Dec. 8, 2014

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Since 1966

Vol. 39, Iss. 14

Winter Issue

IN BRIEF University of Colorado Colorado Springs

New finals schedule gets mixed reviews


Money surplus Student government looking to disperse over $60,000 in leftover student funds 2

Austin Braun Freshman enters NASA twitter contest, wins trip to Florida to view Orion launch 4


Internships New Colorado Springs program offers opportunities for students 5

‘The Bluffs’ update UCCS sci-fi series set to premier in April 7


Finals Exams that aren’t during finals week can have pros and cons 9

Christmas controversy Greetings should not be an issue; commercialization of holidays 9


Men’s basketball Team breaks margin of victory record 11

Coach Harmer Women’s cross country coach to leave the country after season 12

rachel ricci | The Scribe

Brenda Bates, left, and Zoe Miller, right, study for final exams in the Kraemer Family Library.

Samantha Morley

The new finals schedule is mixing things up for students this semester. Finals week begins Monday, Dec. 15. This semester, the schedule has been adjusted to not conflict with Commencement, which takes place on Friday, Dec. 19. Students in past semesters could have had a final on Friday and missed the ceremony. “A large number of graduating students had finals on that Friday and so they would have to find a way to make them up,” registrar Tracy Barber said. To fix the attendance problem, Barber and a team of faculty decided to remove exams from Friday and push everything between Monday and Thursday. In order to accommodate for this shift, 30 minutes were also removed from the testing periods. Barber doesn’t think this will create much of a problem for students. “There are not as many finals on Friday as there are on the other days and not all courses offer finals,” she said. Several students agree. “[It’s] awesome. I’d rather not have a final exam on Friday,” Gail Oliver, sophomore biology major,

said. “I think they do a pretty good job of spreading them out throughout the four days that we do have exams. So even though it’s one less day I think they did a pretty good job at spreading it out.” “I think it’s a good thing because you’re done with exams early and no one really uses that extra 30 minutes at the end I don’t think anyways,” Dustin Tackett, a senior biology major expected to graduate in spring 2015, said. “I guess it depends on if you have someone who you want to go see or not at Commencement,” Haley Helm, senior biology major, said. “I guess it’s a good thing if you want to get out, but if you don’t I think the extra 30 minutes is nice.” Others think the change will put more stress on getting the test completed in time. “Depending on the class, that could be an issue,” Jeff Baston, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said. “Since I’m an engineer … we needed the full two and a half hours to complete things.” Some don’t anticipate being affected by the change. “It doesn’t really affect me,” Brian Sullivan, sophomore mechanical engineering major, said. “My finals aren’t really that long Continued on page 3 . . .

megan lunsford | The Scribe

2013 fall exam schedule, top, and the revised 2014 fall exam schedule, bottom. Finals were condensed between Monday and Thursday of finals week to alleviate scheduling conflicts with Commencement.


Dec 8, 2014­| 2

Incline reopens, students eager to utilize and S.O.L.E. may look at a trip Eleanor Skelton

The Incline in Manitou Springs, one of the steepest local hiking trails rising 2,000 feet in about a mile, reopened Dec. 5. After last year’s flooding, the trail needed repair, and closed Aug. 18. The repairs totaled $1.6 million, according to 9News. The Student Outdoor Leadership Expeditions office may now schedule an inclinerelated event. “We haven’t actually done any trips on the Incline,” said Nathan Miller, a sophomore majoring in accounting, who is a program assistant at the S.O.L.E. shop. “Now that it’s a public trail and it’s nice, it’s probably a possibility,” Miller said. “It just probably kind of depends on what kind of trip we’re looking for. One of those options would be like going up to Barr Camp via the Incline, as an overnight trip.” Miller leads hikes, skiing trips and mountain biking for students and helps teach clinics for avalanche awareness. The last hiking trip he led this semester was a moonlight hike over North Cheyenne Canyon. Miller hiked the Incline himself a couple of times, the most recent a few years ago. “I think it’s a good workout,” Miller said. “Just because of the volume of people on it, I think to a lot of people it is just a

reilly flood | The Scribe

The renovated Manitou Incline reopened on Dec. 5. The stairs are more even and less hazardous than before.

workout.” Students who hike regularly expressed interest in returning to the Incline. “I loved it,” said Gage O’Neill, sophomore majoring in physical therapy. “I’ve been there a couple of times, and I can’t wait honestly until it reopens. I know they’re doing a bunch of renovations on it which

is going to be a little nicer.” O’Neill last hiked the Incline around the Fourth of July. “We’ll probably get a lot more people because I know a bunch of my friends didn’t want to do it because they just had surgery, so they didn’t want to risk anything and slip,” he added. Nick Chase, sophomore

psychology major, said he meets people from all over the city when he hikes the Incline. “I always talk to a lot of people who tell me they do it every morning, bright and early, they always go up there and watch the sun rise,” Chase said. “So it’s awesome that people are going to get to go do that again. I’ll probably be doing it again

this next semester.” But not all students are excited. “I don’t think it’s that great,” said Miriam DeJong, senior physics major. “It’s just a lot of work in a very specific spot on your legs that you don’t really need. It’s not like a full body workout. It’s just like stairs, who wants to do stairs all day?”

UCCS plans to increase relationship with Colorado Springs Police Nick Beadleston

Campus police could soon be expanding their relationship with local police, playing a greater role in local law enforcement. A plan to redefine the existing intergovernmental agreement between the UCCS Police Department and Colorado Springs Police Department is in the final review process. Pending approval from Colorado Springs City Council, it could go into effect as early as next year. The plan calls for an increase in both UCCS PD’s jurisdiction and ability to enforce municipal codes, and is an expansion of the 2004 agreement. “It was worked out so that our officers would have access to surrounding areas to help CSPD and to be good neighbors since our university is expanding,” said Brian McPike, UCCS chief of police, of both the original IGA and proposed update. McPike indicated CSPD will remain the primary enforcement agency regardless of an enlarged UCCS PD jurisdiction.

Much of the reason for the expanded IGA is due to the increasing number of UCCS students. “Within those enforcement boundaries, many of those things our campus police are responding to are involving students,” said Susan Szpyrka, vice chancellor for Administration and Finance. Szpyrka was the UCCS Chief of Police when the original IGA was created. While UCCS PD already has jurisdiction in areas surrounding the campus, per the new agreement, their authority would stretch roughly from Dublin Blvd. down to East Fillmore St. McPike was unwilling to give the exact expanded area until the deal is finalized. But he indicated the new area will likely include the apartments near the north Academy and Union intersection and The Lodges, north of University Village. “It already makes sense we would be able to respond up there, which we’ve already done, but in an official capacity now,” he said of The Lodges.

