south atlantic region
spring journal 2019
THE SOCIAL ACTION EDITION 4 Message from the Regional Director and Representative 5 2019 Founders Day Recap 10 2nd Annual Prayer Breakfast 12 Delta Authors on Tour
26 In the Spirit 28 Around the Region 41 Sensational Sorors 52 Calendar of Events
14 Project HERS 25 Pride in Our Heritage Tour
SOCIAL ACTION 9 Delta Days in the Nations Capitol 13 Polling Places FEATURES: 18 Divine 9 Legislative Day 20 Divine 9 Photos 24 Dr. Height Honored
JUANITA B. MASSENBURG Regional Director PRECIOUS JEMISON Regional Representative DELORIS B. HARGROW Regional Secretary REV. DR. TRISH HARLESTON Regional Chaplain BRIDGETTE WILSON Regional Journalist FRANCES McIVER Regional Parliamentarian KAYE WEBB Assistant Regional Parliamentarian
KIRSTON WILLIAMS State Facilitator ALFREDA BRYANT State Secretary
SC L EADERS HIP MONICA OWENS State Coordinator REGAN SADLER State Facilitator
JONI WILLIAMS State Secretary
VA L EADERS HIP MICHELLE LEWIS State Coordinator KA'MYIA GUNN State Facilitator FANCHON GLOVER State Secretary CASSANDRA MURPHY Regional Photographer
Greetings SORORS
Since our founding, social action has been the heart of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. In this issue of The Sensational we are pleased to highlight the programs and activities of chapters and individual members that continue our fight for equality and justice in our communities. From serving on local boards, to convening at statewide Delta Days and collaborating with other Greek letter organizations, members of the South Atlantic Region continue the legacy of civic engagement and empowerment through political education. In addition to highlighting our political awareness and involvement activities, this issue provides a beautiful gallery of photos showcasing the statewide celebrations of our Founders. It has truly been a busy year and we are pleased to recap the many outstanding regional events including our annual collegiate retreat Project HERS, our second annual Community Prayer Breakfast, the sold out Pride in Our Heritage Tour and the culturally rich Delta Authors on Tour. Our regional theme, “Serving with Purpose and Dedication� is evident in all of the work we have seen thoughout the region and we are extremely proud of you and grateful for the opportunity to share your success.
With much appreciation,
Juanita and Precious
Bermuda Coordinator Rosette Simmons poses with the sensational sorors of beautiful Bermuda!
f o u n d e r s d ay N O R T H C A R O L I N A S TAT E W I D E Ho ste d by Jacksonville Alumnae
E Photos taken by Soror Tarsha Burroughs
D A. National First Vice President Cheryl Hickmon, Keynote Speaker B. (l-r) Co-Chair Angela Christian, JAC President Yolanda Whitfield, NC State Coordinator Selene Brent, and Co-Chair Pamela Trafton C. Sorors from Kappa Omicron and Alpha Rho Chapters enjoying the Founders Day Celebration D. 20th National President Dr. Bertha M. Roddey (seated) and Regional Director Juanita Massenburg E. (l-r) Chaplain Council Members Sorors Shellena Atlas, Ophelia Livingston, Alycia Marcena, Trish Harleston, Robin Moore, and Tayon Dancy
f o u n d e r s d ay S O U T H C A R O L I N A S TAT E W I D E I
Hos te d by
Denmark(SC) A lumnae
A. Sorors posing with Regional Director Massenburg, Regional Representative Jemison and 22nd National President Gwendolyn Boyd (far right)
Photos taken by Soror Sharon Wigfall
B. SC Founders Day amazing technology team C. (l-r) Past Regional Director Sharon Reid and 22nd National President Gwendolyn Boyd D. SC State Coordinator Monica Owens with members of her chapter Richland County Alumnae E. 22nd National President Gwendolyn Boyd makes a grand entrance into the room
f o u n d e r s d ay Hosted
V I R G I N I A S TAT E W I D E by Franklin Tri-County A lumnae
Photos taken by Soror Cassandra Murphy A. Honorary Member Pastor Shirley Caesar and keynote speaker in prayer over the occasion B. Beautiful sorors enjoying the Founders Day lunch C. (l-r) Honorary Member, Pastor Shirley Caesar, Regional Director Juanita Massenburg, Regional Representative Precious Jemison D. (l-r) Sorors Lisa King, Natasha Palmer and Past Regional Director Andria Jeffries E. Soror Caesar and the sorors in the room come together in prayer F. Sorors enjoying the Founders Day activities
written by tisha Lowe
DELTA DAYS IN THE NATIONS CAPITOL Sorors from across all regions convened in Washington, DC from March 9th -12th for the 30th Annual Delta Days in the Nation's Capitol. This year’s theme was “The Power of our Voice…Thirty Years of Advocacy and Activism.” The agenda was packed with several breakout sessions, keynote panel discussions, and fireside chats. Sunday was kicked off with a dynamic ecumenical service. Panelist and speakers included former Secretary of Labor, Soror Alexis Herman, Former Tallahassee Mayor, Andrew Gillum, and our newly initiated soror and mother of Trayvon Martin, Sybrina Fulton. Topics
Sorors in attendance met in the offices of Richard Burr (NC-R) and Thom Tillis (NC-R)
were centered around our key issues of Gun Reform, Human Trafficking, Education, Healthcare, and Voting Rights. Sorors of the South Atlantic Region convened on Monday night for the Regional Caucus. Our Regional Director, Juanita Massenburg greeted us and our Regional Representative and Social Action CoChair gave us the charge. The Red Army was in full effect as we spent the session preparing for our lobbying visit to Capitol Hill on Tuesday. Sorors were encouraged to meet with their House and Senate Representatives to discuss our highlighted issues.
Second Annual community Prayer Breakfast
Guest Speaker Reverend Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin
Guest Ministers Reverend Patricia Austin First Baptist Church of South Richmond Reverend Anna Bradley Ordained in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Pastor Juliette Davis Destiny Empowerment Ministries Reverend Dr. Michelle McQueen-Williams First Baptist Church of South Richmond Reverend Belinda Todd First Baptist Church, Harrison Street 10
Her message focused on scripture found in Colossians 4:2, "Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful," to support the theme of this year’s event “Transformation Through Prayer.” The message served to remind us of the power in collective prayer and how our lives can be transformed when we surrender all to Him through prayer. “This prayer breakfast is just what we needed to renew our strength to continue to serve”, said Regional Director Juanita Massenburg. “This day was set aside to publicly and intentionally embrace our Christian foundation.” Rev. Trish Harleston, Chaplain for the South Atlantic Region and visionary for the prayer breakfast, presided over the event and reminded those in attendance that “because we are com-
pete rsbu r g a lum na e ch ap t e r hos ts t he second a nnua l com m uni t y
p r ay e r
manded to acknowledge the Lord in all things, this is another way of acknowledging the Lord as our source in having successfully impacted communities politically, socially and economically for these 106 years.” Members of the Regional Chaplain’s Council along with VA State Coordinator, Michelle Lew-
is, collaborated with the Petersburg Alumnae
s o u t h at l a n t i c r e g i o n
pivotal in engaging the community as part of the
“Transformation Through Prayer”
Chapter, led by President Tanisha Mitchell to ensure a successful event. The Chaplain’s Council believed that the prayer breakfast would be spiritually focused work within the sorority. They also believed that the time was now to publicly share the sorority’s dependency on God as we serve these communities to which He has assigned us.
ON SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 2019 AT GOOD SHEPHERD BAPTIST CHURCH in Petersburg, VA., the Petersburg Alumnae Chapter served as the host chapter for the 2nd Annual Community Prayer Breakfast.
