Jan. 26, 2015

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Since 1966

Vol. 39, Iss. 15

Monday, Jan 26, 2015


UCCSScribe.com University of Colorado Colorado Springs

National measles concerns grow, almost 1,000 students have immunization exemption

Financial aid Workshops in place to help students with loans, debt management 2

Rec Center Delay Construction delayed several weeks 3


‘Detroit’ Play highlights struggles of relationships, addictions 4

Christina Bergling Alumna inspired by zombies for her new book 5


New Lodge Students should see the positives of campus construction 9

Appreciation We should appreciate the city we live in 9


Hayley Gantt Sophomore loves running and photography 11

Women’s and Men’s basketball How the teams did over winter break 12

Penrose Hospital, left, and the UCCS Lane Center, right. Penrose hosted a measles patient late last year.

Alexander Nedd anedd@uccs.edu

The number of people suffering from a measles outbreak linked to Disneyland in California has jumped to 52. The disease has thrust opinions on vaccinations into the national spotlight and sparked conversation across the country as to what people should do to protect themselves. The epidemic was confirmed after early investigations revealed at least nine people had travelled to Disneyland in December 2014, and had contracted the disease upon returning. This measles outbreak is the largest to hit the United States in almost a quarter century, reports the Washington Post. A new trend of parents not vaccinating their children is considered a contributing factor. The UCCS Health Clinic is ready to assist should an outbreak such as measles occur on campus. Stephanie Hanenberg, director of the Student Health Center, explained what would happen should an outbreak occur on campus. “We would immediately notify the El Paso Public Health Department,” Hanenberg said. “They would give us the guidance and instruct us as to what we would

need to handle the matter.” Per UCCS policy, students are required to show proof of various immunizations before their first semester. They have to prove they have received MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) shots, or their account could be put on hold while the university determines their enrollment. But there is a personal exemption form that students can fill out declaring themselves free from the protocol. Almost 1,000 students have this exemption, said Hanenberg. “Those are the students that are at highest risk of being [sick],” she said. Students on campus have mixed thoughts on the need for vaccinations. “I think that is quite a high number” said Erik Paulson, a double major in biology and philosophy, of the nearly 1,000 students who are not vaccinated at UCCS. “It doesn’t surprise me. More and more people are wondering if the short term benefits outweigh the longterm risks [of immunizations]. I believe everyone should be vaccinated because it’s not just a personal decision, it affects [everyone] as a whole.” “Everyone should be vaccinated because there are a lot of diseases out there and it would prevent any other student from getting it as well,” Ever Olivas, sophomore

mechanical and electrical engineering, said. “I think that vaccinations should be optional for certain [diseases] such as measles because there are CDC systems in place that can control outbreaks and things like that,” John Shymanik, senior psychology major, said. Hanenberg explained various steps that would follow an outbreak on campus including searching through school records, getting in touch with those that might have been exposed and finding out who is not vaccinated. “We have a plan for infectious disease, and will follow instructions should anyone be quarantined,” she said. “I do think we will see various outbreaks. Colorado has a pretty low immunization rate unfortunately,” Hanenberg said when asked if outbreaks could become more common. But Hanenberg believes students are in good hands with the clinic here at UCCS. “The health department sends out notices to all [clinics] in the state that has what to look for and screen questions. It’s very helpful.” she said. “All our medical staff and all our office staff read it to know what we are looking for.” A patient was brought into a Colorado Springs hospital with the virus on Jan. 8. According to a news release

megan lunsford | The Scribe

from the El Paso County Public Health Association, the patient was hospitalized at Penrose Main located in downtown Colorado Springs. The patient has since made a full recovery but the news release expressed concern over any patients or visitors that might have had contact with the patient before her full diagnosis, a number estimated to be almost 300 people. News releases also explained how to check for symptoms of the disease, which include “fever, cough, runny nose, red watery eyes, and a rash that usually begins on the face 2-4 days after the onset of other symptoms and typically spreads downward to the rest of the body.” “People with measles need bed rest, fluids and control of fever. Patients with complications may need treatment specific to their problem,” concluded the El Paso County Public Health report. The vaccine is considered to be effective, but religious and personal exemptions do exist in Colorado. For more information on measles and tips on how to stay healthy visit cdc.gov/ measles/vaccination. The Student Health Center offers a variety of services for students including immunizations. They are located at the bottom of the parking garage and can be reached by phone at 255-4444.


Jan 26, 2015­| 2

Credit card usage fee impacts method students use to pay for school

megan lunsford | The Scribe

A student goes to the Bursar’s office to pay a bill. Student Financial Services assists students with tuition payments, holds on accounts and other financial transactions.

Jonathan Toman jtoman@uccs.edu

An August 2013 modification, which charges students a 2.75 percent fee for using their credit card, has transformed the number of students that use credit cards to pay for tuition. According to information provided by Student Financial Services, from August 2012 to July 2013, prior to the switch, the department saw 25,660 credit or debit card transactions. There were 6,749 transactions made via e-check, cash or check. After the switch, from August 2013 to August 2014, Student Financial Services saw 13,651 credit or debit card transactions and 17,756 e-check, cash or check transactions.