Along with increased areas of operation, the expanded IGA will enable campus police to enforce all city laws. Currently, UCCS PD can enforce five municipal codes, plus traffic codes, which pertain to weapons, alcohol and other banned substances. “It’s taking our little bit of enforcement authority, traffic and certain statutes, and giving us [CSPD’s] entire municipal code, and that’s substantial,” said McPike. He indicated this change will likely have little effect on campus. “We’re going to use the same guidelines we have in the past.” But off-campus, a student stopped by UCCS PD will be subject to any city statutes, similar to if they were stopped by a member of the CSPD. Depending on their offense, students stopped by UCCS officers off-campus can be subject to university disciplinary action in addition to other legal charges. While the new agreement will call UCCS PD to respond to a

larger area, the department will not be receiving any additional funding from the city. “I don’t look at it as a tradeoff, I look at it as an investment,” said McPike. “If anything ever happens on the campus up here, we’re going to draw considerable resources from the Colorado Springs Police Department.” He said the university already relies heavily on the Colorado Springs Fire Department for routine calls and fire system maintenance. “If we can assist [CSPD] and we have the ability to, that’s great,” said McPike. “But they fully understand that we are a small department, and our resources are finite.” Despite the lack of monetary compensation written into the plan, Szpyrka feels there are benefits for the university. “We find the IGA important in terms of actually bringing resources to the campus in ways we couldn’t do independently,” said Szpyrka. McPike indicated combined training between the two

departments would be a collaborative aspect of the agreement. “It instills that confidence in the officers,” he said. “The more you work together, the more you train together, the better your relationship is.” McPike dismissed concerns an expanded IGA would mean campus police responding to events away from the university, leaving it short staffed. “It is written into the agreement that this is on as available basis,” said McPike. “Our officers know this is their home turf, this is our little city inside the city.” “They’re dedicated to the university always, and that’s first and foremost our responsibility. The city has a very clear understanding of that. ” After approval by UCCS administration, the expanded IGA will be presented to the Colorado Springs City Council by CSPD Chief of Police Pete Carey for a vote. McPike expects the process to be complete some time next January.

News (continued from page 1) anyways.” Making up or taking an exam early costs $30 at the testing center and only certain times are available during finals week. “And as well, a lot of the faculty like to attend Commencement to support the students that they’ve been teaching the last number of years,” Barber said. “But if they have a finals schedule for Friday then they can’t necessarily attend Commencement.” “It’s created a conflict that’s really been problematic over a number of years.” Fall Commencement isn’t as large as spring Commencement. Marian Harris, Office of the Registrar program assistant, estimates that over 800 students graduate in the fall. Students worried about their finals can conference with their professors or make an appointment with advising. The Excel Centers are also available for study assistance. To make or take an exam early, students should contact the testing center.

Dec 8, 2014 ­| 3

Finals schedule, student reactions Excel Center Finals Week Schedule

Finals Week: Dec. 15 - 19 Math Center:

Writing Center:

Science Center:

Mon - Wed 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Closed Friday

Monday and Tuesday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Closed Friday

Mon - Wed 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday 8 a.m. to Noon Closed Friday

Language Center:

Communication Center:

Testing Center:

Engineering 233

Dwire Hall 270

Columbine Hall 316

Columbine Hall 312

Mon - Thurs 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Closed Friday

Mon - Wed 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday 9 a.m. to Noon

Centennial Hall 204

Main Hall 105 719-255-3354 Call to make an appointment Space limited during finals week Mon - Thurs 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Student Government addresses $63,000 surplus from previous semesters Nick Beadleston

Along with tuition and fees, students every semester pay a Student Activity Fee. This $14 fee, $7 during summer semester, funds the Student Government Association and student clubs and organizations. Some semesters there is a surplus. This money was added to a growing account, which until earlier this year was referred to as the Plant Fund. The fund totals more than $63,000 of unspent, generally overlooked, student fee money. Chen Zhao, the SGA director of finance, directed all questions regarding the fund to Sabrina Wienholtz, the SGA faculty advisor. Weinholtz explained the Plant Fund money has been returned to the Student Activity Fee fund, but the surplus still exists. “I think it’s fair to be concerned about where your student fee money is going,” said

Wienholtz. “I think it’s important to know the answers to that.” In the past, money from the surplus has been used to fund events, renovations and address requests from student clubs. According to the SGA’s Year in Review August 2013 - May 2014 document, money from the surplus was allocated to one student club to present research, another to begin building a memorial art project and a third to participate in a film project with alumni. Amounts were not provided. Plant Fund money was also used to “purchase lockers for students to use while in the Simulation Lab at University Hall.” “The rationale at the time was that these students can’t participate in activities because they have nowhere to put their stuff,” said Wienholtz. When asked what is preventing other departments from applying for funding from the surplus, Wienholtz said, “I think that’s a valid concern.”

“The argument has to come back to activities,” she said. SGA’s current concern is how to reduce the existing surplus. “There’s a few different ideas and until they get passed and approved by all senators, there’s nothing specific we have,” said Caytes Liley, SGA vice president. “Everything kind of changes day to day.” He indicated there have been talks to use some of the surplus to fund programs and events on campus, though he did not provide specifics, besides disc golf. “The biggest group that we can help probably is club spots,” said Courtney Eldred, SGA justice. “I think this would be a great way to get them more funding, in a more sustainable way.” “It is a lot of money, and I think it should be used for good, and for the right things […] instead of just wasted on nonsense,” said Eldred. While there may be differing opinions on how to allocate the

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surplus, there seem to be no shortage of uses for it. “There’s hundreds of ways we can spend the money,” said Liley. “We’re trying to find ways that will benefit the future, without students having to pay extra.” An SGA bill is needed to gain access to Student Activity Fee money. “The only way to allocate money from the Student Activity Fee [fund] is to go through the SGA Senate, and that’s through a bill,” said Wienholtz. “A student can write a bill, an SGA member can write a bill, but you do need the sponsorship of someone in student government to get it on the agenda.” Another concern for SGA is how to avoid such a large surplus in the future. “Part of what SGA is working on right now is creating processes that support adjusting their budgets in a more realtime way so that those sorts of accumulations don’t occur,” said Wienholtz. Reasons for an annual

increase in the surplus range from the SGA’s budget differing from projections to student organizations and clubs returning money at the end of the year. SGA leadership expects to have a long term solution in place before the end of their elected terms. “We hope to have a model that will prevent rapid growth of the Student Activity Fee fund by April,” said Liley. Liley said one proposed step includes reassessing the SGA budget, and funds available for student clubs, during the semester after census date. Currently, their budget is determined once a fiscal year, and is based off projections from the previous year. Another idea Liley presented was capping the available Student Activity Fee fund, but did not provide specifics on how that would work. “We need to do better,” said Liley. “The only way to do that is to change the system.”



