Gamers’ Night page 6
Monday, December 3, 2012
Inside this
Issue news
Grade petition page 3 The Student Government Association has started a petition for a grade forgiveness measure to become policy.
culture Michael Thigpen page 5 Family and friends celebrate the life of UCCS graduate Michael Thigpen, who passed away Nov. 12.
While college can help you get a job, that’s not the only benefit of higher education. What other reasons are there for getting a college degree?
UCCS Student Newspaper
Shelby Kotecki Most students are aware that tuition, as well as the price of college overall, has been skyrocketing in the last couple of decades. Although textbooks are another financial burden for students, the bookstore indicates that costs could be cut through cooperation from both faculty and students. Book adoption is a partnership that faculty has with the bookstore. In the middle of the current semester, the bookstore contacts instructors about which book materials they will be using in the upcoming term. New book adoption software has also been added to the system, said Jason Votruba, manager of the UCCS Bookstore. Continued on page 2 . . .
Late response from faculty may contribute to higher textbook prices in the spring.
Photo by Joshua Camacho
Academic centers help students prepare for finals
College degree page 9
Vol. 37, Iss. 10
Slow faculty response could mean costlier textbooks
April Wefler
Grab those textbooks, pull out the note cards and run to the academic centers. It’s finals week, but with help from the Centers for Academic Excellence, it doesn’t have to be stressful. “I think a lot of students are taking time away from the university as classes
wind down so they can prepare for finals,” said Jerry Phillips, director of the Center for Excellence in Science. “I’d rather see them in here than at home.” He added that the academic centers provide students with a high-energy environment to keep them more energized for finals than working alone. “Our goal is to really
kind of help people focus more,” Barbara Gaddis, executive director of First Year Experience and Transfer Student Connections, said, adding that the centers try to have students come in throughout the semester so that the final is more of a culmination. Gaddis mentioned that the centers have been busy with students prepar-
ing for final assignments. “I think sometimes that’s intimidating, especially if you haven’t been there before,” she said. Gaddis recommended that students visiting for the first time introduce themselves as new users, and the staff will give them a tour. She also encouraged students to look for others who they know so a tutor can help them.
sports CU football page 11 Jon Embree has been fired after two seasons as head coach, leaving many wondering about the program’s future.
Photo by Nick Burns Students Zac Smith and Katie Maguire spent an evening in the library to prepare for their exams.
“Group work is really helpful,” she added. During finals week, some of the academic centers will be extending their hours. The Center for Excellence in Science, located in Centennial Hall 204, will close Monday through Thursday at 9 p.m. instead of 7 p.m., Friday at 5 p.m. instead of 3 p.m. and Sunday 5 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. The Center for Excellence in Communication, located in Columbine Hall 312, will have tutors available to help with final presentations or projects in any discipline, help fix PowerPoint or Prezi projects and tutor for all upper-division communication classes as well as select philosophy classes. “More students visited the CEC in October this year than in September and October combined last year,” said Chris Bell, director of the communication center. He said that the center’s services are on an appointment-only basis, and those who would like to schedule an appointment can call 255-4771, Continued on page 2 . . .
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December 3, 2012
Slow faculty response, costlier textbooks (continued from page 1) “The key thing is that the book adoption does not take very long, especially if professors are using the same books over and over again.” The software sends emails to instructors across the campus with individualized links that allow them to choose books needed for all of their courses, select ones they’ve previously used and compare prices. As of Nov. 26, a total of 980 titles had been ordered for 519 courses. However, that total is only 55 percent of the expected orders this close to the spring semester. A delay on the part of faculty becomes a problem for students that affects the cost of textbooks. If the bookstore already has books in stock and knows they’ll be used again, they wouldn’t be required to send unused cases of books back to the wholesaler. However, because of
the slow response, the books have to be sent back, and having them delivered again to UCCS costs the bookstore more money, directly increasing the price students pay. “It makes our job a lot more difficult,” Votruba said. Aside from this lack of communication, competition with online retailers is also hurting the price of texts and, consequently, the bookstore. To help address this issue, new price comparison software has been added to the online bookstore, showing prices from online retailers, renting versus purchasing, as well as websites associated with UCCS. UCCS also offers book buybacks throughout the semester. “Turnout has been OK, but we can definitely do better,” Votruba said. When students
participate in book buyback, they are not only making a profit themselves but are also sending those books back
to the school instead of another retailer. The buyback helps the bookstore better understand what books
may need to be ordered, too. Book buyback begins Dec. 5 and lasts until Dec. 14. Ultimately, the
Jordan Verlare works at the textbook buyback counter at the UCCS Bookstore.
bookstore aims to keep money local to help students but reiterates the need for campus cooperation. S
Photo by Robert Solis
Academic centers help students prepare (continued from page 1)
Photo by Nick Burns Katie Maguire, a sophomore majoring in communication, stayed up late preparing for her exams.