The Ministry of Music for the breakfast was led by the Sensational Voices of the South Atlantic Regional Choir directed by Rev. Shellena Atlas, and a youth liturgical dance by The Spirit of
Our guest speaker, the Rev. Dr. Jacquie Hood Martin, is a licensed ordained minister of 27-years. Serving in
roles as Pastor, Church Planter, Women’s Evangelism Leader and Disciple Maker. She is a highly sought-after
The event was sold out with a maximum capac-
preacher, teacher and author. Dr. Jacquie and her husband, Roland S. Martin, are advocates in education
ity of close to 300 guests. Plans are underway
creating the initiative, School Choice is the Black Choice. Their mission is to help children, parents, edu-
for the 3rd Annual Community Prayer Breakfast
cators, administrators, advocates and legislators understand the role intentional education plays in society.
with South Carolina serving as host.
The sky darkened and the thick clouds rolled in, covering the sky before the downpour of rain created a curtain of water just outside of the windows of the ballroom. The rain drops danced on and across the surface of the bay and dampened the jackets of the people rushing from their cars. The weather did not deter the guests as they scrambled to enter the building to escape the storm and to escape reality for a few hours, and delve into the worlds and minds of the five guest authors. With striking similarities to the passage above, the National Arts and Letters Commission’s Delta Authors on Tour hosted by the Hampton Alumnae Chapter began with each author reading an intriguing and cliff-hanging passage from their book and sharing a little of their personal literary journal. After months of planning and collaborating with the National Commission, host chapters from other regions, members of the regional leadership team and the local host chapter committee, the community was treated to an exciting afternoon celebrating the literary arts. Held on the campus of Hampton University overlooking the Hampton Bay, author and Honorary Member Daphne Maxwell Reid along with soror authors Karen Wright Chisolm (Charleston Alumnae), Donna W. Dabney (Hampton Alumnae), Terri Johnson (Federal City Alumnae), and Trevy McDonald (Durham Alumnae) welcomed guests into their individual “lounges” to autograph books, B take selfies and discuss their writing inspirations oneon-one. During the planning, the committee set a goal to attract enough people so that each author could sell 50 books, and each exceeded the goal. SEE PAGE 17 FOR LISTING OF BOOKS. LET'S SUPPORT OUR SORORS! 12
POLLING PLACES BERMUDA persons can register to vote if they are
Bermudian and 18 years of age or older, or non-Bermudian Commonwealth citizens who were registered to vote on 1st May 1976.
North Carolina allows residents to register by
mail and NOT online.
The 3-step process can be found at the following website:
South Carolina allows its residents to register to vote online by visiting the following website:
Visit for detailed information regarding SC’s voting rules and procedures.
Virginia allows its residents to register to vote online by visiting the following website:
Visit for detailed information regarding VA's voting rules and procedures.
LET'S ENERGIZE AND ENGAGE. In February 2019, our collegiate members gathered at The College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA for Project HERS (PHERS); a Retreat designed specifically for our undergraduate sorors. The theme was Essentials of True Womanhood: Loving the Body, Guarding the Mind, Protecting the Spirit. The event, hosted by Mu Upsilon Chapter and led by Regional Representative Precious Jemison is important to energize and engage our young scholars to impact their campus communities, take care of themselves and network. “Collegiates come together at PHERS to connect with other collegiates,” says Soror Jemison, adding the event allowed her to personally meet collegiate members and remind them to take care of themselves, in support of the 2019 theme. In addition, PHERS offered stimulating workshops, compelling dialogue, great fellowship and sensational Delta strolls. However, Soror Jemison says the weekend also presented a safe haven for candid dialogue, including “an opportunity to openly talk without being judged.” To safeguard authenticity, one workshop was opened only to collegiate members.
Written by Sondra Hines Yates
Besides the fellowship, strolls, conversations and laughter, Soror Jemison says the event takeaway is for collegiate members to always live their best life, by building on a sisterhood that was created by college aged women.
Though the weekend was packed with events, Soror Jemison would like to see more collegiate members attend. “PHERS gives collegiate Sorors a chance to network, get engaged and provides a platform for ideas, while connecting with others,” she says. “I took ideas from collegiate members, because they have good ideas.”
Photos courtesy of Cassandra Murphy
Delta Authors on Tour Book Listing Support our sorors by visiting your preferred online retailer to purchase these books.
4th Annual Divine Nine North Carolina Legislative Day
MAY 15, 2019,
the NC State Capitol was flooded with over 660 members of the National Panhellenic Council Greek letter organizations. The Red Army was
strong as Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated had the largest number of members present with a total of 200. The opening session began under a grand tent on the Bicentennial Plaza in front of the Legislative Building with a welcome from our Regional Director, Juanita Massenburg. The invocation was given by our Regional Chaplain, Rev. Dr. Trish Harleston. Greetings were given by the 35th General President, Dr. Everett B. Ward of Alpha Phi Alpha. Ron Penny, the Secretary of the Department of Revenue from Governor Roy Cooper’s office also delivered greetings. The day was actioned packed and included, advocacy with a preset legislative agenda on topics such as educational access, gun reform, economic reform, medicaid expansion, voting reform, and census 2020. Breakout sessions were held in the afternoon and included a keynote and panel discussion on politics & pulpits: When Faith Overcomes the Separation of Church and State led by the NC Social Action Chair, Soror Tayon N. Dancy. The day culminated back under the tent with a call to action for more advocacy and collaboration in the communities we serve. 18
“Social action is the lifeblood of our Sorority and it is time for a transfusion! –21st National President Marcia L. Fudge Member of the US House of Representatives (D-OH)
Snapsh ts F R O M THE
Regional Director (center) and National President & CEO Beverly Smith along with Regional Leadership Team
(l-r) Soror Natalie Rivers, chapter president of Salisbury Alumnae and Soror Felicia Rivens King, co-chair of State Meeting
Chapter Presidents represent their chapters during the mock convention
South Atlantic collegiate sorors pose with National President & CEO Beverly Smith
Snapsh ts F R O M T HE
Past Regional Directors along with Regional Director Massenburg (center) AA
The atmosphere was set with this beautiful arrangement
Sorors donated food items to a local ministry
This amazing22 display was a wonderful backdrop for sorors to take pictures.
Snapsh ts F R O M THE
Sorors Massenburg, Owens and Sadler stand with the public service recipient A
The role of a Page is critical and these sorors executed flawlessly.
Sorors at South Carolina State Meeting Friday evening fellowship
Soror DeLaris Risher celebrates 70 years in the sisterhood, flanked by the members of Charleston Alumnae. 23
Richmond Alumnae
Dr. Dorothy Irene Height Honored with Two Historic Markers
UNDAY, MARCH 24, 2019, MORE THAN 200 PEOPLE gathered to honor civil rights leader and 10th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, Dr. Dorothy Irene Height, on what would have been her 107th birthday.