Dec 8, 2014 ­| 4

Freshman views Orion launch after winning NASA contest

rachel ricci | The Scribe

courtesy | austin braun

Freshman Austin Braun went to Florida to witness the launch of the Orion spacecraft as part of the NASA Social. Braun was one of 150 contestants selected to attend.

Samantha Morley

He has chauffeured celebrities, worked for television shows, co-created a website and most recently witnessed the launch of NASA’s Orion spacecraft in Florida. On Oct. 30, freshman business major Austin Braun was notified that he was accepted as one of 150 winners to view the launch of the Orion Spacecraft. The launch took place on Dec. 5 at the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station. “I’m still shaking from excitement,” he said. Braun learned about the NASA Social when he was scrolling through Twitter. The contest called for social media users with a large following to apply. Braun has over

5,000 followers. Once on location, Braun was given press credentials that permitted him to visit mission control, chat with astronauts, talk to the research and engineering teams, view the inside of the Vehicle Assembly Building, go inside the launch control center and have a front row view of the launch. “It’s kind of a big deal because Orion is like the main starting point for the Mars missions,” he said. “I’m pretty honored.” In an email while he was on site, Braun stated that “being on this was nothing short of an honor. I’m thrilled, excited, and still in disbelief that I’m able to be a part of something so big.” “What’s not to like about space? It’s just human curiosity,” he

added. Braun has several other interests as well. In summer 2013 he worked with the crew of “Dear Eleanor,” an independent film that was produced in Longmont, Colo. Not only did he work on the set but Braun chauffeured actors such as Jessica Alba, Isabelle Fuhrman and Liana Liberato. “Small talk was difficult, but it was fun,” he said. He managed to land the job by sneaking onto the set. “I was lingering around the set because I wanted to see what it was like and then I saw some people lifting water bottle crates,” he said. Braun took a crate, joined in the line, found out that one of the assistants was let go that day and

they asked if he’d like to join. “And I was like ‘Of course, let’s do this,’” he said. Braun has also worked on the set of “The Voice” when the audition crew came to Denver earlier this year. He worked as a production assistant and crowd control for the long line of people waiting to audition. “They gave me a megaphone and I was in charge of keeping up the energy and getting them pumped up,” he said. “So, it was pretty fun.” Braun was also a grip for a Syfy channel show “Inner Dimension,” helping with the lighting and rigging equipment for the set. The series is expected to premier in 2015. Through his experience with film and television, Braun and a

few friends decided to develop a website to focus on aspects of news technology. He is the lead editor for, a website dedicated to featuring and reviewing news technology. Braun mentioned that the website hasn’t been very active due to focusing on school, but they try to put out at least one article per day. Their website has over 26,000 followers on Twitter so far. In terms of applying his degree, Braun is hoping to focus his knowledge on the business marketing and financial aspects of film. But he isn’t sure if he wants to make that his career. “It’s weird because I don’t know if I want to go into film or want to keep it on the side [as a] hobby,” he said. “That’s the line I’m going to have to cross.”

Cold weather, disability assistance affect shuttle bus routes and schedules Ashley Thompson

Cold temperatures can slow down the campus shuttle system. While they try to stick to an efficient schedule, sometimes cold weather can slow shuttles down. According to bus driver Robin Steffens, who has worked for UCCS for four years, the buses do not always warm up quickly and it usually takes one trip up the hill for the hot air to reach the entire passenger load. Sometimes placing cardboard in the radiator helps disperse the

heat more swiftly, he added. But when they don’t have much time, bus drivers have to just fill the buses and go. “It is crucial to have a sufficient amount of buses going during the ‘push,’” Steffens said, referring to the morning rush of commuters going from Four Diamonds to Centennial Hall. “We load up as many [students] as we can in the bus and go,” he said. “If the bus doesn’t fill up, we wait five minutes and then go.” Sometimes the process is also slowed when someone in a wheelchair needs help. All of the

UCCS shuttle buses are equipped with chairlifts for handicapped riders. There is room for two wheelchairs in the back of the shuttle, with lockdown straps for those who need it. Brenden Lynch, a senior English major, experienced problems this semester with a shuttle bus driver and the chairlift. “The bus drivers are usually very helpful,” he said. “I build relationships with them, like Carl, who drives me on Tuesdays.” Lynch was diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder in November of his junior year of high school. This disorder has led to

mobility issues, making walking a near impossibility. Lynch’s regular route is from University Hall to Centennial Hall. Since he is in a wheelchair, Lynch must use the chairlift when he rides the shuttle. For the chairlift to be utilized, drivers have to lower the bus, go around to the rear and lower the lift itself. Most of the time, Lynch said, drivers anticipate that a disabled student will be riding. But there was a replacement driver on his normal route and the driver was unaware that Lynch needed any special service.

“He had sort of an attitude, apparently he didn’t know that I was coming,” he said. Typically the driver is not the problem. Lynch says that there are often maintenance problems with the handicap lifts. “I was once stuck on the bus for thirty minutes and had to go to a different bus,” he said. Steffens said that his bus has been trustworthy thus far, but acknowledged maintenance problems with some of the other shuttles. “On one bus the heaters went out and drained all the antifreeze,” Steffens said.

Cheaper gas prices projected for 2015, students feel change Alexander Nedd

College students know the pain of filling up at the pump, especially those that attend UCCS as a commuter student. But cheaper gas prices are easing the pain. Gas prices have dropped both locally and nationally, a trend that is expected to continue over the next couple of months and well into next year. Early last month, the Energy Department predicted that the average cost of gasoline for

2015 would be close to $3 a gallon. If the move is correctly projected, it would be a 44 cent drop in average from last year, and could save consumers almost $61 billion in gas money. According to the Associated Press, rising oil production within the United States along with the global economy has resulted in this trend over the last several months. The average regular gasoline price in Colorado Springs was $2.74 on Dec. 5. More fuel efficient cars and a flourishing economy have contributed

toward reduced fuel demand. For consumers, the ability to save money on gas can have good effects both at home and within the economy. Lower gas prices allow consumers to spend more money on other goods which can in turn stimulate the economy. Students shared their enthusiasm on lower gas prices and commented about what it could mean to have a little extra in the bank. “I love it,” Jonathan Dalrymple, freshman mechanical engineering major,

said. “It allows me to hang out with my friends more and save, and could allow me to spend extra money on food.” Dalrympye spends about $50 a week in gas with his Audi A6. “I live so far away from town, I can now make extra trips,” he added. “I get to save more money,” Daniel Lewis Johnson, sophomore biomedical major, said. “I can buy better food.” Johnson travels to school in a Volkswagen Golf. He spends about $30 dollars every two weeks.

