Cell phone radiation, page 4
Monday, November 14, 2011 Vol. 36, Iss. 12
Your school. Your voice.
University of Colorado Colorado Springs Weekly Campus Newspaper
‘Occupy Wall Street’ teach-in draws campus-wide attention Ryan Adams radams3@uccs.edu
Drawing attention all over the nation, the “Occupy Wall Street” movement finally made its way to the campus of UCCS. Organized by students Theo Holtwick, Kent Henderson and Kayley Blood, along with assistant professor of the sociology department Jeffrey Montez de Oca, an “Occupy Wall Street” teachin was brought to the El Pomar Plaza on Nov. 8. The teach-in was organized in an effort to gain the attention of the campus community. More than 70 members of the UCCS community gathered to participate in the teach-in and learn more about the event. Montez de Oca, who was asked by KKTV to talk about “Occupy Wall Street,” hoped that the teach-in provided a couple things for students. “The teach-in, I believe, has two primary purposes,” he said. “One is to provide the campus with information on the Occupy Wall Street movement, and two is to promote discussion amongst the students about the issue.”
According to the pamphlet handed out at the event, “Since the 1970s, vast inequalities have accelerated in the United States. This is in large part a result of the political and economic decisions of the leaders of this country, and it has cost the middle class.” The event on Nov. 8 consisted of four speakers: Joel Aigner, the organizer of “Occupy Colorado Springs” and Senior Manager of MDM, Inc. (mdminc.com), a local pump manufacturer; Joe Langston and Kent Henderson, graduate students in sociology; and Hossein Forouzandeh, a UCCS alumnus. Besides the teach-in at UCCS, the movement can also be felt in the Colorado Springs community at large. “Occupy Colorado Springs” is taking place at Acacia Park downtown. According to KKTV, although the protestors there are a part of the nation-wide movement, a lot of Colorado Springs residents still don’t understand what they are protesting for. Montez de Oca wants the teach-in to help with that and explain the movement’s basic goal. “Every movement
Photo by Robert Solis
The “Occupy Wall Street” teach-in aimed to educate the community about the national movement. around the nation wants to create awareness,” he said. “We want to allow people to have an understanding of what is going on and get them to talk about the issue.” The movement is mainly protesting what the occupiers term “contemporary inequality.” “When a country has this type of political breakdown that
we are experiencing today, movements like the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ help a lot and create real improvements in our lives,” he stated. The speakers of the teach-in brought different perspectives of the movement and also answered any questions that the campus may have on the issue.
The teach-in provided the campus with information including the shocking statistic from sociologist William Domhoff that the richest 1 percent of Americans now own 42 percent of the wealth in the country. The teach-in also provided information on the “why” of the protest and gave the attendees ques-
tions to ponder and discuss. “The teach-in is intended to be educational, which is consistent with the mission of the University,” stated Montez de Oca. “Our hope is that the “Occupy Wall Street” teach-in will also help add to the social and intellectual climate of the University, too.” S
Green Action Fund committee seeks to fund student-based projects Rachel Bradford
rbradford@uccs.edu The solar fee, which was started in 2008 by students’ initiative, was expanded by students in the SGA election last spring to include more than just solar projects, according to Nathanael Mooberry, SGA senator of sustainability. UCCS was “running out of options as far as putting [up] solar,” said Mooberry. Solar projects, such as “thin film” on the roof of the Osborne Center, were
Inside this
being implemented in newly built or renovated buildings; however, the cost of retrofitting other existing buildings would have been too costly, said Mooberry. In Professor Carole Huber’s “Changing Places” geography class last spring, Mooberry’s group came up with the idea to expand the solar fee to a general sustainability fee in order to create a wider variety of environmentally-related projects on campus. As part of the fee’s new purpose, Mooberry leads the UCCS Green Action
news Health Q&A page 4
Fund Committee to assess and help students implement qualifying projects. Mooberry said the committee consists of members from the sustainability-related clubs on campus, a second SGA member, a facilities staff member, a faculty sustainability committee member, various students-atlarge and Linda Kogan, director of the Office of Sustainability. Students that are not part of the sustainabilityrelated clubs can still find a space on this committee, said Mooberry. “A big part of our push was to have
students be the ones that are making the decisions on the money that is taken from the solar fee.” So far, students outside the clubs have not applied to be part of the studentsat-large group on the committee. According to Kevin Gilford, assistant director of the Office of Sustainability, this committee is working closely with the Office of Sustainability in an effort to keep the projects feasible both in scope and cost. The Green Action Fund Committee met for the first time on Nov. 3 and
culture G-Eazy page 5
is in the beginning stages of developing the application process for students to submit their ideas for green projects, according to Mooberry. To help give students an idea of which green projects will qualify for implementation on campus, Mooberry gave tentative requirements, only one of which needs to be met. The committee is looking for green projects that will increase campus sustainability, efficiency, recycling, sustainable food service and/or education about sustainability.
opinion Penn State page 12
Additional projects are needed for decreasing the campus carbon emissions, waste, per-capita water usage, dependence on fossil fuels and overall ecological impact. “What we’re looking at right now is having different sizes of projects,” Mooberry explained. “A small project might be something we can approve on a monthly basis. A midsized project could be as often as once a month or semester; once a semester for large projects.” Continued on page 3...
sports Cross Country page 15
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November 14, 2011
Master Planning open sessions generate whirlwind of possibilities Aaron Collett acollett@uccs.edu
Photos by Alex Gradisher This “Free Speech Wall” stood outside of Berger Hall Nov. 9 and 10. It was placed there by the Young Americans for Liberty. It was intended to give students a chance to express themselves without fear of censorship. This wall was one of many placed in schools across the country by Young Americans for Liberty Chapters. S
Correction Psychology Club enrollment increased last year, and had been in a “regression” in previous years.
The chatter of voices drifted down the hallway of the University Center toward the game room. Inside the small meeting room, students, faculty and staff collaborated to generate ideas for the future of the campus. The facilities master planning open sessions on Wednesday and Thursday generated a lot of ideas, while letting the students know that the administration does indeed want their input about the campus. The open sessions’ purpose was primarily to garner input about how the campus should expand. According to Gary Reynolds, the director of the Facilities Department, the information gained will be applied directly to the Master Plan that is being submitted to the Board of Regents for approval in April.
The walls of room 116B were hung with visual aids showing where expansion could take place, as well as where it couldn’t, and why. The Facilities Department also had architectural concept sketches of what the campus could look like in the future. Several important features in the area affect where expansion can realistically take place. A large part of the difficulty of expansion is the natural environment surrounding the college. According to the visual aids provided by Reynolds, higher expansion priority is given to areas that have already been disturbed by previous construction, such as the Four Diamonds complex. The area around the Heller Center, however, is considered “sensitive,” as it is adjacent to larger, undisturbed areas. There is also the hillside of the bluffs to worry about. According to
Reynolds’ charts, steep slopes greatly increase the cost of construction. The shallowest slopes are from Alpine Village to Four Diamonds, and therefore represent the most cost-effective construction opportunities. Finally, there are cultural and geologic resources in the area which the University does not wish to destroy. According to Reynolds’ visual aids, the bluffs themselves should be preserved based on their “unique geologic formations.” Also, there are several zones in the campus area that the Anthropology Department is currently excavating for archaeological purposes. These sites must be completely excavated before being turned to other uses. Reynolds also mentioned the next two buildings that were definitely going to be built. “Summit [Village] is going to be expanded,” he said. “And the Academic Health Sciences Center,
which is going to be our first major building down on North Nevada.” According to the Facilities website, this Academic Health Sciences Center will work with Peak Vista, the CU Aging Center and the Gerontology Center to provide a centralized location for these services. It will also provide doctoral students the opportunity to receive on-thejob training in the form of clinical rotations and externships. Not everybody is excited about the proposed expansions, though. Andrea Hassler, a graduate student studying geography, was worried about the potential for environmental destruction. “Once you start disturbing one place it just grows even further,” she said. “Are they going to use that to justify even further growth?” Despite her reservations, Hassler did commend the Facilities Department for considering the larger impact of further growth. S
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November 14, 2011
Page 3
Transfer students use community college as stepping-stone to bachelor’s Molly Mrazek mmrazek@uccs.edu There are few things that are worse than transferring to a new school and finding that some credits won’t transfer. Many students have had to retake certain courses, or stay in school a semester or even a year longer than they planned. Now, if a student comes in to the recruiting office asking what will transfer, counselors there will be able to look at the guidelines and tell them; these guidelines are applicable to most community col-
leges in the area. There are several programs in place to make it easier for students to transfer from Colorado community colleges to UCCS. The state has put together a program called the 60+60 plan where students take 60 credits at a community college and then transfer to a four-year university to complete the other 60 credits, thereby earning their bachelor’s degree. The plan outlines specific courses to take at the community college that are guaranteed to transfer into their bachelor’s pro-
gram. UCCS has its own version of that program called University Connections, which is a scholarshipbased program where students can transfer from a community college with a certain GPA and an associate’s degree. There is a lot of frustration and confusion between these programs according to some students who often think that if they earned an associate’s degree, they’ll automatically only have 60 credits left to take. Chris Beiswanger, the director of student recruitment and admis-