Soror Height was publicly recognized with the installation of two historic markers in the Manchester area of Richmond, Virginia, the city of her birth. Soror Height lived in Richmond until her family moved to Pennsylvania for better opportunities; she was age 4. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources commissioned one of the markers installed about ten years ago, to incorporate more diversity in the topics covered by the state’s highway markers. Of more than 2600 markers in Virginia, only 301 are associated with African American history. The marker for Soror Height was cast but never installed. After talks in 2018 about historic district status, a committee was formed to finally plan the marker’s unveiling.
ship. Both markers are located in front of the Richmond Public Library’s Hull Street Branch. The installation of the historic markers was celebrated with a program inclusive of local, state and regional dignitaries including but not limited to the Commonwealth’s governor and lieutenant governor; the city mayor; Senator Rosalyn Dance, also a soror; Soror Thelma Pettis, Past Regional Director, South Atlantic Region; a representative from the National Council of Negro Women; and, representation from the VDRH Board of Historic Resources. The Proclamation, which was formally presented at the city council was
The casted marker notes Soror Height’s veneration as “the Godmother of the Civil Rights Movement,” her work as an advocate for African American rights, and for the social and economic well-being of black women, children, and families. Because the state’s marker does not mention Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., the Richmond Alumnae Chapter, comprised of more than 450 members, commissioned a second marker to commemorate Soror Height’s impetus, diligence, and leader-
read during the program. Culminating the program, attendees gathered outside First Baptist Church of South Richmond for a drum line procession to the markers’ site. Soror Height’s nephew, Jeffrey Randolph, a program participant, shared a fun family fact, which surprised everyone and initially had VRDH officials concerned the marker would have to be recast. According to Mr. Randolph, Soror Height was not given a middle name at birth. “Irene” was the name she chose at a very young age. As the sole participant of “color” in a children’s program, she was the last asked to give her name. The other young girls provided middle names; when it was her turn, she proudly announced Dorothy Irene Height, and it stuck.
Council Members honor the late Dr. Dorothy I. Height.
Pride in Our Heritage Tour The Durham Alumnae Chapter was delighted to host The Pride in Our Heritage Tour! This event was open to the public and took place on Saturday, October 27th at the Hilton Durham University Ballroom. It was an evening of artistic fusion of jazz, poetry and intriguing conversation with our very own Sorors Johnnetta B. Cole and Keisha Knight Pulliam along with Emmy Award winning Poet Laureate, Hank Stewart. This sold out event also featured a musical performance by P.M. Groove Band, poet Javon Rustin of Durham and the live auction of a piece of art from artist Kevin Bell. National President & CEO, Beverly E. Smith, was in attendance with our current Regional Director, Soror Juanita B. Massenburg, Regional Representative, Soror Precious Jemison along with past Regional Directors Sorors Boyd, Robinson and Sutton.The evening ended with pictures and a reception of hors d'oeuvres with an artistic flair. Sorors Mundi Gattis and Jackie Shuler were the co-chairs of this event and Soror Lalethia Bethea serves as chapter president.
Written By Rev. Dr. Trish Harleston South Atlantic Regional Chaplain
“Jabez cried out to the Lord of Israel, 'Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory'...” — 1 Chronicles 4: 10a O N S I D E R T H I S R E Q U E S T T O G O D in the familiar text known as the Prayer of Jabez recorded in the Old Testament Chronicles. For most organizations or living organisms, there is a continual
petition that the organization might grow in number, in effectiveness, in impact, or increase in influence. The text is 1 Chronicles 4:10a (NIV) reads as follows, “Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, "Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory.” Jabez was asking that the Lord move him beyond his current sphere of influence in order that he might have greater impact. Jabez was not only asking that he might have influence beyond his circle, but he also wanted to receive more of the blessings and favor of God. But what Jabez also realized as can be discerned by the second part of his request, is that with this increase would likely come a greater necessity for the hand of God to cover him on every side. Jabez was certainly aware of the reality that God is capable of doing much more than our minds could ever comprehend, but I believe that he was also aware that it doesn’t come without experiencing pain as typically associated with increase. Anything that is
Join us for Monthly Manna. A moment of meditation and prayer to guide us through the month.
growing will experience the pains of that growth. Therefore, don’t ask God for more or for expansion without also asking for the character, the mental capacity, and the faith to walk in that place of increase. As we inquire of the Lord regarding the portions that He designates for each of us, be mindful to also ask Him not to bless beyond your mental capacity to receive it, beyond your emotional capacity to handle it or beyond your spiritual capacity to live it. Increase without integrity can be disastrous. Have you ever heard the phrase “Can you HANDLE BEING BLESSED?” I believe that Jabez’s request provides further insight as he said (and I paraphrase), “Lord, I want you to bless me, but I also need you to cover me and, by the way, don’t let me experience the pain that will come with my increase.” But the unfortunate reality is that you can’t experience one without the other. With enlarged territory, there is a greater need to function on a higher dimension or to exhibit maturity on a higher level. With expanded borders comes more real estate to attend to or more property to maintain. And with increase comes greater attacks on every plain. It is for this reason that I believe Jabez asked the Lord to “be with him” and to “keep him free from the pain”. During this season of increase, let us keep our hand in the Lord’s hand, keep His Word in our mouth, keep our faith strong and guard our hearts - for the pain of increase is inevitable.
First Sunday evening of each month at 8 p.m. Call In Number (515) 739-1020 Access Code: 457798 Also, remember to submit your daily prayer requests to
Trish Harleston Chair of Chaplain's Council Durham Alumnae (NC) Alycia Marcena Durham Alumnae (NC) Cassandra Evans Knightdale Wake Forest Alumnae (NC) Chaneka Pigatt Hartsville Alumnae (SC) LaVerne Cofield Western Wake Alumnae (NC) Cynthia Rioland Chesterfield Alumnae (VA) Debbie Stanley Georgetown Alumnae (SC) Debra McKoy Raleigh Alumnae (NC) Erica Callicutt Newport News Alumnae (VA) Gertie Smalls Ford Charleston Alumnae (SC) Gretchen Williams Johnston County Alumnae (NC) Hilton Cooper Florence Alumnae (SC) Jacquie Hood Martin Loudoun County Alumnae (VA) Joan Robinson Danville Alumnae (VA) Karen Wicker Sandhills Alumnae (NC) Katrina Smith Loudoun County Alumnae (VA) Kim Johnson Newport News Alumnae (VA) Lillie Stokes Clinton Alumnae (NC) 27
Lydia Simmons Portsmouth Alumnae (VA) Marian Thompson Charleston Alumnae (SC) Michelle McQueen Williams Chesterfield Alumnae (VA) Monica Callaway Roanoke Alumnae (VA) Orphelia Livingston Sandhills Alumnae (NC) Pamela Hart Hemphill Charlotte Alumnae (NC) Pamela Johnson Knightdale Wake Forest Alumnae (NC) Patty Smith Shelby Alumnae (NC) Rico Wagner Charlotte Alumnae (NC) Ritta Armstead Fredericksburg Area Alumnae (VA) Robin Moore Wilmington Alumnae (NC) Ruby Steele Salisbury Alumnae (NC) Schrendria Robinson Richland County Alumnae (SC) Shellena Atlas Raleigh Alumnae (NC) Tammy Wheeler Lancaster Alumnae (SC) Tayon Dancy Western Wake Alumnae (NC) Tonya Spruill Smithfield Alumnae (VA)
Ahoskie Alumnae
Voter Awareness in Bertie and Hertford Counties The Ahoskie Alumnae Chapter (AHC) of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. 2018-2019 Sorority Year focused on one of the Sorority’s Five Point Programmatic Thrust: Political Awareness and Involvement. We were fortunate to partner with Democracy NC with a Voter Engagement Plan that provided Educational Awareness, Political Awareness and Involvement to the citizens of Bertie and Hertford Counties. The chapter members of the AHC worked tirelessly and diligently to prepare the citizens for voting in the General Election held in November 2018. The preparation tools used for this process were the following; community meetings, candidate forums, public service announcements and serve as poll workers and poll monitors. AHC appreciates the golden opportunity to partner with Democracy NC in conducting the Voters Engagement Plan. Ensuring that the citizens of Bertie and Hertford Counties participated in the general election was a proud moment for AHC. The chapter also educated the youth of the Bertie and Hertford County School Systems on the importance of voting by sponsoring an essay writing contest.