The trend continued into fall semester 2014, with the school seeing 4,217 credit or debit card transactions and 8,670 e-check, cash or check transactions from September to December 2014. Freshman mechanical engineering student Mitchell Rodrigues knew about the fee, but has school paid for through the Daniels Fund. “[The fee] would definitely change the way I would pay if I had to,” he said. Senior chemistry major Isaac Herold, who pays via e-check, said the issue for students may be the intangibility of credit cards, and the fee. “We don’t see it physically, that 2.75 percent, I don’t think it means anything to us,” he said. “It was actually a system

wide CU decision,” said Gayanne Scott, assistant vice chancellor for Finance and Human Resources, of the fee implementation. Scott explained that at the time, Boulder did not accept credit cards, and the credit card expense for UCCS was over half a million dollars, while that of CU Denver was approaching one million. Boulder wanted to offer credit cards, Scott said, but was not willing to cover the ensuing expense. “Boulder was not willing to accept them unless we had a service fee,” she said. “The expense to them could have been roughly ten times that of us.” “Instead of penalizing every student with an increased tuition rate to cover credit card charges, we

would charge the students who choose to pay with a credit card,” she said. Scott explained that the change was not due to the growth of UCCS. It was an inefficiency, something Scott said the Board of Regents wants to minimize when looking at tuition. “It was tied mostly to the growing credit card expense that we were covering as an institution,” she said. “I think we would’ve done it with or without Boulder.” Students are not required to use a credit card to pay, which essentially serves as a discount for not using your credit card, according to Scott. “It’s not a mandatory student fee, we’re just a pass-through,” Scott said. “We’re not making any money off this.”

The Lowdown Aug. 1 2012 to July 31, 2013 Credit/Debit card: 25, 660 E-check, cash or check: 6, 749

Aug. 1, 2013 to Aug. 31, 2014 Credit/Debit card: 13, 651 E-check, cash or check: 17,756

Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 2014 Credit/Debit card: 4,217 E-check, cash or check: 8,670

Student financial options present challenges, workshops offer support Jonathan Toman jtoman@uccs.edu

Private loans, cash advances and payday loans can present unique challenges and risks to the college consumer. Jevita Rogers, director of Financial Aid, explained that colleges and college students are like shooting fish in a barrel, and are often targeted. The Financial Aid office aims to assist students through a program called Mountain Lion Money Matters. The program consists of monthly workshops that cover topics such as managing student loans, investing and loan repayment.

“Obviously, students need to do a little research,” said Rogers. “We want to educate students to be good consumers.” Rogers explained that almost all students should look to federal loans first, and maximize those before transitioning to private lenders. The exception to that rule are students that are nondegree seeking, and therefore aren’t eligible for federal aid. Changes made to private loan policies a few years ago now require a cosigner, as well as a solid credit record to qualify. Rogers characterizes cash advances and payday loans as “horrible for students” due to their high interest rates. Credit

cards, though necessary to build a credit rating, require watchfulness. “They aren’t evil, but you have to be mindful of how you’re doing it,” she said. For currently enrolled students, the first step is to meet the priority filing date for federal opportunities. Then, apply for scholarships. “If you don’t apply, you’re never going to get one,” she said. Loans, while they can present challenges, are necessary to Rogers. “I look at student loans as an investment in your own education,” she said. “I’d much rather students take out a loan than not go to school at all or charge their tuition on a

high interest credit card.” Rogers added that most financial aid employees know the other side of the table, as they often have dealt or are

dealing with their own loans. More information about Mountain Lion Money Matters workshops can be found at uccs.edu/~moneymatters/.

Spring 2015 Mountain Lion Money Matters Workshops Jan. 27

Lord of the Refunds 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. UC 124

Feb. 26

FICO Club 4:30 - 6:00 p.m. UC 124

March 11

Identity Theft 101 5:00 - 6:30 p.m. UC 124

April 23

Beyond the Residence Halls 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

May 5

Game of Loans 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. UC 124


Jan 26, 2015 | 3

Rec Center expansion delayed six weeks, opening rescheduled

The Recreation Center expansion, which began in September 2014, is delayed six weeks due to weather and subcontractor issues.

Jonathan Toman jtoman@uccs.edu

The $16.3 million Recreation Center expansion project will now be opened during the fall 2015 semester, after original scheduling planned for the opening before the semester began. A six-week delay to the beginning of construction after the Sept. 5 groundbreaking lead to the deadline change. The delay was caused by issues with a subcontractor, according to project manager

Charles Cummings. “Originally, construction was set to begin shortly after the groundbreaking ceremony,” Cummings said in an email. “Unfortunately, our general contractor selected a subcontractor that did not meet the university’s standards.” The selection of a different subcontractor and time spent by that subcontractor on design and acquiring materials led to the delay, said Cummings. The opening will now “almost assuredly” be well into the fall 2015 semester,

said Matt Gaden, associate director for Facilities and Operations at the Rec Center. Due to recent snow and ice, there have been five days where work could not be completed. Gaden said that historical averages for weather are factored in to the schedule. Gaden said that despite the delay, construction has now begun “in earnest.” Cummings and Gaden said that the majority of site demolition has been completed, along with the demolition of the previous gym storage room and

building of a soil nail retaining wall. The entry desk has been moved and temporary walls have been put up to allow for construction near the old entry desk location, where the new Student Outdoor Learning Experience office will be located. Light poles have been left up temporarily to give light to the sidewalk near the building. The next few weeks will see low-to-the-ground work, with concrete trucks coming in to assist the beginning of the foundation placement.

megan lunsford | The Scribe

Construction of the foundation will begin in February and students will see the building proper, namely steel and precast concrete panels, positioned in March. Cummings said that landscaping will continue after the opening of the building, and that the delay did not cause any cost overruns. The expansion will add 47,605 square feet to the Rec Center, 11,608 of which will be for the new integrated student wellness center. The current building is 54,000 square feet.


Jan 26, 2015­­| 4

New director hopes to build student awareness Audrey Jensen ajensen4@uccs.edu

After over eight years directing the Internship and Career Placement office in the College of Business, Lisanne McNew chose to depart and as of Jan. 5 has been replaced by former assistant director of Student Recruitment, James Kumm. McNew became COO of her co-owned company with her husband, McNew & Associates, Inc. Kumm said that McNew will still be on campus as an instructor for several courses. According to sophomore and ICP office assistant Matt Krause, McNew was sad to go. “It took her a while to decide whether she wanted to leave or not, but she decided it was best for her and her family,” Krause said. “She felt better with James coming in.” Krause was one of six people responsible for interviewing applicants who applied for the director position during Thanksgiving break. “Lisanne hired me in August and I have helped the transition with James,” he said. “Lisanne [also] helped James transition over. Any questions

audrey jensen | The Scribe

James Kumm, director of the Internship and Career Placement office, aims to bring more awareness to students.

he has we help out.” Kumm wants to bring more awareness of ICP to students. “Recent graduates are 40 percent more likely to find a career after graduating if they connect and go to networking events early on and they’re able to get out there and promote themselves,” he explained. He hopes to continue what

he believes McNew had going as Director of ICP. “I think my predecessor did a great job of connecting to the community, looking for internships for credit or not, part time jobs and looking for careers after students graduate,” Kumm said. The ICP office, located in Dwire Hall 301, is available to all students but is geared

toward students obtaining business degrees. “Business connect is the place to start looking for internships and part time jobs. There is a new online job board that was made last semester,” Kumm said. “We are trying to build the student population on there to get employers on there.” In order to find an

internship or meet with different employers around the U.S., students meet with Kumm to make sure they are eligible. Business connect is available when the ICP office is not open during regular hours, Monday through Friday from 8-5 p.m. “We start planning [for students] early on by getting them in the right degree program by being able to transition their skills, help students with resume writing and networking with local businesses.” The College of Business currently has 1,500 students enrolled and on average per year ICP is able to place 350 students in internships and jobs. “What we really like to see is, especially for interns in big companies, when they apply for their first job that they have a job description to share, which is better than just theory and projects in college,” Kumm said. On March 12 there will be a career networking night in Berger Hall hosted by the College of Business from 5:307:30 p.m. where students can network with students, alumni, faculty and staff.

‘Detroit’ showcases quiet tension of relationships, drug addiction making the audience laugh there was a feeling of serious tension throughout the theater. Theatreworks’ “Detroit” was a fantastic performance that can be enjoyed by students and others.

DeKeveion Glaspie dglaspie@uccs.edu


Life is tough when you are unemployed, facing an addiction and your marriage is not what it used to be. This is the unfavorable position for two couples living in Detroit trying to live the American dream. Running through Feb. 8, Shana Gold’s “Detroit,” brings to light the everyday problems that people face attempting to live this dream, but nothing that we want comes easy. The setting is a first-ring suburb and the play looks at the lives of two couples: Ben (Greg Wise) and Mary (Shannon Haragan), a lovely married couple who have decided to invite their new neighbors Sharon (Carley Cornelius) and Kenny (Todd D’Amour) over. Similar to many couples just starting off, Sharon and Kenny have little to no furniture and although their future seems bright, their

The Lowdown What: “Detroit” Where: Dusty Loo Bon Vivant Theater

courtesy | theatreworks

‘Detroit’ features couples Ben and Mary and Sharon and Kenny.

past is dark. After meeting in a rehab facility for drug addictions it was love at first sight for the couple. As “Detroit” progresses, it’s clear that Ben and Mary have lost their spark, a spark they see in Sharon and Kenny. The two couples continue to have numerous neighborly dinners in order to get to know each other

despite their struggles. Once friends, Mary and Ben find it easy to confide to their new friends their marriage problems and addictions. As previous addicts, Shannon and Kenny recognize Mary’s drinking problem. True feelings are revealed and the façade that was put up before is burned down

along with Ben and Mary’s house. Losing everything they owned except their car, the fire helps restore Ben and Mary’s relationship, bringing them closer to each other and what is really important. The cast of “Detroit” brought characters to life, inflicting both emotions of joy and sympathy for the characters. Instead of just

When: Jan. 22 - Feb. 8 Thursday - Saturday 7:30 p.m. Saturday matinees (Jan. 31 and Feb. 7) 2 p.m. Sundays 4 p.m. How much: Free to UCCS students Note: Play contains adult language and is not recommended for children under 16


Jan 26, 2015 | 5

Iraq, ‘Walking Dead’ influence alumna for new book ‘Savages’ Audrey Jensen ajensen4@uccs.edu

All UCCS alumna Christina Bergling knew when she graduated with an English degree in 2005 was that she was not going to become a teacher. “Savages,” a novella written by Bergling, was released exclusively on Amazon e-books Dec. 19 and a paperback was released Dec. 22. The book is also sold on Barnes and Noble’s website. Placed under the genre “Bad Day Books” on Amazon, “Savages” is a fictional story intertwining ideas from Bergling’s experience in Iraq and the popular AMC TV series about zombies, “The Walking Dead.” “The military experience was an eye opener on people, but one of my favorite things about ‘The Walking Dead’ is that they focus on the psychology of the survivors and bit by bit they have to trade humanity for survival,” Bergling said. “In Iraq it was being exposed to the awful things we do to each other and the level of discouragement it gives you in your own species,” she said. “It took

a while to shake that human despair. I tried to have characters with a little bit of hope for humanity.” After graduation, Bergling was offered a job to be a defense contractor for Intelligence Offer Solutions sponsored by the Air Force. After moving to Tennessee with her husband, the company said that if she wanted to work from home she had to train soldiers in Iraq for three months in the beginning of 2009. Bergling has never been in the military, but she was required to train soldiers on how to write specific reports based on their units into a new software program, The Combined Information Network Data Exchange. During her stay in Iraq, Bergling worked in a trailer and would occasionally feel reverberations from outside explosions and read reports about it later. She admits she was never directly in line of action, but the reports she reviewed in CINDE stuck with her long after she left Iraq. “It raises the question of what would happen if there were no water and food and how ugly it might become.

There were plenty of instances where that was the situation in Iraq. I came back pretty angry and jaded,” Bergling said. She gave the example of a report explaining that upon raiding a terrorist group, it was found that one of the women leaders had a man raping several women in the same group in order to manipulate these women into believing that to regain their honor they would have to become suicide bombers. “I think it’s the question whether we can stay human or not. Can everything go to hell and we remain human? I want readers to gain some perspective,” Bergling said. Before “Savages,” Bergling has published essays and short stories in UCCS’ “riverrun” and has another book, “Ode to Master,” that will be published mid-2015. Bergling explained that the publishing process was eye opening. “It used to be that the publishing company did everything, since you do everything yourself it has changed drastically,” she said. “As an English student it’s good to know that.” Bergling wishes she had done more with writing while

rachel ricci | The Scribe

UCCS alumna Christina Bergling exclusively released her book ‘Savages’ on Amazon on Dec. 19.

in college before realizing that she would have no time to write once out of school. “Use that youth to accomplish stuff and research the industry,” she said. “Publishing and job wise it was completely not what I expected. Research into what’s outside of academia.”

A book launch party for signed copies of “Savages” will be Jan. 31 from 4-6 p.m. at The Green Man Taproom located at 320 S. Weber St. with free raffle and free drink tickets for the first 25 people. 50 percent of the proceeds will be going toward the wounded warrior project.

‘American Sniper’ nails the target with portrayal of Navy SEAL Kyle Guthrie kguthri@uccs.edu

Rating: 5/5 Targets

Clint Eastwood’s newest work “American Sniper” is a film masterpiece. The movie focuses on Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle (Bradley Cooper). Kyle is regarded as one of the deadliest snipers in American military history due to his record of 160 confirmed kills and 255 probable kills. Eastwood perfectly captured the horrors of both war and post-traumatic stress disorder and expertly uses the medium of a legendary sniper to tell the compelling story. The movie recounts when Kyle had to face off against an equally deadly sniper in Iraq. It also followed his struggles with PTSD after his deployment. Cooper’s performance is breathtaking and his personal transformation is unbelievable. The film itself may not take home many Oscars this year due to its content, but

courtesy | IMdB

‘American Sniper’ premiered on Jan. 16.

Cooper has a strong chance of winning best actor. Tension, one of Eastwood’s specialties, is expertly used in “American Sniper.” The battle scenes in Iraq were so suspenseful that there were a few moments when it is uncertain if Kyle was going to make it out alive. Eastwood also created scenes that highlighted the spectrum and horror of being in battle. One shot even includes a view of the battlefield from the perspective of a drone. Another sequence focuses on the impossible choices that snipers such as Kyle are forced to make in the heat of battle. Kyle had to choose whether or not to kill a child soldier who was threatening the lives of an American convoy. As breathtaking as the war scenes are, the focus on Kyle’s personal struggles at home are equally powerful. The slow transformation of Kyle as he transitions from an idealistic and inexperienced young SEAL into a battle-hardened emotional train wreck nearly costs him his family.

Witnessing Kyle’s slow spiral into mental instability is a horrifying experience. Every one of Kyle’s returns to the U.S. shows him slide deeper and deeper into despair and anger, and the audience is forced to wonder how this awful transition will affect his family. Eastwood’s appreciation for the military is abundantly clear in this film, and while his take on the Iraq War may be simplified by the actions of the insurgents in the film, it’s also clear that the actions taken by these insurgents are actual reflections of the type of tactics our forces encountered in the war. Kyle died in February 2013 after he was shot at a shooting range. His death is handled with respect and dignity in the movie, and the scene documenting his death has a powerful resonance. “American Sniper” is not only a film that will likely go down as one of the most powerful and moving war films ever created, it will also stand as one of the most effective character studies ever made about an American hero.


Jan 26, 2015 | 6

Winter Week brings student gatherings, club fair, pastries

megan lunsford | The Scribe

Freeze Fest megan lunsford | The Scribe

Laura Schreiner, left, helps her fellow students make quilts for kids at the CU Children’s Hospital.

megan lunsford | The Scribe

reilly flood | The Scribe

reilly flood | The Scribe

megan lunsford | The Scribe reilly flood | The Scribe

Above: Kaitlin Vanderberg, left, and Kimberly Fuentes, right, show off their Welcome Week t-shirts courtesy of the OfďŹ ce of Student Activities.

Club Fair Middle: Richard Cole, left, and Charles McGreggor, right, pose in front of their booth from the fraternity Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Left: Megan Hedley, Cat Smith, Kaitlyn Forsythe and Callie Gilbert from Phi Sigma Sigma.

Illusionis t Mike Super Left: Magician Mike Super signs autographs.

megan lunsford | The Scribe

megan lunsford | The Scribe

Right: Mike Super poses with Alpha Sigma Pi fraternity members. Pictured, left to right, David Woo, Raider Keanon, Mike Super, Aaron Roy, Nicholas Smith, Alex Paredes and Phil Woo.

megan lunsford | The Scribe

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Jan 26, 2015| 8

Construction is the face of UCCS, make it a good one Jonathan Toman Editor-in-Chief

Samantha Morley Managing Editor

Taylor Hargis Copy Editor

Eleanor Skelton News Editor

megan lunsford | The Scribe

Cranes, incomplete buildings and construction on Austin Bluffs Parkway are common to UCCS.

Audrey Jensen Culture Editor

Scribe Staff scribe@uccs.edu

UCCS is a construction site with a school in it. It might sound like a broken Scribe: construction, construction and after we’re done talking about that, more construction. But there are valid reasons why we harp on this uniquely UCCS issue. It’s always happening, and somehow, it always seems to be done wrong. In recent memory, UCCS has seen or is seeing construction of a laundry list of buildings: Copper and Eldora Dorms, Academic Office Building, Alpine Garage and Field, Recreation Center Expansion, Visual and Performing Arts Center, Village at Alpine Valley housing expansion and the Lane Center. The monetary figures from these projects: Alpine Garage and Field: $23 million Academic Office Building: $16 million Copper and Eldora Dorms: $18.1 million Village at Alpine Valley: $74.5 million Recreation Center Expansion: $16.3 million Visual And Performing Arts Center: $56 million Lane Center: $18.5 million

In total, that’s over $222 million being spent at UCCS for construction. That’s the kicker, folks. The amount of time, money and effort being spent on construction necessitates we do it right, and watch for when we don’t do it right. Here’s the thing. Here’s why we harp on this. Construction is what UCCS is known for, among students, staff, faculty and the community. And so it has to be watched very, very closely, especially if our current reputation and $222 million depends on it. And it hasn’t always been done right. The Alpine Garage and Field was originally supposed to open March 1, 2014. As reported in The Scribe Feb. 24, 2014, the building was consistently behind schedule due to weather, a problematic wall that kept falling over and time to acquire permits. It’s Colorado; plan for weather. End of story. It’s a wall; find someone who can build it right the first time. End of story. They’re permits; you need them to build so get them on time. End of story. The ribbon cutting for the building wasn’t held until Aug. 18, 2014 and adjustments and additions continued well into the fall semester. Now, the Rec Expansion project has been delayed six weeks because of a subcontractor. UCCS, pick a better

general contractor who doesn’t want to bring on subcontractors that don’t meet our justifiably high standards. Not to mention the Austin Bluffs expansion project that, while UCCS is not directly responsible for, directly affects the university and its students. The completion date for the part in front of UCCS has consistently been moved back (it was Dec. 1 when The Scribe last wrote on it), and the median still isn’t done. To recap: the Alpine Garage and Field was late, Austin Bluffs is late and we already know the Recreation Center expansion will be late. The Copper and Eldora Dorms, Academic Office Building and Lane Center were “on time,” though all three projects took over a year each to complete. It seems that the only project to be done on time (really, really done) was the Academic Office Building. There are two solutions, because construction is not going away anytime soon. First, have projects done when you say they will be done. Simply put, plan better and understand the mistakes that have happened and learn from them. Be on time, be quick but safe. Second, build for students and their interests. Not the community or our faculty (nice as they can be). Do your construction right, UCCS. And do it right for the reason you are here: students.

Alexander Nedd Opinion Editor

Alexander Nedd

Life on the Bluffs Editor

Brandon Applehans Sports Editor

Megan Lunsford Photo Editor

Samantha Morley Layout Editor


DeKeveion Glaspie Kyle Guthrie

Photographers Nooh Alrashid Reilly Flood Rachel Ricci

Business Manager Jennifer Curry

Ad Representative Hussain Albahrani


Laura Eurich

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Jan 26, 2015­­ | 9

Abstinence of vaccinations detriment to children and society

Samantha Morley smorley2@uccs.edu

Parents want what is best for their children. But lately a lot of parents are doing far more harm than good. The most recent antivaccine trend to sweep

through the U.S. has caused problems for not only the children that weren’t immunized but to the country as a whole. Promoters of this movement believe that vaccinations are actually causing more sickness than they are curing, especially in children. Therefore, parents opt to abstain from any kind of vaccination. They refuse to get some of the most basic shots that are required for children to attend public schools. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, those vaccinations include shots for tetanus (bacterial disease that

affects the nervous system), hepatitis B (viral infection that attacks the liver), measles/mumps/rubella, polio and varicella (chickenpox). Most, if not all, of these illnesses are preventable by getting a few simple shots when a person is young. Because of these vaccinations, I have never gotten any of those diseases. For that, I am grateful. But because of the anti-vaccine movement and the parents that follow it, the country has experienced its largest outbreak of measles in the last decade. The CDC reported 644 cases this year, compared to less

“It seems to be that when a vaccination works really well, people begin to forget why it was created in the first place - and they stop getting it.” than 200 last year. Diseases like measles can spread through respiratory droplets. That means that you don’t even have to be in the same room as someone with measles; you need to come into contact with something they’ve touched or been around. The majority of the victims were unvaccinated children. Nearly 300 Colorado Springs residents were exposed to measles after a Colorado woman returned from a

vacation to Disneyland’s California Adventure. The U.S. was nearly measles free until people decided that the vaccination wasn’t important anymore. It seems to be that when a vaccination works really well, people begin to forget why it was created in the first place – and they stop getting it. Vaccines were created for a reason. They’re meant to keep us healthy. We’re still going to get sick, that’s a given.

