Sept. 3, 2012

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Dorm activities page 5



UCCS weekly newspaper

Monday, September 3, 2012 Vol. 37, Iss. 2

Good Neighbors encourages students to respect residential parking Eleanor Skelton

“I parked at Danville Park and would then hop on my bike to get to class,” said Andrew Ibarra, a business major who transferred to UCCS this last spring from University of Northern Colorado. “Parking passes were already sold out by the time I was enrolled, so that’s why I started parking in the neighborhoods across

Relatively easy access, reduced waiting time and all for free. What college student on a tight schedule and budget wouldn’t want to park in a place like that? Just one problem, though – these preferred parking spots are in the middle of a residential area. The topic of parking at University students, UCCS often leads to ferstaff and faculty have vent discusalways parked in the sions and is neighborhood across debated by both freshthe street; it has only men and upreally become an issue perclassmen in the past year or two. of all ages and backgrounds. Even some faculty and staff members, campus,” Ibarra said. “I live on the east side whose parking passes cost of UCCS, so it felt like more than the permits available for students, park a waste of time to pass in the neighborhoods in- UCCS in order to park in stead of on the main cam- Four Diamonds and then shuttle back up.” Ibarra pus. To alleviate the conflict said that he saves 30 minbetween the residents liv- utes a day between the ing near campus and the roundtrip commute and people who park on resi- not having to wait for the dential streets, Brad Bayer, shuttle. Christy Asay, a junior executive director of Student Life and Leadership; double majoring in chemHomer Wesley, vice chan- istry and biology, excellor for Student Success pressed similar concerns. and Enrollment Manage- “Now the shuttle service ment; and Jim Spice, di- is even worse with [the] rector of Public Safety, influx of new freshmen,” are sponsoring a program Asay said. “There are huge lines called Good Neighbors. just to get on the shuttle, Chancellor Pam Shockand I really don’t have the ley-Zalabak supported Good Neighbors in a press time to wait 30 minutes to release Aug. 24, request- an hour to get a ride to my ing that students park in car. I would much rather Four Diamonds and that just walk a bit.” Likewise, Aaron Felten“those who park on city berger, a junior biology streets should park at least major emphasizing in pre[five] feet from the edges of residential driveways, dentistry, said that he has mail boxes, fire hydrants, parked in the neighborand crosswalks, park on hoods for the past year and the right side of the street a half. “[It] is much closer within 12 inches of the to school, I enjoy the walk curb, observe no park- and [I] can usually find a ing and handicap parking parking spot quickly.” In years past, students zones, [and] not park on with financial hardships private property.” The reasons given for who were unable to purwhy students decide to chase HUB permits or who park in the neighborhoods simply preferred to park across Austin Bluffs Bou- off campus would leave levard vary but have some their vehicles in the Cragmor Christian Reformed common themes.

Church’s lot. Yet, in December 2010, the church notified UCCS administrators that they could no longer allow UCCS students to use their facilities due to liability concerns. The church parking lot contained about 200 spaces, and the change in policy and UCCS Public Safety’s attempts to redirect students to the Four Diamonds lots just west of the main campus resulted in the majority of those students parking on the streets around the church, creating more tension between residents and students. Adam Garvert, the father of young children in a nearby neighborhood, understands the students’ situation and perspective because he attended college himself not long ago. Still, the cars often parked in front of his home prevent him from using his work trailer, he said. He has tried to communicate this through posting orange signs on the trees in his front yard, but his requests are generally ignored. One of the neighborhood’s residents, who asked to remain anonymous, said that she has difficulty backing out of her driveway and retrieving mail due to at least four cars parked between her house and her next-door neighbor. She also recounted the time two years ago when her husband was ill and a pickup truck parked outside their home blocked their driveway. “We couldn’t have gotten out if we had needed to,” she said. Still, she expressed hope for a better relationship in the future between the university and the residential community. Parties hosted many nights during the week by college students renting houses in the area, as well as trespassing violations and littering, only hinder

Inside this


Photo by Nick Burns

Students, staff and faculty continue to park in residential areas. the situation, residents say. “University students, staff and faculty have always parked in the neighborhood across the street; it has only really become an issue in the past year or two,” said UCCS Chief of Police Jim Spice. “That is when we really started seeing a lot of the complaints.” Spice pointed out other issues in the residential area. “City parking laws are being violated over there, like parking within five feet of a fire hydrant [or] parking within 30 feet of an intersection,” which will result not only in tickets from campus police but in city tickets too, he said. Spice also seeks to remind students that the new parking lot in Four Diamonds, Lot 15, has 440

free spaces. “We do have a security presence down there [at Four Diamonds],” Spice said, including emergency phones, snow removal, adequate lighting and security personnel during the times that shuttles are being operated. Other options are also available for students who want to park on campus but cannot afford one of the HUB permits. Public Safety offers N permits for use after 4:15 p.m. Monday through Thursday and Fridays, as well as a Friday-only permit at a reduced price. “[It] looks like we oversell [permits] because in the first three weeks of classes, so many people are parked in the HUB without a permit, and so they are taking

up the spaces of the people who buy a permit, and the only way that we get them to stop is to keep writing them tickets,” Spice said. “Again, we can’t stop people from parking on a public street, but we ask [them] to park at Four Diamonds,” he said. “If for whatever reason that doesn’t work for you, park legally if you have to park in the neighborhood, and don’t trespass [and] walk through people’s yards, don’t litter and throw things down on the ground. “We’ve very much taken ownership of this and [are] trying really, really hard to address neighborhood concerns and do what we can to instill in the students and faculty the responsibility that they have of being a good neighbor.” S