Other students don’t notice much of a change. “It’s not a big change for me,” Devan Lucero, freshman environmental science major, said. He mostly rides the bus to campus, but drives a Toyota Tercel around campus. “My car is really good on gas mileage,” Lucero added, only using $30 to fill up his tank. For now, U.S. consumers are enjoying the lowest prices seen since 2010. Now is a good time to fill up.


Dec 8, 2014 | 5

Exhibit showcases pictures of aftermath of Japan tsunami Audrey Jensen

The 2011 Tohoku Earthquake was one of the largest earthquakes ever to hit the coast of Japan. With a 9.0 magnitude and a tsunami with waves reaching up to 40 meters, an attempt to cool down the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant resulted in the evacuation of every person within a 20 kilometer radius of the plant. The “A Body in Fukushima” exhibit features digital photos of dancer and artist Eiko Otake. The photos were taken by Wesleyan University professor and photographer William Johnston. As part of the opening of the exhibit, students from UCCS and CC performed a “delicious movement” style dance. According to GOCA art director Daisy McConnell, delicious movement dancing is very improvisational, letting your body respond to the space you are in. Each wall of photos displays Otake in different positions at train stations that were affected and evacuated due to the 2011 disaster. Otake described her positions of movement as something that were spontaneous and developed throughout her career as a dancer. “It’s not just a movement of body, dance is a visual art,” she

audrey Jensen | The Scribe

Photographs of dancer and artist Eiko Otake in the GOCA exhibit ‘A Body in Fukushima.’

said. “In that sense, it’s how I decide to dress, where I sit, where I start, how I move from position A to position B. The visual work is only a glimpse.” Johnston and Otake decided to take photos twice, once in January and again in July. Johnston explained that in January him and Otake were coincidently in Japan and decided to start taking the photos while they were there. “The collaboration in a way is almost silent. We don’t say that much. She has a sense of how I work when I’m shooting and I have a sense of how she

works,” Johnston said. “She just goes someplace and puts the costume together, then I just look for the spots.” Otake had another reason to return to the area. “It almost took me a whole visit to be able to deal with it. I was totally immobilized out of the anger and emotion,” Otake said. Otake had visited the damaged site for the first time in August 2011. She said that by the second and third time she visited, she was ready to create an artistic piece. “Human nature is so strange,

even in the worst condition you kind of get used to it,” she said. Going back a second time allowed Otake and Johnston to see the effects of the seasons on the disaster sites. The exhibit displays maps of Japan showing the locations they traveled to when taking photos. There are GPS coordinates on the map that can be plugged in to Google so that visitors can see the exact locations. Otake and Johnston had to avoid certain areas of the site. Johnston said they could only be at certain train stations for a

limited amount of time due to radiation and evacuation. They were only allowed to be at these sites during the day. In the middle of the exhibit stands a topless black box that has projecting images on the inside to view. One of the walls near the back of the gallery will also be a slideshow of pictures already in the exhibit as well as extra pictures that are not displayed as prints. “What I want people to see is … a human body with the knowledge of nuclear radiation and why it happened, and how it happened,” said Otake. The exhibit is open now through Feb. 14, 2015, but will be closed for the holidays from Dec. 21, 2014 to Jan. 6, 2015. “A Body in Fukushima” can be visited Wednesday through Saturday from Noon-5 p.m. at GOCA 121, located at 121 S. Tejon St. in downtown Colorado Springs.

The Lowdown What: “A Body in Fukushima” Where: GOCA 1420 When: Now through Feb. 14 Wed - Sat Noon to 5 p.m. Closed Dec. 21 to Jan. 6 How much: Free

Startup Summer internship program looks to help start student careers Kyle Guthrie

Volunteering 20-40 hours a week in an internship they wish to work at in the future is a hard task to tack on to college life. Additionally, internships that pay their interns are often few and far between. But relief may be in sight for certain students at UCCS, as the Startup Summer internship program is casting a wider net in the hopes of recruiting students from the Colorado Springs area. The Startup Summer internship program was founded in 2012 in Boulder through an organization called Startup Colorado with the hopes of recruiting CUBoulder students into fulltime and part-time internship programs at a rate of $12 to $15 an hour. After seeing successful results, the program was

courtesy |

The Startup Summer internship program offers opportunities for college students.

expanded in 2013 to include students from Denver, and then expanded to Colorado Springs this summer. Kyle Harmande, the Startup Colorado director of the events, entrepreneurship and innovation club explained what his group was looking for in potential intern candidates. “We are taking interns that specialize in market research, things like the business side of things. We are also looking for interns who specialize in the

programming field, so people like computer science or engineering,” Harmande said. The program is looking for juniors and seniors majoring in business, computer science or engineering to apply. “That’s not a requirement, it’s just something that we think could help them in the field,” Harmande said. Internships take place over the summer. “[It’s] a 10 week program giving interns full time

employment with startup companies in [Colorado Springs], Denver and Boulder, and it’s totally directed towards college students for the summertime,” Harmande said. Harmande said the program has been met with success in the past. “Students who worked for these startup companies were often offered jobs at these same companies once they graduated,” he said.

Students also are encouraged to create and work on their own business ideas while in the internship. “At the end of the program they will be pitching their ideas to the CEOs and founders of these companies,” said Harmande. John-Scott Delva, the director of the program for this summer, believes that it will continue its trend of expanding. “We’ve looked at possible expansion, but there are no specific plans as of yet,” he said. “A lot of that will just depend on how this year goes.” Delva also explained his thoughts on the program. “What I’ve seen is that it provides interns with great founders and upper level executives,” he said. “It helps connect certain aspects of the community along with teaching those students more about their position than a standard internship.”

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Dec 8, 2014­| 7

‘The Lying Kind’ showcases the best of theater community Alexander Nedd

Rating: 5/5 stars

When Murphy’s Law goes into effect it usually spells havoc. Such was the case for the latest Theatreworks production. The play opened Dec. 4 and had audience members watch a situation go from bad to worse and love every moment of it. Members of the audience were in a constant state of laughter during “The Lying Kind.” The 2002 British play written by Anthony Neilson follows the tale of two constables Blunt (Stephen Cole Hughes) and Gobbel (Sammie Joe Kinnett) and the sobering task of informing a family that a loved one has passed away on the eve of Christmas. The simple yet haunting task of ringing the doorbell proves too much for these men. After minutes arguing, they are met by the play’s most memorable character Gronya (Emma Messenger), a tough pedophile hunter hell-bent on serving justice and taking the law into her own hands.

courtesy | theatreworks

‘The Lying Kind’ premiered on Dec. 4 at Theatreworks.

She demands to know what these cops are doing. They reluctantly give information after receiving a taste of her tactics. She leaves the cops to their duty of telling parents Garson (Billie McBride) and Balthazar (John WindsorCunningham) that their daughter has passed away. As the men are trying to break the news, the family mistakenly believes that their dog has died instead. The

misunderstanding leads to a series of events that seem so astronomically impossible that it works. The cops find themselves in lie after lie, burying the truth in hilarious scenarios that exemplify the horrible luck these cops have to face. The overall comedic timing of the play was priceless. The play’s creativity stands out with its use of every detail both in the script and on stage.

