Dec. 3, 2010

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the scribe

A Look Inside the ISSUE


New Director of Financial Aid found

page 5


Firedance Coffee Co. a good, fresh cup of joe

page 8

Book Review: The Book of Beer Pong: The Official Guide to the Sport of Champions

page 8


Atheist demands elimination of “witer break”

page 9 OPINION | Truth Bombs | Christmas in the Crosshairs

page 10 | The Lucid Line | The KSM trial: Bad PR

page 10 SPORTS | Sports Buzz | For the love of the game

page 11

Winter Break is notorious for being the one month and a week where classes are non-existent and students are given the choice to do what they want to do. This Winter Break let The Scribe help you solve the boredom equation by enabling a quick fix to any situation. Be it finding that perfect gift, trying out a new winter sport, learning about a new holiday, feasting upon pounds of candy, catching an awardwinning movie, attending a UCCS winter sporting event, giving back to your community, or just finding random activities to do with a sled, let The Scribe be your guide to an enjoyable Winter Break.



In the Middle the FEATURE

Stuff to do Over Winter Break pages 5, 6 and 7

December 3 to January 24, 2010 [Volume 34; Issue 14]


Catherine Jensen

Sports Shorts

The official student newspaper of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs.

You know you need to go “house hunting” around campus. The Ramen noodles box you recently purchased at Costco: You can probably fit your floor in there.

Continued on: pages 5, 6 and 7



OSA scores big name band for Spring 2010 Info: At a glance Band revealed: 1/22/10 Concert date: 4/23/2010 Randy Robinson For the first time in school history, UCCS will host a concert for a big name band this Spring 2010, according to Office of Student Activities(OSA) staff. The event, which is the brainchild of OSA Graduate Assistant Mitch Karstens, is becoming a reality after survey results showed significant student interest in such an opportunity. The task has been a slow undertaking, as organizing such a large event features a handful of obstacles, said Karstens. “We have been working on the proposal phase of the concert for about four months now,” Karstens wrote in an email. “This has allowed us to think through the concert and complete bids with vendors,” he added. The effort has been massive, according to Karstens, who has contacted and discussed the details of the concert with roughly 35 campus administrators and departments, as well as over a dozen off-campus vendors, sponsors and partners to participate in the event. Exactly which bands will

Prospective bands: Third Eye Blind Flobots Breaking Benjamin 3oh!3 Hinder be playing remains unclear, but Karstens said the list of possible headliners has been narrowed down to one of five bands: Third Eye Blind, Flobots, Breaking Benjamin, 3oh!3 or Hinder. “We will be having at least three bands playing the night of the concert,” he wrote. “The first will be the winner of the UCCS Battle of the Bands. We will be hosting this sometime in March. We will then be getting a mid-size opening band and then our national band [to perform last].” The headlining band will be announced at the grand opening of the UCCS Events Center on Jan. 22. For students who are interested in updates concerning the concert, a Facebook group called “UCCS Concert Interest Group” sends out updates to all those interested. Karstens mentioned that students may leave feedback at the Facebook group concerning which band(s) students would most like to see at the concert, and said that OSA will take this input into account when planning the event. The concert will take place the same day as ROAR Daze on Apr. 23. 2010, at the Four Diamonds Soccer Stadium. ◆

SGA Semester Synopsis Catherine Jensen

As fall semester comes to a close, Student Government is reflecting on its original goals and how its accomplishments stack up. Its biggest accomplishment so far, according to President Daniel Garcia, has been the passage of a one-page resolution urging the regents to adopt a CU system-wide sustainability policy. SGA joined forces with student governments at CUDenver and CU-Boulder to pass the resolution. On Nov. 12, the Board of Regents unanimously approved the resolution. Though the procedural measure has no administrative or enforcement implications, Garcia said it will open up the Regents’ resources and support to CU schools as they craft their own sustainability policies. It will also enable schools within the CU system to make sustainability changes without having to adhere to specific guidelines. The CU system is the third system in the nation to have such a policy passed, Garcia said. Sustainability was just one item on SGA’s list of goals, said Garcia. Garcia and Vice President James Burge told The Scribe when they began this semester they hoped to create a more sustainable campus, bring diversity to SGA, and address the concerns and needs of groups on campus. Garcia said a lot of this semester’s focus has been on changing the climate within

SGA. “We have clearer visions and goals now. Campus seems to be becoming more open and dynamic.” Burge commented that much of the past semester’s focus has been on training new members and attending workshops covering topics like inclusiveness and viewpoint neutrality. “We are representing the student body and becoming more visible,” said Student Director of Finance Mitch Karstens. “For the first time in over a year students have been present at all the UBAC [University Budget and Appropriations Committee] meetings, Inter campus meetings, and meetings with the Chancellor, Deans, and Faculty. I have seen a lot of changes in the aspect of accountability and the productivity of members.” Some of those changes include the filling of vacant positions, the funding of 44 clubs and organizations for a total of almost $60,000 and the renovation of the ROAR office, said Karstens. Budget guidelines have also seen changes since last spring. The travel policy, Karstens said, has been simplified. Clubs can now be allotted $300 per person for travel within the state, and $600 per person out of state, for a maximum of four members. The $4,000 maximum amount that clubs can receive annually has been leveled out and can no longer be overridden by vote, Karstens added. Currently, SGA is working to improve the constitution Continued on page 4

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