Gun bans page 2


Freshman Seminar page 8

Cross country page 10


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September 3, 2012

University issues concealed carry regulations Kelly Stickney The Colorado Supreme Court ruled March 5 that Colorado citizens with a concealed carry license are permitted to carry concealed weapons on campus, a decision that includes UCCS. But on Aug. 16, the university issued new rules regarding concealed carry, having a housing contract that will not allow weapons in dormitories that house freshmen and banning guns from ticketed athletic and cultural events. Concealed carry requires permit holders to be 21 or older, undergo criminal and mental health background checks and have physical and legal gun training. Students who do have concealed carry are required to make sure their weapon is not visible at any time. Despite the precautions, some students are still against the ideas of weapons on campus. “I really feel less safe with people with concealed carry on campus,” said Mikaila Ketcherside, a freshman on campus. “I feel as though they’re not trained, and I know I need a permit, but we’re

Photo by Nick Burns

Questions of safety arise with the release of UCCS concealed carry regulations. still young, and a lot of us are teenagers and hotheaded by nature. I don’t feel secure knowing there are hot-headed teenagers on campus with guns.” Perhaps the largest concern on campus is the lack of information

presented to students. A short email was sent out to students, and a printed version was posted at locations without Internet. Still, students like Sarah Simco feel like they don’t have all the information. “I feel like

I am not completely informed,” she said. The chancellor and university offered details of the new regulations on the UCCS website before the start of the fall semester. “The safety of our

students, faculty, staff and visitors is a top priority,” Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak said in the statement issued Aug. 16. “UCCS will implement all practices as directed by the CU Board

of Regents with this priority in mind and in accordance with state and federal law.” Specifics of the regulations regarding concealed carry can be found on the faculty and staff website ( S

in the Timberline dorms at Sunset Creek do not yet have Wi-Fi access. “I have to go to the library for Internet,” said freshman Shae Bennett.

While some students do not consider it to be a problem, others find it a hassle to catch the shuttle. The Four Diamonds

parking lot is the nearest shuttle bus stop for the Timberline dorms, and students have to walk at least two blocks to reach the lot.

While lack of Internet may mean a lack of distractions for some students, a majority of residents are frustrated and want Internet service to do

homework off campus. “I have to do my math homework on paper instead of online,” said Breanna Frigetto, another freshman living at the Timberline dorms. The absence of Internet and cable service is due to a lack of a contract agreement between Comcast and UCCS. “Comcast cables run throughout the Sunset Creek Apartments,” said R.J. Canales, a resident assistant. In order to connect the students’ Internet, UCCS must form an agreement with Comcast directly. Non-UCCS residents have Wi-Fi access separate of the Whistler and Taos Halls. “All residents have access to Wi-Fi here,” said a clerk at the Leasing Office. “They can usually get an Internet connection in their apartment.” The issue is supposed to be resolved by Sept. 10. Cable services should also be provided by this time. S

Lack of Internet access frustrates Timberline residents Samantha Morley Although official enrollment data will not be available until later this week, UCCS is expected to report a record number of freshmen this fall, and many of them needed dorms or other housing close to campus. To alleviate this problem, the university negotiated a contract with the Sunset Creek Apartments on North Nevada Avenue, allowing 140 students to move in by Aug. 14. But students living there have pointed out one major downside: no Internet. All schools ranging from elementary to college level have started to base more of their curriculum on online activities. UCCS is no exception. Most classes require some form of online interaction to locate assignments, view messages on Blackboard, access student email and complete homework. But students

Photo courtesy of

Students in the Timberline dorms, located at the Sunset Creek Apartments, do not have Wi-Fi access.


September 3, 2012

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IAPP aims to strengthen bond between U.S. and India Samantha Morley UCCS has been granted a special opportunity to become part of the International Academic Partnership Program, which seeks to improve higher education in India. UCCS and four other colleges throughout the United States — Arizona State University, Portland State University, University of North Carolina, Charlotte and Washington and Jefferson College — were selected to participate in the program. While the application process is short, every word counts. Each university must fill out a survey, a statement of interest of at least 200 words explaining why it deserves the opportunity and three short answer questions of no more than 200 words. The entire process must be taken under careful consideration, especially since the number

of available slots has decreased from previous years, offering 10 spaces last year and reducing it to five this year. “We were selected based on our application,” said Anthony Shull, director at the Office of Global Programs. Shull was charged with filling out the application for UCCS and submitting it to the Institute of International Education (IIE). The application was similar to an examination, Shull said. Once an organization becomes part of the IAPP, it must attend a series of activities, including building a faculty workforce, developing a strategic plan, participating in several webinars and taking a one-week tour of the designated country. India, along with Vietnam, Brazil and Turkey, is at the top of the list in “Open Doors,” a report published by the IIE that gives statistics about the flow of students to and

Photo by Chelsea Lewis

Anthony Shull, far right, discusses benefits of the International Academic Partnership Program. from the U.S. UCCS hopes to strengthen the bonds with those four countries in an effort to bring more international students into the

community. Even though the IAPP has selected the five colleges, students will not notice the results of the program until mid-2014.

Schools must meet requirements to establish necessary resources at their institution. Still, Shull is excited about how the program

will benefit the UCCS community. “It’s a great opportunity,” he said. “We all – the entire campus community – should feel very proud.” S

Club Fair encourages increased campus involvement Gabby Sappenfield The Club Fair, held every fall semester on the West Lawn, is a UCCS tradition. It’s an opportunity for clubs and other organizations to advertise ways that students can meet each other and become more involved on campus. A variety of clubs were at this semester’s fair to recruit new members, particularly freshmen. “[It was] pretty successful,” Lydia Mulligan, a junior secondary education major with the Literary Society. “It was great because we were able to get a lot of new members to join,” she said. In past years, the Club

Fair was not representative of the total number of clubs on campus. About 80 clubs would set up tables at the fair even though there were more than 200 clubs total. This year, however, was quite different. Jesus Santana, the new director for the Club Fair, made changes to allow more clubs access to the fair. This year’s fair had more than 50 more spaces, with 132 clubs reserving tables. “It’s great to have 132 clubs here because it is better for students to be able to get involved,” Santana said. Hundreds of students attended the fair to see the different clubs and get a

132 clubs were represented at this year’s Club Fair.

feel for what activities the campus has to offer. Members from each club stood at tables, encouraging people to sign up and invited them to informational meetings. Music blared in the background, and some groups, like Campus Crusade for Christ, served free snow cones and food. Clubs handed out flyers, necklaces and other mementos to motivate students to join. Twenty local businesses were also present. The only thing Santana did not want to change this year was the location of the fair. “It is traditional to have the Club Fair at the West Lawn, so I decided to keep it there,” he said. S

Photo by Chelsea Lewis

The Club Fair helps students get involved on campus.