Seemingly meaningless points are brought back when the audience least expects it, from incredibly well timed dialogue to actual events that drive the storyline into yet another hysterically unexpected plot twist. The cast brought this play to life in ways that made it delightful to watch. Hughes and Kinnet are part of the play’s best scene as they strip tease for the audience. Jaws dropped and the audience erupted in laughter. Autumn Silva, freshman theater major and sign language minor, played Carol and is the cast’s only UCCS member. James Pierson and his wife Andrea are frequent visitors to Theatreworks and James enjoyed the night’s affairs on stage. “It was an excellently written play performed by an outstanding cast,” Pierson said. “I haven’t laughed that hard in while, it’s nice to go out every once in a while and see what the theater community has been working on.” “I would definitely encourage others to come out and see this,” said Viola Richardson, a mom of a UCCS student. “The cast was so amazing; you could just feel their energy on stage. I was

really impressed.” “The Lying Kind” runs from Dec. 4 through Dec. 21 with showings Wednesday through Friday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday matinees at 2 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 4 p.m. The play is free to all UCCS students. Tickets must be purchased or reserved before attending. Visit to reserve tickets online.

The Lowdown What: “The Lying Kind” Where: Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater 3955 Regent Circle When: Dec. 4 - 21 Wed - Sat 7:30 p.m. Dec. 13 and 20 2 p.m. Sundays 4 p.m. How much: Free to students Reserved: $35-$55 Children under 18: $15 Groups 10+: $25 Contains strong language

UCCS sci-fi series ‘The Bluffs’ to premiere in April Audrey Jensen

Strange abductions are happening at UCCS. The original UCCS science fiction series “The Bluffs” is expected to premier in April 2015. It will feature students and faculty in a variety of roles. David Nelson, communication department chair, created the series with Matthew Alvarado, senior communication major. Together they are putting together an alien world. The five main characters are UCCS students and Nelson. The series will feature guest appearances from other campus members as well. Expect to see cameos from assistant professor Christopher Bell, the Dean of Letters Arts and Sciences Peter Braza and campus security guards. Nelson said he hopes that the production work will be done by next semester. “We don’t have an exact date,” he said. “This turned out to be a pretty ambitious project.” Nelson also said that he originally thought they would get four episodes done, but admitted they may have been overly optimistic and will now produce only three.

As the fall 2014 semester wraps up so will filming. Scoring, special effects and editing is all that will be left. “We’re not worried too much about post-production. Over the holidays someone will take on editing,” said Nelson. The scoring, which is the music in a film or television show, will be created by sophomore visual and performing arts major, Joshua Aldrich. Nelson said that Aldrich can’t compose all of the music until he sees all of the episodes. The staff and cast of “The Bluffs” have had scheduling and timing conflicts. “The class may supposedly meet at 9:25 [a.m.], but you have to meet at 8:00 [a.m.] to start shooting to accommodate actors, because they have their own schedules,” said Alvarado, who is enrolled in both the writing and production classes for the series. “Our biggest concern getting to the end of the semester is getting everything shot, which is difficult when we only have one day that’s for sure when everyone is available,” Nelson said. Adams, a junior communication major, said there is diversity within the cast of students that includes theater majors and athletes. Adams

megan lunsford | The Scribe

Senior Matthew Alvarado films actresses in a small space, left, and tests dry ice effects for an upcoming scene, right, for UCCS sci-fi digital series ‘The Bluffs.’

himself is an entrepreneur. His former experience in acting includes theater productions in high school and being an extra for “Imagine That” starring Eddie Murphy. Although he has enjoyed the experience, Adams explained that there didn’t seem to be a clear long-term vision or goal. Nelson mentioned another conflict that the crew came across this semester. “We also ran into a little problem that we hadn’t really

thought about when writing this,” he said. “The span of time the three episodes take in the story is about three weeks. We’re shooting it over the course of the semester, so everything outside changes.” Because of this and Colorado’s unpredictable weather patterns, the production class decided to shoot every outside scene while there were still leaves on trees and no snow on the ground. “It is a lot more work and commitment than people think,”

Nelson said. This month they are finishing capturing scenes in all indoor settings. Nelson plans on screening “The Bluffs” and sharing a link online so anyone in the world is able to view the fifteen minute episodes. “Be a nice critic and enjoy the laughs,” Adams said. “Join the film community. Take part in it. If you think you can do it better, then offer your opinion.”


Dec 8, 2014 | 8

Tips to make New Year’s resolutions successful and not depressing Jonathan Toman Editor-in-Chief

Samantha Morley Managing Editor

Taylor Hargis Copy Editor

Eleanor Skelton News Editor

Audrey Jensen Culture Editor

Alexander Nedd Opinion Editor

Alexander Nedd

Life on the Bluffs Editor

Brandon Applehans Sports Editor

courtesy |

Sticky notes with goals for the New Year are one way people try to stay motivated.

Scribe Staff

New Year’s resolutions are difficult. They can really suck. Often, before they even start, they set you up for failure. More of the stories told in bars and living rooms in the months of January and February pertain to how the resolutions have failed, or are beginning to fail. Here are four keys to making New Year’s resolutions successful: make them achievable, definable, realistic and specific. Make them achievable. This means that the goal can actually be accomplished. World peace is not going to be created through the efforts

of one person. They cannot be too idealistic to be accomplished, like happiness. You won’t be happy all the time, it’s not possible. Make them definable. They need to have specific, tangible stepping stones that will help you on the way to the goal. So don’t say “I’m going to lose weight.” Have specific target dates and weights that will motivate you in smaller time periods to be successful. You have to eat the meal that is a New Year’s resolution in bites, not giant inhalations. Make them realistic. Know the limits of what you can achieve. If you want to bench press 250 pounds, and you only weigh 110, it’s probably not going to happen. Unless your life goal

Megan Lunsford Photo Editor

is to be a body builder, then you’re good. Make them specific. The goal has to be unique to you as a person. You cannot apply a general idea to everyone. Have the goal be something unique and precise. Look to become the best person you can be, not the image of someone that you have been presented with and told is the ideal. If everyone was the ideal, no one would be unique and the world would be a lot more boring place. So don’t make it boring, be yourself. Compare yourself to one person: the person you used to be. And make your goals unique to you. Then, you can be successful and have fun doing it.

