April 6, 2015

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Since 1966


scribe.uccs.edu Vol. 39, Iss. 23

Monday, April 6, 2015



LeVar Burton event rescheduled April Wefler awefler@uccs.edu


Campus will receive upgrade to increase the speed of the internet 2

Plant Fund $63,000 of leftover student fee money to be rolled over 4


‘Take Back the Night’ Event raises awareness about sexual assault 5


Newest ‘Fast and Furious’ movie action packed and exciting 7

University of Colorado Colorado Springs

courtesy | uccs communiQue

LeVar Burton, ‘Reading Raindow’ and ‘Star Trek’ actor, will be at UCCS on April 27 instead of April 14.

LeVar Burton, who was slated to speak on April 14, has been rescheduled for April 27 at 7 p.m. at the Gallogly Events Center. Stephen Cucchiara, assistant director of the Office of Student Activities, said that Burton, “Reading Rainbow” host and former “Star Trek” actor, was invited to the White House as a special guest to the president and vice president. “He really did not want to cancel, so they worked with us. April 27 was the day that worked for them and worked for us,” Cucchiara said. Tickets purchased for the April 14 date will be honored. Those who purchased tickets on campus but cannot attend on the new date should go the University Center front desk with the ticket and

valid identification to receive a refund. Additional tickets are available at the University Center front desk. Burton will speak about literacy in America as part of the UCCS Significant Speaker Series.

The Lowdown What: LeVar Burton speech Where: Gallogly Events Center When: April 27 7 p.m. How much: Students/Faculty/ Staff/Military $5 General Admission $15

Plan to turn Bates Elementary into housing for students


Online bullies Social media websites need to follow through with their policies 9

Religious bill New bills passed in Indiana and Arkansas harmful 9


March Madness Why millions put so much stock on college students 11

Track Men and women transition from indoor to outdoor season 12

nooh alrashid | the scribe

Bates Elementary, the closed school west of the university, is set to be demolished and replaced with housing for students.

April Wefler awefler@uccs.edu

Differing perspectives have emerged due to a plan to tear down Bates Elementary and build a 550-bed apartment complex for UCCS students. The idea to turn Bates into a building for student housing was proposed by GG Land Group, LLC, a Chicagobased real estate company and a partner of The Lodges’ developer. Bates closed in 2013 and is located across Austin Bluffs from UCCS. “Bates School became an opportunity for us. It’s directly across from campus and [students] can walk and don’t have to use the shuttle,” said

“I knew about the history of the neighborhood. The neighborhood changes, Bates closed. That wasn’t me.” — Tom Galuski President and CEO of GG Land Group, housing developer Tom Galuski, president and CEO of GG Land Group. “We saw the site and just got lucky. Very rarely do we get schools for schools,” he said. Galuski said that they want to build safe, state-of-the-art full amenity housing with gyms, pools and Wi-Fi for students. “I think [the students will] think very highly of [the new housing.] The Lodges are highly sought-after. It’s an

attractive alternative for kids going to school full-time,” he said. Neighbors of Bates see the situation differently. “[Bates] is like a little slice of yesteryear. Most [neighbors] are disappointed it closed,” said Edy Kline, resident of the Cragmoor neighborhood. She said that many neighbors are worried about raucous college students. “My little street is quiet. It’s going to be noisy. One lady

with little kids is moving out because it’ll be too noisy for her.” But, Kline added: “I’d rather have [the college students] in one area than scattered in the neighborhood.” Tim Eager, senior communication major, said the plan sounds like a great idea. “What else are they going to do with the school? If they’re not going to do anything, then tear it down and build houses for students,” he said. GG Land Group entered into the bidding war for the school a week before it concluded. Continued on page 3 . . .

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