Since 1966 Vol. 39, Iss. 18
Monday, Feb 16, 2015
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
More Academic Office Building windows shot, Sheriff and CSPD involved in investigation
Evan Musick
UCCS default rate lower than most universities 2
Eleanor Skelton
Anatomy labs Students are able to get hands on experience when learning about the human anatomy 4
‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Saucy movie very erotic, but mostly a typical chick flick 5
Lindy Lions
BB gun vandalism continues to occur at the Academic Office Building. Four to five windows in the building were shot Feb. 10. Five windows of AOB were shot with a BB gun Feb. 2. “Right now, we’re focusing on where the angle is and who this could possibly be, anybody that’s been targeted recently or gotten into argument with somebody,” said executive director of Public Safety Brian McPike. “It’s just odd.” McPike will continue to talk with his investigator, who is working to determine where the shots came from, which
may include the Austin Bluffs corridor. He said the reason for the targeting of the Academic Office Building is unknown, but that it is likely due to ease of access to the building. “Any other building, you’re kind of more on the main campus,” he said. The possibility of a suspect without a motor vehicle has not been ruled out. “We know that [a BB] is something that has to be fairly close, even at high capacity with nitrogen, it’s got to be close enough to do the damage,” McPike explained. “We’re not sure it’s even a drive by, it may just be somebody on foot.” McPike said occupants of the building were interviewed Continued on page 3 . . .
Water use decreases due to fixture installations
Club hosts dance wekeend, teaches students dance moves 6
April Wefler
Brian Williams He disgraced both journalists and the military 9
NC Shooting Social media and religion play a role in coverage of breaking news 9
Jensen & Haas Teammates from high school work together again in college 11
Women’s basketball Team loses against Pueblo, fights to host RMAC Shootout 12
Jonathan toman | The Scribe
A window on the Austin Bluffs side of the Academic Office Building was shattered by a BB or pellet gun.
Samantha morley | The Scribe
Water saving showerheads, above, are located in buildings such as Osborne and significantly help reduce waste of water. The piping system around the campus, below, ensures that there is little water being wasted from sprinklers and other devices used for maintaining landscaping.
Campus water use has decreased by about 500,000 cubic feet in the last four years despite campus growth and increased square footage, said assistant sustainability director Kevin Gilford. UCCS spent just under $300,000 on about 5.5 million cubic feet of water in 2014, which Gilford said was a change from 2013. He said low-water use fixtures on campus, such as dual-flush toilets and low-flow showerheads, are the primary reasons for the decrease. “We’ve been able to take advantage of rebates from Colorado Springs Utilities when we installed the low-flow showerheads, low-flush toilets, so that’s helped get some money back from the utilities.” In 2013, the Green Action Fund financed the introduction of low-flow showerheads to campus. Last summer, all of the toilets were replaced in Summit Village. Water on campus is used both domestically and outside in irrigation and landscaping. Domestic water use includes faucets, flushing, showers, as well as the pools and spa in the Rec Center.
Gilford said the campus uses xeriscape planting when applicable to reduce water use outdoors. “Freshwater is a precious resource, particularly here in Colorado and we have to import our water from the western slope and places like that,” Gilford said. “We just have to be very wise with the water that we use and understand that it’s essential to life and to our way of life and the more we can do to use it wisely now will be better for us and for future generations.” Mike Core, water and energy outreach coordinator for the Office of Sustainability, said he uses watering plans to save water in his home. “We water at night in conditions with low wind to help prevent evaporation from the lawn so it can take in more water,” said Core, a senior majoring in geography and environmental studies. Additionally, Core and his housemates have a garden. “[It] reduces our carbon footprint [and] lowers our water use because our vegetables aren’t being trucked in from across the country.” Before becoming the water and energy outreach coordinator, Core had two Continued on page 3 . . .
Feb 16, 2015 | 2
Student loan defaults uncommonly low for UCCS Kyle Guthrie
Defaulting on a student loan is one of the first credit landmines college graduates encounter in the world. Defaulting could result in a considerable credit score ding for the unprepared. But for UCCS students, it is a landmine that seems much easier to avoid. Recent federal studies have shown that UCCS graduates have a significantly lower chance of defaulting on their loans, by a rate that is 20 percent less than the national average. Jevita Rogers, director of the Office of Financial Aid and
Student Employment, believes there are several reasons for the lower default rates, including details related to the school and the immediate area. “As far as affordable loan debt, UCCS students graduate with a lower loan debt than the rest of the state,” she said. In 2013, Colorado graduates averaged $25,706 in loan debt. The UCCS graduating class averaged $16,780. Rogers highlighted lower tuition as a cause for the difference. According to the Federal National Default Rate, a calculation that is researched and put out by the United States Department of Education, the national three-
year default rate was at 13.7 percent for the 2011 fiscal year. The default rate for a standard three-year UCCS graduate stands at 2.7 percent. Many factors contribute to student loan defaults, including poor economy, an inability to find work, high interest rates associated with the loans and inability for students to find sufficient loan assistance programs for college. But Rogers believes that there are several factors dealing with the campus that also contributed to the lower default rates. “Of the programs that track their graduating student’s employment, a high percentage of recent graduates are
employed before or soon after they graduate from UCCS,” said Rogers. “[We look] to get students more familiar with their loan debt while in school and try to discourage excess borrowing for costs beyond what they need.” Rogers also pointed out other potential reasons for the lower rates. UCCS has institutional monies that are allocated to the financial aid office, which allows for more grants for students. Unemployment in the state is also lower than others, meaning that more students are able to get jobs after graduation. Mountain Lion Money
Matters, monthly workshops hosted by the Financial Aid Office, delve into various fiscal hurdles. A complete schedule is available at www.uccs. edu/~moneymatters/.
Graduate Debt Lowdown 2013 Colorado Loan Debt Average for Graduates: $25,706 2013 UCCS Loan Debt Average: $16, 780
Feb 16, 2015 | 3
(continued from page 1) Academic Office Building vandalism
Jonathan toman | The Scribe
eVan muSicK | The Scribe
Windows on multiple floors of the Academic Office Building were vandalized by either a pellet or BB gun.