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Dec 8, 2014 | 9

Finals not during finals week both good and bad for students

Kyle Guthrie

Finals week. For some, the two words symbolize the culmination of a semester’s worth of hard work, dedicated studying and endless amounts of textbook reading. For others, it

represents a signal to begin several days of frantic cramming in order to achieve a respectable grade on the final hurdle of the semester. But a growing number of students are now beginning to regard it as a boring week to traverse through before the end of the semester, since they already took their finals in a different week. Several classes on campus have begun a new trend of bucking the way that finals have been traditionally doled out in classrooms. This includes handing out take-home exams several weeks before finals week, having students take them in class the

week before or allowing students to request to take them early. It’s an unconventional notion, and it’s not without its own set of pros and cons. For students dealing with personal issues on the week of finals, it’s a Godsend. Being able to complete something as crucial as a final exam without worrying about whether or not it will interfere with something important at home is a welcome change for students trying to juggle an already hectic schedule. As a husband with a pregnant wife with an estimated delivery date of Dec. 14, I am one of

these students. I can’t express how nice it is to know that most of my professors have told me that they are willing to work with me to ease the process. Another benefit to having early finals is breathing room. For a student with four classes, having one to two classes with early exams allows the student to break up the high stress placed on them for the week of exams. But there are problems with the idea as well. Students who plan for finals week at their job before the semester begins may be baffled or irritated to see that the

time they requested off of work would not be the actual week reflected in their class schedule. Particularly nasty bosses or high demand jobs may not allow these students to change the time off they requested, leaving them in a strange position of choosing between either their jobs or their classes. Also, some students would rather have the full amount of time in the semester to prepare for the exam, even that one extra week leading up to them. So how can professors make the impact of finals more equitable? Introduce a vote into the system. Allow

the students to vote on whether or not they would like to take the exams earlier than normal. For the students who are against it, make special arrangements for them. If personal reasons preclude the professors from being able to give the exams on the standard time frame, adjust the schedule to more appropriately incorporate the lesson plan in time for finals. Whatever the solution, incorporating the student’s schedules and opinions into the decision making process would be a positive step for all involved in the finals struggle.

‘Merry Christmas’ should not be a taboo holiday greeting

Celeste Burnham

It’s that time of year again, the time where we all get offended over nothing. As a culture, we have become more sensitive to terminology that can potentially offend

someone. We have become more concerned with terms that are politically correct and all-inclusive in an effort to be more respectful. “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays” and even “Happy Hanukkah” are greetings that we get in different stores, service centers, post offices and restaurants during the holiday season. Some people become very offended if “Merry Christmas” is said to them and they are Jewish, or vice versa. Saying “Merry Christmas” should not be deemed inappropriate. It can be offensive coming from someone

“Taking ‘Merry Christmas’ away from the list of proper greetings will not make our culture more accepting or politcally correct, but will instead make it more restrictive and limited.” that knows you personally and is familiar with your beliefs, but if it is an acquaintance or someone checking us out at the grocery store, should we expect them to be neutral with their season’s greetings? Christmas is a national holiday where banks, post offices and most stores are closed. A lot of Americans celebrate Christmas even if they don’t consider themselves Christian.

Saying “Merry Christmas” is not trying to offend anyone with the holiday they choose to celebrate. Christmas cards with themed family photos are sent to loved ones each year. They are posted on refrigerators, laid on the coffee table and pinned to the bulletin board. Regardless of what the greeting reads in the fancy script or what holiday lies behind it, the act of love is still cherished.

As a Christian, I say “Merry Christmas” but I would not be offended if someone else greeted me with “Happy Holidays” or “Happy Hanukkah.” I can’t expect others to know I celebrate Christmas, and I can’t be expected to know what holiday they celebrate without knowing them personally. If we are aiming to become a culture that is more accepting and respectful of people and our community, then let’s not limit the holidays we cherish and choose to celebrate. The answer is not requesting that people terminate the use of

“Merry Christmas” as a specific holiday greeting. The answer comes in acceptance and respect, and maybe not even thinking about it. The holidays are a season where we realize how fortunate we are, not a time for correcting our greetings. Taking “Merry Christmas” away from the list of proper greetings will not make our culture more accepting or politically correct, but will instead make it more restrictive and limited. Merry Christmas, and may you celebrate in any way that makes your heart content.

The true meaning of over-commercialized Christmas

DeKeveion Glaspie

Holiday cheer at a bargain price, it’s that wonderful time of the year where we must provide for everyone in our lives, or feel left out of the loop.

The true meaning of Christmas has been stepped on and trampled by the rush to grab everything off the shelves at a price marginally slimmed down. Both kids and adults are more worried about what they are getting under the tree rather than being captivated with making cookies and writing letters to Santa. Christmas products are advertised day and night. Companies persuade consumers to spend hard earned dollars on expensive cars, jewelry and other “things” just to show our loved ones we care.

Advertisements hypnotize viewers into thinking that they need products to make their lives better. It’s ridiculous that materialistic items are more important than spending quality time with family. The amount of money that is spent on these “things” can be put towards future bills or giving back to the community. Year round, holidays are turned into a gift giving days. The histories and backstories are forgotten. Yes, getting toys and gadgets for Christmas is nice, but the method retailers use to attract

your attention goes way off the traditional “it’s better to give than to receive” notion. Some folks are given days off during the holidays to rest; the rest spend their time packed in stores fighting over the last PlayStation 4. When the holidays come around, the pressure on parents and guys in relationships rises tremendously. They must work longer hours just to meet the demands of others. Presents are not worth seeing a loved one go through a period of stress and tiredness, especially for something that will

not last long or will soon be forgotten. It isn’t until after Christmas that people realize that their main focus shouldn’t be on presents, but instead should be about coming together as one. Despite that awakening, the following year the same process is repeated. Over-commercialized Christmas is now a norm in our society. Children would probably go mad if their parents told them to enjoy each other instead of wishing for presents. We have to realize that we don’t need “things” or a specific day to show our gratitude to others.

It could be a random Wednesday when we go up to anyone and say “Hey, thank you and you mean the world to me.” The fact that you took the time out a regular day to say something could mean a lot. Wake up and see the over commercialization that Christmas if filled with. Don’t get caught up in the sales: instead be mesmerized by the little things during this time of year. Whether it’s Dad putting up the Christmas lights or the first snow, take it all in. That’s what Christmas is about.

liFe on the BluFFs the Scribble

Disclaimer: The contents of the Scribble are intended as satire.

UCCS to host first ever “Finals Games” Junear Repotter

Fighting for your grade has never taken on a more literal meaning. UCCS has created the first ever “Finals Games” as an effort to boost school morale during finals week and prevent one student from failing their classes. 24 students will compete against the Colorado weather in a variety of daring tasks and strategic battles, overcoming obstacles and battling each other until only one is left standing. “We understand the pressure put on students during finals week,” said Professor William Macabre, one of the teachers involved in a committee organized in early 2014 to help students get the best grade they can. “With the ‘Finals Games,’ students will be able to take that pent up aggression and use it against their peers in a last ditch effort to make up that valuable grade.” Macabre said that he and a group of teachers considered increasing study hours and focus groups but thought the games would be more valuable.