sions counseling, said that sometimes students have to take more than that to fulfill specific requirements for a degree program. “It doesn’t automatically wipe out the two years,” he said. “There’s [courses] done at the freshman and sophomore level that some community colleges don’t teach.” He went on to say that in order to fulfill certain accreditation requirements, certain course objectives must be met. In the more recent years, UCCS has been partnering with Pikes Peak Community College specifically
to create guideline to aid students in transferring; one of these is the “Best Choices” guide. “The ‘Best Choices’ guide takes the 60+60 guide provided by the state and relates it directly to a UCCS degree,” said Beiswanger. According to Beiswanger, the main reasons a lot of students start out at a community college are cost, convenience and confidence. “We don’t even beat around the bush: Community colleges are going to be less expensive than we are,” he said. He also said some students who work full-time
and may find the broader schedule of community colleges more convenient, or they may have been out of school for a while and want to build their confidence by earning their associate’s degree first. Beiswanger believes that prospective students need to stop thinking of attending a community college as a negative thing. “We have tremendous students that come out of our community colleges and do extremely well here because they [went] there and worked with smaller class sizes and they were able to build that confidence.” S
Green Action Fund committee (continued from page 1) In an effort to make the start-to-finish process easier on students, a subcommittee was created to act as a liaison in order to help students implement their projects on campus. “Members of the [sub-] committee will work with those that want to submit a project and they’ll be assigned a liaison who will kind of help them and step them through the things they may not
The Lowdown What: Solar Fee Expansion Projects When: Applications accepted December 2011 February 2012 Exact dates coming soon Where: Applications will be available online and through the Student Sustainability Committee More Info: Nathanael Mooberry, senator of sustainability nathanael.mooberry@ gmail.com
understand, so they don’t get overwhelmed and stop their project because they’re not sure what to do next,” said Mooberry. Funds set aside for the expanded solar fee are close to $100,000 each year, “so if somebody has a big idea they are not that limited [by money],” said Mooberry. Although exact dates for when the committee will be ready to implement the program are not available at this time, they are hoping to accept student project applications December 2011 through February 2012, according to Mooberry. These new changes in UCCS’ sustainability efforts will only help to increase its STAR rating (AASHE’s Sustainability Tracking Assessment and Rating System). The STAR rating program is a tool that was developed “for higher education by higher education,” said Gilford. Similar to the LEED rating system, STAR ratings include bronze, silver and gold, which are
determined through a credit system. According to Gilford, UCCS has earned enough credits for the silver rating. STAR allows UCCS to compare its current efforts with past initiatives and with other schools. “We’ve only been doing this now for less than 10 years,” said Gilford, when compared to CUBoulder’s gold STAR rating, which has had, “an environmental center since 1970.” Sustainability efforts on campus have already gone beyond the solar fee initiative, such as the bi-annual Adopt-A-Waterway project, the annual fall Bike Jam event, cohosting speaker events with OSA, Zero Waste event services, the annual spring RecycleMania event and Greenfest. UCCS does not limit its sustainability efforts to campus either, as it is also a founding member of the Green Cities Coalition. According to Steve Saint, founding member,
“The Green Cities Coalition is an umbrella organization of 400 groups and individuals” that work on sustainability projects within Colorado.
Saint’s advice to students is to change the way they think about transportation in an effort to “lower our transit footprint” and to see what sustainable activities are
happening on campus. For more information on joining the Student Sustainability Committee, please contact Mooberry (nathanael.mooberry@gmail.com). S
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Photo by Tasha Romero
Solar panels on top of the Rec Center contribute to making UCCS more green.
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Page 4
November 14, 2011
Café Scientifique promotes discussion, understanding on cell phone radiation Ryan Adams radams3@uccs.edu Brain tumors? The discussion on whether or not cell phones cause them has been on the table for years. On Nov. 8, Jerry Phillips, the director of the Excel Center for Excellence in Science, led an informative discussion on the issue during Café Scientifique. He focused on the controversial issue of our modern era: the biological effects that cell phone radiation has on people. Café Scientifique is a regular event run by Tom Huber, professor in the Geography and Environmental Sciences department. The idea of Café Scientifique is to promote debate and discussion about certain issues in the science world among enthusiasts and scholars alike. “I have researched this topic for many years and agreed to give this speech because I want to let people know the biological effects that cell phone radiation has on people,” stated Phillips. The gathering happens every month and Phillips
said he was proud to be a part of it. “The main focus of this event is to simply stimulate thought on the issue of cell phone radiation,” said Phillips. “I want everyone who attends (students, scholars, professors and faculty) to start thinking about things that have an impact on their lives.” Along with being a professor in the chemistry and biochemistry department, Phillips is an expert on campus about radiation levels and the effects it can have on the human body. During the event, Phillips talked about radiation that humans experience every day and the effects it has on us. “This issue is right at the intersection of all types of science,” he said. “It involves physics, biology [and] engineering, and I have used all different types of scientists to help me with my research.” Besides learning how this issue impacts their lives, Phillips wants people to know how to think critically and solve problems better. “UCCS is an institution that stresses problem solving and critical thinking as one of their
main goals for students to learn,” he said. “Cell phone radiation is something that involves both of those things and so I hope to provide research that allows the attendees to be able to think critically about this issue.” At the event, many of Phillips colleagues attended, but a fair number of students and staff came as well. Phillips sparked a lot of questions on the topic. “We really don’t know how cell phone radiation is produced and we don’t know a lot about the doses it comes in,” Phillips said to the crowd. “We have to be careful at the data we look at because some of it doesn’t present all the effects.” In his presentation, Phillips reviewed biological effects that could be the result of cell phone radiation. “Tumors in the brain are possible with this kind of radiation that we are exposed to in cell phones,” he stated. Although the research isn’t exactly clear on how cell phone radiation can cause these dangerous effects, Phillips said that based on his research with household electronic cur-
rents, there is a link between electronics of today and the radiation they produce when we use them. “Most electronics that we use today expose you to radiation when we use them,” he said. “It is important to understand that the radiation these things produce can be harmful and we have to, again, think critically and problem solve in these types of situations.” Phillips talked about how the cell phone industry puts a heavy restraint on money that can be used to find the mechanism that triggers the biological effects. He said that cell phone industry giant Motorola did not put any of their funds toward finding the mechanism for the biological effects and instead put money into their own published study, which states that there are, in fact, no biological effects from cell phone radiation. He also stated that this has been one of the problems in getting people to believe the effects because the companies state that their products abide by “safety standards.” Phillips caused his audience to think about the issue differently when
he questioned “who sets these ‘safety standards?’” The event had a sizable turnout and Phillips hopes that he was able to convey a lot of information about this contentious issue. “The whole idea is for them to solve problems
and critically think, ‘how will this affect me?’” he said. “You have to understand the risks in order to make a good, informed decision, and that is the main point of this presentation.” S
ter here on campus. This week, we asked Dr. Vicki Schober some questions about Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Do you have your own health-related questions for the Q&A with the Student Health Center? Email them to scribe. health@gmail.com and we’ll publish them here. All questions will be posted anonymously. As the days get shorter, I’ve been hearing more and more about “SAD.” What is it? SAD stands for Seasonal Affective Disorder, and yes, people do feel “sad” with this condition. It is
characterized by recurrent episodes of depression at the same time every year – most commonly in late fall and winter. Depression is not present during the rest of the year, which differentiates SAD from general depression. SAD can occur in men or women, but is more common in women. How do I know if I might be afflicted with SAD? If you notice periods of depression that seem to accompany seasonal changes during the year, you may suffer from SAD. Symptoms usually build up slowly in the late autumn and winter months
and may include: • Unhappiness and irritability • Appetite changes (especially carbohydrate cravings) • Oversleeping • Less energy and difficulty concentrating • Social withdrawal • Hopelessness • Decreased interest in activities you once enjoyed What are some treatment options for SAD? Treatment options may include lifestyle changes, light therapy, counseling, medications and supplements. Acupuncture, yoga and meditation may also be helpful.
If your symptoms are mild and they don’t interfere too much with your daily living, you may want to try light therapy or experiment with adjusting the light in your surroundings with bright lamps and scheduling more time outdoors in winter. Regular exercise is also important. Take advantage of living in sunny Colorado by exercising outside or close to natural light. If your depressive symptoms are severe enough to significantly affect your daily living, consult a health professional qualified to treat
SAD. He or she can help you find the most appropriate treatment for you. My friend takes Vitamin D supplements for her SAD, and she swears it’s effective. Is she onto something? There have been some small studies indicating that Vitamin D supplementation may be beneficial in treating SAD. More research is needed in this area. It is common for Vitamin D levels to drop in the winter when we have less opportunity for sun exposure. Taking supplemental Vitamin D may be helpful. S
Photo by Alex Gradisher
Dr. Jerry Phillips, director of the Excellence in Science Center, has much to say about what we do and do not know about cell phone radiation.