noting that to do in terms slots fill up of studying. Every student should do quickly. The workwell, and that’s what we’re If a student shop is part of here to help ensure. needs a quiet FYE’s weekplace to study long Jump - Jerry Phillips or a computer Start to Finals, to work on, including Late there is open Night at the p.m. on Friday. space available on a walkGaddis added that stu- Library Dec. 3 from 7-10 in basis. dents can submit their pa- p.m., which provides stuThe CEC is always pers to the Online Writing dents with pizza, blue open on Sundays from 11 Lab, or OWL, but it may books and study tips. a.m. to 3 p.m. and, dur- take a few days to receive There will also be Tuing finals week, will stay feedback. tor Tuesday for math and open from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. In addition to the ex- science on Dec. 4 and a Monday through Wednes- tended center hours, Ellen Cram Jam for housing on day. Burkart, associate director Dec. 6. “Don’t wait until the for First Year Experience, The Center for Excellast minute. You’re not will host a workshop on lence in Mathematics, logoing to learn it all, or Dec. 3 in University Cen- cated in Engineering 136, remember it all, in one ter 116 from 3:30-5:30 will not have extended night. Start studying now p.m. and Dec. 4 in Uni- hours but said students and spread it out,” Bell versity Center 307 from should focus on both solvsaid. ing practice problems and 11 a.m. to noon. The Center for Excel“I help students create a understanding concepts. lence in Writing, located study plan for finals, show “The idea is to conin Columbine Hall 316, them what they need to get tinually look at definiencourages students to on the final to get a certain tions, formulas and notes call 255-4336 to make an grade,” Burkart said. on concepts and slowly appointment. It will be She added that it’s a weed out the ones that are open from 8:30 a.m. to relaxed workshop and an solid,” said Jenny Dor8:30 p.m. Monday through opportunity for students rington, director of the Thursday and 10 a.m. to 2 to decide what they need Center for Excellence in
UCCS mourns loss of history instructor The Scribe Staff UCCS mourns the loss of Judith Price, senior history instructor, who died Nov. 13 after what her
obituary refers to as “years of physical challenges.” Price, 68, is remembered for her passion for Asian culture, animals and opera. “Judy was on[e] of my favorite professors,” wrote
former student Stacy Strobel in Price’s guestbook. “Her love for history was infectious. She was loved and will be missed.” Her life will be celebrated on campus Thurs-
day, Dec. 6 at 3:30 p.m. in the Boettcher Orientation Room, Cragmoor Hall 008. To read her obituary and share your condolences, visit dy7chfs. S
Mathematics. The Center for Excellence in Languages, located in Dwire 270, will also not have extended hours but has individual language tutors’ hours posted on their website. The center offers support for Spanish, German, French, American Sign Language and Chinese. All of the centers’ extended hours will be posted online ( Students can also make appointments for online help, available after hours. The center asks that students who come in bring in a first draft of their essay and or a script as applicable to a speaking assignment. “Bottom line is there’s no reason not to do so well. Every student should do well, and that’s what we’re here to help ensure,” Phillips said. “Good luck on finals!” Bell added. “Come in and see us!” S
December 3, 2012
Page 3
SGA starts petition for UCCS grade forgiveness measure Jonathan Toman Many students wish that the bad grade they got in a class would just vanish and that the grade they received when they retook the class would be the grade that stayed. While that option has been approved by students, the UCCS Student Government Association aims to enforce it so it becomes policy. SGA has created a petition to help institute a concept known as grade forgiveness at UCCS. Current policy on campus dictates that if a student gets a “D” or an “F” in a class, they can retake the same class and the two scores (previous and retaken) are averaged to create the final grade. The process of grade forgiveness, if instituted, would allow the new score to completely replace the old grade in the class. The petition itself asks students to “re-commit themselves to the vote they placed in the spring,” according to Stephen Collier, SGA student body president.
Screenshot and photo by Robert Solis Above: The online petition can be accessed at Right: Student Body President Stephen Collier had student Andrew Sinsheimer sign the petition for grade forgiveness. In the spring ballot, students voted overwhelmingly for grade forgiveness by a vote of 1,049 to 89 with 27 abstaining. This vote, though a clear 92 percent majority, had no impact on academic policy at UCCS. The results of that vote on the spring ballot were forwarded to the Educational Policies and University Standards Committee for their knowledge and possible action. No action
was taken, forcing the petition. The electronic version of the petition had 117 signatures as of Nov. 29, and SGA will be starting a pen-and-ink petition drive as well. SGA hopes “to send the petition signatures to both faculty at large and the Faculty Assembly, the faculty’s representative arm, to show them students are just as serious about grade forgiveness today as they
were in March,” said Collier. Once the petition ends, Collier will take the signatures to both faculty and the Faculty Assembly. Then, he will send out a letter to clubs and organizations, as well as asking SGA senators to send the letter to their respective schools of study. This process “will allow for a wide dissemination of information that is within SGA control,” Collier said.
As far as how students can get involved, there are a few options available. “Students can digitally sign the online petition or seek SGA members out and about the campus to sign the pen-and-ink petition,” Collier said. To sign the online petition, students can access
it through social media by going to the student body president’s Facebook page at UCCSSteve. Collier added, “They can also come to the ROAR office (now Student Life and Leadership office) to sign the petition as well.” S
Fort Carson and UCCS partner to help veterans transition Peter Farrell Transitioning from the military to civilian life can be a challenge for any veteran. To help, Fort Carson is partnering with UCCS to help orient veterans to applying to a university after serving in active duty. The UCCS Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs, located on the east side of the campus, worked with Fort Carson this semester to help veterans familiarize themselves with the university setting and gave a tour on Nov. 15 to veterans leaving the armed forces. Phillip Morris, program director for military student affairs at UCCS, said, “Traditionally, there haven’t been any visits from soldiers on a base to a college campus to see what it’s like.” The two-week program is a mandatory procedure designed to better prepare veterans in either entering the workforce or enrolling in higher education. The evolution of the project started with the transition of the Army
Career and Alumni Program, or ACAP, which has been reworked as a “transition university.” The transition university’s main focus is to provide veterans preparation tips, general information and application skills, such as the G.I. Bill and financial aid process. The ACAP redesign is also the Department of Defense’s response to address issues of veteran preparedness upon completion of service in accordance with the Obama administration’s policies. Michael Reyes, military outreach specialist at UCCS, said, “The goal for a transition university is, by the end of those two weeks, they either have a job or are in school.” ACAP’s old model was “too quick” and “did not touch on what soldiers should actually expect once they get out,” Reyes said. The redesign and partnership are in their infancy, though there are unsolidified plans to accommodate as many as 400 veterans per month. Currently, UCCS anticipates scheduling one tour per month and ex-
Photo by Nick Burns, courtesy of the Office of Veteran and Military Student Affairs UCCS and Fort Carson are working together to help veterans transition out of the military and into college or careers. pects numbers will increase as UCCS and Fort Carson continue collaborating. The partnership offers veterans options, as they will also see Pikes Peak Community College campuses. Veterans who want
to attend other universities still benefit from the program. Many of the veterans on the tour expressed interest in out-of-state universities due to degree program availability. “Even if they’re not
interested in coming to UCCS, they still get an idea of what the application process is,” Morris said. The general feedback from the tour was positive, and those visiting submitted a handful of
applications by the end of the tour. At the moment, plans to collaborate with other schools in the CU system are uncertain, and UCCS is the nearest school offering tours for veterans from Fort Carson. S
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December 3, 2012
Shuttle system adds more time slots to spring schedule Kyle Marino Too few buses can make students late to their classes, mounting students’ frustration with the lack of shuttle service to and from campus. Due to the increasing demand for shuttles and student frustration, UCCS has implemented a new shuttle schedule for Spring 2013. According to Russ Wilcox, transportation services supervisor, since 2010 until now, “the number of passengers that ride the buses has increased from 229,563 to 390,000,” an increase of almost 70 percent in just two years. The shuttle schedule has added new time slots, which UCCS hopes will help develop a better shuttle service for students, helping them get to class promptly. The new system will consist of nine buses, 16 drivers and two to seven routes. Included is a new Circulator Route, in which students can be picked up from Sunset Village and be dropped off at Alpine Village, the Recreation Center, Lodge, Centennial Hall and University Hall.