Photo by Chelsea Lewis


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September 3, 2012

Local musical biology graduate takes to the stage Aaron Collett

I’m inspired by what’s around me. If it’s a crappy day: a blues song. Middle of the night and rainy? A dreary song.

Students are often told that they must get a college degree to achieve success in life. There are many stories of students who have finished their degrees and are becoming successful, and John William Hornbaker IV has one of those success stories. Hornbaker graduated from UCCS just last May with a degree in biology. While he is currently searching for a biologyrelated job, he has another talent that has served him well already: he performs as a solo musician under the name of John Will. “Music has been my way of paying for school,” Hornbaker said. “I got tired of delivering pizza and doing menial jobs.” And he’s been doing this for a while, playing the drums for 22 years and the guitar for eight. He has been playing gigs for five to six years. He plays a mixture of his own music and covers of other artists’ work. “I play about 60-40, original music to covers,” he said. His years at UCCS are still important to him. “UCCS is great,” he said, “[but] I wasn’t a full-time

Photo by Chelsea Lewis student for a long time.” His first college experience was at CU-Boulder. That proved to be a poor fit; Hornbaker said that the college was too big. “I’ve done a lot better here at UCCS,” he said. His favorite class was Molecular Biology – not because it was easy, but as he said, chuckling, “It was way beyond my un-

derstanding.” Mixing his two areas of study – biology and music – isn’t common, though. He said he tried to write music about biology, but it just wouldn’t come together. “It’s just not musical,” he said. “No one wants to hear that song.” The draw of working as a musician seems, to

him, obvious. “It’s not really work,” he explained. He also gets to perform at a variety of venues, including bars and other opportunities. His favorite show was a private party last year. The man who hired him was a coy fish doctor and had a pond with several large coy fish, extremely large goldfish.

“I was looking at this pond with freakish, mutant goldfish,” Hornbaker said. “People were throwing Cheerios and Cheetos – and I think shrimp – into the pond for the fish to eat.” While taken aback, Hornbaker enjoyed himself: “It was just a bunch of people sitting around drinking high-end scotch

and smoking cigars.” He hopes the doctor invites him back for the next party he throws. Hornbaker gets the inspiration for the songs he writes from life itself. “I’m inspired by what’s around me,” he explained. “If it’s a crappy day: a blues song. Middle of the night and rainy? A dreary song.” S

SPECTRUM Club aims to increase presence on campus Sarah Palma When a rainbow appears in the sky after a storm, some of the first feelings a person experiences are hope and awe of the beauty and diversity of colors. The SPECTRUM Club has a similar mission and message of hope and diversity for students. The SPECTRUM Club, according to the club’s mission statement, is “an open forum on sexuality, sex and gender at UCCS, aimed bringing together individuals from the across the LGBTQQIA spectrum to foster a greater understanding and acceptance on campus while addressing LGBTQQIA issues.” “The club is open to all,” said Deanna Kitchen, club president. “We are very welcoming of everyone.” When asked why the club was formed, Kitchen said, “The SPECTRUM

Club was made to be a voice for those in the LGBT community. It was started to have a forum for discussion of LGBT issues and just to be a friendly ear for those who need someone to talk to.” The SPECTRUM Club is in a transitional period this year. The officers of the club are trying to reboot the club and increase their presence on campus. “We hope to create a new atmosphere within the club for students to feel safe,” said Sandra Parcher, the club secretary. “We hope to educate others about the LGBT population as a whole and generally provide support to those who need it.” Parcher, a member of the club since June, has enjoyed her time in the group mainly because of its welcoming members. “I love this new group of students. They have a lot of energy and are ambitious. But most importantly they care about other students. It has al-

Photo by Chelsea Lewis

The SPECTRUM Club is trying to increase its presence on campus and create a safe atmosphere for students. lowed us to create a team atmosphere which I truly enjoy.” The SPECTRUM Club has begun planning sev-

eral events for the school year, including National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11 and The Sun Palace Project Nov. 1-3, which

it’s sponsoring. The club has two different meeting times in an effort to make it more accessible for students. It

will meet every first and third Friday at 3 p.m. and every second and fourth Sunday at 5 p.m. in the ROAR Office. S


September 3, 2012

Housing games create eventful dorm community

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April Wefler Many students who first enter a college environment often realize they barely know anyone. There might be a couple of students from their high schools or from the same town, but usually there are a lot more strangers. UCCS housing wants to change this. On Aug. 28, dorm residents gathered on the West Lawn for a friendly volleyball competition. The volleyball competition was part of the Housing Games that took place from Aug. 2731. The Housing Games included Mini Mount Trashmore, volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Dress Your RA, a week-long door-decorating contest and a floor-wide flag Tshirt decorating contest. The winners of the Games were announced on Friday and were able to choose their prize. Kristyne Merritt, a senior Resident Assistant, mentioned that every RA in Summit Village is asked to put on a program or event for his or her