Q&A With the UCCS Student Health Center with Dr. Vicki Schober, MD Medical Director, SHC Family and Community Physician vschober@uccs.edu Every other week, we’ll be asking questions on a health-related topic to a different provider at the Student Health Cen-
Check out our website!
November 14, 2011
Page 5
‘Split Estate’ film provokes discussion on local fracking efforts Mark Petty mpetty2@uccs.edu
Gas drilling is coming to El Paso County and the city of Colorado Springs. According to federal laws, such as the Mineral Leasing act of 1920, oil and gas companies have the right to drill anywhere that mineral rights are owned. Families across the state have had to submit to drilling operations on their land. Eighty-five percent of property owners in Colorado do not own the mineral rights. Sometimes, the wells are literally a stone’s throw away from a home and have been the concern of negative health and environmental impacts, according to George Bolling, senior instructor in geography and environmental studies. The film “Split Estate” was shown to a crowded classroom in the Centennial Hall Auditorium on Nov.
10 and highlighted some of the concerns that are now worrying our city. The film was put on in collaboration with the Sierra Club, the Green Coalition, League of Women Voters, UCCS Office of Sustainability and the SEAS Club. The documentary focuses on areas within Colorado and New Mexico that have already seen their communities adversely affected by oil and gas companies. According to the film, property owners exercise little or no rights when it comes to drilling on their property. These companies enjoy the ability to drill without compensating the community or property owner, affecting neighborhoods and sometimes even schools. In areas where this has already occurred, the land is often left completely scarred and cut up into pieces. Aerial views show a wasteland of roads and pads that have been put in place of trees and natural
habitat. “Fracking” or “hydraulic fracturing” is a technique that oil and gas companies use in order to harvest the natural gas that lies up to 6,000 feet beneath the surface. It involves deep drilling and then injecting a chemical mixture into the earth in order to move deep sands and unlock the natural gas trapped there. One concern with this procedure is that companies that use this method aren’t required to disclose the makeup of their fracking mixture before they use it. Some of the chemicals used could be caustic, and there is a chance that they could contaminate groundwater supplies. Other impacts to the community and environment can include the escape of VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), which have been linked to cancer and respiration problems; the impact to wildlife destroying habitat and game trails;
Photo by Alex Gradisher
About 100 people watched a documentary about hydrofracting and how it has impacted people in Colorado. possible earth tremors; air pollution and noise pollution – all of which can all be attributed to fracking. Oil companies have their own public relations departments that tout the safety of hydraulic fracturing. The film “Split Estate” gives a warning: to not give too much latitude to them.
According to Bolling, drilling for gas should be safer in El Paso County due to the presence of shale rock that provides extra protection from leakage of chemicals and VOCs into the groundwater. Bolling said during a lecture after the film, “We need to be more responsible. There is a tremendous
cost to our energy. We’ve gone through 500 years of resources in 100 years.” He later asked, “How many of you came here in a car by yourself?” This emphasized the amount of gas that we are using by not carpooling. Our habits need to change in order to curb our dependence on energy, he said. S
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Page 6
November 14, 2011
How to make shredded shirts, woven wonders Story and Photos by Shandi Gross sgross@uccs.edu
The T-shirt has to be one of the greatest inventions ever. You see them everywhere, they’re gender-neutral and they’re so
Materials you’ll need: 1 T-shirt that fits well but slightly loose 1 pair of scissors 1 ruler 1 washable pen
darn comfy. But sometimes you find a T-shirt with an awesome graphic and it just doesn’t fit perfectly. Or
maybe you have too many T-shirts and want to spice them up a bit. This will teach you how to cut up your T-shirt and
made shirts like these. They sell for hundreds of dollars, but you can make these for practically nothing.
The twisting weave:
Now comes the weaving part. There are many different ways to weave your shirt. Here I will show you two: the basic weave and a twisting weave.
Step 1: Hold the first and second bands in your hand.
The basic weave:
Step 2: Twist the first band overtop of itself, making
I’ll be using a black T-shirt, so I have a white gel pen so Step 1: Hold the first band and the second band in I can see my marks.
weave it back together again with easy designs and very little effort. Artists such as Adam Saaks and Ed Hardy have
an ‘X’ with a loop underneath.
your hand.
Step 3: Pull the second band through the loop.
Preparation: Prepare your shirt to weave and cut out all the pieces:
Step 1: Put the T-shirt on and look at it. Decide on
a shape you’d like to cut into it, as well as where the T-shirt is loose. Weaving it together will make areas slightly tighter.
Step 2: Draw out a basic idea on paper of what you
Step 4: Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you run out of Step 2: Fold the first band over the top of the second bands. band.
Step 3: Grab the second band and let go of the first band.
Step 4: Fold the second band overtop of the third band. Step 5: Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you run out of bands.
want and where to cut.
Step 3: Sketch the outline of the shapes onto the flat T-shirt.
Step 4: Mark out half-inch increments along the edges
This will give you a nice, clean edge if you push the wraps over. If you keep them in the middle, you get a spider web effect. After you run out of bands, you can hold the last loop down and start over, making another row of wraps.
of the outlines.
Step 5: Draw straight lines from the marks to the outline edge, parallel with the bottom of the shirt.
Step 6: If your design is on the side of your shirt and wraps around the front and back, cut both layers of fabric on these lines. If your design is only on the front or back, cut one layer of fabric on the lines. Stop at the rough outline. Don’t cut the strips off completely.
Step 7: Stretch the bands so they curl slightly.
In the end, you should have one small loop. To keep the whole thing from unraveling, you need to cut a small hole below the loop, cut that loop in half, then square knot the ends together again through the cut. The twisting weave is very similar, only twisting the band before pulling the next band through.
This weave looks like it’s been braided and looks best running down the center of the design. You can make the bands as long or short as you’d like. You can even do this same weave on longsleeved T-shirts. Cut the bands perpendicular to the sleeve, and then do the basic weave design. With these basic patterns, you can make your shirt as revealing or covering as you’d like. Another quick way to spice up your T-shirt is to create shapes and pictures using very small cuts. Sketch out a design on the T-shirt. Using a “dotted line” technique, cut small holes around two inches long. Don’t let winter deter you. Layer a cut shirt over another shirt, so the color peeks out. By reusing your old clothes and altering them slightly, you make less impact on the environment and your wallet. Who has extra money these days to go and buy lots of new fashionable clothes? Cutting and weaving your T-shirts creates something totally unique and special, which also reflects your personal style. So search through your closet or go to Ross or Goodwill. With a pair of scissors, a bit of time and imagination, you can create a fashionable masterpiece. S
November 14, 2011
Page 7
‘Women of Will’ presents alternative view on Shakespeare Rachel Bradford
rbradford@uccs.edu Rating:
The first Theatreworks performance of the acclaimed “Women of Will” by Tina Packer did not meet everyone’s expectations, including mine, as the murmur moved through the crowd, “This isn’t what I expected.” During intermission, one woman told me to talk to someone else when I asked for her comment, and the four women sitting in front of me left and never came back to their seats. Perhaps it was the expectation of exquisite costumes, complicated props and bright makeup on a traditional stage that threw the audience for a loop. Colorado College student and actress Lizzie
Parker said, “I think it’s great. It’s a lot different than what I expected; it’s really relevant to our class right now (‘Intro to Shakespeare’); it’s been really fascinating to get another perspective of it.” “Women of Will” is not the standard theater production created for the purpose of simply entertaining the audience. Packer presented an overview of Shakespeare’s women in a way that may be considered controversial, definitely in a feminist light: upfront and loud. She is not an actress that sits in the corner with demurely lowered eyes to meet someone else’s idea of the feminine. Packer is bold, vibrant and utilizes the voice to its full capacity to communicate the depth of emotions and thoughts of each female character she portrayed. It is a political speech
about women’s rights and the strength of women who stood up for those rights in Shakespeare’s day. It is a quality education not only about past women’s rights but also the direction that Packer feels women’s rights still need to take. There were many teaching moments prior to each scene to help the audience understand what Shakespeare was communicating and to give a history on the characters and time period. Parker said she liked Packer’s “interludes between each scene that she performs and her perspective on it” the most. Jerry Prescott, subscriber of Theatreworks, said his favorite part of “Women of Will” was “the historical reference[s] and the way she interweaved the stories and explained the history behind them. One of the things I always have trouble with Shake-