Photo by Robert Solis
More time slots have been added to the spring shuttle schedule. “We hope to make our buses more efficient,” Wilcox said. “They weren’t as efficient before; we are increasing our assets to provide a better service.” With such a high demand for shuttle service,
many students know how frustrating trying to get to class on time can be when using the shuttle system to get around campus. Junior Lauren Foster is one student who has been late to class because of the
shuttle service. “I would be waiting and waiting for a bus to come,” Foster said. “I would get there early sometimes to make sure I wasn’t late, and I would still be late to my class.” The service can be
backed up at the Four Diamonds Sports Complex, too. “We would have to divert a bus to pick up passengers from Sunset Village, leaving 16 busloads of students behind,” Wilcox said.
Frustration had been mounting within the student body, and administrators hope these changes will dissolve tensions and make the system more convenient for students. S
Marijuana cases won’t be dismissed in El Paso, Teller counties Peter Farrell While marijuana was legalized by popular vote, laws regarding use are still being debated. Since Amendment 64 passed with a 10-percent
vote majority Nov. 6, the process of legalizing marijuana has been heavily debated. 4th Judicial District Attorney Dan May has made it clear that there will be no blanket policies concerning criminal cases on
marijuana possession. The Gazette reported Nov. 15 that May said, “We are not going to be blanket-dismissing these [cases] like they did up in Boulder.” The district attorney is not condoning either side
of the issue and has gone on record saying that each instance of criminal possession will be handled on a “case-by-case” basis. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP), an international advocacy and awareness group for drug
Photo by Nick Burns Representatives from Students for Sensible Drug Policy are seeking changes to policy in spite of local politics. From left to right: Polina Reynolds, Raul Perez and Meral Sarper.
use and safety, has a strong interest in the democratic process and hopes to see a change in the policy. The group’s stated mission is that it “mobilizes and empowers young people to participate in the political process, pushing for sensible policies to achieve a safer and more just future, while fighting back against counterproductive Drug War policies, particularly those that directly harm students and youth.” Raul Perez, chapter head of SSDP at UCCS, said, “Drug possession is not a crime.” One of the group’s largest concerns is the double standard surrounding alcohol and other substances. The SSDP hopes to enact a law regarding drug use similar to the already existing C.R.S 18-13-122 Good Samaritan law. The law states, “An underage person and one or two other persons shall be immune from criminal prosecution if they report the need of medical assistance of another due to alcohol consumption.” SSDP has plans to
meet with the Student Government Association, Resident Hall Association and other campus groups to discuss promoting the group’s values in spite of the resistant attitude from local politics. The drug group seeks changes in policy, and while members express their satisfaction with the passing of Amendment 64, they are watching to see what happens as the state processes the bill. Other activists on campus also have interests in the handling of marijuana possession charges. Dr. Bob Melamede, associate professor and CEO of Cannabis Science, has taught a medical marijuana course since 2002. The course is focused on the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in brain function regarding hunger, pain, mood and memory. When asked about the political turmoil, Melamede said that May is a “pathological prohibitionist” and that the circumstances concerning medical research and state laws are “lunacy.” S
December 3, 2012
Page 5
UCCS remembers graduate student Michael Thigpen Cynthia Jeub Those who knew him have fond memories of a happy, driven and caring man. Michael Thigpen, who passed away Nov. 12, graduated from UCCS with a bachelor’s degree in biology and a minor in chemistry in Spring 2011. His memorial page on Facebook, referenced with permission from his family, states, “Michael lived a full life: as much as most people would do in 80 years he did in 23. He loved being outdoors, he was an incredibly talented musician, and loved meeting new people and making new friends.” His record confirmed this. In addition to a difficult school workload, Thigpen taught biology to high school students and participated in several groups on campus. He helped found the First Aid and Safety Training club, FAST, at UCCS. To help the group get off
the ground, he trained other students in survival techniques and CPR. After graduating, Thigpen began a graduate program at the University of Notre Dame. Off campus, he traveled to prevent malaria and provide clean water and volunteered for the TriLakes Fire Department as a dispatcher and EMT. He was also a medical assistant but made time for hiking and climbing to bond with friends. Thigpen’s mother, Carmen Thigpen, and fiancée, Connie Clark, were willing to share information with The Scribe in tribute to Thigpen’s legacy. “We got engaged in August, and were waiting to announce it,” Clark said. A native of Monument, Colo., Thigpen was a biology teacher for the High Country Home Educators. He also volunteered to sing songs for Wings Like Eagles, a local camp that helps children gain confidence by learning vaults
on horses. “He did a lot of volunteer work outside of UCCS,” Thigpen’s mother said. “He sang for Wings Like Eagles, but he also traveled for missions trips.” She listed his trips to Peru and Costa Rica as opportunities he took to train medical students. “I really wanted to marry this guy,” Clark added as she helped recount her fiancé’s accomplishments. Thigpen had a passion for music and played in a band, Doubtful Sound. He played six instruments and recorded LPs with friends. He performed locally with friends before graduation and then toured around the United Kingdom. For his U.K. tour, he simplified his performance to just his mandolin, packing coffee shops to hear him sing. Many who knew Thigpen describe him as a friend to the friendless. “He wrote a song lyric,” Clark said, “that reflected his philosophy: ‘If you never talk to strangers,
Photo courtesy of Michael Thigpen’s family Michael Thigpen passed away Nov. 12. you will never make any friends at all.’” “We know he’s with the Lord,” Thigpen’s mother said. In accordance with his
charitable spirit, the Thigpen family has asked that instead of buying flowers, all funds be donated to the Afaayo Foundation, which prevents and treats malaria
in Africa. To donate, make checks payable to Christian Development Fund and send to P.O. Box 1383, Monument, CO 80132. S
Lile, accountant and cochair of the Holiday Service Project. “I’ve just always believed in paying it forward – this is my way of paying it forward, being able to reach out and help others in need,” she said. The annual Holiday Service Project started in 1989 after staff members decided they wanted to do more than office parties and chose to reach out to students in need. They decided to create something that involved the whole campus. “Reaching out would create goodwill amongst students,” explained Lile. She added that when there was an emotional hardship that needed support, the program stepped in to help. Several departments, clubs and individuals have chosen to adopt families. Last year, 26 families were provided with gifts
and food. Families can fill out requests for adoption as long as they keep the requests within the immediate family and request only two gifts per person. They can also notate any culture or religion that they feel should be taken into consideration by adopters at the bottom of their request template. On Dec. 7, the families are invited to come to campus to pick up their gifts. Although the program keeps the families’ identities anonymous, adopters can learn their ages, genders and the number of people in the family to help them know the appropriate items to purchase. The project has several aspects. One is the Giving Tree, decorated in handcrafted ornaments created by children of the Family Development Center. Each ornament is attached with a tag, indicating a gift
that may be purchased. Remove the tag, purchase and wrap the gift written on the tag, attach the tag to the outside of the wrapped gift and return it to one of the Holidrop Boxes. The Holidrop Boxes are used to collect food, clothing, toys and other items. Donations of dry food or canned food can help provide the ingredients needed for the family’s Christmas meal. The Kraemer Family Library also has the Food for Fines program, which allows students to bring in non-perishable, unexpired food and have a $1 credit for each item they bring in. Additionally, cash donations will be used to purchase a grocery store gift card for each family, with checks payable to UCCS Holiday Service Project. “Whatever anybody wants to give,” said Lile. S
Campus holiday project helps bring Christmas to families April Wefler Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday kick off the holiday shopping season the day after Thanksgiving. Not everyone can
afford to have Christmas, though. Through the Holiday Service Project, which runs until Dec. 5, families that might not otherwise have gifts for Christmas are given food and presents for the holiday.