Tuesday morning. “The occupants are obviously a little bit nervous, they’re fearful. So we’re trying to do everything we can to appease and make sure they’re safe,” McPike said. UCCS police are working with CSPD and the El Paso County Sherriff’s Department to determine if there is a correlation to any off-campus problems. In the case that perpetrator is a student living on campus, Ralph Giese, Director of Residence Life and Housing explained that they would work with police if any students were suspects, but warrants would be required. Nothing has led to a search. McPike explained that the dorms are private residences,
like apartments, and that “we have to follow all constitutional protocol for search and seizures.” But he added that Housing can conduct a health and safety inspection. “We are an open campus, meaning that anybody is welcome on our campus during normal business hours and we love people coming up to the campus and experiencing what we have to offer,” said McPike. “It’s past those hours that we really get concerned, [asking] do you need to be here, are you a student or faculty.” Anyone on campus during normal business hours who disrupts a classroom or other operations can be forcibly removed.
Later in the afternoon of the second vandalism, Dean of Students Steve Linhart sent an email to students regarding student rights and responsibilities. Linhart said the timing between the email and the vandalism incident were unrelated. McPike was not able to discuss patrol schedules and when they assist custodians in locking the buildings at night. “That’s all balanced with calls for service and our calls for service have skyrocketed over the past year. We took a record number of cases last year, as we did calls for service, so it is very, very busy,” he said. The investigation is ongoing.
(continued from page 1) Decrease in water use on campus internships that influenced him to start thinking about how much water we use. “The things that we put in the drain are going down to the next community of people and actually like 200 communities of people beyond that,” he said. “We all have to use essentially the same water and we’re very fortunate because we get the fresh water. Everyone else below us has to
use our used water,” he added. Gilford said people can help conserve water by simply turning off the faucet when they’re brushing their teeth. “People in other countries don’t seem to do that; it’s an American habit. So wet your toothbrush and clean it off when you’re done, no need to let the water run,” Gilford said. He added that Colorado is a semi-arid state with about 14 inches of precipitation
annually on average. The state is currently in a drought, “which we see manifested from the various fires.” Gilford said that taking shorter showers and watering lawns as little as possible will also reduce water use. He said that if anyone sees a toilet that’s running, a faucet that won’t shut off or a broken sprinkler, to notify Facilities Services and they will get it fixed to make sure the water
isn’t being wasted. The Office of Sustainability hosts Campus Conservation Nationals every Wednesday at 7 p.m. in The Lift, The Lodge or Breckenridge. CCN educates people to use less energy and water. “We’ve had good turnouts and there’s been a good crowd and it’s a nice atmosphere. I think people would enjoy themselves,” said Core, adding that the event also has free
food. Gilford said that CCN is more focused on energy than water use, but that they do educate CCN attendees about how much water is used to produce energy. “We have to be aware that even our energy use consumes a lot of water, so anything we can do to reduce our energy can reduce our water use,” he said.
Direct government interaction now a reality for students Evan Musick
UCCS Lobbies provides a new means for students and others to interact with politicians face to face. Mathew Driftmier, vice chief justice of the Student Government Association, explained in an email that Lobbies is a program that takes students and community members to different levels of government, as well as meeting directly with political leaders. “It allows people the opportunity to build some experience getting in front of those in the government who run the institutions around us, as well as building relationships with them,” he said. Lobbies is the result of a campaign promise made by Driftmier and Courtney Eldred, SGA justice, in the
courteSy | uccS SGa
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spring 2014 SGA election for president and vice president, an election the two lost. Driftmier mentioned the importance of Lobbies and the role it plays in getting students politically involved and representing UCCS at the various levels of government. “To have an active and engaged citizenry, you need
to make sure you provide outlets for the citizenry to get involved. UCCS Lobbies also makes sure that those in the government are hearing the voice of UCCS without that voice being diluted by having us lumped in with other groups or institutions,” he said. “Everyone here deserves to be heard.”
Students, staff, faculty, alumni and even community members who care about UCCS are welcome to take part in the Lobbies’ trips. Lobbies conducted its inaugural trip last fall by taking participants to meet with Colorado Springs City Council. Driftmier explained the format of the meeting. “Think of it as more of an open forum to discuss issues that face UCCS and those who live, learn and work there every day. There is a lot of low-pressure backand-forth between those on the trip and those we came to meet with. This helps to ensure that people of all levels of experience can come and participate.” Driftmier believes that so far Lobbies has been a success, and has received positive feedback from those who have been involved. Colorado Springs City Council president Keith King agreed with Driftmier’s
assessment. “I was very impressed with the UCCS students who came to talk to City Council. We were able to share some important facts about the new form of city government here in Colorado Springs. I also appreciate their knowledge of the city government and the issues we were dealing with,” King explained in an email. But the arrangement of the program is still evolving. “We are constantly working on the structure and form of the trips so that it will run as smoothly as possible and give the most beneficial experience possible to everyone who joins us on the trips,” Driftmier said. The next Lobbies’ event is in March with a trip to the Colorado General Assembly. More information will be posted on SGA’s Facebook page: https://www.facebook. com/UCCSSGA.
Feb 16, 2015 | 4
Anatomy labs allow students to learn about the human body Samantha Morley
Biology students get a full hands-on experience when it comes to learning about human anatomy. The anatomy labs on the fourth floor of the Osborne building host cadavers for students to learn about the human body. The labs are designed for nursing, premedical and pre-physical training majors, but anyone interested in learning anatomy can take the courses. Andrea Davaro, senior biology exercise science major, took the human anatomy biology 4350 course and learned about the various parts of the human body, starting with muscles. The muscles are already dissected so students can focus on what they are and where they go. The same is done for the bones and blood vessels. “It was really interesting because you do learn a lot more on the cadavers because you can really get in there and actually trace where it’s running,” she said. “Whereas with a plastic model, it’s just one piece and you can’t do much with it. You don’t get a full sense of it until you’re actually working with the cadaver.” Kiara Nath, senior biology pre-med major, assists in the dissection of the cadavers. Her goal is to eventually become a surgeon. “One of the easier ways to learn how to do some surgery and learn some of the aspects of anatomy was to actually be the one doing the dissections and doing the cutting,” she said. When students are
Samantha Morley | The Scribe
The anatomy and physiology labs prohibit food, drink and photography.