But at least we can avoid some of the worst diseases. We have enough diseases to worry about as it is. Throughout the past few years, we’ve had bird flu, Ebola and even the black plague. Doctors and scientists have already found ways to curb, if not completely cure, several deadly diseases and yet parents in the U.S. think that it’s a good idea to abstain from some of the best vaccines in the world. Instead of parents completely abstaining from vaccines, they need to do their research and truly determine what is healthiest for both their children and society.

Planned eatery at Alpine Village shows positives of construction

DeKeveion Glaspie dglaspie@uccs.edu

It’s time we admire orange cones. Detours, loud drilling and narrow lanes have become part of the everyday struggle of UCCS students. Complaints can be heard just about anywhere, from fuming feelings toward construction while waiting for the bus to social media postings that share common frustration upon the sight of

constant construction. Frustration is common, and it feels like construction may never end. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. It’s a light that reminds us how much UCCS is quickly expanding to accommodate the future needs of its students and their goals. That light is The Village at Alpine Valley. Specifically, the planned eatery that’s part of the expansion.

We often grumble at construction, but forget what new benefits these changes can have in our day to day life. Students that live in Alpine with a meal plan that are used to making a trip to the not-so-close Lodge will soon be able to enjoy a short walk to another dining area. The thought of being able to catch a quick meal with friends without making that ten minute trip is perfect. Students can enjoy a

meal in a dining facility that may be a little less crowded than the Lodge. But the new dining facility brings some concern too. Folks may see the new cafeteria and think, why eat at the Lodge? So they’ll pack the Alpine eatery, and the crowding problem won’t be solved. But the benefits outweigh that possibility. A new dining facility will also bring the potential

addition of new student employees, in addition to the simplified location. Construction is the new season of UCCS, a campus changing to meet future needs. If you’re a student that lives on campus, be appreciative of all the noise and commotion. Don’t see it as a headache, but as a future blessing for both current and future students. Admire that orange cone.

We need to stop taking Colorado Springs for granted “We live in an awesome state, and truly baffled him. We live in an it’s always being taken for granted awesome state, and it’s by natives.” always being taken for

Alexander Nedd anedd@uccs.edu

“Colorado is so lame, nothing cool ever happens here.” “I hate this place, it sucks.” “I cannot wait to move.” As a Colorado native, these are some of the same sentences I’ve used to describe living here.

It’s the attitude many of my friends take. Some of them transplants, most of them natives, these words seem harmless, but exemplify the lack of understanding and appreciation we have for Colorado. Some of us could be acting upon these thoughts in the near future, awaiting graduation day and a chance to embark on a new journey that will leave this square piece of land in the dust. But as I get older, I am beginning to see how lucky I am to live in Colorado Springs, and

it’s for reasons that have been here all along. I was talking to my friend from Brazil and explaining my plans to move and get away when he stopped me in my tracks with a simple question: “But why?” “Well, it’d just be nice to get a change of scenery,” I replied. “I would never leave if I were you, it’s so beautiful and all of your family is there.” My friend was a transfer student for a year, taking in all of Colorado that he could while he was here. He loved it so much the thought of me leaving

granted by natives. The people who choose to not like Colorado are ones that have not truly embraced the state and all of its unique opportunities. We are one of the fittest states in the nation. Colorado continues to exemplify great outdoor action from the Garden of the Gods to grueling trails such as The Incline. A number of popular bands have come from Colorado Springs, such as the Grammynominated group One Republic. It’s living proof that you can make it big from here. If you don’t like

the weather, wait five minutes. The Springs offers the best of all four seasons, and averages more than 300 days of sunshine a year. I’ll never forget learning to drive in my dad’s Hummer H2 on the curvy road to Seven Falls and hanging out with friends at Gold Camp Road, an outdoor adventure minutes from my house. National tourist destinations such as Pikes Peak and The Royal Gorge Bridge are not far away. People come from all over the world to enjoy our states’ natural scenery, and we just know it as our backyard. One of the best things about Colorado is its community. I’ll never

forget the outreach of friends, family and neighbors that leaned on one another during both the Black Forest and Waldo Canyon Fires. Our landscape might never be the same, but the community has remained together. These are perfect examples of great things in our city that we take for granted. So, yes, I do want to move. I want to experience what the world is like and travel to new places and meet new faces. But to say that I won’t miss Colorado if and when I do move would be a total lie. Colorado Springs is an amazing place, remember that. Don’t take the Springs for granted.

liFe on the BluFFs Sudoku

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4 3

3 1



5 4


2 8




“The #UCCS campus is

“As a #UCCS student, I am

extremely disappointed that #KraemerFamilyLibrary took down all the toy soldier and #BuzzLightyear !! #bringbackbuzz”

“Oust applied for housing @cierralowder



Inventions we should have this year

10 Bendable phones

so pretty when it’s snowing”

its really starting #UCCS”


Top Ten Samantha Morley smorley2@uccs.edu


3 8


Sweet Salty Tweets @brianas94


6 7


Jan 26, 2015 | 10

“Every time I go to a UCCS

basketball game I get a front seat to a blood bath. Are we ever not up by 30 at half? #UCCSbasketball #UCCS” @topher_ingramt


Hover cars


Virual reality


World peace


Instant teleportation


Hover boards


Intergalactic travel


Soylent Green (look it up)


Instant medical cures


Self-lacing shoes

Campus Chatter Alexander Nedd, anedd@uccs.edu

What tips do you have for starting the semester strong? Kristen Ann Lewis, finance, senior “If you live in the dorms don’t go for the Friday classes, especially if your roommates are rowdy.”