“Several years ago when I had nothing, a church reached out to me and gave me a monetary gift, and I was able to go out and purchase something for each one of my children so they could have a Christmas,” said Mary
Collection Areas
Several Giving Trees are located around campus.
Photo by Joshua Camacho
Holidrop Boxes
Giving Tree
Main Hall, University Hall, Science and Engineering Building, Dwire Hall, Columbine Hall, Centennial Hall, Engineering Building, Family Development Center, University Center, Cragmoor Hall, Public Safety, the bookstore and the library
University Center, Bookstore, Main Hall, Dwire Hall, Columbine Hall, University Hall
LAS Dean’s office in Columbine Hall, University Hall, the bookstore, University Center Information Desk, Dwire coffee counter, ENT, Clyde’s, Public Safety, Jazzman’s, the Bursar’s Office and the library
Page 6
December 3, 2012
Gamers’ Night brings students together to play, socialize Mikaila Ketcherside It aims to bring together players of all kinds for a night of eating, chatting and – most importantly – gaming. After Clyde’s opened in 2010, the Office of Student Activities, OSA, began hosting events on Tuesday, Friday and Saturday nights. Gamers’ Night was conceived in a brainstorming session. The idea stood out and has since become a monthly event, the next being Dec. 4. The event is an opportunity to try a game out before purchasing it, to find friends to play multiplayer games with or to share thoughts and tips on games with fellow players. Gamers’ Night is not only about the games but more about the gamers. The face of gaming is no longer the stereotypical, antisocial shut-in but a so-
Photo by Joshua Camacho Gamers’ Night brings gamers of all experience levels to Clyde’s. ciety of people interacting with one another. Multiplayer games and online play have transformed gaming into a social activity. The event encourages socializing with people who have a common interest in gaming. “Most students have
their own systems and can play in their dorms, but we’re trying to build the social atmosphere and college experience for students,” said Tyler Siskowic, an OSA event coordinator. OSA tries to provide the latest games for Gam-
ers’ Night in a variety of genres. First-person shooters, fighting games and Wii Sports are all available for play. A recent release, “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2,” is the latest game OSA has acquired. Upcoming semesters will see big releases of
video games, and OSA intends to provide as many as possible for Gamers’ Night. Availability of new games depends on OSA’s approval of the games and its budget. Fans of video games can bring their own games and consoles to the event or can make use of the systems and games provided by OSA. Xbox, PlayStation and Wii systems will be available for use. Students can bring older systems and games too. “We’ve had some old-school consoles, like the original Xbox and even an Atari,” Siskowic said. Players can also make use of a 120-inch projector screen, enhancing their gaming experience further. For those more interested in classic gaming, board games will also be available at Gamers’ Night. Clyde’s will be open and serving food, so anyone
can come to eat and socialize. “Be sure to check out our events next semester. We’re going to try to step out of our comfort zone and get innovative. We’ll definitely keep having Gamers’ Night next semester,” Siskowic said. Students can find out about OSA’s future events on its web page and can contact the office with ideas for events. S
The Lowdown What:
Gamers’ Night
Dec. 4, 6-9 p.m.
Where: Clyde’s
How much: Free
More information:
‘You Can’t Take It With You’ to aim for funny, warm holiday play Life is more than just making a living, the Sycamore family realizes. Instead of mastering life, people should enjoy it. Theatreworks will perform the PulitzerPrize-winning Broadway play “You Can’t Take It With You” Dec. 6-23. The play details the life of the Sycamore family, a family that at first seems dysfunctional and broken but is ultimately revealed as a
nearly ideal family. “You might naturally suspect the Sycamore zoo is a portrait of family dysfunction, but the truth is quite the opposite. This is possibly the most functional family you will ever find on stage or anywhere else,” wrote Murray Ross, Theatreworks’ artistic director, on Theatreworks’ blog. Viewers are drawn into the warm and loving Sycamore home, where happiness is prized above all else. Politics, careers
and money are secondary to pursuing what makes the Sycamores truly happy, even if they are terrible at what makes them happy. Penny Sycamore is on her 11th attempt at completing her raunchy and badly written play and paints in her spare time. Paul, Penny’s husband, makes fireworks and builds children’s construction sets. Penny’s daughter, Essie Carmichael, enjoys ballet and hopes to be a
Image courtesy of Theatreworks The latest Theatreworks production begins on Dec. 6.