introduced to the cadavers, the bodies’ hands, feet and face are covered to make the experience less traumatic. “I did stand back a bit at first but once I got used to it I got up closer and I started working with the cadaver,” Davaro said. Travis Loos, biology instructor, graduated in 2013. His goal is to become a pharmacist, but he currently teaches in the anatomy labs. “As a student, it took me about a good month and a half before I really got into the cadaver and really got comfortable with it,” Loos said. “You really see how all the tissues work together in the body and it’s not just a model where it’s clean. It’s all right
there and it’s the best way to learn anatomy because it really forces you to learn the anatomy.” Students learn about the muscles, tissues, nerve, tendons, bones and organs of the body. According to associate biology professor Jon Pigage, the cadavers come from Denver. They are prepared by the Denver Medical School and distributed to various medical schools around the state after approval from the Colorado Anatomical Board. UCCS must go through an extensive process in order to receive cadavers. The cadavers are considered anatomical gifts. Before their death, the people and their
families must consent to the gifting of the body before it will be accepted by the Board. According to Pigage, if even one family member disagrees then the body cannot be donated. There are also very strict rules when entering the labs and being around the cadavers. Students are not allowed to give the bodies nicknames or in any way refer to them in demeaning or derogatory ways. Tablets, phones or any devices that can take photos are not permitted. The windows on the lab doors are also boarded up so that tour groups aren’t able to look in. A letter issued by the Board is posted on the doors stating that photography is not
permitted within the anatomy labs and that it is a felony to distribute any photos of the cadavers. UCCS is permitted to keep the cadavers for up to one year. Then the bodies are sent to a crematorium. The ashes, along with a personal identification tag for the cadaver, are delivered in an urn to the families. Both Pigage and biology instructor Sabine Allenspach stress that abiding by the rules and showing the utmost respect for the cadavers is crucial for students to remember. “It’s all about respecting the body,” Allenspach said. “It is really a blessing to have human bodies in an undergraduate school.”
Crime summary: Library mischief, convenience store robbery Compiled by April Wefler
Incidents on Campus: Feb. 12, Midnight to 4:25 a.m. “Officer took a criminal mishcief report from the library 2nd floor restroom” Incidents in Surrounding Area: Feb. 12, 11:23 p.m. 1823 N. Circle Drive “…an unknown male suspect entered the Everyday
convenience store at 1823 N. Circle Drive in Colorado Springs, displayed a handgun and demanded cash from the cash register. The suspect left on foot with an undisclosed amount of money. The suspect was wearing a hoodie and had his face covered by a handkerchief. The night clerk/ victim could only describe the suspect as a tan skinned, possibly Hispanic male, approx. 5’5” to 5’7” tall, with a dark colored hoodie and khaki style pants. The suspect brandished a silver handgun that was possible a revolver. The victim could provide no
further description. There were no injuries.” Feb. 13, 2 a.m. 1200 N. Academy Blvd “Officers were dispatched to a restaurant in the 1200 block of N. Academy Blvd to investigate an assault in progress. It was reported that there were five males assaulting one male. As officers were en route, they were advised that the suspects had left the area in two separate vehicle travelling southbound on N. Academy Boulevard. One of the vehicles was described as a white pick-
up truck and the other was described as a silver colored Subaru with a rear spoiler attached to it. Officers located the silver Subaru and conducted a stop on it at S. Academy Blvd and Airport Road. The driver of that vehicle was arrested for DUI and interviewed as a witness to the assault. The white truck was not located. The victim was contacted at the restaurant and he was later transported to a local hospital where he was treated for serious, but not life threatening injuries. The suspects in the assault
have not yet been identified.
Info Box: For crime tips, call campus police at 255-3111 or CSPD at 444-7000. Sources UCCS Blotter: pusafety/police/blotter CSPD Police Blotter: police/policeblotter.asp
Feb 16, 2015 | 5
Grey is fifty shades from spectacular Samantha Morley
Rating: 2.5/5 Blindfolds
It’s been awhile since a major movie so raunchy and erotic has come out that it makes experienced adults squirm in their seats. “Fifty Shades of Grey” debuted on Feb. 12 and is a movie that should not be seen without being prepared for some very saucy scenes. Based on E.L. James’ book of the same name, the movie follows English literature college student Anastasia Steele (Dakota Johnson) and billionaire Christian Grey (Jamie Dornan). For the most part, Christian is trying to seduce – perhaps coerce? – Ana into his erotic world of chains, whips, ropes and suspension mechanisms. Ana is skeptical to give into his charms but finds herself falling in love with the handsome bachelor quite effortlessly. The film mostly consists of setting up the background of the characters and the ways that Christian tries to impress Ana. He tracks her down at the store she works at; he finds which bar she’s in while out getting drunk with friends; he whisks her away in his own private helicopter; and he even buys her an expensive car. All of these efforts enchant Ana into falling in
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Christian traces a riding crop along Anatasia’s back.
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‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ premiered on Feb. 12.
love with Christian. The storyline doesn’t just border on cliché; it falls deep into the pit of cheesy lines and expected outcomes. On the upside, the actors were cast extremely well. Johnson plays the perfect innocent-looking girl with the brown hair, pretty blue eyes and puffy lips that she can’t help but nibble on.
Dornan plays a great twisted yet charming rich man who loves to have his way with women. Both actors play their roles very well, especially considering all the nude and sex scenes. A movie like this is expected to have saucy scenes all over the place. The film put an extremely heavy emphasis on the sexual
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Christian carries Anatasia back to her bedroom.
interactions between Ana and Christian. It can almost be considered soft-core pornography considering how much skin and physical interaction is shown on screen. Aside from the steamy bedroom scenes, the overall plot is weak and doesn’t have much merit. Without the sex, the movie is simply another chick-flick about a guy so
desperate to be with a girl, yet the girl is reluctant to give into his charms (even though she eventually does). The movie doesn’t leave much in terms of surprise. Any frequent moviegoer can see where the story is headed. The biggest appeal of the film was seeing just how far the director could go before the movie became rated X instead of R.