speare is [that] I get lost in the history.” The props were minimal. Packer and Nigel Gore, her performing partner, were dressed in black for the most part. However, Packer did wear a simple red “dress” over her warrior woman leggings when playing women who did not fight on the battlefield. No dramatic make up and expensive costumes for these two, and they even considered the audience as part of the props. Theatreworks board member Joan Schultz, said, “Oh, it was fun to be up there with them. It was interesting, I felt a lot of energy from both of them; it was a surprise!” Prescott seemed disappointed that all he had to do was sit in his seat when he said, “I’m an old ham; I wanted a line.” The majority of effects were done through dramatic lighting and shifting of the voice; this was
a production for words. You could have closed your eyes and still perfectly understood every moment of this presentation on Shakespeare’s works. Passionate voices filled with as much humor as tragedy resonated throughout the theater and transported the audience wherever Packer wanted to take them. On a technical note, Packer could have made more eye contact during the start of her teaching moments, and the audience sitting to the left of the stage saw more of Packer and Gore’s backs than the heart of the performance. Due to the way the stage was set up, the audience hovered around it so closely that it would have made it extremely difficult for any actor not to show their back at some point. However, Packer and Gore did their best to ac-
commodate the entire audience by performing on all sides of the stage. “Women of Will” also portrayed the depth and attitudes of Shakespeare’s male characters through Gore’s performance. He bounded on top of props, ran from one side of the stage to the other, continuously paced at times and stood with a somber look at others, while filling the small space with his vibrant energy. There were moments of terrifying violence and dark emotions that raged as the traditional roles of men and women were challenged on both sides. At the end of the show, the audience seemed to be in overall agreement with Schultz when she said, “I thought it was incredible; I think it’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen.” It was a full house and everyone gave a standing ovation to Packer and Gore for their brilliant performances. S
Black Student Union refocuses with new leadership Jay Kim jkim@uccs.edu
As Stephany Spaulding, a professor in Women’s and Ethnic Studies and advisor to the Black Student Union, reached into a basket to retrieve a question, laughter in the room died down. She chuckled before reading, “Why do black women hate on black men?” Members burst into laughter before a serious, respectful discussion began. That’s a big thing in BSU, respect. Before the forum began, Ariel Lattimore and Whitley Hadley wrote rules on the white board that listed the rules of discussion, all of them aimed at promoting a respectful environment for conversation. “We are trying to foster an environment where we can bring student, faculty, staff and community together and learn about the culture and struggle of black history, and also so that we can promote black leaders in our community,”
said Hadley, club president. When BSU first started, Hadley said that there wasn’t a succinct mission. Even though it saw many consistent members, it was vague and the club fell through. This year, the club is in a “new-BSU phase,” attracting new members and creating events that target what the members want. This semester, the club has had two workshops: one on healthy relationships and the second on health and wellness. It also has social events, such as potlucks or going to the Haunted Mines. Members plan on doing another workshop for Kwanzaa. They have also teamed up with other clubs for events like the Cool Science Festival or supporting Care and Share. Hadley has plans in the spring semester to talk about February, National Black History Month. Last year, BSU spent a week of that month in celebration. “This year, we wanted to expand that so that it’s longer than a week,” she said.
They plan to celebrate for the full month. All of this precedes the B12 Conference in Oklahoma at the end of February, which involves BSU clubs from across the country to join for fun socials, guest speakers and workshops. The club also focuses on events held on campus. Last Monday, BSU held a forum in UC 116. According to Hadley, the atmosphere remained light despite the heavy topics, and students always felt like they could voice their opinions. Students interested in joining are advised to join the mailing list by sending an email to bsu@uccs.edu. Alternatively, they can also join the club’s Facebook page. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Mondays of every month in UC 309, but typically don’t happen if there is nothing scheduled. “Come to our events. We are trying to make a bigger name for ourselves. We’d like to see everyone there. We are not exclusive,” said Hadley. S
Photo by Tasha Romero
Neosha and Marcus Guthrie have a heated discussion about differences between African-American men and women.
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November 14, 2011
Perspective on aging offered in ‘fEMME forms’ Sara Horton shorton@uccs.edu
Annoying a family member usually does not result in art, but it did in the case of photography instructor Carol Dass. Whenever Dass travels to Missouri, she takes her 84-year-old mother to the beauty salon to get her hair washed and set. On a visit to the salon last year, Dass took her camera along to pass the time. The result: a photograph of Dass’ mother getting her hair shampooed, one hand raised in protest to the camera, and another where she sits underneath a dryer with a set of blue hair rollers and pursed lips. Photographs of Dass’ mother are featured at “fEMME forms,” an art exhibit on display at Pikes Peak Community College’s Downtown Studio Art Gallery. “The pieces really evolve around my mother and spending more time with her now that my father has passed away,” said Dass. Dass’ mother models for additional photo-
graphs, including one in which she wears a powdered wig, pearls and a smile. Another is focused on the wrinkled skin of her neck. According to Pikes Peak Community College’s website, the exhibit features “divergent interpretations of the female form and its significance through the eyes of four artists.” For Dass, her interpretation relates to aging. “But my fascination as I’m getting older, as we all are, is with the aging process. Looking into the mirror and observing people and looking at wrinkles and how you change physically and emotionally, the images are really a response to that.” Art in the exhibit, in addition to Dass’ photography, includes graphite and installation work from LeRad Nilles as well as Brett Andrus and Margaret Kasahara’s oil paintings. All of the artists call Colorado Springs home. Local photographer Tim Davis recommended Dass to Laura BenAmots, Pikes Peak Com-
munity College professor and gallery director. BenAmots invited Dass to participate in “fEMME forms” after she saw a photograph from “Just Desserts,” one of Dass’ past exhibits. The colorful photograph in question, “Nipple Tart,” depicts a barechested woman, whose breasts are concealed by a man’s hands, in front of tabletop with a tart. “What attracts me to her work,” said BenAmots, “was the combination of tenderness and whit. I loved all of her photographs the moment I saw
Photos by Ariel Lattimore
Top: This series of photos focuses on women aging. Middle: Photographer Carol Dass is one of the artists featured in “fEMME forms,” on display at the Pikes Peak Downtown Studio Art Gallery. Bottom: Dass’ 84-year-old mother is the inspiration behind this series of photographs.
them.” Dass said that the photograph relates to her “constant longing for all things sugar” but also thought it was appropriate for the theme of “fEMME forms,” to which she said her work has “always revolved.” “I’ve really always been concerned with body image and how our culture defines it for young women. I look back at pictures of myself in college and think, ‘Wow, I was really a beautiful young woman,’” she said.
“But we don’t feel that way about ourselves when we’re there, and that’s really unfortunate because there’s so much pressure from our culture, I think, to be someone who we aren’t or might never be. And why should we strive to be that?” BenAmots referred to Dass’ mother series as being among the “most tender – most loving – collages” that she has ever seen. “It’s so loving and careful. There’s great sensuality and dignity in a sense.” While Dass’ mother does not know about the “fEMME forms” exhibit, she has become accustomed to cameras ever since her daughter received her first camera at seven or eight years old. “They’re like an appendage for me,” said Dass.
“If I don’t have a camera on my person, wherever I am, I feel like I’m missing something.” S
The Lowdown What: “fEMME forms” When: Now - Dec. 2 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. to p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Where: Pikes Peak Community College’s Downtown Studio Art Gallery 100 W. Pikes Peak Ave. How much: Free
November 14, 2011
Colorado Springs’
Best Kept Secrets Aaron Collett acollett@uccs.edu Michael and Sabine Berchtold answered an ad in a German paper 15 years ago to buy a German
The Lowdown What: Uwe’s German Restaurant When: Lunch: Monday - Saturday, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Dinner: Monday - Saturday, 5:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Where: 31 N. Iowa Ave. How much: Entrees start at $10.95
restaurant in Colorado. They flew here from their home in Bavaria to take a look at the goods, as it were, and as Sabine Berchtold said, “We just fell in love with Colorado Springs.” Just off Platte is where they stared their cozy little restaurant, Uwe’s. The Berchtolds have now brought a little piece of Germany into our fair mountain city. When you walk in to this unobtrusive restaurant, the first surprise is how open it feels. The Berchtolds have used their small amount of space efficiently and made the dining area feel welcoming. The walls are adorned with pictures from both Michael and Sabine’s home countries.
Photo by Alex Gradisher
German metalwork decorates Uwe’s.