ballerina, deplain about one spite her baland Democrats It is rather wonderful how let instructor about the other, the old dialogue flashes stating that she but here both are “stinks” at it. the bad guys, and into new life now. Her husband, both are defeat- Murray Ross, artistic director Ed, makes ed. It is rather masks and wonderful how The Sycamores are plays the xylophone. the old dialogue flashes sharply contrasted by the Martin Vanderhof, into new life now.” Kirbys, a stuffy upperPenny’s father, raises Modern politics pit class family that Alice snakes and loves attendtwo parties against one Sycamore intends to ing commencements and another in a race to the marry into. The Kirbys circuses. He has never finish with only one winare appalled by the Sycapaid his income tax – he ner, but this play finds mores’ lack of propriety doesn’t believe the govfault with every angle of and strange hobbies. ernment knows what to an argument. Alice fears the insanido with his money. It emphasizes that ty of her family will scare no one man can be right the country-club-attendabout everything, and that The Lowdown ing and Harvard graduate cooperation and exchange Kirbys away, and both of ideas are key. What: families must overcome “You Can’t Take It You Can’t Take It their differences for the With You” rejects the reWith You sake of their children’s alities of life and replaces love. them with ideals. It paints When: The play makes mula picture of a family foDec. 6-23 tiple amusing jabs at cused on enjoying life Wednesdays-Saturdays: the government and the rather than mastering it. 7:30 p.m. American upper class. The Sycamores prove Saturday Matinees: Though it opened in 1936, there is great wisdom in 2 p.m. “You Can’t Take It With having fun. Sundays: 4 p.m. You” calls many modern They also remind us ideas to question. Where: that life is more than mak“The play was writDusty Loo Bon Vivant ing a living. They teach ten in another period of Theater us life can be wonderful economic recession and University Hall if you stop trying so hard looming war, but the and simply live. paradisiacal garden of the How much: The holidays are never Sycamore home is walled Free for UCCS students complete without famoff from these grim realiReserved: $35 ily, and “You Can’t Take ties; they are never seen Children under 16: $15 It With You” aims to be or mentioned. What is Groups of 10 or more: a friendly and funny perwonderfully resonant still $25 formance that embodies are the twin evils of taxes No children under some of the most imporand big money,” wrote 5 years old tant holiday ideals – the Ross. importance of family and More information: “In our politics these loving others despite their days, Republicans comstrangeness. S
Mikaila Ketcherside
December 3, 2012
Page 7
Students encouraged to apply for Alternative Spring Break Program A typical college student’s spring break usually consists of surf and sand, red plastic cups and tons of partying between excessive siestas without a care in the world. However, UCCS has begun offering its own Alternative Spring Break Program, an opportunity to encourage students to maybe spend their week doing activities more productive and rewarding activities. Sarah Elsey, a graduate student majoring in student affairs, has been the driving force behind the new spring break initiative, which was first suggested in the fall of last year. “Service-learning and civic engagement are passions of mine in student affairs, and both are main parts of this program,” Elsey said. Last semester, the group traveled to Alamosa, Colo., and volunteered at the La Puente Home, a homeless resource center. Elsey’s
first term in Americore had been served in Alamosa. This spring, two groups will visit two different locations: Denver and Wyoming. Denver is an option for those who would like to help more locally, aiding non-profit organizations. Wyoming is more of a getaway trip for those
Many students are returning to the program to lend a hand again this year. “These students will be given a leadership role,” she said. Elsey will set up times for information sessions that will be meeting periodically until the end of winter break. While there is no specific cutoff deadline to sign up, those They’ll learn how to who would like critically think and react to get involved are encouraged to problems, problems to contact Elsey that communities deal before the end of finals week. with constantly. Elsey will - Sarah Elsey have one-on-one interviews with who want to help outside those interested in pursuing of their own communities, either trip, answering and assisting in revamping a asking questions regarding horse arena. the trips. Although not many In the future, the program specific details have aims to open up trips for been released about what time frames aside from just exactly students will spring break, such as during be doing during these the six weeks of winter programs, that’s part of the break and the summer, to fun and part of the learning appeal to students with full experience, Elsey said. schedules. “They’ll learn how to Students who would critically think and react like to get involved can to problems, problems that contact Elsey on her office communities deal with phone, 255-3701, or email constantly.” S
Shelby Kotecki
Photo by Joshua Camacho Crystal Wetzel participated in an Alternative Spring Break outing.
Vampire glitter doesn’t make ‘Twilight’ conclusion gold Alexander Nedd Rating:
The sun has risen, but the end has come. The final installment of the “Twilight” series, “Breaking Dawn - Part 2,” was released Nov. 16. Based on the novels by Stephenie Meyer, the saga became a huge hit at the box office, earning $143 million in its first weekend and staying high on the box office charts for the weeks following. The sequel to last year’s blockbuster hit “Part 1,” “Part 2” continues from the climax of the last movie. Just married, newly turned vampire Bella (Kristen Stewart) and longtime vampire Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) must protect their newborn daughter Renesmee from a terrible rumor that threatens to tear the family apart by evil group Volturi. Sworn to protect Renesmee is wolf and pack leader Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner), who, uh,
left his mark on the child during the last film, creating an inseparable bond between the pair. Along the journey, Bella and Edward learn to adapt to their new life and the obstacles brought by their half-human, halfvampire daughter. Utilizing a vampire
theme, director Bill Condon quenches a thirst for entertainment. The action is intense, the CGI is flawless and the soundtrack poignant. But, through all the vampire glitter, not all scenes are golden. The plot feels stretched to its climatic scene, a consequence of Holly-
“Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2” was released Nov. 16.
wood breaking this story into two possibly unnecessary parts. Because of this, there is quite a bit of filler content that would appeal more exclusively to the hardcore “Twilight” fan than the average moviegoer. (Do average moviegoers go see “Twilight”?)
The acting, although better than expected, feels extreme. Stewart and Pattinson’s romance on screen is enough to smother a wildfire, but had the right intensity to fire up “Twilight” fans throughout the audience. Actors Lautner and Dakota Fanning offer the
Photo courtesy of Summit Entertainment
film’s best moment during an important conflict scene, with fans screaming, “Hell yeah.” Many regular “Twilight” themes resurface in “Part 2,” such as Lautner’s abs and Pattinson’s movie-endorsed Volvo. However, what makes this movie memorable is the unexpected. By far the best scene worth adult ticket admission is the confirmed twist during the climax that’s not in the book. One way to enhance the movie is to make sure you’re up to date on the series. Being on the outside looking in will affect the viewing experience. Subtle jokes and jabs by characters were lost on myself but met with loads of laughter by those who have followed this captivating plot since its Hollywood adaption in 2008. The ending scene brings appropriate closure to the series met with wet eyes of many in the theater. For “Twilight” fans, the movie is a must and won’t disappoint. For the casual moviegoer… maybe a trip to the dollar theater. S
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December 3, 2012
Suicide not an isolated event, nor is campus prevention Staff Editorial Suicide is often misunderstood as a decision involving one person. But when someone you know takes his or her own life, that scope reveals itself to be so much wider. The loss of one person means family, friends and even just casual acquaintances are left to grieve and cope with the aftermath. Unfortunately, more people than we may think find themselves in this difficult situation every day in Colorado Springs. The National Association of County and City Health Officials analyzed 2004 suicide rates and found Colorado Springs had the second-highest national suicide rate with 26 suicides per 100,000 residents. While those numbers have improved slightly, Colorado Springs’ suicide rate is still unusually high.