Photo by Robert Solis

A student would be hard-pressed to not find anyone willing to play Ultimate Frisbee. residents in September, ranging from a “Study Smarter, Not Harder” session to a game of laser tag or flower bomb wars. The RA and residents choose an event best suited for their floor. “These events were chosen to create healthy competition within housing and create a close-knit community within each floor or building in hous-

ing,” Merritt said. Christina Perez, an RA majoring in mechanical engineering, explained that the Housing Games help people to know who they’re living with for the rest of the year. “It’s nice for them to realize that this is like their second home. It’s not a place they just eat and sleep; it’s also where they socialize and can interact

and can have fun,” Perez noted. Perez mentioned that during her freshman year, she was shy and a commuter student, which did not really help her get involved. “I didn’t have an RA to talk to me or try to get me involved in stuff.” Andrew Sinsheimer, a freshman majoring in mechanical engineering, participated in the volleyball

competition. “It helps me get to know the other students that are on my floor or in my building,” he said. Sinsheimer added that he used to play beach volleyball and that the competition on campus was the closest he could get to it. “It’s the kind of thing people want to join in on – just getting everybody to join in some friendly

competition,” said Sean Clegg, a freshman. Melanie Diep, another freshman, agreed. “It sounds like fun. I just completed my homework and I was like, go meet people!” She added that she also wanted to improve her volleyball skills. Dorm events will continue through September, and all dorm residents may attend. S

Students invited to participate in Live Sex Therapy Shelby Kotecki Sex will soon be on the agenda at Berger Hall. Sure, professors can joke about sex, students gossip about it and we hear about the scandals between celebrities, but a public discussion about it in a university setting can be an unusual case. Live Sex Therapy, a mixture of information and laughs all wrapped up into a comedy skit will be presented by “social acupuncturist” Daniel Packard on Sept. 6. The event is in conjunction with Residence Life and the Student Health Center. The style is meant to be funny, to work out the kinks of the awkwardness and break down those taboos that seem to consume sex and topics that branch off from it. Packard has an engineering degree from CU-Berkeley and has traveled to hundreds of college campuses across the country to host similar discussions. “I’m sometimes asked how I became a coach and speaker on everybody’s favorite topic, dating and love,” wrote Packard on

his website (danielpackard. com). “The initial causality of many passions is suffering. I was the boy who couldn’t get dates. Shocking that a stallion such as myself couldn’t get the leh-dehs, but please believe when I tell you I couldn’t plan a first kiss up until thirtythree. Sad, but true.” He’s interviewed thousands of people on matters of sex and relationships and what makes it so hard to talk about it all. He’s also taken polls and surveys and crossreferenced data to come to the conclusions and explanations he will talk about in his presentation. In the event, Packard will not strictly follow a lecture format; he gets the opinions of the audience. Using a texting system, Packard can access questions, answers, comments and concerns that are all anonymous. For example, he could ask women, “What’s the one thing that men never seem to know?” Answers can be texted in, and the messages pop up on a screen without showing names or phone numbers. But then he’ll turn it around on the men and ask for their answers, which

can be sent using the same technique. After the ice breaker, Packard will dive into his reasoning. Why do women think that of men? Why do men respond that way? Is it a stereotype by both sides? Or is it just as basic as a lack of communication between the two genders? A million questions can come up, and the audience can have the opportunity to provide input. “I think half of what I do is organize and refine what most of us already know on some level, but just benefit from being told in a way that makes it clear and simple,” wrote Packard. “And the other half of what I do is I’ve learned to make it fun and funny for people to learn and explore sometimes scary topics.” S

The Lowdown What: Live Sex Therapy When: Sept. 6 7 p.m. Where: Berger Hall How much: Free

Photo by Nick Burns

With humor, openness and the anonymity only a cell phone can give, Live Sex Therapy will help demystify sex at our age.


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September 3, 2012

Candy Bar is a sweet hit in downtown Colorado Springs Gabby Sappenfield Colorado Springs has a new place to let out your inner child: the Candy Bar. Having opened its doors on July 22 with more than 360 different types of candy, the Candy Bar is a great place to go hang out with friends or spend time with family. The Candy Bar looks like a modern take on a 50s theme. The vibrant red-and-blue paint radiates off the walls, warming you from the moment you walk in. Large plastic jelly beans adorn the painted walls, and canisters of assorted candies are tastefully arranged in the roomy shop for easy access. Clean and new wood flooring gives the shop a homey, welcoming feel. Located at 124 N. Tejon St., The Candy Bar offers a fresh contrast to the other gourmet shops that are already a fixture in Colorado Springs. The space is larger than most shops, giving plenty of room for a group outing and begging for customers to browse the hundreds of varieties of candy. The owner and manager hope to stay competitive with their number of customers, and the five em-

Photo by Chelsea Lewis

Customers have a wide variety of sweets to choose from. ployees stay busy preparing 50s-era soft drinks and weighing the confections for sale, which are priced by the pound. And with such an array of candy, there’s something for everyone – dark chocolate, chocolate-dipped confections, gummies, jelly beans, hard candies soft candies and an assortment of sugar-free options. Comparing the sugarfree candy to its sugarsweetened equivalent proves difficult. The shop sports more than 20 different flavors of jelly beans, and 24 colors of Sixlets. Round balls of chocolate dipped in flavored coating, Sixlets have become a gourmet rarity, though they were available at most gas stations as recently as the 90s. The Candy Bar also sells popcorn, cotton candy, half-pound

gummy bears, snow cones and stuffed animals. Visitors are welcome to drop by for visits and to interact with the new manager, Annie Carver. Gourmet candy is a fantastic treat, and this is a great place to suit gift-giving needs for anyone that has a sweet tooth. S

The Lowdown What: Candy Bar Rating:

When: Monday - Wednesday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m. Thursday- Saturday 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m. Where: 124 S. Tejon St.

Photo by Chelsea Lewis

Candy Bar opened in July with more than 360 different kinds of candy.

Owl City’s ‘Midsummer Station’ shines brighter than a shooting star Cynthia Jeub Rating:

When Adam Young broke into mainstream fame with his hit single “Fireflies” in 2009, those who explored his older music criticized his redundancy. One Owl City song sounded just like the next, and it was hard to become accustomed to the bravely experimental sound. Hipsters took pride in the fact that they had listened to Owl City before anyone else had heard of the group. Those who liked pop music had to admit Young’s production was unique, but maintaining hit status wasn’t expected. That’s not a problem anymore. Owl City’s newest release, “The Midsummer Station,” which hit stores Aug. 21, manages

to combine the distinct sound of classic Owl City with modern pop. Featuring the voices of Mark Hoppus and Carly Rae Jepsen, each track has a decidedly happy – and catchy – sound. Young has a reputation for maintaining optimism around his struggles. His last album had a fun spin on the trouble he has with approaching girls in “Deer in the Headlights,” but this new release has a more honest take on what it means to be single. In “Silhouette,” he delivers the lines, “I’m a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own / but the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone.” Still, he insists on remaining hopeful, ending with the phrase, “So I watch the summer stars to lead me home.” Yet every other song on the new release insists on staying happy. “Good Time” begins with, “Woke up on the right side of the bed.”