Asheville Alumnae Holds Candidate Forum
The Asheville Alumnae Chapter in partnership with the YWCA held their annual Candidates’ Forum on October 17, 2018, at the YWCA of Asheville. This year the chapter invited candidates for the office of Buncombe County Sheriff. All three candidates participated in the reception before the forum and stayed after the forum to speak with the general public. Soror Carol Goins, Social Action Chair, was the forum moderator. Questions centered on each candidate’s vision for his time in office, their experience, and their thoughts on a wide range of topics such as dealing with the homeless, mentally ill and community policing. The event was at capacity with an attendance of over 75 people. Community feedback, as well as feedback from the candidates and their campaign staff, was overwhelmingly positive.
Charlotte Alumnae
Holds 55th Annual Debutante Cotillion The Charlotte Alumnae Chapter and Deltas of Charlotte Foundation held its 55th annual Debutante Cotillion on Saturday, April 20, at Dale F Halton Arena at UNC Charlotte. Dressed in formal gowns, 24 Debutantes participated in this years event. The theme was “Reflections of Promise, Strength and Grace.” The Cotillion awarded $119,030 in college scholarships and $13,699 in donations to community nonprofits. Soror Wanda Nelson was Cotillion Chair, along with Co-Chairs, Soror Kimberly Lovejoy-Brodie, Cheryl Raley and Tierra Sanders.Ashlee Alyeah Hand, a student at South Mecklenburg High School, was named Miss Debutante. Other winners were: 1st Attendant – Kaziah Lewis 2nd Attendant – McKenzie Powell 3rd Attendant – Brittney Tatum Miss Legacy – Ashleigh Fields Special Awards: Community Service – Camryn Jamison Miss Congeniality – Aja Jones Best Essay – Camryn Jamison
Chesapeake Virginia Beach Alumnae
The Chesapeake-Virginia Beach Alumnae Chapter was recognized at Delta Day at Chesapeake City Council on Tuesday March 26, 2019. Soror Ella Ward is one of two African Americans serving on the city council. Soror Wanda Barnard-Bailey serves as a Deputy City Manager and Soror Donna Graham-Elliott serves on the Health and Human Services Board. With African Americans representing approximately 29.5% of the city’s population, this chapter is working to fulfill the words of Past National President Frankie Muse Freeman, "there is still much work to do."
Delta Day at Chesapeake City Council
The Mayor shared the chapter’s rich history, its members serving on boards and commissions and various community service programs and projects which include voter registration, restoration of rights, political forums and trainings to become third party voter registrants. One of the chapter’s goals is to continue advocating and promoting the increase of Deltas and diversity on boards and commissions.
Chesterfield Alumnae
First Annual Young Leaders Empowerment Explosion The First Annual Young Leaders Empowerment Explosion was conducted on February 23, 2019. This event was a partnership between Chesterfield Alumnae, P&G Foundation, Traditionz Wings and Grill, Dominion Energy, and Meadowbrook High School. It was designed to attract youth ages 9-24 in the Metro Chesterfield Area. There were workshops conducted on various topics, including a college and job fair. Students were able to join community outreach youth programs and apply for scholarships. The event commenced with an opening ceremony with a local Boy Scout Troop, Cub Scouts Pack 496, assisting with the presentation of flags. This was followed by a panel of moderators on a variety of topics; health, finance, business, drugs and referring to yourself as the “N” word. The moderators entertained questions from the audience. Following this panel, there was a panel discussion conducted from local TV Journalists. Several participants left with employment and as members of community programs that will enhance their future.
Denbigh Alumnae
Political Awareness in the Community The Denbigh Alumnae Chapter (DAC) has had a busy spring season so far in the community. Recently, they promoted political awareness by signing unregistered voters up to vote. Sorors also volunteered their time to go through training for voter registration. Denbigh Alumnae Chapter was featured on local television show “The Hampton Roads Show”, on March 18, 2019. DAC sorors promoted an upcoming event, Circle of Sisterhood: Honoring Military Women.” The event was held during Virginia’s Women Veterans week and honored current and former military women, with free health screenings, manicures, massages and a mental health speaker. The community was welcome and the turnout was great. In cooperation with the Delta Research and Educational Foundation, Denbigh Alumnae Chapter participated with Hampton Roads Give Local 757 2019 Giving Day, on May 14, 2019. The community can learn more about our participation at: 30
Fairfax County Alumnae 25th Anniversary Time Capsule
Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter (FCAC) celebrated its 25th anniversary with an extraordinary program and luncheon on May 20, 2018. The theme of the event was “Empowerment, Leadership and Service”. The Heritage and Archives Committee created a display that highlighted and acknowledged the chapter’s twenty-five-year journey, its goals and successes in correlation with the stated theme.
Elizabeth City Alumnae
The committee also created a time capsule that held 25 significant items from the current chapter to be opened by the chapter president in May of 2043. The capsule represented the future of the chapter and its connection between the past twenty-five years and the next twenty-five.
ECSU 128th Founders Day Convocation 22nd National President Gwendolyn Boyd served as the keynote speaker for the 128th Founders Day Convocation at Elizabeth City State University (ECSU) on March 8, 2019 where Soror Karrie G. Dixon serves as Chancellor. Dr. Boyd encouraged students, faculty, staff and all in attendance to cherish the rich heritage of the historically black university. She praised Dr. Dixon for her excellent leadership as the university’s 12th Chief Executive Officer and 7th Chancellor at ECSU.
Catherine M. Hudgins, Hunter Mill District Supervisor, presented FCAC with a Resolution from the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors for its 25th Anniversary and service to the community.
A reception in honor of Dr. Boyd’s visit was hosted by Chancellor Dixon that included the presidents of Delta Chi and Elizabeth City Alumnae Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated as well as the president of the Elizabeth City Chapter of The Links Incorporated. Soror Boyd served as the keynote speaker for the Elizabeth City Alumnae Chapter's 50th Anniversary in 2003 as well as Founders Day in 2013.
Fayetteville Alumnae
Making an Impact in the Community In November, at the World AIDS Day Gala, Fayetteville Alumnae Chapter (FAC) was recognized and honored for “HIV Community Involvement.” In January, partnering with the Child Advocacy Center since 2015, FAC hosted three separate Human Trafficking forums at different locations throughout the county. The keynote speaker for the forum was Russell G. Wilson, a researcher and sex traffic survivor discussing these topics: 1. “It’s Not Child Pornography, It’s Child Sexual Abuse Imagery,” 2. “Boys are Trafficked Too,” and 3. “Human Trafficking, Not in My Backyard.” FAC, also volunteered at Snyder Memorial Baptist Church, by assisting the NC MedAssist Mobile Pharmacy, by helping dispense over-thecounter medication to the underinsured and uninsured members of our community. In February, FAC held it’s annual “An Affair to Remember” Gala with the theme Excellence In Service. FAC chose to honor and recognize community leaders, from within the Cumberland County area, who demonstrated exceptional leadership qualities.
Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Getting the Youth Involved
The Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter Social Action Committee, collaborated with the Delta GEMS and Academy Committee in January, to provide a forum on Human Trafficking and Mental Health Awareness. The forum focused on youth ages 12 -18 years old, their parents and individuals in our community whom we serve, in order to provide valuable statistics directly related to the effects of human trafficking and mental health issues involving teenagers in today’s society. Virginia House of Delegates member Robert Thomas participated in the forum, and advised of upcoming House Bills he is sponsoring which would increase the penalty for offenses of human trafficking, and prostitution of minors. Two participants from the Delta GEMS and Academy were warmly received as they introduced our Mental Health speakers, Dr. Batts, a Clinical Psychologist, who presented a discussion on Mental Health, and life skills as it relates to our youth.