Student makes her entrance into film via ‘The Bluffs’ Audrey Jensen
With no experience in theater or acting, senior communication major Lisa Erickson has stage managed a Colorado Springs awardwinning production and edited, written, directed and produced for the UCCS digital series, “The Bluffs.” Erickson started at UCCS as a psychology major. She then changed her major to pre-med but was not enjoying her decision to switch. After participating in a trivia night hosted at Clyde’s, Erickson realized what she is truly passionate about: films. At the start of 2013 Erickson switched to her
current major. She has been able to take courses that allow her class to participate in editing a small portion of a film from a professional director. Erickson explained that the experience of film making and editing begins in class. “[It is a challenge] making my films relatable to the audience,” she said. “I love to entertain, I think that can be a little easier than actually capturing the attention of the audience and making them leave the film thinking about it,” she said. Associate professor David Nelson approached Erickson, a digital media studies emphasis, about “The Bluffs” digital series, telling her about the characters and plot and she
decided to get on board. “I do love directing and producing, those are my biggest passions, currently I am editing episode 1 and 2 [of The Bluffs] and I just got done editing the trailer,” Erickson said. “The Bluffs,” a tribute to the UCCS 50th anniversary, will premiere on March 14 at 7 p.m. in Centennial Hall 203. Erickson expressed that it takes a lot of creative people to accomplish a digital series. She was able to co-write, digitally edit and direct for different episodes in “The Bluffs.” “It’s not a singular thing, it begins with someone who has the idea, then the next person takes it, broadens it and makes it grow and gives it to the next production person who takes it
and alters it to how it should be seen, then the editor takes it,” Erickson said. “There is a lot of transformation when you look at and compare the script to the final edit. It is amazing what changes, especially in the vision of writer,” she continued. Erickson said she has pushed herself to try every opportunity. “If students are pursuing this degree with this specialty [digital media studies] they should grab every opportunity they can…That’s what I’ve done. It is insane to think I’ve worked on a lot of aspects of the show,” Erickson said. She also was a first time theater stage manager for First Company’s production
in Colorado Springs, “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” “I always had a basis for editing and a little for directing, [“Thoroughly Modern Millie”] has pushed me to grow and really come through and see this project all the way through,” Erickson said. Erickson explained her role as stage manager is to make sure the show starts and ends well. “Stage managing was my first time entering the theater world. There are relationships between film and theater, but it is its own category, to work in both is nice. I get the experience of how to treat actors and talk to them. In the end it’s all entertainment though,” Erickson said.
Feb 16, 2015 | 6
Lindy Lions HellzaPoppin Hoopla weekend of dancing, competition, instruction DeKeveion Glaspie
With dances ranging from the Lindy Hop to the Charleston and everything in between, students and residents of Colorado Springs were able to learn dance moves and share their own. Over the weekend of Feb. 6, the Lindy Lions swing dancing club hosted their second annual HellzaPoppin Hoopla. Lindy Lions’ student instructors Stephanie Guffey and Jon Savage taught beginners basic moves such as the East Coast, Blues and the Charleston. Although there was dancing and fun, Guffey wanted to make sure that history was also involved. “We want to incorporate history with the dances and for people to know where they originated from. Jazz, for instance, was started in the 1920s by the African-American youth,” Guffey said. “Although it died down it was revived in the ‘90s. Jazz is something that was made
in America by Americans. It is this piece of our culture we should be proud of.” HellzaPoppin Hoopla included the history of other dances with showings of short films and lectures. The first night ended with a social dance that included line dances and a contest. Six contestants took the stage to show off their best moves. Contestants included dances in their routine such as breakdancing and Jazz moves. Hannah Monroe, a resident of Colorado Springs, stood out among other dancers and took first place. “It feels great to win … I knew some dances such as the ‘Tranky Doo’ and ‘Shim Sham’ and once you know those kinds of moves it is easier to incorporate in your routine,” she said. The social dance, held every night of the three day Hoopla, was a great way for beginners to practice moves and advanced dancers to learn something new. “I enjoyed that even though I have taken many swing dance
courtesy | lindy lions
The Lindy Lions swing club table during the club fair.
lessons I was still able to learn new moves,” first-time attendee Russell Klimas said. “Even though you are at a high level you can always learn new things.” Lindy Lions has been teaching people about dance since 2008, but the Hoopla is a unique opportunity, according
to Guffey. “We are able to bring in dancers from other cities. This is a great way to see new dances. It is also a fishbowl of history,” she said. Guffey stressed that the club welcomes people from all areas. “We are very open to many
different backgrounds and do not judge anyone based on their preferences of any kind,” she said. Those who are interested in swing dancing can join Lindy Lions every Monday night from 7 to 10 p.m. in Berger Hall. Dancers of all levels are welcome.
Clyde’s to host Mardi Gras Celebration Audrey Jensen
Clyde’s is no Bourbon Street and Colorado Springs is no New Orleans, but UCCS’ Dining and Food Services will host a Mardi Gras Celebration for students in Clyde’s on Feb. 17 from 5-9 p.m. In 2014, OSA teamed with Sodexo to put together an event for Mardi Gras, but this year executive chef and associate director of Culinary Services Russ Saunkeah hopes to show students their gratitude for support during
the transition away from Sodexo. “We felt the need now as our own entity that it was important to give back to the campus community and provide a venue for some fun and music in a show of appreciation,” Saunkeah said in an e-mail. Although food is not free for students, throughout the day Dining and Food Services will be serving dishes familiar to New Orleans such as jambalaya, gumbo and shrimp po’ boy sandwiches. In addition to the food will be music and dancing. “The Pirogues,” featuring
courtesy | travelwisconsin
The Mardi Gras Celebration on campus is on Feb. 17 from 5 - 9 p.m.
Saunkeah, will perform traditional New Orleans and
Louisiana music. Saunkeah explained that a pirogue is a
wooden boat used to weave around the backwaters and bayous of Louisiana. “Mardi Gras is a worldwide celebration spanning many cultural diversities, but all rooted in the basic premise of celebrating life,” Saunkeah said. Students are invited to wear masks and costumes. The music will begin at 5:30 p.m. “Please come down and enjoy the food, the music and the fun atmosphere and ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ [Let the good times roll],” Saunkeah said.