The thoroughly uplifting song “Shooting Star” is peppered with several phrases of encouragement, like “All these heavy thoughts will try to weigh you down / but not this time,” and “When the sun goes down / and the lights burn out / then it’s time for you to shine / brighter than a shooting star.” The song “Embers” chimes in with its theme, “Don’t let the fire die.” “I’m Coming After You” is an adorably written song drawing a parallel between falling in love and a cop pursuit. Adam sings, “Love is a high-speed chase racing down the street” and breaks into the chorus with a mimicked siren, “I’m coming after you.” His best play-on-words happen here. Perhaps the thing keeping Owl City so popular is a combination of Young’s talent with electronic music, most distinguishable in the Skrillexreminiscent final track

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Owl City released its fourth album, “The Midsummer Station,” late last month. “Bombshell Blonde” and his way with words. His writing is notably clever in the play-onwords he loves to sprinkle through his songs. The lyrics remain thoughtful and reveal his ability as a

poet as well as a musical artist. “The Midsummer Station” opens up with a song saying to “follow the lines through the dreams and disasters.” This album is open

and honest that life isn’t always easy, but it’s possible to be happy for at least 11 of 12 songs. The optimistic outlook is one that’s fun to listen to, and more importantly, good advice to live by. S


September 3, 2012

New university firearm regulations go too far In March, the Colorado Supreme Court overturned a University of Colorado policy that banned concealed firearms on CU campuses. This allows anyone with a concealedcarry permit to bring a weapon onto university property. Recently, the University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado Colorado Springs amended their student housing contracts and issued new rules for athletic and cultural events, banning weapons in freshman dorms and at ticketed events. Though meant to promote safety on campus, the new rules are likely at odds with state law, are inconsistent with the university’s overall policy allowing concealed weapons on campus and create a dangerous situation for students. After the March 5 Colorado Supreme Court and April 10 Colorado Court of Appeals rulings that the university may not limit concealed weapons on campus, school officials and administrators used the summer to pull together plans to regulate firearms on campus.


“The safety of our students, faculty, staff and visitors is a top priority,” Chancellor Shockley-Zalabak said when announcing the new campus terms. “UCCS will implement all practices as directed by the CU Board of Regents with this priority in mind and in accordance with state and federal law.” Colorado statutes for concealed weapons provide narrow restrictions on carrying firearms. As the spring rulings affirm, “A permit to carry a concealed handgun authorizes the permittee to carry a concealed handgun in all areas of the state” except as specifically limited in the statutes. Limitations include being unable to carry in public elementary, middle, junior high and high-school buildings, public buildings that electronically screen those who enter and places where it is prohibited by federal law. While safety is a top priority, the university has presented no real reason for why they want to regulate weapons in freshmen dorms and at ticketed events since

concealed carry is allowed in all other parts of the university. One can assume that the rules originate out of the fear that the close proximity in dorms and at crowded events creates an environment where those with limited firearm training might hurt more than they would help. And some pro-gun student groups agree, based on interviews conducted by The Scribe during the spring. But the constitutional ruling finds no exceptions for cases of freshmen housing or crowded university events. By banning weapons in freshman dorms and at ticketed events, the CU system is still attempting to regulate concealed weapons, despite the Colorado Supreme Court expressly denying them of that right in its March ruling. To obtain a concealedcarry permit, adults must be 21 or over, pass a full background check (criminal and mental health) and obtain both physical and legal training. The vast majority of students living in


Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sara Horton Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesse Byrnes Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor Hargis News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eleanor Skelton Culture Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cynthia Jeub Opinion/Life on the Bluffs Editors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aaron Collett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kaitlin Nelson Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler Bodlak Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alex Gradisher Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mike English Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Emily Olson Designer and Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Solis Web Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edwin Satre Ad Sales Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nikolas Roumell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie Burnett Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Burns Junior Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Celeste Blehm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chelsea Lewis Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April Wefler Junior Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Blessinger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Farrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kailey Hernandez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelby Kotecki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samantha Morley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gabby Sappenfield . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly Stickney Distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Phillip Ramsay Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Eurich

freshman dorms are under age 21, precluding them from owning concealed weapons. Since concealedcarry terms already govern who can own a concealed gun, the university policy goes out of its way to try and limit weapons and advocate gun-free zones. Appropriately, several have described it as a policy in search of a problem. And consider this: Patrick O’Rourke, chief legal counsel for CU and secretary of the Board of Regents, said in an interview with The Gazette that the new university policy would likely not prohibit friends and family from bringing concealed weapons into the dorms, since they are not under the housing contracts. So not only is the rule unlawful, but it is impractical and ineffective. Students who wish to live in non-freshman housing but retain concealed carry must keep university officials informed on the status of their permit. Segregating those who lawfully own a gun, or creating an environment that allows for such segregation, alienates

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students and fails to promote the sense of community and safety one would hope to find on a university campus. Many Second Amendment advocates point out that criminals target populated areas where they know that weapons are prohibited – as evidenced in past school shootings and most recently in the Aurora shooting. In a column for USA Today, William Pendley – attorney and president of Mountain States Legal Foundation, which brought the case against CU – points out that gunfree zones “are free only of the guns owned by lawabiding citizens.” Freshmen dorms and ticketed events should follow the same rules governing all other campus areas. Under the law, professors cannot stop concealed-carry holders from bringing weapons into classrooms or labs, something affirmed by CU-Boulder after one professor attempted to impart his own rules for concealed weapons under a “personal policy” of ending class immediately if he learned of anyone

