Dec. 8, 2014

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Since 1966

Vol. 39, Iss. 14

Winter Issue

IN BRIEF University of Colorado Colorado Springs

New finals schedule gets mixed reviews


Money surplus Student government looking to disperse over $60,000 in leftover student funds 2

Austin Braun Freshman enters NASA twitter contest, wins trip to Florida to view Orion launch 4


Internships New Colorado Springs program offers opportunities for students 5

‘The Bluffs’ update UCCS sci-fi series set to premier in April 7


Finals Exams that aren’t during finals week can have pros and cons 9

Christmas controversy Greetings should not be an issue; commercialization of holidays 9


Men’s basketball Team breaks margin of victory record 11

Coach Harmer Women’s cross country coach to leave the country after season 12

rachel ricci | The Scribe

Brenda Bates, left, and Zoe Miller, right, study for final exams in the Kraemer Family Library.

Samantha Morley

The new finals schedule is mixing things up for students this semester. Finals week begins Monday, Dec. 15. This semester, the schedule has been adjusted to not conflict with Commencement, which takes place on Friday, Dec. 19. Students in past semesters could have had a final on Friday and missed the ceremony. “A large number of graduating students had finals on that Friday and so they would have to find a way to make them up,” registrar Tracy Barber said. To fix the attendance problem, Barber and a team of faculty decided to remove exams from Friday and push everything between Monday and Thursday. In order to accommodate for this shift, 30 minutes were also removed from the testing periods. Barber doesn’t think this will create much of a problem for students. “There are not as many finals on Friday as there are on the other days and not all courses offer finals,” she said. Several students agree. “[It’s] awesome. I’d rather not have a final exam on Friday,” Gail Oliver, sophomore biology major,

said. “I think they do a pretty good job of spreading them out throughout the four days that we do have exams. So even though it’s one less day I think they did a pretty good job at spreading it out.” “I think it’s a good thing because you’re done with exams early and no one really uses that extra 30 minutes at the end I don’t think anyways,” Dustin Tackett, a senior biology major expected to graduate in spring 2015, said. “I guess it depends on if you have someone who you want to go see or not at Commencement,” Haley Helm, senior biology major, said. “I guess it’s a good thing if you want to get out, but if you don’t I think the extra 30 minutes is nice.” Others think the change will put more stress on getting the test completed in time. “Depending on the class, that could be an issue,” Jeff Baston, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said. “Since I’m an engineer … we needed the full two and a half hours to complete things.” Some don’t anticipate being affected by the change. “It doesn’t really affect me,” Brian Sullivan, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said. “My finals aren’t really that long Continued on page 3 . . .

megan lunsford | The Scribe

2013 fall exam schedule, top, and the revised 2014 fall exam schedule, bottom. Finals were condensed between Monday and Thursday of finals week to alleviate scheduling conflicts with Commencement.

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