As The Gazette reported last year, El Paso County has been averaging an 18 per 100,000 people suicide rate, seven more people than the national average. There is no one explanation for why suicide rates are so high. Everything from unemployment to oxygen deprivation has been cited as potential reasons. But on campus, there’s at least a system in place that could make the difference in a student, staff and faculty members receiving the help and attention they deserve. Dean of Students Steve Linhart, Chief of Police Jim Spice and Benek Altayli, director of the Counseling Center, make up the core of the Student Response Team. Members collect tips about people on campus who demonstrate behavior that may seem off, a little different than what has come to be expected
from them. When more than one of those people is contacted about the same person, they can reach out to help, whether it’s in the form of a referral to the Counseling Center or off-campus resources. Knowing that multiple departments are interacting with each other, we have a responsibility to be aware of our peers, whether they’re our classmates, coworkers or instructors. We rely on our instinct to tell us when something’s amiss. It should never be ignored, especially when it tells us something is wrong with another person. Just a suspicion should be enough to notify the dean of students, chief of police or head of the Counseling Center. After all, even if our instinct turns out to be wrong, what’s the worst that will happen? That person will at least know someone else is con-
Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sara Horton Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jesse Byrnes Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Taylor Hargis News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eleanor Skelton Culture Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cynthia Jeub Opinion/Life on the Bluffs Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Aaron Collett Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tyler Bodlak Photo Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alex Gradisher Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mike English Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Emily Olson Designer and Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robert Solis Web Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Edwin Satre Ad Sales Representatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nikolas Roumell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jamie Burnett Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Burns Junior Photographers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tyler Anderson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joshua Camacho Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April Wefler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Peter Farrell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Samantha Morley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kyle Marino . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sarah Palma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jonathan Toman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mikaila Ketcherside Junior Reporters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelby Kotecki . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alexander Nedd Distributor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Erickson Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Laura Eurich
Something on your mind?
Photo courtesy of University Advancement The Counseling Center, located at Main Hall, is a resource for any student, staff or faculty member who needs help. cerned. At a university, where all of the students tend to be wrapped up in their own studies and individual worries, that knowledge can also serve as comfort. We have the power to prevent misfortunes before they happen if we can take a moment to look outside ourselves. And, if something feels amiss, act
Contact us: On campus: UC 106 Phone: (719) 255-3658 Email:
immediately to correct it. While we’re often told to watch other people for warning signs, sometimes we may need to evaluate ourselves and realize we’re the ones who need to seek help – and that’s OK. As students, we can carry such heavy workloads and so much stress that it’s not unnatural for us to
occasionally think, “This would all be so much easier if I weren’t here.” But thinking any deeper about not being around warrants a conversation, whether it’s with a trusted friend or professional from the Counseling Center. One person’s self-harm affects more people than you may even begin to recognize. S
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Letters to the Editor The Scribe strongly encourages letters to the editor. Letters intended for publication must not exceed 350 words, must be legible and include the writer’s name and contact information. Letters must be submitted to The Scribe via email at by 5 p.m. on Wednesdays before publication. The Scribe reserves the right to reject letters to the editor that are libelous, obscene or anonymous and has the right to edit as necessary due to space limitations, spelling or other grammatical errors and AP style guidelines. Distribution Policy The following conducts are prohibited by The Scribe: Publication and news rack theft. A person commits the offense(s) of publication and/or news rack theft when he or she willfully or knowingly obtains or exerts unauthorized control over more than one copy of any edition of a publication distributed on or off campus (a “publication” is any periodical that is distributed on a complimentary basis). Any person who commits these offences is responsible for compensating The Scribe for any reasonable costs incurred, including, where appropriate, the refunding of advertising fees. Archives Additional copies of the current publication volume are available in The Scribe’s office. The Scribe keeps issues from the past five volumes for internal use only. The Office of University Archives will handle any request for additional issues from the past five years and before. Advertising If you, your club, organization or business wishes to advertise with The Scribe, please call (719) 255-3469 or email
Email the editor at
December 3, 2012
Secession: the patriotic movement begins with Texas
Aaron Collett This past election was a joke. Almost every battleground state went to Obama. The clear amount of voter fraud aside, there are way too many America-hating liberals in the U.S., and they are destroying this country. The time for secession has come. The vast, bloated, Cthulhu-esque machinery of the federal government must be stopped – for
good. The country has now stepped onto the slippery slope of liberalism and is months away from descending into absolute fascism. Real, true Americans must separate themselves from the decaying corpse of this once-great nation. President Barack Obama will soon be declared Dictator for Life. Despite the Republicans having a slight majority in the House and a slight minority in the Senate, Democrats are going to simply be able to do whatever they want. This blatant disregard for our freedoms has to stop. The only answer is peaceful secession. With less than 1 percent of the population, we will be able to take control of the state of Texas and turn it into a utopian paradise.
“No, don’t go, Texas!” said absolutely no one ever.
Comic by Robert Solis
The borders will be closed – except for some white immigrants, but even then they must come from other seceded states. There will be no taxes because those are a tool of the
corrupt, oppressive federal government. Our economy will be the 15th strongest in the world – which we will be able to maintain with an almost completely closed border and zero taxes.
We will make up any shortfall by lowering government spending. We will automatically take control of all the military equipment and personnel within the borders of our new
(seem) smarter and more well-rounded than you were before.
People rarely get good jobs by just applying for every one that comes along. Most of the time, people get jobs because they know someone that can help that process along.
Employers don’t see your diploma and say, “Cool, you’ve got a signed pass to money; here’s a large paycheck.” Employers see your diploma and know you’re not a quitter because you made it through four years of school.
Page 9
country. We will immediately declare war on the USSR and China – those commie fools have had it coming. And the best part: They won’t be able to retaliate since the other decaying states will be blocking their path. So, what is an American patriotic to do? Sign the petitions on whitehouse. gov. All of them. That’s the only way that they’ll know they’re getting an accurate account of the scale of this movement. We are a grassroots movement, but for every person that signs a petition, there are at least 50 people who don’t. You must make up that difference. Once we hit 1 percent of the population of Texas, there will be no stopping us. S
Four reasons to get a college degree – besides just a job out attending college. So why get a degree? There are other better reasons for higher education. Here are the top four reasons to go to college besides getting a job:
Cynthia Jeub I’m not attending college to get a job. That’s not because I don’t want a job, but higher education tends to accumulate as much debt as an income improvement, and it’s possible to get a job with-
1. Education Yes, it seems obvious. But ask average college students why they’re getting a degree, and they’ll answer something like “to get a better job” or “to get a pay raise.” Rarely is learning in itself listed among the top reasons for, well, learning. Learning will provide the knowledge needed for that job you want. Basic learning makes you
2. Networking Here’s a secret: Your professors and instructors know people – people who can help you build a career. It’s harder to build lifelong relations outside of the college atmosphere than from within. Surrounded by the professional world of academia, you have the chance to prove yourself and make your name known. The well-known proverb says that it doesn’t matter what you know; it matters who you know.
3. Developing a work ethic There’s a reason college graduates are more likely to keep jobs than those who skipped or dropped out, and it’s not just because you know more. Graduates have had to work hard to balance full class schedules, a job, an internship and living on their own for the first time.