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Page 7

carrying a firearm – even legally – the Boulder Daily Camera reported. CU-Boulder Chancellor Phil DiStefano was right to point out that professors “do not have the right to shut down a class or refuse to teach” in those circumstances. It is similarly unjustified for the university to attempt to limit where on campus a student or faculty member may carry a concealed weapon. Trying to regulate firearms under housing contracts is equally fallacious. For crowded events, the solution is simple: Only prohibit firearms if trained, armed officers are present and if electronic screeners make sure everyone entering is weaponless. Otherwise, the university has no grounds for stripping individuals of their constitutional rights. While opponents of concealed carry may argue against the merits of allowing weapons in public areas, it is disingenuous to try and regulate the law’s applicability based on factors that the court did not consider. S - The Scribe Editorial Board

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Page 8

September 3, 2012

Required reading means more than just an assignment

Sarah Palma The first semester of college can be overwhelming. Signing up for a freshman seminar will certainly make that transition easier and more enjoyable. But is it really necessary for freshmen to be required to read yet another book? Freshmen, welcome to college. For years, UCCS has offered freshman seminars in an effort to ease the transition from high school to college. While the topics of freshman seminars vary widely, ranging from perception to success, all freshmen who signed up for a seminar are required to read the same book. The book for freshman seminars this fall is “The

Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.” The titular character is the source of the so-called HeLa cells – the very first human immortal cell line. The book is filled with ethical and racial issues. As a transfer student to UCCS, I never had the opportunity to participate in a freshman seminar. However, after speaking with Barbara Gaddis, the executive director of First Year Experience and Transfer Student Connections, I realized just how fantastic it would have been to participate in such a seminar. Many of the books freshmen have had in the past are excellent reads. A recent read, “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch, is a personal favorite. I attended a really small high school, and it always irritated me when the school had a required “all-school read.” However, now that I have been attending college for a couple of years, I realize having required reading is a part of be-

Photo by Jeffrey Foster, courtesy of

Freshman seminar students gather on the West Lawn. All freshman seminar students are required to read a book as part of the curriculum. ing a student. The majority of my time the last two years has been spent reading textbooks. The books that freshmen attending seminars are required to read are a part of the curriculum. Students are not being

forced to read the book just for the sake of reading another book. Rather, the book contributes to the theme of the freshman seminars for the year. I did not realize until after speaking with Gaddis that the freshman

seminars are optional. They are highly recommended, but optional. Yes, freshmen all have to read the same book, but attending the seminars also allows them to meet other students. If nothing else, having to

read the same book gives new students something to talk about. Reading a great book is certainly a welcome break from the dry textbooks of many college classes. Enjoy it while you can. S

Left photo by Steve Jurveston, right photo by Gage Skidmore

promising “change.” Yet, after nearly four years of him being in office, it doesn’t appear that the change has been for the better. Unemployment is still over 8 percent, not including those that are no longer collecting unemployment and have given up looking for work. The housing market has still not recovered after the housing bubble burst in 2007. Gas prices are still above $3 a gallon. And, perhaps most significantly, the country is still severely in debt, clocking in at more than $15 trillion and still growing. Why are ads focusing on Obama’s broken promises and Romney’s upper class advantages? They are ways to get people angry. It is easier to appeal to the emotions of anger than to try to get people pumped about an election process that is oftentimes difficult to understand. It’s boring. It’s dull to

hear another spiel about “this is what I’ll do once I’m elected,” especially when there is nothing to back that up except an individual’s word. Focusing on the negative gets a more heated reaction, forcing people to think. Regardless of what you think when you first see the ads, they force you to consider the issues. Is what is being reported in the ads true? Do the super PACs who are funding ads really do their research beforehand? Most importantly, are they doing their job of persuading primarily moderates the right candidate to vote for in November? The next time you see an ad, through whatever media, think about why you react the way you do. Decide whether it’s better to be angry, based on facts, or hopeful about something that may or may not come true. S

Negative political ads succeed by way of our anger

Shelby Kotecki It’s all that we have heard for the past seven months ­– the unavoidable buzz of presidential election campaigns. Ads are everywhere: lawn placards, radio ads and the ever-present TV commercials. Like it or not, political ads are here to stay. There is quite a bit of disagreement, however, on whether or not political ads are effective. Overwhelmingly, on both sides of the aisle, the ads have taken a negative approach. Romney is being pressured by Democrats to release his tax returns

Both presidential candidates are using negative ads in their campaigning. because he might not be paying what the public expects given his annual income. Obama, on the flip side, is being criticized for his dismal response to the current recession, millions left unemployed and the recent passage of his health care reform. We hate these sorts of ads. We groan when we see them pop up on television,

the Internet or in print. We mute the television or click out of them. And yet, when we all take those types of approaches, it means that the ads are affecting us. They are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing, even if we seem to get fed up with them. If the candidates only focused on what they planned to do once they’re

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in office, it wouldn’t get the same reaction or be as effective. They can make promises and have a platform, but there is no hard evidence that they’ll do what they say. For example, many people who voted for Obama in 2008 are choosing not to support him in this election; they voted him in for his first term due to his campaign platform

Life on the Bluffs

September 3, 2012

Campus Chatter

Page 9

There are a lot of stereotypes about freshmen: they’re immature, talk too much and have a habit of blocking the entrance to the library. But do these perceptions have any basis in reality?

April Wefler,, photos by Chelsea Lewis

Camille Dytan, sophomore, international business Do you have any thoughts on freshmen? What advice would you give them? I haven’t really interacted with them because I’ve been taking upper-level courses. I can’t really distinguish them from other grades; they just seem to blend in. I guess you can sometimes tell because they look lost. Ask anybody; especially here, people are pretty friendly. They’ll be glad to tell you if they took a teacher [or a specific] course. Go into academic advising as soon as you can because they can help you plan your degree.