Henrico County Alumnae
First Annual Black Facts Competition On February 16, 2019, Henrico County Alumnae Chapter hosted its first annual Black Facts Competition for youth. The social action committee, co-chaired by Samantha Thompson and Karen Pierce, selected two teams of students from two high schools in our service area. The event was hosted at the Black History Museum and Cultural Center of Richmond, VA in partnership with their Executive Director, Adele Johnson. The venue also served a dual purpose-providing the content and reinforcement needed for students to be successful in the competition. Armstrong High School, placed first and won $150. Due to our commitment to the community, one of our partners, DNA Fitness, matched our donation and raising the total donation to $300. Each participant received a certificate of participation and good sportsmanship. We look forward to repeating this successful event next year! The chapter will utilize the proceeds from the luncheon
Goldsboro Alumnae
Contributes to Wayne County Museum of History The Goldsboro Alumnae Chapter (GAC) created an exhibit featuring photos, news articles and artifacts illustrating the sorority’s five-point programmatic thrust. The exhibit at the Wayne County Museum of History covered GAC’s 54 years of service in the community in support of the museum’s “Heart and Hand” project to display service of local african-american organizations. Showcased within the exhibit were photographs of the chapter's 22 charter members, celebration of the chapter’s 50th anniversary and public service projects and activities from 1965 to present including candidate forums, voter registration, advocacy at City Council meetings, Healthy Heart walks, Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build, Delta GEMS, World Water Day and St. Jude Walks, and numerous others. The exhibit was received with great excitement!
Iota Chi Chapter
Awarded Chapter of the Year For the second year in a row, the Iota Chi Chapter of the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC, was awarded the National Pan-Hellenic Council Chapter of the Year award from the University’s Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. The Fraternity and Sorority Life office awards this award to one chapter in each of the four Greek councils represented on campus. The winner of the award embodies the four pillars of Service, Scholarship, Leadership and Friendship within their respective communities.
Kappa Omicron Chapter
Recognizing Human Trafficking Awareness As part of Human Trafficking Awareness Month in January, the Kappa Omicron Chapter at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill partnered with the Honors Carolina program in sponsoring the University’s annual Frank Porter Graham lecture. Using $20,000 in grant money from Honors Carolina and the Orange County Rape Crisis Center, the chapter organized an event that included presenter Mary Mazzio, an award-winning documentary film director, who screened her newest documentary ‘I AM JANE DOE.’ The documentary shed light on the dangers of sex trafficking, highlighting the stories of mothers whose young daughters were trafficked for commercial sex on ‘I AM JANE DOE’ documents several survivors and their political fight to end sex trafficking and shut down sites like Kappa Omicron members were able to fill a gap in student knowledge about human trafficking, a major health and policy issue. Approximately 300 students, faculty, and community members attended the lecture. Some students were able to meet one-on-one with Mazzio to grasp a deeper understanding of the fight against sex trafficking. In addition to the lecture, Kappa Omicron hosted supplementary programs, including a lunch-and-learn panel, petition-signing, and a screening of Mazzio’s film, ‘I AM JANE DOE.’
Loudoun County Alumnae
Providing support for the Dulles Food Pantry Members of Loudoun County Alumnae Chapter (LCAC) showed up at the Dulles Food Pantry with cars loaded with groceries to donate to the county food bank. This is the second year that the Chapter has provided support. The organization provides groceries to more than 50 families each week. Chapter members delivered nearly 300 pounds of food, stocked shelves and prepared snack packets for youngsters attending after school programs. Volunteers at the Food Pantry expressed thanks for the donations. While they receive considerable food during the holidays, it’s difficult to gather donations in the spring and summer. The Chapter normally hosts a food effort in the fall and will consider hosting one in the spring next year. LCAC’s 130 members are celebrating their 10th anniversary. The chapter, led by Soror Katrina Smith, was founded April 29, 2009.
Knightdale Wake Forest Alumnae Persuading the World to Positive Change
Persuading the world to positive change is no small task. The Knightdale Wake Forest Alumnae Chapters focus on political and social justice awareness served the Knightdale, Wake Forest, Rolesville, Zebulon and Wendell communities. The chapter started in September with an Election Preparedness campaign to bring awareness, and equip the constituents with the tools necessary to be an educated electorate, increase voter registration and bring awareness to local and state candidates running for office with a Candidates Forum. Through a social media crusade the committee established a weekly cadence to educate and share a music video to support the Get Out the Vote National initiative which resulted in 76K views, 3K shares in two-months. The Wake Forest Chamber of Commerce partnership successfully registered voters between the ages of 18 – 21, and birthed a voter mobilization effort to encourage both Knightdale and Wake Forest patrons to vote on Election Day.
Lumberton Alumnae
Awards a High School Graduate with Scholarship On January 8, 2019, The Lumberton Alumnae Chapter bestowed upon an upcoming high school graduate a gift of her graduation cap and gown package. In the spirit of our sisterhood, service and scholarship, Lumberton Alumnae endowed this scholarship to Elizabeth Bristow a senior at Lumberton High School where currently she carries a 3.65 G.P.A. Upon graduation she will report directly to the United States Navy having already been sworn in.
Northern Virginia Chapters Regional Criminal Justice Forum
On Wednesday, April 24, 2019 the Social Action Committees of Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter, Fredericksburg Area Alumnae Chapter, Loudoun County Alumnae Chapter, Northern Virginia Alumnae Chapter and the Prince William County Alumnae Chapter joined forces to sponsor a Criminal Justice Forum at the Gum Springs Community Center. Strategically held in an historic African American community, the forum contained a panel of six local candidates specifically running for the Commonwealth Attorney’s position in the Northern Virginia jurisdictions. With a packed room, the panelists answered non-stop questions that challenged the current systems centered around: school to prison pipeline; implicit bias; over incarceration and the disparities in those numbers; mental health and the legal system; death penalty; drug courts; cash bail reform; police misconduct; police civilian review boards; prosecutorial discretion; CA office budgets; transparency/shared data; and sentencing guidelines.
Raleigh Alumnae
Delta DEARS’ Tea at the NC Governor’s Mansion The Delta DEARs of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter held a Tea on Saturday, March 9, 2019 at the North Carolina Governor’s Mansion in recognition of Sisterhood Month. First Lady Kristen Cooper opened the mansion to 88 members of the Raleigh Alumnae Chapter, who dressed in lovely hats or fascinators for an afternoon filled with a variety of teas, finger sandwiches, scones, and most importantly sisterhood. Angela Hatton, Chapter President, welcomed sorors to the Governor’s Mansion and the occasion. Soror Carlene Byrd, Delta DEARS Committee Chair, gave the purpose for the Tea. Soror Selene Brent, NC State Coordinator, delivered an inspirational speech about the importance of sisterhood and how Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. bridges the gap in the local community. Soror Brent charged each chapter member to remember their dedication to the sorority and each other. We are a sorority “called to serve” and must remember to serve others through our commitment to community initiatives and our determination to assess the needs of others. Soror Carolyn Colquitt played the piano during the event.
Portsmouth Alumnae Ready. Set. Vote!
Typically, the November presidential election is the prime time to reach out to college students to encourage them to vote. Portsmouth Alumnae (PAC) recognizes that the Presidential election is just the tip of the iceberg. College students need to become registered voters early to take part in the local elections and presidential primaries, which are held earlier in the year. That is why on February 21, PAC participated in the 2019 Tidewater Community College (TCC) Campus Takeover. Sorors handed out photo ID materials, educated students on the upcoming primary elections and even assisted students with voter applications! Within two hours, thirteen students had registered to vote. The response to Portsmouth Alumnae’s drive was so great that they were invited back in April for TCC’s Spring Fling!
