He asked Dilwood if he could carry a gun on campus and then removed what appeared to be a firearm from his jacket pocket. Cordts obeyed Dilwood’s command to put the weapon on the ground, which was later identified as what Tom Hutton, executive director of media relations and internal communication, described as “a very realistic-looking BB gun.” Officer Larry Darnall assisted on the call. Hutton confirmed Cordts was not a student and apparently unrelated to UCCS at any capacity. Cordts was questioned before he was issued an exclusion notice and escorted from campus. “We didn’t handcuff him. We didn’t take it to the extreme,” said Interim Police Chief Brian McPike. “The officer just felt that it was a
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons Robert Cordts came to campus and showed what was described as a “very realisticlooking” BB gun, similar to the one pictured, to Officer Joe Dilwood. safer situation and was able to deal with it, and I think it went down really well.” McPike said the exclusion will ban Cordts from the campus for one year and that no further action will be pursued at this time. “I think it’s important students understand that Airsoft guns and BB guns are made to look like a real weapon,” said McPike. Accordingly, he added, officers are trained to respond
like they are real firearms until they can be identified. “It takes an extreme amount of training and a lot of restraint on an officer’s part to deal with a subject with any kind of weapon like that,” McPike said, “and I felt like the officer did an excellent job of representing the school and representing himself and doing the right thing while protecting himself at the same time.” While some students
have taken to UCCS’ Facebook page and commended the university’s response, others have questioned the incident. “He approached the officer and asked if he could have it on campus, and not only did they escalate the situation, rather than keep it at the same level, but they kicked him off campus for a having BB gun. A toy,” student Chris Priddy wrote. “My pencil is more dangerous. Why did this
happen?” Student Eric Robinson commented he was glad Cordts had been removed from the campus, but also that he couldn’t “believe a BB gun called for this much press.” While UCCS allows concealed carry, Hutton said the man violated university policy when he openly displayed his weapon. He also explained the incident’s location at a crowded bus stop and the April 15 Boston attack resulted in heightened awareness and influenced the university’s decision to issue a press release. “This was in a very public area, and tensions are a little high after what happened in Boston,” Hutton said. “We’re just going to over-communicate, if you will, about this and not wait for questions to come in.” Similarly, McPike said in the press release, “I understand the heightened sensitivity of campus community members. I assure you that Campus Police officers are actively patrolling the campus to ensure a safe learning environment.” Students, staff and faculty are encouraged to report any suspicious activity to Campus Police, which can be reached at 255-3111. S