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Feb 16, 2015 | 7
Exhibit depicts common objects with uncommon applications Rachel Librach
One of the worst realizations in life is how much we take for granted. Our eyes tend to glaze over everyday objects, failing to recognize the immense impact these common items have in our lives. The art exhibit, “Échafaudages/ Temporary Frameworks”, features José Luis Torres, an Argentinean artist who uses ordinary objects to reveal underlying themes in culture and human connections. “Everyday items are universal, but in each region they have their [own] unique characteristics. For example in [America], cardboard bundles are a symbol of the economy and trade,” Torres said. “In Argentina, people use bundles of cardboard as materials for the construction of homes and everyday items for survival. The materials are the same, but the ways people interact with them are different,” he said. Daisy McConnell, GOCA director, invited Torres to
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Ce Qui Nous Entoure/Around Us by Jose Luis Torres.
UCCS in hopes that he could create a sculpture in response to the recent fires and floods in Colorado Springs. To obtain his materials, McConnell drove Torres around Colorado Springs in search of items for his sculptures. She described that the process for procuring most of the materials involved driving to local thrift stores, construction sites and dumps. Several people donated
materials for Torres’ sculptures and volunteered their time to aid in the construction. Torres draws inspiration from not only the cultural interactions between objects and humans, but also the locals’ positive reactions toward his art. “People [at the recycling centers] were so helpful finding materials they could donate and contribute toward my work,” Torres said. “As soon as they got an idea of what I was going
for, they were eager to present more items to me saying, ‘Well how about this? What do you think? Here, look at this one.’” In the center of the exhibition room hangs a pallet that has been covered with glass pieces and reflects light all around the room, similar to a disco ball. This piece represents Torres’ method of using a common item and recycling it, so the pallet comes to represent something more than its original use. Underneath the disco pallet lies a deep red carpet, surrounded by half a dozen large cardboard bundles and stacks of pallets. The carpet’s appeal contrasts with the roughage that surrounds it. Two of the four walls are decorated with an assortment of mattresses taken from recycling plants, some stripped down to the springs, others with tattered bits of mattress still clinging on and some fully intact. By exposing the mattresses, Torres draws attention to the intricate layers of such a simple and everyday object that most tend to overlook.
“Torres’ goal whenever he constructs a sculpture whether indoor, outdoor, temporary, or permanent, is to inspire young people to try looking at life in different ways, to explore the world around them and form connections in unexpected ways,” McConnell said. “Échafaudages/ Temporary Frameworks” can be visited through March 21, Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 5 p.m. in Centennial Hall 201.
The Lowdown What: Échafaudages/ Temporary Frameworks Where: Centennial Hall Room 201 When: Now through March 21 Wednesday through Saturday Noon to 5 p.m. How much: Free
Feb 16, 2015 | 8
College students: You (we) don’t know everything Jonathan Toman Editor-in-Chief
Samantha Morley Managing Editor
Taylor Hargis Copy Editor
Eleanor Skelton News Editor
Audrey Jensen Culture Editor
Alexander Nedd Opinion Editor
Alexander Nedd
Life on the Bluffs Editor courteSy |
College students need to be aware that they don’t know everything and sometimes need help.
Scribe Staff
“The only wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.” – Socrates As college students, we are already above the pack. We are brighter than most. But we, knowing we are brighter than most, begin to fall into a trap: We think we are smarter than we actually are. We are not yet exceptional. Most importantly, we do not know everything. Knowledge is power, and we think we have both. We have knowledge, therefore we think we know everything there is to know and are smarter than others. And therefore, we think we have the power of knowing more than those around us. When confronted with a question, we are confident we can out-reference, out-argue, out-analyze and out-figure
our opposition. But what if we are wrong? What if our confidence is misplaced? What if their solution is better? Or - horror of horrors! - we are just plain wrong? We have perhaps become so impressed with our own knowledge that we lose the great ability to laugh at ourselves, and acknowledge when we are wrong. And that is dangerous. Looking down our noses limits our ability to relate to a world we are now, because we have attended college, expected to help lead in our various fields. But we cannot lead if we have contempt for those we have to lead. It’s not an accident that a quote from Socrates was put at the beginning of this piece. Sometimes, as in journalism, there is only one person who can say it best, someone infinitely smarter than you that has already said it. That’s why we have quotes in
journalism, and that’s why we have source citation in the academic papers we write for college. Often, the best way to show that you are smart is being able to synthesize what others have said better than you, put them together, and form your own well-rounded point. Side note: our professors don’t know everything either, and they constantly rely on others. Just because they say something doesn’t make it correct. It’s OK to be wrong. It’s human, it happens to all of us. And it’s even more OK to understand that you are not the expert, that you don’t know all there is to know just because you managed to pass a few classes, or even graduate. A dose of humility for college students would not be a bad thing. Start with acknowledging that you do not know everything. You may be surprised at what you learn.
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Feb 16, 2015 | 9
Book prices at UCCS Bookstore make no sense
Nooh Alrashid
The typical student works hard to study in a good university and gain the education that guarantees better opportunities in the future. Along with studying, students often have one or more jobs to pay for their education. Aside from tuition, buying textbooks is an expensive part of being a student. The UCCS bookstore is supposed to save students the time and energy from buying their
books at other places, but their prices are so high it doesn’t seem to be saving students much at all. I did some research on the internet to compare textbook prices. Science books often cost more than others. Molecular Cell Biology seventh edition is sold new at the UCCS bookstore for $204.50 and used for $153.40. For the very same book, you can purchase it new for $169.98 and use for $113.24 at online sellers. This is a huge difference in prices. Students are paying a lot extra to buy books at the campus bookstore. Another book that I looked up is Organic Chemistry eighth edition. It is sold new for $269.95 and used for $199.95. The same book is sold online for $229.32 new and $161.61 used. That’s another huge price difference, and I could go on with
examples. It is insane to waste unnecessary money on the books sold on campus if I can get them cheaper from other sources.,, ebay. com and more are great alternative sources for book shopping. I also found that buying used books is a great option, too. The UCCS bookstore needs to stop this nonsense policy about their books prices. They have to stop taking advantage of us. They need to consider students who cannot afford crazy high prices for books. The university needs to take action toward this crisis and make changes. The bookstore can make more profit if they would match outside prices. Then students would actually want to purchase books on campus rather than going elsewhere.
Eleanor Skelton
Three Muslim students were killed in Chapel Hill, North Carolina on Feb. 10. If you aren’t an avid Tumblr or Twitter user, you probably didn’t know about it until at least late afternoon on Feb. 11. The students were Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, Yussor Mohammad, 21, Razan Mohammad AlbuSalha, 19. Although there is dispute over 46-yearold Craig Stephen Hicks’ motive to kill Barakat, Mohammad and Mohammad Albu-Salha, the general consensus is that it was either because of Hicks’ hatred
of organized religion or a dispute over a parking spot. The students were either killed because they were Muslim or because they dared to have the parking spot Hicks wanted. Or perhaps it was both. But it remains that three students our age are dead. And nobody noticed. There was no national coverage until Tumblr and Twitter users caused such an outrage that the national news outlets finally picked up the story. The earliest tweets on the subject seem to have been from Feb.10 around
Kyle Guthrie
A journalist must report the news, not make it up. Apparently, NBC’s leading Nightly News anchor and managing editor Brian Williams forgot this detail when it comes to reporting on overseas wars. Williams had commented on many outlets and channels that the helicopter he flew in while reporting in Iraq had taken hostile fire and been forced to make a precautionary landing. But after reports of the actual events began to appear online, Williams was forced to apologize on air and he stated that he “misremembered” the 11:46 p.m. The Chapel events. Hills shooting took over This is a bald-faced Tumblr and Twitter with lie. most of the comments People misremember complaining about the things like a person’s lack of coverage from the name, or what they major news media outlets. had for breakfast the The first major news day before. You do not media outlet to pick up the misremember something story appears to be ABC as traumatic and News, who reported on extraordinary as your the killings at 3:46 p.m. on helicopter being shot Feb. 11. down in Iraq. The Washington Post followed nearly three The initial lack of hours later, then The Huffington Post and national coverage is unacceptable. eventually The New York Times and CNN. If those students been three Christians, Catholics Until that point, the or maybe even Jewish, it only coverage of the story would’ve been picked up was local. much faster. People took to social media with their But because they were Muslim, only social frustrations over the lack of coverage. @ media’s outrage got them Azharyousafazai on any coverage. Would the story have Twitter said that “Had it been a Muslim killing been picked up if the three Christians would social media outlets had not blasted the lack of have been Islamic Terrorism. Muslims lives national coverage? And, if matter.” it had not become national news, would Hicks have @TSims96 said he “had to google Chapel been arrested and charged Hill shootings because it’s like he was? hardly received news. Not Why are Muslim lives ok.” so insignificant in this
Chapel Hill shooting illustrates religious, social media influences
April Wefler
Brian Williams disgraced the press and the military with one blow There is nothing more sacred to a journalist than his credibility. Yet with his tale, Williams has called into question not only his own work but the credibility of all anchors who have actually witnessed real combat while reporting in the field and lived to tell about it. This revelation comes on the tail of several earlier falsified reporting trends from NBC news, including their altering of George Zimmerman’s 911call. While NBC has suspended Williams without pay for six months in the face of an investigation regarding the incident, a scandal of this caliber further tarnishes the integrity of a network already on the ropes. As embarrassing as this story is to NBC, it pales in comparison to the people he has offended the most: the United States military. How can any service member look upon Williams with anything but contempt and hatred following this report? How can they watch him report on world events without snickering and commenting on his twisted make-believe story of his time in Iraq? While Williams has been a figurehead for the last 10 years as the anchor of NBC news, he sought out to further advance his career by standing on the shoulders
of men much greater than he. I have served in the military for nearly eight years as a pilot, and seen my fair share of war in Iraq, so I can attest to the severely dangerous mission of flying helicopters in a war torn region such as this. I have also had the displeasure of seeing men much greater and more courageous than I perish in helicopter crashes, both in and out of combat. Keeping a helicopter in the air is an incredibly tricky and dangerous job, even without being shot at. And no fewer than 12 of my friends, squad mates and mentors have been killed in their line of duty. But instead of working to honor the memory of men such as these or recount the struggles that these men faced in war torn nations such as Iraq or Afghanistan, Williams chose to use the tragedies that befell these men to create a story that would propel him into the spotlight. This action goes beyond merely irresponsible reporting, it is sheer disrespect. Williams’ related memes and jokes have dominated the web as of late. And while NBC seems to be trying to save their reputation with the suspension of Williams, one can’t help but wonder how much damage has already been done.
country? Why, in 2015, do we still assume that every Muslim must be a member of Al-Qaeda, whether they were born in the U.S. or not? Finding out that this happened in North Carolina, not the Middle East, to two students our age broke my heart. All that mattered was their ages, not their religion or parking spot. UCCS has experienced tensions with the Cragmor and other surrounding neighborhoods as the campus grows. On Feb. 2, The Scribe reported that the relationship with Cragmor was improving, but some
neighbors remained disgruntled. One said, “If someday I back over one and it’s because [they’re distracted], I’ll probably get out and kick them to death if they’re not dead yet because they’re not little kids.” And she added that partying and noise violations haven’t been an issue. “Not on this street. I’ve shot them all already.” Jokes are funny. Humor is appreciated. But we hope that the tensions with our neighbors around UCCS never become violent like at Chapel Hill. It’s not worth the cost of human lives.
lIFe on the BluFFs
Feb 16, 2015 | 10
Campus Chatter Rachel Librach,
What holiday would you like to see put in the calendar? Sarah Hayes, freshman, visual and performing arts “National Netflix/Hulu Day: A day when everyone just binge watches all the shows they need to catch up on.”
9 2
Brandon Gutierrez, sophomore, mechanical engineering
“National No Math Day: Absolutely no math nowhere.”
the opportunity to raise $50,000 for a man in need of a new kidney. #reachhigher @UCCS #uccs”
1 3
9 4 6
What holiday would you like to see put in the calendar?