Roxboro Alumnae Holds Health Expo
The Roxboro Alumnae Chapter held a Health Expo on March 16th at Piedmont Community College. This great day involved many vendors offering health and wellness tips to the attendees as well as free health screenings. Those involved included Rox Fitness, Lillian Johnson who offered nutritional tips, Safe Haven of Person County, Karen McCain who offered health screenings for blood pressure and blood sugar checks, and Tanya Winbush, Certified Health Coach and owner of Evolve to Live. The numerous attendees signed in and were entered into a drawing for a door prize. There were various healthy snacks, smoothies and water available as they mixed and mingled visiting each of the vendors. There was an abundance of take-away information that can be used to promote a healthy lifestyle. The chapter’s goal was to provide an opportunity for the community to be educated in an interactive way.
Shelby Alumnae
Supports Black History Production In recognition of Black History month, the Shelby Alumnae Chapter supported Graham Elementary School as it hosted the acclaimed production of “Heroes of the Underground Railroad.” This was an inspiring exploration of the lives and work of notable abolitionists and slaves from America’s Underground Railroad. The show provided a historical context of the time period while re-creating the work of prominent and nearly forgotten heroes such as Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass. The play shed light on everything from secret messages along the routes to music from the time period. Attendees were inspired with stories of everyday Americans who worked to make our world a better place. . After the show, Shelby Alumnae served refreshments along with fellow soror, Dr. Valerie O’Kelly, principal of the host school. The event was sponsored by the Cleveland County Arts Council. Soror Patty Smith serves as chapter president. 38
Walterboro Alumnae
Holds Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Event On November 3, 2018, the Walterboro Alumnae chapter sponsored a Walk A Mile in Her ShoesŽ event in Walterboro, SC. With the participation of 50 walkers, the chapter provided men and women from Colleton County joined together to stand up against domestic violence and sexual assault. This event is a fundraiser to support survivors of domestic and sexual violence in our community. Men and boys don heels and platform shoes for the walk to get a sense of what survivors experience navigating legal and medical systems after an assault and also dealing with the personal trauma resulting from an assault. The chapter partnered with Hopeful Horizons, a children’s advocacy, domestic violence and rape center that serves the Lowcountry. Through registration fees and community donations, the chapter was able to give a sizable donation to Hopeful Horizon to further its services to victims of domestic and sexual assault in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
Virginia Northern Neck Alumnae Deltas Uniting A Community to Get Out The Vote
The Virginia Northern Neck Alumnae Chapter answered the call to serve as facilitators during the 2018 elections. The Chapter followed a #Votetaker2018 initiative developed and based on collaboration between both the National Headquarters NAACP and National Minority Pan-Hellenic Council. These two organizations joined forces as part of an overall strategy NAACP to shift resources towards mobilization efforts for the elections. Instead of reinventing the wheel, the mandate was clear and simple: Registration, Education and Mobilization. Community Partners were united and assigned to implement the plans set-forth by the Strategic Planning Committee: Registration (sororities and fraternities), Education (Indivisible Organization) and Mobilization (local NAACP). By partnering with other organizations, the chapter was instrumental in registering, educating and mobilizing hundreds of individuals at the local college, high schools, churches and annual events.
Western Wake Alumnae
Participates in MLK March and Celebration On Monday, January 21, 2019 Western Wake Alumnae Chapter (WWAC) participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. March and Celebration hosted by the Cultural Arts Society of Fuquay Varina. The theme for the annual celebration was “Our Church-Our Community-Our Nation.” The event began with the participants assembling at Fuquay Varina Middle School. The participants marched through the town to St. Augusta Missionary Baptist Church where a light breakfast was served followed by the MLK Celebration wherein Chief Justice Cheryl Beasley of the North Carolina Supreme Court delivered the keynote address. WWAC members were not only participants in the March but also served as greeters. Other participants included Xi Mu Mu Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and Minority Men Making Mighty Moves.
Williamsburg Alumnae
Sponsored Financial Fortitude Forum On Saturday, March 9, 2019 Williamsburg Alumnae Chapter sponsored a Financial Fortitude forum, under the title of “Small Business Expo,” focusing on the Entrepreneurship component at the James City County Recreation Center. Owners of Nutz About You (www.nutzaboutyou. com) and Candy's Sweet Dreams (, two African American female entrepreneurs, shared all aspects of starting, running and growing a small business with the members. An awesome forum!
Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS ADDIE W. GRIFFIN Soror Addie W. Griffin, Immediate Past President of the Elizabeth City Alumnae Chapter was recently elected to the Pasquotank County Board of Elections in Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Soror Griffin is a strong advocate for Social Action as well as for Voter’s Education, Registration and Rights. During her tenure as president from 2012 - 2016, she was passionate about chapter and community involvement and continues to be active which resulted in her nomination and election to this position.
ANGELA CHIN Soror Angela Chin is a member of the Kappa Omicron Chapter and a junior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Public Policy & Environmental Studies. Angela serves as the Chair of Policies and Procedures for the chapter. In this role, Angela demonstrates exceptional understanding of the Sorority’s Constitution and Bylaws and ensures they are always upheld. Angela’s service as an active member of the Student Attorney General Staff, a Minority Peer Advisor, and Co-Chair of the Political Awareness and Involvement Committee exemplify her strong dedication to public service and social justice beyond Delta. Soror Chin genuinely believes diplomacy and international relations must be approached through a social justice lens to actualize change.
Jazz Vocalist Angela T. Clark is a 2019 Inductee in the South Carolina State University Jazz Hall of Fame. Her band Serenadé features the jazz chanteuse fusing old school jazz, folk and rhythm and blues with a multiplayer roster. Initiated in the Alpha Xi Chapter in the Spring of 1988, her education into the intricacies of jazz styling was honed under the direction of Dr. Alvin Fulton and the South Carolina State University Jazz Ensemble. Angela has performed in over 70 countries and all 50 states as a singer, dancer and actress working as a performer in the cruise line industry since 1995. She is thrilled about the November 2019 anticipated release of her first holiday album. Angela currently serves as the 1st Vice President of the Greenville (SC) Alumnae Chapter.
Sensational SORORS
ANGELA CUSSAC Soror Angela Cusaac has been recognized as Vance County Public Schools' 2018-2019 District Teacher of the Year. She is a Career and Technical Education (CTE) teacher, dedicated to building future leaders. For 5 years, Soror Cusaac has infused passion and purpose into her lessons to produce promise in every student. Angela's philosophy is rooted in the belief that cultivating an atmosphere of love and authentic relationships will ignite a desire for learning. In addition to her District Teacher of the Year honors, Angela, a Vance County Chamber of Commerce Educator of Distinction was named Southern Vance High School Teacher of the Year, a Richard L. Thompson Honored Educator Scholar, and a Teacher Executive Institute Graduate. In the Fall of 2019, she'll bring the prestigious Future Teachers of North Carolina program to her school district for the first time in its history.
Soror Chelsea Jimenez, a spring 2017 initiate of the Iota Chi Chapter at the University of South Carolina, was recognized as a 2019 Social Justice Award recipient. The award recognized Soror Jimenez for exemplifying Martin Luther King Jr.’s commitment to service, equality and social justice at the university’s annual MLK Commemorative Breakfast on January 18, 2019. Soror Jimenez is a senior in the College of Education’s early childhood program, and is interested in pedagogies focused on equity, cultural relevance and anti-racism. Last year, she won first place in the education category at the annual Southeastern Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel conference for her research on teaching young African-American students how to code-switch. For the last three semesters, Soror Jimenez has been given funding to do research about whether there is a need to teach about African-American language, Africa and African-American culture to young African-American students in elementary school.
CHRISTAL JENKINS Dr. Christal M.N. Jenkins received her Doctorate of Ministry (DMIN) degree in Leadership and Global Perspective from George Fox University in Portland, Oregon. Her dissertation is entitled “A New Koinonia: Rediscovering Community through Online Communities of Practice”. She is passionate about the intersection between technology and faith. In addition to her doctorate degree, she holds a double Master’s degree. A Masters of Arts in Theology with an emphasis on Business & Applied Theology (MAT-BAT) and a Master in Business Administration with an emphasis on Social and Sustainable Enterprise (MBA- SSE). She also, holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Human Centered Design and Engineering. Currently, she serves in multiple facets as a Digital Commercial Banking Development manager (VP), prolific speaker and a published author. Dr. Jenkins was initiated in 2004 in the Alpha Omicron Chapter (Univ. of WA) and is a member of the Knightdale-Wake Forest Alumnae Chapter.
Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS EVELYN SANDERS Soror Evelyn Sanders, charter member of Johnston County Alumnae Chapter in Smithfield, North Carolina, was recently notified by the North Carolina Department of Administration Office for Historically Underutilized Businesses, that her company, Southeastern Adult Healthcare of North Carolina is now certified as a North Carolina Historically Underutilized Business. Southeastern Adult Healthcare of NC will be listed in the Statewide Uniform Certification (SWUC) program database. This certification will remain in effect until February 2023. Southeastern Adult Healthcare has offices in Wake and Johnston counties. The center offers adult daycare and assists seniors with disabilities with vital activities of daily living, health monitoring, and social interaction. Southeastern Adult Healthcare of NC also provides overnight respite services for caregivers. The business was established in 1991.
GENERAL HAZEL JOHNSON BROWN On November 8, 2018, the Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter of Fairfax, Virginia and other sorors in the area had the great honor to be present at George Mason University for the classroom dedication and inaugural scholarship award in honor of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated member General Hazel Johnson-Brown. The late General Johnson Brown was the first African American woman General in the history of the US military. After her military career, General Johnson-Brown joined the faculty at George Mason University as as a nursing professor and the Director for the Center for Health Policy at Mason until her retirement.
JADA GRANDY-MOCK Soror Jada Grandy-Mock was one of 25 women recognized in Charlotte Business Journal's 2019 Women in Business for making significant contributions to their profession and community. As a Senior Vice President and Region Group Director, she develops, directs and implements the Community and Economic Development and Community Reinvestment Act strategies in North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, West Virginia and Ohio. Under her leadership, the City of Raleigh recognized her division with the Fair Housing Award for the banks commitment to affordable housing. Further Soror Grandy-Mock designed and implemented the Strengthening Our Communities Program - responsible for awarding over $3 million in grants to the community. Soror Grandy-Mock currently serves as a board member on the Carolina Small Business Development Fund and founding board member of the Renaissance West Community Initiative. As an advocate for diversity and inclusion; she mentors rising leaders. 43
Sensational SORORS JORDAN BERMUDEZ Soror Jordan Bermudez is a member of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Sports Administration. Jordan serves as the student director of the Carolina Union, the premiere gathering space for Carolina students, where she diligently works with the staff director on all aspects of facility management. Soror Bermudez is interested in seeing people and operations maximize their potential, often beyond the original expectation. She has exemplified this through her work within Kappa Omicron as the Social Chair. In this role, she has volunteered to coordinate large chapter events including the chapter’s Charter Day Celebration, 45th Anniversary Weekend Celebration, and 42nd Sweetheart Ball. Jordan will be continuing her studies at the University of North Carolina in pursuit of her Masters of Sport Administration in the Fall of 2019.
JULETTA TYSON Juletta Tyson is a courageous, loving and friendly soror of the Chesterfield Alumnae Chapter. She underwent a kidney transplant at the University of Virginia Hospital. She was diagnosed with diabetes at age 19. Since 2010 she had been fighting with end stage renal disease. She was on a treatment machine for 4 ½ hours, 3 times a week for 8 ½ years. Soror Tyson refused to allow obstacles to prevent her from performing her duties as Corresponding Secretary. She always maintained a cheerful and positive attitude. Juletta lives in the Metro Chesterfield area, but while in the hospital, Charlottesville Alumnae assisted Chesterfield Alumnae in supporting Soror Tyson while at home. This is her quote while going through this “…because God is a keeper, I have been able to survive and live the best that I am able.” Juletta received a transplant on December 30, 2018!
LISA LUCAS-BURKE On Wednesday, January 2, 2019, Soror Lisa Lucas-Burke was unanimously voted in by her colleagues to hold the position of Vice Mayor in Portsmouth, Virginia and the second African-American woman to be unanimously voted as Vice Mayor. Following in the footsteps of her mother, State Senator and Soror, L. Louise Lucas, Lisa continuously aspires to conquer great things. A longtime civic activist, Soror Lucas-Burke began her political career in 2016 by winning a City Council seat with the highest amount of votes. Before her election, she served as the chairwoman of the Portsmouth Economic Development Authority and currently serves as Executive Director and partner with her mother and sister with Lucas Lodge Entities. Lisa Lucas-Burke has been a Diamond Life Member of Portsmouth Alumnae Chapter since 1996 and 2018 Alumnae Soror of the Year for the South Atlantic Region.
Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS ROSE SMITH
MINERVA FREEMAN Soror Minerva Freeman was recently recognized by the Greenville (NC) City Council and the Human Relations Committee as the 2019 Best-Irons Humanitarian Award Recipient. The City Council recognizes an individual, business or organization that has made Greenville a better place to live through their commitment to promote social, racial and economic justice; defending human rights; and/ or enhancing the dignity of all people. Recipients are considered 'Unsung Heroes" who have energized others to improve the opportunities and quality of life for residences of Greenville and have unselfishly shared their time and expertise consistently and willingly extend a helping hand to others without seeking recognition. Soror Freeman is the immediate past president of the Pitt County Alumnae chapter.
REV. PHOEBE ROAF Reverend Phoebe A. Roaf, the 22nd rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, the oldest AfricanAmerican church in the Episcopal Diocese of Virginia, has served since 2011, and is the first woman parish leader in the church’s 150-year history. Mother Phoebe, as she is fondly called amongst her parishioners and others, has been elected the fourth bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of West Tennessee. She will become the first African American and first woman to lead there. The diocese, which covers all of Tennessee west of the Tennessee River, has 8,260 active members and an average Sunday attendance of more than 3,000. Mother Phoebe completed her bachelor’s degree at Harvard University and MPA at Princeton University. She attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria. She is vice chair of the board of trustees at Virginia Theological Seminary. Mother Phoebe is an active and dedicated member of the Richmond Alumnae Chapter. She was initiated in 1984 at Harvard University, Xi Chi Chapter.
Soror Rose Monique Smith, was recently named 2018-2019 School Social Worker of the Year. As Lead School Social Worker, Soror Smith oversees 43 elementary schools in the Charlotte Mecklenburg School district. Soror Smith is also an active advisory board member for Families Forward Charlotte, whose mission is ease the burden of poverty for children and families. Soror Smith is a member of Charlotte Alumnae Chapter.
Sensational SORORS SOPHIA MCFARLANE Soror Sophia McFarlane is a member of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated and a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Chemistry. Sophia possess a deep passion for healing social ailments that plague marginalized communities. She finds it imperative for women of color to enter STEM fields, with the long-term goal to alleviate the health disparities that plague Black communities. Sophia serves as Co- President of Healthy Girls Save the World Inc., Second-Vice President of the Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., and a Student Coordinator in the Chancellor’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Sophia plans to maintain her enthusiasm for health equity and commitment to advocacy at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Georgetown, or Emory for medical school.