4. Time By the time students are juniors in high school, they’ve become sick and tired of being asked what they want to be when they grow up. Our society gives high schoolers approximately 1-2 years, in the most tumultuous time of their lives, to try and decide
what they’re going to be doing for the next 50 years. College helps solve this problem: You get a chance to look at the options and try some of them out. Even if you screw up as a freshman and don’t like that major, transferring credits and applying to a different major is now easier than ever. You’re buying yourself time to make the best decision for yourself by going to college. Perhaps, on the other side of a graduation, we’ll realize college wasn’t all about the diploma. It was about growing up, learning and developing a work strategy. S
Middle East conflict: the match that lights World War III
Nick Burns World War III may be closer than you think. With the current tensions in the Middle East, we may witness this devastating event in our lifetime. The region has been plagued with political and religious tension for thousands of years, countless lives lost over a myriad of
conflicts and the coming large-scale conflict hinging on Israel and Iran. The ceasefire between Hamas and Israel on Nov. 21 will likely be tentative and short-lived. Like the ceasefire agreements made in 2008 and 2009, Israel and Hamas will begin a new strategy to gain ground, intelligence and political power – then the attacks will continue. According to Hamas, the rockets and weapons used in Gaza are being smuggled from Egypt. Israel has accused Iran of helping provide these weapons. The head of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, Mohammad Ali Jafari, recently stated that the rockets are not coming from Iran, but
they have “transferred” the technology to produce them. And Iran has not held its tongue in calling for Israel’s demise. Both Iran and Israel are preparing to go on the offensive and defensive with one another – in addition to other countries they believe may pose a threat. Tensions have already arisen with Iran conducting military exercises this summer, when mockups of nearby opposition military air bases were bombed. Iran also threatened the U.S. with the thinly veiled statement from Iran’s Revolutionary Guards General Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who said, “U.S. bases in the region are within range of
our missiles and weapons, and therefore they certainly will not cooperate with the regime (Israel).” Iran’s incredible insistence on developing nuclear weapons capabilities should also be a reminder that they have no reservations for their use. Tensions halfway across the world will affect America as a whole. The Middle East looks like a row of dominoes. Israel would be the one falling block to tumble the rest, leading to an ascending level of conflict. The web of treaties and defensive agreements will cause this conflict to escalate. First of all, America backs Israel (and let’s face it, we’re not too popular ourselves). If Israel
and Iran enter a conflict, America will step in. Because of a joint defense pact, Syria then joins the conflict against Israel, giving Lebanon (on the northern border of Israel) enough reason to join the fight. Egypt will enter the clash against Israel only if America does not provide enough political pressure to keep their current neutrality. These are the immediate players, with Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan and most of Africa all swinging doors that could enter the fray at the local level. Most of these countries are against Israel, though Turkey could go either way. Enter the large players, Russia and China
– who may support Iran for economic and/or security concerns – and a real world conflict is stirring. The European Union steps in, and now the conflict is global. Here in Colorado Springs, a large military community, we would all be impacted. You, a friend or a family member would go to fight this war. If our government sees it fit, the draft could be implemented. The war efforts on the home front will ensure that every citizen feels the sacrifice of a world at war. I keep eyeing the Middle East and hoping I am wrong. But, while we hope for the best, we should always prepare for the worst. S
Life on the Bluffs
Page 10
Campus Chatter Alexander Nedd,, photos by Robert Solis
December 3, 2012
Top Ten
More than 20 million students are in the U.S., with more than 10,000 at UCCS. Their opinions matter.
ways to procrastinate during finals
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Talk to your mom – just kidding, she’s playing Farmville
Play Farmville with your mom or a classmate’s mom Go to the store to buy Hot Pockets
Guillermo Gonzalez, ju- Jeong Seo, sophomore, mechanical engineernior, political science ing What finals do you have and which ones are you worried about? My ROTC final and my presidency final. With my ROTC final, it’s a lot of information put together, a lot of attacking, a lot of different types of strategies and maneuvers, a lot of different battle drills that we have to remember, and we have to put it all out at one time. It’s a lot to remember. And with my political science one, it basically deals with my critical thinking skills. I know the information, but I just have to put it together.
What finals do you have and which ones are you worried about? Thermo and Chemistry. Just ‘cause those two are my hardest classes. What do you wish you could change about finals week? I wish it was longer. Instead of finals week, it should be like finals two weeks.
Keegan Luke, junior, computer science
Pedro Barrera, psychology, sophomore
What finals do you have and which ones are you worried about? Probably Discrete Math, Probability and Stats, simply because they are math classes. One is proofs, which I am terrible at. And the other one I would like to get a high grade on so I can improve my GPA.
How do you prepare for finals? I usually try to take notes and look over my notes a week before it. And then, usually the night before finals, I stay up all night.
What do you wish you could change about finals weeks? Actually, finals week is fine because it means I only have a few classes to worry about and some time in between to do some extra studying.
Dog House Diaries
Watch “My Little Pony”
Learn how to cook Spend the night looking for UFOs Build a fort in the living room
What advice do you give others to study? Don’t do what I do.
Daydream about life after finals Write down a list of ways to procrastinate, so as to avoid them
What do you wish you could change about finals week? That they weren’t all clumped up together. S
* Editor’s note: Reporter could not be contacted to finish Top 10 before deadline.
Bring your completed sudoku to The Scribe (UC 106) for a prize! Last week’s sudoku answers can be found at
Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.58)Office
2 4
7 1
Tuesday, Dec. 4 Free Pancakes University Center 7:30 a.m.
Rain Machine: Eric Tillinghast GOCA 1420 Noon Gamers’ Night Clyde’s 6 p.m.
Wednesday, Dec. 5 Avalanche Awareness Clinic Rec Center 5 p.m. Core Express Rec Center 5:10 p.m. CSI (Cardio Strength Intervals) Rec Center 6 p.m.
8 1
Comic courtesy of
This week at
4 1
Thursday, Dec. 6 Friday, Dec. 7 Dec. Generated by on Wed NovSaturday, 28 13:58:05 2012 GMT.8 Enjoy! Hula Hoop Fitness Rec Center Noon
Vinyasa (Flow Yoga) Rec Center 4 p.m.
Zumba Rec Center 4:40 p.m.
Men’s/Women’s basketball vs. Metro State Gallogly Event Center 5:30 p.m.
“You Can’t Take It With You” Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater 7:30 p.m.
University Choir Centennial Hall Auditorium 7:30 p.m.
Ski and Soak Trip: Monarch Mt. and Hot Springs Meet at Rec Center 6 a.m. Men’s/Women’s basketball vs. Regis Gallogly Event Center 5:30 p.m. Chamber Ensemble Centennial Hall Auditorium 7:30 p.m.