Chuck May, sophomore, game design

What do you think about freshmen? Any advice for them? They’re cool, I guess. It’s not like freshmen in high school – everyone’s more mature and on the same level. Sometimes you’ll see a kid running up the street and screaming and you’re like, “Oh, that’s a freshman.” [Also], keep up with your assignments. When I was a freshman, I thought I had forever to do reading assignments, but it piles up. Don’t party too hard because it gets in the way of getting your work done.

How do you feel about freshmen and what advice would you give them? When I think of them, I just think freshmen are freshmen. College is easier than you think it would be; you just have to apply yourself properly. I had lots of downtime last year, so I had more time to do homework than I thought I did. I’m not saying abandon all hopes of a social life, but you have more time than you think you do. Get started early; last year I did a lot of homework several hours before it was due and it just didn’t end up right. S

Vicente Rios, junior, engineering

Rachel Woronoff, How do you feel about freshmen and communication what advice would you give them? Freshmen are okay; we were all young once. Get involved in clubs, activities, make a lot of friends – be involved in college. My first semester didn’t go well; my second year, I got involved in a ton of clubs [like] dancing [and] made a lot of friends.

True Story

Clipboard-wielding hippie makes student miss shuttle Peter Farrell The day that Megan Moyles decided to indulge a common petitioner and sign a pro-marijuana form was the day the shuttle left her behind. Moyles, president of the on-campus beard club, had just finished one of her classes. “It was like a perfect, kind of sunshine-y, not ridiculously hot, not cool, day,” she recalled. As she walked past the mountain lion statue to board the Alpine shuttle, Moyles was approached by a figure with a clipboard: a petition hippie. “There was a hippie vibe about him; he just looked like a hippie,” Moyles said.

Photo by Nick Burns Megan Moyles watched her shuttle drive away as she signed a petition. He had a single, simple goal: legalize marijuana. Moyles said that she wasn’t too keen on missing her shuttle but supported the campaign. He handed her his “clipboard” – a paper-sized strip of cardboard. “So I stopped and I signed it, I try to walk

This week at


Tuesday, Sept. 4:

Zen Booty Rec Center Noon - 1 p.m.

Piloxing Rec Center 4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m. Stretch and Flex Rec Center 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.

inside and then I see the shuttle start to pull away.” The hippie’s unemphatic response could be summarized by two words: “Oh, bummer…” Moyles said that she hates missing the shuttle. “I feel stupid when that happens,” she said. “I just tried to swallow my pride and walk back to the resident halls.” After concluding her trek to Alpine, the moral of Moyle’s adventure became clear: Never talk to clipboard-wielding hippies. Ever. S

Crossword Bring your completed crossword to the Scribe office (UC 106) for a prize! Last week’s crossword answers can be found online at 1














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6 16 17








Down Breaking Bad plot device Most desired item this 11 11 summer 13 13 6 Disinfectant - causes lampshades to be used incorrectly 16 7 Display from Wyoming; band from Detroit 17 8 This burns at both ends; 16 16 it will not last the night; 17 17 but ah, my foes, and oh, my friends - it gives a lovely light! Across AcrossAcross Down11 Stepping on this causes DownDown 1 Personal parental unit 2 Breaking Baddevice plot devicedamage to Mom's spine 1 Personal parental unitunit 2 Breaking Bad plot 1 Personal Breaking Bad plot device 4 parental Mike Tyson's 3 desired Most2 desired item this 4 Mike Tyson's stolenstolen pet pet 3 Most item this 15 Non-sentient animal True Story is an ongoing 5 Gluten-burning summer Gluten-burning devicedevice 4 Mike5 Tyson's stolen pet summer 3 Most desired item this species section about student, 9 Jr.'s MLKenemy Jr.'s enemy 6 Disinfectant - causes16 Can be used for a stand 9 MLK 6 Disinfectant - causes 5 Gluten-burning device summer 10 Mighty and Young lampshades to be used 10 Mighty and Young lampshades to be used not a kick staff and faculty’s 12 enemy Keeps your car running incorrectly Keeps your car running incorrectly 9 funny MLK 12 Jr.'s 6 Disinfectant - causes 13 Summer meals often 7 Display from Wyoming; 13 Summer meals often 7 Display from Wyoming; encounters. If10 you have a Mighty and lampshades to be used use Young these band Detroit from Detroit use these band from story you’d like to share, 14 side effect of grave 8 burns This burns at both ends; 14 A sideAeffect of grave 8 This at both ends; 12 Keeps your car running incorrectly robbing will notthe last the night; robbing it will it not last night; email scribe.eic@gmail. 13 Summer often 7foes, Display 17 meals Kills plants and brain but ah, my and foes, and oh, from Wyoming; 17 Kills plants and brain but ah, my oh, com. my friends -band it gives a from Detroit cells cells my friends - it gives a use these lovelylovely light! light! 14 A side effect of grave 11 Stepping 8 thisoncauses This burns at both ends; 11 Stepping this causes on damage to Mom's spine damage to Mom's spine robbing it will not last the night; 15 Non-sentient animal 15 Non-sentient animal 17 Kills plants and brain but ah,Sept. my7 foes, and oh, species species Thursday, Sept. 6 Friday, Wednesday, Sept. 5 16 be Can be for used for a stand 16 Can used amy stand -friends cells - it gives a not a not kicka kick Intermediate/Advanced Yoga Hula Hoop Fitness Volleyball vs. Franklin Pierce 10


Across Personal parental unit Mike Tyson's stolen15 pet 12 12 14 Gluten-burning device MLK Jr.'s enemy Mighty and Young Keeps your car running 14 15 15 Summer meals often use these 14 A side effect of grave robbing 17 Kills plants and brain cells

1 4 5 9 10 12 14 13

Rec Center 12:10 p.m. - 1:10 p.m.

Rec Center Noon - 1 p.m.

What’s Your Learning Style? Workshop University Center 303 3 p.m. - 4 p.m.

Zumba Rec Center 4:40 p.m. - 5:40 p.m.

Men’s Soccer vs. Colorado College Mountain Lion Stadium 7 p.m.