10 National Sleeping Day Do Da ChaCha Day
Ice Cream Sundae Day
National Fandom Day
Marvel/DC Comics Appreciation Day
Fruits and Veggies Eating Contest Day
Tag! You’re it! Day
“Headed to class on the trail
Gone Fishing Day
Life is Good Day
Everyone gets a Good Parking Spot Day
“Whats up with most of my
books still being back ordered? :( #uccs #problems #notcool” @Miss_TashaBabez
This week
at UCCS 18
Top Ten
Rachel Librach
“This semester I was given
to sUCCeSs! #BeautifulDay #UCCS #CollegeLife”
3 5
7 6
“National Chris Kyle Day: Texas has been trying to make this a holiday, and it would be great to have it nationally recognized. Plus, he deserves it.”
Tyler Talbot, sophomore, mechanical engineering
Sweet Salty Tweets
Bring your completed sudoku to the Scribe office (UC 106) for a prize!
The Energy on Your Plate 7 p.m. Summit Village, Lift Lounge
16 Fri
Tues President’s Day
Women and Men’s Basketball vs. Chadron State 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center
17 Sat
Win a prize! Come to The Scribe office (UC 106) and tell us where the picture was taken.
Washington Carver Pancakes 7:30 a.m. University Center
Women and Men’s Basketball vs. Black Hills State 5:30 and 7:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center
Feb 16, 2015 | 11
Arapahoe High School alumni join forces again for UCCS Brandon Applehans
Both Shane Jensen and Tim Haas were teammates at Arapahoe High School for their run to the 5A Colorado State Championship. The story of how they became teammates for the men’s basketball team is one of a kind. In the 2011-12 season, the two players combined for 39 points per game, five assists and 13 rebounds. Three games before the playoffs, Haas suffered a season-ending injury against Cherry Creek High School. “After the injury, it just made me realize how fast the season went by,” said Haas. “My senior season went by real quick. Getting hurt made my year just that much shorter.” Jensen and the team rose to the occasion and made it to the 5A Colorado State Championship game, where they lost to Chaparral high school. After high school, Jensen went on to play at Fort Lewis College and Haas hung up his jersey in order to be a student at Colorado State University. As the two former Arapahoe players went through their freshmen year, something was missing. Haas would soon visit UCCS for basketball,
courtesy | sports information
Shane Jensen, left, and Tim Haas, middle, both play for UCCS after attending Arapahoe High School.
in December of his freshmen year, while Jensen was playing with the Skyhawks. After Jensen’s freshmen season, the news that Haas would be a Mountain Lion sparked his interest in playing for UCCS. “Tim said he was committing to UCCS before I did,” said Jensen. “We both were thinking about it at the same time. That just added onto the reasons that I wanted to come here.” Haas welcomed the challenge and was grateful for the opportunity to play Division II Basketball. “Honestly, I was just looking
anywhere for an opportunity to play,” said Haas. “It’s pretty tough to pick it up again after a year without playing. Tim Billingsley talked with me, put me in touch with Coach Culver, and that was my shot.” Jensen was redshirted for the 2013-14 season and Haas helped the Mountain Lions in their late season run. In the 2014-15 year, both former Arapahoe Warriors have made an imprint on games this season. This season Jensen is averaging 3.5 points and 2 rebounds in just 10 minutes per game, as Haas adds 3.8 points and 1.9 rebounds in 11 minutes
per game. Both players feel fortunate to be where they are. “I feel very lucky,” said Jensen. “Not a lot of teams are in the situation we are in. I feel lucky, but at the same time I know we have all put in the hard work. Our whole lives we’ve been waiting for this moment.” “I think it is important to look at the big picture and appreciate what we have,” added Haas. “Sometimes it’s easy to overlook how fortunate we are here in Colorado Springs.” This year five seniors will graduate, leaving openings for the two Arapahoe alumni to make their mark once again.
High speeds, G-Forces and focus make drivers athletes
Alexander Nedd
“Boogity, Boogity, Boogity, let’s go racing boys!” While perhaps unfamiliar to the average person, starting next week this slogan will capture the hearts and ears of racing fans all over the nation, signaling another start to the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Championship. While not a popular sport in Colorado, the state offers the only team for NASCAR Sprint Cup competition based west of the Mississippi River. NASCAR boasts a large
fan base from all over the country. But when you get down to it, it’s simply driving. How are these guys’ athletes? What’s hard about turning left? The question has surrounded the sport since its inception back in the 1950s. What many see as a daily and leisurely activity, professional drivers experience at 200 mph. Physical demands are placed on drivers within a racecar, and they are constantly on the field. And yes, it’s referred to as a field. Whether it be a halfmile race track such as Bristol with 33 degrees of banking, the raging monster 2.66 mile track known as Talladega, or the series of sidewinders at the road courses, NASCAR drivers are constantly working out their legs and arms by using manual transmissions. Drivers push their 3,400 pound racecar to the limit in every turn. Yes, the objective of going fast seems as easy
courtesy |
NASCAR drivers, like any athlete, face challenging situations.
as pushing the petal to the floor, but if you’re doing it constantly while facing G-Forces three times the normal pressure of a human, then it starts to take a toll on the body. For those who like
examples, the lightest driver and only female racer on the circuit is Danica Patrick. She clocks in at about 100 pounds. That means while racing Patrick is feeling up to 300 pounds of force in every turn.
A typical NASCAR racecar records temperatures from 90 to 160 degrees inside. The drivers are given a cooling system while racing, but such systems have been known to fail. Drivers have recorded losing up to 10 pounds during a race. There is no seventh inning stretch. In addition to the physical part of racing, many drivers compete in other sports to help train and stay fit. NASCAR stars such as Jimmie Johnson and Kasey Kahne compete regularly in triathlons, while others take up working out at the gym and running to gain every inch of muscle over their competitors. Halftime, what halftime? NASCAR drivers are constantly on the go from start to finish and rarely are given a break unless an unsafe condition has arisen on the track. Though yellow flags are seen as a break to viewers, drivers are still handling their machines. Then there’s the
most shocking point of the races, the crashes. Crashes add excitement and drama to a race and can make surviving just a bit more rewarding. Hitting a wall at 200 mph takes guts, flipping at 200 mph is painful and although protected by a roll cage and safety features, the impact and force is still felt on the driver which always leaves a chance for injury. The pit crew, the team’s lifeline, is just as taxing. Lifting a 90-pound fuel car, while changing tires, is every bit as competitive and athletic as any other sport. Most NASCAR pit crews consist of older players from professional football who say it is more exhausting on the body. NASCAR is not just some Sunday drive. The 57th annual Daytona 500 will be broadcast on FOX at 9 a.m. on Feb 22. Tune in to see why these athletes are arguably the best drivers in the world, and witness the next chapter in motorsport history.