December 3, 2012
Page 11
After two seasons, Buffaloes say CU later to Embree too soon
Kyle Marino After one of the worst seasons in school history, the Colorado Buffaloes (1-11, 1-8) have fired second-year Head Coach Jon Embree. This once storied and proud football program hit rock bottom after a 42-35 loss to Utah in the final game of the season, costing Embree his job after a forgettable two years. CU is quite possibly the worst program in all of the NCAA, which has more than 100 teams in just Division I. This program is decimated. Making matters worse is the fact the Buffaloes are in a tough conference, the Pac-12, with the likes of USC, Oregon,
Arizona State and UCLA. With all of these great teams in their conference, recruiting is hard, especially since one of the “pipeline” states that Colorado recruits heavily is California. It is almost impossible for the Buffaloes to gain any traction against these prestigious schools and stiff competition that already have more talent than Colorado. Coach Embree needed more time to continue building a winning culture, especially given the circumstances presented. Who is the program going to turn to now? Who in their right mind would come to a school as down and out as CU has been over the past five to 10 years? Yes, Boulder is a beautiful campus and has a lot to offer, but coaches and players are unlikely to want to come to such a pathetic school to play football, especially with so many great options throughout Division I. There have been many rumors of potential can-
Photo by courtesy of The Redskins Blog Jon Embree, former head coach of the CU Buffaloes, has been fired after two seasons. didates, including former Buccaneers and Raiders head coach Jon Gruden. Recently fired Auburn Coach Gene Chizik, former Oregon Coach and Athletic Director Mike Bellotti and former CU Head Coach Bill McCartney have also been linked to the vacancy. Maybe the answer to
CU’s coaching problem could come in one of these former coaches, but it is highly unlikely they will come to this program, and they carry a ton of baggage with them as well. The answer could lie in the success of a littleknown coach from a smaller school: Rob Ambrose. Ambrose, from
Towson University, could be just what this program needs. Ambrose has a tough and gritty team that can hang with the best teams in Division I (they almost upset LSU in Baton Rouge) and is from a Division I-AA school. No matter who takes over as the new coach at
CU, hopefully the higherups will give him more than two years to turn this shipwreck around. The new head coach needs to bring a true winning culture to CU and make the CU players, fans and alumni all proud. It is what every CU fan deserves and will eventually get. S
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Page 12
December 3, 2012
Senior Kinzer named RMAC Defensive Player of the Year Samantha Morley At any time, nearing the end of a long journey can be both a sad and joyous occasion. For Nikki Kinzer, her senior year as a volleyball player has ended. A few weeks ago, Kinzer and her teammates played their last match of the season. Now, after lengthy evaluation among coaches, Kinzer has been named RMAC Defensive Player of the Year. “Defensive player of the year for us as a staff is a validation of all her hard work,” Keith Barnett, Kinzer’s long-time coach, said. “For UCCS, it means we as an athletic department have come a long way and still have a ways to go.”
“I can’t stress enough the fact that it’s a reflection of the team,” Kinzer said. She emphasized that it is the combination of block assists and other players that help earn points for the entire team. “The awards I’ve received this year are a total reflection of the people who have pushed me every day at practice. You’re playing against each other, so that’s going to make you better,” she said. In regards to her future, Kinzer plans to focus on her career as a teacher. “I’m a secondary teacher, so I’ll either be teaching middle or high school,” she said, adding that she is currently applying for the licensure program at UCCS.
To become a teacher, it is a requirement to observe classes in schools. Kinzer has chosen to observe at Doherty High School under her favorite teacher, Deb Pierce. “I’ve been blessed with really good English teachers,” she said. When asked if she would like to coach, Kinzer said, “I’m not going into teaching to coach ... I believe in teaching because I like English. I want to make kids passionate about English.” Regarding Coach Barnett, Kinzer admits that both of them are sad about her transition out of sports and into teaching. “We have a special relationship. He’s been my coach all the way through school,” Kinzer said. “It’s been tough the
past couple weeks.” She explained she was around when Barnett proposed to his wife and that everyone is like a family. “She’s been wonderful to coach,” said Barnett. “To get recognized by the coaches in the conference as the most dominant defensive player of the year is a great accomplishment ... Hopefully we will build on the success of this season into the years to come.” Even though Kinzer will no longer be a member of the UCCS team, she hopes to remain connected to her teammates and coaches as she pursues her career as a teacher. She and her fellow volleyball players will have a small get-together within the next week to conclude their time as teammates. S
File photo by Nick Burns Nikki Kinzer, right, was named the RMAC Defensive Player of the Year.
powder that coats the side of the mountain. Monarch Mountain accepts all challengers regardless of previous experience. About two dozen UCCS students will have a chance to go on the annual Ski and Soak trip on Dec 8. Daniel Bowan, outdoor
recreation coordinator, has been hosting the trip for three out of the five years he has been at the Recreation Center “We take about 26 students up and go to Monarch Mountain, where we ski and snowboard for the day … after that, we go to the hot springs,” said Bow-
an. “We spend an hour or two soaking there before hopping back on the bus.” Following a day on the slopes, students have the opportunity to relax in Mt. Princeton Hot Springs. “Having the hot springs is perfect,” said Bowan. “You can get all relaxed in the hot springs and fall asleep on the way home.” The springs consist of four pools (soaking, relaxation, exercise and upper) and a creek. The soaking pool can reach 105 degrees, and the exercise pool remains a consistent 90 degrees. The $65 price for the trip includes lift tickets, bus rides to and from the locations and a hot springs pass. Bowan said the offer is affordable in comparison to places like the Breckenridge Ski Resort, which charges about $90 per day for lift tickets alone.
For new skiers and snowboarders, Bowan stresses that Monarch Mountain is a great starting point. “Monarch is a good place to come and learn. It’s more family friendly. We try to do informed ski instruction for anyone that is new,” he said. Bowan himself will be learning how to snowboard for the first time this year. Also just learning the ropes is mechanical engineering major Topher Modisett. “I have never tried either one. I am going to try to snowboard,” Modisett said. He hopes his previous skateboarding days in high school will help. Regarding this year’s trip, Modisett said, “All of my friends are going, and I thought it’d be fun to try it. It’s always something I’ve wanted to try.” Students participating in
Ski and Soak offers an annual trip to Monarch, hot springs Samantha Morley A puff of breath mixes with the freezing air, creating a cloud of white. Fingers and toes throb against their warm restraints. Looking down, expert and newbie skiers and snowboarders slice through the
Photo courtesy of SOLE UCCS students posed outside of the bus from the last Ski and Soak trip.
We exclusively carry
the Ski and Soak should be prepared to last through a 14- or 15-hour day. To get to the mountain at a good time, participants will have to leave the school by 6 a.m. Bowan sums up the event as “the quintessential Colorado experience to go skiing all day and then relax in the hot springs.” S
The Lowdown What:
Ski and Soak
Dec. 8, 6 a.m.
Sign up at the Recreation Center
How much: $65
More information: