Feb. 23, 2015

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Since 1966

Vol. 39, Iss. 19

Monday, Feb 23, 2015


UCCSScribe.com University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Free rides week looks to break bus stigmas


April Wefler

Police body cameras


UCCS police officers have been wearing body cameras for years 3

Dean of Education Conley will start her role July 1 3


Wedding planning Class offers opportunity for students to get certification 5

Professor spotlight Zek Valkyrie teaches students through video games 7

courtesy | UccS SUSTainabiLiTY

UCCS Rides Free will allow students, faculty and staff to ride the metro free of charge between Feb. 23 to March 1.

Construction update: VAPA Color coded parking system sees similar results, shuttle infrastructure begins rider increase Jonathan Toman


Talking and walking People need to focus on their surroundings, not their phones 9

Science and faith Religion and science can work together 9


Basketball duos Welsh and White, Hernandez and Kirchoff lead their respective teams 11

Softball Team goes 2-3 in Las Vegas to start season 12

Parking and Transportation Services is partnering with Mountain Metropolitan Transit to offer free bus rides to all students, faculty and staff during the week of Feb. 23. According to sustainable transportation assistant Matthew Driftmier, it’s an effort to break negative stigmas about city buses. “There’s this common conception that occurs all across the nation that buses are dirty, they’re broken down, they’re unsafe, that people shouldn’t feel like they can get on them,” he said. “That’s almost never what happens with buses systemwide.” Riders must show a valid UCCS ID to the bus driver for a free ride. Jim Spice, executive director

of Parking and Transportation, said that Mountain Metro asked Parking and Transportation to send out a survey to housing students asking why they don’t ride the bus. “A common theme that we saw was ‘I don’t know how,’” he said. “A lot of what we’ve been getting in feedback across the campus community is more along the lines of ‘well, I’ve never ridden the bus before, but I sure would like to,’ so hopefully that kind of exploratory spirit will spread through the campus,” Driftmier said. As a result, Metro and Residence Life and Housing are offering resident travel training on Feb. 23 at 3 p.m. in the Lift Lounge at Summit Village. The 30 to 45 minute training will teach residents about the bus system. Continued on page 4 . . .


It might be called “One Diamond” now. The Visual and Performing Arts and North Nevada Infrastructure projects are in full swing. Phase one of the project is expected to finish in 2017. The new 76,000 square foot, $56 million building will house a 750 seat main theater, a 250 seat recital hall, a 250 seat Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater, a 100 seat Osborne Theater and GOCA. These major performance venues are part of phase one, while phase two, concerning inside elements such as classrooms and faculty spaces will be completed after. That date has not been determined. The needed infrastructure for the building is in progress. The new parking lots, roundabout and Spine and Eagle Rock roads are scheduled for completion Aug. 15. While the building will not be completed in August, starting that date, shuttle service from Four Diamonds to main campus will no longer travel on Austin Bluffs. The route will follow Eagle Rock road up to campus. As part of those

developments, three of the four diamonds at Four Diamonds have been removed, and the construction won’t stop there. The next three weeks will see the project planners work toward 100 percent construction document completion as well as review those documents with organizations such as Colorado Springs Utilities, the Colorado Springs Fire Department and City Traffic Engineering. Wastewater and utility approval, design and installation will be the focus. “We’re kind of at a point right now where we need to get these designs approved, so the construction piece itself will kind of slow down,” said project manager Brad Johnson. Johnson replaced Stan Rovira as project manager for the VAPA building. The existing Four Diamonds lot will serve as the footprint for the new VAPA building. Mountain Lion Stadium and Mountain Lion Field will remain in place. Over 550 parking stalls will be created once parking lot construction is complete, an increase from the current number. “We’re wiping out a parking lot to put a building, wiping Continued on page 2 . . .

Eleanor Skelton eskelton@uccs.edu

Campus parking implemented a new color coded permit and lot system last fall. The new system charges more for parking in closer lots, separated faculty and student parking and kept Four Diamonds parking free. “I haven’t had any complaints at all about people being confused as to where to park,” said Jim Spice, executive director of Parking and Transportation. William Whitfield, parking manager, reported that the number of tickets issued this year is comparable to last year. Through Feb. 10, 2014, 4,744 tickets were issued. This past year, through Feb. 10, 4,955 were issued. Parking made one change to the color code system this semester. Yellow permits are now allowed to park in the visitor section of Alpine Garage, allowing those permit holders closer access to campus. “Originally, we weren’t allowing that because we weren’t sure that we’d have enough capacity,” Spice said. “But it’s worked out well; we haven’t had that many visitors.” Due to the Rec Center expansion, parking asked the Rec Center front desk to tell visitors

that yellow permits were now valid in the visitor section of the garage. That section will be added to the permit next year. Parking sold a similar number of permits in both years. From fall 2014 through Feb. 10, 2014, under the old system, 3,033 permits were sold. This year, through Feb. 10, 3,571 permits were sold, according to Whitfield. Spice indicated that parking sold the same number of yellow permits last year and this year. His calculations did not include the green permits, added due to Alpine Garage. Spice said parking currently sells 2 to 2.1 permits per space, a larger ratio than last year due to added parking availability. “We’re four weeks into the semester, and we still haven’t waitlisted [for any permit].” Construction changes at Four Diamonds Spice said he is hopeful construction for the VAPA building and expansion of parking at Four Diamonds will enable the shuttle buses to have new routes that avoid Austin Bluffs entirely. Colorado Springs Metro plans to add a stop at the VAPA building in addition to their stop outside Centennial Hall on the main Continued on page 2 . . .

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