Feb 16, 2015 | 12
Losses in 2015 set Mountain Lions back in RMAC Brandon Applehans
All three losses for the men’s basketball team have come in 2015. In the second half of the season, teams have matched the play of the nationally ranked Mountain Lions. UCCS faced CSU-Pueblo Feb. 7, where they fell 67-63. Now at 13-3 in conference play, head coach Jeff Culver hesitates to call the season a success. “I feel like it’s been an up-and-down season for us emotionally,” said Culver. “We hope that we’re poised to make a run here come playoffs. Now is the time where we start playing our best basketball.” The Mountain Lions are number one in the RMAC in points per game at 89.1. Sophomore guard TreShawn Wilford felt that the team slipped away from their normal game against Pueblo. “Basically, after the Pueblo game, we have to get back to us,” he said. “We have to get back to scoring at an efficient rate and playing defense. We have to focus on us and not worry about what anyone else
reilly flood | The Scribe
Derrick White goes to the rim against New Mexico Highlands.
is doing.” Senior guard Tim Billingsley realizes the importance of his final year,
and the remaining games. “When you get to this point, you realize it’s finally coming to an end,” said Billingsley.
“You just want to give it everything you have and make an impression on the program. It’s about building a legacy and getting everyone to play up to a level of competition where they are putting their best foot forward.” With only six games left entering play Feb. 13, UCCS must win out in hopes of hosting the conference tournament. “Believe it or not, we are very focused on rankings because in order to complete our goals, rankings are the most important part right now,” said Wilford. “A lot of teams say it’s not important, but it is important to be where you want to be. It is essential to our goals.” “We want to win every game, and we feel that we have the talent to win every game, and when we don’t win every game it’s frustrating,” said Culver. “We also have to realize that with the level of talent in our league, on any given night we could lose to anybody. It’s been a learning process.” With a variety of scoring options on the court at all times, the focus must be elsewhere according to Culver. “We’re trying to really get
our focus around the little things,” said Culver. “At times when our offense is clicking, it’s easy, like at home in our New Mexico series, where we were scoring the ball very well and I felt our defense started to slack a bit.” “We definitely feel that our defense is what’s going to win us a game, especially where we want to head this season.” UCCS faces Metropolitan State, number one in the conference at 15-2, in Denver for the last game of the season on Feb. 28. The Mountain Lions defeated Metro 69-66 on Dec. 12 in the Gallogly Events Center. Four of the last six games are on the road. “People say that we always get everybody’s best shot, but we always joke about how everybody always shoots really good at Gallogly,” said Billingsley. “It’s nice going on the road and also it’s going to be a tough environment, which we always want a tough environment for tough games to get us ready for the playoffs.” UCCS faces Chadron State on Feb. 20 and Black Hills State Feb. 21 in the last two regular season home games. Both games start at 7:30 p.m.
UCCS falls to Pueblo after suspension, looks to host RMAC Championship Brandon Applehans
The second half of the season has been a rollercoaster for the women’s basketball team. A one-point victory over Black Hills State on Jan. 23 marked an eight-game winning streak, but the streak was snapped the next night as UCCS fell to Chadron State by two. UCCS then swept both New Mexico teams (Highlands and Western) for the second time this year Jan. 30-31, but an altercation would leave UCCS without a key player. Against Highlands, sophomore forward Brittany Hernandez was involved in an on-court altercation. Multiple opposing players, along with Hernandez, were issued ejections and a one-game suspension. Hernandez, the second leading scorer for the Mountain Lions, would miss the following game at CSUPueblo. “I hated sitting out against Pueblo,” said Hernandez. “I made a choice and I had to live with my consequences. I definitely can’t let my
emotions get the better of me.” The Mountain Lions showed a need for Hernandez, as a 20-point deficit at halftime resulted in a 74-68 loss to the ThunderWolves on Feb. 7. Head coach Shawn Nelson took the positives away from the game. “I felt that in the last 17 minutes of the game, when we actually started playing our style, I thought it was one of the best halves of basketball we’ve played all year,” said Nelson. “I’m still confused as to why we came out so flat.” “I know we are a better basketball team than Pueblo,” he added. “I know they played well, but I just don’t think we were ready.” Junior guard Gabby Ramirez knew the challenges of facing the ThunderWolves without their leading rebounder. “Brittany is a really big part of our team, so we knew going into Pueblo that everyone had to step up,” she said. “I think everyone did great.” UCCS will likely battle with Colorado Mesa to host the RMAC Championship. “It’s so hard at this time of
reilly flood | The Scribe
Britney Hernandez goes up for a shot against New Mexico Highlands.
the year because everybody is looking forward to the end, not in a bad way, it’s just that some teams would like it to be over and we just want to see where we finish up,” said Nelson. “We started looking ahead, counting down games
until playoffs, but we honestly just focus on one game at a time.” “We really want to host [the playoffs],” said Ramirez. “It is our main goal to win these last couple games. If we win out, we will be
above Mesa. These games are desperate games because we want to host.” The added motivation of home games will help the Mountain Lions while on the road for four of the last six regular season games, said Nelson. “When we play at Gallogly, the crowds have been awesome,” he said. “It’s always an added push. Now when we go on the road, it’s a challenge.” “We want to go in there and win on their floor. A lot of teams are in desperate situations. If you look at the middle pack of the standings, if one team has a bad weekend, they can drop out of the playoffs.” Ramirez sees the need for the bench to step up while on the road. “We are our own crowd and I think the bench really feeds off of everything,” said Ramirez. “If the bench is hyped, we’re hyped and that’s all we need is each other.” UCCS hosts Chadron State Feb. 20 and Black Hills State Feb. 21 for the last two home games of the regular season. Tip-off for both games is 5:30 p.m.