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Uwe’s German Restaurant In one room, pictures of Neuschwanstein Castle, near Sabine’s hometown, cover the walls. In another, photos of the tiny hamlet near Lucerne, Switzerland, where Michael is from, are displayed beside a Swiss newspaper. In the hallway is a set of pictures of trachten, German clothing fashions from the last 100 years. Uwe’s (pronounced oo-vuh), according to its menu, specializes in “Authentic German and European Cuisine.” The restaurant offers a wide selection of classic items. Sabine Berchtold said, “It’s really hard [to choose a favorite]. I like the jaeger schnitzel, the roulade and the sauerbraten. I don’t really have an actual favorite.” Schnitzel is fried, breaded meat with a couple of different variations. Jaeger schnitzel is pork and wiener schnitzel (pronounced veena) is veal. Sauerbraten is a Bavarian dish, native to the southern part of Germany. It is marinated beef with red cabbage and dumplings. Roulade is a German-style beef roll. And of course, no German restaurant would be complete without beer. Uwe’s offers Warsteiner, hefeweizen and doppelbock, among others. It also imports German wines by the glass and the bottle. Dessert is not forgotten, either. Uwe’s has cheesecake, rice pudding and of-
Warm lighting creates an intimate dining experience. fers a hot Bavarian apple strudel. You can wash it down with a cup of their German-style coffee. With the restaurant being so easy to miss, one might wonder how it has lasted so long. “We’ve got a lot of regular customers,” Sabine Berchtold
Photo by Alex Gradisher
said. “They’re like family.” The Berchtolds also do not shy away from hard work. “We’re the first ones here and the last ones to leave.” At a full seating capacity of only about 75 people, Sabine Berchtold
highly recommends making a reservation. “It gets busy at lunchtime a lot,” she said. Uwe’s is not open in a single block of time every day. Instead, it is open for a couple of hours at lunchtime and then a couple of hours at dinnertime. S
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Page 10
November 14, 2011
Stiller and Murphy elicit laughs in ‘Tower Heist’ April Wefler awefler@uccs.edu Rating:
When your friend invests all of his lifesavings in a wealthy businessman who takes the money for himself and then is placed under house arrest by the FBI, you rob him. At least, that’s what Josh Kovacs decides. Kovacs (Ben Stiller) enjoys his job in New York City’s prime real estate, The Tower. He’s
a friend with a wealthy businessman, Arthur Shaw (Alan Alda). When Shaw is placed under house arrest for fraud, Kovacs first believes that Shaw is innocent. It’s only when he accepts that Shaw is guilty that the real story begins. The movie is riddled with laughs. After Kovacs is fired for smashing Shaw’s car, he plots revenge against Shaw. Kovacs seeks the help of Slide (Eddie Murphy), a crook who grew up with Kovacs and only remembers him as the kid with the seizures, which as
Kovacs points out, was just asthma. Later in the movie, the audience learns that Slide only steals satellite dishes so he won’t get charged with breaking and entering. At one point in “Tower Heist,” Slide refuses to help in the robbery unless the people involved prove themselves capable of committing crime. He sets Mr. Fitzhugh (Matthew Broderick), Enrique Dev’Reaux (Michael Peña), Charlie (Casey Affleck) and Kovacs out in the mall and tells them to steal $50 worth of anything.
Later, when the men tell Slide that he needs to prove himself as well, he tells them that he just stole more than $200 from their wallets and you should never give your wallet to a crook. “Tower Heist” is this decade’s more hilarious “Ocean’s Eleven,” although not nearly as complex and nowhere near as brilliant. In fact, “Tower Heist” was originally being developed as the black “Ocean’s Eleven.” Just as in “Ocean’s Eleven,” the plan is risky. Kovacs wants to break open Shaw’s safe
and find Shaw’s hidden money. This proves to be difficult, as an FBI agent guards Shaw’s penthouse and The Tower has the best security in the world. The plan is even more difficult to execute because Shaw’s safe is so complex that not even Slide can break it. But one Tower employee, Odessa (Gabourey Sidibe of “Precious”), can. To complicate matters, the group has the timespan of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade to pull off the heist and Kovacs becomes involved with FBI agent
Summer,” features a lot of remixed ‘60s pop songs, which is where he said the “James Dean” persona came from. One of the songs, “Runaround Sue,” hit 100,000 views on YouTube in the first week it was posted. One of G-Eazy’s friends in the ninth grade started calling him by the name he now goes by professionally and “it just kind of stuck.” He is originally from the Bay area of California but is currently based out of New Orleans to finish his degree at Loyola. He explained
that when he first got into hip-hop in the ninth grade it was because that was the music he was into at the time. “I wanted to make beats and write raps and it grew from there,” he said. When asked what the most exciting thing he’s done as a new hip-hop artist so far was, he said, “It’s hard to say, life’s moving so fast, there’s always something new that’s exciting.” He went on to explain that one of the most exciting things off the top of his head was when he was in Chicago, one of
his favorite cities, not too long ago. “It was a Tuesday, a school night, and I looked out into a packed house and kids [were] singing my songs.” G-Eazy also said that one of his favorite artists to work with was his good friend, Mod Sun. “[He’s] a good dude, good vibes, he’s a fan of music first, and it’s just fun to work with a person like that.” Ultimately, G-Eazy would like to make a living of doing what he loves: making music. “I wanna go all the way, be an icon in pop culture, transcend hip hop, make
an impact,” he said. G-Eazy will be on tour until just past Thanksgiving, then he returns to school for two weeks to take finals and thereby finish his degree. After that, he said he has enough money saved to record every day in his home studio and claims to have a very “D.I.Y. (do it yourself) approach to hip hop.” He went on to say that he already has a tour lined up for the summer. If you go to the concert, G-Eazy said, “I hope [you’re] ready to party and have a good time.” S
Claire Denham (Téa Leoni). “Tower Heist” is good but could be better. Although it’s great for laughs, there isn’t much depth to the movie. Still, there are some nail-biting scenes, like when you’re starting to think that the group will get caught. On the plus side, the movie isn’t as predictable as you would expect, especially in the ending. If you want something funny, this movie is for you. If you want a more complex heist, watch “Ocean’s Eleven.” Either one provides a nice study break. S
G-Eazy, the ‘James Dean of Hip-Hop’ to play at The Black Sheep Molly Mrazek mmrazek@uccs.edu
G-Eazy started out recording his own tracks in the ninth grade with a mic from Radio Shack. Since then, he has recorded an album titled “Endless Summer,” almost finished a degree in music industry studies at Loyola University in New Orleans and began a tour with Schwayze and Mod Sun around the United States. On Nov. 17 G-Eazy will be performing at The Black Sheep. His most recent album, “Endless
The Lowdown What: G-Eazy When: Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Where: The Black Sheep How much: Advance ticket price: $12 Day of show ticket price: $15 More Info: http://coloradospringslivemusic.net/
November 14, 2011
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University expansion may challenge UCCS’ identity It is predicted that UCCS is on its way to becoming the next Boulder. In preparation for this foreseen future, several opportunities for student participation have been created. The Master Plan Open Houses offered a space where anyone can lay out the campus as they would like to see it in the future. Those who attended one of these open houses were given a comment card. They were also assigned to a table which had a blueprint of campus and cut-outs of buildings, both current and anticipated, which They could then
place according to what they would like campus to look like in the future. Our community is being granted the opportunity to help shape what we will be in the future; even if that future is one you will no longer be a student in, your voice is still important. When considering the future, it is important that we examine more than just how many more housing structures to add and whether to place them closer to Nevada or not. Campus environment is also a factor which will draw future students in and keep those of us at-
tending to continue our education here. UCCS offers a unique environment. We are unique because we are neither Boulder nor Denver; we, in fact, have a culture all our own. We would like to challenge the University, as the expansion process continues, to consider the qualities that make us the place we are. For example, consider how we might continue to be able to boast the smaller class sizes students love while growing as a university. This might mean more classrooms or that intro classes will be-
come lecture-style. We ask that the University maintains, even as we become more traditional with an increase in the student population, regard for the non-traditional population among us. They bring valuable perspective to our classes and have what it takes to be the disciplined, motivated, dedicated students that this University seeks to produce. That being said, if expansion continues, so much their resources. This might mean expanding the Family Development Center or bringing it to a more central location.
The same goes for the multi-cultural life of campus. We will not need a single room in the back hallway for focusing on diversity, but a centrally located center, one that is visible and sends the message that the University is dedicated to multi-cultural needs and perspectives. We realize that we may not be versed in building plans or the technical aspects of this process. We may not know what it takes to move a building and how it might be impractical. What we do know is how our time here has influenced our growth
and what we will bring to the world when we leave. We would like those who come after us to have an equally valuable and fun experience. No idea is too small, no opinion too silly. Students, if you have something you feel you would like to have seen on campus during your time here, let them know. We have given the opportunity to directly affect where the place that has shaped our lives is going. Let’s make sure it continues to be great. - The Scribe Editorial Board S
Protesters have a purpose but no formal agenda
Aaron Collett acollett@uccs.edu The Occupy Wall Street movement is gaining momentum. I’ve heard people talk about how the Wall Street protests aren’t effective because they don’t have a clearly-defined message or a single leader. My take is that that’s because these people aren’t corporate mouthpieces being paid to protest. These protests are not a calculated ploy for some political agenda. To me, the lack of a formal agenda lends them quite a bit of credence. These are (mostly) normal people who know that something is broken but don’t necessarily have any idea for how to fix it. These protests are reactions to what people feel are horrible injustices. In fact, I would say that these protests are, for the most part, an excellent way to air grievances. I say “for the most part” because some of the pro-
tests have become decidedly non-peaceful. A lot of the media response to the protests has been biased or has simply ignored it. Most mainstream media ignored it at first – when this didn’t work, they went at it in the seemingly biased manner That is, they picked an angle that they felt made for a good story. Unfortunately, that good story is often, “Look at these morons camping out in the park! Let’s pick the most incoherent protester and interview him to prove our point!” So in trying to make a good story, they ended up just making people who supported the protests angry. That’s the idea, though. The media likes focused stories. Writers thrive on the focused angle that pulls in readers and makes the story interesting. They don’t do so well with a story that has a ton of different angles. It’s hard to pick one single angle out of a mass of humanity without seeming biased. Humanity has a lot of angles, and in a 30-second news story, or a 400word newspaper article, you can’t encompass the full breadth of all the individual people that make up these protests. So an angle is chosen, or a single story focused on, and audiences get a narrow, inaccurate view of what’s actually going on. As time has gone on, the protesters’ message has
Photo by Robert Solis
The “Occupy Wall Street” movement is gaining momentum, even appearing at UCCS on Nov. 8 for a teach-in. cleared slightly. The idea is that in our culture, the richest 1 percent is oppressing the other 99 percent. I’m not sure if I agree with that number completely, but I definitely understand the feeling. When the government says to banks, “We’re going to give you this money so you don’t go broke and really sink the economy,” that can at least be understood as a stop-gap measure to keep something horrible from happening. But when the banks turn around and post huge profits right afterwards? That goes past understanding, right into the realm of “WTF?!”