Timothy Henderson, communication, junior “Set a sleep schedule, if you don’t need to read the textbook it’s better to sleep. Getting eight hours or your complete REM cycle is the thing you can do.”



Win a prize! Come to The Scribe office (UC 106) and tell us where the picture was taken.

This week

at UCCS Wed


Table Tennis Tournament 7 p.m. Rec Center Court 2

Jarika Hedelius, physical therapy, sophomore


26 Fri


“Start studying now. Don’t wait until you have your first quiz to start busting it out. Keep your chin up.”

Last day to enroll or waitlist for Spring term at Main Campus

Men’s and Women’s basketball vs. Western New Mexico 5:30 p.m. Gallogly Events Center


27 Sat


Lord of the Refunds 11 a.m. UC 124

Blackout Weekend Dance 9 p.m. Berger Hall


Jan 26, 2015­ ­­ | 11

Sprinter Hayley Gantt finds her way into running, photography

Kyle Guthrie kguthri@uccs.edu

—Hayley Gantt

Sophomore Hayley Gantt is a Colorado Springs local, a state champion from Sand Creek High School. When she’s not leading the Mountain Lion spring team, she’s taking photos of her hometown. “I really love taking pictures,” she said. “I’m kind of an amateur. I don’t have a camera. I just take them on my little phone. But I love taking pictures of the sky and it just blows my mind.” Even though she is from Colorado Springs, Gantt continues to explore the city looking for interesting places to take photos. “I like finding new places,” she said. “The adventure and the exploring of Colorado Springs it’s that ideal place to find your somewhere. It’s so beautiful here.” Because of her high school success, several colleges solicited Gantt. “I actually wanted to go to Ft. Collins,” she said. “But I ended up not going there and everything fell into place for UCCS. It was a great opportunity and turned out to be a great choice.” Gantt was originally encouraged to try other sports as a child, but she quickly found out that sprinting was her passion. “My parents tried everything for me from soccer, to ice skating,

When you do these high speed, high stress, high velocity workouts, it puts you through something else. You would get close to anyone going through that kind of stuff.

to horseback riding,” she said. “Racing people was just something I was always doing on my own. I turned out to be really fast. [There are] a lot of runners in my family too, so I’m sure that helped.” Gantt has formed strong bonds with her UCCS track teammates. “I have a great team that I love,” she said. “When you do these high speed, high stress, high velocity workouts, it puts you through something else. You would get close to anyone going through that kind of stuff.” Gantt has made a name for herself in sprinting, but she had a different goal when she was a freshman. “As a freshman I always wanted to be on the four-by-four team, but I didn’t have the endurance,” she

courtesy | sports information

Sophomore Hayley Gantt won the 200-meter dash at the Colorado School of Mines Alumni meet.

said. “This year I finally made it, and afterwards I’m on the ground, definitely about to throw up, when my coach walks by and says, ‘Hey kiddo, you made the four-by-four team.’” Even after achieving her freshman goal, Gantt still has great respect for the difficulty of sprinting. “To be able to get out of your blocks correctly, to accelerate to your top speed and keep that going in 60 meters or less is very difficult, and sprinters don’t get the

credit they deserve,” she said. Gantt looks toward this season as an opportunity to be her best yet. “If you don’t pursue your potential, you’re sacrificing so many things in life that you will never know,” she said. “I always try to live up to my potential. This is going to be the best season I have ever had.” Gantt and the rest of the Mountain Lion track and field team are starting the indoor season, with the RMAC Championships Feb. 27-28.

The reason why millions love to watch the Super Bowl

Kyle Guthrie kguthri@uccs.edu

This time every year, people around the country are planning how to celebrate what is easily regarded as the biggest sporting event in America. Fans get together to find out who has the largest TV, who will provide the best food and whose barbeque can make the best ribs in preparation for the Super Bowl. The event draws in people both extremely passionate about football and those

courtesy | nflcommunications.com

Super Bowl XLIX will take place Feb. 1 in Arizona.

who only care about the commercials. But what makes the Super Bowl amazing is that, unlike baseball, soccer or hockey, it is a single elimination game. Multiple elimination rounds can cause even the most

loyal fan to be burnt out by the fourth or fifth game. Even if your team should win, you had to sit through as many as 28 games to get there. But with the Super Bowl, there are three weeks of

playoff football, with a cutthroat mentality of the winner advancing. When two teams remain, it all comes down to one powerful and intense winnertake-all struggle. There are no second chances, no do-overs

and no burned out fans. This creates a sense of tension and excitement that is clearly unrivaled in the sports world. Being able to see a definitive and inarguable victory or defeat is a refreshing change of pace from most other sports finals. This year the Seattle Seahawks will face the New England Patriots, but the game is often not the main attraction. A 2011 study done by the Retail Advertising and Marketing Association found that among polled Super Bowl viewers, only 47 percent of them considered the game to be the most important factor of the day. The other 53 percent were divided among the food, the company, the commercials, the halftime show and the

party itself. Boxes of hot pizza, seas of guacamole and piles of steaming hot chicken wings are certainly an irrefutable draw of the event. Being able to spend time with friends surrounded by good food during the game is always welcome. Don’t forget about the commercials, which is a Super Bowl tradition that has only grown in popularity. Every year viewers are treated to humorous ads that companies spend millions to show. As for Bronco fans that were devastated by the loss in the divisional round, enjoy the halftime show. While Super Bowl XLIX features arguably the two best teams in the NFL, the best part about the evening is that everyone can enjoy the fun.