2 3

lovely light! Gallogly Events 11 Stepping onCenter this causes 11:30 a.m. to Mom's spine damage 15 Non-sentient animal Improv Night species Clyde’s 16 Can be used for a stand 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. not a kick

H20 Lecture Series Centennial Hall Auditorium 7:30 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Volleyball vs. Wayne State Gallogly Events Center 7 p.m.

Women’s Soccer vs. St. Martin’s Mountain Lions Stadium 7:30 p.m.


Page 10

September 3, 2012

Cross country team ready to bust off summer rust Shelby Kotecki Even though cross country teams routinely put in hundreds of miles over the summer, they never know exactly what they’ll look like until they bust off the competition rust in the year’s first meet. And that is precisely the point of the Cross Country RustBuster. The Cross Country Rust-Buster event is an annual race that gives runners the chance to warm up and show off what they can do before the season gets underway. The Rust-Buster is scheduled for Sept. 8. Mark Misch and David Harmer, two cross country head coaches at UCCS, came up with the idea for the yearly meet. It operates similarly to other cross country meets but is not scored and does not last as long as championship meets. The race is in its fifth year and has competitors from UCCS, Mines, Colorado College and Pueblo, among other schools. Last

year, 135 men and 94 women competed in the run. Having it stationed at UCCS this year has its advantages. It cuts travel costs for the UCCS team and adds revenue for the school, acting as a fundraiser by bringing in spectators from around the state. Since meets are never set in stone ahead of time, by sending out a monthly breakdown of locations, a successful showing could bring more meets back to Colorado Springs and enhance UCCS’ hosting reputation. “There is a real potential for the cross country team to grow,” said Jared Verner, assistant athletic director for sports information, who transferred to UCCS from Western State. “It’s definitely going to stick around,” he said. To prepare for the RustBuster and meets throughout the season, practices are held nearly every day, but there are limitations as to how many hours of practice can be put in per

Photos by Nick Burns

The Rust-Buster, held on Sept. 8, gives local cross country teams and runners a chance to compete before the season begins. week. Practices are usually held in the mornings, and practice runs are rotated. Some might be more endurancebased, while others might focus on changing eleva-

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tions and terrains. The Rust-Buster allows not just team members but also open-runners to compete for a fee of $15. The deadline to sign up for the run is Tuesday, Sept. 4.

You can sign-up to run at While there won’t be trophies awarded for the best runners, T-shirts will be given out to those that finish on top.

Though the prospects for the upcoming cross country season might yet be murky, it won’t be long until the rust is busted and the season begins in earnest. S


September 3, 2012

Page 11

Mountain Lion Pro-Am provides new scholarships for UCCS athletes Kyle Marino The Monument Hill Country Club will be hosting the 2012 UCCS Mountain Lion Pro-Am on Wednesday, Sept. 5 at 12:30 p.m. Professional golfers from golf courses across Colorado Springs will participate. The amateurs in the event will be made up of people with connections to UCCS, including staff and faculty, student athletes, alumni and a few former UCCS golfers. The amateur golfers will be paired with professional golfers. The top professional golfer will receive a $1,000 grand prize. Amateurs will be competing for other prizes, which include gift certificates to the pro golf shops. Gregg Jones, a golf pro from World Golf in Colorado Springs, is one of the notable professionals competing in the event. He has qualified for nine PGA tour events and has set many Colorado golf course records. He could

The Mountain Lion Pro-Am will take place on Sept. 5 at the Monument Hill Country Club. be a favorite to win the grand prize. The event is closed to spectators due to liabilities. Those interested in competing in the event must make a $200 donation and fill

out the registration form, which is provided below. The donation will cover all of the green fees, a cart, dinner, drinks, a Nike golf polo and an additional complimentary round of golf at the Country Club.

Donations are being accepted and will fund a $10,000 title sponsor donation, a $5,000 student-athlete sponsorship, a $2,500 coaches’ sponsorship, a $1,000 Black and

Gold Sponsorship and a $200 hole-by-hole sponsorship. “All of the money raised for the tournament through entry fees, sponsorships, etc. goes to athletic scholarships for

Photo by Nick Burns UCCS student athletes,” said Nathan Gibson, associate athletic director at UCCS. For more information on payments and the event, contact Gibson at 255-3601. S


Page 12

September 3, 2012

Women’s soccer team works on old, new chemistry Kailey Hernandez After making history with one of its best seasons on record, the UCCS women’s soccer team is ready for a breakout year. With a new season beginning and plenty of fresh legs, the team is looking to make some noise in the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference. During her tenure

as head coach, Nicole Ridenour has seen a steady transformation not only in the quality of her teams but also the program as a whole. “Our players have worked hard over the last couple years to bring up the standards and set the direction of this team,” she said. Setting high goals is the norm in sports. Teams are constantly

eyeing records, the playoffs and – ultimately – championships. This team is no different, hoping to build itself into a formidable contender. “We want to work ourselves into being a contestant threat to everyone we play while only focusing on one match at a time,” Ridenour said. Following a successful summer, Ridenour is

excited about her team, a blend of new and old that seems to have the chemistry necessary to win. “We have a lot of new talent as well as some returning players who are eager to lead the team. With our preseason under our belts, I think the team is really coming together as a whole,” she said. Ridenour acknowledges that blending new and old

team members can be a difficult task. But it is an essential one, as collegiate teams are a constantly evolving puzzle built of experienced players and newcomers. “New faces have a lot to learn in a short period of time, but it’s more so about the team dynamic,” Ridenour said. “Being a fall sport, these athletes come into a new school, new team and new system

all in a matter of weeks.” That dynamic will require time to develop. “All the new athletes have something to contribute,” Ridenour said. “Overall this is a very skilled class of athletes that we are happy to have on the team.” With contributions of young and old legs, Ridenour and the women’s soccer team look to be headed for a big year. S

We exclusively carry Photo by Nick Burns

Old talent and fresh faces bring a new mix to this year’s women’s soccer team.

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