What is definitely true is that there is some unfairness going on. The middle and lower classes are feeling a pain that people have not felt since the Great Depression. The reason that we don’t see the heartwrenching visuals that the Great Depression generated is because of technology. I’ve heard people say, “Well, it’s definitely not as bad, because we don’t have food lines.” No, now we have food stamps that are loaded onto a card. There’s nothing wrong with that. It makes the whole process quite a bit easier than pulling out a booklet of coupons. But it does make
it less obvious that there is a problem. It’s the same with jobs. The thought is, “Well, I don’t see people pounding the pavement looking for jobs, so they must just be lazy and not looking for a job.” Well, now we have the Internet, and most jobs require at least some sort of online application. There are some places that don’t even allow walk-ins – you fill out an application online, or you don’t get a job there. So the job line has been replaced by email boxes full of applications. And the fact is that there are more people who want
jobs than there are jobs. So let’s not get caught up in the media frenzy when a protester says something that is inane or doesn’t make any sense. These aren’t mediatrained PR people. They’re not corporate talking heads. These are actual people with actual problems. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and not paint them all with the same brush when someone with more voice than sense starts spouting off. Try to look at the big picture and ask why thousands of people are getting together. Try to listen to what they say rather than how they say it. S
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November 14, 2011
Driving habits: This is not ‘Driving Miss Daisy’
Molly Mrazek mmrazek@uccs.edu I drive with a purpose; I don’t “la-dee-da” down the road like most people. Remember when you first got your license? How careful and “defensive” a driver you were? We’ve gotten lazy and distracted. We care more about who could possibly be texting or calling us, what songs are on the radio or the iPod. We need to re-learn some good driving habits and rules. First, let’s discuss the meaning of the ‘yield’ sign. People seem to think the yield sign is just a suggestion that they can ignore.
Not so. According to the Colorado Department of Motor Vehicles, the meaning of the yield sign is, “drivers must reduce speed or stop if necessary to yield right-of-way to any traffic on the roadway they are crossing or entering.” Did you notice that part? Stop if necessary! If it’s rush hour or a Saturday, you should expect to stop at yield signs because, yes, in fact, there will be traffic. If I’m in that traffic and you don’t yield, there’s no way I’m letting you in. I will be that person. I think the rules of the road would be so much clearer in the United States if they were as clear as they are in New Zealand. The Kiwi equivalent to the yield sign is the “give way” sign. Now, what do you suppose that means? Perhaps, give way to oncoming traffic. That’s pretty darn clear. Also, if you’re supposed to merge, they tell you exactly how to do it. Their sign would say “merge like a zip.” So, to
be plain, you’re supposed to merge into the lane as if the cars were a zipper, coming together one at a time. Crystal clear. Second, the speed limit should be adhered to unless the road has become an ice skating rink or if there’s blinding fog that requires slower speeds. In Colorado Springs, there are about 300 days of sunshine, so you should have no reason not to drive the speed limit most of the time. In fact, it’s pretty much an unwritten rule that the speed limit is 5 miles per hour over the posted limit. At least that’s the rule I follow. No? It’s not, you say? Oh well. Bottom line: This is not ‘Driving Miss Daisy.’ Going (just above) the speed limit is fun; join me up here. Thirdly, if you’re going to talk on the phone, pull over. The person on the other end of the phone deserves your full attention. Give it to them. Driving can just distract you from your conversation! Talking on the phone while driving causes
Comic by Arno people to go 10 under the speed limit, to not check the blind spot and most importantly, run red lights. Finally, cutting people off is not okay. I should not be penalized for leaving a safe amount of space between myself and the person driving in front of me. I know you’re very important and you de-
serve to get to the stop light 15 seconds before me, but causing me to lay on my brakes is really not going to fly. I may even tail you to prove my dissatisfaction. You may think I’m a bit of an angry driver or have a bit of road rage, but that’s just not true. I’m the one at the stoplight next to you singing passionately to a song
you can’t hear. More than likely, it’s Adele or something from “Glee.” And truthfully, who wouldn’t get annoyed by the scenarios previously described? Maybe a monk or Buddhist or someone with a lot of inner peace, that’s who, and that’s certainly not me. And I, for one, have not seen them driving around Colorado Springs. S
Penn State officials flagged for failure to report abuse
Catherine Jensen cjensen2@uccs.edu I know nothing about football. I can’t name teams, I don’t know how a play works, I don’t know anything beyond the function of a touchdown. What I do know is that when I have watched or participated in a game, the
power of the connection between people in the crowd and the team gives me chills. I do know that there are a lot of football-crazy boys who are inspired enough by this game and those who coach them to love the game for a lifetime. This leaves me at a loss, then, to describe what I felt upon reading about the legendary coach of Penn State, Joe Paterno, who did, I would have to say, less than enough when it was reported to him that coach Jerry Sandusky had been sexually assaulting young boys (who I am going to guess looked up to him and were inspired) for years. The psychological
phenomenon, in which individuals stand by and do nothing in response to acts of violence and other emergency situations, has been studied by many and has been named the bystander effect. The popular theory is that people avoid reacting for several reasons: Based on what others (if they are present) are doing to gauge whether it is appropriate to react, the diffusion of responsibility, the assumption that someone else will intervene so one chooses not to, for fear of failing in front of other bystanders, and the fear of legal consequences. Mike McQueary, the graduate assistant coach who did nothing when he caught Sandusky
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sexually assaulting a tenyear-old boy in a shower of the college’s football building in 2002, should have taken the last one more to heart. He didn’t report the incident to Paterno, his coach and superior, until the following day. Faced with an emergency situation, a situation in which the safety of another human being too young to speak for himself was being threatened, McQueary did nothing to intervene. Though Paterno did follow protocol and reported the incident to his superiors, the only disciplinary action taken was that they told Sandusky he was no longer allowed to bring
young boys to campus. They did nothing to report him to the police and he was able to remain a prominent figure on campus for several years after. The diffusion of responsibility on the part of the assistant coach to report to alternate sources and the continuation of diffusion on the part of his superiors only exemplifies the lack of morality and regard for human welfare this situation presents us with. Each failed to report the incident to the police. They failed to inform students that there was a pedophile on campus. They enabled the continual destruction of the well-being and lives of young boys who
looked up to and trusted a man who had been running a charity for them for years. Paterno and the president of the college, Graham Spanier, were fired from their positions. Were I a student at Penn State, I don’t know if I would be embracing and loving football. What I do know is that even if I loved football, it could not outweigh my sadness for the children involved and their families. I would be crying not for the loss of Paterno, but rather with embarrassment at the evident loss of courage among people whom I trusted and had inspired me, people who very well could have influenced a lifetime. S
Life on the Bluffs
November 14, 2011
Campus Chatter
Did you know?
- Jay Kim, jkim@uccs.edu
Annick Pearson Freshman, Elementary Education How do you earn most of your money? I have a job at the Colorado Springs Soccer Center. What do you do there? I work for a program called Little Kickers, which is a child development soccer program. How do you spend most of your money? Gas and probably just going out—food, mostly.
Crossword: Shakespeare Trivia 2
What strategies do you use to save money? I put the majority of my paycheck in my savings account, so I don’t spend it all on my debit card. Also, I only shop to buy things when they’re on sale, and go to discount stores and use coupons.
5 6
Jake Meyer Sophomore, Mechanical Engineering
How do you make most of your money? I work at Aeroflex—it’s right down the road on Garden of the Gods—as a temp. And I’m a receiving inspector there. I work 12 hours part-time in between classes. That’s what I live on, and then I make my money over the summer working more at Aeroflex.