“What better way to get students pumped up than by having an event that could help their grade, its genius if you think about it,” he said. Modeled after the “Hunger Games” franchise, each student picked from a random pull will train for one week before the challenges. The event will take place at the end of finals week on the West Lawn. “This is so cool,” Skip Dailey, a sophomore biology major, said. “I have never shown up to any of my classes but I really need to pass otherwise my mom is going to be ticked.” “I hope I don’t get picked,” Kathryn Everfail, senior criminal justice major, said. “It’s my last semester, I don’t want to hurt anyone, but I will if it gets to that point.” Macabre cautions students to remember what is really at stake during the games. “We thought about fighting to the death,” he told reporters at a press conference in November. “But we ultimately decided we wouldn’t have the means to clean up all the blood.” Instead, students who are eliminated from the competition will receive F’s on all classes taken this semester.



at UCCS 8 Thurs




9 9 4





1 5


What was something that you wanted from Santa?



4 1


“A hole in the wall where I could crawl in and live out adventures I had.”

Adam Christensen, freshman, mechanical engineering

“Spider Man gloves.”


Top Ten Failed New Year’s Resolutions Celeste Burnham,

10 Get more sleep 9

Quit procrastinating


Drink less coffee


Be more organized


Only watch one season of my favorite series on Netflix per week


Learn how to cook (with the stove, not the microwave)


Wake up when my alarm goes off the first time


Be on time to class


Drink more water (when I remember my bottle)


Eat healthier and work out seven days a week


Sweet Salty Tweets “Dedicing where I want to transfer next year is pretty crazy I love #Uccs and #CSUP equally”


“Stats class is over. I got an A.

I still hate stats. #uccs #whereismyshotofwhiskey” @JLMarkz

Sterling Sylvester, senior, English

4 2

Campus Chatter DeKeveion Glaspie,

2 9

Yoga for Stress Reduction Noon UC 122

Summer/Fall Commencement 2 p.m. Broadmoor World Arena

2 7

2 8




Bring your completed sudoku to the Scribe office (UC 106) for a prize!

7 4


PJs & Pancakes 7:30 p.m. Kraemer Library

Jazz Ensemble/Mountain Lion Band Concert 7:30 p.m. Centennial 203

“The stakes are high but they need to be,” Macabre said. “The student body deserves a good show.” Preparations have begun on the West Lawn for the event. Seating has been added around the area and workers have been seen carrying specially marked items to an undisclosed location. “The event is going to be huge, you can count on that,” Macabre said. “Finals Games” is scheduled for Dec. 12 at 7 p.m. While others are taking their traditional finals, students who are to compete will be training for what lies ahead. Students are encouraged to watch and vote on who they think will win during the week using social media and the hashtag #FinalsGames. “I’m seriously all in,” Dailey said. “This is a great idea by UCCS. I don’t know why we didn’t think of it sooner.” All students registered for 12 or more credit hours are automatically enrolled for “The Finals Games”. If selected, you must participate unless another student volunteers in your place. “Good luck,” Macabre said. “And may the odds be ever in your favor.”

Dec 8, 2014 | 10


“One more paper and three

finals and I’m done with my second semester of #gradschool #uccs” @cjwooldri

“#uccs offers none of the upper division sociology courses I want next semester. I am not impressed with this school... :( ” @kayleighrose24


Dec 8, 2014 | 11

Senior Hope Whitman looks back on soccer career Ashley Thompson

At four years old, Hope Whitman started kicking around a soccer ball, and she hasn’t stopped since. She just wrapped up her last season at UCCS, but soccer isn’t the only sport that’s been prominent in Whitman’s athletic career. “I was really big into gymnastics as well up until my sophomore year of high school,” said Whitman. “Then it got too busy and my coaches told me I had to pick one.” Whitman was spending four hours in the gym every day after soccer practice, and said that the time commitment factored into her decision

to choose soccer. Gymnastics was also hard on her body and she sustained several injuries. Her home away from college is in Glenwood Springs. In her high school years she felt that there was not a highlevel soccer club team that was easily accessible. Grand Junction was the nearest one, but that required driving over an hour just to get to practice. Despite that challenge, Whitman was able to travel to play in tournaments around the country. “We took some trips to Virginia and North Carolina,” she said. “I fell in love with it. That made me want to keep playing soccer.” Whitman is pursuing a major in physical therapy and would like to work in outpatient rehab. She has had

personal experience in sports medicine and intends to go to graduate school to complete her training. “When I was 13 I had a bone tumor removed, and had to go through physical therapy to strengthen my muscles. I also have really bad tendonitis so I’ve done a lot of PT,” said Whitman. Whitman just wrapped up her fourth and final season as a Mountain Lion. “The season was not as good as we wanted it to be,” she said. “However, this year was my favorite year playing at UCCS.” Whitman feels that the chemistry on this year’s team was the best it has ever been, due in part to a deliberate team effort.

“My freshman year I was so scared of the seniors and the upperclassmen. This year we made an extra effort to make sure nobody was scared of us and we included everybody,” she said. Whitman is thankful for the opportunity to play collegiate soccer. Though her senior year was her favorite, her sophomore season sticks out as a positive experience. “We had such a good season, all the games went in our favor,” said Whitman. “The team was really dynamic, we got along really well and we wanted it for each other.” Whitman attributes her soccer success to one thing: effort. “Work hard every second you’re out there, because hard work will show up skill any day.”

Men’s basketball breaks margin of victory record, enters conference schedule Brandon Applehans

The men’s basketball team is ranked eighth in the Dec. 2 NABC Division II national poll, the highest ranking in school history. The 6-0 Mountain Lions are undefeated entering play on Dec. 5. Against Johnson and Wales on Dec. 1, the Mountain Lions won

112-55, the largest margin of victory in school history. Sophomore TreShawn Wilford had 12 points, 10 assists and five steals against the Wildcats. “Every game I always try to put in three to four steals a game because that’s just a big part of the game that I like to pride on myself on,” said Wilford. “I hang my hat on defense.” The Mountain Lions forced the

Discover Goodwill Austin Bluffs Retail Center Discover Goodwill


Southern & Western Colorado

Saturday, December 13 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.