Jan 26, 2015 | 12

Women’s basketball enjoys seven-game winning streak Brandon Applehans bappleha@uccs.edu

The only conference loss for the women’s basketball team dates back to Dec. 13. The Mountain Lions (15-2, 10-1 RMAC) sit in first place in the RMAC entering play Jan.23-24 after a seven game winning streak. “We have a huge target on our back because we’re first, and that we have always been ranked high,” said senior guard Abby Kirchoff. “We just have to kick it into high gear so we can keep that spot.” First year head coach Shawn Nelson knows the results are due in part to the team buying in to the program. “I’ve really enjoyed [this season] because they’ve bought in,” said Nelson. “Any coach will tell you that it’s a lot easier to do your job when your team buys in and they want it as bad as you do. This team has done everything we’ve asked of them and they continue to get better each week.” Kirchoff leads the conference in points per game (21.2), and sophomore Brittany Hernandez leads the RMAC in rebounds per game (10).

courtesy | SporTS inforMaTion

Sophomore Brittany Hernandez drives to the hoop against CSU-Pueblo on Jan. 3.

With only one loss in conference play, the players and coaches both feel confident for the rest of the season, including a rematch against Regis, the conference team that

defeated UCCS in December, 92-89. “We’re not going to lose again,” said Kirchoff. “We play Regis second to last, and we’re pumped for that game. We

know we shouldn’t have lost that game and we are going to come out playing hard.” “After seeing everybody once, I still think we are deep enough and balanced enough

to where we can have a great second half,” said Nelson. “I’m happy with where we are at and the progress that we’re making, but we haven’t even come close yet to hitting on all cylinders.” Hernandez, a transfer from Colorado Christian and in her first season as a Mountain Lion, considers her play forceful. “I don’t feel like anyone is better than me, I just don’t accept that,” Hernandez said about opposing players in the conference. “I just play as aggressive as I can. I respect people, but I don’t think they will shut me down.” Despite the impact of Kirchoff and Hernandez, the play of the supporting cast is key for Nelson. “They all work hard first of all, so you’re never concerned about getting them in the game,” said Nelson. “A lot of them could start for other teams in our league. We are that deep.” The next Mountain Lion home stand will be Jan. 30-31 as UCCS takes on Western New Mexico and New Mexico Highlands. Both games start at 5:30 p.m.

More Inside: Sprinter Hayley Gantt; Super Bowl popularity

Men’s basketball falls for first time in season Brandon Applehans bappleha@uccs.edu

A program record 14game winning streak for the Mountain Lions was snapped in a home defeat to Colorado Mesa on Jan. 10 and after a loss to Colorado Mines in Golden, UCCS found their winning form again in a win against Colorado Christian on Jan. 17. The Mountain Lions (15-2, 9-2 RMAC) are second in the conference behind Mines. “We’re on pace still to achieve our team goals,” said head coach Jeff Culver. “We know how competitive our conference is.” “We are bitter about our losses,” he added. “But it would be irresponsible for us to ever think we could go undefeated. We certainly go into every game wanting to win, but for the most part we have taken care of business.” The Mountain Lions are averaging the highest points per game in the RMAC at 89.2. Entering play on Jan. 23, junior guard Derrick White is now the leader in career scoring with 1,496 points and junior forward Alex Welsh is 11 points shy of

courtesy | SporTS inforMaTion

Derrick White, left, and Alex Welsh, right, and the rest of the Mountain Lions took on Colorado Mesa on Jan. 10.

breaking 1,000 career points. Both players acknowledge their accolades, but remain focused on winning. “I just try to take whatever the defense gives me,” said White in response to his point production. “If they are overplaying me then I’ll adjust. It comes down to doing whatever it takes to win.” White knows the role the supporting cast and bench play for UCCS has in his scoring. “They space the floor and make it easier on me because they can’t help off of the

shooters,” he said. “If they leave me then it’s three points.” In the team’s two losses, opponents benefited from impressive individual performances. Ryan Stephan of Colorado Mesa (40 points) and Gokul Natesan of Mines (25 points) both had career highs that helped defeat UCCS. “It’s something we have to prepare for every night,” said Welsh. “Being ranked as high as we are and having a target on our backs, everyone is going to play their best games against us. I think after these couple

weeks of hard practices, we are ready for players’ best games.” After contests against Black Hills State and Chadron State Jan. 23-24, the Mountain Lions will face RMAC opponents for the second time this season. “There’s some benefits on both sides,” said Culver. “When you go and play someone the second time in the same year, there’s much more familiarity. There’s more opportunity for us to tweak things, from not only the first time we have played them but how we’ve been playing in the

past few games.” “We have to be better and we have to be different,” added Welsh. “We try not to play the same game that we played the first time, win or lose. We beat most of these teams that we’re going to play again and we have to switch things up and be that much better.” The Mountain Lions will be home in Gallogly Events Center Jan. 30 as UCCS takes on Western New Mexico. New Mexico Highlands will visit the following evening, with both games starting at 7:30 p.m.

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