14 15
18 19 20 21
1 4
1 4
1 5 6 7 11 13 14 17 19 21 23 25 26 27
10 Across A I R The bard invented thisTword O A N R E Number of lines in a Shakespeare 12 sonnet G E M A S Sweet smeller, no matter what you O T Y S call it "Titanic" actor who played the N I modern Romeo O Shakespeare was born here Hamlet's brother, who takes16W the A S H I N throne when his father dies A A passage from this, Shakespeare's longest play, is recited in "Hair" 1 2 L K L I C K Shakespeare's theater 18 4 5 S Play in which the term "the beast with P B O two backs" was 8coined19A D Esong P A'Henry R TCthe M E N TM Band that sang the 20 Eighth', the same name N T as Y one Hof GS E 10 Shakespeare's plays T R DF T O A I R 23 Thumb-biting direction? E I C H A A N R E Helena loves him in "A Midsummer 12 Night's Dream" E M A S HL G N E According to the film "Anonymous," VY O T plays T S he wrote Shakespeare's 25 You can read "Hamlet" M I and C "Much K E Y N I M O Ado About Nothing" in this obscure O O R F language 16 26
C K26 O F
O 7 W N A E R T G
N G T O 28
V 18 29 G O V SE R N M E N T 19 A C M O 20 30 TD E M HI M S O E OM RP EE T R D
Last week’s Crossword answers Across 23 E I C H A P E L 1 Military shorthand for kilometer. 8 The largest employer in the United States N E L 10 The military service with the most 4-star T V generals 25 12 Popular 1970s TV show about Vietnam M O U S E M I C K E Y 13 Technical name for a Humvee. 15 WWII infantry were called O these.R F 16 Pictured on the Purple Heart26medal N tookF place at Cheyenne 17 This television show also 28 Mountain AFS. I C H I N O 20 Official song of the Coast Guard 23 This building at the Air Force VAcademy had aO very controversial, 29 non-traditional G O V E R design. N M E N T I 24 Number of foreign military bases on U.S. soil O 25 The Allies' password on D-Day 30 28 American twin-engine, D Etandem M I rotor M heavy-lift O O R E helicopter 29Across G.I. stands for this She played G.I. for Jane in the 1997 film 1 30Military shorthand kilometer. Each Christmas, this military division 8 31The largest employer in the United States in Cheyenne Mountain 10 The military service withAFS the uses most radar 4-starto track Santa's position. generals 12 Popular 1970s TV show about Vietnam 13 Technical name for a Humvee. 15 WWII infantry were called these. 16 Pictured on the Purple Heart medal 17 This television show also took place at Cheyenne Mountain AFS. 20 Official song of the Coast Guard 23 This building at the Air Force Academy had a very controversial, non-traditional design. 24 Number of foreign military bases on U.S. soil 25 The Allies' password on D-Day 28 American twin-engine, tandem rotor heavy-lift helicopter 29 G.I. stands for this 30 She played G.I. Jane in the 1997 film 31 Each Christmas, this military division in Cheyenne Mountain AFS uses radar to track Santa's position.
How do you spend most of your money? D Food. That’s about it. And intramurals.
M E N T 10
S Zach Peeler N A E Mechanical GJunior, T O N S T A R G AEngineering T E E
D O U G H B O Y 17
How do you makeT most of your money? G G Fishing. Commercial fishing. U N
R that N How do you do inN Colorado? P E L D T K I do it in the summer because I don’t live here. I’m from I N Alaska. Z E R O 24
What Oare some strategies that T R you use to save money? F O sometimes R C E G Well, I bring my lunch—about twice a week—and then spend money on T S A lunch the rest of the days.
A most N What do you spend of your money on? K M Probably school. Probably tuition, I’d say. I N O O K O Probably I’d say a lot of it on food, and then maybe, like, R Ttrips. I ISwent S U to E Mexico last spring; gonna go to Missouri this weekend.ATrips to Denver to go watch football games, so sporting events, I E O R A D guess. And if NI want to buy a new TV or something like that. 27
O N G O V E R N M E N N S T K A R G M A T E O 30 N NI O O KT O D E M I M O O R N T R Across G I S SG U E 1 Military shorthand for kilometer. 8 The largest U Aemployer in the United States 21 service 22 10 The military with the most 4-star R P A R 31N A T O U R SA D generals 12 Popular R 1970s N TVNshow about Vietnam Down 13 Technical name for a Humvee. K have 2 Dinfantry Nine Tpeople won this medal twice 15 WWII were called these. 3 Third funder of university research 16 Pictured onI largest the Purple Heart medal N federal 4 television The US headquarters at the ________ employs 17 This show also took place at Cheyenne 24 Z AFS. E workers R O 23,000 Mountain 5 This aperature connects to the front of an M16. 20 Official song of the Coast Guard T W 6 building This credit union is named after ahad closed-down 23 This at the Air Force Academy a military now the design. US Olympic Training very controversial, A installation, N non-traditional 27 Center. 24 Number of foreign military bases on U.S. soil KThis movie M 7 Allies' tookonplace at Cheyenne Mountain Air 25 The password D-Day Station, thetandem installation a mountain. 28 K American twin-engine, rotorinside heavy-lift O OForce 9 The Army's Infamous 61 Day Ranger School begins helicopter Rhere. for this 29 G.I. stands 10played that requires second-highest ASVAB score G.I. Jane in the 1997 film S30 S She U EBranch to join. 31 Each Christmas, this military division in A 11 An Army E-5 isAFS alsouses named this. Cheyenne Mountain radar to track 1431NHumphrey Bogart was in this service Santa's position. O R A D 18 This military installation near Colorado Springs has Down a footprint of exactly 1 square mile. 19 people Position in which a service member stands for the 2 Nine have won this medal twice national anthem 3 Third largest federal funder of university research 21USBloodiest battleatinthe American 4 The headquarters ________ history employs 22 Number 23,000 workersof U.S. military bases on foreign soil 26 aperature The number of military in El Paso 5 This connects to the installations front of an M16. County. 6 This credit union is named after a closed-down 27 This war led to thethe establishment of a demilitarized military installation, now US Olympic Training zone (DMZ) at the 38th parallel. Center. 7 This movie took place at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, the installation inside a mountain. 9 The Army's Infamous 61 Day Ranger School begins here. 10 Branch that requires second-highest ASVAB score to join. 11 An Army E-5 is also named this. 14 Humphrey Bogart was in this service 18 This military installation near Colorado Springs has a footprint of exactly 1 square mile. 19 Position in which a service member stands for the national anthem 21 Bloodiest battle in American history 22 Number of U.S. military bases on foreign soil 26 The number of military installations in El Paso County. 27 This war led to the establishment of a demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the 38th parallel. A
Down F O R C E N 2 The playing company Shakespeare 11 T S A worked with 13 3 "West Side Story" is based on this play H E H M 16M W V W A S H I by the Bard 14 B R 4 Number ofCShakepeare's playsE 15 published during E D O U G his H lifetime B O Y S 8 Place for poison 18 N singing A artist E whose CD shares 9 Solo S the 17 name Ophelia G T O same N S as T Hamlet's A R G 19A T E C 10 Romeo loved her first A I T N actor who starred in a 20 12 "Lethal Weapon" T H S recent version of 3 N T Hamlet D T R In 15 Popular 1998 movie, "Shakespeare 6 7 23 GO G E ____" W E I C H 916 War of "Troilus and Cressida" U O 17 F D E F E N S EnameA N E Hamlet's mother's 21 22 M P18 R P A T RDiaries" A T Ustar S Princess a O E "The R T who shares V 25N withRShakespeare's wife N O R Cname E G M I C K E Y 20 Shakespeare is buried in Holy ________ M 11 P ET L Church. D T K A S O R 13 22 The method also I H MN M W 26 E of Brutus'death, V N F 24 Romeo's. 14 28 E R O Shakespeare B This C R Z teaches E 24 professor at C I 15 U SE E UCCS T O YW S D O U G H B N
-Aaron Collett acollett@uccs.edu -Photos by Alex Gradisher
With the economy still in shambles and money tight, most people have changed their spending habits to some degree. How are students using and saving their money?
Did you know that the pendulum in the Osborne Center for Science and Engineering actually has a name? Its official name is the Foucault Pendulum, named after Léon Foucault, the French physicist who built a pendulum to prove the rotation of the Earth. The pendulum swings as the Earth rotates underneath, taking a full 38 hours before returning to its original position. The whirlpool beneath the pendulum is controlled by a biofeedback panel. If you place your fingers on the pad, it can speed or slow the whirlpool in accordance with your heart beat. The pendulum cable is 43.5 feet long and the ball at the end weighs 275 pounds. Electromagnetic rings at the top counter friction, allowing the pendulum to remain in perpetual motion. S
Page 13
2 3 4
Down Nine people have won this medal twice Third largest federal funder of university research The US headquarters at the ________ employs 23,000 workers This aperature connects to the front of an M16. This credit union is named after a closed-down military installation, now the US Olympic Training Center. This movie took place at Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, the installation inside a mountain. The Army's Infamous 61 Day Ranger School begins here. Branch that requires second-highest ASVAB score to join. An Army E-5 is also named this. Humphrey Bogart was in this service This military installation near Colorado Springs has a footprint of exactly 1 square mile. Position in which a service member stands for the national anthem Bloodiest battle in American history Number of U.S. military bases on foreign soil The number of military installations in El Paso County. This war led to the establishment of a demilitarized zone (DMZ) at the 38th parallel.