Wildcats into 29 turnovers. Senior Darius Pardner said the game plan worked well. “It was something like ‘guard your yard’ type of thing,” said Pardner. “Coach harped on us to play team defense, ball pressure, help-side defense and working as a unit.” On the offensive end, Pardner tallied 11 points in just 11 minutes. “Someone asked me what my goals were before the game and I really just said I wanted to be an offensive threat at all times,” he said. “I think I am one of the better defensive players in the league, but I want to be able to do it at both ends. I got a lot of shots up in pregame and it felt good.” Head coach Jeff Culver substituted in sophomore Neiman Lee because of his ability to attack the glass, and Lee had an emphatic dunk. “Coach was just emphasizing that we need to crash the boards,” said Lee. “I got an open lane, caught it and the rest just

happened.” Lee has the same mindset whenever he comes in to a game. “Just try to be aggressive and share the ball,” said Lee. “Just trying to focus on one job whether it’s rebounding or putting the ball in the basket when you’re given minutes.” The 6-0 start gives confidence to the players and coaching staff. “It’s huge for our confidence,” said Pardner. “I’m confident in myself, and I can’t imagine how we feel as a team. If you asked anyone on the te am, we think that we are in a good spot. We have a lot to work on but to have no losses at this point, it feels nice.” “It’s real exciting,” added Wilford. “This start lets us know that we are on track to start the season. It lets others know that we are here to win.” The Mountain Lions are next in action on Dec. 12 and 13, when Metro State and Regis come to the Gallogly Events Center. Both games start at 7:30 p.m.

Men’s Basketball Winter Home Schedule

Jan. 3 2015

Colorado State - Pueblo 7:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center

Jan. 9 2015

Western State 7:30 p.m. Downtown Classic Colorado Springs City Auditorium

Jan. 10 2015

Colorado Mesa 7:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center

4158 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. (next to Walmart Neighborhood Market)


Women’s Basketball Winter Home Schedule

Jan. 3 2015

Colorado State - Pueblo 5:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center

Jan. 9 2015

Western State 5:30 p.m. Downtown Classic Colorado Springs City Auditorium

Jan. 10 2015

Colorado Mesa 5:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center


Dec 8, 2014­­ | 12

Women’s cross country coach David Harmer to leave after season Brandon Applehans

David Harmer, head coach for the women’s cross country team, is coaching his last season at UCCS. Harmer will be leaving after the national meet due to the expiration of his working visa in the United States. The university will not pursue the option of a green card for Harmer. After nationals, Harmer will be moving on to oversee and work with the top British middle and long distance runners based at the U.K. high performance center at Loughborough University. His first assignment will be

courtesy | sports information

Women’s cross country head coach David Harmer.

to travel to Kenya where the British athletes will be in high performance altitude training. “I will be moving on after [nationals]. It will be my last meet,” said Harmer.

Since becoming head coach in 2012, Harmer has led the team to three consecutive national championship appearances. “When I was appointed, the athletic director asked me to write out goals and expectations for the year,” he said. “I told him that my plan was to have the women qualify for nationals in three years and be within the top 10 in the country within five years. We ended up doing both of those in the first year.” In 2012, his first season, the team finished tenth at nationals. “The women hadn’t been to nationals in six years,” he said. “I knew the women’s

team could be good here just because of the academics and the environment. I had a blank canvas to work with.” “I expected to qualify for nationals.” Harmer and men’s cross country head coach Mark Misch have seen the progress of the program in their years at UCCS. “Mark and I, the way we started, we didn’t have an office. We had a phone that wasn’t connected. We were in a shed down in Eagle Rock. We shared the office with three other coaches,” Harmer said. “To go from that, to having a men’s and women’s team going to the national meet, both nationally ranked, that’s

the greatest thing is to see the progression and how they’ve blossomed.” “He is the only person that could have started with me, with where things were, and done what we’ve done,” said Misch. “He understood the situation. He is one of the best coaches I have ever known.” Harmer only wants one thing when he looks back at his time coaching here. “Hopefully, I’ll look back in two years, three years time and see them go on to new heights and keep that progression going. The overall greatest thing I will take away is being a part of, and starting, the dynasty. I want to see them go [to nationals] every year,” he said.

Women’s basketball looks to continue strong start through break Jonathan Toman

The women’s basketball team has started the season 5-1, and will look to continue that early season momentum into conference play and break. The Mountain Lions, ranked eighteenth in the Dec. 2 Division II National Media Poll, will face conference opponents Fort Lewis and Adams State Dec. 5-6 before hosting Metro State and Regis on Dec. 12 and 13. After that stretch, the team has seven games in between the fall and spring semesters. “We have to bring our own energy and feed off each other,” said head coach Shawn Nelson. “We have to stick with what we’ve been doing, get better each day.” Senior Abby Kirchoff knows the section of games over break presents a different challenge than during the semester. “It’s different, we have more time,” she said. “We can shoot in our free time, and it’s nice, because we don’t have to worry about both. We can just focus on basketball.” “We have to keep learning consistency,” added sophomore Brittany Hernandez. “Good teams keep the intensity all year.” Kirchoff has also seen a change in the leadership style between last year’s coach Corey Laster and Nelson, considering Nelson a calmer and more easygoing coach. “He’s not a yeller, and I think we work better with that,” she said. Nelson knows he inherited

reilly flood | The Scribe

Senior Abby Kirchoff, left, and sophomore Brittany Hernandez practice with their teammates in the Gallogly Events Center.

skilled players, but that the team element may have been lacking last year. “They fit perfectly into what I used to do at Carroll [College, Nelson’s previous coaching role],” he said. “They needed a little push on how to play hard, break things down. But at the same time, good players have to play.” One main challenge may be the lack of student support during the games over break, with many students home for the holidays. “Being women’s basketball players, we don’t get a lot of fans in general,” said Kirchoff. “So we don’t need fans in the first place.

But obviously it’s nice, we like to have fans.” Hernandez explained that it is easier to focus over break, and that the players encourage each other well anyway. “It’s not going to be much of an issue,” she said. Many of the earlier games, including a matchup against Point Loma in front of 1,200 fans, were against regional opponents. Nelson highlighted positive results against regional teams as critical moving in to the postseason. “That really gave us a chance, we’ve been in every situation,” Nelson said. “We can now keep all that stuff

together, and when we’re in that situation again, it’s nothing new and we can handle it.” Nelson explained that there has been buy-in from the team when it comes to his style and method of play, highlighted by midgame adjustments that were executed, resulting in wins. “The players went out and did it, that’s really big for us,” he said. Hernandez has seen that buy-in through the competition in every practice, explaining that as a player you “earn everything you get.” One of the games over break is the Downtown

Classic, where the team will take on Western State in the Colorado Springs Auditorium on Jan. 9. Nelson, in his first season, explained he is not looking too far down the schedule, but that he has heard good things about the game. “Anytime you get to play in a bigger environment, it’s a fun experience,” he said. “We can reach some different people in the community, and we will come to them instead of them coming to us.” The Mountain Lions host Metro State on Dec. 12 and Regis on Dec. 13 in the Gallogly Events Center. Tip-off for both games is 5:30 p.m.

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