Oct. 17, 2011

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Monday, October 17, 2011 Vol. 36, Iss. 8



Your school. Your voice.

University of Colorado Colorado Springs Weekly Campus Newspaper

Wall Street protests hit home

National Coming Out Day more successful each year Jay Kim jkim@uccs.edu

Photo by Ariel Lattimore

A protester stands on the corner and protests while passing cars honk their horns in support of the Occupy Wall Street Colorado Springs movement.

Mark Petty mpetty2@uccs.edu

Four weeks ago, a movement started in New York. For the first couple of weeks, many of the national media outlets largely ignored the story. The movement has been gaining momentum through coverage by ordinary people on social media websites like Facebook and Twitter. Now in its fourth week of protests, the media has focused in on the story. The Wall Street protests are seen by some as understandable fallout from the economic crisis that the world is currently in. Dale Deboer, Chair of the Department of Economics at UCCS, said he believes the economic situation is too big to blame on any one political party. “Most in America have felt the strain of our current economic situation, and the first bailout was initiated by the Bush administration,” he said. “Politicians are wasting

Inside this


a perfectly good crisis. Right now is the time to fix some of the issues that lead to this. A crisis like this could give a good law legs.” Deboer said he doesn’t feel that we should expect the same kind of recovery that we had in the ‘80s but remain cautiously optimistic about the future. He explained that there are things that a student can do in order to weather out this recession. Deboer advised students to “be flexible, be able to move to where the jobs are, be prepared to take a less desirable job if it allows for mobility, and learn a foreign language.” Most importantly, Deboer urged students to “save your money. Don’t buy the newest item just because it’s new.” The overall message of the Wall Street protesters seems, to many outsiders, incoherent at best. Several students at UCCS, when asked about the protests, were not able to articulate specifics as to what the protests are about. According to the

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cause’s website, “Occupy Wall Street is a horizontally organized resistance movement employing the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to restore democracy in America. We use a tool known as a ‘people’s assembly’ to facilitate collective decision making in an open, participatory and non-binding manner. “We call ours the NYC General Assembly and we welcome people from all colors, genders and beliefs to attend our daily assemblies.” Eric Verlo, an activist and organizer for Coloradans for Peace, acknowledged that the situation is complex and would like to see an increase in awareness. “The first thing we want to do is just get people thinking and talking about the issues,” Verlo said. “We’re looking to young people, because young people are looking to the future.” Verlo added he would encourage the youth to throw away their economic textbooks. Verlo used words such as “redistribution”

and believes we are using the earth’s resources inefficiently. He said the movement is purposefully leaderless in order for a message of the entire collective to be developed. Verlo imagines a perfectly democratic society in which politicians are no longer needed: Citizens would simply vote from their home computer on every issue, eliminating the need for politics – or at least, eliminate the incentive to help the wealthy. Verlo said that what he would most like to see is an end to banks making money by sitting on it. “Money is meant to be circulated, not hoarded,” he said, adding, “It’s about loving your fellow man.” Verlo would like to make it illegal to make interest on bank loans. It’s unclear whether or not banks would find another way to make their money in Verlo’s ideal market system. The movement is getting more organized and politicians like Nancy Continued on page 2...


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Rainbow flags and several tables occupied the upper plaza last Tuesday, where students and faculty gathered in celebration. National Coming Out Day (NCOD) takes place on Oct. 11 every year as part of National Coming Out Week. In addition, the month of October is recognized as LGBT History month, which observes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender history and the history of the gay rights and related civil rights movements. NCOD was founded in 1988 Robert Eichberg and Jean O’Leary. “National Coming Out Day is a celebration of the people to come out,” said Cedes Allen, a student and volunteer with the LGBT Resource Center on campus. Allen, who went to Sand Creek, said that the GSA (Gay Straight Alliance) at her high school had no funding or support. Fellow volunteer Sam Tappes said her high school, Discovery Canyon, didn’t even have a GSA. Tables at this year’s NCOD housed SPECTRUM (UCCS’GSA), the Colorado Springs Pride Center, PAGE (a gender expression group), the LGBT Resource Center on campus and Faculty Pride. The Anthropology Club and Asian Pacific Islander Student Union also had tables in support. The Pride Faculty table played videos of National Coming Out Day stories of students. Reception for National Coming Out Day has been mostly positive, said Hector Flores, president of SPECTRUM, who has

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noted an increase in popularity within the past two years, partly due to faculty support. “I’ve never seen so much faculty support,” said Tappes. She added that the faculty stepped up and were accepting and willing to help. Linda Rankin, a health and wellness coordinator who works at the Colorado Springs Pride Center, the hub for LGBT in Colorado Springs, informed students of counseling services available. Her job, she said, is about “letting people know there is a place for them to talk.” Special guest Shane Windmeyer, founder and coordinator of CampusPride.net, which is a national online network for LGBT student leaders, spoke with select faculty and students during a dinner prior to an open speaking engagement in Clyde’s. During the dinner, Windmeyer informed those present of current statistics, including that one-fourth of LGBT students, faculty and staff encounter harassment, and a majority of those consider leaving their campuses. He spoke on the significance of being visible and “coming out” as a campus in support of LGBT issues. “How can students and staff be expected to come out if high-level administration aren’t out?” he asked. Questions for Windmeyer addressed issues of safety and what might be done to change the overall climate of campus, which according to the CampusPride, is currently very low. “He challenged us with some stuff and gave us pats on the back for Continued on page 2...

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