What are some strategies that you use to save money? I don’t 5usually try to save money too much, but I guess not eat at real expensive 6 restaurants, and think about things I don’t really need. 7
John9Hornbaker 10 Senior, Biology 11 14 18
How do19you earn most of your money? Playing21music. 22 26
What band are you in? 27 The John Hornbaker Band. It’s me, it’s solo. I don’t even pay a band. What do you spend most of your money on? School. UCCS. What about your spending money? Music equipment, Jeep stuff. What strategies do you use to save money? Take10 percent, minimum, and hide it from yourself. I start with that. And I have a monthly budget. S
Page 14
Life on the Bluffs
the Scribble
Disclaimer: The contents of the Scribble are completely fabricated, peppered with inconsistencies and laced with lies. Any resemblance to the truth found herein is a matter of sheer luck. The Scribble should be approached with a healthy dose of skepticism, and its claims should be taken - if they are taken at all - with many grains of salt.
Photo illustration by Alex Gradisher Al Gore’s worst fears have come true. This week, the Biology department announced their newest creation, MANBEARPIG. Unfortunately, they have misplaced the creature and are not sure if the creature is even on campus. A GPS unit implanted in the creature has malfunctioned so the scientists are unable to track the creature. If you see this crature, please contact Al Gore to report sighting. S
Invisible Joe
November 14, 2011
the Scribble
TOP TEN Ways to get stuff for free
10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.
Don’t pay for it. Dress up like a Salvation Army bell ringer. Spend all day trolling Craigslist. Put on a Wal-Mart uniform and “work” the return counter. Send a complaint to corporate. Convince the DoD to fund your ”research.”
Hide in trash cans.
Only read your free student newspaper. Make Costco samples your lunch.
Ask your mom.
- Bertrand Rustle, thescribblepage@gmail.com
Photo by Robert Solis
Invisible Joe has been getting into trouble recently. Here, he is winning a match in the unofficial UCCS Fight Club. S
November 14, 2011
Consistency propels men’s team to nationals
Page 15
Sports Tyler Bodlak tbodlak@uccs.edu
Photo courtesy of gomountainlions.com
Ryan Derrick (left) finished 32nd and Mike English (right) finished 35th at the Central Region Cross Country Championships.
Tyler Bodlak tbodlak@uccs.edu One mile into the men’s Central Region Cross Country Championships, the top UCCS runner was in 61st place. Hardly what you’d expect from a team that planned to compete in next weekend’s national meet in Spokane, Wash. Fast forward. Roughly 30 minutes and 5.2 miles later, all seven of UCCS’s runners had crossed the finish line. Showing remarkable consistency from top to bottom, only 55 seconds and 30 places separated the entire team. And most importantly, the Mountain Lions had punched their ticket to Spokane with a fifth place team finish, their first trip to nationals since 2008. UCCS does not rely on a stellar performance from any single runner, just depth and consistency from the team as a whole. Ryan Derrick was the top finisher, coming in 32nd, a relatively low top finish for a team headed to nationals.
The rest of the pack was not far behind, though, with Mike English in 35th, Oliver Williams in 36th and Michael Johnson in 39th. This clumped finish was no mistake. Coach Mark Misch says that his team has trained for the regional meet all year and team executed the race strategy perfectly. “We’re really conservative and we just lay off and let everyone else pound each other. The further you go in the race, the more attrition there is,” said Misch. “The guys had a lot of confidence in the race plan and just went out and executed.” Heading into the regional meet, UCCS was not ranked. In qualifying for nationals, they knocked off several ranked teams, including rival Metro State. In the latest cross-country rankings released last week, UCCS was ranked 15th, the first time they have been ranked since 2008. “I am so happy to be a part of this team. Nobody
ever ranked us at the top of anything and we have proved them all wrong. This is a really great day,” said senior captain Michael Johnson through gomountainlions.com following the regional meet. The national meet in Spokane on Nov. 19 will be a reunion trip of sorts, as the Mountain Lions made an early season trip to Washington. Misch believes that having run on the national course earlier this year will help the team. “The whole reason we invested in making that trip with these guys earlier this year is because we believed we would be in contention and have a shot,” said Misch. “Not that there is anything magical about having run on the course. We would have gone out and run either way, but it was good because having success there earlier this year will give us confidence.” The national meet begins on Nov. 19 at 3 p.m. A live stream of the race can be found at ncaa. com. S
If your dream job includes kicking people in the head, keep reading this. Especially if the top line of your resume tells of an unlikely aptitude for running atop massive piles of humanity. If your arsenal of skills also includes proficiency in tearing things off and down (namely other men’s shirts and telephone polelike objects), stop searching for that perfect job. I know what it is. Move to Japan and take up the sport of bo-taoshi. It’s probably what you were made to do. Invented by the Japanese military as a training exercise for its cadets, botaoshi is a sport that may only make sense to its participants. It’s not that the rules are complicated, because they’re not. It’s just that bo-taoshi is such a bizarre spectacle that spectators have no choice but to shake their heads in
disbelief. The rules are simple. Two poles, 300 men and enough concussions to make Troy Aikman cringe. It’s a no-holds-barred game of capture the flag, in which the goal is to tear down a pole being protected by the opposing squad. Each team has 150 players, with 75 defending their pole and the other 75 rabidly attempting to tear down their other team’s pole. Achieving this elusive goal is generally best accomplished by running on top of the opposing team’s defenders, stomping a few heads and launching yourself headfirst at the pole. Matches begin with each team forming a huddle and precariously positioning one unfortunate teammate on their pole, their sole job seemingly being to kick opponents. A gun (or something loud) is fired and mayhem ensues. Bo-taoshi matches
Bo-taoshi could be the next big UCCS club.
rarely last more than a few minutes, the game ending when one team has successfully pulled the other team’s pole down to a 30-degree angle, a rule change implemented in 1973. Previously the pole only had to dip to a 45-degree angle. To the untrained eye, bo-taoshi might look like a giant mosh pit comprised mostly of drunken college kids. It’s not. But even to the trained eye, this sport seems like it would be perfectly suited for those same drunken college students. For some inexplicable reason, bo-taoshi has not made its mark on America’s college campuses. With that in mind, it seems like there is only one logical thing to do. Watch the YouTube videos, realize this is the most awesome sport since professional power peeball and head to the OSA office to start a club. America will thank S you.
Sports the
Cross country, page 15
November 14, 2011
UCCS volleyball team narrowly misses playoffs, looks forward to next season Ryan Adams radams3@uccs.edu The Lady Mountain Lions put forth their best effort in attempt to get to the playoffs for a second consecutive season, but a new playoff system for the RMAC left them one spot out of the tournament. Although the ending wasn’t what Coach Barnett and the team were looking for, the Lady Mountain Lions still had one of their best seasons yet. “We finished really well and were ranked number nine in the region,” stated Barnett. “The top eight go to the playoffs and we finished only a few points out.” The team played really well coming down the stretch, defeating two quality teams in Colorado School of Mines and Col-
orado Christian at the end of October. “We defeated both of them in three straight games and really showed how good of a team we are,” stated Barnett. Although the new playoff qualifications put a damper on the team’s solid season, Barnett still believes the team had a mostly successful season. “We met a majority of the goals we set at the beginning of the season, but only one team is satisfied at the end and that is the team that won the championship,” stated Barnett. Despite missing the playoffs, several players earned conference honors. Junior Nikki Kinzer was Second Team AllConference and Senior Cindy Bathelt was Third Team All-Conference. Kinzer also lead the RMAC in blocks per set with a 1.22 average.
Bathelt was also named to the First Team AllAcademic, senior Sonja Johnson was named to the Second Team All-Academic, and seniors Alex Wood and Jenica Shippy and sophomore Sonja Johnson were named to the Third Team All-Academic. One of the things that Barnett was most impressed with was how consistently well his team played over the course of the season. “Two of the highlights we had this season were how steady our season was and how well we played against some really competitive teams in the RMAC,” he stated. The Lady Lions narrowly missed out on an even more successful year. “We were up 2-0 on Western Texas, Regis and Metro State, and all three
Photo by Alex Gradisher
Seniors wrapped up their season with a 16 and 12 record. From left to right: Cindy Bathelt, Alex Wood, Jenica Shippy, and Sonja Johnson. of those games we ended up losing at the end,” said Barnett. “If we win one of those games, we probably end up in the playoffs,” he furthered. Even though the team
didn’t end the season the way they wanted to, Barnett still expects the team to be good next year. “We will have to go and find four quality replacements for the people
we are losing and that won’t be easy,” he said. “Our team will be good, we just need to take care of the details and make the team competitive like we were this year.” S
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