Oct. 22, 2009

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t he scribe

A Look Inside the ISSUE


The official student newspaper of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. October 22 to October 28, 2009 [Volume 34; Issue 9]

SSDP stages protest against HCF

Visiting professor gives Student club protests Healthy Choices Fair’s lack of marijuana information lecture on pornography Catherine Jensen cjensen2@uccs.edu

choice facing students, information concerning the effects of both alternatives should be available. Junior Scott Bingham, who participated in the protest, agreed that information concerning the advantages and disadvantages of both substances should have been distributed at the fair. “I think we should have been allowed to give the students our side of the story,” he added. “I understand why the university wouldn’t want to associate with marijuana, but I feel like they could have given us some representation.” Bingham, though, who lived in the campus dorms as a freshman, said he did not remember any explicit promotion of alcohol use on the university’s part. “I don’t think the school condoned usage of any substances at all,” said Bingham. “They didn’t think that was okay to do.”

Last Friday, University of Texas philosophy professor Robert Jensen gave a lecture on campus concerning the roles of race and gender in pornography. Women of Color, a course offered through Women’s and Ethnic studies and taught by Dr. Andrea Herrera, hosted the lecture, which was the latest in a string of speeches the class has heard on subjects ranging from jazz history to Native American perspectives and, most recently, to race and gender in pornography. Jensen has been teaching in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin since 1992. He teaches courses in media law, ethics and politics. Jensen has been doing formal and informal research and speeches about pornography for the past twenty years. His research draws on a variety of critical approaches to media and power. Much of Jensen’s work has focused on pornography and the radical feminist critique of sexuality and men’s violence, and he also has addressed questions of race through a critique of white privilege and institutionalized racism. Jensen’s interest in feminism and its relation to pornography was realized when he returned to graduate school and developed an interest in 1st amendment law, he told The Scribe.

Continued on page 4

Continued on page 4

Columbine Hall improved to meet ADA standards

page 4

SPORTS RMAC honors three athletes

page 5

CULTURE SSDP in front of the mountain lion statue, just under the Upper Plaza, where the HCF was.

Tim Canon tcanon@uccs.edu

Movie Review: “Where the Wild Things Are”

page 8

Halloween costumes on the cheap

page 9

OPINION | Truth Bombs | Rush Limbaugh’s ‘N.F.ail’

page 10 PARADOX

IT sticks it to social networking sites

page 11

In the Middle the FEATURE

UCCS’ Athletic History pages 6 and 7

Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) drew local media attention Oct. 20 as the campus club protested the Healthy Choices Fair’s alleged unfair refusal to incorporate information about the relative harms of marijuana in comparison to alcohol. According to a press release sent out by Safer Alternative for Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), the campus chapter of SSDP contacted the Student Health Center, which organized the fair, and asked if the club could provide information concerning the relative health risks of alcohol and marijuana. The Student Health Center refused because they have never had any student clubs participate, according to Director of the Student Health Center Stephanie Hanenberg. In response,

SSDP organized a protest to take place in the lower plaza’s free speech zone concurrently with the Healthy Choices Fair. Executive Director of SAFER Mason Tvert, said that the goal of the protest was to highlight the fact that the university held a “socalled ‘healthy choices fair,’” but refused to include information on marijuana, which he claimed was a healthier alternative to alcohol. Hanenberg said the purpose of the fair was “to educate students about not using harmful substances,” and that information promoting any type of illegal substance would be contrary to the fair’s message. ‘Marijuana is not a healthy choice,” she said. “As the Director of the Health Center, I don’t want to be responsible for promoting illegal substance use at an event that’s meant to educate students about not using harmful substances.” Hanenberg also emphasized in an email that “the

vendors at these fairs are departments on campus that offer health services and education, as well as community agencies that provide the same resources.” “I respect the opinions of SSDP members, but those opinions don’t alter my responsibility as Student Health Director,” which, Hanenberg said, does not include the promotion of marijuana use over alcohol. SSDP and Tvert, who at the event handed out informational fliers concerning alcohol and marijuana use, believe that information concerning alcohol versus marijuana use is important for students to know and that by not including such information in its health fair, the University is implicitly promoting the use of alcohol over marijuana. Stephanie Morphet, president of SSDP at UCCS, said that college students like to have fun, and that marijuana is better and safer than alcohol for doing so. Morphet feels that given this realistic

Jackie Parkinson

The UCCS Chess Club practices chess to prepare for the upcoming tournament at the end of October. Kevin Kassem CONTACT | phone: (719) 255 - 3658 | fax: (719) 255 - 3600 | email: scribe@uccs.edu | website: www.uccsscribe.com

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