SYDNEY SANDERS Soror Sydney Sanders, a spring 2017 initiate of the Iota Chi Chapter at the University of South Carolina, received the Jerry T. Brewer Living the Ritual Award at the 2019 Greek Awards Banquet. The award recognizes members who exemplify their chapter’s values and principles, as well as the values of the Greek community. This award is given to an individual who challenges chapter and community members to uphold the same values. Sanders currently serves as the National Pan-Hellenic Council community service and programming chair, Public Relations and Marketing chair for SAVVY, assistant fashion show director for the Association of African American Students, and Multicultural Assistance Peer Program mentor. She is a member of the National Society of Black Engineers. Sanders chairs Iota Chi’s Founders Day; Charter Week; Finance and Fundraising; and community service committees. Sanders is a senior Mechanical Engineering major in the College of Engineering and Computing.
TARYN ANTHONY On October 26, 2018, Soror Taryn E. Anthony was appointed by Virginia Governor Ralph Northam to the Alexandria Historical Restoration and Preservation Commission. Soror Anthony will work under the city's leadership to preserve and acquire historic buildings and easements in the City of Alexandria as empowered by the Virginia General Assembly in 1962. Soror Taryn is the Founding Member of the Campbell County Training School Complex, which is a 501c3 organization that focuses on the preservation of Campbell County Rosenwald Schools that were once the only schools that educated African American students in her hometown of Campbell County, VA in the early 1900s. Soror Anthony was initiated at the Eta Tau Chapter, Virginia Commonwealth University in Spring 2007 and is a member of the Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter, Chantilly, VA. She also serves as an Internal Policies and Procedures Specialist at National Headquarters. 46
Sensational Sensational SORORS SORORS TONYA LITTLE
Soror Tonya Little is the current Executive Director of STEM Northeast Academy for Aerospace and Advanced Technologies (NEAAT). She has written several grants yielding over $40,000 in grants to support the programs within the academy. Some programs fostered by Delta Academy this sorority year are Skype Conversations with Dr. Maria Trent of John Hopkins University, Understanding Cystic Fibrosis, For the Love of Stem - A Conversation with PharmFems (Female Stem Role Models), From George Washington Carver to Dr. Hortense Dodo, Researching Peanuts then and now and Women’s History Month Tea, Our SheRoes featuring Sorors Alicia Smith Freshwater and Erica Smith. Soror Little also serves as the Chair of Delta Academy for the Elizabeth City Alumnae Chapter. In 2018, the chapter partnered with the NEAAT and the community at large to develop the Delta Academy Program. Soror Little is currently an ABD candidate for the doctorate degree in the summer of 2019.
VOLITA RUSSELL In August of 2018, Soror Volita Russell joined Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology (TJHHST) as the assistant principal of the Science and Technology Division. As an instructional leader, Soror Russell supervisors all the sciences, Career Technical Education (CTE) and laboratory and research courses which are the main curricular programs of the school. TJHHST is a magnet STEM and Governor’s School in Fairfax County that has been nationally highly ranked for several years. Soror Russell is a STEM Educator with a background in engineering and education. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering from Hampton University, Masters in Education Management from Strayer University and Education Specialist Degree from George Washington University. Soror Russell has been in the education field for 15 years. Soror Russell was initiated in 2011 in the Fairfax County Alumnae Chapter and is an active member of the chapter.
WHITNEY FREE JENKINS Soror Whitney Free-Jenkins, a spring 2017 initiate of the Iota Chi Chapter at the University of South Carolina, studies biology with a pre-dental concentration. Soror Free-Jenkins has been a sensational scholar since arriving at USC. She received a Celebration of Excellence Award, which recognizes students for their academic excellence, leadership and community service efforts. Soror Free-Jenkins maintained a 3.81 grade point average and was named to the Dean’s List for seven consecutive semesters. She has had the opportunity to work on several research studies, including studying transgenic plants; biomaterials; producing hydrogels and nanoparticles; and a study on stroke and gum disease at the Palmetto Health Richland Hospital Department of Neurology. Soror Free-Jenkins served as treasurer of Iota Chi for the 2018 fiscal year and is currently serving as the community service co-chair. Soror Free-Jenkins will be attending the University of Louisville in the fall. 47
To All of Our New 2019 Sorors. Welcome to the Sisterhood!
Snapsh ts F R O M
Greenvile (SC) Alumnae enjoys a night of painting.
Fayetteville Alumnae spent time reading to children at a local school.
Florence Alumnae Chapter goes bowling.
Loudoun County Alumnae celebrates 10th Anniversary at ABC's The View pictured with host, Sunny Hostin.
Contact Guide REGIONAL DIRECTOR Soror Juanita Massenburg REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Soror Precious Jemison
U s e t h is g u id e t o h e lp d e t e r m in e wh o to c o n t a c t wh e n y o u h a v e q u e s t io n s .
REGIONAL SECRETARY Soror Deloris Baker Hargrow
PUBLIC RELATIONS Soror Kimberly Bracy
STATE COORDINATORS & FACILITATORS Soror Rosette Simmons Bermuda State Coordinator Soror Selené Hudson Brent NC State Coordinator Soror Kirston Williams NC State Facilitator Soror Monica Owens SC State Coordinator Soror Regan Sadler SC State Facilitator Soror A. Michelle Lewis VA State Coordinator Soror Ka'Myia Gunn VA State Facilitator
Soror Bridgette Wilson
Soror Melita Pope Mitchell
REGIONAL CHOIR Soror Shellena Atlas
RITUAL & CEREMONIES Soror Deborah Howard
TECHNOLOGY Soror Rhonda Long
If your chapter has news and would like to announce it in the Regional Journal, please email the Regional Journalist at
If you have any questions regarding the website, email
Soror Dena King
Find South Atlantic Region On:
For additional contact information, visit
Serving with Purpose, Serving with Dedication, Keeping it Sensational” Many thanks to the Information and Communications Team for helping to pull this journal together. We are also thankful to the many sorors across the region who also contributed to this issue.
WHEN SUBMITTING ARTICLES, BE SURE TO ADHERE TO THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES: o Third-person narrative o Topic-oriented (tell how the program
served with purpose and dedication)
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o Limit three high-resolution digital photos
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o Submit photos separately.
REGIONAL JOURNALIST Bridgette Wilson JOURNAL ADVISOR Michelle Lewis EDITORS Kimberly Bracy, Colette Fladger, Paige Hairston, Sondra Hines Yates, Vyce Johnson, Sharon Wigfall, Tisha Lowe, Lisa Harris-Hampton PHOTOGRAPHERS Cassandra Murphy Tarsha Burroughs Venita Seward
o Don’t embed the photo into the Microsoft Word document o For photos – identify people, left to right, and or add captions o Journalist reserves the right to edit and cut copy o Please provide contact info (phone number, and email)
for each article submitted
Articles submitted for this section should align with the issue topic and provide tips, action items and resources.
o Around the Region – Chapter News & Event
(150 word maximum) – articles submitted for this section should include unique chapter programs. Please use clear action photos.
o Sensational Sorors and Sensational Scholars (150 word maximum)–
Articles submitted for this section should highlight the soror’s recent accomplishment and also provide a headshot or action shot of the soror.
Next Issue: Fall 2019 Submission Deadline: September 30, 2019 Submit your chapter news to sarjournalistwilson@gmail com
SOUTH ATLANTIC REGIONAL conference d e l ta s i g m a t h e ta s o r o r i t y, I N c .
South Atlantic Region
SEPTEMBER 20-21, 2019 Virginia Fall State Meeting Newport News Alumnae Newport News, VA OCTOBER 18-19, 2019 North Carolina Fall State Meeting Hickory Alumnae Chapter Hickory, NC OCTOBER 25-26, 2019 South Carolina Fall State Meeting Georgetown Alumnae Chapter Georgetown, SC
National Convention 54TH
NEW ORLEANS I JULY 11-14, 2019
SEE YOU IN NEW ORLEANS SORORS The call to convention informational booklet is available on the national website and on the Delta app.
South Atlantic Region Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
with Purpose and Dedication… Keeping it Sensational